nc ' esolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are authorized and directed
to execute, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul , an Agreement between the
City of Saint Paul and the City of Minneapolis whereby the City of Saint
Paul and the Gity of Minneapolis agree to cooperate in the participation
with the Twin City Area Urban Corps Program, and whereby the three page
Agreement is made a part hereof by reference and is on file in the office
of the City Clerk. ,
Funding - General Government Account 09090
Bernard J. Ca son
Director, Fin ce and Management Services �
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
ozza Hunt In Favor -
nt Levine �
Le ' e Maddox _ Against BY
Ro er McMahon
Sy ves r Showalter
Tedesco AUG 2 6 198�_ Form Ap ved b City t r y
Adopte •by Council: ��SOn Date �.
Certified a_s by Coun � Sec tary BY
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Appro Nlayor: D _ �u � � ,9$0 Ap d by Mayor f b ss on to Council
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This aareement would continue the City of Saint Paul 's participation in the
Urban Corps program with the City of Minneapolis. The joint particioation
between the two cities in the Urban Corps prograr� began in 1970. The
�greement allows the City to;
1) Provide students enrollPd in oost-secondary ediacational institutions
with an opportunity to participate firsthand in all aspects of City government.
2) Provide the City with the skills, enthusiam, motivation and creativity
of the college population.
3) Provide students with the opportunity to earn money to continue their
academic careers.
4) Attract into city government the young talent government requires.
5) Utilize Federal and State funds which provide 80% of the student-interns' salary.
6) Provides a central adr�inistrative office to screen in excess of 2,000
students each year from over 50 colleges.
7) Through the contractual arrangements with Ramsey County and the City of
Minneapolis, administrative costs are kept to a minimum.
8) Displays how local units of government can work together in providing
services to the communities they serve.
1) Resolution: Agreemen�between Saint Paul and Minneapolis.
2) Two (2) original Agreements between Saint Paul and P9inneapolis that are
referred to in the resolution. If the resolution is adopted, both agree-
ments should be signed by the appropriate City officers and returned to
me. I will see that appropriate action is taken by the City of Minneapolis
and return an original signed Agreement to the City Clerk.
THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this day of , 1980
by and between the City of Minneapolis herein called "Urban Corps") and
The City of Saint Paul (herein called "Agency") .
WHEREAS, the above named Agency, a public organization or private nbn-
profit organization, desires to participate in the Twin City Area Urban Corps
and in consideration for the assignment of Urban Corps student-interns to the
Agency, we do hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:
1. The Urban Corps shall have the right to approve or reject request for
student-interns submitted by this Agency upon forms provided for that purpose
by the Urban Corps. '
2. The Agency shall utilize such students as may be assigned to it in •
accordance with the specifications set forth in its written request to the Urban
Corps, and shall immediately notify the Urban Corps of any change in nature of
assignment, duties, supervisor or work location.
3. The Agency shall provide such students as may be assigned to it with a
safe p]ace to ��ork and with adequate responsible supervision.
4. The Urban Corps shall have the right to inspect the work being performed
by such students as may be assigned to the Agency, and shall have the right to '
interview such students and their supervisors.
5. The Urban Corps. shall have the right to require such students as may be �
assigned to the Agency to attend such general or special meetings, or to appear
at the Urban Corps office, individually or as a group, as shall be necessary for
the proper functions of the program. �
6. In accordance with the requirements of Federal and State law, work
performed by such students as may be assigned to the Agency shall : '
a. Be in the public interest;
b. will not result in the displacement of employed workers or
impair existing contracts for services;
c. does not involve the construction, operation or maintenance of
so much of any facility as is used, or it to be used, for sectarian
instruction or as a place for religious worship; and �
d. does not involve any partisan or non-partisan political activity �
associated with a candidate, or contending faction or group, in �
an election for public or party office.
7. The Agency shall require such students as may be assigned to it to submit :
time reports and follow such other procedures as may be established by the Urban �
8. The Urban Corps shall have the right to remove any students assigned to
the Agency from said �assignment and from the Agency at any time for any reason with-
out prior notice; and the Urban Corps shall not be obligated to replace said student.
9. The Agency shall have the right to remove any student assigned to said
Agency at any time with prior notice given to the student and the Urban Corps.
10. The Agency warrants that is is in compliance with the provisions of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352, 78 State. 252) , �1innesota Statutes Section
181.59 and Minneapolis Code of Ordinance, Chapter 139 and 141.
11. The Agency �shall indemnify, protect and hold harmless the Urban Corps
from all claims, causes or actions which may result from the assignment of students
to the Agency.
12. The Agency shall obtain at its own expense Workman's Compensation insurance
(or shall be self-insured under State Law) for such students as may be assigned to
it under this Agreement.
^ 13. The Agency shall pay to the Urban Corp 20% of the gross compensation
earned by such students assianed and accepted by the Agency under a Federal or
State program. The Urban Corps will bill the Agency, in accordance with bi-weekly
payroll periods, for its proper share of the compensation of such students as may
have been assigned to the Agency and performed work during said period. Student
hourly rates are set forth in Section 13(a) and 13(b) of this Agreement.
a. From January 1, 1930 through June 30, 1980, hourly compensation
for students will be set at $3.80 per hour for entering fresh�en `
through receipt of a Bachelor's Degree, and $5.00 per hour for
graduate students. (A graduate student is defined for purposes �
of this Agreement as one who has received a B.A. , B.S. , or �
equivalent degree. )
b. From July 1, 1980 through December 31, 1980, hourly compensation
for students will be set at $4.10 per hour for entering freshmen
through receipt of a Bachelor's Degree, and $5.40 per hour for �
graduate students. ( A graduate student is defined for purposes `
of this Agreement as one who has received a B.A. , B.S. , or +
equivalent degree. ) �
14. At the election of the Agency, the Urban Corps shall place students to
intern under a Stipend program. This option will be specified in the Assignment
Form which the intern's Agency, supervisor must sign before commencement of the �
internship. The Stipend rate which the Agency shall pay the Urban Corps is
$20.00 per week for each week the student works. ;
15. At the election of the Agency, the Urban Corps shall place interns for
whom the Agency will pay the intern's total compensation. This option will be
specified in the Assignment Form which the intern's Agency supervisor must sign
before commencement of the internship. Agency rates for said option are set fo1"th
in Section 15(a) and 15(b) of this Agreement.
a. From January 1,`1980 through June 30, 1980, Agency rates for students
will be set at $3.80 per hour for entering freshmen through receipt
of a Bachelor's Degree, and $5.00 per hour for graduate students.
(A graduate student is defined for purposes of this Agreement as
one who has received a B.A. , B.S. , or equivalent degree. )
b. From July 1, 1980 through December 31, 1980, A�ency rates for students
will be set at $4.10 per hour for entering freshmen through receipt :
of a Bachelor's Degree, and $5.40 per hour for graduate student5.
(A graduate student is defined for puposes of this Agreement as
one who has received a B.A. , B.S. , or equivalent degree. )
16. Saint Paul will provide $54,844.00 (fifty-four thousand and eight
hundred forty-four dollars) towards the personnel and administrative expense
of the Urban Corps program.
17. Saint Paul will pay to the Urban Corps �8,185.00 (eiaht thousand and
one hundred eighty-five dollars) for administrative expenses. Saint Paul will pay
said amount in quarterly installments to the Urban Corps beginning April 1, 1980.
18. Saint Paul will retain $46,659.00 (Forty-six thousand and six hundred
fifty-nine dollars) for personnel and administrative expenses incurred by the
Saint Paul-Ramsey County Urban Corps office.
19. Performance under this contract shall conxnence on January 1 , 1980
and terminate on December 31, 1980, unless amended in writing as mutually
agreed upon by both the Agency and the Institution; however, either party
may terminate upon ninety (90) day written .notice. Should such ri�ht of
termination be excercised, then only the pro-rata portion of such installment
coming due herein shall be paid or shall the terminating party be liable for.
Based�upon the statements and affirmations made by the Agency through the
above document, the Urban Corps hereby agrees to the assignment of students to
said Agency, in accordance with said document and the applicable laws and
Director, Department of Finance and
��� : �9p� Management Services �
� Approved as to F rm:
Assistant Cit Attorney
City Clerk
� Approved as to Legality:
Assistant City Attorney �