275553 WHITE - GTV CLERK ��y��� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL Council V CANARV - DEPARTMENT � � BI.UE - MAVOR File� NO. Counci es lu ' � Presented By Leonard W. Levine Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the United States House of Representatives is considering authoriza ion of funds for the Airport Development Assistance P ogram for 1981 which includes funds to carry out noise abatement projects; and WHEREAS, these fund� could be used in this area to encourage land planning nd development projects that would increase the noise compatibility of operations at Minneapolis-St. Paul Int�rnational Airport; and WHEREAS, use of the$e federal dollars would allow these activities to proc$ed at the expense of those who benefit from airport noi e and not add further burdens to those who suffer from�aircraft noise; so, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that thislCouncil expresses its support for the A.D.A.P. authorizati n bill as reported and opposes actions to reduce noise ompatibility funding; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, t at the City Clerk be directed to send copies of this� res lution to the Minnesota Congressional delegation COUNCILMEN Yeas Na s � Requested by Department of: utler �unt Za Levine In Favo[ Hun Maddox I.e ne McManon _ __ Against BY -- addox Showalter Showalter ' Tedesco p � Tedesc SEP � �9gU Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted ouncil: ate Ce �fied Yas• y Council etary BY [#pp by Ylavor: _�_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY p�$LISHED en�sr r.r�o�a�rws,s.a..awrt�.un � �� �j wuw�a M�aHUSOa.w�a+. Homv�F.u.�+oH,o�va. l � / ���� UIWTON CNILFB,FL.A. llTt V.DOMBNId.N.MmC. / JOSEMI R.�ID�i.JR..DR. �OS rACKWOOD,OR[O. � J.�/J�7Wt7T JOi1N8TON.Lh WIWAN L ARM87RON0.ODLO. �. JIM 6AfiCR.TElda. lUNCV WJDON KA83fflAUM.KANB. y.. OARY MART.OOLO. RUDY lOSCMWITZ�MINN. �����i� ��/7'�i'� �f�•FK�i� XOINARD M.MLTZEN�IWM,OF�IO ORRIN O.MATCF/.UTAti 1� �sv N• DONALD W.RIR�m JR.,MKN. LARRY rR68St.iR,3.DAK. ' auae��wn��cu rorw�uri,N.v. CONIMI7TEE ON THE BUDGET l..uMes ota�Mnn. aEOwos�.MITCX[LL,MAIl6 W/�gH�N6TON.D.C. 20510 JONN T.MC 6VOY,STAFF DIR[CTOR �� ROB6RT f.BOTD�MIlqRITY BTAFr DIRHC70R qctober 3, 1980 i i Rose Mix City Clerk City of St. Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Rose, Thank you for contacting me oncerning aircraft noise reduction legislation. I'm alway interested in and influenced by the views of Minnesotans, whic are often quite different from those I encounter out here. As you may know, funds for n ise abatement projects were not included in the Transportatio Appropriations Bill for Fiscal Year 1981. You can be ass red, however, that I will keep your views in mind as future legisl tion in this area comes before the Senate. i Again, thanks for taking tima t sh e with me the resolution adopted by the St. Paul City Coundi . Si cer y, u y Bos hwitz RB:mwm I � j r s • � � / ���`t� � ARLAN STANGELAND o�tces: Tn+D�srrt�cr,MumESOrw 1516 LON6WORTH HOUSE OFFIG6 BllILDINO WASHINaTOr�l,D.C. 2051$ eoMM�traes: . (202)225-2165 GOVERNMENT OPERATION3 tt tt }� PUBLIC WORKS AND O••���� O� ��' ••���� ��^��� M-F Buttan+c TRANSPORTATION � 403 Cer+rErt AVEnu6 �ou�e of � pre�eritati�eg M��,�,o.MINNESOTA 56560 � (218)239-8691 �����^������ ^0515 TOLL FRE6 NUMBER �IN MINNESOTA� Sep�embe 8, 1980 1-B00-432-3770 i Ms, Rose Mix City Clerk Bureau of Records 386 City Hall Saint Paul , Minnesata 55102 Dear Ms. Mix: Thank you for your letter and copy af a resolutian adqpted by the Saint Paul City Council opposing action tQ reduce np�se comp�tib�� lity funding and supporting the Airport QeYelopment �nd Asslstan�e Program for 1981. Z appreciate your taking the time tq provide me with this information. As you may know, H.R. 6721, the AirpQrt and Ait^ways �mprovement Act of 1980 is currently pending before the full House. You �an be �ssured that when this measure comes up for a vo e i will keep your views and suggestiqns in mind, particularly the ne�d for sufficient funding tQ carry aut noise abatement projects. With best regards, I remain Si e}�ely, _ 1 ,`,' p '" - ,> ; � �F �� � ' �IC L G.eC_., ��,.2� ���t�-' � _,s 1���� �'- � � Arlar� Stangeland , � l�emb�er of Congress I � I Sr✓� BILL FR . . �. �� � � ��' DiSTRICT OPFICESi THIRD DIfTRICT.MINN680TA MAYBETH CHRISTENSfiN . 180 FEDERAL BUILDII�Ni WABHINl3TpN OPFICE: M�NWEqppL�g S$AO� IOZB�.ONGWORTH BUILDIf�fi g�2�7Z�-Z�7g 202-225-28�1 o�gre�� of t�j � �r�ife� �tate� IRIS SAUNDERSON S6OI PARK CENTER BOULEVARD �ouge of � �regetttatibe� ST.Lqllg PARK 55418 612-925-4540 �a��jrttgton, .�. 20515 September 9, 1980 Ms. Rose Mix City Clerk City of Saint Paul Bureau o�f Records 386 City Hall I St. Paul , MN 55102 i Dear Ms. Mix: II Thank you for forwarding me a copy of the St. Paul City Council 's resolution opposing actions to reduce noise compat bility funding and supporting the Airport Development Assistance Program or 1981 which includes funds to carry out noise abatement projects. ' I appreciate your providing me with the �St. Paul Council 's views in this area. Yours very truly, � ,, `��� Bill Frenzel Member of Congress BF:dbr I, I TFI1S STATIONERY PRINTED ON PAPER MADE WITH RECYCLED FIBERS I ' . �7..�s�3 NQARTIN OL'AV SA80 �` � 5th District,Minnesota - 426 Cannon House Office Building ' Washington,D.C.20515 (2021 225-4755 COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS 166 Federal Couns Building Subcommittees: 110 South 4th Street Minneapolis,Minnesota 55401 Housing&Urban Development ` Q, (6�2� �25-ZOB� and Independent Agencias (nIIn��p�,� IIf t�pl �11't�pf1 �1'�21}p�Y ��i�a �Y i�iKii,�1 Transportation �IDU�P pf �P�JKE��q#ttttU�S ��sl�ingtun. �.t�. z11515 September 8, 1980 Ms. Rose Mix City Clerk City of St. Paul ' 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Mix: Thank you for your �ecent letter and enclosure expressing the St. Paul City Council' s opposition to reduced noise compatibility funding and support for the Airport Development Assistance Program for 1981. I share your views on these two issues and will do what I can to assure that the legislation receives positive consideration in Congress. If you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. Sinc�erely, � � � � Martin O. Sabo Memb�r of Congress MOS:ld THIS STATIONERY PRINTED ON PAPER N�y4DE WITH RECYCLED FIBERS �'�� � . , , � � , . � , �. ��� .;.,� t - - _ � �� _ ,: � . . , . , � , , , �� . � _ . . , , . . �� � � � � � _ , . ' � . � � sep�en,b�� �, 1981� _ . , _ , . ' , , , , . � , . � . k � .. , . , . . , , , , . ' - , � � . , • ' , , � Atta�ch�ed PQr your in�ormatii�n and conaiQela►t�.on is e resolu�ion � sdoptetl by the St. Paul, City Coun 1, C.F. 2`'T5553, vhieh og8ase� ` actSona to x�educe noise compatfbi ity ft�n+�in� an� eupporte tl�r . . � Aix►port Dav�lopm�nt Msist�kace �ram Yor� 198i vhi�b �xtciudMS � tliaQs�to,carry out ttc>ise sbatemea pro�ect�. . - , ,; ' . � _ � VerY tru],V 3►��. ,, . . . " i � � • • , Rost I�c � ' , . City "�.�rk _ .` � , .�, � � . _ AHO t ls: . . I,, ' - . ' � t ; . � • � , 1 . _ y, , _ , - } � � , _, _ . , � � , , � � , , � . ����� . ` . _ . . - � � � � � , i - 1 � �'"� � .� LIST N0. 1$ °��� � ' 6/20/�� � CONGRESSIONAL DEI��GATION � Federal � Local � 1 . Senator Rudy Boschwitz 210 Bremer Arcade (on the Skyway) 2109 Dirksen Senate Office Building 419 Robert Street Washington, D.C. 20510 Saint Paul , Minnesota 55101 202 224-5641 221=0904 2. Senator David Durenberger 550-E Butler Squar e 353 Russell Senate Office Building �I l�u North 6th Street Washington, D.C. 20510 Minneapolis, MN 55403 202 224-3244 ' � 725-6111 Inward Watts: (800) 752-4226 3. Congressman Arlan Erdahl (lst District� 33 Wentworth Avenue - Room 13 0 1017 Longworth House Office Building West Saint Paul , Minnesota 55118 Washington, D.C. 20515 725-7716 202 225-2271 " . 704 Marquette Bank Building Rochester, Minnesota 55901 507 288-2384 4. Congressman Bill Frenzel (3rd District) 180 Federal Courts Building 1026 Longworth House Office Building 110 South Fourth Street . Washington, D.C. 20515 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 202 225-2871 725-2173 5. Congressman Thomas Hagedorn (2nd Distrii,ct) Mankato, Minnesota 507 387-82'Z6 � 440 Cannon House Office BUilding ' Washington, D.C. 20515 Albert Lea, Minnesota 507 377-1676 202 225-2472 � 6. Congressman Richard Nolan (6th District) St. Cloud, Minnesota 612 252-7580 440 Cannon House Office Building Worthington, Minnesota 507 376-5905 Washington, D.C. 20515 Redwood Falls, Minnesota 507 637-3563 202 225-2331 7. Congressman James Oberstar (8th District) 412 Federal Building 323 Cannon House Uffice Building Duluth, Minnesota 55802 218 727-7474 Washington, D.C. 20515 202 225-6211 Virginia, Minnesota 218 741-7788 8. Congressman Martin Sabo (5th District) 166 Federal Courts Building 426 Cannon House Office Building � 110 South Fourth Street Washington, D.C. 20515 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 202 225-4755 725-2081 9. Congressman Arland Stangeland (7th District) 613 Main Avenue 1518 Longworth House Office Building Moorhead, Minnesota 56560 Washington, D.C. 20515 218 233-8631 202 225-2165 - 10. Congressman Bruce Vento (4th District) I�ears Park Place � 230 Cannon House Office Building Room 150 � Washington, D.C. 20515 a05 sibley 202 225-6631 Saint Paul, :�iN 55101 725-7724 �-f , lst � � � ' �V 2nd �- � �(.1 3rd 9-+- %� — �U Adopted � � �� � - � , Yeas Nays , i -�T �G 7� � � � _ I LEVINE �5554 - - McMAHON I SHOWALTER I TEDESCO WILSON PRESIDEAIT (MADDOX) � . .. _ __--- _ ---_ . -�- ._ _-- .. _ .� . , .. _.. .. ....._._._ . . r_ . , . �� t'c'�` �.�-..�r4t,� . �.�_;.t I