274341 WHITE - CITV CIERK COLIIICIl �� � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L ���f` � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. CityAttny/JTH . . Council Resolut�on Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING UPON THE PROPOSED CITY HOUSING PLAN AND DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF HEARING RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, acting pursuant to provision of Minnesota Statt�tes Sections 462C.01 and 462.03, that a public hearing be held on Thursday, March 6 , 1980, at 10:00 a.m. in the �ouncil Chambers , Third Floor, City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota, upon the City of Saint Paul Housing Plan developed pursuant to said Statute. RESOLVED FURTHER that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish notification of the time, place and purpose of said public hearing in the Saint Paul ��ispatch/Pioneer Press, a newspaper generally in the City of S aint `Paul, once at least 30 days before said March 6 , 1980 public hearing. .�� �=. , � . �I;.',,�� 7 COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: c �HQN � ���-�• Hozza ----�—. �n Favor Hunt Levine d __ Against BY � � Maddox Showalt T �� �AN 2 41g80 Form Ap d by City At o ey Adopt y Council: Date rtified Pass y Co .� Secretary By s : �lpproved � vor: Date $0 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ By s�! - P1��:LIStf�J ��� 2 1��0 J i�.�n�''`i � `.�' �=i1�.1���.' �.���.��.��.. - -= _; =. :��=x^,, . .: ��`���. '�'-i � 1� � r'• �r�r . n F�,<•T�'� �j �r ' ♦.'.`:,\\ Qs'1C����': n�i .i'tl.�': �:,._L \. �;. � . iMi (A" ' ���-",--- �'_' _�� `� . �o �^ ` .,`::...F: -. .� 1:•,J . ::..��' � ' '�••:; D C��� : January 21 , 1980 .,````\'` - �� � � �� ��l s ��� � i r" �i i � � t�� ~'t� . . . � 1 � : �41rtf °f��3� C!i'� �OURC1� . =�: � �'i; �} �'t;j : CO;3'3ii3t T7�'� O: FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL � .. . . . 1�� ' p � RUBY HUNT , chaifinen, m��;es i'he roit�,�ins � . t�epo�3 oro C.F. � � Orclin�nce - - . , � . � . �5� � �CS0�4'fI�?t7 ' . . , - . : . - � O�h�r � � - - . � l � I �� = . - . . � . � - - 7he Finance Co�nittee, at its meet�ng of January 21 , .198Q, recommended approv�l �af the �fo.l.l owi ng: . . � � . _.- _ .—__ _ _ - 1 . ��teso�lutiol� amending Sec#�ion �8 of the ivil Ser.vice uTes, ma 'ng �i possibie - t�s, certify'afrom the eli�i'�ile list a ca�didate whose . osition h s bee reci,ass- . - , � ifi�ed, irrespect�ve of �is�,her position��;on the list. `` 1�0.562-RH) � � . � `�� � . �� ; . . 2a Four esolutio�s authorizing�the subm-issid o�F UDAG app` 'cations��for four . � projec : Lower�:��wh, �Energy Pa�k, Fort Roa�,� and the S�ain Paul Ho�el . . _ - . . . (:10578- 0574, 7 t3�80, 1 Q581). . �. \,' . � � � � - ` ' �• 3.• Recommended City Council•Set� date of March 6th for hearing on Nousing Draft � . P1an for 4fi2C. � � � � � � _ � � . , . � . . _ . . • . .r_.: ; SE:�'E:1�li: J�1.C;)c: S.1l11� I'.-tii,s.l., :tT\;��:$;:ie.� 5:�!u _ • _S:vrun.�s� `�vt. �1 Tz2. � NOTIFICATION OF PUBLIC HEARING ��'d �` �+ �"�t��'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL HOUSING PLAN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a PUBLIC HEARING to be held before the COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL in Council Chambers , Third Floor, City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, on Thursday, March 6 , 1980 , at 10 :00 a.m. , upon the City of Saint Paul HOUSING PLAN developed in accordance with and pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 462C of Minnesota Statutes 1979. Chapter 462C of Minnesota Statutes 1979 provides in part, that a City may develop and administer programs of making or purchasing of mortgage loans to finance the acquisition of single family housing by low and moderate income persons and families, and to finance the acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of one or more multi-family nousing developments as those terms are defined in and subject to the conditions of said Chapter 462C, including requirement that the City develop a Housing Plan and conduct a public hearing on said Housing Plan prior to proceeding with its approval and adoption. THE CITY OF SAIi�1T PAUL HOUSING PLAN setting forth the matters o�,�,ow�Q.p��i.s+s,�o+u,wur�r,� � contained in Section 462C. 03 of Minnesota Statutes`�er�,available for ' a.r e � inspection by any interested person in the offices of the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall, and of the Renewal Division, Department of Planning and Economic Development, 12th Floor, City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, during regular business hours. UPON SAID PUBLIC HEARING the City Council shall consider the provisions of said Housing Plan and (a) housing needs in the City, (b) how the Housing Plan meets these needs and the methods to be used to carry out the Housing Plan, (c) target areas within the City for use of each such method, (d) the financing programs included in the Housing Plan, (e) the number and qualification of lenders eligible to participate in the proq�ram, (f) the estimated amount of mortgage loans to be made or purchased and of revenue bonds to be issued'in the programs , (g) methods of monitoring program implementation by participants, (h) the administrative capacity of the City to monitor and supervise housing finance programs , (i) the cost, including • I � , � , � � 'li ����c���. 2. � administrative costs, to the City, (j) an analysis of how the programs will meet the needs of low and moderate income families in the City, (k) other relevan t matters and concerns relating to the Housing Plan and programs proposed thereby, and (1) whether to adopt said Housing Plan with or without 'amendments. AT SAID PUBLIC HEARING all interested persons may appear and be heard upon the Housing Plan, any of its provisions , any amendments tnereto and upon whether said CITY OF SAINT PAUL HOUSING PLAN should or should not be adopted by the City Council. � Dated this �, � day of January, 1980. ROSE MIX, CITY CLERK 386 City Hall Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102