274368 WHITE -�Y..C�ERK . COUIICII 2�4��,� �
ouncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An administrative Resolution amending the Civil
Service Rules regarding the method of filling a vacancy.
RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended i.n Section 8
thereof so that the second paragraph of said Section 8 shall read as follows:
"However, if any employee, in the division where the vacancy has occurred,
is on the Promotion List, he/s�.e shall have absolute preference in hiring
and no other names shall be given to the appointing authority. This provision
shall not apply to positions in the Professional-Administrative bar�ai.ning
units eseaga�io�a�-gx�gs or eligibles for positions in classes in which
experience as a Carpenter is qualifying. Employees whose positions have
been reclassi�.ed in accordance with Section 25. D of tliese Rules shall have
preference in certification to their positions from the Promotion List
irrespective of their standing on the list. This provision shall not apply
to positions in the Professional-Administrative bar�ainin� units. The term
;division' used in this paragraph shall mean 'department� in all cases where
a department is not divided into divisions. For the purpose of tliis paragraphts
provisions, the following are considered to be divisions of the Mayor's Office:
Human and Civil Rights
For the purpose of this provision, Legislative Operating shall be considered
a separate department; Fire Equipment Services shall be considered a
division of the Fire and Safety Services Departrnent, and the Department of
Public Works shall be considered as one division. "
Approved: '
Civil Service Co ssion
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas McmaN�N Nays �
�fl [n Favor ,
Hunt �'
Levine _ __ Against BY �
Tedesca�' JAN 3 �. i980 For pprove y orn
Adopted hy Council: Date
Cert�yfied Passed by'Coun ' ,ecretary
A pro d by iNavor. t
� 198� Appr v by Mayor for sion to Council
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�'�.� � ' �;;• DU t� . January 21 , 1980
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�+; � �'�� = C 0:3'3 i i l 1�7+L'�, �� ,FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL � _ .
� RUBY HUNT�`wchaifman, ma�:es the �o! l�:��ns - � .
repor� on C.F. � � Ordinance - -
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The Finance Cemmittee, at its meeting of January 21 , .1980, recommended approv�l
of the 'fol..l owi ng: . � . � ._ _: �—_ _ -
� J�1 . � Reso�l .ution amending Sectic - 8 of the Civil Ser.vice Ru1es, making �it possible -
to certify from the elic�ible ]ist a candidate whose �position has been recl_ass-
ified, irrespect�ve of fiis/her position on the list. �10.562-RH) .
� 2. ur Re 1 uti s autho i zi ng the bmi s i on of �pAG ap�cati o� fio?�our - .
� pr 'ects: ower �:wh, �En gy Park,��t R d, and�he Sai t Paul ?btel . : - : = .
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• 3: "�co��ded`C�ity �ouncil -set� d�qte ofi�Narch 6�h for�ieari�q on �lousi� D�ft = _
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Date: l�o�te�ber 28, 1979 ��'��"'� "�, �� ;
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rv ' �Te recomme�i ydur approval aad e,ui�nissic>n of thi� R�aolvr�iom C�`.t�ae Gi� �e���. �
�-PUR�'0� �S$ ADi���Z�,L� FOR THIS ACTIOid s ,
�#�s�:��lesolaf�o,n, atnending Se ction 8 of���he�C ivil &�zv��e ���:;;���� �� �
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3��o�`�3hle to certify from the Gligible 1`st a carn�a�e wh�ai�e p�a���' , �
�� ' haie-beea reclassified, irxespective of h��/her p�#� .
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