275556 WHITE - CITY CLERK � I � � .ry��� PINK ' - FINANCE . ■ B�UERY �- MAYORMENT GITY OF SAINTI� PAUL F1eci1N0• � . �/ 0 rd �G ance N�. ` �v 7� 7 • Presented By Leonard W. Levine Referred To Committee: Date fl�t of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Zoning for the City of Safnt Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota �tatutes, �462 .357 and �64.210 of the Legislative Code, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Paul duly petitioned to rezone Lots 10 & 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park Addition, locat�d on the southwest corner of Long Avenue and Bradford Street, frolm RM-2 to P-1 for the purpose of constructing an off-street parkir�g 1ot for Twin Cities Carpenters District Council located at 842 Ray�ond Avenue, the petition having been certified by the Department of ;Finance and Management Services on July 31, 1979 as having been consented to by at least 67� of the owners of the area of the property !to be rezoned, and further, having been consented to by at leas�t two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by the same owner or any party purchasing any such contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petitian; and WHEREAS, The current planninq committee on September 20, 1979 � ��' conducted a public hearing for the purpose af considering the re- zoning petition, and, pursuant to Section 107.03 of the Admini- strative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Com- mission that the petition be gran'ted; and , WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on $eptember 28, 1979 and recommended that the City Council approve th� petition; and WHEREAS, Notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In F'avor � Maddox McMahon Showalter A g81 nS t BY Tedesco Wilson Form prove by C ttorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �-¢�"^ By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY I WHI7E - CITV CLERK 1 � ��j���C PINK - FINANCE TT COIlIICll 4 V CA�jA.RY�- DEPARTMENT � GITY OF S INT PAl1L File NO. �LUE - MAVOR � Ordi��nce ordinance N 0. l � 7a � Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date newspaper of the City on`August 5 1980 and notices were duly mailed to eaah owner of affected roperty and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet f the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, A public hearing be ore the City Council, having been conducted on August 14, 1980 where all interested persons were heard, and the Council having con idered all the facts and recom- mendations concerning the petitio ; now, therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT AUL DOES ORDAIN: Sect' on l. That the zoning map of the C' ty of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 9, as incorporated by reference in S ction 60.401 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is ereby further amended as follows: That property located on he southwest corner of Long Avenue and Bradfo d Street, being more particularly described as Lots 1Q & 11, Block 81, . St. Anthony Park Addition, be and is hereby � rezoned from RM-2 to P-l. Sec iQn 2 . This ordinance shall take ef�ect and b� in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, pproval and publication. 2. . Yeas COHIV{ILME Na s � I Requested by Departmenf of: Y ; Levine ' Maddox In Favor i McMahon /�J Showalter �� Against BY Tedesco � Wilson ��po Adopted ounci Date SEP 18 o For Approve by it Attorney C fied P by uncil Se9retary ' BY Y � Ap ro e b Mayor: a � 2 � 19�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By P�t.tS p S E P 2 7 1980 WNITE - GTYCLERK (�TURN TO JEROME SEG�iL AFTER ADOPTION) ����(�s PINK - FINANCE COLLIICII �,�j B�u"e`,Y - MAYORMENT GITY OF SAII4TT PAUL File NO. 0 rdin�nce Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Ch�.pter 60 of the St. Paul Legislative Cod� pertaining to Zoning for the City of S�int Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, �462 .357 and §64.210 of the Legislative Code, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Paul duly petitionecl to rezone Lots 10 & 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park Addition, located on the southwest corner of Long Avenue and Bradford Street, from RM-2 to P-1 for the purpose of constructing an off-street parking lot for Twin Cities Carpenters District Council located at 842 Raymond Avenue, the petition having been certified by the Department of Finance and Management Services on July 31, 1979 as having be�n cons�ented to by at least 67$ of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further, having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by the same owner or any party purchasing any such contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and � WHEREAS, The current planning �ommittee on September 20, 1979 conducted a public hearing for the �urpose af considering the re- zoning petition, and, pursuant to S�ction 107.03 of the Admini- strative Code, submitted its recomm�ndatian to the Planning Com- mission that the petition be granted; and . WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the re2oning petition at its meeting held on September 28, 1979 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, Notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official ' COU(VCILMEN Yeas Naps Requested by Department of: Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon Showalter A gai n s t BY Tedesco wison Form prove by C y ttorney Adopted by Council: Date �ertified Passed by Council Secretary BY �-��'`'^ By �pproved by Mayor: Date ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - UTY CLEkK ���""�,� PINK� � FWANCE COl1RCi1 ��„% BLUERV- MAVORTMENT - GITY OF SAI , T PALTL File NO. Ordin��ce Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date newspaper of the City on August 5, 980 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected pr perty and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, A public hearing befo e the City Council, having been conducted on August 14, 1980 w ere all interested persons were heard, and the Council having consi ered all the facts an d recom- mendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, - THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PA L DOES ORDAIN: Secti 1. That the zoning map of the Ci y of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 9, as incorporated by reference in Se tion 60.401 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is h�reby further amended as follows: That property located on tMe southwest corner of Long Avenue and Bradfor� Street, being more particularly described as Lots 10 & 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park Addition, be and is hereby � rezoned from RM-2 to P-1. . '"� Sectian 2 . This ordinance shall take ef�'ect and be in force thirty (30) � days from and after its passage, approval and publication. 2. , COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Favor Against BY For Approve by it Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY , �a;�"�"�.' �� � � . �i�:��� Y���ptTYp' , � CITY OF SAINT PAUL �o a�� DEPARTMENT 4F PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � �ii'iinu c �em " DIVISION OF PLANNING �r,�, ..a, '�- 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR August 8, 1980 Rose Mix, City Clerk Room 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: Housing and Redevelopment Authority - Carpenters Union, Zoning File #8499 Hearing Date August 14, 1980 Dear Madam: This is written in response to the petitrion of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of St. Paul to rezone Lots 10 nd 11 , Block 81 , At. Anthony Park Addition, from RM-2 to P-1 . This rezoni g would allow the property to be used for off-street parking by the Twin ities Carpenters District Council , 842 Raymond Avenue. The Current Planning and Zoning Committe� of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 20, 1979. T ey approved the rezoning on a vote of 6 to 0. The District Council also su ported the rezoning. The Planning Commission reviewed the Co ittee's recommendation on September 28, 1979, and approved the petition on a vot� of 18 to 0 on the condition that the site plan was approved by appropriate cit�,y offices. The site plan has been approved. The matter will be heard by the City Council for a public hearing on Thursday, August 14, 1980. Si erely, Steph n Grochala Senior Planner SG/mb attachments Oi I� �,�.�T-��� f�: � L,S�.r:1 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT'' OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DINISION OF ASSESSMENTS AND VALUATIONS + July 31, 1979 To the Council City of St. Paul I have checked the attached petition of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority filed in the matter of rezoning, , Lots 10 and 11, Block 81, St. Anthoqy Park, from an RM-2 district to a P-1 district ko be used for off-street parking, and find that said petition is sufficient. Yours very truly, Bernard J. Carlson - Director Re: X2351 cc: Building Department Zoning Board File Parcels Eligible - 121 � Parcels Needed - 81 � Parcels Signed - 89 Z��91�G FiLE Telephone 612/298-5241 113 City Hall, Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 I � ������r� "������^ `� CITY OF SAINT PAUL =�•`��T' �•''% '; a� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ;� uu um �; ;: =u t� n A�_ '��• = BUREAU OF RECORDS 1�� ���� ` 386 City Hall,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �"lmm��o,.o°°` , GEORGE LATIMER ' 612-298-4231 MAYOR July 10, 19'79 Mr. Bernard Carlson Director, Finance & Management Services Room 113, City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Six: The Council referred to you for check as to sufficiency the � ��l-Z attached petition oP HRA to rezone to P-1 Parking��T",ots 1� and 11, Block 81, St. Anthony P$rk at 2330-2338 Long Ave, V y truly yours, Rose Mix City Clerk � At�ach. ABO:la RECEI�I�D J U L 1 0 1979 �_---�"�'�� -�������� ASSESSMENT SECTION ������ �l�,� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES :� � `� r y, O I �',+���-,�;�'"� , t �"�.ti a €.✓'L.;r:..,�' ��T* �. --- CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��` � ; a DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT , wuum � • nu tttn �'°@ ^° DIVISION OF RENEWAL ,°'• 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-5338 MAYOR July 3, 1979 Ms. Rose Mix City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Mix: Attached please find a petition for the rezoning of Housing and Redevelopment Authority Disposition Parcel 26-A (Carpehters Union) West Midway District 12. Consents from 88 of 120 owners of p operty adjacent to the parcel and contiguous HRA ownership have been obt�ined. The requested zoning change for this property is from RM-2 Multi-Farr�ily District to P-1 Parking District. Attached also find a copy of Administrative Order No. D-4963 authorizing the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to execute and file the rezoning petition, a notarized Affidavit of Ownership for the subject property, and a copy of a $200.00 check which represents the total filing fee for rezoning petitions for Parcels 26-A, 28-A, 31-B and 15A-2. The original check is submitted under a separate explanatory letter. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority requests that this petition be placed on the Council agenda. Sincerely, �� Steve Thompson Project Management Section (292-6693) ST/bkd Attachments Z�NI1� G �ILE ��� ; �� Whita �: c��v c�e�k G I T Y �F s A I�N T PA U L Pink � Fi�anct Dept. � Canary— pept. OFFIGE OF THIG MAYOR �'��� `� P�r:t)—�t���t22 Atu� � � t.��:.,�� � _ Y`� ��,j � No: V "" "�"'r ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER � �l� � . �� Date: � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Pt�zsvant tv tbe a�rity grant�ad by t�e City �2 sea�c3 as �e Bo�+d of the ii�a�.sing ar�d Redevp,l�a�tt �a�tho,rity of the City of Saint.Fau3.: , ; � � �.m�esota� i.n �so�lution �o. ?7-5/25-2, tbe prop�c City and �i'RA officials a�+a dix� � . A?: ' . . � � � . ta e�aecute �e.�oaing Pet3tiais far Parcels 1$A�-2, 26�►, 28A and 31B, ao�ity DEVel,v�o-- ment Lb.strict 12. - . V - . : . �� _ _ � �� ^ : ._ � - ; , 'o �� ,����� �Q . pP . \�� ��i�G�S°� . �t Q�e�'�'�r� . G��.�'� � � � �, � � 1 ��i � � r� � ; �. ;., ,,�. , /s-f R C�J�.� �� �� Y��` �_�: �. � ���� ±::,y� ��;� � �; ., �� � ?1�� vPRO.t��T li� _ _ _ \ pr1A�lAC�� \ � `�.�, . . ` i� �� � - . _ _.._____. APPROVED AS TO FORM ;� �� � . ;�'s�,f'' �_�.,; .��'�`� ; Assistant C ty Attorney � Department Head --- �� r '^ '` r' � . . n �. ' .. ./'/ n . Date mi trative Assistant to Mayor -' � � Nif�G FILE -� � zo , � � �.-� . � , . • � • . ' �' . � Z � _� , v �. • •� w��'Y� ��:�b��� . (�<a $ �i.Y°����{ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � . ) � COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ss. � CITY OF SAINT PA[TL ) ' L� ` ; � , . � Garv E. Stqut, the Executive nirect�r nf thP , being first Housing & I�edevelopment Authority af the City of St. Paul duly sworn, deposes and states tlzat he is the owner of the property to be _ rezoned, or has authority to lawfully bind the owner of the property to be + rezoned, which is described as follows: � (see attached) : that affiant does not have any legal or equitable interest in, is not in the act of purchasing, nor has he purchased or sold withia one (11 year preceding the date of the attached petition any land contiguous to the property sought ' to be rezoned as described above, except (NONE} (SEE ATTAC�); that affiant understands the word "contiguous" as used herein to mean parcels of property sharing a common boundary at any point without regard to the presence of public � thoroughfares. ��' '�'�---- _ . ��������.,y�'�,'�� .�._ � ��L� � A At� , di . . � ' � NO,.TARY PUBLIC, SEY CO , D�INN. � •�°'°"'� cS�iazon c�finds r��,�,~ NOTARY GUBLIG—M�NNESOTA �a�" RAMS41' COUtitY , •►�Ay�commission expues Dec.il,1985 � ������..�r... • _ . j. _ ___ . .., .__ .__v._ . __ _ -- _ i � lst %J –' c��' �(� 2nd �� �� D C�� 3rd ��— �� — �v Adopted �� `�t � � i � Y�as Nays 1 �T ���ViJ LEVINE . �- McMAHON 1 CE?�� L� SHOWALTER TEDESCO tdILSON ' � PRESIDENT (MADDOX) _ __._ ___. _. _ — +'� �_;.1� _ l � -� � �,���� � That part of Lots 10 �nd 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, contained wi�hin the following described line: Beginning at the ea�terly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 �degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for b aring, 143.33 feet along the southeast�rly line of said Lot 10, to a line para11e1 With and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly �'rom the southwesterly line of said Lot l0b thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 second� West, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minut�s 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the nprtheasterly line of said Lot 11; thence�South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 17 .96 feet al.ong the northeasterly line �Of said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of beg�inning. ZO�I�G FILE S � � � . . . .h. � ��J I . i .:._ _ . ,.:.. :....:. ..:. . � : ,_ _ _ _,. . . . ._,.,. �,�. _�._. .. . .__ ... � , , CONTIGUOUSLY OWNEID PROPERTY AS OF APRIL 6, 1979 � ' � ���':�=.��; � (See Alsp Attached Map) r�. A� �;;;�;;�w� i 1. Lots 11 thru 20, Block 1 Rearrangement in D.H. Hunt's Addition to St. Anthony Park 2. Lots 1-4, 81ock 3 Rearrangement in D;.H. Hunt's Addition to St. Anthony Park 3. Lot 8, Auditor's Sub. No. 4 4. Lot 5, Block 81, St. Anthony Park � 5. Lot 20, Block 79 St. Anthony Park 6. (Ex. N. 38. 5 ft. ) Lot 19, Block 79 St. Anthony Park 7. Vac alleys and all Block 1 St. Anthony Park South 8. Lots 1 thru 8, Block 82, St. Anthony �ark 9. Lots 1 thru 11, Block 2 St. Anthony Palrk 10. Subj. to esmts & ex W 40 ft. of the fo� : the N 283 ft. of, Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14 Hewitt's Outlots. 11. SEIy 20 ft. of Lot 29 Block 83 St. Anth�ony Park 12. Vac sts .and alleys accr & SEIy 45 ft. oif Lot 8 and all of Lots 9 thru }.8 and Lot 2I, Block 83 St. Anthony Park ��`- 13. Vac st. accruing & the fol : Lots 13 th�ru 18, Block 73 St. Anthony Park 14. NWIy 20 ft of Charles Ave. vac accr and fol : part of W 10 ft of Lot 8 and all of Lots 3 thru 7 lying S and W of fol desclline: Beg on orig N line of Charles Ave and 10 ft. SEIy of W line of Lot 8, th NW on sd orig N line of Ave. 56.62 ft, th NW on curve rad 860 ft 206.06 ft, th 42 degress 57' 41" E 45.18 ft to S line of Territorial Rd. , part of Lots 3 thru 8 Hpard's Sub. of Lot 19, Hewitt's Outlots ZOI�ING FILE I �� , . _.�_.._ _.�__.�. ..._.. . . �� .�,....�—� �.�_. . .....1 �.. . ...., -..._.... T ;.:...._�.. ....��.�.._��._..��.. �... .a�_...r.... a......Mt w�...y`..w 'W:v�v�+rv:".�:.-..t'.i.... . . . . . . .. .. . •• . ; -f c. �r... . w.._.e.,,�u•�wrr \-r �� ��� �AGTIVITY - � � ' INSTRUMENT � ' - INVO CE �� VENDOR � � CHEGK ��' ����' CODE� NAME . . -�� � ��NUMBER���.�, . .. .' - �NUM ER � �- '�� � � NUMBER- � NUMBER �� AMOUNT _ ..:'... ;. . � . .. . , _ .. .. .. .. :: �1,:�.�.. . ' �� .. . :� '. , _ . � . _ . - . . . • - . .. I � , . _. .. ... �. . . � _. . ..� �_ . , . .. . ._. :�. ..:_ . :_ ,.� � . ..; .. _. . � . .- � _ � . ..�. _: .�. .� - ,�. . . �. ... � - : :. ..� . -. .. '. . -- _ . : .. ,. .. �. ... . . - '. _ - ' . .. . � , -' . . . �;. �.t. 3950� �'� PEA", � �°_ . . . , _ 36390 �- 18417 -- 200.00� � - . Y03745 � _ � �. : . ,; ,. .. _ - �..ati .����.. . , _� / , . . . , . - . . . . . .. � . . . . . sA.. f....E!'"L.�+`-`� . .�. . . ... : . .. ,. .. . . . _ . .. ..... _.. _. _.... ,. . .,.. i �:_.- ._. _ _ . . � ��,. . . . .:_� . ._ . . . .. . .. .. . ..,. .. . . 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'.._ .�:� . . �:..: �. . .. . . ; ... .THE FIRST NATIONAI BANK� �. ��r '�..� _... . �. �. ,...:, _-�� �� . . ' . _ _..OF ST.PAU1.MINNESOTA 9� _ . ClTY �F ST. PAU , MINNESOTA ;I �' � � -" DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ANDjMANAGEMENT SERVICES - � � �� � � . �, _.i � . . . �.: _ . . _ .. . �.: .� ... . .. _.- . . .. . . .. _ , �.: , ;/% �l . , . . . . . .. . , �. . , � _. s . .. • �. .. : . . � __ ., . _6 20 �9 184IT 200.00 _ ; - .. .: ...: ; ; .: - . _. - _ ' . _ _ t. _.'. - _ _ ; ��, ; . � � - ,,,� � � -; �5..,�.�` '�� ��,..��c��.�#.�#��`_��„�•�s`' 4�. . .... _ _ � �� �� . _ PAY� �� ' CITY Of ST.PAUI.MINNESOiA Mix, :Rose-City Clerk _ � __. TO THE ORDEP. - _ __ . � -.. ._ � � OF: _ _ �._ _. . � . _ - L _ . - - { � �_.- .- _ :-' � _. ._ ' _ . : � � ��jII�% :l fl�f�t,,i±.�'��'��.i��/�+f�r/���% _. _ � ��•�' ��'`_...�1 . `— " .�� �����`�•�•�•`�•���•�`,'•,� � ,�s;. �, �- `����+�1`t����11�14�����1� �. �.�, �.�, i . ,�� .�.���.�.'�z�?��c� ��' i 3 7 5 7 ?i+' �:0960000 L4�: � i0���009 SO�i'� BLUE-FINANCE AC(;TG C I TY O F SA I N T PA U L CANARY-VENDOR ADVICE WHITE-ENCOMBERING DEPARTMENT OF FINAN E AND MANAGEMENF SERVICES v- 0 3 7 4 5 GREEN-PURCHASING PINK-DEPT. ACC'TG �Ity �"�d��� Shcflt dU�, Minnesota 5510T. G'ROD-PHEPARING OFFICE . � ,• PAI� 1I/t)llCH ER CNAflGE TO _DEPARTMENT �"D oivisioN DATE � AUTNORITY PAYMENTI NO. E ACCOUNT CODE �� B ������������ fllE NO. ' T P V A E �i �s n .� ,� ' REFER. NO. t ` � Y N � FIEFER. NO. 2 ° D o R Etfty ef St. Pax�t YENDOR NO. F�lf�g �ee �nr B�iug �nud Rec$�elogm�en� �u�h�i� e� . ' _ S�. P�t+�� L*s.�:�:�r� �',�+�+��,g �' . L3t�at fsxC 1?3spesiCi�t Q� j Tca�e+cel 23�,, W�as� 4�.t.d�ty, l�is�tc� 12 � �OQ� �G,.�,�-r� /•�-�1 Z ' , . �cr.w..X �-ta'�' � . �.c.ti.r.,r� :1�'� _ I � o� ; ' , __.._ �_ . ______ .._ _ _ _.. .._._...._._ __.. _ _... _ _._ . .._ _.. _ __�' _ �� � . � � , I � . ,. Q • ti j . .w I ZONING STAFF REPORT ��"';�. �"C'� , . � � t,y�s;,.• 1 . APPLICANT: Housing & Redevelopment Authorit DATE OF HEARING 9-20-79 (CARPENTER'S UNION) 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLASSIFI ATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Rezoning 1� Variance ❑ Special Condition Use ❑ ; Administrative Review ❑ Determination of Similar Use ❑ ' Other 0 Change of Nonconforming Use ❑ � Other ❑ I 3. LOCATION: 2330-2338 Long Avenue (SW corne Long/Bradford) 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 10 & 11 ; Block 81 , t. Anthony Park Addition 5. PRESENT ZONING: RM-2 ZONING CODE REFERE�JCE: 64.210 6. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE 9 13-79 gy Donna F. McNeally ===-=========-==========-============-=========-=�===========_====_=====_================-"= A. SUFFICIENCY: The petition to rezone was file� on a consent petition, subscribed & sworn to - - ; declared sufficient by Finance D�pt. 7-31-79; received in Planning Office 8-6-7 9 121 parcels were eligible; 81 were r�quired and 89 were obtained. B. PURPOSE: The petitioner wishes to rezone frorh RM-2 to P-1 in order to provide off-street parking for the Carpenters Union located at tlhe corner of Bradford & Raymond. C. FRONTAGE & AREA: This triahgular corner site �has 240' frontage on Bradford and 150' frontage on Long, for a total area of 18,000 sq. ft. ' D. SITE/AREA CONDITIONS: The site is vacant with some random parking occurring. Peripheral land uses inclu e Hampden Court housing to th north & east, the Ellis Housing site and Seal Hi-Rise to the south, the Baker School a d single family homes fronting on Raymond to the west. E. FINDINGS OF FACT: 1 ) The site was previouslv zoned Industrial . j 2) The 1963 Comprehensive Land Use Plan designated the site as Limited Industrial . 3) The site was zoned RM-2 in 1975 in accord with NDP housing plans for the area. The RM-2 rezoning resulted in creating a nonconforming use (�Carpenters Union). The size and shape of the Carpenters Uniort property would restrict any conforming re-use of the lot to a single family house. 4) The intent of the P-1 is to permit the "es�tablishment of off-street�parking lots to be used solely for off-street parking oIf private passenger vehicles as a use incidental to a principal use. The distrijct will serve a use district which has developed without adequate off-street parkling." The proposed P-1 rezoning appears to fall within the intent of the Zoning Oridinance. 5) There are required conditions attached to 'the P-1 , which provide safeguards for adjacent residential uses: It must be acc�essory to a busin�S�S; ; it may only be used during hours when the principal use is in ioperation and must be inaccessible to public use at other times; it may be used only folr private passenger vehicles and not for off-street loading; no repair/service work of any kind may be conducted; no signs other than signs designating entrances, exhts and conditions of use may be: main�ai:ned; and no building other than for an attendan�t may be erected. - 6) The District 12 Plan states as an objectiv� "to provide parking to improve access of employees, customers and clients to industy�ial/commercial areas" and "to encourage the orderly growth of local business services.r' The proposed P-1 faals within these ob,jecti ves. ' • 7) The P-1 rezoning application must include a site plan for the proposed parking. The Planning Commission and City Council in efiFect approve a specific site plan when they approve a P-1 rezoning. The HRA staff has been so advised and will circulate the plan for comment and approval by appropria�e city offices prior to Planning Commission recommendation. ,I , I , _ . .... . _. .._.. ._ . . .... .. _.�...r_;,...,.,.,s...,�,.a...».,...,....---.,��..,..-,�-.- ._.........,_...�.--....-._.-_._...T�.�.-....-,-,..-....-��. .. ... . _ .�.. i � ��' ��� �;..��� HRA (Carpenters Union) S AFF REPORT PAGE TWO E. FIP�lDINGS OF FACT (cont'd) : 8) The site plan as submitted shows 10 spaces with traffic entering from Bradford and exiting on L ong, cr�eating a minimal impact on residential streets. ' 9) The P-1 requires an obscuring fen�e to be erected at the setback line; the petitioner is reguesting to s�bstitute landscaping for that obscuring fence. This seems apprppriate, particularly given this , corner location. 10) This P-1 will serve as a buffer b�tween the commercial and industrial uses fronting on Raymond and t�he residential property fronting on Long and Bradford. F. STAFF RECOh1MENDATION: Based on Findings 1-2 and 4-9 above, Staff finds that the P-1 zoning is the most appro�riate use of the parcel and recommends approval of the rezoning, contingent upon approval of the si�e plan by the appropriate City offices. �� Staff also recommends approval of the� site plan with landscaping substituted for the obscuring fence. ' i = . . -�.T ; - � - _ , . . < '/� _� � V� _�� i' � � � / �//// � \� '��'��1`� , ��, ,, �, v I� � _ _� :. F:' � � a7 s��� � �� ��3 � � o � ,_ � ��= � F - � � � � f?E T R ..w �:` . Y � �..� .� � � l /. / � �.r15� _�-' �.,, , c �� :�. -;�- 4:, R,'�� � ��i �� /� �� �/� _ ,L' (� ��. i /� � ,�� .; i , i ; ,� � , '�� � � � �,�� ,� '" � � �•_ ,� `� � \ .� �� � ,�Q '/ � - , �\ � , . ' '�"" .� '-` _ � � "�/� � I" , . ., . \ 4 ' � s:�, :.- ! i - � �� ' .- -. . . __ . _:� � _1 _ . .f � .''. � .. ~ � � l- . ��:�- . 1 :�; ' �"„ �� ! ?� ��. :� ������ .. � d.�y..���� CITY OF S INT PAUL � INTERDEPARTMENT !. MEMORANDUM � f.. y * Sept. 21 , 1979 ; ; . ; To: Planning Commission Members r � � From: Donna McNea11�/ � Zoning Staf Re: Results of 9-20-7g Current P anning & Zoning Corr�nittee Public He aring � R E C 0 h1 P� E N D A T I 0 N '� Staff Committee � 1 . H.R.A. - Hancock-Nelson (#8500) : A petiti n to rezone � rom RM-2 to I- for expans�on/parking for Hancock-Nelson ; at the Northeast corner of Long & Ellis. � District Corr�nent: . Support: Opposition: � - Motion: To recommend �o delay to lst meeting in November to provide H Staff, the applicant � and neighbors to complete a site plan 6-0 A rove � PP ` 2. H.R.A. - Carpenter's Union (#8499) A peti ion to rezone Approval from RM-2 to P-1 for off-street parking at he Southwest �, corner of Long and Bradford. District Comment: t Support: ' � Opposition: 6-0 approve Motion: To recorr�nend approyal based n findings that the rezoning meets the intent f the P-1 zone and objectives of the District 1 Plan. Approval is contingent upon review & app oval by appropriate City departments and i stallation of a chain or fence to � make the lot inac essible during hours when office is closed. 3. REBECCA COLLODORA (#8518): An application or a Determination Approval of imilar Use to determine that a dance sc ool is similar to a group day care center at the Northwest corner of Baker ' and Ohio. District Corranent: p '` 6-0 approve Support: � ' _ Opposition: � Motion: To recommend that a c�ance sch ol is similar to other permitted uses in the RT-1 zone. � ._ _. _.. .._. . .__ ._�._._ . � �, __� _. _ ,. _,_ . ..__�:,._...V_._: _ ..... .._.__.__m_..�-�_����.�_� � SAINT PAUL PLANNiNG 80ARD �� V V f�►L/i tV( -- --,' . ,. � � � � - ;��, • � �����5 CITY OF SAZNT PAUL,I MIMJESOTA PETITZON TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thrtt 64 OF 'THE LEGISLATZVE (ZO*IING) COD� � ST. PA L � CITY O U nFpARTMENT OF FiNANCE �1ND MANAGEMENT SERVICES I ����1.�"'. �,,,�-a s' t�W.:L'��.� � �� � ^�� ��• ..� � .t;� - �" �:., �ris7 . i n � �� . _ �� � . ���'" ; ���� � ��+q��.s�" t �A �, I� �$- I _�;A I[IF ,�; �I � �I `� ``; � �°, ��,a��:� �_., , � , _� �-� �. T., . _ �.�.._._ .,, '��t': i , . � MY cvn,...�_- __ . . . . . _ . � � � 2 � . . �:'��� E'��I��D . W.� �� a� ��_ JUL 3 0 1979 CZTY OF SAINT PAUI�, lQIM�E50TA ASSESSMENT SECTION PETITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thL^ti 64 OF THE LEGISIATZVEA��'���AGEME6�SERVIC S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezon�.ng wi�i be considered by the City of Saint � Paul, property owners must consent to the �roposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effe¢t, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For urther information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the C�ty Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ' c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall �tei April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the propose@ rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners withit� 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall cpnsider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in he past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the pro erty owners within 100 feet of this Iarger package of property must give written consent. P rsuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnes ta Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) Lots 10 & 11 Block 81 St. Anthony Park 2330-2338 Long Avenue from RM-9 Mnl Yj-Fami t 3, Diatrict to . p-1 1 Parki ng Da.strict, for the purpose of installinq, constructing and/or ope�ating the foZlowing: (descri�e briefly the proposed facility) Off ',Street Parking RECORD OWNER SIGNATTJRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: Ebner A. & Dolores E. Krin e �� �o E 23 t of Lots 2 & 3 N o C� � tv theSElOftof ot4B1k2ReinD. H. . Hunt's Add. a so t at r�angu ar par of Blk 79 betwee said Rearrangement and � Lot 11, a so Ex N. ft ot , Block 9, St. An hony Park �1 z- i State of Minnesota) ) ae � C�unty af Ramsey ) / r � ��' �� being first duly' sworn, deposes and states that he is the per�on wh circul ed the within petition cons6.sting of pages; tha.t the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots p].aced immediately followinq each name; that each of the parties descri.bed �bove is the owner of property which is within 100 feet fram any property owned by aff�ant or sold by affiant within one (1) yeaz preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property a�ove �tescribed; that none of the parties described above has purchased or a.s purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above desczibed property within one (Z) year of the date o� thia petitionr that this petition�!was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatu,res above aze the true and correct sic,�natures of eaeh and all of the parties so d�escribed. ;�� �� ' V Subscribed and sworn to be�ore me Address: 25 W. Fourth S reet Rm. 1201 Telephone No. 298-4105 this�'�day of q� t n ` Approved as to form 10-27-76 '�tF-c�1�c�aJ Office vf the City Atto_ney Ndtary Public, Ran�sey ��� , ' . :�ly commission expires �:.�..��, sFia�on aftads ?`-����� NOTARY GUBLIC—MWNESOTA � ��6 RAMSEY COUNTY ' My commission expiree Dec.11, 1985 � .,. - � �' � A �.�j...������r�� � �� � ���. �a JUL 3 0 1979 CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINiJESOTA ASSESSMENT „ PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF TF{E LEGZSIAT �P�pj��'��'�N � �ND MANAG.EMENr �t�r���� SEkVICES Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoni g �ai�i be considered by the City of Saint � Paul, property owners must consent to the p oposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effec , the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For f�rther information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL pa,te= April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota , Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance stat@s that 67% of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall co�sider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous *_o the Zard propos�d for r�zor.ing, 2J3 of the prop rty owners within I00 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pu suant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(S) of Minneso a Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land nd hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal deiscription & street address) Lots 10 & 11 Block 81 St. Anthony Park $330-2338 Long Avenue gr�_�tM-� M»1 ty-Fam,�3r DiBtxict to . p-1 F�arkin� Di.strict� for thti purpose of installinq, constructing and/or operatiinq the following: (descri�e briefly the proposed facility) Off S�reet Parking RECORD OWNER STGNATiJRE Y,UT ALOCK ADDITZON Suhject Progerty: - ✓ Ralph L. & Mar A. Steies r W. 6 .07 .ft. o Lot 2, Block 81 882 Raymond St. nthony Pa k ------+- -� ._ State of Minnesota) � 29-� ) $a Ccunty of Ramsey ) r .. �/y`�' being first duly sw�rn, deposes and states that he is the pezson o circ ated the within petition consisti.ng of oaqes; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of th� lots pZaced immediatel.y following each name; that each of the parties described abo�e is the owner of property which is Within 100 feet fram any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) . year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above desaribed property within one (1) year of the date oE this petition= that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the _ pxesence of th5.s affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic_{riatures of each and all of the parties so desc�ibed. � ��l�- Subscribed and swvrn to before me Adc�.ress: 25 W. Fou h Street Rm. 1201 Teliephon� No. 298-4105 this��ay of / 7 � Approved as to form 10-27-76 Offli.ce nf the City Attfl_•ney Natar.y Public, RzLmsey County, _ °!y cc�r'�m�ssion expires ""',"�� �S�a�on �ftRds , . � �`- NOTARY ri/tiUC—l:iNNESOtA � . � �1 RAMScY CUUN7Y My commiuion expires Oec. 11,19�5 ' i . � z�1 _ �� .�, . , . . , �t..:,��..,►.- j �� � ����� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIMlE50TA PETITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF E LEGISLATZVE (ZO'_VI[�!G) �OD� Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� �i�i be considered by the City of Saint � Paul, property owners must consent to the prioposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For fu�rther information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the Cit�y Planning Office, 298-4154. . TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL �te: Apri1 6, 2979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota ' Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance state�s that 679� of property owners within the area Co be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within '100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall co�sider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the propearty owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesot�a Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land alnd hereby petition your Honorable Body, to rezone the following described property: (legal d sc i tio street address) �s de�cri�`e� on attached sheet Lots 10 & 11 Block 81 St. Anthony Park / �330-2338 Long Avenue fzam RM—� M,il ti—Fami i 3z District to_ _��pa '„� District, for the purpose of installinq, constructing and/or operat�ing the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Off Sqreet Parkin� _ _ _ _ _ RECORD OWNER SIGNA�TURE LOT BLOCIC ADDITION Subject Propertys Richard S. Stocktivell � / SE' ly 16 ft af L t 2; and all of Lot 1, 2 7 Hillcrest IGA�a4ceY � . Block 1 D. H. Hu t's Second Add. to - St. A thony Park �t� - ► State of Minnesota) ) sa County of Ramsey ) r : "'��Ju�� _.__ .�. _'---- —-- ,��'`� being first duly sc�orn, deposes ar:d states that he is the person who circu ted the within petition consisting af pages; that the parties described above are the owners respecti.vely of t�e lots placed immediatel.y fo].Iowiag each name; that each of the parties descri.bed abmve is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiamt or soZd by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which i� contiguous to the property above dpscxiksed; �� none of tns �artis� descr;bPd a*_+yve has purchas�3 or i� p�urch3sin� property from affiant contiguous to the above de$cribed property within oae (1) year of the date o£ this petitionr that this petition�wa� si.gned by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signature� abvve are the true and correct sic�natures of each and all of the parties so des�ribed. tive�� 5ubscribed and sworn to before me R dress: 25 W. F urth Street Rm. 1201 T�lephons No. 298-4105 this�day of . A�,proved as to form 10-27-76 , ___� � Offi.ce of the City Atto�-ney Ntitary Public, Ra.�+sey Mir_n. �:y commission expires F°a;► �$'�Q2on a`�ftnds i, ���� NOTARY FUBLIC—M�NNESQTA �� -� �=�v RAMSEY COUNTY , MY�ommission expires Dec. 11, 1985 I . CZTY OF S1�INT PAULj, t�fIM7ESOTA _ PETIT=ON TO AMEND CHAFTERS 60 thzu 64 OF�, THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO'_VING) GOD� . �� - . t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoni g °ai�I be considere3 by the City of Saint ' Paul, property owners must consent to the p oposed change. Before signing the � petition which is a statement to that effec , the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For f rther information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the Ci y Planning Office, 298-4I54. -f; . TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL patei April 6, 1974 - c/o the City Clerk, Rovm 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesata � Section 64.210 0£ St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance statles that 679� of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed! rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within� 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall co�isider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land pzoposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the prop�erty owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pubrsuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul �oning Ordinance and Section 4b2.357{5) of Minnesolta Statutes, we, the undersigned, own �roperty within l00 feet of the petitioner's land �nd hereby petition your Honorable Bady to �ezone the following described property: (legal dlescription & street address) � as d�scribed on attached sheet Lots 10 & 11 Block 81 St: Anthony Park / 23130-2338 Long Avenue _,� RM-2 Multi-Family District to P-1 Patrking . District, for the purpose o� installing, constructing and/or operajting the foilo�,rinq: (descri�e bziefly the proposed facility) Off Street Parking RECORD OWNER SIGNA'1'fTRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: Vac lley accr; E 27.5 ft of W 55 ft an t St. of L t 8 Block 2 St. Anthany Park tu t. Paul Minnesot jts xPCUtive Direc or S�ate of Minnesota) � T_c-x7c'�I� - � ' � as County of Ramsey ) � � e' f' b ing irst duly �worn, deposes and states that he is tht erson Who circul ted the within petition consi�ting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of t�he lots placed imccediately following each name; that each af the parties descri.bed a}iove is the o�mer of propPrty which i.s within 1Q0 feet from any property owned by affi�nt or sold by affiant within one (1} year precedf.tig the date of this petition which �ls contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described a'�ove has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above d�scribed property within one (1) year o� the date o£ thie petitioni that this petition w�s signed by each of said owners ia the presence of this affiant, and that the signatur�s above are the true and correct sic�reatuxes of eaeh and all of the parties so de�cribed. � � �j �r�, Subsczibed and $worn to before me Flddress: 7�elephons tvo.25 W. Fourth Street Rm. 1201 this��ay af � 298-4105 , pproved as to form 10-27-76 — �+ _ a � � Atto=ney � �-� sc�,-�n a,�,,:�ds Notary Public, Rarnsey County, Mirx�. l � ���,� -..�=-.��""�soT" �y commission expires `� R r���:; �u�r�rr . � My comm asion expires Dec. 11, 1985 � CZTY OF SAZNT PAUL, t1IM�ESOTA _ FETITxON TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thrtt 64 OF E LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) G00� . t - - - -•- � ^-__� That part of Lots 10 a d 11, B1ock 81 , St. Anthony Park, accordin to the recorded plat thereof, contained wit in the following ' described line: i I Beginning at the east rly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 d grees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bea ing, 143.33 feet along the southeaster y line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel wi h and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly fr m the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; hence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seconds est, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minutesl54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the nor�heasterly line of said Lot 11; thence S uth 53 degrees ` r 21 minutes East, 177. feet along the northeasterly line of aid Lots 11 and 10 to the point of beginn'ng. � � i i � I � I _ .�-G��L.,,,. —��.I.c.v.�c�w w*_ _� 1 /""�,\ ------ Notazy Public, Raa+sey County, Mir.n. , �c��,, - ; _ - __ on <�iizc�s :!y commiasion expires ti� i �O ' � - -� ,>;�;.SOr,, . �_- k,�/vf�:Y C,UUi���T�r � . - . � My mmission expires Dec. ii, 1985' •: � d . I �.1. I That part of Lots 10 ahd 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, contained within the following described line: Beginning at the eas�erly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 �egrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for be�ring, 143.33 feet along the southeaste�ly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel w�th and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly f�hom the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; 'thence North 1$ degrees 46 minues 30 seconds �West, 212.57 f�et along said parallel �ine; thence North 29 degrees 16 minute� 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the noMtheasterly line of said Lot 11; thence 5outh 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 177.196 feet alang the northeasterly line o� said Lots� Il and 10 to the point of begir�ning. � I CITY OF SAINT PAU , MIMJESOTA „ �ETITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 O THE LEGISIATIVE (ZO*)ItYG) GOO� . ( Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezon ng ai�i be considere3 by the City of Sa3nt Paul, property owners must consent to the roposed change. Before signing the : petition which is a statement to that effe t, the sigzer should be aware of uses per- mit�ed under the new classification. For urther information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the C ty Planning Office, 298-4154. - TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUI3CIL � ' ' c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall �'t�' April 6, 1979 - City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance statles that 677 of property owners within the area to be considered must consent tv the proposedlrezoning. Section 462.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners withini100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning nust give written coasent before the City shall cok�sider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoniag, 2/3 of the prop�rty owners within 100 feet of this ].arger package of property must give written consent. Pu�suant to Section 64.210 of the St. Pau]. Zoaiag Ordinance and Sectioa 462.357{5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land �nd hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follawing described property: (legal d�scription & street address) � as de cribed on attached sheet � Lots 10 & 11 Block 81 St: Anthony Park / 23�0-2338 Long Avenue !r� RM-2 Multi-Family District to P-1 Pa�hking . District, for the pcsrpose of installinq, censtructing and/or opera ing the fo3lowing: (descrire briefly the proposed faci].ity) Off Street Parking RECORD OWNER SIGNA'TpRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: � � ac ree a ey accr o s Housin and Redevelo ment B1 oc 82 St. An hony Park Authorit of the Cit of Gar E. Stout St. Paul Minnesota Its Executive Direct r 3tate of Minnesota) � � Z ) sa Cvunty of Ramsey ) - �� bein firs w . S t iuly s 4rn, 8eposes an8 states that he is the person s,►ho circula d the within petition consist�ng of pages; that the parties described above are the owners zespectively of th� lots placed immediately following each name; that each o£ the parties descri.bed abo�e is the oa+ner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiantt or sold by affiant within one (lj year precedinq the date of this petition which islcontiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described abovle has purchased or is purchasing � property from affiant contiguous to the ak�ove desc�ibed property within one (1) year of the date of thia petitionj that this petition was lsigned by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures �bove are the true and correct sic�natares of each and all of the parties sv descrlLbed. , � 7r� Sub�cribed and sw�orn to before me Ad ess: 25 W. . Fo rth Street Rm. 120I Te2�phon� No. 298_4105 this�_�ay of App�toved as to form 10-27-76 -----,r, Off ce of the City Atto=ney Notary Public, Ra�sey County, Mir_n. 1 ,'�" ,r`rr��;;��_�� _. _. _.'' c , n�,nrz criuz�s ' M1 n r.�:... i�—i.•,iNNi-SOTA � �y commiasion expire9 ,�„r�n�_v co��vtv � /v�y ommission expires Dec. 11, 1985 . � f CITY OF SAZNT PAi�L, MIM�ESOTA � BETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 F THE L�GZSIATIVE (ZO*IING) G'00� � t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezo�ing °ai�1 be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that eff�ct, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For !�further information about the rezoning of vrovertv, call the Zoning Section of the 4�ity Planning Office, 298-4154. � That part of Lots 10 a d 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, accordin to the recorded plat thereof, contained wit in the following described line: Beginning at the eas erly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 egrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for be ring, 143.33 feet along the southeaste ly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel w th and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly f om the southwesterly line of said Lot l0; lthence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seconds �West, 212.57 feet along said parallel 1ine; thence North 29 degrees 16 minute� 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the no�theasterly line of said Lot 11; thence outh 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 177 96 feet along the northeasterly line o$ said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of begir�ning. , I , . CYTY OF SAINT PAUI,, 4IMlESOTA „ ?ET2TION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thnt 64 OP E LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IItJG) COD� S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� °:ri�1 be considere3 by the City of Saiat Paul, property owners must consent to the prqposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect,j the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For fu�¢ther informativn about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the Cit� Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUI3CIL � • - -- -- - - --- -- -- -- Datet �nril F, 147Q - That part of Lots 10 and 1, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, according t �the recorded plat thereof, contained within the following described line: Beginning at the easte y corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 deg ees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bearing, 143.33 feet along the southeasterl line of said Lot 10, ' to a line parallel wit and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly fro the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; t ence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seconds W st, 212.57 feet along said parallel li e; thence North 29 degrees 16 minutes 4 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the nort easterly line of said Lot 11; thence So th 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 177.9 feet a1,Qng the northeasterly line of �aid Lats 11 and 10 - to the point of beginn�ing. � I , , _ . � . . , � CITY OF SAINT PAUL� MIMJESOTA �, BETST20N 2�0 AMEND CHAFTERS 60 thnt 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) COO� � ' . I, � t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoni�g �ai�I. be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the p oposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effecjt, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For f�urther information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the Ciky Planning Office, 298-4I54. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUI3CIL ' _ r_ _t_ ..�_ .. ._ ,. _ ...,. ..._ _. .. Datet Anril F_ 1Q7Q - That part of Lots 10 an 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, contained within the following described line: Beginning at the east rly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 d grees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bea ing, 143.33 feet along the southeaster y line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel wi h and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly fr m the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; hence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seconds est, 212.57 feet along said parallel 1 ne; thence North 29 degrees 16 minutes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the nor heasterly line of said Lot 11; thence S uth 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 177. 6 feet along the northeasterly line of said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of beginriing. i i � i ' i � _ CZTY OF SF►INT PAULj, MIMJESOTA _ PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thzu 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*lIC1G) GOO� . t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoni g �ai�1 be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the p oposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effec , the sigzer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For f�urther information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the Ci�ty Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUI3CIL �tes Anril F_ 1979 � -• -- -- • - -�- ---� -- -- � That part of Lots 10 an I1, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, contained within the following described line: Beginning at the east rly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 d grees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bea ing, 143.33 feet along the southeasterly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel wi h and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly fr m the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; hence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seconds est, 212.57 feet along said parallel 1 ne; thence North 29 degrees 16 minutes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the nor heasterly line of said Lot 11; thence S uth 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 177. 6 feet al.ong the northeasterly line of ;said Lots� 11 and 10 to the point of beginrling. i i � �, i � �, � CITY OF SAZNT P L, MIMJESOTA _ FETITION TO AMEN� CHAPTERS 60 thzu 64 F THE I.EGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) CODE S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rez ning �ai�1 be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to th proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that ef ect, the sigzer should be aware of uses per— mitted under the new classification. Fo further information about the rezoning of ' wv....e..r�� ��11 �.L� 7...�2__. G��_�J__ _L �1. .. •. ..+ • ...-.�• . w.... •��• That part of Lots 10 nd 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accordi g to the recorded plat thereof, contained wi hin the following described line: Beginning at the ea terly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 egrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for b aring, 143.33 feet along the southeast rly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel ith and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly rom the southwesterly line of said Lot 10• thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 second West, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minut s 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the n rtheasterly line of said Lot 11; thence South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 17 .96 feet along the ' northeasterly line �f said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of beg�nning. I � i i ,,,, --� - � ; • CITY OF SAINT PA�L, tdIM�ESOTA _ BETITION TO AMENO CKAPTERS 60 thzu 64 �F THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*1ING) CO�� . S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezo�ing °:ri�I be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the�proposed change. Before signing the • petition which is a statement to that eff�ct, the signer should be aware of uses per— mitted under the new classification. For', further information about the rezoning of DrADLrtv_ call rho 7_nnino Con}�.+.. �._ �L_ 1�— *+� ____� ..«s _ ..�.. .�_. I ;_ � That part of Lots 10 nd 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accordi g to the recorded plat thereof, contained wi hin the fol�owing described line: Beginning at the ea terly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for b aring, 143.33 feet along the southeast rly line of said Lot 10, i to a line parallel ith and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly rom the southwesterly line of said Lot 10 thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 second West, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minut s 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the n rtheasterly line of said Lot 11; thence South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 17 .96 feet along the � northeasterly line �f said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of beg nning. I i ' � ,I � _�_ �w�_.... . . I CITY OF 5AINT PA L, MIM7£SOTA „ PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 th�ru 64 �F THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) COD� Sj Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezo�ning �:ri�1 be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the� proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that efflect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. Forifurther information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the �City Planning Office, 298-4I54. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL �}e, n..�;i c �n�n That part of Lots 10 nd 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, accordi g to the recorded plat thereof, contained wi hin the following described line: Beginning at the ea terly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for b aring, 143.33 feet along the southeast rly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel ith and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly rom the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 second West, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minut s 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the n rtheasterly line of said Lot 11; thence South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 17 ,.96 feet along the northeasterly line o�f said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of begilnning. i �i i � C=TY OF SAINT PAi�L, t1IM�ESOTA �, PETITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thstt 64 C�F THE LEGISLATZVE (ZO!VING) GOD� � . S ' Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezo�ing °:ri�1 be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that eff�ct, the sig:�er should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. Forlfurther information about the rezoning of property, call the 2oning Section of the ity Planning Office, 298-4154. � That part of Lots 10 a d 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accordin to the recorded plat thereof, contained wit in the following described line: Beginning at the eas erly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 egrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for be ring, 143.33 feet along the southeaste ly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel w'th and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly f om the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seconds West, 212.57 feet along said parallel ine; thence North 29 degrees 16 minute 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the n rtheasterly line of said Lot 11; thence South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 177.96 feet along the ► northeasterly line o�f said Lots ll and 10 to the point of begi�nning. � � 'I i CI1'Y OF SAYNT PAL�L, MINt1ESOTA � BETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thnt 64 �F THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IItYG) GOD� ,I ri � S_� Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezo�►ing �:�iil be consideresi by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the�proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that eff�ct, the signer should be aware of uses per— mitted under the new classification. Forlfurther information about the rezoning af �..�.�...�r.� __'11 a.t� 7�_d__ [��_�s___ _ r ..� . . �.. • ..��i �.... '�.�' I That part of Lots 10 a d 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accordin to the recorded plat thereof, contained wit in the following described line: � Beginning at the eas erly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 egrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for be ring, 143.33 feet , along the southeaste ly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel w'th and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly f om the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seconds West, 212.57 feet along said parallel ine; thence North 29 degrees 16 minute 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the no theasterly line of said Lot 11; thence outh 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 177.96 feet along the northeasterly line o said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of begi ning. , i I � � � � � _ . ' I CITY OF SAZNT PA(�I,, MIMJESOTA BETITION TO AMENp CHApTERS 60 thzu 64 t�F TF{E L$GZSLATIVE (ZO*IING) G00� . � Note: Before the etitioner's s- P proposal for rezo�ing �ai�I be considere3 by the City of Saint Yaul, property owners must consent to the,proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that eff ct, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For�further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the �ity Planning Office, 298-4154. ' TA TiiF un*inn�ot t� v.vn.+ a�„+ ..�..�. __�____ - That part of Lots 10 a d 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accordin to the recorded plat thereof, contained wit in the following described line: Beginning at the eas erly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 egrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for be ring, 143.33 feet F along the southeaste ly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel 'th and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly om the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seconds West, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minut s 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the n rtheasterly line of said Lot 11; thence South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 177!.96 feet alang the � northeasterly line qf said Lots� 11 and 10 to the point of beginning. i � \ I • � I CITY OF 5AYNT PA�iL, MIM�ESOTA „ pETITxON TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thnt 64 pF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IIHG) G'00� S� Note: Before the petitioner's proposal far rezdning °ai�l be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the� proposed change. Before signing the . .._ _� •. • • • _f_ J_ _ _�_a__`__� �_ ..�" _.. _GL�_ ._ �1__ _J___� �L_._1 ] L_ _______ _ t _ That part of Lots 10 nd 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, accordi g to the recorded plat thereof, contained wi hin the following described line: Beginning at the ea terly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for b aring, 143.33 feet along the southeast rly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel ith and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly rom the southwesterly line of said Lot 10;� thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 secondsl West, 212.57 feet along said parallel �line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minut�s 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the n rtheasterly line o,f said Lot 11; thence South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 17 .96 feet along the northeasterly line f said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of beginning. � i �1'y commission expires - � - �:or� y . . "� � n _r ..��rr � y commission expires Dec 11,J985 . ,% " i 'I - . , . CITY OF SAZNT PA�iL, MIMJE50TA � PETITION TO AMEND CHAYTERS 60 thru 64 �F THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO'.VING) COO� t t ' Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezo�in� °:r:�i be considere3 by the City o£ Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that eff�ct, the sigaer should be aware of uses per- in�f1'o�l »n�lcr t}�O noe.� n��ac-if�n�tdr... L'.. ��� F....�L.e.. �..C.....ns�2.... ..1.w..�. rL� ��_..�2_� _t i : That part of Lots 10 a d 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, accordin to the recorded plat thereof, contained wit in the following described line: Beginning at the eas erly corner of said Lot 1Q; thence South 36 egrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for be ring, 143.33 feet along the southeaste ly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel w th and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly f om the southwesterly line of said Lot 10;, thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seconds' West, 212.57 feet along said parallel ine; thence North 29 degrees 16 minute 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the no theasterly line of said Lot 11; thence outh 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 177 96 feet along the northeasterly line o said Lots ll and 10 to the point of begit�ning. I �� i j MY�omm�ss�on expires Dec. li, 1y85 � ' CITY OF SAINT PA�L, MIM�ESOTA _ PETITION TO AMEN� CHAPTERS 60 thnt 64 �F THE LEGISLATIVE (20NI�1G) C00� • t'' Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezo�in� �ai�i be considere� by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that eff ct, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the itq Planning Office, 298-4I54. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY CniTNCTT. ' That part of Lots 10 a d 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, accordin to the recorded plat thereof, contained wit in the following described line: Beginning at the eas erly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 egrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for be ring, 143.33 feet along the southeaste ly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel 'th and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly om the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seconds West, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minute� 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the no�rtheasterly line of said Lot 11; thence outh 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 177�96 feet along the northeasterly line alf said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of beginning. � I i � �I CZTY OF 5AYNT PA L, MIMIESOTA � ?ETSTION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thnt 64 F THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO'_VING) C00� t S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezo#�ing �:�i�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the� proposed change. Before signing the That part of Lots 10 nd 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accordi g to the recorded plat thereof, contained wi hin the following described line: Beginning at the ea terly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for b aring, 143.33 feet along the southeast rly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel ith and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly rom the southwesterly line of said Lot 10� thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 second� West, 212.57 feet along said parallel �line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minut$s 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the n�rtheasterly line of said Lot 11; thence 'South 53 degrees \ 21 minutes East, 17 .96 feet along the northeasterly line f said Lots ll and IO to the point of beg nning. i � �, i � I �y commission expires : - � ::>OTA - ' . . l\_/� n ,ic1�_.:r � �i( � . -� � . My-comm�ssion expires Dec. l�, ry85 � I - . � CZTY OF 5AINT BA L� MYM�ESOTA � ?ETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 F TFIE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) GOD� . t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezo$�ing °a�yi be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that eff�ct, the sigaer should be aware of uses per— mitted tsnder the ne� cl�scif{n�t�.+.. �_- �____�-_ � -� - • - - I That part of Lots 10 a d 11, B1ock 81 , St. Anthony Park, accordin to the recorded plat thereof, contained wit in the following described line: Be innin at the eas erly corner of said Lot 9 9 10; thence South 36 egrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for be ring, 143.33 feet along the southeaste ly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel w'th and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly f om the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seconds West, 212.57 feet along said parallel ine; thence North 29 degrees 16 minut s 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the n rtheasterly line of said Lot 11; thence South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 17 .96 feet along the � nor�theasterly line f said Lots ll and 10 to the point of beg nning. ; � i � � I � � ` M cammissior�exp�res llec. I1,7S$$ ; : , I f . CITY OF 531INT PA�JY., MIM�ESOTA � FETITION TO AMENO CHAP2ERS 60 thru 64 �F THS LEGZSLATIVE (20*JING) COO� ,. . SI Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rez � ing �:ri�I: be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to th proposed change. Before signing the � petition which is a statement to that eff ct, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For�further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the ity Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL �a,�. n_�e� � ���n 1 That part of Lots 10 nd 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, accordi g to the recorded plat thereof, contained wi hin the following described line: Beginning at the ea terly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for b aring, 143.33 feet along the southeast rly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel ith and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly rom the southwesterly line of said Lot 10 thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 second West, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minut s 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the n rtheasterly line of said Lot 11; thence South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 17�.96 feet along the northeasterly line df said Lots ll and 10 to the point of beg�nning. I i I �I I CITY OF SAZNT PAt�L, t4IMJESOTA � I pETITION TO AM£ND CHAPTERS 60 thnt 64 �F THE I,EGZSLATIVE (ZO*IItYG) COG� � `j ' S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezo ing �:�i�1 be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul_ �rovertv owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the That part of Lots 10 nd 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accordi g to the recorded plat thereof, contained wi hin the following described line: Beginning at the ea terly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for b aring, 143.33 feet along the southeast rly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel ith� and distant 2.00 feet nartheasterly rom the southwesterly line of said Lot 10 thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 second West, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minut s 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the n rtheasterly line of said Lot 11; thence South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 17 .96 feet along the northeasterly line f said Lots ll and 10 to the point of beg nning. I � I � , I i i _ty commission expires � .�-<.,A ( . ,,,.Y � y cc;nmission exp�res llec 11.J985 % CITY OF SAINT PAi�L, MIMIESOTA � ?ETIT=ON TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 C�F THE LEG2SLATIVE (ZO'_VING) COO� � � i S_� Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezo�in� �:-ri�1 be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed chanAe. Before sivntna r�,o That part of Lots 10 a d 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accordin to the recorded plat thereof, contained wit in the following described line: Beginning at the eas erly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 egrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for be ring, 143.33 feet along the southeast rly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel ith and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly rom the southwesterly line of said Lot 10• thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 second West, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minut s 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the n rtheasterly line of said Lot 11; thence South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 17 .96 feet along the � northeasterly line f said Lots 11 and 10 , to the point of beg nning. I i i i �� i i i zy commtssion expire9 ,,,, � � commisaio��expires Uec. 11, 1985 ' : _ , _ i CITY OF 5AINT PA L� tdIMIESOTA „ PETITION Z`O AMEND CHApTERS 60 thru 64 �F THE LEGISIATIVE (ZO*IIhG) GOO� , - � . S, �1ote: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezo�in� °:ri�3. be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the vroposed chanQe. Sefnre cionino +�,o That part of Lots 10 a d 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accordi g to the recorded plat thereof, contained wi hin the following described line: Beginning at the ea terly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for b aring, 143.33 feet along the southeast rly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel ith and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly rom the southwesterly line of said Lot 10 thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 second West, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minut s 54 seconds East, i 22.89 feet to the n rtheasterly line of said Lot 11; thence South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 17 .96 feet along the � northeasterly line f said Lots� 11 and 10 to the point of beg'nning. � '� , i i I � ; i :ty commi3sion expire� � � My.vrr�rn�s�:on axpues Dec, il��7 � �..,,.,,,_,__ 198g .t , I '"""�-.--------• `�,1 CZTY OF SAINT PAU , t�lIM�ESOTA �, pETITZON TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 O THE LEG2SLATIVE (ZO'_VINGj GOO� � S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezon ng °ai�3. be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the roposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effe t, the signer should hP �•---- - mitted under the new classification. For ,.r•'-_- - property, call tho ��-_— ' � Block 81 , St. That part of Lots 10 and olthe recorded plat Anthony Park, according, the followin9 thereof, contained with� described line: at the east rly corner of said Lot geginning d rees 39 minutes West, Ip; thence South 36 g 143.33 feet assumed basis for bea in9ine of said Lot 10, along the southeaste �Y to a line parallel w�om the Southweste00Y feet northeasterly f thence North 18 degrees line of said Lot 10; z12.5� feet 46 minues 30 seconds W net'thence North along said parallel 54 seconds East, 29 degrees 16 minut s �ine of 22,gg feet t0thence Souths53rdegree�he said Lot 11, 17 .96 feet along 21 minutes Easline f said Lots 11 and 10 northeas oent of beg�nning• � to the p I � i i ' i � , � I t j P � s I SL th Not � .....���3�on expires Dec.J11.�1985 _ . I . , � �. CITY OF SAINT PA�L, t4IMl�SOTA „ BETITYON TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thnt 64 t�F THE LEGISIATIVE (20*�IrlG) COO� j • � t Note: Be£ore the petitioner's proposal for rezo in� ai�� be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the � petition which is a statement to that eff ct, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the ity Planning Office, 298-4I54. TA T7iL+ t���.w�'��_ "'____ '_� � i That part of Lots 10 an 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, contained with n the following described line: Beginning at the east rly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 d grees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bea ing, 143.33 feet along the southeaste ly line of said Lot 10, I to a line parallel with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly f om the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seconds West, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minute 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the no theasterly line of . said Lot 11; thence outh 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 177 96 feet along the northeasterly line o said Lots� 11 and 10 to the point of begi ning. � ; , II , i i � I . � CITY OF SAINT PAi�L� t4IMIESOTA � ?ETST=ON TO Ai�lEND CHAFTERS 60 thru 64 �E' TE(E LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) COO� 1 . S � Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezo ing °:�i�1 be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the � petition which is a statement to that eff ct, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the ity Planning Office, 298-4I54. That part of Lots 10 a d 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, accordin to the recorded plat thereof, contained wit in the following described line: Beginning at the eas erly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 egrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for be ring, 143.33 feet along the southeaste ly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel 'th and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly rom the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seconds West, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minut s 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the n rtheasterly line of said Lot 11; thence South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 17 .96 feet along the northeasterly line f said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of beginning. � I � I � i i i i CITY OF SAZNT PA�TL, t4IM�ESOTA „ BETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thnt 64 �F THE I.�GISLATIVE (ZO*1ING) COO° .'i S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezo ing °ai:.i be considere3 by the City of Saiat Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that eff ct, the signer should be aware of uses ver— That part of Lots 10 nd 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accordi g to the recorded plat thereof, contained wi hin the following described line: Beginning at the ea terly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for b aring, 143.33 feet along the southeast rly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel ith and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly rom the southwesterly line of said Lot 10 thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 second West, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minut s 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the n rtheasterly line of said Lot 11; therrce South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 17 .96 feet al,ong the northeasterly line f said Lots� ll and 10 to the point of beg nning. � ; , I i � I i � I . _ � . . . . . .�Iq � . . . . , ` . .. .v�.fu,i�Y - . . � i . � . � MY commiss�on expires Dec. 1}.'1985 ' - ; . r CITY OF 5AINT PA L� MIM�ESOTA � BETZTION TO AMENfl CHAP2ERS 60 thru 64 F THE LBGISIATIVE (ZO*IINGj G00� , I i � � i S � �ote: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezo ing °:�i�1 be considered by the City of Saint H�_'1 _'�_".�� �_��r� ����� ��.��..�� �� iL� �������1 �L'�`� D�L___ _.f__ .1.. �1_ That part of Lats 10 nd 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accordi g to the recorded plat thereof, contained wi hin the following described line: Beginning at the ea terly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for b aring, 143.33 feet along the southeast rly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel ith and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly rom the southwesterly line of said Lot 10 thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 second West, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minut s 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the n rtheasterly line of said Lot 11; thence South 53 degrees ` 21 minutes East, 17 .96 feet along the northeasterly line f said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of beg nning. � i I � I I I I I i i � � .,vcarY t'LiDl].G� sc�u�ncy t.vunLy� rtir_n. _-,�:;,,n„ ��,r;,,,_r1 � =�y commission expires :,,`�, "� ., , � �� -.�� ;�..or� �,,,�u_r C�ur�ir � My commission expires Dec. 11, 1985, ' � s CITY OF 5A2NT PA L, t1IMJESOTA � PETITION TO AMEND CEiAPTERS 60 thzu 64 F THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) COD� . S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezo ing �iy1 be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owreers must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the � �etition Lrhich is a statement to that eff ct_ the s3Qner shnuld hQ a�arp �f .,caQ .�o,-_ That part of Lots 10 nd 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, accordi g to the recorded plat thereof, contained wi hin the following described line: Beginning at the ea terly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for b aring, 143.33 feet along the southeast rly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel ith and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly rom the southwesterly line of said Lot 10 thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 second West, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minut s 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the n rtheasterly line of said Lot 11; thence South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 17 .96 feet along the northeasterly line f said Lots� ll and 10 to the point of beg nning. � i � '� I I . i i � - ---------- ---,�--- � . ' � _ • . � .. � . :.[.;fA - � . � . � . . . . \�` �(,-.�vf..�i ....'uiJ l l' � . � ..� .. � � . . � ►v1y commisslon expires Dec. 11, 1985 • . r � �, �,���� CITY OF SAINT PA L, MIM�ESOTA PETITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 F THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) GOD� � � I �-.,,�..�r��,- � � ������� That part of Lots 10 nd 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accordi g to the recorded plat thereof, contained within the following described line: Beginning at the e terly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 3 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for earing, 143.33 feet along the southeas erly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel ith and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly from the southwesterly line of said Lot 1 ; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 secon s West, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minu es 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the ortheasterly line of said Lot 11; thenc South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 1 7.96 feet along the northeasterly line of said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of be inning. , I � �l��,o�l.,� Offi.ce of the City Atto_-ney t7otar.y Public, Randsey Y, M �'Q orz 2{inds �' coc:�rsixssion ex ires� dt"�'�. � •Y P } ��y� NOTARY PUBUC—MiNNESOTI� r RAMSEY COUNTY My cummission expires Dec. 11,1985 . � � � ��.__�_._._.._...__.�,.. I ; � ' � : , . i ������ ,� • . P•'y 4`V��a...�'+r!�4J CITY OF SAINT PA L, MIMIE50TA PETITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 F THE LEGISUITIVE (ZO*IING) CODE 2v'ote: Before the petitioner's proposal for rez ing �:�i�i be considered by the City of Saint � Paul, property owners must consent to th proposed change. Before signing the r�� � �; `:� � That part of Lots 10 nd 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, accordi g to the recorded plat thereof, contained wi hin the following described line: Beginning at the ea terly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for b aring, 143.33 feet along the southeast rly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel ith and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly rom the southwesterly line of said Lot 10 thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 second West, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minut s 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the n rtheasterly line of said Lot 11; thence South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 17 .96 feet along the northeasterly line f said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of beg nning. I � I I 'i � �l� �IOTARY PUBUC—MiNNE50TA `�� RAMSEY COUNTY � , MY commisaion expires Dec. 11,1985 i - � �� .S '<�"Q�''1 . A�,o� �''s�.���..�a�� . . V��a.s�'4 CITX OF SAINT PA L, l4ZMtE50TA PETITZON TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 F THE LEGISLATZVE (ZO'_JING) GOD� Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezo�in� ai�1 be considered by the City of Saint � Paul, property owners must consent to the� proposed chantte. Before siQninQ the I I �;.. t•�..�� A t�;a•ii�e.,�i'��d.:i'�„p . That part of Lots 10 nd 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, accordi g to the recorded plat thereof, contained wi hin the following described line: Beginning at the ea terly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for b aring, 143.33 feet along the southeast rly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel ith and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly rom the southwesterly line of said Lot 10 thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 second West, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minut s 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the n rtheasterly line of said Lot 11; thence South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 17 .96 feet along the northeasterly line f said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of beg nning. ; I I� � I � —-----------�--- ---`^—� �y' NOTARY PUBUC—M�NNESOiA . � � � - � � ` RAMS�Y COUNTY . My commission expires Dec. 11,1985 . r i e • J • , �,��'��� �.� CITY OF SAINT PA L, t4IM�ESOTA PETITZON TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 �F THE LEGZSIATZVE (ZO*TZ[VG) COD� I I Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rez nin� ai�i be considered by the City of Saint � Paul, property owners must consent to th proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that ef ect, the .signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. Fo further informa.tion about Che rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the �City Planning Office, 29$-4154. TO THE HONORA$LE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL _ �_ __ _ _ _ _ . �"'�►'`,°'.'�°"G"� �'°� � ��.,��- That part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, accord ng to the recorded plat thereof, contained w thin the following described line: Beginning at the e sterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 3 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for earing, 143.33 feet along the southeas erly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly from the southwesterly line of said Lot 1 ; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 secon s West, 212.57 feet along said paralle line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minu es 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the ortheasterly line of said Lot 11; thenc South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 1 7.96 feet alang the � northeasterly line of said Lots ll and 10 to the point of be inning. � i � •� I• . . �. � . . . ... f� .,.;P..,�,,,,�, .i� . � � � '���..�'. �R9 a��,. CITY OF SAINT PA L, t4IM�ESOTA PETITZON TO AMEND CKAPTERS 60 thrtt 64 P THE LEGZSLATIVE (ZO*1ZNG) GOD� i � � . . �,.�.�;;�"�''� ��; � t'.r"'��%�� That part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accord ng to the recorded plat thereof, contained w thin the following described line: Beginning at the e sterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 3 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for earing, 143.33 feet along the southeas erly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly from the southwesterly line of said Lot 1 ; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 secon s West, 212.57 feet along said paralle line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minu es 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the ortheasterly line of said Lot lI; thenc South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 1 7.96 feet al.ong the � � northeasterly line of said Lots ll and 10 to the point of be inning. i i !� � � � , Natary Public, Raa�sey , . ;q �°"R`` cS�azon �{inc�s y commission expires .�. •,,,, ^'�'-=�� "` NOTARY FU6LIC—M�NNESOSA . �A�" RAM;iEY COUNiY My commission expires Dec. 11, 1985 ' � � ��+�j eA�.��F yF`y� � • 59:�.., 5 V d.>' �� I 1 � That part of Lots 101and 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accord�ng to the recorded plat thereof, contained w thin the following described line: Beginning at the e sterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 3 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for earing, 143.33 feet along the southeas erly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly from the southwesterly line of said Lot l. ; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 secon s West, 212.57 f�et along said paralle line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minu es 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the �ortheasterly line of said Lot 11; thenc South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 1 7.96 feet al.ong the northeasterly line of said Lots� 11 and 10 � to the point of be inning. , i � i • a I ����'r�['1 . AS ��••p �'A F�c � . dy�:7 � �!'�.J�`.��� CI'I'Y OF SA2NT P L, tdIlVt�ESOTA PETSTION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 F THE LEGISIATZVE (ZO'_JIIJG) C'OD� ivote: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezc�ning �i�i be considered by the City of Saint � Paul, property owners must consent to th proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that ef ect, the .signer should be aware of uses ger- mitted under the new classification. Fo further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of thejCity Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL �i pate� April 6, I979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall , City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � . � , Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance st�ates that 67� of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the propo ed rezoning. Section 4b2.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners witl�in 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning �ust give written consent before the City shall',consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time i� the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the p operty owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. 'Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Yaul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(S) of Minn�sota Statutes, we, the undersigned, oc.m property within 100 feet of the petitioner's la�d and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (lega�. description & street address) as described on attached sheet Lots 10 & 11 Block 81 St. Anthany Park j/ 2330-2338 Long Avenue from _RM-� M„�ti—7?am�.. District to _ District, for the purpose of installing', constructing and/or op rating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Of�E Street Parking RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE � LOT BLOCK • ADDITZON Subject Property: , State of Minnesota All f Lots 1 t ru 6 and all of � Lots 9 thru 14, Block 78 St. Anthony Minn. Dept. of Transporta ionC� Park. Char es Burri , District Engineer' State of Minnesota) 5'9-z ) Ba . i Caunty of Ramsey ) . / � � .__-__._._�._. � r��y'"- being fi,rst du]�y.sworn, deposes and states that he is th� person who circul ed the within petition co sisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively f the lots placed immediately following each name; that each of the parties descri.be above is the owner of property which is within lOfl feet fra�m any property owned by a�fiant oz soZd by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition whidh is contiguous ta the property above described; that none of the parties describec� above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the abov described property within one (1) year of the date o£ this petitionj that this petitio was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signa ures above are the true and correct sic�natures of each and all of the parties so described. , f �-i�"� '�-' Subscribed and sworn to before me Address: 25 W. Fourt Street Rm. 1201 Telephone No. 298-4105 thiso°tl�day of � 1 � � , Appraved as to form 10-27-76 I Office of the City Attorney Notaty Public, Raa�sey ' :�y cc�t+tmissi.on exp3.z'es �`' � cs�iazon e�finc�s , � � ` NOTARY FUBUC—MikNESOiA 1 . . RAMSEY COUNTY My commission expires Dec. 11, 1985 } � , I • i, �..:;�.��.� . I ��n, � i,.y v.r�,� That part of Lots 101and 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, accordling to the recorded plat thereof, contained whthin the following described line: I Beginning at the e� sterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 3 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for earing, 143.33 feet along the southeas erly line of said Lot 10, to a line paralleliwith and distant 2.00 feet northeasterlylfrom the southwesterly line of said Lot 1 ; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 secon s West, 212.57 feet along said paralle line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minu es 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the ortheasterly line of said Lot 11; thenc South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 1 7.96 feet along the northeasterly linelof said Lots 11 and 10� to the point of be�inning. i II I , - I I� � � , � I ` � �� � � r,*�.:� �� . 'I �-: »' r,d�:.:�L; CITY OF 5AINT PA�JL, t1IM1ESOTA PETZTZON TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 pF THE LEGISLATZVE (ZO!VING) �OD� Fote: Before the petitioner's proposal for rez ing ai�i be considered by the City of Saint � Paul, property owners must consent to th proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that ef ect, the signer should be aware of uses per- Lzitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of thelCity Planning �ffice, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL pate: April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall ' City of Saint Paul, Minnesota ; , Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance st�ates that 67% of property owners. within the area to be considered must consent to the propo�ed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners witl�in 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning �ust give written consent before the City shalllconsider the proposal. However, when the ma�er of said property has owned for any time i� the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the p�operty owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. ipursuant to Section b4.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(S) of Minn�sota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's la�d and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (lega description & streeth a�drhess� as described on attac e s ee Lots 10 & ].1 Block 81 St. Anthony Park � 2330-2338 Long Avenue froYn R�s-� Miil ti—F�mi i� District to _ • � District, for tha gurpose of installing, constructing and/or op rating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Of� Street Parkin� RECORD OW�iER SIGNA�'LJRE ' IAT BLOCK ADDITION &ubject Property: State of Minn Al1 o Lots 1 th u 5, incl . and except f o 6 Block 2 D.H. Hunt s Minn. Dept. of Transportatio � Secon Add, to S . Anthony Park Char}es Burrill , _ �istrir_t Engineer � �txte of Minnesota) ' 6I- 1 ) aQ County of Ramsey ) ', ' /�� � y r" `. �'"`'�"'`�ing first dul sworn, deposes and states that he is the person Who circulate the within petition con�isting of pages; thaG the parties descri.bed above are the owners respectively o� the lots placed immediately followir.q each nams; that each of the parties described� above is the owner of property which is within 1�0 feet fram aay property owned by af�Eiant or soZd by affiant within one (1} year preceding the date of this petition whic�t is contiguous to the property above describedj that none of the parties described� above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above� described property within one (1) year of the date of this petitioni that this petition was signed by each af said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signat res above are the true and correct sie,�natures of each and a17. of the parties so escri.bed. � , ,,,� � 2� , %�ic� Subscribed and sworn to before me Address: 25 . Fourth reet Rm. 1201 � � 7 a Telephon� No. 298-4105 this��'�day of � �. , Approved as to form 10-27-76 Offi.ce of the City Atto�-ney Wotary Public, Rasnsey °:y .cotnrn'ission e.cpires �� � cS�a2orz c3finc�a !� '� NOTARY PUBUC-MiNNESOTA � R:4MSEY COUNTY � , MY commiuion expires Dec. 11, 1985 � � . g�`.��"�" � T �� �� � ��� CITY OF SAZNT P L, MIM�ESOTA � FETITZON TO AMEND CtiAPTERS 60 thrtl 64 �JF THE LEGISLATZVE (20*IING) COO� , . � t' Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezdning °.�i�1. be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to th proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that ef ect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. Fo further information about the reaoning of _____��__ __>> �L., �,..,s.,.. Cn,.tir." nf tl,n 1� irv Plnnnino nffice_ 298-4154. �I �'i_�:F"'��"� ��o.� �'L � V'O..J tY` �•-� That part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accord ng to the recorded plat thereof, contained w thin the following described line: Beginning at the e sterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 3 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for earing, 143.33 feet along the southeas erly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly from the southwesterly line of said Lot 1 ; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 secon s West, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minu es 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the ortheasterly line of said Lot 11; therrc South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 1 7.96 feet along the ` northeasterly line of said Lots ll and 10 to the point of be inning. I � I , _ • i ` ' C�( �_� �' � � , CITY OF SAINT P1�UL, t4ZMJESOTA PETITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 !OF THE LEGISIATIVE (ZONING) GOD: ,���w�`�y?��� That part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, accord ng to the recorded plat thereof, contained w thin the following described line: Beginning at the e sterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 3 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for earing, 143.33 feet along the southeas erly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly from the southwesterly line of said Lot 1 ; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 secon s West, 212.57 feet along said paralle line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minu es 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the ortheasterly line of said Lot 11; thenc South 53 degrees � 21 minutes East, 1 7.96 feet along the northeasterly line of said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of be inning. �, � i I � . , botary� Public, Rzursey ;".y comtn'ission expires .�"`"'� cS'�iazon c�finc�s : �`��� NOTARY PUBLIC—MiNNE50TA � - . � • . RAMSEY COUNTY � MY�ommiseion explres Dec. 11, 1985 s\ t . �' � �. ) �J � � � ,..i r. • CITY OF SAINT PbUL, MIMIESOTA PETITION TO AMEN� CHAPTERS 60 thru 64'� OF THE LEG2SLATIVE (ZO'_dING) COD� hote: Before the petitioner's proposal for rez�oning wi�i be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to tt�e proposed change. Before signing the net�tinn r.�hich is a statement to that e fer_t_ the siQner shntild he uraarP nf ,�sps nar_ � � _. , . �,"��^,�� �^ � �. �� s a_ .. ....f _..f .�...� �r;,,.. �-� . That part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, accord ng to the recorded plat thereof, contained w thin the following described line: Beginning at the e sterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 3 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for earing, 143.33 feet along the southeas erly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly from the southwesterly line of said Lot 1 ; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 secon s West, 212.57 feet along said paralle line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minu es 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the ortheasterly line of said Lot 11; therrc South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 1 7.96 feet al.ong the northeasterly line of said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of be inning. � I , i I � I � ' ' . �J RAMSEY COUN7Y ' , �,Ay commiuion expires Dec. 11, 1985 � � � � . ����� I 1 CITY OF SAINT PA�IL, t4IM1ESOTA PfiTITZON TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 bF THE LEGISLATZVE (ZO*IING) GOD� ; - i I . Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rez�ning wi�1 be considered by the City of Saint � Paul, property owners must consent to th proposed change. Before signing the ..e�i�-�...,� ..L.;..1. �fo o �+t�tn�nnwl- tn tl�nt n� nnt t�n c-iar�or �hn..l.1 ]�.0 fl�.»rn �� ..�oe nnr� `' " � � � �� � � That part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, accord'ng to the recorded plat thereof, contained w'thin the following described line: Beginning at the e sterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 3 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for earing, 143.33 feet along the southeas erly line of said Lot 10, � to a line parallel with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterl from the southwesterly line of said Lot 1 ; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seco s West, 212.57 feet along said parall 1 line; thence North 29 degrees 16 min tes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the northeasterly line of said Lot 11; then e South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 77.96 feet along the ' northeasterly lin of said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of b ginning. I I I� I , ��� RAMSEY COUNTY f ' � MY�ommiasion expires Dec. 11, 1985 f � � ? � � ' ; V`A �I � jl CITY OF SAINT P1�UL, MIM�ESOTA PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64;OF THE LEGISLATZVE (ZO*IING) GOD� tiote: Before the petitioner's proposal for rez nin� �:�i�i be considered by the City o€ 5aint � Paul, property owners must consent to t proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that ef ect, the signer should be aware of uses per- nitted under the new classification. Fo�r further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of thd City Planning Office, 298-4154. �rr+ mirr. trn�innenT o uAVAD AU71 (`TTV f`(liTtS(`TT. � i � ._ � �.� �.�. �_� That part of Lots 1 and 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accor ing to the recorded plat thereof, contained ithin the following described line: Beginning at the sterly corner of said Lot 10; thence Sauth 6 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bearing, 143.33 feet along the southeasterly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterl from the southwesterly line of said Lot 1 ; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seco s West, 212.57 feet along said parall 1 line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minutes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the ortheasterly line of said Lot 11; thenc South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 1 7.96 feet al,ong the " northeasterly lin of said Lots� 11 and 10 to the point of b inning. I I � I i I . i I ; ; i ; � . Y , ' ° i I CITY OF SAINT P UL, MIN2IESOTA PETZTZON TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISIATZVE (ZO'_�IIHGj COD� tiote: Before the petitioner's proposal for re oning °�i�i be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to t e proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that e fect, the signer should be aware of uses per— nitted under the new classification. F r further information ahout thP re�ontnv �f That part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, contained within the following described line: Beginning at the e sterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 3 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for earing, 143.33 feet along the southeas erly line of said Lot 10, �o a line parallel with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly from the southwesterly line of said Lot 1 ; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 secon s West, 212.57 feet along said paralle line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minu es 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the ortheasterly line of said Lot 11; thenc South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 1 7.96 feet along the northeasterly line of said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of be inning. I , I � I _ i I I I r mr����sswn expires Uec. 11, 1985 j i - - - - ti . � �,� � CITY OF SAZNT P�UL, t4ZM�ESOTA PETITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64' OF THE LEGZSLATIVE (ZO*tING) COD� Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rez�oning wi�i be considered by the City o£ Saint Pa»1 .,,-n.,orrv nw,ers mi�st consent r.o r_ nronosed chanQe. Refore siQninQ the That part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accord'ng to the recorded plat thereof, contained 'thin the following described line: Beginning at the sterly corner of said Lot 10; thenc�e South degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for earing, 143.33 feet along the southeas erly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterl from the southwesterly line of said Lot 1 ; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seco s West, 212.57 feet along said parall 1 line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minutes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the northeasterly line of said Lot 11; thence South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 77.96 feet along the � northeasterly 1in of said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of b ginning. I . I I I I :zy commxssivc• expires .R. •�,•��•,,• ••,•.....� � .i s� NOtARY FUBLIG—MINNESOU �`� RAMSEY COUNTY ' My commission expires Dec.11,1985 ' .�. .. � , , a • CITY OF 5AINT P�AUL, t4YM�ESOTA PET2TZON TO AMENO CHAP2ERS 60 thru 6� OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) COD� � _ i tiote: Before the petitioner's proposal for re onin� ai�i be considered by the City of Saint � Paul, property owners musC consent to t e proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that e fect, the signer should be aware of uses per— That part of Lots 1 and 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accor ing to the recorded plat thereof, contained ithin the following described line: Beginning at the asterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 6 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bearing, 143.33 feet along the southea terly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterl from the southwesterly line of said Lot 0; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seco ds West, 212.57 feet along said parall 1 line; thence North 29 degrees 16 min tes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the northeasterly line of said Lot 11; then e South 53 degrees f 21 minutes East, 77.96 feet along the northeasterly lin of said Lots I1 and 10 to the point of b ginning. I I . �I i � . � �� RAMSEY COUNTY , " MY commission expires Dec. 11,1985 ► I � , � I That part of Lots 1 and 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accor ing to the recorded plat thereof, cantained ithin the following described line: Beginning at the asterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 6 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bearing, 143.33 feet along the southea terly line of said Lot 10, to a line paralle with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterl from the southwesterly line of said Lot 0; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seco ds West, 212.57 feet along said parall 1 line; thence North 29 degrees 16 min tes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the northeasterly line of said Lot 11; then e South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 77.96 feet along the northeasterly lin of said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of b ginning. , I . � I � I , , I i � i , -, . � . , CITY OF SAYNT P UL, t4IM1ESOTA PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGZSLATIVE (20!�IZNG) COD� Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rez ning wi�i be considered by the Cfty of Saint � Paul, property owners must consent to th proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that ef ect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. Fo� further information about the razoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the� City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL �te= April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance s�ates that 67% of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the propo ed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners wit�iin 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall�, consider the proposal. However, when the o�.mer of said property has ow:ied for any time i the past year additional real estate contiguaus to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the p�operty owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. �Pursuant to Section 64.21U of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minn sota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's la d and hereby petition your Honorable Body. to rezone the following described property: (lega description & street address) as described on attached sheet Lots 10 & 11 Block 81 St. Anthony Park / 2330-2338 Long Avenue fzom Rrt-� M>>1 t,j—Fam�, District to . _ Distrfct, for thn purpose of installinq, constrncting and/or a ratinq the following: (descri�e briefly the proposed facility) Of Street Parking RECORD OWNER SIGNATiJRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: r ' � �. �Las..:� � �G 1 . 4332 Cottage Park Rd. ) < Lot 8 and all o Lot 7, Block 81, S�ate of Minnesota) � zy-z � $� i Counky of Ramsey ) ' - r . eing first du sworn, deposes and states that he is the p rson who circu ted the within petition co isting of pages; tha.t the parties described above are the owners respectively f the lots placed immediately following each name; that each of the parties descri.be above is the o�.mer of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by a fiant or soZd by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition whi is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties describe above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiquous to the abov described property within one (1) year of the date of this petitionj that this petitio�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signa res above are the true and correct sic,�natures of each and all of the parties so klescribed. , � ; Z Subscribed and swozn to before me Address: 25 W. Fourth reet Rm. 1201 Telephona No. 298-4105 this��day of '? . , Approved as to form 10-27-76 Office �f the City Atto�-r.ey Notary Public, Rau�sey :�y commission expires .�°� �S�azon c�{inda �--`£�m NOTARV FUBLIC—MiNNESOTA s �t" RAMSEY COUNTY � _ My commission expires Dec. 11, 1985 . ' f CITY OF SAINT PIAUL, ldIM1ESOTA PETITION TO AMEN� CHAPTERS 60 thru 6 OF THE LEGISLATZVE (ZO'_VING) COD� . Ivote: Before the petitioner's proposal. for re�onin� �:�i�i be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to t�}e proposed ch�nge. Before signing the petition which is a statewent to that e$fect, the signer should be aware of uses per— miftPri �m�lor thp neor riacctfiratinn_ F r f,�rthor infnrm�t�i�n si,.+.+r *t.e ,-e.,.,.+�,..� ..a That part of Lots 1 and 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, accor ing to the recorded plat thereof, contained ithin the following described line: Beginning at the asterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 6 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bearing, 143.33 feet along the southea terly line of said Lot 10, to a line paralle with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterl from the southwesterly line of said Lot 0; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seco ds West, 212.57 feet along said parall 1 line; thence North 29 degrees 16 min tes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the northeasterly line of said Lot 11; then e South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 77.96 feet al.ong the northeasterly lin of said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of b ginning. I I i j � �' . j My commiss�on expues uec. n, IYSS , _ , , � CITY OF $AINT UL, l4INtJE50TA PETSTZON TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGZSLATIVE (ZO*IING) GOD� Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for re onin� �:�i�i be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to t e proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that e fect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. F r further informa.tion about the rezoning of � =-, _ That part of Lots 1 and 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accor ing to the recorded plat thereof, contained ithin the following described line: Beginning at the asterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 6 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bearing, 143.33 feet along the southea terly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterl from the southwesterly line of said Lot 0; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seco ds West, 212.57 feet along said parall 1 line; thence North 29 degrees 16 min tes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the northeasterly line of said Lot 11; then e South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 77.96 feet al;ong the r northeasterly lin of said Lots ll and 10 to the point of b ginning. �' I " i . . � � - � . . Mv com�m»w„o..r��,...�.-.�.,..w T . ' i ' i • I r I CITY OF SAINT AUL, MZM7ESOTA PETITZON TO AMEND CKAPTERS 60 thru 6 OF THE LEGISIIITZVE (ZO*IING) COD� � i That part of Lots 1 and 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, accor ing to the recorded plat thereof, contained ithin the following described line: Beginning at the asterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 6 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bearing, 143.33 feet along the southea terly line of said Lot 10, to a line paralle with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterl from the southwesterly line of said Lot 0; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seco ds West, 212.57 feet along said parall 1 line; thence North 29 degrees 16 min tes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to theinortheasterly line of said Lot 11; then�e South 53 degrees f Z1 minutes East, 77.96 feet along the northeasterly lin� of said Lots ll and 10 to the point of b ginning. �I � �I i � � � i I � , I , ' � , Notary Public, Ra�rsey , _ . :�y. cotnmission expiras ���:� `� Q7O� �inc�i �5�� NOTARYPUBLIC-MMNESOTA . � RAMSEY COUNTY • My commiuion sxpires Dec, 11, ]9g� ' . � � . CST': OF SAINT P�AUL, t4IM1£SOTA , PETZTZON TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64I OF THE LEGZSIATZVE (ZO'_�1ZNG) COD° . . . . . Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for re�oning •�i�1 be considered by the Ci,ty of Saint . . - - - - - - . .. _ l � That part of Lots 1 and 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accor ing to the recorded plat thereof, contained ithin the following described line: Beginning at the asterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 6 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bearing, 143.33 feet along the southea terly line of said Lot 10, to a line paralle with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterl from the southwesterly line of said Lot 0; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seco ds West, 212.57 feet along said parall 1 line; thence North 29 degrees 16 min tes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the northeasterly line of said Lot 11; then e South 53 degrees � 21 minutes East, 77.96 feet along the northeasterly lin of said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of b ginning. , � I i j � � rty .cc�cisc+�ssion expires . a""� � cS�azon c�ftr�da � __ . � �: NOTARY W1BUG-MWNESOTA ♦ � RAMSEY COUNTY + , . . MY commiysion expires Dec. 11, 1985 � . . 'i ' � j CITY OF SAINT P�1UL, MIM�ESOTA PETITZON TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATZVE (ZO*1ING) GOD� � i Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for re�onin� ai�i be considered by the City of Saint ' � Paul, property owners must consent to t e proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that e fect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. F r further information about the rezoning of -------�-- --�� ..t__ •s,._a.�.. e�,.*.s.... ..F rl..,f !�{t.. Dla..,��1.,n (1fFi�o 7�f2_GlS4 That part of Lots 1 and 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accor ing to the recorded plat thereof, contained ithin the following described line: Beginning at the asterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 6 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bearing, 143.33 feet along the southea terly line of said Lot 10, to a line paralle with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterl from the southwesterly line of said Lot 0; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seco ds West, 212.57 feet along said parall 1 line; thence North 29 degrees 16 min tes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the northeasterly line of said Lot 11; therr e South 53 degrees � 21 minutes East, 77.96 feet along the � northeasterly lin of said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of b ginning. ; � � I I i j � � CITY OF SAINT UL, ldIMtESOTA PETITZON TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGZSLATZVE (ZO*IING) �:OD� Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rea�onin� �:�i�i be considered by the City of Saint -� , That part of Lots 1 and 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accor ing to the recorded plat thereof, contained ithin the following described line: I I Beginning at the asterly corner af said Lot 10; thence South 6 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bearing, 143.33 feet along the southea terly line of said Lot 10, to a line paralle with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterl from the southwesterly line of said Lot 0; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seco ds West, 212.57 feet along said parall 1 line; thence North 29 degrees 16 min tes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the northeasterly line of said Lot 11; then e South 53 degrees � 21 minutes East, 77.96 t"eet along the northeasterly lin of said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of b ginning. � ,� , ; I • � I � :�:y commission expires � �"`;� cS�azon c3ftnd� °=-� NOTARY PUBLIC-M�NNESOTA �" RAMSEY COUNTY ` �.ti :ommission expires Dec. 11, 1985 - i � I . + , , � • CITY OF SAINT �AUL, t4IMlESOTA PETITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 6�t OF THE LEGZSIATZVE (ZONING) GOD� !I � . i . hote: Before the petitioner's proposal for r�oning Ni�i be considered by the Cfty of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to t e proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that e�ffect, the .signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. Fror further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of thje City Planning Office, 298-4154. That part of Lots 0 and 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, acco ding to the recorded plat thereof, contained within the following described line: Beginning at the easterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis fo bearing, 143.33 feet along the southe sterly line of said Lot 10, to a line parall 1 with and distant 2.00 feet northeaster y from the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 sec nds West, 212.57 feet along said paral el line; thence North 29 degrees 16 mi utes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to th northeasterly line of said Lot 11; ther�ce South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 177.96 feet along the northeasterly lir�e of said Lots ll and 10 to the point of �eginning. i � , i I i i � � � . � i CITY OF SAINT AUL, MIMIESOTA PETITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 6I4 OF THE LEGISIATZVE (ZO'_JING) COD� � _ I Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for r zoning ai�i be considered by the City of Saint � Paul, property owners must consent to he proposed change. Before signing the I That part of Lots 1 and 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, accor ing to the recorded plat thereof, contained ithin the following described line: Beginning at the asterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 6 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bearing, 143.33 feet along the southea terly line of said Lot 10, to a line paralle with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterl from the southwesterly line of said Lot 0; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seco ds West, 212.57 feet along said parall 1 line; thence North 29 degrees 16 min tes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the northeasterly line of said Lot 11; then e South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 77.96 feet a1.Qng the northeasterly lin of said Lots ll and 10 to the point of b ginning. ' � �,I �I I i � � �--�} NOTARY DUBUC-MiNNESOT^ � . • RAMSEY COUNTY � Mv commission expires Dec. 11, 1985 . i � � ' I CITY OF SAINT �AUL, l4IM�ESOTA PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thrtt 6I4 OF THE LEGZSIATIVE (ZO'_�IIIYG) COD� That part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accord ng to the recorded plat thereof, contained w thin the following described line: Beginning at the e sterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 3 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for earing, 143.33 feet along the southeas erly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly from the southwesterly line of said Lot 1 ; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 secon s West, 212.57 feet along said paralle line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minu es 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the ortheasterly line of said Lot 11; thenc South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 1 7.96 feet along the northeasterly line of said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of be inning. ; I � I . i I � , Notary Public, Ramsey �!y cotnmission expires °°�.� �S�azor, afinda �C NOTARY PUBLIG-MiNNE501A � RAMSEY COUNTY W1y commiasion expires Dec. 11,1985 ' � ' � I CITY OF SAINT IPAUL, 11IMtESOTA PETITION '1'O AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru �4 OF THE LEGISLATZVE (ZO*IING) COD� I _ i 2vote: Before the petitioner's proposal for r�zoning �:�i�i be considered by the City of Saint � Paul, property owners must consent te ho rY������ _�__ _ - - That part of Lotcor inndtolthel�eca$dedsplat Anthony Park, ac 9 thereof, contained ithin the following described line: Beginning at the asterly corner of said Lot lOs thence South 6 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bearing, 143.33 feet along the southea terly line of said Lot 10, to a line paralle with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterl from the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 sec nds West, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 mi utes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to th northeasterly line of said Lot 11; the ce South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 177.96 feet al,ong the � northeasterly li e of said Lots 11 and 10 to the paint of eginning. � �I � . i _ 'I , . �� � .�,�,,, � � ��,� .� RAMSEY COUNTY My commiasion expires Dec. il, 1985 • . . That part of Lots 1 and 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, accor ing to the recorded piat thereof, contained ithin the following described line: I Beginning at the asterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 6 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bearing, I43.33 feet along the southea terly line of said Lot 10, to a line paralle with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterl from the southwesterly line of said Lot 0; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seco ds West, 212.57 feet along said parall 1 line; thence North 29 degrees 16 min tes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the northeasterly line of said Lot 11; then e South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 77.96 feet along the northeasterly lin of said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of b ginning. I i I � ; � ; I � ! i I � � i < < _ - � . . � CITY OF SAINT I PAUL, t1IMJESOTA PETITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru �4 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO'_VING) COD� �, I tiote: Before the petitioner's proposal for r zonin� �ai�i be considered by the City of Saint � Paul, property owners must consent to he proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that ffect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. or further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of t e City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL pate: April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota I . Section b4.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinancelstates that 67% of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the pro osed rezoning. Section 4b2.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners w thin 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning �zust give written consent before the City sha 1 consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent: Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Mi esota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitivner's and and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (le aI description & street addr ss as described on attached s�ee� Lots 10 & 11 Bloek 81 St. Anthony Parl� / 2330-2338 Long Avenue fro�e R�.t-� Mniti—Fami.lv Distric� to . _ District, for thd purpos� of installing, constructing and/or o eratinq the following: (descrire briefly the proposed facility) ff Street Parking RECQRD QWNER SIGNA�TiJRE � LOT BI�OCK ADDITION Subject Property: � City of St. Pau : P aygroun s y 2 o un ree vaca e a �o�ning and L ts 1 to 10 inclusive, Block 1, Re in . . un s i �on . n ony Park � �,� _ � � State of Minnesota) ' ia -io � g� �' Covnt of Ramsey ) - r,� _ I r •- __�_ ,._____ _ f _, ti' �-�- being first du�y sworn, de,poses and states t:�at he is the person w circu ted the within petition co�sisting of paqes; tha.t the parties described above e the owners respectively f the lots placed immediately following each name; that each of the parties descri.be above is the owner of property which is within I00 feet fram any property owned by a fiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition whi h is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties describe above has purchased or is purchasing propezty from affiant contiquous to the abov� described property within one (1) year of the date of this Petitiors; that this cetitio��was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signa ures above are the true and correct sic�natures of each and all o£ the parties sojdescribed. � ' � Subscribed and sworn to before me Address: 25 . Fourth treet Rm. 12Q]. II Telephone No. 298-4105 thf s�_day of � � �' i Approved a� Lo form 10-27-76 . " �.A��.�f����,���n�ity Atto�-ney : �¢�AREfARA HOUGNTELIN Notary Public, Raznsey ounty, Mir.n. ;`•,����.N�tary Public, Rarnsey Co., Mrv � `'V�' Y Commission Explres ^!j cOfimzBSiOn exp3.L'es July 20, 1983 � Y1CVY'd'YYKI/YVSNWVVI/JR • � � t � . ,� . . — .�'I!w/;r.�t�.!�. ;S, ♦��.... .l,y�.�.�,.. • ��.l� ' ...c�.i:k' ) S ��-'. ,�_ �� fi�`t �i - �.<.. ,,.:� � ` .. . . .Y�, , '���... - • I � I I � �i � �� ''l 'i ' That part of Lots� IO and 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, accbrding to the recorded plat thereof, containe� within the following described line: 'I ; , � Beginning at th easterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis fo bearing, 143.33 feet along the southe sterly line of said Lot 10, to a line parall 1 with and distant 2.00 feet northeaster y from the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 sec nds West, 212.57 feet along said parall 1 line; thence North 29 degrees 16 min tes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the northeasterly line of said Lot 11; then e South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 77.96 feet along the northeasterly lin of said Lots ll and 10 to the point of b ginning. '� �I � �,I I , �, 'I I � ;i , I i I ; i � i ii � ,� . ,I �I I � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, RINt1ESOTA PETITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 t2tru 64 OF E LEGZSLATIVE (ZO*tING) GOD£ Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin � ai�i be considered by the City of Saint � Paul, property owners must consent to the pro osed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For fur�ther informa.tion about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the CityiPlanning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL pate= April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states� that 671� of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed r zoning. Section 462.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 1 0 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall cons der the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the�past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the proper y owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursj�ant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of MinnesotajStatutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land an�i hereby petition your Honorable Body. to rezone the following described property: (legal des ription & street address) as d scribed on attached sheet Lots 10 & 11 Block 81 St. Anthony Park / 23 0-2338 Long Avenue �x�_RM-� Miil tj—Fami 13r Distsict to_p_ District, f01r thH purpose of installinq, constructing and/or operat' g the fo3lowing: (desczibe briefly the proposed facility) Off Str�eet Parkin� RECORD OWNER SIGNA'TURE ' LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: ots 1 thru 13, Block 72, St. Anthony on Chemical Com an Park dd. � 2313 Wycl i ff St. v� �„��� f , State of Minnesota) 2� 3 ) se County of Ramsey ) � __ � ' eing f�.rst duly swo�n, deposes and states that he is the person w o circu ted the within petition consisti�g of vages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the'llots placed immediately following each name; that each of the parties described abovl� is the owner of property which is within I00 feet fzom any property owned by affiant or sold by affian� within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is ontiquous to the property above �described; that none of the parties described abov has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above desc�ribed pronerty within one (1) year of the date of this petitionj that this petition�was �igned by each of said owners in the. presence of this affiant, and that the signatures ove are the true and correct sic�natures of each and all of the parties so descr�bed. ,L'� � . .��. Subscribed and swozn to befoze me Ad ess: 25 W. Fo th Street Rm. i201 Tel�phons No. 298-4105 thi.s�day of ,/�'71 ' App oved as to form 10-27-76 �' `� �/ ,�t �eQ��i����+�ty Atto�-ney " � BARBAR HOUGHTELtN Htitary Public, Ramsey County, Mir_n. �� Notary Pubic, RamSeyCo., MN My Corn ission Expires :'�� CQitV�113510C1 expires �uiy io, 1983 s' vYM1NWlV W W�NV1M■ • . _.. :�.. ��, , . }. :�� y :r�•' ����1 T�: .. . M..� �� �� � . .��, '� e,l c ... ::e� . .. � . � . ..., . :. . .. . . . `�"�'�..w. i : , : i, CI1'X OF SAINT PAUL, t4IM�£SOTA PETZTION TO AMENO CHA�T� 60 thrtt 64 OF E LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) COD� �' -ai�i be considered by the City of 5aint oni e riote: Before the petitioner's proposal for rez � owners must consent to the p oposed change. Before signing t � Paul, property the signer should be aware of uses per- petition which is a statement to that effec . 298_4154. er the new classification. For f rtpianning Office�about the rezoning, a mitted und Section of the Ci y property, call the Zoning , .�,. mu� ununRAgLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � pa,tes April 6, 1979 _ '' .`_Y 1 � . . � ' That part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, contained within the following described line: Beginning at the ea terly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for b aring, 143.33 feet along the southeast rly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel ith and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly rom the southwesterly line of said Lot 10 thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 second� West, 212.57 feet along said parallel 'line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minut s 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the n rtheasterly line of said Lot 11; thence outh 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 177.96 feet along the northeasterly line o said Lots I1 and 10 to the point of begi ning. I � � �II � , .. . .,.., r.�: „'��7 ;. ,,.�' .. ... ..1� ��* . �'!•. ..�. .. . ,. � ' . .. 't - ' . ���'.`��R.�r.�.. i � � I . ., I CITY OF SAINT PAU�,, l4IMtESOTA I PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 O�' THE LEGISLATZVE (ZO*IING} COD� � hote: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezon n� wi�i be considered by the City of Saint � Paul, property owners must consent to the roposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effe t, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For urther information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the C�ty Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL `�__ _ ,_ _ ____ :-,,� That part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, according o the recorded plat thereof, contained withi the following described line: Beginning at the easte ly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 de rees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bear ng, 143.33 feet along the southeasterl line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel wit and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly fro the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; t ence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seconds W st, 212.57 feet along said para11e1 li e; thence North 29 degrees 16 minutes 4 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the nort easterly line of said Lot 11; thence So th 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 177.9 feet al,ong the northeasterly line of aid Lots 11 and 10 to the point of beginning. i I � I I ; �i - � !,, i � ., •:NA:•lr.+::.�`�",'�'�:, � • r. .�� 1' r. ' ��A�� - 's . -r�.,�::; � 1 , < , , '� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 4IMJESOTA PETZTION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF T�[E LEGZSLATIVE (ZONING) COD� Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin�ai�i be considered by the City of Saint � Paul, property owners must consent to the pro osed change. Before signing the - ' _� � statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- ^-r ���r her information about the rezoning of --• - �nst_4154. TO THE c/o tt� City c Secti� area Statu must ownei to t} pack, That part of Lots IO and Zoni Anthony Park Y1� B1ock 81, St. ro � acc rding to the recorded plat P P thereof, containe within the followin rezc described Tine: g frc Beginnin pu;± g at the easterly corner of said Lot (dE 10� thence South 36 degrees 39 assumed basis fo minutes West, along the southea terj�ng' 143.33 feet to a line paralle y line of said Lot 10, �L feet northeasterl from the southweste00 _ line of said Lot y 46 minues 30 seco ds WestCe North 18 degrees _ a�on9 said parall 1 line• � ZIZ'S7 feet 29 degrees 16 minutes 54� thence North 22•89 feet to the ortheaste�lys�Ene tof ; said Lot 11; thenc South 53 degrees � _ 21 minutes East, 1 7.96 feet alon northeasterly line of said Lots g the to the point of be inning, 11 and 10` I I � . � � I I •j � � , � � .a�:.,,�,,,;t,�+,,fi; • ;�,, a�.:. . ` b�:, . .�;, . �,-'` ,; � I � I • • . CITY OF SAZNT ''�PAUL, t4IM�ESOTA PETITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru �4 OF THE LEGZSLATZVE (ZO*l2NG) C:Op� i � - tiote: Before the petitioner's proposal for r�zoning �ii�3. be considered by the City of Saint � Paul, property owners must consent to �he proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that �ffect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. or further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of t e City Planning Office, 298-4154. I ' e ota ing = iguous � er That part of Lots 10 and 1 , Block 81 , St. to Anthony Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, contained within he following described line: Beginning at the easterl corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 degr es 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bearin , 143.33 feet � along the southeasterly ine of said Lot 10, to a line parallel with nd distant 2.00 _. feet northeasterly from he southwesterly line of said Lot 10; the ce North 18 degrees ._.. 46 minues 30 seconds Wes , 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North ._. 29 degrees 16 minutes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the northe sterly line of ,.._ said Lot 11; thence Sout 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 177.96 eet al.ong the .,,_ northeasterly line of said LotS 11 and 10 to the point of beginnin . _ , I I ___. __. i ; � ; � � - I � �,;��.�'ntt-"�� -w ��;.y Y, r Y�u���,an�r °�. � . .',;, . e �' �r �� r�f � . �sy �y '���t,.xb •- , . _ _ . .�sa'� . I t � � � I i � � � �, CZTY OF SAINT IPAUL, MIMJESOTA PETITZON TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 6I4 OF THE LEGISIATIVE (ZONI[YG) GOO� I Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for r zonin� Wi�i be considered by the City of Saint � Paul, property owners must consent to he proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that ffect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. or further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of t e City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL pate: A ril 6 1979 _ i_ �L_ ..:�__ ..,__,_ v,,,..., zu� r�t�, u��� P � , :a ►8 ;uou� � That part of Lots 10 and 1, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, according t the recorded plat thereof, contained within the following described line: Beginning at the easter y corner of said Lot - 10; thence South 36 deg ees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for beari g, 143.33 feet - along the southeasterly line of said Lot 10, _ to a line parallel with and distant 2.00 - feet northeasterly from the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; th nce North 18 degrees - 46 minues 30 seconds We t, 212.57 feet along said parallel lin ; thence North -- 29 degrees 16 minutes 5 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the north asterly line of - said Lot 11; thence Sou h 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 177.96 feet along the - northeasterly line of s id Lots 11 and 10 -t to the point of beginni�g. i � --- __.. ,I I � � I i i � r � k ` . .. � ,;. , •:,; ^r , �_ .. t ._ .:F ._ _ . � ,. r ��.�.�� �� - � . �� � c.�v�.�� �r o�a� a CITY OF SAZNT PAUL, t4IM�ESOTA � �7-3'-�� PETITION 20 AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thzu 64 OF E LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) GOD�����'�� � t , Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoni g �i�i be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the p oposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effec , the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For f rther information about the rezoninA �f property, call the Zoning Section o£ the Ci Planning Office- �IIfl "�� TO �HE HOI30RABLE MAYOR AND Cs'1'v ^^"'~- � c/o the C�+-- ^- � . � Block 81, St. � nd 11, recorded plat That part of �accordi 9 to the Anthony Park, hin the followin9 � thereof, contained wi F described line: � corner of said Lot Beg�nn�ng at the e sterly 39 m�nutes West, degrees feet 10; thence South 3 earing, 143.33 �, assumed basis for erly line of said�00 ld� along the southeas ��Stant °" to a line parallel fr m and rees the southwesterly feet northeasterl �� thence North feeteg '—' line of said Lot ds West, 212.57 46 minues 30 seco thence North said parall 1 line; East, — along min tes 54 secondsline of 29 degrees �0 th northeasterly -- 22,g9 feet South 53 degrees said Lot 11; the Ce feet al,ong the East, 177•96 and 10 21 m�nutes of said Lots I1 northeas oe nty of 1 e9�nn�ng. � to the p ' stat '� Coun' I � I � I perso: �, descr: � , each z � tirithin j Y�� P I descri, ' proper� the dat presenc sie�natu I Subscxi� this� ! � I u Notary Pu '�!y commis + . � � f . � . • � • � y CITY OF 5AIN PAUL, l4IMJESOTA „ PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thz'u 64 OF THE LEGZSLATIVE (20*IING) GOD� i � � '� S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for ezoning �ai�� be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signin� the ..e.�«;.._ _L:_L =- - ---• - - - __ . a & uous That part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, according o the recorded plat thereof, contained withi the following described line: Beginning at the easte ly corner of said Lot 1Q; thence South 36 de rees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bear ng, 143.33 feet along the southeasterl line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel wit and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly fro the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; t ence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seconds W st, 212.57 feet along said parallel li e; thence North i� 29 degrees 16 minutes �4 seconds East, 1 0 22.89 feet to the nort easterly line of ,s� said Lot 11; thence So th 53 degrees Ave 21 minutes East, 177.9 feet along the northeasterly line of said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of beginni g. �h j ine I ru �� tl o ,I I I I '� I I ..�:�.,.,.�vlA - . . . , � �� R,-.r✓i:;.i u::rvi; � , MY commission expir s Dec. 11, 1985� , . • i I � i , CITY OF SAIN PAUL, t1IMJESOTA „ PETITSON Z'O AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LBGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) GOO� � . ', f - � S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for �ezoning �:�iyl be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the � petition which is a statement to thatleffect, the signer should be aware of uses ver- mitted under the new C�2SSifir�t�^*+ �-- t -`' " - -._� � ous That part of Lots 10 an I1, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, contained within the following described line: Beginning at the east rly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 d rees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bea ing, 143.33 feet along the southeasterl line of said Lot 10, to a line para11e1 wit and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly fro the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; t ence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seconds W st, 212.57 feet r along said parallel li e; thence North 29 degrees 16 minutes 4 seconds East, � 22,89 feet to the nort easterly line of � said Lot 11; thence So th 53 degrees I`s 21 minutes East, 177.9 feet al,ong the northeasterly line of aid Lots 11 and 10 to the point of beginn ng. , , � . I i � I � � _ ��_ �i, ;�t35 ; f . , i -----�--� _ , .. � 5 CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, 1IM�ESOTA � FET2T20N TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thnt 64 OF E LEGZSLATIVE (20*IING) GOD� ; . � S ', Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin• �ai�i be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the pr�posed change. Before SlQnino r�.o petition which is a �r�*o•���� �- `L_. -- , Tt cl Ci Se ax , St mu ow to That part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 81, St. pa� Anthony Park, accord ng to the recorded plat Zo; pr� thereof, contained w'thin the following re; described line: �r, Beginning at the asterly corner of said Lot �,u. 10; thence South 6 degrees 39 minutes West, (d� assumed basis for bearing, 143.33 feet along the southea terly line of said Lot 1 , to a line paralle with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterl from the southwesterly S� line of said Lot 0; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seco ds West, 212.57 feet along said parall 1 line; thence North 29 degrees 16 min�tes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to thelnortheasterly line of said Lot 11; the e South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 177.96 feet along the _� northeasterly li e of said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of eginning. � � Stat '� Coun � �i pers desc. � each I t,rith: � � year desc� prQpE the c �rrese ��� sic�na --- Subsc this� . Notztr}, =�lY coR - . ; - _ � __ . _._ , >�:> � . . i . CSTY OF 5AINT AUL, MIM�ESOTA _ BETSTZON TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 6 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) GOD� . . t nt r— e ota .ing That part of Lots 10 and 1 , Block 81, St. Anthony Park, according to the recorded plat iguaus thereof, contained within he following ;ex described line: . to Beginning at the easterl corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 degr es 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bearin , 143.33 feet along the southeasterly ine of said Lot 10, to a line parallel with �nd distant 2.00 feet northeasterly from he southwesterly line of said Lot 10; thep�ce North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seconds Wes , 212.57 feet along said parallel lin ; thence North 29 degrees 16 minutes 5 seconds East, ""' 22.89 feet to the north sterly line of said Lot 11; thence Sout 53 degrees '��y 21 minutes East, 177.96 eet along the f� northeasterly line of said Lots ll and 10 Lot IO to the point of beginni g. � ..__ i � I ie �I zs � il I �f � r-- OI � _ Notary Public, R,a:nsey County, Mirx�. �, ,,� Y � � - _�1y cotnmission expires �.: ,` . • � My co missicr,ex � �.�.,. ��cs J � 11, 7:�� . _M_w^��r� CZTY OP SAIN'I' AUL, t1INt1ESOTA „ PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thzu 6 OF THE LEGISLA2IVE (ZO*IING) COO� . S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for r zoning �aiy1 be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to t e proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that e fect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. F r further information about the rezoning of pxoperty, call the Zoning Section of th City Planning Office, 298-4I54. ,_ That part of Lots 0 and 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, acco ing to the recorded plat thereof, contained ithin the following described line: Beginning at the asterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 6 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bearing, 143.33 feet along the southea terly line of said Lot 10, to a line paralle with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterl from the southwesterly line of said Lot 0; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seco ds West, 212.57 feet along said parall 1 line; thence North 29 degrees 16 min tes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the ortheasterly line of said Lot 11; thenc South 53 degrees � 21 minutes East, 1 7.96 feet along the northeasterly line of said Lots� ll and 10 to the point of be inning. ', i � ,I . I I � � CZTY OF SAINT PAUL, ! IM�ESOTA _ PET2TION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF E LEGISIATIVE (ZO*IING) COD� t ; � S I Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� a:�i be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the pro osed change. Before signing the � petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For fur her information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4I54. TO THE --- • . ., � �n�o . c/o th City o Sectic area t Statut mus t � owaer to th� packa Zonin Pr�Pe rezon That part of Lots ].0 and 11, Block 81 , St. �, Anthony Park, acc rding to the recorded plat thereof, containe within the following =rO"� described line: pnrp (des Beginning at the easterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 degrees 39 minutes West, S�,: assumed basis fo bearing, 143.33 feet along the southe sterly line of said Lot 10, to a line parall 1 with and distant 2.00 Ho feet northeaster y from the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; thence North 18 degrees q� 46 minues 30 sec�nds West, 212.57 feet along said paral el line; thence North St 29 degrees 16 mi utes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to th northeasterly line of said Lot 11; the ce South 53 degrees \ —► 21 minutes East, 177.96 feet along the northeasterly line of said Lots 11 and 10 — to the point of ginning. sta Coc I Pe3 I de: eae wii ye� �e; j � pr� �, th� 'i Pr � si ; � Sv tt NI :�fi CITY OF 5AZNT UL, MZM�ESOTA „ PETIT=ON TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thxtt 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) G00� I�� . , � S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for re oning �:���1 be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to t e proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that e fect, the sigler should be aware of uses per- - ' -'--- *t+e new classification. F r further information about the razoning of � `i ' ^;*•• pl annin� Of f ice� 298-4154. T� c C S � � t _ � That part of Lots 0 and I1, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, acco ding to the recorded plat thereof, contained within the following described line: Beginning at the asterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 6 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bearing, 143.33 feet along the southea terly line of said Lot 10, to a line paralle with and distant 2.p0 feet northeasterl from the southwesterly line of said Lot 1 ; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 secon s West, 212.57 feet along said paralle line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minu es 54 seconds East, 22•89 feet to the ortheasterly line of said Lot 11; thenc South 53 degrees ° 21 minutes East, 1 7.96 feet al.ong the northeasterly line f said Lots� 11 and 10 to the point of beg'nning. � ,I� , I I . �� . I, - I � � , - r C2TY OF SAINT AUL, MIM�ESOTA _ PETITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 6 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*JIMG) GOD� . t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for re oning �:�i�i be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to t e proposed change. Before signing the _^«�*{�ri which is a statement to that e fect, the signer should be aware of uses per— - "'--�;^*+- F r further inform.ation about the rezoning af --• �oQ_�Z54_ That part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accord ng to the recorded plat thereof, contained w thin the following described line: Beginning at the ea terly corner of said Lot 1Q; thence South 36 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for b aring, 143.33 feet along the southeast rly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel ith and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly rom the southwesterly line of said Lot 10 thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seconds West, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minute 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the no theasterly line of said Lot 11; thence outh 53 degrees � 21 minutes East, 177 96 feet along the northeasterly line o said Lots I1 and 10 to the point of begi ning. � i I � I I � CZTY OF 5AINT P UL, MIM�ESOTA „ PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thzu 64 F THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*ILIVG) COD� S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rez ing °ai�I be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that eff ct, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the ity Planning Office, 298-4154. That part of Lots 1 and 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accor ing to the recorded plat thereof, contained ithin the following described line: Beginning at the e sterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 3 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for earing, 143.33 feet along the southeas erly ]ine of said Lot 10, to a line parallel with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly from the southwesterly line of said Lot 1 ; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 secon s West, 212.57 feet along said paralle line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minu es 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the ortheasterly line of said Lot 11; thenc South 53 degrees r 21 minutes East, 1 7.96 feet along the northeasterly line f said Lots ll and 10 to the point of beginning. � I i i i I I I . . , , CITY OF SAZNT AiJL, t1IM�ESOTA � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thxtt 6 OF THE LEGISLAT2VE (20!UING) GOD� I ' � � S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for re oning °:�i�l be considere3 by the City of Saint �---� --�ror*v owners must consent to t e proposed change. Before signing the - • ---- -L--.,�a �,o ��,�re of uses per- That part of Lots 1 and 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, accor ing to the recorded plat thereof, contained ithin the following described line: Beginning at the e sterly corner of said Lot � 10; thence South 3 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for earing, 143.33 feet along the southeas erly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly from the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 second West, 212.57 feet i' along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minut s 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the n rtheasterly line of said Lot 11; thence South 53 degrees � i 21 minutes East, 177.96 feet along the northeasterly line o said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of begi ning. � ' ; I I . � !, �� � 'i I I :1y commissioa expires - - � ,.. My commission e p�res Uec. 11,�1�985 f _K_ �• . l CZ1'Y OP SAZNT PAUL, t IM�ESOTA _ PETST20N TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thrtt 64 OF E LEGISLATIVE (ZO*1ItlG) GOO� � � � S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning °:�i�� be considered by the City of Saint F --- ^�••Q* ronsent to the pro osed change. Before signing the j - '--- °w+.�7 d be aware of uses per— I � TO THE c/o the City of Sectiot area t� -, Statut� must g owner That to. the part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 81, St. packag Anthony Park, acc rding to the recorded plat zoning thereof, containe within the following prope� described line: rezone Lc Beginning at the easterly corner of said Lot �� 10; thence South 36 degrees 39 minutes West, purpc assumed basis fo bearin (des� along the southe sterly line4of3saideLot 10, to a line parall 1 with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterl from the southwesterly S� 46nmin esa30 secolds thence North 18 degrees _,_, along said parall 1 1Wnet�thence7North 29 degrees 16 min tes 54 seconds East, _ 22•89 feet to the northeasterly line of said Lot 11; then e South 53 degrees ._` 21 minutes East, 77,g6 feet al.ong the northeasterly lin of said Lots ll and 10 to the point of b ginning. ` I S� i C� � I I � P� d� � e, w a I � t S � Notary Public, Ramsey wu�.�j , ____ �y commiasion expires - � My commissior�ex-rr; Lec. li, IY4;j ' • I ; . . CZTY OF SAINT PAU , MINt�ESOTA „ BETITZON TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 O THE LEGISIATIVE (ZO'.�IIHG) COD� . t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezon ng °:ri�1 be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the roposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effe t, the signer should be aware of uses per— mitted under the ne_� nl�ac3�4....�.�--_ _.__ __. _ . _ - - That part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, according t the recorded plat thereof, contained within the following described line: Beginning at the easter y corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 deg ees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for beari g, 143.33 feet along the southeasterly line of said Lot 10, ' to a line parallel with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly from the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; th nce North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seconds We t, 212.57 feet along said parallel lin ; thence North 29 degrees 16 minutes 5 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the north asterly line of said Lot 11; thence Sou h 53 degree5 21 minutes East, 177.96 feet along the northeasterly line of s id Lots 11 and 10 to the point of beginni g. I � i I I . . . �+^.,.,,,�+-..r�.'... . ... --�_�yL�. .._ � . . . . � . . � . � I CTTY OF SAINT PA L, MIMJESOTA „ BETITION TO AMEND CEiAPTERS 60 thru 64 F THE LEGISLATIVE (20NING) G'OD� � S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezo ing ai�l be considere3 by the City of Saint Yaul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that eff ct, the signer should be aware of uses per— ID�Ct2d »nrlur t?�a nam n1�uad r���,..r-- ^. -' • - - - Ta c/ Ci Se ar St .:_, mu ow to Pa� That part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 81, St. Zo� pr� Anthony Park, acc rding to the recorded plat re; thereof, containe within the following described line: tr PU Beginning at th easterly corner of said Lot �d 10; thence South 36 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis fo bearing, 143.33 feet along the southe sterly line of said Lot 10, to a line parall 1 with and distant 2.00 feet northeaster y from the southwesterly S� line of said Lot 10; thence North 18 degrees _ 46 minues 30 sec nds West, 212.57 feet along said paral el line; thence North _ 29 degrees 16 mi utes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to th northeasterly line of _ said Lot 11; the ce South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 177.96 feet along the _` northeasterly li e of said Lots� 11 and 10 to the point of eginning. — i � — i St i , Cc � �I Pe� I - I da '� eae I wit j y�� � dee I P� i the i pre sie� Sub thi ____ No t� �f � --�--�--�-�-�.._�� • ' ' CITY OF SA NT PAUL, MIMJESOTA _ pETITZON TO AMENO CEiAPTERS 60 th 64 OF THE LEGISIATIVE (ZO*1ING) GOD� . t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal fo rezoning °ai�1 be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent o the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to th t effect, the sigzer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification For further in£ormation ah�•'* -'-- ; of property, call the ZoninQ Serri�� - -• -- the �esota ;oning e ntiguous rger ul Block 81, St. That part of Lots 10 andto the recorded plat i to Anthony Park, according thereof, contained within he following described line: Beginning at the easter� es°39eminutes1Westt 10; thence South 36 deg 143.33 feet assumed basis for bearin ine of said Lot 10, alang the southeasterly to a line parallel with nd distant 2.00 _ feet northeasterly from he southwesterly line of said Lot lOc WeS �e2i2r57 feete9rees ! 46 minues 30 second� , thence North along said parallel lin , _,,,, 29 degrees 16 minutes 5 secondslinetof 22,89 feet to the north sterly _ said Lot 11; thence Sou h 53 degrees 21 minutes �aS�ine7of96 ideLots�ll and 10 -- northeaster y to the point of beginni g. _ ` ,I � • I I� � II ; ._� ,.�,Lw� . . .. . . . . , . . . .. s CITY OF 5AINT P UL, MIM�ESOTA � BETITION Z�0 AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thrtt 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*JING) COD� S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for xez ning °a��1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to th prop�sed change. Before signing the : petition which is a statement to that ef ect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. Fo further information about the rezoning of , � , � � - � 1 � That part of Lots 1 and 11, Block 81, St. 1 Anthony Park, accor ing to the recorded plat � thereof, contained ithin the following described line: � Beginning at the asterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 6 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bearing, 143.33 feet along the southea. terly line of said Lot 10, to a line paralle with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterl from the southwesterly line of said Lot 0; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seco ds West, 212.57 feet along said parall 1 line; thence North 29 degrees 16 min tes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the northeasterly line of said Lot 11; then e South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 77.96 feet al.ong the ` northeasterly lin of said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of b ginning. I . � . ' i, ' i + i l I , i 7 �I i 1 I '� - � Z , . - . . __.�.�.�yry��M� � • . . � • - � . � . . . � ' C2TY OF SAINT P U�,, MIMJESOTA _ PETITZON 2'O AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thzu 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IIt1G) COD� , . � Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rez ning °:�i�3. be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to th proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that ef ect, the sigzer should be aware of uses n�r— mitted under the new classification. Fo further infn�*�-- -' property, call the ZoninQ Sn^};-- " " �us Block 81, St. That part of Lots 10 andto the recorded plat Anthony Park, according thereof, contained within he followin9 described line: in at the easterl corner of said Lot Beginn 9 ees 39 minutes West, 10; thence South 36 de9 143.33 feet assumed basis for beari 9ine of said Lot 10, along the southeasterly . to a line parallel with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly from the southwesterlrees line of said Lot 10; th nce North 18 deg 46 minues 30 seconds We t� 212•57 feet • thence North along said parallel lin , seconds East, 29 degrees 16 minutes 5 line of 22,g9 feet to the north asterlY rees said Lot 11; thence Sou h 53 deg 21 mi nutes East, e�of96 i deLots�11 and 10 northeas oent o lbeginni �• to the p , , ; I " I I '� � �, � I �!� I ._....._�,� . : , CITY OF 5A NT PAUL, MIMIESOTA _ pETITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 th 64 OF TFiB LEGISIATIVE (20*JING) C00� � S Note: Before the petitfoner's proposal fo rezoning �a��l be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent o the proposed change. Before signing the � petition which is a statement to th t effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mit�ed under the new classification For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section o the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE AONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � patez Ap1^71 6, 1979 � c/o the Citv Clerk. Room 386 Citv Hall � " � �ta ':ng Lguou� :r � :o That part of Lots 10 an 11, Block 81 , St. Anthony Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, contained withi the following described 1ine: Beginning at the easte ly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 de rees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bear ng, 143.33 feet along the southeasterl line of said Lot 10, —"' to a line parallel wit and distant 2.00 - feet northeasterly fro the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; t ence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seconds W st, 212.57 feet '�" along said parallel li e; thence North 29 degrees 16 minutes 4 seconds East, "— 22.89 feet to the nort easterly line of said Lot 11; thence South 53 degrees —`� 21 minutes East, 177.96 feet along the northeasterly line of s id Lots 11 and 1Q to the point of beginni g. ,e :s � � � I I � I �f I i il . . CI1'Y OF SAINT PAU , MINtIESOTA _ PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thnt 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO�VING) GOD� . ,� � S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoni � �:�i�1 be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the p oposed change. Before signing the vetition which is a statement to that effec , the signer should be aware of uses .per- ' --- -�ee�-tfication. For f rther information about the rezoning of -- '_- nffice_ 298-4154. TO TH . c/o t ciey se�t: area Stat must owne to t zon An�t part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 81 pro� hony Park, acc rding to the recordedsplat rez� thereof, containe within the following described line: �r� pe� Beginning at the easterly corner of said Lot td� 10; thence South 36 degrees14g minutes West, assumed basis fo bearing, 3.33 feet along the southeasterly line of said Lot 10, to a line paralle with and distant 2.pQ ; feet northeasterl from the southwesterly _ line of said Lot 0; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seco ds West, 212.57 feet along said parall 1 line; thence North ' 29 degrees 16 min tes 54 seconds East, 22•89 feet to the ortheasterly line of said Lot 11; ther�c South 53 degrees � ! 21 minutes East, 1 7.96 feet along the northeasterly line of said Lots Il and 10 to the point of be inning. � I, , I � � I I � � I --. � CITY OF SAZNT P UL, MIM�ESOTA „ BL�T2TION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thnt 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) COD� t 1�tote: Before the petitioner's proposal for rez ning �:ri�1 be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to th proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that ef ct, the sigaer should be aware of uses per— mitted under the new classification. For further informa.tion about *�� ---- property, call the Zoning Section of *�� :`-- "' s art of Lots 10 and 11, Block 81 , St. That P according o the recorded plat Anthony Park, thereof, contained withi the follow�n9 described line: . Beginning at the easte ly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 ae,nQes143.33nfeet West, assumed basis for be gine of said Lot 10, along the southeasterl and distant 2.00 to a line parallel wit feet northeasterly fro the southwesterlrees ence North 18 deg line of said Lot 10; 212.5� feet 46 minues 30 seconds est'thence North along said parallel line; 29 degrees 16 minutes 54 secondslinetof 22,g9 feetltothence S uth553rdegrees said Lot 1 , 1��, 6 feet alang the _ 21 minutes East, northeasterly line ofisaid Lots 11 and 10 ' to the point of begin ing. I I . i i < , t Nt �S • ; I � _ - CZTY OF SA2NT P UL, MIMJESOTA _ PETITYON TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 F THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO'_VINGj COQ� . Nc�-- �-_-- -• - - - t Ta c/ ci Se ar S t, �� That part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 81, St. a� Anthony Park, acc rding to the recorded plat to thereof, containe within the following Pa� described line: Zo� Pr� re: Beginning at th easterly corner of said Lot 10; thence Sout 36 degrees 39 minutes West, !� assumed basis f r bearing, 143.33 feet along the south asterly line of said Lot 10, p`� to a line parallel with and distant 2.00 �d' feet northeaste ly from the southwesterly line of said Lo 10; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 3Q sec nds West, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North s� 29 degrees 16 mi utes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to th' northeasterly line of said Lot 11; the ce South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 177.96 feet along the � northeasterly li e of said Lots 11 and 10 _ to the point of eginning. � I St I I Co' 'i . I '� � de� eac i wit 'I yed I des � pro; � the pre. �� sic� Sub: thi� �.. _ -- --_ ..J �s�.�v_iiCj� � Y Notary Public, Ran+sey County, Mir.n. .,.;,,� � �y conuniasion expires .. . „ ;.;�� :��,u:r;; ��+h"r -�ommission e pl,es Dec. 11, 1465 : . • CITY OF SAI T PAUY., MIMIESOTA „ PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 th 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO'_VING) COD� � S Note: Before the pe[itioner's proposal for ezoning °ai�� be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the � petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be a��r� --r - mitted under the new classification_ ��- �---' - Dl^An[art., --" -' - r a . 8 aous That part of Lots 10 and Ol�hel0eco8dedsplat Anthony Park, according thereof, contained withi the following described line: at the easte y corner of said Lot geginning ees 39 minutes West, th 36 deg 10; thence Sou 143.33 feet assumed basis for beari 9ine of said Lot 10, along the southeasterly to a line parallel with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly from the southwesterlrees line of said Lot 10; th nce2�2r57 f�eteg 46 minues 30 seconds We t'thence North along said parallel lin , 29 degrees 16 minutes 5 seconds1Enetofi 22,gg feet to the north asterly said Lot 11; thence Sou h 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 177�f96 �de�Ots°lg and 10 northeasterly line to the point of beginni g- � � ', I � � i I 'I � � � ,y v;nmi55iDr.expir 5. Jet. 11, i5'6:i { � - � � � � ' +r�__..�.. rr�...���.�..:..,� • , CITY OF 5AIN PAUL, MIM�ESOTA „ BL�TITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thz'tt 64 OF TFiE L£GISLA'�IVE (ZO*II�lG) COO� � S Note: Before the petitioner`s proposal for ezoning °ai�l be considere3 by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effeet, the signer should be aware of uses per— - -�� ---•-- �__ F..,.r�,or information about the rezoning of That part of Lots 10 and I1, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, acc rding to the recorded plat thereof, containe within the following described line: � Beginning at th easterly corner of said Lot 10; thence Sout 36 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis f r bearing, 143.33 feet along the south sterly line of said Lot 10, to a line parall 1 with and distant 2.00 feet northeaster y from the southwesterly E line of said Lot 10; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 sec nds West, 212.57 feet along said paral el line; thence North I 29 degrees 16 mi utes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to th northeasterly line of said Lot 11; the ce South 53 degrees � R 21 minutes East, 177.96 feet along the northeasterly lin of said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of b ginning. i ' � � I i . I � � I I � i I I " CITY OF SA NT PAUL, t4IMJESOTA � PETITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 th 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) COQ� . S Note; Before the petitioner's proposal fo rezonin� °:���� bQ �`nna��ora� L_- <<- ��- - - - That part of Lots 1 and 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, accor ing to the recarded plat thereof, contained ithin the following described line: Beginning at the asterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 6 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bearing, 143.33 feet along the southeasterly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly from the southwesterly line of said Lat 1 ; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 secon s West, 212.57 f�et along said paralle line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minu es 54 seconds East, 22,89 feet to the ortheasterly line of said Lot 11; thenc South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 1 7.96 feet al.ong the northeasterly line of said Lots ll and 10 to the point of be inning. I �i i � �I � �, �I � ; � i I � i i � ,I I ..�cazy Yub11c, Ra.msey County, Mir.n. � . . :'''; � c%';,-�s . . � il..l � �y commission expires \t_j � v : ,a � . . �Y commrssi r�exp.eg V ��'1 � � 9 . _, .. .. -.. . ... �� '� Da�. li, fSty'$ f . ' ....r� CITY OF 5AINT PAUL t1IM1ESOTA pETITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEG2SLATIVE (ZO*IIiYG) C'OD� . r Note: I " ' --' t-- *�+p citv of Saint TO THl c/o tl City Secti area statt That part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 81, St. must Anthony Park, acc rding to the recorded plat owne� thereof, containe within the following to t1 described Tine: pack Zoni prOp Beginning at the easterly corner of said Lot sezc 10; thence South 36 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis fo bearing, 143,33 feet _� along the southe sterly line of said Lot 10, P� to a line parall 1 with and distant 2.00 �d� feet northeasterl from the southwesterly line of said Lot 0; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 seco ds West, 212,57 feet along said parall 1 line; thence North 29 degrees 16 min tes 54 seconds East, S� 22•89 feet to the northeasterly line o said Lot 11; thenc South 53 degrees f 21 minutes East, 1 7.96 feet al.ong the — northeasterly line of said Lots ll and 10 ` to the point of be inning. ; - i , i li i � i I , I I ,I I I .���A�,�l�.I-�.�..�.� r.. � w_y_... �.. Notary Publ3.c, Ra.nisey County, Mir.n. .l �' :^�,-; ��,--�1 . � �, ��� h i�L I ='!y commission expire9 \`=.'/ �-:��A n , � ��MY commission ex � �� `r � ,�� �res� De.. !l, )y�s S .: ^a i I That part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, acc rding to the recorded plat thereof, containe within the following described line: I � Beginning at th easterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 36 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis fo bearing, 143.33 feet along the southe sterly line of said Lot 10, to a line parall 1 with and distant 2.00 feet northeaster y from the southwesterly line of said Lot 10; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 sec nds West, 212.57 feet along said parall 1 line; thence North 29 degrees 16 min tes 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the northeasterly line of said Lot 11; then e South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 77.96 feet a1Qng the northeasterly lin of said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of b ginning. �'I � �, �';, I � �,I , � � � � I i � i �� I / � ���� ��� • : � That part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 81, St. Anthony Park, acco ding to the recorded plat thereof, contained within the following described line: Beginning at the asterly corner of said Lot 10; thence South 6 degrees 39 minutes West, assumed basis for bearing, 143.33 feet along the southeas erly line of said Lot 10, to a line parallel with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly from the southwesterly line of said Lot 1 ; thence North 18 degrees 46 minues 30 secon West, 212.57 feet along said parallel line; thence North 29 degrees 16 minut s 54 seconds East, 22.89 feet to the n rtheasterly line of said Lot 11; thence South 53 degrees 21 minutes East, 177 96 feet along the northeasterly line o said Lots 11 and 10 to the point of begi ning. � � � i - � � � � I lst � ':?�— �C� 2nd �� r— r �.� 3rd �' �� �� Adopted -� • " . Yeas Nays HUNT LEVINE ����� '- McMAHON . � � l � 7G' S SHOWALTER TEDESCO ' WILSON PRESIDENT (MADDOX) � f.',: