275509 WHITE - CITV CLERK COl1flC1I ��p ��k J PINK - FINANCE , G I TY OF SA I NT PAII L �� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. o cil Resolution Presented B Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10. 07. 4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred the following in the 1980 budget: From: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve - General 09060-536-000 Transfer or Contribution to Budget Fund $12,755 TO; Planning and Economic Development 06000-537-000 Transfer or Contribution to Special Fund $12 ,755 For payment to State Auditor for audit of Central Village. Approved as to Funding: Approved: Dir. , Dept. o Finance & Mgmt. Services . � dget Dire tor �� �f���D 1'�'( ��tlf �d . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Levine �_ [n Favor Maddox � nn�n�anor, __ Against BY -- Showalter Tedesco WNson AUG 2 g� Form Approved C' Atto ey Adopted by� Council: Date — Certified s_ by Council et BY gy - -�' Approved ayor: Date '� ? 9��_ Approve Mayor for Submi sion � Council BY - – By pi�LISHED SEP 6 1�8� Claim For Audit 2'755�9 �,�,r,,.�w 1 i � �� �. 7 fi 7 Z , � f f e -�= STATE Of MINNESOTA �� • • OFFICE OF THE STATE AUDITOR � • �� 1612) 296-2551 To: �qr. Tom �leyer Date: June 30, 1980 City Hall Annex Room 1400 - Accountant 25 ��Jest 4th Street St. Paul , ��linnesota 55102 _.._. __ ��i`i�*�- �ic.�rr� c� �or �he months o March, April and "9ay Services rendered and expe incurred in examining financial affairs of �,ye Ci�y of Sai nt °�sal C�h�:ral Ui l lage $12,754.75 c�verinc± t'�� �eriod 1973-198�. D�tail P,udi t Di rector 2 5/8 days @>236 � 619.5�J Senior P,uditor 4�4 days @$155 F,��a.0� ` In�ermediate Auditor 3�J 1/4 days @�13Q �,�53.50 Intern 27 3/8 daYs �$ 40 1 ,�95.00 ",eimbursable Expense - mileage 122.75 Total �12.,754.75` Please indicate c1aim number on remittance. (Details are on file in the Office of the State Auditor) STATE AU I declare under penalties of law that d the foregoing account is just and correct By: and that no part of it has been paid. CuY't1 S L. S1 ppel ,qssistant State Auditor Please make remittance payable to Minnesota State Treasurer and send to: PAYABLE PROMPTLY UPON RECEIPT Of�ce of the State Auditor Minn. Stat. § 6.56 Veterans Service Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 i i i � � � � do � � WQ wz � .� � N .� w ,� UO ++ .� a � ° z z � � � � b � � . � � � U � 3 �' a� w Q � a � ��S�a 9 To Our Audit Clients: Beginning in February, 1980, the Office of the State Auditor initiated a system of progress billing of audit costs as they accumulate. The billing for current audit work performed for your governmental unit ma.y be received soaner than previously, possibly before distribution of the audit report. This is a change in billing policy and will not affect the processing of your audit report. M.S. 6.56 (1978) provides authority for this procedure. _ � t:IT��' O�� �'.�����' �A.�i L ,-_,����� 2'75��9 -.: . , �.`-�i` " �:: OF'%IC�; L).� i•tZ1: G�'i'_ti Cfl��C�L ' {� �.:. _L =�fj\� � :�`�:; _ ,! 7 - '�. - �.:'; `� y !':�'' Da t e . August 21 , 198Q �,��� L,J � 1'd! Y� � i � � � ! `b �,.. � � ! L i _ � tiJ � .7d��! ���� �s��� �Q���+� � _ _ ' _ �� Q � : Cq��;��'�b �?�1 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL _ � George McMahon ; chvifman» �r�ake� �he fvltc.^ring ��porT e�r� �. �. �' � Qrdinar,ce . (g) � F2esotu�iar� . � � : • � Qiher � - (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ) � ���..� : ' At its meeting of Augus�t 21 , 1980, the Finance Committee recorrnnended approval . of the following: . .. ___-- __ � 9. Resolution placing title of Trainee (Custodian Engineer) in Section 3.0 - Custodial Engineers-Ungraded. (11231-GM) � 10. Resoiution establishing rate of pay for Trainee (Custodian Engineer�. (�lT�32-GM) il . . Resolution granting time-and-one-half pay for major holidays to emp1oyees in � � Special Employmerrt Section of Ungraded Division whQ are paid or� hourly basis." (1�1.233-GM) . . � 12. Resolution establishing biweekly salary rates �for Grade 39 .in Professional- Administrative Supervisors Group. (11246-GM) � 13. Resolution approving 'collateral pledged by designated bank to protect funds � _ of City of Saint Paul he.ld in said bank. (11247-GM} � 14. Resolution permitting teachers to remain in the group insurance up to five - years if they are on Mobility Leave. (11254-GM} 15. Resolution transferring $23,000 from Contingent Reserve General to General Government Accounts-�rban Corps to provide "match" monies for student-intern salaries. (11260-GM) 16. Resolution amending previous Resolution No. 80-5/7-1 , to change agreegate principal amount of bonds from $150 million to appraximateTy $250 million for _ McKnight Foundation Housing Project. (11276-GP�) 17. Resolution authorizing transfer of funds for payment to $tate Auditor for Central Village audit for months of March, April and May 1980. (11278-GM) `iTY �I��.LL SE:'ENTH FLOJR S:1I\T P�;UL, ti�[I\`ti`E;SJT_1 5�3J� OM O1: 12/1975 - Rev. : 9/8/?6 Rev. : 5/7/80 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, F,/� �--�� �� �a-as9 RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 2'755�9 � Date: August 11, 1980 TO: Mayor George Latimer Council President Rpn Maddox � '� :'� ': ' ' „ �-�� FROM: John W. Connelly � � �� �, *�^ ',�' f - . RE: Audit of Central Village. � nn� r�a��� c�F�=s�� ACTION REQUESTED: Transfer of funds. � PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: The City Council authorized on February 14, 1980, (C.F. 274433) an audit of the Central Village program to be perfo�med by the State Auditor. The dollars requested in attached resolution are for payment for the iranths of March, April, and May, 1980, on the work performed to the State Auditor � under this authorization. ' A� � . ��"� ATTACHMENTS: