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BLUERY - MAYOR MENT City Atty G I TY O I'' SA I NT ��U L F le ci1NO. � �/ � `/
� WAB Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That upon the petition of Leroy Tschida, et al
that seation of public a11ey hereinafter described, be and
the same hereby is vacated and discontinued as a public �lleyz
All those partions of the alley
platted in Block 2, Front Street
Second Addition lying westerly of
the southerly extension of the east
line of Lot 1, in said Block 2;
subject expressly to the following conditions and reservationss
1. That the vacation be subject to all the terms
and conditions of Chap�er 228 ot the St. Paul
Legislative Code, as amended.
2. That a specitic easemen� be retained to pro�ect
the ir�ter��ts of Northern States Power Company.
3. Tha t a s�ec if ic ea sement be reta ined to protect
the interests of Northwestern Bell Telephane
4. That the petitioner pay to the City the sum of
$562.00 as compensation for the. vacation.
COUNC(L1+IEN Requestgd by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Levine �(n FavOr
McMahon A gainst BY
Showalter -- -
Form Approved y City t rney
Adopted by Council: Date — 1 1
CertifiE:d Yassed by Council Secretary BY ' / � � ��
Bs. __ ,% ,/
Approved by ;Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
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.BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F �S A I N T PA LT L File N O. `-��� � �' �=�� � �
' Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
5. That the petitioner furnish the City with a
�bond in the amount at $2,000.00, and by
acceptance of the terms and conditions of
this vaca�ion agrees to indemnify, defend
and save harmless the City of 5aant Paul,
its offiaers and employees from all suits,
actions, or claims of any characterr includ—
ing, but not limited to, a claim brought
because of any ir�juries, or damages received
or sustained by any person, persons or
propertyr on account of this vacationT ar
because of any act or amissionf neglect or
misconduct of said petitionerf or because of
any claim or liability arising from or based
on any violation of any law or �gulation made
in accordance with the law, whether by the
pe�itioner or any of his agents or employees.
COUNC[LhtEN Requestgd by Department oE:
Yeas Nay�s �
Levine [n Favor
Maddox _
Showalter - __ Agalnst BY
Form Approved by i y A rney
Adopted by Council: Date � r�
Certified Yassed by� Council Secretary� BY �_ �—" �
Bs -- \�/ v `
Approved by 17avor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Bs� - - — BY
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To: Ron Maddox, Council President /�
and Members of the City Council
From: J. William Donovan "��
Valuation and Assessment F,hgineer
Date: Ju�y 16, 1980
Subject: The petition of Leroy Tschida, et al, for the vacation
of the a11ey in Block 2, Front Street Second Addition
that abuts Lots 1 through 8 of said addition.
Public Hearing - July 22, 1980
The petitioners now own all the abutting property. They propose to combine
the alley with their property to�provide additional space for their personal
The area to be vacated is part of a 20 feet wide by 131.6 feet in length
unimproved, dead-end, platted a11ey comprising 2,632 square feet of axea
and zoned R.T. l.
The Department of Public Works has no ob3ection to the proposed vacation.
The Staff of the Department of Plannittg and Econamic Development has
reviewed the subject petition and fti.nds no ob�ection to the vacation as
_ proposed. .
Northwestern Bell Telephone Compar�y reports the existence of an aerial cable
and two poles in the area proposed to be vacated and request an easement be
retained to protect their interests.
Northern States Power Compar�y reports the existence of overhead conductors
attached to two Northwestern Bell Telephone poles. They request an easement �
be retained to protect their interests.
There were no objections from any other public or private agencies involved.
In view of the fore�oing, I recommend the vacation be approved, sub�ect to
the following terms and conditions:
l. That the description of the alley to be va,cated
read as follows:
Al1 those portions of the alley
platted in Block 2, Front Street
Second Addition lying westerly
of the southerly extension of
the east line of Lot 1, in said
Block 2.
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1 2. That the vacation be sub3ect to all the terms
and conditions of Chapter 228 of the St. Pau1
Legislative Code, as amended.
� � 3. That a specific easement be retained to protect
the interests of Northern States Power Company.
3 4. That a specific easement be retained to protect
the interests of Northwestern Bell Telephone
�� 5. That the petitioner pay to the City the sum of
$562.00 as compensation for the vacation.
r 6. That the petitioner flu�nish the City with a
bond in the amo'unt of $2,000.00, and by accept-
ance of the terms and conditions of this vacation
agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless the
City of Saint Pau1, its officers and employees
from all suits, actions, or claims of any
character, including, but not limited to, a .
• claim brought because of any injuries, or
damages received or susta3ned by ar�y person,
persons or property, on account oP this vacation;
or because of ar�y act or omission, neglect or
misconduct of said petitioner; or because of any
claim or liability arising from or based on an�y
violation of ar�y law or re�u].ation made in accor-
dance with the law, whether by the petitioner or
�y af S� agents or employees.
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cc: Mayor George Zati_mer