274323 NiHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII ������ PINK - -�FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L t CANARV - DEPARTMENT 4l BLUE - MAYOR �� F11C NO. Council Re�olution Presented By �CENSE CO1�ffTTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED a That ths following Taxicab Licenses No. 1 , 1�, 21, 26, 28, 29, 31, 36, l�3, J.�4, �t5, l�6, �7, 54:, 55, 56, 61, 63, 66, 67, 76, 7 , 79, 8�, 88, 91, 93, 94, 97, 98, 99, loo, 101, 101�, 105, 109, 111, 115, 116, 118, 1 2, 123 and 125, a11 expiring December 31, 1979, issued to St. Paul Yellow Cab Comp y, Inc. at 1�00 Selby Avenue, doing business as Yellow Cab, AND Taxi.cab Licenses No. 3 � �9, expiring December 31, 1979, issued to Yellowbird, Inc. at 1�00 Selby Avenue, doing business as Yellow Cab, be and the same are hereby revoked. I I I COUNCILMEN Yeas McMAHON Na s Requested by Department of: Y � `8�i�r �� [n Favor Hunt Levine _ � __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Ted �A�� 2 � �ggp Form Approved by City Attorney Adopte Counc 1: Date C tified Pas• by ncil SeaRtar BY lapprov �Vtavor: Date _ 2, 4 1980 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY '9nS ;c�=�� `- ��� Z I��� �USI.I-�Mi14 1 b• . r a� ` a�. •:wi.:� � _j�� ���� °j�'�. a�' `��a�a a; �;1 _ � ,., ,� °' CiTY OF SAlNT PAUL �� ,,r;;--};� ;` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �iiit�ii� �,� s _= DIVISION OF UCENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �. Room 249,City Hall ' GEORG� LnTIMER ' Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � Mkl'O� . J°CP.^•.-LJcr 17� 1979 � . . �lr, Rcbert Janecek d��/a St. Paul Yello�a Cab Co. & Ye11ow Bird, Inc. ' 400 Selbv Avenue , Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 Re: Hearing on Taxicab Licenses Dear Nir. Janecek: On January 16, 1980, at 10:00 a.m. , in the Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall, the Council will hear testimony concerning the operation of Yellow Cab which may result in the revocation of the licensed operating taxicabs, the dormant taxicab licenses or - whatever lesser disciplinary action the Council deems appropriate. It is the position of the License Inspector that during the cal- • endar year of 1979, you have been operating continuously and blatantly in violation of the laws of the United States, the State of 1�Iinnesota, and the City of Saint Paul, and that said violations h�ave endangered the health, safety, and well being of your em- ployees, the citizens of the City of Saint Paul a;zd visitors to . this city. Evidence will be presented to support the following allegations: 1. That on August 17 and October 1, 2, 3, 15, 17, and l9, you . did violate Section 152.02. of the Legi.slative Code by op- ' erating taxicabs without a valid City of Saint Paul license and also Minnesota Statutes, Section 65.48, which require No-Fault auto insurance. 2. That from Apri1 .10, 1979, through July 24, 1979, you did vio�.ate Minnesota Statutes, Section 65B.48 and Section 152.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Co3e by operating the , entire Yellow Cab fleet without No-Fault insurance and that accidents, some of which resulted in perscnal injuries, occurred with said uninsured vehicles on the following �ates : ; . ; �,�:��- +��, ► , . � ' �,'� �',�,;� -_; � ,�, -,� . .. - <, �obert Janecek � P�ge Ztao . � :��c�mber 17,. 1979 April 12, 1979 (2) Apri1 25, 1979 June 20, 1979 April 29, 1979 June 25, 1979 May 5, 1979 . July 5, 1979 May 11, 1979 July 14, 1979 June 15, 1979 ' July 16, 1979. � (Police reports concerning the aforementioned accidents are attached hereto as Exhibits A-1 through A-12. ) 3. That you did violate from February 6, 1979, and continued to violate Minnesota Statutes, Section 176. 181, Subdivi- sion 2, by failing to maintain a policy of Workers ' Com- pensation Insurance. (The complaint in the matter of Harrv D. Peterson, Commissioner of Labor and Industrv, State of Minnesota _vs. Ye11ow Cab Companv, Inc. , is at- " _ tached hereto as Exhib it "B" . ) 4. That you did permit the operation of a taxicab vehicle on August 4, 1979, without No-Fault insurance coverage, and . that said taxicab was involved in a collision wherein the driver, a Yellow Cab Co. employee, sustained personal in- juries, and that no Workers ' Compensation Insurance was in force covering your employee. (See Exhibits C-1, C-2, C-3, and C-4. ) 5. That you did in violation of Minnesota Statutes, Section 168.36, Subdivision 2, and Minnesota Statutes, Section 65B.48 use Minnesota vehicle license p•lates on vehicles f�r which the plates were not duly issued and that said vehicles were not covered by No-Fault automobile insurance. 6 . That you did violate the provision of 26 United States Code, Section 7202, by failing to pay over to the Internal Revenue Service employee withholding taxes and FICA resulting in recorded liens in the amount of $82, 297.52. (Copies of ' said liens are attached hereto as Exhibits D-1 and D-2. ) I i � �. I/ , � � x � ; br � s . `��:�T� G_� 'i":::;ESOTA . - - DIS^'RICT COURT COU::T�' OF 1-�'1I•SSEY • SEC0�1D JUDICIP.L DISTkICT N��'r�r D. :•���Ys�� , Cor.�-�issioner, no-���-��an�- n= T.a?-,nr anr? Tnr?t��t_r�� , �aber� Janecek � ��ge Three ��ce::�er 17, 1979 �ou are advised tha-t you may be represented at such hearing by an at=orney or other representative of your choice at which time he �.�ill be allowed to cross-examine all witnesses present. Enclosed is a memorandum of procedures used by the Saint Paul City Council for hearings on license revocations, suspensions, and denials of new applications and person-to-person transfers. Very truly yours, JOSEPH F. CARCHEDI License Inspector TERRENCE J. GARVEY • Assistant City Attorney JFC:TJG:er , Encls. cc:City Council Members Bernard Carlson, Finance & 1Mgmt. Services . � ; ' - • � � . � j i ' � liaaility has continued, not�•:ithstandinc� the �act that it �•Jas � no�ified ot its obligations under i�inn. Stat. 176 . 181 , by the � �•,orkers ' Cor^�pensation Divisior. , Departnent of Labor and Industry. 5 . The employment by detendant of persons in its business � at tir.;es when it is not in cor�pliance t•�ith the provisions o� riinn. Stat. 176 . 181, Subd. 2, May subject the P�Zinne�ota State Tr�asurer, as Custodian of the Special Cor.:pensation Fu:�d, to liability �or the payment of caorkers ' conpensation benefits in the event of er:�ployMent-related injuries , pursuant to Minn. Stat. 176. 183. 6. Pursuant to the provisions of P4inn. Stat. 176. 181, Subd. 3 , the Court should enter its Order restraining defendant � from having any person in its er.iployment until it has obtained insurance for cor.ipensation or until a written order pernitting it to be self-insured and until it finally complies with the provisions of Minn. Stat. 176 . 181, Subd. 2. - . WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgnent as follows : An injunction restraining and enjoining defendant, its officers, agents, successors , and assigns , and any persons , proprietorships , partnerships , corporations , or other business � enterprises acting in concert or participation with defendant, its successors or assigns , from having any person in its employment at any time until it has obtained insurance for cor.tpensation , or a written order perr.mitting it to be self- insured, and until it finally conplies caith the provisions �f Minn. Stat. 176 . 181, Subd. 2 . FURTHER, denand is made for plaintiff` s costs and � . - 2 - , ; . , ' � ' t d�srursenents :�erein. � • Dated: WARREi�T SPP_.�:IAUS � Attornev General State of :iinnesota ,/�/,� ' By c�!.:L_.r � c:�y�� ,� THOi`�:S G. LOCiCiiiyR�� _ _ Special Assistant . Attorney General Attorneys for Plaintiff � 444 La�ayette Road . - � St. Paul, P4innesota 55101 � Phone : (612) 296-4926 � . ; r , � SI'��T� G:^ IiI:�:vESOTA DISTRICT COuRi COi.?:;T`I OP RAMSEY SECOi1D JUDICIAL DISTRIC2 �'�"'Y�' '�. ?'��erson, Con.*�issioner, Depar�:-:er.t of Labor & InCUStry , • State or :1in:�esota, � � Ulainti�_`, AFFIDAVIT OF �'�' A1.�RY LOU FRIEDL Yelloc:� Cab Co�?any, Inc. , Defendant. ' STATE OF P�IINNESOTA) � � ' COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ss. P�RY_LOU� FRIEDL, being first duly sworn on oath, de�oses and says: That she is Senior Clerk-Typist in charge of the Insurance Verification Section, Workers ' Compensation Division, � Department of Labor and Industry, State of Miznaso�a; � That the Insurance Verification Section is responsible for receiving, filing, and naintaining all records in the Depart- ment 'of Labor and Industry pertaining to the issuance, expiration, termination, and cancellati.on of worl�ers ' compensation insurance for employers subject to the Workers' Compensation Law of P�innesota, pursuant to Minn. Stats.. 176. 181 and 185 , as well as notifying . employers , pursuant to Minn. Stat�. 176 . 185 , of their duty to obtain workers ' cor,tpensation insurance coverage; That, as Senior Clerk-Typist in charge of the Insurance Verification Section, she is the custodian of all regularly main- tained records in the said section; That a review of the records in her section reveals � i �nat, on October 18 , 1978 ,, a notice was received, reflecting tile . � . , / , � ; issua:.c� o< <•;or}:ers ' comp�nsation insurance for the defendant, Yellow C_=.!� Cor�panv, Inc. , bv Aetna Casualty and Surety Cor.ipany, ef_ective �epternber 2, 1978 , but that, on January 5 , 1979 , ano�her notice wa� received, reflecting cancellation o� the said � po'_�c�• ot i»surance, e`�ective Pebruary 6 , 1979 ; That , �ollowir..g receipt o� the said notice o� cancellation, she =�c�i_�;d t�e defendant, Yellow Cab Coi-►pany , Inc. , by r�eans of a let�er ae�osited in tne L'nited States Mail, of its duty to ir,sure its ?iability for caorkers ' conpensation benefits , pursuant to the t�;innesota ��orkers ' Conpensation Law; and � That, although said letter was returned to the Insurance Verificatio.n Section, ori or about January 9 , 1979 , with a notation alleging rene�val of the said policy of insurance , signed by "Bob Janacek, 400 Selby" , no notice of renewal or new policy issuance has been received from the said employer or any insurer. FURTHER, affiant saith not. � • �� `��it.���.�- � • MAR L FRIEDL Subscribed and sworn to ' before Me this � day o f �-����G`-e� 7 9. , / � `'1��.�-u/ ��� � . ' NOT�Y PUBLIC IrMMh�U`!✓�.h�.^i:r.=•..�'... ^��, � � .'.'.�j::•%�o"!.. �`; '.: �`. �. _., :i ,� <�: ' `4 t:0?.,^,Y ..�.. - . , ..•?'w . G ,`��^ ��i •-�'....,..� .. . .... . , _"; . . . , WV\'V��NY✓."r��✓✓�lr...r ,; ;i. ....Y.\'.1�..v:.. . � t • ' 1 — � � ( I /'�V __ _ .._ _ .4 i E � ��:�'FL ' �` �1' ':�.= _ A'�•.�a. ..1�< S•:� � � ��� .' . ._ ., a� . _.... 5 T. A7.L_�:ti�i. :it.5i:1��AEl.,`,y_ fa :.e�a.(.�r :r.c.- . . J��y'm�.p'�6�ro'�f*'� _ ` rc.:l [, `,^ ' �-=' -_ :G:, c LA�: '+, y>�.ri ... —�--_ M1 7'��7 r) . �•s s c' Sac.�crs 63Ii �^ _ � '-,,; r,-a,N -• "` ` 32a c'�+,e i�:r•-:.�e.er.;a ` ' - ..- - ,,.. ., �• � ��_ � �__�e S .,., 2 e d. � .,nce• t^e �nt>�a' nr�e• . . . .. _. . . . �. ._ s a .- s. ._ . 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SIGhATURE ' i iii:iii�i:-::::f.i�::::::i°:ii:ii�{iiiii�r.iiii'iiii::iiiiiii�.:ii:i�i::c.`c.'c:cii:i::.. � •TiTLE I �- • ., I #�::};::::;.:.�::i.:S;i'.C�::c::::'::�::�i:::::::��::'.::'..:.iii:i'�::c?:'-:-�:�::::.'.:.:.. � ��✓I�� I � l::r:irrrirrrri�rrriiiriir:iiir�ir.:°�:::r..:.�i•::=..:.::.i:i::.::r::-.°��r::..::: . uah aww�.o�on REV2DU2 Officer i-��::-:.::::•:::::�::.:_::::�:•:::�:::::::�:::::�:::�::::::::::�:;;::;.::;.,.. �uuw�W W 4 �t t�b � 2601L C!.tY5p.1 1j5.� K�row.�pony��a h��y��b • M�Kbry of No�o ef iKw.�:� I ' wnGCY I - VART t—70 l� - s ntiin�d by r�.orQinp oNip 103� ; - 3• - 1 }t1,; �::;,�-=�-�:�.::-;:�-:-:: � i - - , �:°�:°��::::�::`:::::�:�::'.:`:.::;:;:::::��'�::'.:='.:.:;;;:=:�::::.:'.'.::��::�:.,,,. . , � ; �:::�:::�=::'�:::;::�::.::::.::::::::;;::::;:;::;�::�:;::;:�::::�::::�:=;�:;:-.:�:::. .................___.........__.........__............... ....._.._. �::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .. ........ .. _....... .......-�---. . .......... _ . .�..::�:::::�::::::::. . ..... .. . _ ............:. . ; ,, ..... ........ .. . . _ .... , _ _ _ __ __ _. _ _ _ _. _. _ _ . _... _ : • _ � '� C-� , � JOSEPH KAM!INSKY . �lr,�.�•.y ,�� �;:,� [.: _'.:CL P�:ONE . � DUS:n•2::5 v��(:• - ...G1�.,;�5_,jq;� SUITE 872 .... 61c•���-::u'^. MIDLAND BANK BUILDItdG P�!INNEAPOLIS. MiNN�SOTA 55401 Septemb�r 14, ]_°,79 _ _ . \eil r:erc�: �. _: .se Division . ,� . -_ _��. __�y r�:�_:� • :aul, Minnesota 55102 � _._-. ��air Stahel - �t. Paul Yellow Cab D�:_ �`r. Merck: This �s tc inform you that I am an attorney representing Air. Stahel ir. : ci�-i1 �roceeding based on an accident that Mr. Stahel was involved i.i oz �ugust 4, 1979. - As a result of said accident ar:d its investigation I have been trying to pursue for Mr. Stahel certain no-fault benefits so that he can be cc�,pen- � _ sated for the time that he has missed from said work and for which-he is . still out of work. I have had contacts with the St. Paul Yellow Cab and PIr. Janacek and representatives of said firm, and I have been informed that possibly St. Paul Fire and *larine Insurance Company provided for .scme Workers' Compensation insurar.ce, but I have found that this is not the case, and I was verified by speaking with the Departme:�L or Workers' Co�pznsation of the State of Minnesota in examining records. It is clear that on August 4, 1979 Mr. Janacek through St. Paul Yellow Cab or any other nma.e such as Yellow Bird, did not have any Workers` Compen- sation insurance fcr Mr. Stahel. . Very truly. yQurs, _ , � � � . � � � . J Kaminsky� `/ Jfi:gs � � ,. � _3 JOSEfPH KAh�IINSKY _ .`%//��^�` nl oi� -=,; C=':CE F�+')�JE BUS;n:..^>5 r+y��.• ;: f,i�.�>S�Jq;�4 SUITE 81 672•:�<-�a'': MIDLAND BANK PUIIDING MINNEAPOUS. MINNESOTA 55401 Septemb�r �4, 1_RJ9 _ _ . :�e_I Aierc: �- __ se Division '. .. =�;'. _'��v r�.•_:. • ;;:ul, Minnesota 55102 .._- . �iair Stahel - St. Paul Yellow Cab D`::. �'r. N;erck: - T?�is =s tc inform you that I am an attorney representing tir. Stahel i;: : ci�-i1 Froceeding based on an accident that Mr. Stahel was involve3 in o:� ni2oL15t 4, 1979. - As a result of said accident ard its investigation I have been trying to pursue for Mr. Stahel certain no-fault benefits so that he can be ccmpen- sated for the time that he has missed from said work and for which-he is still out of work. I have had contacts with the St. Paul Yellok C2b and Air. Janacek and representatives of said firm, and I have been informed that possibiy St. Paul Fire and ?�Iarine Insurance Co�pany provided for scme T�'orkers' Compensation insurar.ce, but I have found that this is not the case, and I was verified by speaking with the �epartme:zt or Workers' Compensation of the State of Minnesota in examining records. It is clear that on Aug�st 4, 1979 Mr. Janacek through St. Paul I'ellow Cab or any other nmae such as Yellow Bird, did not have any Workers' Compen- sation insurance for Mr. Stahel. . Very truly.: yRurs, _ . � � --7 . � / � J Kaminsky��� Jf::os � , � G - 1 j�- , � •�- r� „- , ; c,�,�±,�p.;,;;;on ,�° 4s �` � _. .. I'.�� " �'r: �a,�•� � .. i �i��'_ :�l �',rn�,I '�'v',�,b t `. . . . '�' „_ ,__ , . �,,;�esoia 55402 ' : ._ , � _ _. _, c i0-�C.�::_ c-,'.��... . i�� lO�n •��; - � • -,;-.. ......_._ ...__ �..:.. - _�. ..�, r��.1 _ ._ .,_ _'�s . _1 1 Cr^.�E: !JiVl^lOi1 ;. ;��.. .:'G_'.. .�"i:�ea0�� ^=���� �� ' �'- �i�v� - '.�. `•-'�'.0`.� CA:? OF ST. DPiUL� CLy?i'it�,�i. �i.A.I�; �i'>�-.',�L� L^,:._._ r��ii; �,J, UF �.,�.. �%4/i�? ..... . ,�e� ;. . �r .r. i�;erc::: r�.,� �-c�.r �i,one r29�ae:�� of toda;r, tl,is Iette: i� to :ZO�;;- yc" �-;,�� °2�-t'C��v2 � ^ ' ' n � ; c"CO.Ua2^.� 6f li%.>> t•@ I?O ZO.1rer :i�Cl �''02';.;�-ar,�^.,� �,'',r;:�i:;.^;��iC`; COVCY'24C 1 0T` i2�]_G�•7 �.'n�J Q t` ��`.. •i�3Ci�.�♦ li1°l:' n012C,'�' J I �.: C��;��`,' v�.'., ,-'^ls c��cel�ed o:� �eoru�ry 6, l�;G for re7-�ay^:en� cf rre-:�u^. � -'f `- c�-'� tp �f �ny flarther help to you ref:zrc�^.:; tizis, ple�.�e ca:i r:e yt 3�:.^,-;,I�3. ' uii�.�2'�'i�f `� � � - r ���� ��c�,C'�'2�� �� :'.O:s.-''._''!2i@ �:'2�2:'1'.�� C�u_:'".S !'2'C'iCE'•uSOI' C��?::, �2DaI'�^'LI?t tld c � i . ,v ... .. ...._ ��c., , G�rr+V n:7!$i0(1 I , i ... . . : . � � l��_�, i'`i �;'�?(�+ . l . .� ._ � !,'.,:�,_-,__ , , ,.,r,esoia 55�02 ! _,-` ..`' � -. = ::;�;�-�,��:.. c,-,..L�...,..,.., ;, 10�� ' , _ . . -} _ , . 'pi �� - ...._�_... ...�:�.:.. ,_�. ,n ^.V� � 1'� I,iCe::.�'.0 J� r n"j �.l..i...� iL 1.: �i� 'L. .�:.y .:'4'.::.� ':i�i:18aO�.c�.. ��Zi�? ` �:.�. ��-�?��`; CA:: OF ST. '_'f�UL, CLyIi�;��;;�: �i..��!; �i:`s:�T� i^.::r'� UF �.C�',i���._ U14I I� ' ."..` . i7C�'�?' :�:'. :•it'2°C::: r.x� �-c�zr �i,�:�e r2c�ues� of toda.�, this let��: i� �o no�i:•, � i.•,_L --e.,�y-�2 _ r o ; .Ic?� �:::_�, � , af� �c. "ED uarY 6� I�7�� ti�E3 I70 ZO:;;eT' ,i�Cl �'�02'�:''??i� L�::��-.::5��_C^ coverc`c for Yellc;•� Cab of St, �Paul. T:�ei� policy 37 C:; 2^';��;' C;.'., .��:.s cw7celyed o:� �eoruary 6, l�;g for r,e7-pa�^::er,� cf r:•e::_�^, . '�' ' �-� te of a�y ftJrt:�er help to you ref.ardi.n�:; tizis, �lea�e c�?2 r:� � L ) a� 3.;v_:;1n3, v i,"��I'E'i�� . 4� � , ,. �L�`,.,(��,L,,� �2{��2;�� �� :'.O:ec''_.^.IiB L:'�u�?..21C�� ��[.�.�7'°i ?2'CiCE'�$�Y' C?ai::, �epart^�ent tld , � �r �, �7 3�� 1 ,.aov,e:::; _.�"'�tTr a::�,�, CITY OF SAINT AUL ,`' ' ~P� '"" '�' "'� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY _. � _; zp y.i ��� �Ilfl,lll'II� �Q � '� '>;+. ---1-1 ��' � EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ,. ,„. - . 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 .,,,�:.:.,..���, . 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER ' MAYOR . � j� �l ��� MEMORANDUM TO: Members of the City Council FROM: Terrence J. Garvey, Asst. City Atty. DATE: November 16, 1979 RE: Hearing Concerning Yellow Cab, November 21, 1979 The following memo is an attempt to outline the facts which will be presented to the Council next Wednesday and to na.rrow the issues for consideration. The Council of the City of Saint Paul licenses taxicabs operating within the City. A unique feature of the Licensing Ordinance is that no additional licenses may be granted without a finding by the Council of public necessity. Therefore, regardless of the quality of the p�rformance of the existing licensed operators, the licensed operators are protected from free market competition un- less the Council grants additional licenses to other operators. As a protection against the non-use of the limited number of li- c:ensed taxicabs, the ordinance provides that if the taxicab is not operated for a period of thirty days, that upon five-days' notice to the operator, the Council shall revoke those unused licenses. It is undisputed that on July 24, 1979., the Council suspended all Yellow Cab licenses for lack of no-fault insurance. Subsequently insurance was obtained for thirty vehicles under the corporate • name of Yellow Bird, Inc. The Council transferred twenty-nine licenses from St. Paul Yellow to Yellow Bird, Inc. , so that the insurance carrier, St. Paul Companies, would not cancel the cov- erage. Robert Janecek is the president and sole stockholder of both St. Paul Yellow Cab Co. and Yellow Bird, Inc. Since Ju�y 24, 1979, approximately forty-four taxicabs in the Yellow Cab fleet have not been in operation in that the licenses have been suspended for lack of insurance. As of November 21, these forty- four taxicabs will have been inoperative for 120 days. . 1 , j , ? �O � � .,,,�,. . . City Council � Page 'I�ao November 16, 1979 In conclusion, the facts are clear that forty-four licensed taxicabs have not been in service for well over thirty days. Pursuant to Section 152.16 of the Legislative Code, as set forth below, the Council must revoke the dormant taxicab licenses. 152.16. Whenever any person, firm, co-partnership or corporation holding one or more licenses for public vehicl�s for hire shall for a period of thirty days consectitively, fail to make a reasonable and consis- tent effort to operate such vehicles, except on account of an emergency over which the licensee has no control, the City Council, upon hearing after five days ' notice to the owner or operator, shall revoke all licenses covering such vehicles. TJG:er � � , � . „�, , - LA.RKIN, HOFFD'fAN, DALY 8C LINDGI�EN, LTD. JAMES P. LARKIN ROBERT E.BOYLE ROBERT L.HOFFMAN FRANK I. HARVE�' ATTO RN EYS AT LAW JACIC F. DALV FRANCIS E.GIBERSON O.KENNETH LINDGREN JAMES M.STROTMER .4NDREW W, DANIELSON EMBER D.REICHGOTT ISOO NORTHWESTERN FINANCIAL CENTER WENDELL R.ANDERSON CHARLES S.MODELL GERA�D M,FRIEDELL RICHARD A.FORSGHLER 7900 XERXES AVENUE SOUTH ROBERT B.WHITLOCK LINDA H.FISHER ALI.AN E.�PAT"MVLLIGAN THOMAS P.��TIM�STOLTMAN MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55431 RpOERT,J,f1ENNE55E�' STEVEN G.LEVIN RONALD R.FI.ETCNER CHRISTOPHER J.DIET2EN TE�EPHONE (6121 835-3800 JAMES C.ERICKSON PETER K.BEGK _ EDWARO J.DRISCOLL R�CNARD 1.DIAMOND JAMES P. MILEY JOHN R.BEATTIE 4324 I DS CENTER I101 CONNECTICUT AVENUE,N.W. GENE N,vUL�ER JON S.SwiER2Ew5Ki STEPHENB.SOLOMON MICHAElS.MARGVl�ES MINNEAPOL15,MINNESOTA 55402 WASHINGTON,D.C.20036 �oSEPM W,qNrtiONV SANtUEL l.STERN TELEPHONE I6121 835-3800 DAVID C.SELLERGREN STEVEN J.SHAPiRO TELEPHONE 1202' 223-9398 JOHN D.FULLMER OF COUNSEL JOSEPH GITIS October 15, 1979 ���������,��r �"�a� S1�N r�� �,�,��;,�''p;����`�,tiJ p�V1 �T p,p�v��;�.� P��M 6 �g`�9 p�� 1 1NANC� � LicenseePnspectordl A��ME�� �NS S�RV�G�� City of Saint Paul N���1P��� Ramsey County Courthouse � Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re : Proposed Revocation Hearing - Yellow Cab, Inc. Dear Mr. Carchedi : ,1 I have been advised that there is a proposed revocation hearing on presently nonused Yellow Cab licenses on October 24 , 1979. I have been assigned for trial on that date in Washington County and, therefore, respectfully request that this matter be postponed until some tir.ie after November 15, 1979 . Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, � - �,� � ,. �, /�-`���"w� �, '�'�, �James P. Mile� for LARKIN, HOFFMAN, DALY & LINDGREN, Ltd. � 'bh � � sd � � � 1 � ' O � i� , -----� -- ��'i� / .:.=... �_ S=�ti_" �i�'%✓ ; Z ! C.-' � ` � ^ I I . . t' ` ' ;;+• .Etq D,��C're._EK E . i . . � � r-. , �.L Z '� •,� =�.,._; ' L �'__�__ �� , �,��� i 7 ; � �1�s � � ,��, �o� � �l��"rf�^� ��;�' �F.sl,� u �� � T i 2� :�"�.'.. �J.:'t n'.vEt�:0�5'cEET hAM! . -' � � - ' _'___/J- I\+--- �4-"�'��7 'Tjl_L� �� ! �t"In-i4cCt _V.�`+� =4 -[ O ���� ' . ' '-. . �-��.�•ti:vr _�..� 'S.o;�o:'S'.�Sc�a �'_ � _'--, ^S —µ 0�� N �'Jr �'��V � f°E'i4C�.CE oC��' T` I� T EtEV = � , N I< -- _ti� , _����ICLE � — — —� _—'---i i C I �j 3 . .�.. .. . , ._: USIT ti�.2 - ,.c:, � ^,c_� -,81h� O I V ti._o . . ��� �•e•c � �y°ouCEtiSE�cv5t: ; - ,� �__—. ..�--. i _ , .�, _ � ' � � /,G} `.,�1;! i - ` `�rc ..:' t1. 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