275536 WHITE - CITY CLERK . �C��r PINK - FINANCE COUtIC1I � + i� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F SA I N T PA U L �s i� `� CtyEAtty�SDM , , File N 0. ncil Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION APPROV�ING A CONTRACT WITH THE -• PUBLIC HOUSING AG�NCY OF THE CITY OF SAINT � PAUL, MINNESOTA T�0 PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE SECTION 8 MODERATE REHABILITATION PROGRI�M AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION THEREOF WHEREAS, the Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (PHA) has requested the City of Saint Paul to provide certain services for the rehabilitation stage of the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Department of Planning and Economic Development has the necessary staff and expertise to provide these services for PHA; and WHEREAS, the PHA and the City have expressed their written intentions to work cooperatively on the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program in an effort to expand subsidized housing opportunities for low-income Saint Paul residents and to upgrade and maintain a portion of the City 's housing stock. NOW THEREFORE the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the contract agreement for services between PHA and the City and authorizes execution thereof by the proper officers of the City upon approval as to form by the Assistant City Attorney. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt � Levine � [n Favor � �/� McMahon B snowaiter � __ Against Y �ede..e Wilson Adopted ouncil: e AUG 2 7 i,g,gn_ Form Approved y City ttpr e� ` Cer ied Pass y Cou cil Secretary BY `'2��'� Approved :Vlavor. Da • _ AUG 2 9 1980 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY Pt�BLISHE� SEP 6 1�80 _ _ _ ._ . _ _ . _ . .. .. _ _ _ . _. __. .�____ NUUStiVti AND REDEVELOPMEN7 AUTM�Of�tTY OF THE CITY UF SAtNT E'AUI, MENNESOT,�. . ' . 1 V ` �• ��� HcPORT TO THE COMMISSIONER5 DA7E 1�ugust 21, 19so � AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH HEGARDING THE SAINT PAUL PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY FOR PROFESSIONAL - • SERVICES FOR THE SECTION 8 MODERATE REHABILITATION PROGRAM Staff requests Board authorization to enter into a contract with the Saint Paul Public Housing Agency for professional services in the conduct of the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program. Under contract, the Department of Planning and Economic Development would provide the following services for the rehabilitation stage of the program: 1) Outreach to owners, lenders and contractors, and implementation of relocation strategy if necessary. 2) Determination and verification of owner eligibility; feasibility analysis. � 3) Processing of owner proposals. � - �; 4) Wonitoring and inspection of rehabilitation. 5) General coordination of the rehabilitation process. 6) Issuance of written monthly progress reports to the PHA. In summary, the Renewal Division would provide the financia! program and technical services to carry out the rehabilitation of the units. PHA would be responsible for execution of the Section 8 contracts with the owners and monitoring the agreement with the owner. Both agencies wouId have outreach responsibilities to promote the Moderate Section 8 Rehabiiitation Program. Funds for this contract will be provided from the $500 per unit administrative fee allowed by HUD for this program. PED's share of $350 per unit would be tendered to PED after the rehabilitation. � work has been completed on each unit. The contract amount would not exceed $26,250. Staff requests approval of the attached resolution and authorization to execute the attached contract to perform these professional services. Warren J. Frost . APPRO'JED BY PHA COMMISSIONERS , ' APPROVED BY HUD ������ r V�>° 1 Contract No. 80-64 Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation - � Agreement for Services THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of , 1980 � by and between the Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter referred to as the "PHA," and the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter referred to as "City." WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, the PHA is authorized by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to administer the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program for� seventy-five dwelling units and is receiving funding therefor; and WHEREAS, the PHA requires the services and skills of professionals who have exper- ience in housing rehabilitation development and implementation; and WHEREAS, the PHA and the City have expressed their written intentions to work coop- eratively on the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program in an effort to expand subsidized housing opportunities for low income St. Paul residents and to upgrade and maintain a portion of the City's housing stock; ,. , NOW, THEREFORE, the PHA and the City for the. consideration stated herein mutually agree as follows: � 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES. The City shall perform and carry out in a satisfactory and proper manner, as mutually determined by the PHA and the City, services requisite to the outreach and rehabilitation processes of the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program, including, as a minimum, the following: a. Assistance in program planning. b. Development and implementation of outreach to owners, lenders and contractors and implementation of reloca- tion strategy if necessary. c. Determination and verification of owner eligibility. d. Processing of owner proposals. e. Monitoring and timely inspection of rehabilitation in process. f. Handling of complaints related to rehabilitation work quality. g. The above-referenced services in items la-lf shall include as a minimum the conduct of the following activities: (1) Initial inspection of proposed structure(s) (2) Preliminary feasibility analysis of proposal(s) (3) Selection of workable proposal(s) . Contract No. 80-64 Section 8 Moderate Rehabilita�tion (4) Development of work write-ups and cost estimat�s (5) Provision of list of qualified or licensed contractors (6) Exploration of financing options for owners � (7) Assessment of need for, and coordination of, temporary or permanent relocaCion of tenant(s) (8) Final feasibility analy§es (9) Convening of pre-construction conference and implementa- tion of construction contract _ . �10) Monitoring of contractor compliance with Federal labor standards (11) General inspection �nd coordination of the rehabilitation process from start to finish with written reports on each � visit (12) Issuance of written monthly progxess reports to the PHA which indicate for each dwelling unit the percentage of work completed as well as �xoblems, encountered, the � � quality of the work and the success in adherence to ` established deadlines. , 2. TIME OF PERFORMANCE. The services of the City shall eommence upon the Ci�y•s receipt of a Notice to Proceed after the execution of this Agreement. The time of performance for these services shall be governed by the HUD-approved rehabilitation completion and lease-up schedule which requires the following: Number of Units Deadline for Completion � _------ _ _ first 5 last day�of 8th month ; � additional 15 last day of llth month additional 15 last day of 14th month additional 15 last day of 17th month additional 15 last day of 20th month additional 10 Iast day of 23rd month 3. CONTRACT PRICE AND PAYMENTS. The City shall provide all services specified and implied in items Ia-lg of this Agreement for an aggregate amount not to exceed Twenty-Six Thousand Two Rundred and Fifty Dollars ($26,250) , or Three Hundred Fifty Dollars � ($350) per completed dwelling unit. Upon the completion of all tasks desig- nated in items la-lg for each dwelling unit completed and upon receipt by the PHA of the City's required monthly written regorts, the City shall submit to the PHA no more often than monthly a billing at the rate of $35U per dwelling unit for the services provided for each dwelling unit completed. Upon receipt and review of the material submitted to PHA and upon the PFIA's inspection and acceptance of the dwelling �units' work, the PHA shall promptly pay the City the amount due. No payment shall be made to the City for services provided to uncompleted dwelling units unless otherwise agreed upon by the PHA and the City and authorized by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. 2 of 5 • Contract No. 80-64 Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation ����� 4• EXTRA SERVICES. a. No claim for extra service shall be valid unless the number of dwelling units in the program is expanded and the City shall have submitted an esitmate for the type and number of personnel involved � in the extra service and an estimated maximum time and cost shall have been approved by the PHA. b. The City shall maintain complete and accurate records of time and � expense involved in the performance. of work and materials 3ncluded in the extra service. 5. CONTRACTOR'S RECORDS. Records of the City pertaining to the work and costs involved in this Agree- ment shall be kept on a generally recognized basis. The PHA or its authorized , representative, and HUD and/or the Comptroller General of the United States as its authorized representatives, shall have full and free access ta such records, including the right to audit, and to make excerpts and transcripts from such records. 6. NON-DISCRIMINATION. In connection with the performance of work under this Agreement, the City agrees not to discriminate against any person because of race, sex, color, religion, age, national origin, marital status, status with regard to public assistance or disability. � 7. OFFICIALS NOT TO BENEFIT. ; No member of or Delegate to Congress or Resident PHA Commissioner shal� be . admitted to any share or part of this agreement or to any benefit that may arise therefrom. 8. IN'TEREST BY MEMBERS QF PHA AND LOCAL GOVERNING BODY. No member, officer or employee of the PHA, no officer or employee of the City of Saint Paul and no other public official of such locality who exercises any function or responsibilities with respect to the funding of this program shall, � during his/her tenure, and for one year thereafter, have any interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement or the proceeds thereof. 9. CONVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES. The City warrants that it had not employed any person to solicit or secure this Agreement upon any agreement for a commission, percentage, brokerage or contingent fee. Breach of this warranty shall give the PHA the right . to terminate this Agreement or, at its discretion, to deduct from the City's fee the amount of commission, brokerage or contingent fee. - 10. ASSIGNABILITY. The City shall not assign or transfer any interest in this Agreement except that claims for monies due or to become due the City from the PHA, under the . 3of5 - Contract No. 80-64 Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Agreement may be assigned to a bank, trust company, or other�financ�al institution. 11. TERMINATION BY THE PHA OR THE CITY. a. The PHA or the City may, by th3rty days` written notice to the other party, terminate this Agreement in whole or in part at any time, either for the PHA°s or the City's coitvenience or because of the failure of the City to fulfill its obligations under the Agree- ment. IIpon the effective date of such notice, the City shall: � � (1) immediately discontinue all services affected (unless the notice directs otherwise), and _ � (2) deliver to the PHA all data, schedules, regorts, appraisals and such other information and materials as may have been . accumulated by the City in performing this Agreement, whether completed or in process. b. If the termination is for the convenience of the PHA or the City, . the City shall be entitled to compensation determined by the City'� and PHA's mutual assessment of the percentage of the task(s) . actually completed. � c. If the termination is due to the failure of the City to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, (1) The PHA may require the City to deli.ver to it, in the manner and to the extent directed by the PHA, any work - as described in this Agreement and compensation for work so delivered and accepted by the PHA shall be determined in accordance with the above sub-paragraph b. The PHA . may take over the work and prosecute the same to comple- tion by contract or otherwise. d. If, after notice of termination for failure to fulfill contract � obligations, it is determined that the City had not so failed, the termination shall be deemed to have been effected for the convenience of the PHA, and subparagraph Il.,a., above shall be applicable. e. In the event of termination at any time, compensation for services rendered shall be the actual payments authorized and due for services on the basis of this Agreement. Any determination of campensation under this Article shall be subject to prior approval of HUD. � 12. SUSPENSION BY THE PHA. The PHA may suspend this Agreement in whole or in part at any time for the PHA's convenience. The PHA shall give the City seven days' written notice of such suspension. Upon receipt of such notice, the City shall immediately discontinue all services affected. If the suspension is stated to be for more than three months, or if suspension has been in effect for more than 4 of 5 � Contract No. 8Q-64 � , Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitatian three months, the City shall deliver all completed work and the City shall be entitled to compensation for all services rendered in accordance with Section 11 paragraph b. Upon resumption of work following a susgension, the final payment received by the City shall not exceed the amount stipu- lated in Section 3 under the terms of this Agreement. If suspension exceeds three months, an equitable ad3ustment in compensation shall be negotiated to compensate for increases in costs caused by the suspension. 13. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. - All written studies, evaluations, reports, etc., prepared and furnished by the City, shall be the property of the PHA, upon completion of the designated tasks or upon the prior termination of the City's services hereunder and the City shall have no claim for further or additional compensation as a result af exercise by the PAA of its full rights of ownership of these documents and . materials. 14. DISPUTES. In the event of dispute arising under this contract, the City shall notify the - PHA promptly in writing� of its contentions and submit its claim. If the dispnte arises before performance of the related work, the written notice shall be submitted prior to commencing such work. In any event, the City shall proceed with its work hereunder in compliance with the instructions of the PHA, but such compliance shall not be a waiver of the City's rights to make a claim, provided it has notified the PHA in writing as above sti.pulated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PHA and the City have executecl this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. � ; ; - PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL IN THE PRESENCE OF: By: Its Secretary ay: Its Treasurer CITY OF SAINT PA1JL APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: _ ���� Its Mayor �� �L ��L�ar. • /?`�S �S�a4� �.�f� T��vrne By' . � Its Director, Department of Finance and Management Services By: � Its Director, Department of Planning and Economic Development � 5 of S - - _. _ I WHiTE �- CITY CLERK � � � � PINK, • - PiNANCE � . C7►NARY - D6PARTMENT � � G I TY OF " SA I NT PAU L Council CtyE Atty�SDM • File N 0. ' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To � 'Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION APPROVIN,G A CONTRACT WITH THE PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SATNT PAUL, MINNESOTA TO PROVIDE PROFES5IONAL SERVICES FOR THE SECTION 8 MODERATE REHABILITATION PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZING � EXECUTION THEREOF WHEREAS, the Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (PHA) has requested the City of Saint Paul to provide certain services for the rehabilitation stage of the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program; and WHEREA5, the City of Saint Paul, Department of Planning and Economic Development has the necessary staff and expertise to provide these services for PHA; and WHEREAS, the PHA and the City have expressed their written intentions to work cooperatively on the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program in an effort to expand subsidized housing opportunities for low-income Saint Paul residents and to upgrade and maintain a portion of the City's housing stock. NOW TAEREFORE the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the contract agreement for services between PHA and the City and authorizes execution thereof by the proper officers of the City upon approval as to form by the Assistant City Attorney. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: � Yeas Nays Hunt - �e���e In Favor Maddox McMahon B Showalter A gai n s t Y Tedesco wlson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved y City ttp e ____ . Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY B� ' Approved by :Nayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - BY . NUUStiV� AND REDEVELOpMENT AUTt� ' OHITY OF 7HE CITY UF SAiNl' �'AU�, �1[tNiVESU`t',4 r • • ` �r �:. , " ��V��� .. . HcPORT TO THE COMMISSIONER5 DATE August 2I, 1980 AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO A COIVTRACT WITH NEGARDING THE SAINT PAUL PUBLIC HO�USING AGENCY FOR PROFESSIONAL • SERVICES FOR THE SECTION 8 MODERATE REHABILITATION PROGRAM Staff requests Board authorization to enter inta a contract with the Saint Paul Public Housing Agency for professional services in the conduct of the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program. Under contract, the Department of Planning and Economic Development wouid provide the following services for the rehabilitation stage of the program: 1} Outreach to owners, lenders and contractors, and imptementation of relocation strategy if necessary. 2) Determination and verification of owner eligibility; feasibility analysis. ` � 3) Processing of owner proposals. "~` - � - 4) Monitoring and inspection of rehabilitation. S) General coordination of the rehabilitation process. 6) Issuance of written monthly progress reports to the PHA. � In summary, the Renewal Division would provide the financiai program and technical services to carry out the rehabilitation of the units. PHA would be responsible for execution of the Section 8 cor�tracts with the owners and monitoring the agreement with the owner. Both agencies would have outreach responsibilities to prornote the Moderate Section 8 Rehabilitation Program. Funds for this contract will be provided from the $500 per unit administrative fee aliowed by HUD for this program. PED's share of $350 per unit would be tendered to PED after the rehabilitation work has been completed on each unit. The contract amount would not exceed $26,250. Staff requests approval of the attached resolution and authorization to execute the attacfied contract to perform these professional services. Warren �. Frost APPRO'JED BY PHA COMMISSIONERS � • ' APPROVED BY HUD ; ���`�� . Contract No. 80-64 Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Agreement for Services � THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of , 1980, by and between the Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter ref�rred to as the "PHA," and the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter referred to as "City." WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, the PHA is authorized by the United States 'Department of Aousing and Urban Development (HUD) to administer the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program for seventy-five dwelling .units and is receiving funding therefor; and WHEREAS, the PHA requires the services and skills of professionals who have exper- ience in housing rehabiZitation development and implementation; and WHEREAS, the PNA and the City have expressed their written intentions to work coop- eratively.on the� Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program in an effort to expand subsidized housing opportunities for low income St. Paul residents and to upgrade and maintain a portion of the City's housing stock; ,. . NOW, THEREFORE, the PNA and the City for the consideration stated herein .mutual.ly agree as follows: � 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES. � � The City shall perform and carry out in a satisfactory and proper manner, as mutually determined by the PHA and the City, services requisite to the outreach aad rehabilitation processes of the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program, including, as a minimum, the following: a. Assistance in program planning. b. Development and implementation of outreach to owners, lenders and contractors and implementation of reloca- tion strategy if necessary. c. Determination and verification of owner eligibility. d. Processing of owner praposals. e. Monitoring and timely inspection of rehabilitation in process. f. Handling of complaints related to rehabilitation work quality. g. The above-referenced services in items la-If shall include as a minimum the conduct of the following activities: (1) Initial inspection of proposed structure(s) (2) Preliminary feasibility analysis of proposal(s) (3) Selection of workable proposal(s) Contract No. 80-64 � Section 8 Moderate Rehabili�ation (4) Development of work write-ups and cost esti.mates (5) Provision of list of qualified or licensed contractors (6) Exploration of financing options for owners � (7) Assessment of need for, and coordination of, temporary or permanent relocation of tenant(s) (8) Final feasibility analyses (9) Convening of pre-construction conference and implementa- tion of construction contract (10) Monitoring of contractor compliance with Federal labor standards (11) General inspection and coordination of the rehabilitation process from start to finish with written reports on each visit (12) Issuance of written monthly progress reports to the PHA which indicate for each dwelling unit the percentage of work completed as well as �xoblems encountered, the quality of the work and the success in adherence to established deadlines. 2. TIME OF PERFORMANCE. The services of the City shall commence upon the City's receipt of a Notice to Proceed after the execution of this Agreement. The time of performance for these serv�.ces shall be governed by the HUD-approved rehabilitation completion and lease-up schedule which rpquires the following: Number of Units Deadline for Completion first 5 last day of 8th month � additional 15 last day of Ilth month ` additional 15 last day of 14th month additional 15 last day of 17th month additional 15 last day of 20th month additional 10 last day of 23rd month 3. CONTRACT �RICE AND PAYMENTS. The City shall provide all services specified and implied in items Ia-lg of this Agreement for an aggregate amount not to exceed Twenty-Six Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($26,250) , or Three Hundred Fifty Dollars � ($350) per completed dwelling unit. Upon the completion of all tasks desig- nated in items la-lg for each dwelling unit completed and upon receipt by the PHA of the City's required monthly written reports, the City shall submit to the PHA no more often than monthly a billing at the rate of $350 per dwelling unit for the services provided for each dwelling unit completed. Upon receipt and review of the material submitted to PHA and upon the PHA's inspection and acceptance of the dwelling units' work, the PHA shall promptly pay the City the amount due. No payment shall be made to the City for services provided to uncompleted dwelling units unless otherwise agreed upon by the PHA and the City and authorized by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. 2 of 5 • • , Contract No. 8U-64 ' Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation 4. EXTRA SERVICES. a. No claim for extra service shall be valid unless the number of dwelling units fn the program is expanded and the City shall have submitted an esitmate for the type and number of personnel invalved in the extra service and an estimated maximum time and cast sha11 have been approved by the PHA. _ b. The City shall maintain complete and accurate records of time and � expense involved in the performance. of work and materials included in the extra service. ' 5. CONTRACTOR'S RECORDS. Records of the City pertaining to the work and costs involved in this Agrea- ment shall be kept on a generally recognized basis. The PHA or its authorized . � representative, and HUD and/or the Comptroller General of the United Statea as its authorized representatives, shall have full and free access to such records, including the right to audit, and to make excerpts and transcripts £rom such records. 6. NON-DISCRIMINATION. In connection with the performance of work under this Agreement, the City agrees not to discriminate against any person because of race, sex, color, religion, age, national origin, marita]. status, status with regard to public assistance or disability. ;p;,,�., . . _ _ -- -- _ 7. OFFICIALS NOT TO BENEFIT. • ; . No member of or Delegate to Congress or Resident PHA Commissioner shall be admitted to any share or part of this agreement or to any benefit that may arise therefrom. 8. IN'TEREST BY MEMBERS OF PHA AND LOCAL GOVERNING BODY. No member, officer or employee of the PHA, no officer or employee of the City of Saint Paul and no other public official of such locality who exercises any function or responsibilities with respect to the funding of this program shall, during his/her tenure, and for one year thereafter, have any interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement or the proceeds thereof. 9. CONVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES. The City warrants that it had not employed any person to solicit or secure this Agreement upon any agreement for a commission, percentage, brokerage or contingent fee. Breach of this warranty shall give the PHA the right to terminate this Agreement or, at its discretion, to deduct from the City�s fee the amount of comanission, brokerage or contingent fee. � 10. ASSIGNABILITY. The City shall not assign or transfer any interest in this Agreement except that claims for monies due or to become due the City from the PHA under the 3 of 5 Contract No. 80-64 Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Agreement may be assigned to a bank, trust company, or other financial institution. 11. TERMINATION BY THE PHA OR THE CITY. a. The PHA or the City may, by th3rty days' written notice to the other party, terminate this Agreement in whole or in part at any . time, either for the PHA's or the City's convenience or because of the failure of the City to fulfill its obligations under the Agree- ment. Upon the effective date of such notice, the City shall: (1) iuimediately discontinue all services affected (unless the notice directs otherwise), and � (2) deliver to the PHA all data, schedules, reports, appraisals and such other information and materials as may have been . accumulated by the City in perfornting this Agreement, whether completed or in process. b. If the termination is for the convenience of the PHA or the City, the City shall be entitled to compensation determined by the City's and PHA's mutual assessment of the percentage of the task(s) actually completed. c. If the termination is due to the failure of the City to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, (1) The PHA may require the City to deliver to it, in the ` manner and to the extent directed by the PHA, any work � as described in this Agreement and compensation for work so delivered and accepted by the PHA shall be determined in accordance with the above sub-paragraph b. The PHA _ may take over the work and prosecute the same to comple- tion by contract or otherwise. d. If, after notice of termination for failure to fulfill contract � obligations, it is determined that the City had not so failed, the termination shall be deemed to have been effected for the convenience of the PHA, and subparagraph Il.,a., above shall be applicable. e. In the event of termination at any time, compensation for services rendered shall be the actual payments authorized and due for services on the basis of this Agreement. Any determination of compensation under this Article shall be subject to prior approval of HUD. 12. SUSPENSION BY THE PHA. The PHA may suspend this Agreement in whole or in part at any time for the PHA's convenience. The PHA shall give the City seven days' written notice of such suspension. Upon receipt of such notice, the City shall immediately discontinue all services affected. If the suspensiom is stated to be for more than three months, or if suspension has been in effect for more than 4 of 5 " Contract No. 80-64 � Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation three months, the City shall deliver all completed work and the City shall be entitled to compensation for all services rendered in accordance with Section 11 garagraph b. Upon resumption of work following a suspension, the final payment received by the City shall not exceed the amount stipu- lated in Section 3 under the terms of�this Agreement. If suspensiQn exceeds three months, an equitable adjustment in compensation shall be negotiated to compensate for increases in costs caused by the suspension. 13. OWNERSAIP OF DOCUMENTS. All written studies, evaluations,"�reports, etc., prepared and furnished by the City, shall be the property of the PHA, upon completion of the designated tasks or upon the prior teranination of the City•s services hereunder and the City shall have no claim for further or additional compensation as a result of exercise by the PHA of its full rights of ownership of these documents and . materials. 14. DISPUTES. In the event of dispute arising under this� contract, the City shall notify the - PHA promptly in writing. of its contentions and submit its claim. If the dispute arises before performance of the related work, the written notice shall be submitted prior to commencing such work. In any event, the City shall proceed with its work hereunder in compliance with the instructions of the PHA, but such compliance shall not be a waiver of the City's rights to make a claim, provided it has notified the PHA in writing as above stipulated. � -�-;:. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PHA and the City have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. . ; . YUBLIC AOUSING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL IN THE PRESENCE OF: By: Its Secretary By: Its Treasurer CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: _ ��� ` Its Mayor �_. _ � ,� 6�- . �(, �'1,�•�y. / _ �, $y: , "/��S �5 v`o 4� �.�f j J��v rn e � Its Director, Department of Finance and Management Services By: Its Director, Department of Planning and Economic Development � 5 of S : WHiT6 CITY CLERK . � . . PI�IK� + = FiNANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L COUOCII � � � Cty�Atty�SDM File N O. Couneil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONTRACT WITH THE PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SATNT PAUL, MINNESOTA TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE SECTION 8 MODERATE REHABILITATION PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION THEREOF WHEREAS, the Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (PHA) has requested the City of Saint Paul to provide certain services for the rehabilitation stage of the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Department of Planning and Economic Development has the necessary staff and. expertise to provide these services for PHA; and WHEREA5, the PHA and the City have expressed their written intentions to work cooperatively on the Section 8 Moderate . Rehabilitation Program in an effort to expand subsidized housing opportunities for low-income Saint Paul residents and to upgrade and maintain a portion of the City`s housing stock. NOW THEREFORE the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the contract agreement for services between PHA and the City and authorizes execution thereof by the proper officers of the City upon approval as to form by the Assistant City Attorney. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt - Levine �tl Favor Maddox McMahon s�,o�ite� Against By Tedesco �Ison Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved y City tt e � Certified }�assed by Council Secretary BY By� Approved by Vtayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ $y