274370 WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE F SA I NT PAU L COURCIl �(,.Ly� -- CAE� RV - DEPARTMENT File NO.�• ��� BL�� - M'w'VOR N . ouncil Resolution . Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated January 8, 1980, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD �fINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 1/8/80 41-79-H 252 Erie Yash P. Bhatia (five units) BOARD ACTION: Granted time extension of six months to complete electrical work and one year for remaining items listed in Certificate of Occupancy letter dated 10/3/79, on condition that smoke detectors be installed within 30 days. Property Description: Stinson's Subdivision of Block Three of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition Ex. N. 20 Ft. of Lot 14 and all of Lot 15, Block 3 --------------------------- ' 1/8/80 36-79-B 656 Hall Michael R. Yovicson, Sr. (vacant-10 units) BOARD ACTION: Granted suspension of fee payments due under Vacant Building Registration Ordinance until financing COUNCILMEIV Requested by Depactment of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by Cit Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary B r`��� By /lpproved by 1�lavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY — M/HITE — CITV CLERK ,�,� PINK — FINANCE COIIRCIl ����� '� BLUARV = MEOPAOR�TMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � � �` Co�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date under rehabilitation program of the St. Paul Planning and Economic Department is obtained and building permits are applied for, at which time accumulated fees shall become payable. Property Description: West St. Paul Blocks 100 thru 171, etc. Lot 2, Block 131 ---------------------------- 1/8/80 45-79-H 796 Selby Ave. Michael P. Maxi.m (duplex) for Charles R. Neil, Owner BOARD ACTION: Granted extensions of time to complete code items listed in Certificate of Occupancy letter of 11/12/79, according to the following time schedules To 2/15/80 - Items ##7, ##8 and ##28 " 3/1/80 - " #�4 and ##5 " 5/1/80 -- " $kl, �#2, and #k19 thru #25 " 6/1/80 - Al1 remaining items Property Description: Nininger and Donnelly's Addition Lot 4, Block 8 ----------------y----------- :��n �.�r .a,�� . � . .�_' p -2- COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas MCMAHOiV Nays � �' [n Favor Hunt Levine __�� __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorn Adopted���stinci Date ��►� `��— C ified as- y Co _i Se�etetar ��, " �/���� B; A by 1Navor: Da _—�R L� �9SO Approved by Mayor for Submission to Couneil By � BY Pl��t�lSH�D ��B 9 i��?� ./" � � �1 ' � / l � 3� ,` rr c �:_�;.:� . . Y �� <� .: 'x� ,'' . -� 1/8/80 - Meeting No . 15�7 � ` r� MINUTES OF THE P�ETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS � REVIEW Tuesday, Janua.ry 8 , 1980 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1. : 30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman Arthur Tieso , Vice Chairman Ron Glassman A. Wali Naibi Thomas Reiter Es tyx B. Pe ake AGENCIES PRESENT: Community Services De�t . - Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement Alice Bijjani Tom Strohkirch OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Yovicson, Sr. Mrs . James Dreelan Michael Maxim --- --- Yash P. Bhatia Pat Coughlin Jess Madland . Stan Hyland STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Arthur Tieso at 1 : 30 p .m. (Chairman D. D. Wozniak had not yet arrived. ) Minutes of the meeting of 12/11/79 were approved as distributed to the members . 4 CASE N0. PROPERTY ��C� APPELLANT 41- 79-H 252 Erie Yash P. Bhatia (five units) SUBJECT: Request waiver of code items pertaining to shared bathroom and access requirements in Apts . #1 and #2 , and rec{uest extension of time to complete remaining listed items in letter of 10/3/79 involving electrical work and those repairs not already completed. Prior Hearing 12/11/79 : AppelJ_ant rec{uested postponement to Januax•y meeting. because estimates from contractor had not yet been received. Prior Hearing 11/13/79 : Case continued to December meeting to allow time to obtain estimates and to explore eligibility for rehab programs . -2- 1/8/80 - Meeting No. I57 1 , t� APPEARANCE: Yash P. Bhatia PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Bhatia reported that the work involving the water heater and the heating plant area had been comnleted, the laundry facilities were going to be removed, and he hac. arranged with a general contractor to do most of the remaining work but would need a time extension because of financial �onsiderations . He was not eligible for any government lending programs and his property did not generate any positive cash flow. He also would need a waiver on the shared bathroom for Apts . 1 and 2 . Alice Bijjani said he would also need a waiver of access rec{uirements for the front first floor apartment because it was rented as a two-bedroom unit, but was in violation of code because the occupant of one bedroom had to go through the other t•o reach the .bathroom. There would be no code problem if the apartment would be xented as a one-bedroom. She expl.ained that there would be no satisfac�ory way to rearrange the two first floor units , nor would it be a practical matter to install an additional bathroom, because the floor plan did not lend itself to modification. BOARD ACTION: Mr. Glassman moved to grant a waiver of Code Sectian 54. 14 to permit s aring of one bathroom between Apts . #1 and #2 , provided that Apt. #1 be rented out as a one-bedroom apartment and be so listed on the Certifieate of Occupancy ; said waiver to be effective for the lif°time of � • the structure and to be recorded by the Register of Deeds . Mr. Naibi askec�. �to amend the motion to limit the waiver to the period of present ownership. � . Mr. Glassman said such a limitation would only create hardship � for an owner if he should ever wish to sell his property, and he preferred to have his motion voted on without such .an amendment. If the p-resent owne.r was willing � to spend several thousand dollars to repair and modernize , he felt. it would be unjust to penalize h�.m so that when he might want to sell he could not make a reasonable profit. Mr. Tieso seconded Mr. Glassman' s m�otion. THE VOTE: Ayes - 4 Nayes - 2 (Naibi , Reiter) Abstentions - 0 (Mr. Wozniak and Mrs . Peake had arrived shortly after the meeting was called to order. ) Mr. Bhatia asked for an extension of one year to complete the work not al- ready done because of the probable difficulty in obtaining a loan unde�r .the current money-lending situation. Ms . Bij j ani said, if a reinspection verified the wark already done as clai�ned by the owner, her department could give a year' s extension for the remainiitg work, except that smoke detectors should be installed within 30 days . Mr. Naibi and Mr. Tieso suggested that a year was too long to allow for completion of electrical work. BOARD ACTION : Mr. Wozniak moved that an extensian of six months be granted or completion of required electrical work , and one year for remaining items listed in letter of 10/3/79 , on condition that smoke detectors be installed within 30 days . Mr. Glassman seconded. MOTION CARRIED F� SO ORDERED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 6 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 . � ,�� �' -3- 1/8/80 - Meetin�I�.�� ,I57 � � . . _ . k`� „� ,;'L� i���s,P Acting Chairman Mr. Tieso turned the chair over to Mr. Wozniak. - -- -- -- - ---- -- -- -- - - -- - - -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -=�=r="��--���`� CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 36- 79-H 656 Hall Michael R. Yovicson , Sr. (vacant - 10 units) SUBJECT: Reque�t waiver of quarterly fees payable under Vacant Building eglF�istration Ordinance , because application for rehabili�ation loan is pending with the Planning F� Economic Development Department. PriorHearing 12/11/79 : Appellant failed to appear. Case continued to January meeting. APPEARANCE : Michael R. Yovicson, Sr. PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Yovicson stated that his application for rehab funds a een approved by PED, but there was a problem for lending institutions in the interpretation of wording in the authorizations , causing them to hold up loan money,pending clarification. - Tom Strohkirch reported that b4r. Yovicson had been conscientious about � paying the vacant building fees and had made every ef�ort possible to facilitate getting financing. BOARD ACTION: Mr. Glassman moved to deny the, appea2 for a waiver of the vacant ui ing fees , but to allow such payments ta be suspended until - - such time as funding came through and buil-ding permits were taken out , when accumulated fees would become payable . Mr. Tieso seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 6 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 � - ----- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- --- - -- -- -- ---- - --- -- -- ---- -- ---- -- ---- ---- - � 1/8/80 - Meeting No. 157 � • MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS � REVIEW Tuesday, January 8, 1980 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court Hause 1 : 30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman Arthur Tieso, Vice Chairman Ron Glassman A. Wali Naibi Thomas Reiter Estyr B. Peake AGENCIES PRESENT: Community Services Dept. - Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement Alice Bij j ani Tom Strohkirch OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Yovicson, Sr. Mrs . James Dreelan ____._._ _ Michael Maxim __ - -- _ Yash P. Bhatia Pat Coughlin Jess Madland Stan Hyland STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness " The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Arthur Tieso at 1 : 30 p .m. (Chairman D. D. Wozniak had not yet arrived. ) Minutes of the meeting of 12/11/79 were approved as distributed to the members . CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 41- 79-H 252 Erie Yash P. Bhatia (five units) SUBJECT : Request waiver of code items pertaining to shared bathroom and access requirements in Apts . #1 and #2 , and request extension of time to complete remaining listed items in letter of 1Q/3/79 involving electrical work and those repairs not already completed. Prior Hearing 12/11/79 : Appellant rec{uested postponement to January meeting because estimates from contractor had not yet been received. Prior Hearing 11/13/79 : Case continued to December meeting to allow time to obtain estimates and to exnlore eligibility for rehab programs . . - 3- 1/8/80 - Meeting No. I57 . �'�;� � r; `.� � � �, �a ,+ �r�;, r z \ CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 45- 7�-H 796 Selby Ave. Michael P. Maxim (10 occupants - number of for Charles R. NeiZ , Owner units not given) SUBJECT : Request extension of time to complete extensive interior and exter a structural repairs , as designated in Certificate of Occupan cy 1.etter of 11/21/79 , because of practical difficulty of completing such extensive wnxk in the allotted time . " APPFAR.4NCE : Michael P. Maxim PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Max:+.m explained that the owner, Charles Neil , had ori- ginally bought the property with the intention of moving into it. But certain deveiopments in his work in the village of Emb arrass , where he liv�d, had made it necessaxy for him to remain there. Mr. Maxim had agree d to continue workirg on the house in exchange for a future manetary settlement from the owner when the property began to generate a better cash income . At present the house was being operated as a duplex, but r�r. Neil planned to convert it back to a single family house in the future . The current occupants were Laotian refugees . Mr. Maxim said much work had already been done : 69 of the �14 violations had been corrected, plaster repairs had been r�ade but were not yet painted, and new electric service i -4- 1/8/80 - Meeting No. 157 and all electrical items had been taken care of. He requested an extension of time to February 15 for completi.on of work on the water heater (I tems 7 and $) and on a porch light fixture (Item 28) ; to March 1 to complete work �n the basement stairs and a handrail � (Items 4 and 5) ; and to June 1 s 1980 , for the remaining items , which were mainly exteriox work requixing �ood weather conditions . Repairs invo`lving the suoport posts and beam in the basement would prabably be completed by May 1 , and Items I9 through 25, which were exterior defi•ciencies , by that same date. Smoke detectors were to be installed this weeke , BOARD ACTION: Mr. Naibi moved that extensions of time in accordance with the time schedule set forth by Mr. Maxim be granted. Mr. Glassman seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. TH� VOTE: Ayes - 6 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 -- -- - - -- -- ---- - -- - - - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -� -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- --- , � { _ .., .._ _.. �s n� '"7 . � . � � � `�� . ` N � i �f 3 ? .:.: 1/8/80 - Meeting No. 157 MINUTES OF THE P�F.TING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS � REVIEW Tuesday, January 8 , 1980 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: D.D. Wozniak , Chairman Arthur Tieso, Vice Chairman Ron Glassman . A. Wali Naibi Thomas Reiter Es tyr B. Pe ake AGENCIES PRESENT: Community Services Dept . - Division of Housing a.nd Building Code Enforcement . Alice Bij j ani Tom Strohkirch OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Yavicson, Sr. Mrs . James Dreelan Mi ch ae 1 Max im � -- Yash P. Bhatia Pat Coughlin Jess Madland Stan Hyland STAFF PR�S�NT: Patricia Moxness The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Arthur Tieso at 1 : 30 p.m. (Chairman D. D. Wozniak had not yet arrived. ) Minutes of the meeting of 12/11J79 were approved as distributed to the members . , CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 41- 79-H 252 Erie Yash P. Bhatia (five units) SUBJECT: ReQuest waiver of code items pertaining to shared bathroom and access rzquirements in Apts . #1 and #2 , and request extension of time to complete remaining listed items in letter of 10/3/79 involving electrical work and those repairs not already completed. Prior Hearing 12/11/79 : Appellant reQuested postponement to January meeting because estimates from contractor had not yet been received. Prior Hearing 11/13/79 : Case continued to December meeting to allow time to obtain estimates and to explore eligibility for rehab programs .