274362 PoHITE - GTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council . (-j�]{}►� CANARV - DEPARTMENT FIlE ��, NO. ���"� BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By I.ICENSE COIMi�TTE�E Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application Q13182 for the transfer of the Off Sa1e Liquor License, expiring January 31, 1981, AND Application Q13183 for the transfer of Class D-Original Container and Cigarette License, expirl.ng January 31, 1981, all issued to MGM Liquor Warehouse, Inc. at 1110 W. Larpenteur Avenue, be and the same are hereby transferred to MGM Liquor Warehouse, Inc. at 1102-l� W. La,rpenteur Avenue subject to the following to which the licensee has agreed to be bound as conditions on the license: 1. I�i.censee shall erect an eight-foot high cedax fence to extend south from the NIGM office building to the alley and easterly along the alley in accor- dance with a site plan approved by City Departments. 2. No refuse will be stored outside of the licensed premises. 3. There will be no pedestrian or vehicle access to the licensed premises from the alley. !�. Licensee shall include in the design for the parking lot area, two control units which will provide ample illumination of the parking lot and alley, but restrict light from falling upon adjacent residential areas. 5. Compliance with the above conditions is required prior to renewal of this license on January 31, 1981. 6. The transfer sha11 be ,effective �on the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy by the Building Department for the building to be remodeled at 1102-1t W. Larpenteur Avenue, as required by ordinance. ' COUNCILMEN Yeas McMAHON Nays Requested by Department of: "�� _� [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine �__ Against BY A�e� Showalter Tedes�o �AN 2 9 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b Date �� C� Cer ied Ya- by Council S�cre ry B �_ gy. ��� Ap r ve by Mavor: Da �Q� 3 � �98o Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B — By PU3i.ISIiED ;i 3 2 `,Y�� . � . � G- �� '� _�y,�..,� c ,.��v�vuin ==e�``T' °'�;�-. CITY OF SAINT PAUL _� ,,,, 'm �= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;� uunm ,: ;. w �un ^� `>• = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �°��,, �... �'im,,,,,,..�°°�\ Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR October 21�, 1979 J� �_� . �� l� �� S�o i�laa,dam President and Iionorable 2�_embers of the City Council Saint Paul, .-iinnesota i�ia,dam Presiaent and Honorable i�iembers: ;��Gi�i Liquor '�rTarehouse, Inc., Terrance J. i���aglich, Presi- dent, makes application for the transfer of the Off Sa1e Liquor and miscellaneous licenses issued to them at 1110 T�J. Larpenteur kvenue, be transferred to the southwest corner of W. Larpenteur and Lexing- ton Avenues, approximately 1102-110lt �r:'. Larpenteur Avenue. �i'hey request that a public hearing be scheduled for Dec- ember 12, 1979 regarding this transfer. Very t yours� � Joseph r. Carchedi License Inspector �O � ` ,. - � • t�TY Of 57. PAUL DF�AR3MENT 0�= F1NA�ICE r�ND M�NAGEMFtiT S�RVIC�S � ASSESSh1E�T DIVI510�1 � � 113 ClTY HAII 5T.PAUL.M�VIESOTA ii102 November 9, 1979 _ , . City Clerk � 386 City Hall ' � � File. X2�+19 Pa�e 1 . The Council of the City of St. Paul �aill hold a public heariag in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at , 9:Q0 a.ne. on December 12, 1979 on the Application of 1�M Liquor�Tarehou.� Inc. to transfer the off sale liquor � � license at 1110 W. Largenteur Avenue to •1102-1104 W. Larpenteur Averiue. The property the license will be transferred to is located on the south- - west corner of Larpenteur and Lexington Averiues and legally described as: � Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Clifton Da.le. If yoa would Iike fuYth�r informatioa about this hearino, contact Che _ License b Permit Registration, 209 City Hall, or telephone 298-505b. . � ' . � �thile ths City Charter requires that we notify you of the�hearin�, we want to help you to learn fully about any action that could affect S•ou or your coamunity. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this . . heariag so that you can make your views about it kno*an to the City Council whetiner for or against. . J. �WILLT.A,.'�i DO�IOVA►�: VALIIATIO;I AND ASSESS:IEV� EiiGII3EER �v ' Dec�mber 9, 1979 � , St. Paul, Minnesota TO: City Council St. Paul, Minnesota SUBJECT: Response to letter (File # X2419) dated November 9, 1979 , regaraing application for transfer of liquor license of M.G.M. Liquor Warehouse, Inc. (See attached copy of letter) . Ladies and Gentlemen: We, the undersigned wish to take strong objection to any attempt by M.G. M. Liquor Warehouse to transfer address of their present liquor license. The effect of such a transfer being approved would constitute a further major expansion of this compan�'s activities in a block presently zoned one-half commercial and one-half residential and cause the loss of our neighborhood grocery. M.G. M. Liquor Warehouse, Inc. has demonstrated an unparrelled record of ignoring and abusing the wishes, feelings and rights of its neighbors since moving into the block approximately four years ago. This license transfer, if approved, will lead to the third major expansion of a business which is rapidly destroying the residential tone of our neighborhood. During the two previous expansions by M.G. M, verbal promises were made to us in your chambers on July 19 , 1978, which were subsequently ignored after M.G. M. recieved expansion approval; these include: 1 . No parking signs in the alley were never erected. 2. Painting of the back of the building from its present garish red to a color more compatible with the neighborhood was never done. 3. Closing of the area between M.G. M's two present buildings in order to deny acces;� to the alley by customers was never accomplished. 4. Promised periodic checks of the alley by the owners and/or employed off duty policemen have not been made. In addition: 1. The lighting of the alley has been reduced since M.G. M. expanded (November 2 , 1979) making it unsafe for use by other block residents after dark. 2. The broken glass and litter problem directly attributable to M.G. M. ha s magnified. 3. Loitering in the alley, especially after dark and during the noo.� hour has increased. 4. Our driveways are still being used by M.G. M. customers . 5. Customers urinating in our driveways and against our fences and garages has become almost an everyday occurance. We appeal to you not only to deny the applicatir�n in question but to aid us in holding, M.G. M. responsible for the deteriation of the health and safety standards of this neighborhood. Sincerely, n � _ ���w�-��-- � � , c ,�.--- � ���. �'��.�1 �d . �.�...Q..�.r.. 1��r � . �,�„�, c,�.�.,.�, . [i��y,�t.Z,/,� �.�/ . ��i����'� //LS.S � `„ti�GG'"�,''� liv�`'� . � � � � � �/�'S' `L�. �`cr��. �t�_� ��y-e . �tcL:.c.e..?..o G� � "�`�� �u- 2-v� � �o s � • G�-e. . �L / J � �J �/ �.lr^ r ..,.-j�/y /�..,,1..-��'�'✓1-li'� //// Gi� . c:.!."cx-L-' � �/!=��C�/ C-��r� . / � ✓ � � , ; ,2� . , , > I f J 7 �,.< ;. . �� -c��...-�:.-��..� - - c'-� , _ . �.zr/� .,�-�'X .-:��e_ ;.i/1'lil�'1 �. . r �/� �� � . L� /�.,1�fl��✓✓� �/ ��. ,��� , `� � 7 . V�; L �_L...�=z���- (Lc�- 1 �� � � ���; � � � u . .��.,,1,..?-..__ ; � ,, , � , ����t,( /l2 / �.�1 G�l, ��2�u� � � �� � ,� l l �� )��� � ��-�--�-�--� r. �� ���� � � . , , ` � �, � 'n ,/,,�.���: ������ � � �t � . _ .. . _ _ �_ ._. .___ _ ..�� .. a ��-t ���-�-� �i r� �-� �i-. �.�-�� ��� Z��� �z� �� .�- � �/ C�`—'`'`�—r--�-��� `� i t 3�3 \{ - .�.-�.N..�..,� � �. . `�� � . ��� \� 3 � �( - C �..�.�.�-., � ' y' _ ` �> � �-t"�--rC.. �G�'L�G-�,�L-�?' �( �] ( ��. � �y - � ,x �c-C��-�;� �-�t.--t�.�,� �\� I/ � 3 l.�J : �' � � ,�% �,�.����� 111 ��a �.LC�. ��; „ �-� � a..�.�. � ��- �' ��/���� > , // ,�.'� ,y�'�. _.._.�.� G'C�',.�-�/ . �'L�����..L i f" , �..,✓f:�C.���� � � ` / . , � �' /, y� / �J�� ��' r r ` ,�1i1- l l � ' �� Z � ��� �"/ � �� .�� .�,, � �c�'� ! r ``.v�'-Z. �,-� � � �vi`2-�t,f.'��°t- � ��� ���. �', ' r �� � t� �`�� G•' GZ.�'L � � �.�3 . �� � � . `,�� .-..-,,�-,�- // � �x �� ���" �� �. '��-��- GL�-�-��- �� � ��L , �;�` j � � � ��, ����-�z�,�"�, ���r� `�' G �1�� G�''� fi. _ \ '� � , �7 ,,� �'1'(�(,� ����� � ��-�? L�� �,�2.k�. C'�(/� ._ — , ,�'�t ��c C— - �y�,�..:�....,___.._. ;��)1( L" SS , _ , _ �c����� ��'���—. 2 � —}- C. B r�L� L� y 5 w.t-° .. , , k 4'�?, � ��-��. ����-���� �� i l `� ,�-- G�'�'s�fi ��� i � � �x�--�°',�� c� � � , 'V ' �� �l�/����-- /�� � i,e�Z:J %� C�6��/`o,C'r4'//� '�° �'Y—'"�1''u-;'1�'i- il � Fl I�.�� C� '���, ,"�� � ��"�':, �� � �' - , ��� _, �` •.����--� ���..i`l/l, .��j ��D � � � � ; , - !j,,,.��. � • � -` : : ' � ' . \ ' - f �C �. L' C.a�+'-�, (,,, L v�..L 1� `. _/�', � y�;� �� � �, r . . � ��� �_��G�-cy.__. ���•� h''r� L�" , �r-��, .�'/��7"Ic,'C,�` -�1�-�``�'�� � � � �- �� C�t"� f�-�t.�.r�.: dc�L�-- ��t� �,.� --�� I I ' � ,' r4u� (�cF �.,. �ct �.���:r,�t c_. n�., -`--b.�1.�.�C1.rv..�1�1�• `W'\�C, �v�. \\�� �:� . ��� (�a �\"�\C`„ \J�.`� - ;�,'���-�- �--���'�-�-- � �� � / _ w �-�-e.� �.,�;� �.��'.�, � .. . , //�6 l�� , C�� �-e..- � • � CiTY OF 57. FAUL '� DF�ARTMEN7 O� FI�lA�1C� A�tD MAN�GFMF�►7 S�RVlCE� � � � - ASSf551�tE\T DIVlSION � � 117 CtTY MAII 5T.PAU4h11.V\ESOiA ii102 November 9, �-979 . , Donald Elvester � � 1111 W. California � � st. Paul, Mn. 55108 File. x2419 Pzge 4 - The Council of the City of 5t. Paul �aill hold a public heaxing �n the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (thi:rd floor) at . 9•00 a.m. on December 12, 1.979 on the Application of NIGM Liquor�Tarehous� Inc. to transfer the off sale liquor � � license at Z110 W. L�rpentai.�r Avenue to �I102-110�+ W. Larpenteur Avenue. The property the license will be transferred to is located on the south- - west corner oP Larpenteur and Lexington Avenues and legally described as: ' � Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Clifton Da1e. If you Would like further information about this hearing, coatact the . License b Permit Registration, 209 City Aall, or telephone 298-5056. . . o While the City Charter requires zhat we notify you of the�hearin„ we tirant to help you to learn fully about any action that could affect you or your co�nunity. Therefore, 2 sincerely hope you can attend this _ . heariao so that you can make your views ahout it Irno*.�re to the City Counci.l whether for or against. . .?e ��TILLIAt�L DO�OVAi`r . VALIIATIO:T AND ASSESS:iEy� �GINEIIt 4 ' r JAMES P. IARKIN FRANCIS E.GIB6R30N � 'A13KI�T, HOFFbi�,N, DALY 8c LYNDGBE�, LTD• R09ERT L.HOFFMAN JAME3 M.$TROTMER JACK F.DALY EMDER O.i7E1CHGON ATTQ R N EY S AT LAW C. KENNETN LINOGREN CMARIEE 3.MOOELL ANDI7EW W. DANIELSON RICHARD A.FORSGNLER `NENOELL R.ANOERSON IINOA N.FISNEFt ISOO NORTHWESTERN FINANCIAL CENTER 6ERAlD H. FRI�DELL THOMAS P."TIM"STOLTMAN ROBERT B.WNITLOCK STEVEN G.LEVIN 7SOO XERXES AVENUE SOUTN A�LAN E.��PAT"MULLIGAN CF/RISTOPMER J. DIET2EN ROBERT J.MENNESSEY PETER K.9ECK MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOT,4 55a31 RONALD R.FLETCHER RICMARO 1.OIAMONO JAMES C.ERIGKSON JpNN R.BEATTIE TELEPHONE 16121 835-3800 EDWARO J.Di715COLL �oN 5.3WIERZEWSic� JAMES P.MILEY MICMAEL 5.MARGUl1ES GENC N. FUILER °3AMUEL L.STERN 4324 1 OS CENTER IIOI CONNECTICUT AVENUE.N.W. 9TEPMEN B.30LOMON gTEVEN J.SMI.PiRO J056PM W.ANTNONY TMOMAB J,FI.YNN MINNEAPOl15�MINNESOTA SB4p2 WqSHINGTON�D.C.20036 OAVID C.SELLER6R6N RODERIGK i.MACKEN2IE JOMN D.PULI.MER MIGMAEL O.SCM�MART2 7ELEPMONE 16121 935-3800 TELEPNONE 12021 223-9398 wOBtRT E sOrLE FORR69T D.°DICK"NOWLIN FRANK 1.NARVEY WAYN[ C.PROCMNIAI( (] OF COUN6EL January 21� �7�o JOSEPM GITIS Mr. and Mrs. Frances C. Gillen 1105 Califomia Avenue West St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Re: Development of the new MGM Store at the intersection of Larpenteur and Lexington Dear Mr. and Mrs. Gillen: This letter is written to confirm our understanding of Friday, January 18, 1980, in which Mr. Richard Larson, an architect employed by MGM, and the undersigned met with you and Mr. and Mrs. Elvester to review the proposed new MGM building at the inter- section of Larpenteur and Lexington. At an earlier meeting on January 3, 1980, neighbors asked for co�ents on their concerns which may be summarized as follows: 1 The neighbors requested the building be moved from the front of the lot to the alley line. 2 There was a request for a pedestrian barrier to eliminate access to the alley. 3 The neighbors requested a fence be erected with a minimum height of eight feet of aesthetic ma.terial designed in a manner which would inhibit debris from blowing i.nto the alley. 4 Improved lighting in the alley. S Refuse be stored along Larpenteur Avenue and not adjacent to the alley. 6 That MGM �provide an increase in security. 7 That there be no parking in the alley. In the course of our discussion Friday afternoon, Mr. Larson, the architect, explained the City will not approve providing the proposed building with a traffic corridor adja- cent to Larpenteur Avenue. Currently, the B-line grocery store building is sited at the rear of the lot permitting parking and traffic movement across the front of the lot. The B-line grocery situation was "grandfathered". Mr. Larson noted it would not be permitted today an d in the case of the MGM proposal the City would be firm in its insistence that the building be sited at the front of the lot. . . k Lr1iRKIN, HOFFM�N, DALY Sc LINDGREN, LTD. Mr. and Mrs. Frances C. Gillen January 21, 1980 Page �ao At the rear of the lot there is a proposed 20 foot traffic corridor which initially contemplated traffic movement in a east-west manner. As the result of our discussions, Mr. Larson is modifying the plan to show an ingress for automobiles only at the alley on the east side of the building off of Lexington. Parking lot traffic will not be allowed to exit to Lexington Avenue by means of this corridor. The corridor will be an entrance only. Furthermore, trucks will not be able to utilize this corridor to enter or exit. Trucks will be required to enter and exit by means of Larpenteur Avenue. It is anticipated that most truck traffic will be confined to the early morning hours between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Trucks will be required to enter the parking lot off of Larpenteur Avenue and then back into the corridor for the purpose of making deliveries. The trucks will then exit �.y means of Larpenteur Avenue. It is agreed an eight foot fence will be erected of cedar. The fence will extend from the office building utilized by MGM as its corporate offices �o a point five feet from the property line at Lexington Avenue. The fence will scale down near Lexington Avenue to provide better vi.sibility for traffic utilizing the alley. The building plans will be modified in reference to refuse. The refuse disposal will be internalized and no refuse will be stored on the exterior of the building. Waste materials will be compacted and stored within the building until moved directly into a van and removed from the premises. Experience indicates this procedure should mini.mi.ze if not to�a7:ly eliminate problems associated with garbage. The light behind the MGM Store which is currently broken will be repaired and maintained by MGM. Physical inspection of the light on the afternoon of Friday, January 18, 1980, indicated that vandals had again broken the light. In the design of the new MGM store, Mr. Larson agreed to use a control light which will provide ample illumination of the parking lot and alley but restrict the light from falling upon adjacent residential are as. MGi�i will make an effort to improve security. Security has been directed primarily at . assuring compliance with applicable state and local law requiring alcoholic beverages not be sold to minors. MGM agrees additional attention will be given to problems arising in the exterior parking areas. MGM has in the past supported the efforts of residents to have parking prohibited in the alley between Larpenteur and California Avenues from Lexington to Dunlap Avenues. MGM continues to support this effort and will ask the City Council at the hearing on Wednesday, January 23, 1980, to consider some alternative means of accomplishing this end. Definitely, MGM has no interest in having its patrons or others park in the alley. Hopefully, the closing of the B-Iine grocery store will contribute additional parking area that will contribute to a temporary solution of a problem pending construction of the new facility. � � • . LARKIN, HOFFMAN, DALY Bc LI�7'DGREN, LTD. Mr. and Mrs. Frances C. Gillen January 21, 1980 Page Three Twenty-five copies of this letter are being provided in anticipation that the results of our meeting will be distributed to the residents who have evidenced concern over the plans for a new MGM Store. If you have any questions with reference to the above statements or wish clarification, please feel free to contact me at 835-3800. Ve�,rul� y,o!urs, ,'� ''r �" /�/; : � . '�"� , '/'` ' u,,,S;,,,,�;.� `����.i j`,.� �,�,,,,,-� Edward .�: Driscoll, for LARKIN,' HOFFMAN, DALY & L INDGREN, Ltd. bw cc: Representative Mike Fritz . , � ' . �+�. ♦�� JAMES P. LARKIN FRANCIS E.GIBERSON AI3KIN, HO1'1'LIri1V� DALY Sc LINDGBEN, LTD. ROBERT L.NOFFMAN JAMES M.STROTHER JACK F.OALY EMBER D.REICHGOTT ATTO R N EY 5 AT LA W D..KENNETM LINOGREN CFiARLES 5.MODELL ANOREW W. D.D.NIEl50N RICMARD A.FORSCNLER / WENDEIL R.ANDERSON LINDA M,FISHER � ISOO NORTHWESTERN FINANCIAL CENTER GERALD M. FRIEDELL TNOMAS P.�TIM°STOLTMAN � 170BERT B.WMITLOCK $TEVEN G.IEVIN � /� � 7900 XERXES AVENUE SOUTH ALLAN E.��PAT"MULLIGAN CMRISTOPHERJ. OIET2EN ROBERT J.HENNESSEY PETER K.BECK � i1 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA SS431 RONAlO R.FLETCHER RICHARD i.DIAMOND � JAMES C.ERICKSON JOIiN R.BEATTIE TELEPHONE (6121 835-3800 EDWARD J.DRISCOIL JON S.SW�ERZEWSKI JAMES P.MIIEY MICNAEL 5.MARGULIES GENE N. FUILER SAMUEL L.STERN 4324 I DS CENTER I101 CONNECTICUT AVENUE�N.W. gTEPMEN 6.SOLOMON STEVEN J.SNAPIRO JOBEPN W.ANTNONV TMOMAS J.FLYNN MINNEAPOL15�MINNESOTA 55402 WASMINGTON�O.C.20036 DAV1D C.SELLERGREN ROOERICK I.MACKENZIE JOMN D.FULLMER MIGMAEL D.SCHWART2 TELEPHONE (6121 835-3800 TELEPNONE 12021 223-9398 ROBERT E.BOY�E FORREST D.'�DICK"NOWLIN FRANK I,MARVEY WAYNE E.PROCMNIAK (� OFCOUNSEL January 21� 17�o J03EPM GITIS Mr. and Mrs. Frances C. Gillen 1105 California Avenue West St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Re: Development of the new MGM Store at the intersection of Larpenteur and Lexington Dear Mr. and Mrs. Gillen: This letter is written to confirm our understanding of Friday, January 18, 1980, in which Mr. Richard Larson, an architect employed by MGM, and the undersigned met with you and Mr. and Mrs. Elvester to review the proposed new MGM building at the inter- section of Larpenteur and Lexington. At an earlier meeting on January 3, 1980, neighbors asked for comments on their concerns which may be su�arized as follows: 1 The neighbors requested the building be moved from the front of the lot to the alley line. 2 There was a request for a pedestrian barrier to eliminate access to the alley. 3 The neighbors requested a fence be erected with a minimum height of eight feet of aesthetic material designed in a manner which would inhibit debris from blowing into the alley. 4 Improved lighting in the alley. S Refuse be stored along Larpenteur Avenue and not adjacent to the alley. 6 That MGM provide an increase in security. 7 That there be no parking in the alley. In the course of our discussion Friday afternoon, Mr. Larson, the architect, explained the City will not approve providing the proposed building with a traffic corridor adja- cent to Larpenteur Avenue. Currently, the B-line grocery store building is sited at the rear of the lot permitting parking and traffic movement across the front of the lot. The B-line grocery situation was "grandfathered". Mr. Larson noted it would not be permitted today and in the case of the MGM proposal the City would be fi m� in its insistence that the building be sited at the front of the lot. � , . � ` LARKIN, HOFFMAN, DALY 8c LINDGREN, LTD. Mr. and Mrs. Frances C. Gillen January 21, 1980 P a�e Two At the rear of the lot there is a proposed 20 foot traffic corridor which initially contemplated traffic movement in a east-west manner. As the result of our discussions, Mr. Larson is modifying the plan to show an ingress for automobiles only at the alley on the east side of the building off of Lexington. Parking lot traffic will not be allowed to exit to Lexington Avenue by means of this corridor. The corridor will be an entrance only. Furthermore, trucks will not be able to utilize this corridor to enter or exit. Trucks will be required to enter and exit by means of Larpenteur Avenue. It is anticipated that most truck traffic will be confined to the early morning hours between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Trucks will be required to enter the parking lot off of Larpenteur Avenue and then back into the corridor for the purpose of making deliveries. The trucks will then exit by means of Larpenteur Avenue. It is agreed an eight fo�fence will be erected of cedar. The fence '1 extend-�'�� �' � from the office buildinglutilized by MGM as its corporate offices no � ' �„dt'�-Lc, `J €ee��,�� the property line at Lexington Avenue. The fence will scale down near �e�gto��enue to provide better visibility for traffic utilizing the alley. .G�. n� �c,�-�o.�.�,,�-n�.f .�c, -v��i�.Qe � �j.��lj ,�r.�,� .�;. a�� The building plans will be modified in reference to refuse. The refuse disposal will be inte malized and no refuse will be stored on the exterior of the building. Waste materials will be compacted and stored within the building until moved directly into a van and removed from the premises. Experience indicates this procedure should minimize if not to�a]:ly eliminate problems associated with garbage. The light behind the MGM Store which is currently broken will be repaired and maintained by MGM. Physical inspection of the light on the afternoon of Friday, January 18, 1980, indicated that vandals had again broken the light. In the design of the new MGM store, Mr. Larson agreed to use � control light5 which will provide ample illumination of the parking lot and alley but restrict the light from falling upon adjacent residential are as. MGM will make an effort to improve security. Security has been directed primarily at assuring compliance with applicable state and local law requiring alcoholic beverages not be sold to minors. MGM agrees additional attention will be given to problems arising in the exterior parking areas. MGM has in the past supported the efforts of residents to have parking prohibited in the alley between Larpenteur and California Avenues from Lexington to Dunlap Avenues. MGM continues to support this effort and will ask the City Council at the hearing on Wednesday, January 23, 1980, to consider some alternative means of accomplishing this end. Definitely, MGM has no interest in having its patrons or others park in the alley. Hopefully, the closing of the B-line grocery store will contribute additional parking area that will contribute to a temporary solution of a problem pending construction of the new facility. � l�� � �� /I/,� �U'2�� -�:���-rr.o Zti� ��z ��;�1� ow tlz ,yyl � � Y �'��� . . � . 2.�. ��-� --�� �� /J ���.� " ���� `""� iJ�-L`-L7il� ��_fjti! /�z �� C'Lt"�'--s� �Y G� �� �C2� / Y � l��L . ' ' . LARKIN, HOFFMAN, DALY Sc LINDGREN, LTD. Mr. and Mrs. Frances C. Gillen January 21, 1980 Page Three 7.taenty-five copies of this letter are being provided in anticipation that the results of our meeting will be distributed to the residents who have evidenced concern over the plans for a new MGM Store. If you have any questions with reference to the above statements or wish clarification, please feel free to contact me at 835-3800. V,er rul yours, L�`'�`�'�� � � � '� � ��� �.-,`� ',---r+-'f �''f ! — c� ��N-��t�� u.. ""�-� �''�/"� � �� f;�'- �9�� � �� �� �//� ���'�sJ-'i� . .� A '+.i�""� � '-y� � ,.v6�✓L�� Z � Edward .�: Driscoll, for ,� ���-�,t' i,'� LARKIN,' HOFFMAN, DALY & L INDGREN, Ltd. bw � cc: Representative Mike Fritz � .,�� ���.���� � ��� �� �� �� ��,� ,��� ���.��� ,.�� .��'� � � ���, �