275506 WHITE - CITY CLERK ��w.�/� PINK - FINANCE . �J' /^��� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L � Council � ��`V �' BLUE - MAYOR . File N . C ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the followin� securities $220,000 - 10-1/$'/a U. S. Treasury Notes due September 30, 1981 $880,000 - 9-7/8% U. S. Treasurq Notes due December 31, 1980 pledged as collateral to protect deposits of public funds of the City of Saint Paul with American National Bank of Saint Paul, hereby is authvrized, ratified and approved, such having been done in conformance with the applicable statutes of the State of Minnesota. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt � Financ and M t rvices - Treasu Division Levine In Favor Maddox � McMahon B snowa�ter __ Against Tedesco �Ison Adopted by Council: Date AUG 2 6 1Q�� Form Approved b C y A o ney Certified sse by Counc� , cr BY By X� i Approved 'Navor: D e • _A�� 2 9�� A co e by ayor u t is ' n to Cauncil _ By _ Pt�etts�EO S E P 6 1980 f_ r F.� �'IT_Y �fl�i` �i����I`�''�' ..'���3I. �y� � -.,- �j �G I � � i,_ �� £ ��y����` OF�TIC�. O�� ''i.''r_:I�: i�;:'L':t' CO��'�C�L .':< , 4:; ( ,H`_ �i,`.. 'f:, E��\`; - _ '�t�::_� `��\ yY����' Date ; August 21 , 1980 \����, _ � � #�d� �i� i�7� �' � � � �' �"� �� T C� � �air�� F��u� Cif� Cc��r���� . _ .,. � F �Q� : ����;���y � ,� FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL 1 George McMahon ; chaiemar�, �r��ke� fhe fa{ ic.^�ing repat�f �n �. �'. �' � Qrdinar�ce � �9) � �esatu�i�n - - � 4�r�er . (CONTINUED fROM PAGE 1 ) � ���..E � � At its meeting of August 21 , 1980, the Finance Committee recommended approval of the following: . . .. _ __._ • 9. Resolution placing title of Trainee (Custodian Engineer) ir► Section 3.0 - � Custodial Engineers-Ungraded. (11231-GM) 10. Resolution estabYishing rate of pay for Trainee (Custodian Engineer). (11232-GM) 11 . . Resolution granting time-and-one-half pay for major holidays to employees in � � - Special Employment Section of Ungraded Division wha are paid on hourly basis. (1�1233-GM) 12. Resolution establishing biweekly salary ra�es �for Grade 39 .in ProfessTOnal- Administrative Supervisors Group. (11246-GM) 13. Resolution approving 'collateral pledged by designated bank to protect funds � � of City of Saint Paul held in said bank. (11247-GM� � 14. Resolutian permitting teachers to remain in the,group insurance up to five - years if they are on Mobility Leave. (11254-GM) 15. Resolution transferring $23,000 from� Contingent Reserve General to General Government Accounts-Urban Corps to provide "match" monies for student-intern salaries. (11260-GM} 16. Resolution amending previous Resolution No. 80-5/7-1 , ta change agreegate principal amount of bonds from $150 million to approximately $250 million for , McKnight Foundation Housing Project. (11276-GP�) 17. Resolution authorizing transfer of funds for paymen� to $tate Auditor for Central Uillage audit for months of March, April and May 1980. (11278-GM) ::TTY i��LL SE�'ENTH FLOrJR 5:11\T Pr:UL, ��EI\`ti�50T�1. 5�102 : : � OM Ol: 12f i915; . '' l�+�-��. Rtv.: . � 9!8l7bb,��_��� � ~ � . . �, .. LXPLA -i0N �P AII�tIN STRATIVE ORA$RS, � � . �E�F`Y�'D �Sdi,U'� NS AND ORDINAliCBS: � JUt 2 8� . !� E C � 1 V E D� CtTY A�'���� . EY Date: ,July 28, 198Q - �U�' �� 19$0 � IMAY.OR'� ', . . / . . . . 3 . . . T0: :MAYOR GBOR+GL LATIMER ; PR; Gary R, Norstre�, De�t. of Finaince 6 Mg�mt. Servic�es= jt8: C�iCZL 'RBSOLiRION APPRQVING Cf�tJ.AT88Ai. AGTIt� SEQUESTED: Th� pasaage of the attac6�d resolnt#�►te agprovaa the aec�rfties ple�dg±�d ° by the desigaated baak to prote�t funila of �he City of Saint Paal ahile ` `- � . �eld in setid bank. . , : _ ; � ; PU&Pt?8E A�D ;RI�►TIANAI.E FOR THIS ACTION: , � ' ' ;, , 1�3A I18 reqair�s collateral to p�rot�ct public f�nda snd sets e�rt� s �►xocsd��t^e � � � �be �ollo�d in tbe handling of �aid aullateral including the reqai:s�eat � o� approval by the•:�QVarning bo�j►. ; _ . �� � . ,. . - . � . � . � � � . � � - . � . - �. . � vii ..� � �� . . . . . . . . . ... .. . � � �"7 . . � .. .. � � - . . . '� .. � . _�:d , ATTAC�ITS t �;. � Prca�passd Cstmcil $esolurian. �