275558 WHITB ' — CITY CLERK s� �yy��[7 BLUE.RY'- M�OR MENT COUIICII � � GITY OF SAIN PAUL File NO. . j Or in�cn e ordinance N 0. / �O�� +� Presented By Refer d To ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance ame ding Chapter 117 of the Saint Paul Legisla ive Code pertaining to public parking lots in or adjacent to public parks THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PA DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That Chapter 117 of the Saint P ul Legislative Gode be and the same is hereby amended by adding a new Section 117.31 to read as follows: "117.31 a . Public arkin lots in or ad'acent to ub ic ares in t e it o t. au ma e use on or t e o owin ur oses � Parkin of vehicles w ' le utilizin par aci ities� �2 , Walkin to and from 1 wfull arked ve ic es wit out e a • � Other uses as authori ed b cit ermit. � It shall be unlawful o use a ublic arkin lot in or a acent to a u ic ar in t e Cit o St. Pau or an ur ose ot er an enumerate a ove. COUIVC[LMEN Yeas Nays R uested by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon Showalter Against 3' Tedesco �Ison Fo Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary Y '""'/�' "� �� By Approved by Mayor: Date Ap roved by Mayor for Submission to Council By Y WNITE" - CITY CLERK ��CC� ` PINK - FINANCE } � � CANARI( _ �ARTMENT G I T Y O F SA I N PA IT L Counci . b ��� e�us Mw oe File N O. O/ W Z/L�/L G Ordinance N O. 1 ��� 1�' Presented By Referr To ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. � For the ur ose of thi ordix�.nce a arkin lot in or a acent to a u ic ar in t e i� o t. au is not a r aci it . Section 2 This ordinance shall take effec and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, app oval and publication. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays R uested by Department of: Hunt � �evine In Favor Maddox McMahon � l Showalter V Against Y Tedesco �Ison SEP 1 8 1980 Fo m Approved by City Attor ey Adopted ouncil Date � I �; /„ ;� /'�, U (.��l C ified Pass y Co ncil Secretar Y Y Appr b Mayor: Date EP 2 219g4 Ap roved by Mayor for Submission to Council By Y PU��.ISH�D S E P 2 7 1980 ���� � ? ����. ,��-��" %�j��_� S th St. Anthony Park Association SEp � . 2 0 Hampden Avenue a��E��,,:ee�ti�"° S . Paul, Minnesota 55114 1^,11NN8 SHG�'��� . Se tember 9, 1980 : Councilwoman Joanne Showalter City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ' . Dear Councilwoman Showalter: As President of the South St. Anthony P rk Association I would like to respond to your request for co ent from St. Paul residents on your proposed ordinance regulating t e use of public parking lots near public parks. �� Residents of South St. Anthony Park hav had recurring problems with misuse of the public parks in our eighborhood. Drinking and loitering by adults and minors have created hardships for those residents living adjacent to South St. thony Park Recreation Center and Hampden Park. In addition, we stro gly feel that these illegal activities deter neighborhood use and e joyment of our parks. Earlier this swrnner we met with Lt. Rob rt Pavlak, Police Team A-1, and Curt Burroughs, director of the Sou h St. Anthony Park Recreation Center. Neighborhood concerns were exp essed and possible solutions offered. Some actions have been taken ut the problems continue. The District 12 Corrnmznity Council sent a le ter to the departments of Public Works, and Parks and Recreation uggesting several possible means of alleviating the problems residents h ve experienced. I feel that a police presence would be ery helpful. While the problems in the parks in South St. Anthony Park ccur in the parking lot and within the parks themselves, a police p trol would do much to discourage both. Thank you for this opportunity to connne t on your proposed ordinance. Sincerely, - �.-�'--.°.,�.-. Kathleen Clark President KC:bhn a ? j ; ;- ` -J -j G'4��.:e�: -a r 'l :..., � Joanne Showalter Counc�ilwoman c�-,�.��-} -�....,�...y Sepit 8 -80 .. Be ad�ised that Area Citi ena Inc. are in agreeraent with the ordina,n�ce a►nending Chapter II7 to the a egiela�iTe code pertain�to public parking lota in or a�ace t to public paxks. You haTe our complete aupport in this matter. We wish th law conld go further and prohibrt theae unlarvful actiritiea on our playgrouad and ta�ern parkiag lote also. We ha,�e the saxne problema in the Jac3caon-Ac er St.andCayuga playground areae. Young adulte and teens congregate around p ed vehicles with loud stereo;a consuming drugs and alcoholic beverages unt 1 four A.M. They acatter when police are called but return and harass the esidents they think called police. Good luck with your ordinance and perhaps y can find a way to deal with our problem also. Sincerel� Blanche Johnaon (Sec.R .A.C'. Inc�' P.S.I will be out of town for a few days but would like to have this � read into the record. _ � � > > ��... � 1 75 Arcade S int Paul, Minnesota 55106 S ptember 8, 1980 ��.:n- ,-�.: '�:� y �-�='�t ' :�'!,'��- � - Councilwoman Joanne Showal ter ���.' :� 4�� � Saint Paul City Council 7th Floor - City Hall �'`°'-'�`� � �•���-�•, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 ' Dear Councilwoman Showalter: I reviewed the proposed amendment to Chapter 117 of the Saint Paul � Legislative Code. I think this a endment will achieve the desired results concerning the misuse of arking lot facilities in City parks. I would, however, propose two add ' tions to the amendment that would seek to clarify the intent a d also be more specific as to definition . � My first concern is that a preambl or introductory paragraph be provided that would simply state: � The purpose of th is ordinance i to protect the safety of � pedestrians in the parking lot reas of City parks . The second addition would be an at empt to define specifically what is meant by a parking lot. Such a definition could read as follows: nChapter 117 .31(d) - For the pur oses of this ordinance, parkincl � u � lot is defined as any land spac of asphalt, concrete, gravel, dirt or grass that by virtue of its functional design is in- tended for the deliberate purpo e of accommodating the indi- � n n vidual(s) in the normal activit of vehicular entering of, U parking of, and vacating of sai land space. Th is land space also includes all areas of curb , sidewalks, asphalt, concrete, gravel, dirt or grass that abut or are immediately adjacent to the primary area of land spa e occupied by vehicles . � U � , - Councilwoman Showalter � � � � � � y September 8, 1980 Page Two The attempt here is to recognize hat could be an obvious loop- hole in the amendment. Al1 of th parking lots at Phalen Park, for example, have a narrow strip f grass bordering them. Many pedestrians tend to congregate in this grassy area. If you feel that any changes at t is date would result in stalling or losing this amendment, I would ask you to disregard my addi- tions, at least at this time. Sincerel , T �- � / • ;'/� \ � � � �^_s�L��i \.,.. � Leland O. Anderson Vice Pres 'dent District Planning Council LOA/sv .� � ;. ,,. 1 � ~� 4.� �` ,-���i��. ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL - `�� '� � DEPARTMENT OF POLICE o� r� � �, a�: ,� n�u�um ,= ;� 1° �p° '° Wm. W. McCutcheon, Chief of Police a,� „�.� ''�� 101 East Tenth Street �,�� �... F-6_ 'bmw.w��' Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 612-291-1111 GEO MAYORIMER September 9� I98� ��:��.°,l V L.l, SEP 9 i���� Joanne Showalter „�a�,,,,���,,,�M; Counci 1 woman ,.ANME SHO'6ALTE2 City of St. Paul 713 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota Joanne: I do not plan on attending the pu6lic earing September 11, 1980, on the Ordinance amending Chapter 117 f t15e St. Paul Legislative Code. My purpose in writing to you is to reinforce my support for the Ordinance, as drafted. It is the produ t of the joint efforts of the District Planning Council , your office nd City Departments. I believe when it has been enacted, it ill serve as an important tool in our efforts to eliminate the mi use of our park facilities. Sincerely, Wm. .�J�I�li;l� eo�- CHIEF OF POLICE WMcC:ch cc: Mayor's Office - O