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',i _���.'� 'Y'.+-:MF h+9����, �. �� �� , � �r. � ;_, �,,,�,,�,.,,,.... �� �,�,:���..E - ,i�^3* p �� d � � ' � � :.,�.r� . . ����.,�.. z� x y�� .�'4�4'r ^ �YA,'z :R. i� . .F�. .. � _ ..,�. ... ., . . . b K'- Jwi..�. �i _a'. _'t."�. - '�Tw �j ����3�4.. . .. � � ..f .�"' � ! •,O� �i;�i�w - ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ' �� INTERDEPARTMENTNL MEMORANDUM ' � � � ����_� To: Ron Maddox, Council President and Members of the City Cauncil F�om: J. William Donwan Valuation and Assessment Engineer Date: July 25, 1980 Sub3ect: Petition of h�til e,nd Nancy Lee Bollmeier for the vacation of a portion of Totem Road that is ad�aceat to Lot 4�F, Block 1, Burlington Heights Division No. 2. Public Heaxing - Ju],y 29, 1980 The petitioners request this vacation to esta.bli.sh a line between their property and Totem Road right-of-�ray. The petitioaers wish to ]andscape a,nd improv�e their property without encroa.chment or violating a�y easemeat area or public right-of way. The area that is proposed to be vaca.ted is 771.5 square feet and is zoned R-l. An ea.sement was taken b} condemnation ov+er the praposed va.cation area for the widening and extending of Burlington Rosd by Council File No. 65828, adogted Msy 11, 19�6. • � The Department of Pablic Works has reviewed the proposed vacation and has no� . ob�ection, sub�ect to an easemeat for snrn�r removal storage. The restrictions � in the easement area wi11 be stated ],�ter in this report. The Water Utility has an 8-inch wa,ter main an the same side of Totem Road as the proposed vacation. It will be necessary Yor the Water Utility to retain - an easeme� of a portion of the proposed vacated area.. Staff of the Department of planaing and Econocnic Dev�elop�ent has revie�red the vacation and finds no ob�ection to the vacation as proposed. The Building Code Enforceme� Office reco�rmends approval of thts va.cation. There were no other ob3ections or recommendations i'�osn aqy other public or priva.te agencies. imrolved. In vie�w of the foregoing, I recommend that the vacation be appraved, sub�ect to the folla�ring terms and conditions; l. That the description of�the vacation read as follars: That part of Lot �+, Block 1, Burlington Heights Division No. 2; as acquired for the opening, widening extending oP Burlington Avenue (Totem Roe.d) C.F. 6582�, adapted May 11, 1926, bounded by the following deacribed lines: . . °�••� - - � _2_ . �����+� Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot �+�+, thence wester�}r along the northerly line of said Lot 44ya distance of 17.28 feet more-or-less, thence southeaster�y in a straight line to a point on the East line of said Lot 44, a distance of 89.30 feet more-or-less south of the Northeast corner of said Lot �, thence north along the East line of said Lot �+, a distance of 89.30 Peet more-or-less to the point of beginning. 12. That the va.cation be sub�ect to all the terms and conditions of Chapter 228 of the St. Paul Legisla.tive Code, as amended. . � 3• Tha.t a perma.nent easement be retained by the Department of Public Works for snow removal storage and by the Water Utility for wa,ter main ma.intenance; that the easement area be de- r scribed as follvws: That part of Lot 44, �lock l, Burlington Heights Division No. bounded by the follawing described line: � Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot 4�+; thence westerly along the ,northerly line of said Lot �+4 a distance oP 9.00 feet; thence Sauth- easter],y and parallel to the wester]y - line of sa,id described axea to be � va.cated to the point of intersection with the East Line of said Lot 44; thence North along the Ea.st line of said Lot �+ to the point of beginning. Restrictions in the easement area are as follaas; � a) That no buildings, structures, or trees are permitted within the easement area, or a�y temporary structure, � � material storage, fixture or other ob�ects that will proh�:bit normal access to water facilities for main- �enance purposes, or sncht removal stora.ge, b) That no change in surfacing within the easement area is permitted without written permission f`ram the Water Utility and Public Works Department. c) That no change f�om the existing grade is permitted without written permission fram the Water Utility and Public Works Dep�rtment. _ - .�.c�L � �,t��-�.<<e �, +�c.�. �....., :,,_� �T,��r,�.� ,� n�.: ,PSG,��,�,. , d) That the petitione�; � su�cessors and assigns��ir�+t ����� �ro fli71�y indemni�, defend and save harmless the City of Saint paul, the Board of Water Commissioners, their officers, agents, employees, and servants f�om all suits, "' � _3_ �t r�, , . - ������ actions or claims which shall arise from ar�y injuries or damages received or sustained by a�y � break in ar�y service pipe, water main, or con- nection in said reserved easement, arising out of or resulting f�offi arXy action or negligence of the petitione�, i� employees, a.gents or business imritees. S -�t�c,�►. =, �+. That the petitionerSpa.y to the City the sum of $250.00 as compen- sation for the vacation. �f5. That the petitionerS�rnish the City with a bond in the a.mount of $5,000.00, and by acceptance of the terms a.nd conditions of this vacation agrees to indemnify, defend and sa.v�e harmless the City of Saint Paul, the Board of Water Commissioners, their officers and employees f�om all suits, actions, or claims of ar�y character, including, but not limited to, a claim braught be- cause of ar�y in�uries, or damages received or sustained by a�y person, persons or praperty, on accaunt of this vacation; or because of ar�y act or amission, negl�ect or misconduct of said petitione�; or because of ar�y claim or liability arising fram or based on ax�y viol,ation of at�y•la.w or regulation made in � i - accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or aqy of �t �.�.t^�- ` a.gents or employees. . '\ � . i � cc; Ma,yor George I,a.timer � - . � � •.