274316 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COUflCll PINK � . - FINANCE C I TY O SA I NT PAUL ���-� CANARY - DEPARTMENT � BLUE . - MAVOR File NO. R�TURN COPY TO VA ION BUREAU o n 'l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Council of he City of Saint Paul by Resolution C. F. 189858, adopted Novembe 7, 1958, did vacate, among other things, that portion of publi street located in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, legally described as follows : That part of Asbury treet that lies between the north line of Hewitt Avenue and the South line of Taylor Avenue and WHEREAS, said vacation re erved to the City of Saint Paul and other public instrumentalities, public utility easements contained therein and thereon; and WHEREAS, the Council has een requested to waive said retained easements, and the affected Ci y Departments, Northern States Power Company, and Northwestern Bell Telephone Company have filed written certificates of intended non-u e with the office of the City Clerk, � which Certificates are incorpo ated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the affected Cit Departments and the above mentioned utilities have consented to wa've all their retained easements in said vacated property as fully set forth in their Certificates of intended non-use as heretofore mentioned; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL D, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Se�ctio 228.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, does hereby aive, release and extinguish the re- COUNCILMEN ' � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Fina e & Ma ent Services Hozza [n Fav r �� Hunt Levine __ Against Direetor Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City At Adopted by Council: Date l—�– � Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By. Iapproved by 1+lavor: Date _ Ap ov d y Mayor for S b ' 9i�en to Council BY - — -- BY MHITE - CiTV CLERK CQUIICII y"l/� �,.$,� PINK - - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA LT L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. R�TURN COPY TO VAIZJATION BUREAU COUnC •l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- in this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Tha the above mentioned waiver and release of said easement are for the Cit of Saint Paul and those persons for whom the City has reserved easem nts in said vacated property for the installation, maintenance and op ration of any sewer, water, gas, or electric main, pipe or conduit o public instrumentality. COUNCILMEN Yeas McMAHUN Nays Requested by Department of: ,�� Fi e & �na t 3ervices ��, [n Fav r Hunt Levine _ � __ Agains B __ Direetor Maddox Showalter Ted �Ay 2 2 8� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopte y Council Date , C tified Ya - by ncil�ecret � /_�� ; , �— /�lpprov Mavor Date �A� 2 4 APP� e y Mayor for Sub ' si to ncil By _ B plf��S.t,1S4-iE� ;.qi3 2 ��' fl � . Counell e No. 1898S6—BY �rnard . T. STa}.`� a - IResolv That. upon the petition " �°; ✓��+,.� a .i"� thesefor t The Trustees oi The Ha�►- - *'"' 4 ' �,� line Uni rsity.the following descrlbed � section of public streets and the tol- that certain Preliaiinary Order �dop�� ec lowing described sectlon oi publlc by said City Council by 1ts Rp��utfoq _ �ey, ith}n the corporate Ilmits oi deslgnated as Council File Na. . the Ci ot Saint Paul,County of Ram- approved October 29, 1958, h�Kpy��: sey, S te oi Minnesota. be and the corparated hereia by reterence � sazne e vacated and dlsrontin°�d � �ade part and parcel hereof, w1tl� � public streets and as Pub� �ey• ��y tset�foprth�hereits,d eQe� �y �espec velY. viz: a� t part of AsburY Street that 5. That The Trustees of The Ham�� �ies eh+veen the north line of Hew1tt University turther shail pay � � Ave ue and the south line of Taylor City compensation, on account ot sa�p Ave ue; � vacationa,ihe sum of a2,5pp and lurn!„p 1'b) T at part of Pascal Street t t a s�ty Cond in the form and purp�s� - �� �,� �e �ztended south liae a,q py�vided ior in said ordiz�ann �p of e east-and-west alleY � Wakr- the penal sum oi t1.000. }� ' Subdivision of Lot 3, Block 3. � CoU ge Platt East Division, and a Adopted by the Council hovemb�r 7, stra ght line that runs irom the 1958. sou east corner o!Lot 2 in Brown's Appmved November 7, 1958, Su vision oi I.ots 1 and 4. B1ock (November 25, 1958) 3, ollege Place East Diviston, � the northwest corner ot Lot 1, Block 4. llese Place East Dfvision: - - - •....-._ .., _ Ea ��� t part of the east-and-west � - all in Waterhouse' Subdivision oi Lo 3. Slock 3. College Place F•ast Di on, that lien between the east � � lk of pascai Street and a line ' a, cb is 2p Seet west ot and pua13e1 � to e eaat line oi sald Waterkwuae � Su vision• W tLe iollowinB: ; _ subi t exP�sl7 1. t the vacation be subiect to � ali e terms aad conditions oi Ordi- � nan No. 3394. ayD�ved Marah lE� i _ 1915, as aznended. reSulatin2 tbe pro- � . and Dreacribfng canditiom for ' the acation o1 Dublic Bro�d. stree�s• � alle and 1�iRh�Ys in the C1ty o1 i St. sul. . 2. That the City oi Saint Paul don � � her Y rexrve unW itrelt and sha11 , n a permment easement for the Co truction. fnstallation. malnteaaace. l . wp 1n the n�ort�4 icet ottsaid sectien . . °t construction ea�xsnen�whi�a�l JanaarY 1. 1960. in said porfion � oi axal Street vacated. varYlnB bC tw 20 Seet and 30 Seet in width. � �p�ta the conatruMion aad tion.o! such setainin� waII- + S Tbat the TYustees o! the Saailine � U ve:aiLY torthwith ahalt di�siss that j � A1�D�i takm bY them to the s D ct Cottrt in and for Ra�sseY t Co ty. Mianeeota. as to Parcela�� 1 a ot dama8�stively. ratlfled and �, and 10, reeDee ro ed b7 � P��mt Resotutlon pt tl�e Couacll o! said Cit7 0! Saint p under date o! Ma�Y�2�1.��aen th DSatter o! the P+'�PO�North- and exten B Route bY condemnln6 and takitsg � lob and D�is oi land.�1 !n the Citq ot Saiat Pa�il. Miisneso , , Ttut the aaid Trusteea of The g e Universiq' lorthwith. bY P�' • iastrument oi ���C���tion ' ved as to lorm b9 p unsel o! said Citq. sha11 Sraz►t uat° d City a11 P����t and temporaz9 e meats for the constnsction. install- s n. malnte�sanM. nPalr. and recon- tion oi a retalnin8 w�11 �d feace �S I,ot l. Block 4 and Lot 2. lock 3. Collsfe Place East Division. d a Dermanmt alope easement ai- _ f vlsJcn oi Lots lnand�4 S ock'3. Co1- 1 1 ge Place F.ast Division. more D�e- Iar1Y as the same are descrtbed it1 � �/ . . . • ,�. - , . TE� HONORABLE MAYOR AND M�'.M9ERS � � OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CERTIFICATE OF CITY OF SAIP]T PAUL INTENDED NON-USE , . The undersigned hereby certi that they do not intend to exercise their utility easement rights in t e follaxing described realty: that part of Asbur Street that lies between the north line of Hewi t Avenue a�d the south line of Taylvr Averiue ( ouncil File 1898�8) . � ov. 7, 1958; Nov. 15, 195$ - Dated � '. 19� • Director of ic City of Sain aul General Manager, Water Departaent _ _ _ City of Saint Paul Northern State� Poxer Cvmga�y - By �SEAZ'� S Northo�estern Bell Telephone Company gy (SEAL) � , , • - . . , . • . . . , � � ,a :t , . �r . :- ,�:, < . F�=J di,'�"'r'`� .. _'�..�. T� HONORABLE MAYOR AIZD MF,MBERS . OF TI� COLJ'iVCIL OF THE CE.RTIFICATE OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL IPJTENDED NON-USE .,.: The undersigned hereby certi that they do not intend ta exercise their utility easement rights in t e follrnring described realty: that part of Asbury treet that lies between the ' north line of Hewit Avenue and the south ]ine of Taylor. Avenue (C ncil File 18985$) N . 7� 1958; Nov. 15, �1958 natea .- , �-� , 19� _ ' Director of Public Works City of Saint Pavl /'/GL w— ' . General Manager, a er Dep aent � City of Saint Pa.ul Northern States Po�rer Cosnpa.r�y � By ��►L) ' Nortt�estern Bell Tel�phone Co�toany � fSEAL} � . , ; . - .. � - � � .� . ' TF� HONORABI�E MAYOR AND M�...MBERS � OF THE COWi CII, OF THE C�RTIFICATE OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL IfrIENiDED ?tON-USE The undersigned hereby certi tha.t they do not intend to exercise their utility easement rights in t e folloxing described realty: that part of Asbur Street that lies between the north line of Hewi t Avenue and the south line of Taylor Avenue ( ouncil F'ile 189858) , . ov. 7� 1958; Nov. 15, 195$ natea . �`� 7 , 19� _ . ' Director of public Warks City of Saint Paul General Mana.ger, Water Departzaent . City of Saint Paul ,'�� , � ,� � �� e� � . ����r• :l . . � .. . � , j .. Northern Statea Poxer Coi�;,.Ja.r�t`r"'-'• . . . . . . . . . . '` i .} ,1` Y �\ l . BY +—��.-�L.__JuL3�:+�.k��P�t,� ,'��.,...�...r�`�� � �1,` . North�restern Eell Telephone Comoany sy� (s�r,} • , , . .,� . TEIE HO�ORABLE t�AYOR AIm t�MHERS � OF T� COU;VCIL OF Tt� CERTIFICATE OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL IPPi'ENDED I�ON-USE ___ The undersigned hereby certi that they do not intend to exercise their utility easement rights in t e follotiring described. realty: that part of Asb y Street that lies between the north line of He 'tt Avenue and the south line of Taylor Avenue Council File �8985$) � � 1vov. 7, 1958;. Nov. 15, 195� � � � � Da.ted , 19 _ ' Director of Public Works City of Saint Paul General Mansger, Water Departaent City of Saint Paul Northern States Potirer Campa� By tSEAL� � Norths�estern Bell Telephone C�oany gy ,�_cSEAL) Dist ct g -Distribut�on . . .io.'....... —w..,L � ._,.��r.�.� . - - . i !� i ' �.t! .'.�w`�•'h 4.."� ... .. / i� s� i � . ._ . _ . . . --' � ,� - f �'. ... �� , ,___—.�- r-_-�`''fiT—�.s--_— . , , --- —�--- - „� � i ^::..�o ' ��a ` ��g -'_ � ioo �, � �..�s�'-`-- I �° ' �� ' /4 '3r�, o <�_^��_�... o .�° ' � A °0� ��; /4 / "� � .� �0.R� i h . �V- . — / —� � — �—._-._.�___-�� �� �3 11 I i �. 2 h � /3 � � /3 . i ' � � � /2 3 /2 3 1` �Z � � -- ¢ = ir. � � - �----- ; �. � I' /� —_ o // ; 4'O- -:-- s�71- �I7.➢b _------- ' ~� o /0 ; 5 &�•: /O � � /0 5 - '� - - - - - - �. ___.__ �°' 9 . '��; i o 9 ,� 4 3 �� � ; h ,� � � g 6 ° "� ;• S, _ — _ - �'� _ ,I- , — J�d� . : � �. �.v � a9� � . � 8 � 4l 7 � qlni 8 � G I + b �`'-�� �i �� tQ ' a� /68 ' 40 40 47.95 r /67 �wj N, `O /7 /78 � E=�y� e * ?o e . T.4 Y, � d M . � • �--- T��rlOQ— � ti'�raSU3� � _ - w� °. :. "' i . . _ - . t ,. �_ , Aa . - d ��.(�7/ N 1 � . ' p fj �N '• Q 1 (" u �''� �1 ��' � I � ��. 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Date�: �Ta� '�, .1�10 T�l: MAYOR GEORGE �LATIMER , . �� � �R: :J. liJ�. �n�r�°r, Va3:. �n�ar, ce 3o i�. ���aie, IB�easima 5�17 � - R�: ��g �►f Utility �as�ats s�t farth ia t�aa�i.l lYle �.89f158,, � ad+�ed �t�^um�er 7� �95� �Pr Z��ar i�, 3,�. a�ir��� �t�u�s��: . . _ �: ��►r�r�r3. � sabaf.sa3an �r Ci�y a�c�.l. ; .� ; � - �► . �� _ - . ;; � t�WtPO�'t ANQ ttATIONAI� F4R'Tl�I 5 ACT I ON: ' � � ; � � rala4se a17. util�ity ea�ae�en ia �he ar�i`�cr�.bed ia Q�unail i�`�.le 18�858. : ;m�. '� , ' ATTAC!�i�'..=_!'•!T�`: . ;� 1. Coaacil Hesoluutt�n . ^, �e�uneil �l.le 18��$ . . C�rtii"��tss +��' Zr►t�ded 8 se (4) � rt �._f�p . ;,=