275527 WHIT6 - CITY CLERK �-� �° �,�5 2,� PINK ' - FINANCE FANARY - DEPARTM T COUIICII . BLUE - MAYOR '����ITY OF SAINT PAUL - File NO. � � Cty Atty/SDM o n �l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION APPROVING A MULTI—FAMILY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FINANCING PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION THEREOI' TO THE MINNESOTA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS FOR THE SUBMISSION THEREOF WHEREAS, a) Pursuant to the Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C (the "Act") the City of Saint Paul has been authorized to develop and administer �rograms of multi-family housing developments under the �ircumstances and within the limita- tions set forth in the Act. Minnesota Statutes, Section 462C. 07 provides that su�ch programs for multi-family housing developments may be financed by revenue bonds issued by either the City of Saint Paul (the "City") or any Port Authority refe�red to in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 458. , b) The City has re eived a proposal from Austin/King Housing Enterprises, a innesota limited partnership (the "Developer") , that, pursuant to the authority found in the Act, the City approve a program providing for the construction of approximately 120 units of rental housing (the "Project") in the Austin/King Fort Road Industrial Development District, an industrial development district established within the City pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 458. 191. The construction of the Project is to be fund�d through tk�� -issuance of approximately $6,100,000 in revenue bonds issued by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Pau1 pursuant to �he provisions of its Basic Resolution No. 876 and the Act (th� "Bonds") , together with approximately COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox nncnnano� _ Against BY "r_ snowa�ter - Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date _ Form Approve by C' y A � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY BS' -- App ov by 17avor: Da � _ App ov y Mayor for b ission to Council BY BY . ' �""�a �;��''� � �r✓.-e � 2. $1,200,000 of funds to be made available to Austin/King Housing Enterprises through the loan of Urban Development Action Grant funds received by the City. (B-80-AA-27-0016) c) A public hearing to consider the proposal of the Developer was held at 10 :00 a.m. on August 26, 1980, duly noticed and held in accordance with law, and no one appeared in opposition. d) The City, in reviewing this multi-family housing program (the "Program") , has considered the information contained in the City's 462C Housing Plan adopted March 6, 1980 (the "Housing Plan") , including particularly (i) the availability and affordability of other government housing programs; (ii) the avail.ability and affordability of private market financing for the construction of multi- family housing units; (iii) an analysis of population and employment trends and future employment needs; (iv) the recent housing trends and future housing needs of the City; and (v) an analysis of ho��v the Program tiill meet the needs of persons and families residing and expected to reside in the City. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul as follows : 1. That the Program developed by the Developer is in conf�rmance with the goals and specifications of the City 's 462C Housing Plan. adopted Mar�ch 6, 1980, and is hereby approved. 2. That in accordance vaith the Act the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to submit this Program to the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (the "MHFA") for its apprcval. The Mayor is fur�rer authorized to execute all necessary supporting documents and provide the MHFA with any inforrnation the MHFA may require f�r this purpose and t:�� City Attorney is au#horized to initiate and assist in the preparation of such �ccuments as may be a�propriate to the Progr.am, if it is app�oved hy MHFA. WMITE - CITY CLERK F� (� PINK • - FINANCE /��"J� C�ANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O� SA I N T PA LT L COUIICII a ,� BLUE - MAYOR File N . Council Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 3 . 3 . Upon approval of the Program by the MHFA, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul is authorized to proceed to issue its Revenue Bonds pursuant to the Program. 4. Said bonds if and when issued will not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance upon any property of the Port Authority or the City of Saint Paul except the project and such bonds or obligations will not be a charge against the Port Authority or the City's general credit or taxing powers but are payable from sums to be paid by the developers pursuant to a revenue agreement. COUfVCILMEIV Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt � Levine � In Favor — �x OMcMahon B snoweiter __ Against Y Tada.00 Wilson AUG 2 7 �ggp Form Approved City A .or y Adopted by ncil: Date — ` Certif Yas• y C � Secret�y BY ' � � Appr by :Nayor: Dat AUG 2 7 1980 App v by Mayor fo S issio to Council sy _ _ B Pt�-tsttEt� AUG 3 C� i980 / '1 � �`...,,`V �,_,. 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