274330 M/HITE - UTV CLERK COUIICIl 2 ����� - PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA NT PALT L CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council R solution Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, By Council Resolution C. F. 274202 adopted December �7, 1979, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul authorized the Chairman of the Energy and Utilities Committee to form a techni- cal advisory group representative f City departments and agencies to work in cooperation with the C le Television Information to pre- pare the Invitation for Applicatio s for development of a cable communications system; now, theref re, be it RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF T CITY OF SAINT PAUL: 1. That theCity Council does hereby confirm the appointment of the following City employees to the Cable Television Technical Advisory Group: Bernard Carlson, Department of Fin nce and Management Services Thomas Eggum, Department of Public Works Hollace Nelson, Department of Fire and Safety Services Al1en Lovejoy, Department of Plann'ng and Economic Development , Annette Salo, Department of Commun'ty Services, Division of Libraries (Director of Video C mmunication Center) Emma Robbins, Department of Commun'ty Services, Division of Libraries _ Jerry Je�k�:ns, 'Department of Plann ng and Economic Development, Division of Communi y Development (Citizen Participation Coordinator) Gregory Bistram, Office of the Cit Attorney Margaret O'Keefe, Office of the Ma or. COUNC MEN Requested by Department of: Yeas McMAHO� Nays �� �_ [n Favor Hozza � Hunt Levine __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Te Form Approved by City Attorney Adopte y Council• Date -------/ 5 � Ce �fied Yas by Cou .il Sec�tetary BY ` ` ( S� 6lpproved ti �Vlavor. Date -sltl17 2 O 198� Ap ov by Mayor for bm' sion t$'Council By B � Pt�s.t,�sr-►�o ;;� 2 IQ��