274314 WMITE - C�TV CLERK � PINK � - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council ;,��� �— CANARV - DEPARTMENT ��` � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� "� � RETtdRN C�PY TO VA ON '�U o ci Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul by Resolution C.F. 267979, adopted October 12, 1976, did vacate that portion of public street located in the Ci y of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, legally des ribed as follows : That part of vacated herman Street lying between Ryan Avenue and the n rtheasterly extension of a line 14 feet southeas erly of and parallel to the southeasterly line of Lot 1, Block 30, Ric e and Iryines Addition to S int Paul; and WHEREAS, said vacation res rved to the City of Saint Paul and other public instrumentalities, public utility easements contained therein and thereon; and WHEREAS, the Council has b en requested to v,raive said retained easements, and the affected Cit Departments, Nbrthern States Power Company, and Northwestern Bell elephone Company have filed written certificates of intended non-us with the office of the City Clerk, which Certificates are incorpor ted herein by reference; and WHEREAS, except for the D partment of Public Works ' request that a permanent underground sewer asement be reta2ned in Sherman Street between elevation 0 feet and e evation 50 feet City Datum (City Datum = 694.1 feet Sea level) which hall be subject to the condition that no foundations, footings, or p lings are permitted within the ease- ment area, the affected City D partments and other public instru- mentalities have consented to aive the retained easements in the COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Fav r a Hunt eCtOr � Levine _ __ A gai n s -- Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney . Adopted by Council: Date ����,/ Certified Yassed by Council Secretary `�•-' `�<��� sy Approved by Mavor. Date — Appro by Mayor for Su iss'�n to CouAs�il . By _ – BY ' . . ` * (�+t 01: 12�I975 itev.; 9/8/76 � ° , _ ����°�� 4� � � EXPI�#NATION OF A MINISTl2ATIVE OR[�ERS, ` OR�f�1 NC "'�` , , .��� -ar. - �'� � ' �ate: �e�r�ssy. 8, 1980 _ �I� ���� �"� ; � " T0: MAY�R.GEORGE LAT�MER ` _ _ :_. - �� ., FR: d. til���olam, Va1, 8e Assa�. o�r, Dep�. of ��ace & 2dg�at.-�ert�.ces, (ez�. $��� M _ RE� Re.t�tir�g'c►f Utili.ty �ae�enta set fos�h� 3n ccr�aci.t Fsle �2679'�9, �ed_4�tober 12, 1976, � � EC � � ��' ED . ' ,�q:N 1 �# 1980 ACTION REQi1ESTED: MAYC�t'S QFpE'E ` �f�►nrr*s apprvval for enbe�issic� �o �ity �c�aac�l. , : ; PURPOSt AflID RATIONALE FQR�THIS ACTION: � �'o re2a�ase sll utiltty easa�nt in area deseribed ia Qo�3,1 File �t6?979. � ArT'ACHMENTS: � �" l. �salnti� :� 2. �cr�n�ii File #?679?9 3. Certi�'lcstes. o� Iatended N -Use (4) ';` 4. l�p oY Area . % _ . , . _ � . � ✓ ` '' _ � � 1r ,:K � , ��, Th.=; HO;;ORA�3I.=. kAYOR AI`iD t�'..,hf3ERS OF T�.�. COLtr�CIL OF T� C�tTIFZCATE Or CITY Or SAII�� PAUL Ii�PTDED NON-USE _ The und�rsigned hereby cer ify that th�y do not intend to exercise theis uti?ity easen�nt rights in the follcr�rir.g described realty: That part oi vacated Sherman Street lying bet��een R,van Avem.�e and the ortheasterl;� extention or a � line l� feet southea terly of and paralleZ 'to the southeasterly line o Lot 1, Block 30, Rice and - Irvi�es Addition to t. Paul. n�tea �ku�? � 19 �y � � ' pirector oi Public �orks City of Saint Pa.ul General Mansger, Water Depart�en� � City oP Saint Paul , ; ti � , . , Northern States Po�rer Ccr�:pan�', . 1 � �, t � . � J � �; '��� �S-.�� By T,— , ; ' Northwestern BeZl Telephone Caaoany � (SE.4L} �, ` , �-?,...�,. n ' r �� 't �"' :'9 T?�� Fi0ti0RABLE 1�'AYOR APm M�ERS . •��,"�"' �' ' ?. OF TH.s. COU;iCII, OF THE CERTIFICATF 0: CITY UF' SAZr'T PAUL Ii�P1Ds.D iiOiY-USE . _ The unde:signed hereby cert fy that they do not inter.d to exercise - their utility essera�nt rights in he follcr,�ing described reelty: That part of vacated herman Street lying bet��een Ryan Avenue and the rtheasterly extention of a � line 14 feet southeas erly of and parallel 'to the southeasterly line o Lot l, Block 30, Rice and • , I�ri��-s A�d�t�on te G . Pai11. � �t�a , r>�:� _����� , 19 �y ' Director oi R:blic Works - City of Saint Paul Genera], b!ansger, Water Departnent � City of Saint Paul Northtrn. States Power Co�pa.�Y � gy � �SEAL) ' Morth�+estern Bell Telephone Co�ar�y � . . (SE.�.). DIST. STAFF A1.;R.-D�ST U.710.Y -- ENGINEERIN � � . . �-a'`� 4� . .;; .� . � � ��d� . Th:. HO�ORABLE MAYOR AIr'D MG'.•MBERS OF TN� COUiVCII. OF THE CERTIFICATF' OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL IP�Pr'zNDED NOiV-U5E . . The und�rsigned hereby cert fy that th�y do not intend to exercise their utility essefl�nt rights in he follcn+ing described realty: That part of vacated herman Street lying between Ryan Avenue and the ortheasterly extention of a line 14 feet southea terly of end parallel �to the _ southeasterly line o Lot 1, Block 30, Rice and - Irvines Addition to t. Paul. Dated /.J . ' 1'9� , ' Director oz Public Works City of Se.int Pau1 • , ��, � �Y._.� � /L=--- General Manager, Water Dep rtaent City of Saint Pa.ul Northern States Po�rer Co�npa� � By � (S'.AL) . S Nortfi+estern Bell Telephone Co�oany � (S:.4L) _ . � • , - . `Tt� 3i0\0?�BI.: T�'_a`_'OR A`iD 2•�`�:�`tS ' �'� ` .i�i' � � � .. . OF T}:y COu::CIl, Cc Ti:: . CF�TI��"`�� 0�� '., CITY OF .�.r1IiT PA'JL • . � Zi�°I'Li�]=�D T;C:;;-t1S� , . • The und�rsigr.°3 hercby certi that th�y do not inte:�d to exercise . t2�ei: utili�:y csser�.°r.� rioht� in � e fol].c�ir.d clescribed xealty: . � � � That; par� of •raca';�d S 1�:��n Stree� ?;�r_� be�:�reen � � • � l�yan Ave~ue a:�3 �'�e r.o ;:heas�erl,� e_:��_:�ioa o�' � � � 111�C.' .1.� •°C�E.'� �.^•L2��?i.'.::5�'i, I'l�! OT' c^..^..a. r•arallel �to �ze '_ S�ll{:�1�2St�',E'.?"�j lir.e oi o� 1, B�oc=: 3�, R�ce a:�d - . � . � xrviti�s }�cdi�io:: �o S� Pau1� except a permanent � . � • � undergrounu . se�•ler ease, ent �e r�ta i ned i�n Sher:�an •� � � • Street herein vacated ett•:een elev�tion 0 feet and . elevation 50 feet City Datum (City Datu�=694.1 .feet • -�� .� , • " . �ea level) , s2id easer� nt to be subject to the • � _ � ' follo�•ring restrictio�s: That no foundations , _ ' � _ footings, or� piiings are permitted within the easement ar.ea. � � �o��;L�a ��;���� � 3� , 19 ��. � - . . . _ - • .- �� . . � . . r��� �' �"�� . . . � (��1�-C V"a OL +` '1 ' l G` 'J " (i . . •: , . �:1�:,� Oi ,c.)�l^� �Ll� , - � . _ � Gencr�i ;?.:r.��er, ;;ater D�_�x:.W���. . � � ' � City oi S�in� PaL:l . � � � � ' • . ' - Nor�l'�°zn Statcs Po:rer Co�p:=r� � . , . � � � . . _ - - . •gy� . � � (S"�L) � � � � � � • � � � Ilortr��es�ern Be].l 'Tele��on� Cc��ny . 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