275505 WHITE• - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COl1AC11 CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I N T PA U L 7 BLUE - MAYOR File N O. �/ � �� � • ,/ / Zn�i Ordinance N 0. �� ��7 Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - - An Ordinance establishing an experi- mental residential permit parking program in the University of Minnesota St. Paul Campus residential axea in the City of Saint Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. Declaxation of Purpose. The Council of the City of Saint Paul finds that the residential area adjacent .to or near the University of Minnesota, Saint Pau1 Campus does not have sufficient off-street parking to safely accommodate the residential parking needs of the residents, and the park- ing needs of non-residents using this institution. The Council further finds the fre- quent parking of vehicles in this residential area by these non-residential users has created residential problems of a safety, environmental and aesthetic nature. Therefore to encourage reliance on car pools and mass transit, which is achieved by assuring convenient parking to residents who leave their caxs at home during the day, to enhance the quality of life in residential areas by reducing noise, traffic hazards and litter, to reduce air pollution and other environmental factors of excessive automobile commuting, and to preserve the safety of children and other pedestrians, and the residential area from the above mentioned health and safety hazards, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby establishes this Residential Permit Parking Ordinance. Section 2. Restricted Residential Permit Parking Areas Authorized. 'I'he following parking regulations shall be in effect in the residential area in and around the University of Minnesota, Saint Paul Campus: a. University of Minnesota, Saint Paul �ampus. l. Except by Permit or unless otherwise posted, one hour parking weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the followi.ng streets: COUIVCILMEN � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favor — Maddox McMahon snowa�ter A gai n s t By Ted� �Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary �u°a` lOr/�'�'d By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY -2- � - •- - � �� � .� � `,,;,y South side of Hoyt from Fulham St. to the alley east of Grantham. Both sides of Dudley Avenue from Grantham Street to Hythe Street. North side of Dudley Avenue from Hythe Street to Cleveland Avenue. Both sides of Hendon Avenue from Fulham Street to Hythe Street. North side of Hendon Avenue from Hythe Street to Cleveland Avenue. North side of Buford Avenue from Grantham Street to Hythe Street. South side of Buford Avenue from 300' east of GranthamStreet to alley west of Cleveland Avenue. North side of Doswell Avenue from 150' east of Como Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. South side of Doswell Avenue from Gove Place to Chelmsford Street. North side of Carter Avenue from the alley east of Como Avenue to Chelmsford Street. South side of Carter Avenue from the alley east of Como Avenue to Cl.eveland Avenue. North side of Commonwealth Avenue from the alley east of Como Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. North side of Knapp Street from the a11ey east of Como Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. East side of Fulham Street from 250' south of Hendon Avenue north to Hoyt Avenue. West side of Fulham Street from the alley north of Como Avenue to Hendon Avenue. Both sides of Branston Street from Hoyt Avenue to the dead end 300' south of Hendon. Both sides of Grantham Street from Hoyt Avenue to Doswell Avenue. Both sides of Chelmsford Street from Dudley Avenue to Carter Avenue. West side of Chelmsford Street from Carter Avenue to Knapp Street. Both sides of Hythe Street from Dudley Avenue to Buford Avenue. West side of Hythe Street from Buford Avenue to Doswell Avenue. West side of Raymond Avenue from Dudley Avenue to Scudder Street. North side of Scudder from the a11ey east of Como Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. -� /0�/6� �d , -3- � � �� j� `�� West side of Cleveland Avenue from Scu�der Street to Dudley Avenue. 2. Fiffieen (15) minute parking by residents or non-residents fran 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on the south side of Buford Avenue frcan Cleveland Av�ntae west tA the alley. Section 3. Parking Pern�its; Eligibility; Issuance. a. An AppLication for one or more parking perm.i.ts authorized tmcler this Ordi- nanoe shall be made on a form provic�ed by the Director, which form may require t1� applicant to furnish his or her name and address, make, mod,el, and lic�ense nLUnber of his or her vehicles, and any additional information which will aid the Director in the enforoement of the provisions oontained in this Ordinance. b. A non-refund,able permit application fee of $5.00 for each Residential Park- ing Pezmit shall be required to cover oosts incurred as a result of the i�lementation of the residential permit parking plan. c. An Lml�mi.ted nLmiber of Residential Parking Pezm.its shall be made available to the resident of said residenae or dwelling unit on the basis of one permit for each vehicle awned by the resident. In no way shall the n�r of permits exoeed the ntmiber of vehicles owned by the resic7ent. cl. Unlimited transferable Visitor Permits at a non-refLmda.ble cost of $5.00 per permit, shall be mac�e available to each resic7ence or dwelling tmit, notwithstanding whether or not the resident of the residence or dwelling tmit aans an aut�bile. Provic7ed that no resident of a residenae or dwelling unit may use a Visitor Pezmit to park a car owned or oontrolled by him or her in the restricted area, it being the int�ent of this orclinanoe that such Visitor Permits shall be made available and used by people not residing in but visiting a resident of the restricted area. e. Residents within the restricted area, at a cost of 50¢ for each pexmit, may aoquire fram the Director non-transferable and dated Special Eve.nt Permits which shall sta.te the e�iration dat�e of said permits. The Director shall determine the n�iber of special event perm.its tA be isstaed and the Y�urs in effect, �on his determination that the issuanc�e of same would not unduly i�air traffic safety or creat�e serious probl�n.s during the use of such special permits. f. Churches within the restrict�d area, at a cost of 50¢ for each pezmit, may aoquire frcen the Director transferable Special Event Pexmits provided that such ��;ts shall be only used in ct�njunction with events spc�sored by the applicant Church. The Director shall determine the ntanber of and effective period of the pernuts to be issued. Such permits shall not be required, upon advanoe notioe to the Police Departrrent, for extraorclinary church events such as funerals, �rial servioes, festivals or bazaars, or wedclings, where issuanc�e of such permits would be impractica.l. � ie�.�t-,� -�+- � .-- _,,.- • � � 7 � , g. Residential Parking Permit Stickers shall be placed in the lower rear corner of the left side window closest to the rear of the vehicle. Visitor and Special Event Permit Tickets shall be placed over the post holding the rear view mirror to the windshield or some other conspicuous spot on the front of the vehicle where they are visible to the enforcement personnel. h. No permit issued under this Ordinance shall guaxantee or reserve to the holder, a particular parking space within the restricted area but shall provide general parking in said area during the time specified by this resolution and so posted as required by Section 4. i. In the event any of the permits issued under this ordinance are lost, duplicates sha11 be obtained from the Director at a cost of $1.00 per permit, provided that no such duplicate shall be issued unless and until the applicant has furnished to the Director a written statement that he or she has lost the original permit. No person shall apply for a duplicate permit unless the original permit has in fact been lost. Section �+. Services, Repair, and Emergency Assistance. Individuals who perform or vehicles used in the performance of commercial services, repairs, or emergency assistance for any resident living in the residential area, are exempt from restrictions imposed by this ordinance, provided that such persons are then performing or the vehicles in fact are then being used in such services or assistance, and provided further, the exemption granted hereunder shall terminate immediately upon completion of the necessary services or assistance. Section 5. Street Maintenance; Snow Emergency. No exemptions or other permits granted herein sha,�l abro�ate�th� scope of paxk- ing restrictions imposed as such restrictions relate to street .maintenance, parking in one location beyond 21+ hours, or emergencies provided in Chapter 1�+9 of this Code. Section 6. Handicapped Parking. Nothing herein provided shall abrogate the scope of parking privileges granted handicapped persons as established pursuant to this Code or Statutes enacted by this State. Section 7. Posting of Signs. The Director shall cause appropriate signs to be posted in the restricted areas so as to inform an ordinarily observant person of the existence of rules and regulations imposed by this Ordinance. ��"� !��� -�o WHITE� - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE I"'�' f��� CANARY - DEPARTMENT � G I T Y O F S A I N T PA iT L F le cil N O. �� �� � =LUE - MAYOR � ��� • O/ in�cnce Ordinance N�. J � �a y Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -5- Section 8. Penalty. It shall be unlawful for any person to submit false information in any application for a parking permit issued pursuant to this Ordinance. Violation of any application requirement shall be grounds for denial or revocation of the permit and shall be punishable as a misdemeanor. It shall also be u.nlawful for any vehicle to be stopped, parked or abandoned in violation of any provisions of this Ordinance. Any such violation is hereby declared an obstruction of public streets and shall be punishable as a misdemeanor and may subject the vehicle to be moved or impounded at the cost and expense of the owner in accordance with the terms of Chapter 1�+8 of this Code. Section 9. Severability. In the event any section of this Ordinance is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity shall extend only to the section affected and all other sections shall continue in �.i.11 force and effect. Section 10. Coding. This Ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section marker at the time of the next revision of the Legislative Code. Section 11. Effective Date, Expiration. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (3�.� c,.ays after its passage, approval and publication, but shall expire one year from its effective date unless extended or acted upon by the City Council. COUIVC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt � �evine In Favor — Maddox McMahon snowei�er Against By Tedesco iAFlwo Adopted by C cil• Date ��T 2 3 ,�$0 Form Approved by City Attorney Certif' Pas by unc' Sec�tary � /O�-!�'�'O Approved ayo : Dat Q�� 2 g � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY P���a N OV 1 1980 � � � �WHITE � - CITY CLERK .?�Q ��1. ° PINK i � FINANCE '�,��'#� ��R `CANARV -t'�°_PARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUI1C11 �'�' • '� ''' �BLUE -MAYOR File NO. • w • nn Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � An Ordinance establishing an experimental residential permit parking program in two � restdential areas in the Ctty of Saint Paul. � COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUI DOES ORDAIN: Sectio 1. Declaration of Purpose. The Co cii of the City of SaPnt Paul f�nds that residential areas adJacent to or near the Uni rsity of Minnesota, Saint Paul Campus , and William Mitchell College of Law do not hav sufficient off-street parking to safely accomnodate the residential parking needs o he residents, and the parking needs of non-residents using these institutions. The ouncil further finds the frequent parking of vehicles in these residential areas by hese non-residentiat users has created residential problems of a safety, environme al �d aesthetic nature. Therefore to encourage liance on car pools and mass transit, which is achieved by assuring convenient parkin to residents who leave thetr cars at home during the day, to enhance the quality of 1 e in residential areas by reducing noise, traffic hazards and litter, to reduce atr p lut�on and other environmental factors of ex- cessive automobile commuting, and to eserve the safety of children and other pedes- trians, and the residential areas from above mentioned health and safety hazards, the Council of the City of Saint Paul here establishes this Residential Permit Park- ing Ordinance. -� Section 2. Restricted Residenttal Permit Parkin Areas Authorized. The foilowing parking regulations shalt be in e ct in residentiat areas in and around the University of Minnesota, Saint Paul Campus , nd William Mitchelt College of Law: a. Univers�ty of Minnesota, Saint Paul Campus. l. Except by Permit or unless otherwise posted, one hou parking weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the follawing streets: . COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine Against BY � Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary . j�1�t�, 7�30—� gy � Approved by Mayor: Date A ro d by Mayo f r S ission to Council By By : � . -2- ������ South side of Hoyt from Fulham St. to the alley east of Grantham. Both sides of Dudley Avenue from Grantham Street to Hythe Street. ,� North side of Dudley Avenue from Hythe Street to Cleveland Avenue. Both sides of Hendon Avenue from Fulham Street to Hythe Street. N th side of Hendon Avenue from Hythe Street to Cleveland Avenue. Nort side of Buford Avenue from Grantham Street to Hythe Street. South s e of Buford Avenue from 300' east of Grantham Street to alley wes of Cleveland Avenue. North side o Doswel ) Avenue from 150' east of Como Avenue to Cleveland Aven e. South side of Dos 11 Avenue from Gove Place to Chelmsford Street. North side of Carter venue from the alley east of Como Avenue to Chelmsford Street. South side of Carter Ave e from the alley east of Como Avenue to Cieveland Avenue. North side of Commonwealth A nue from the alley east of Como Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. � North side of Knapp Street from t alley east of Como Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. East side of Fulham Street from 250' s th of Hendon Avenue north to Hoyt Avenue. West side of Fulham Street from the alley n th of Como Avenue to Hendon Avenue. Both sides of Branston Street from Hoyt Avenue to he dead end 300' south of Hendon. Both sides of Grantham Street from Hoyt Avenue to Dosw 1 Avenue. Both sides of Chelmsford Street from Dudley Avenue to Cart Avenue. ,, West side of Chelmsford Street from Carter Avenue to Knapp Street. Both sides of Hythe Street from Dudley Avenue to Buford Avenue. West side of Hythe Street from Buford Avenue to Doswell Avenue. West side of Raymond Avenue from Dudley Avenue to Scudder St►eefi. North side of Scudder from the alley east of Como Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. . _� 7-3v-f.�'<J � - F �r . -3- �������5 �� 2. No parking anytime by residents or non-residents on the west side of Cleveland Avenue from Scudder Street to Dudley Avenue. 3. Fifteen (�5) minute parking 6y residents or non-residents from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on the south side of Buford Avenue f rom Cleveland Avenue west to the alley. b. Wiiliam Mitchell College of Law �. Except by Permit or unless otherwise posted, no parking fran 2 :00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on tMe north side of Portland Avenue between Victoria Stree and Mi iton Street. 2. Except b Permit or unless oCherwise posted, 1 hour parking weckdays from 2:00 p.m. 0 8:30 p.m. cm the following streets : North side Portland Avenue between Victoria Street and Avon Street. Both sides of ortland Avenua between Milton Street and Chatsworth Street. South side of H lly Avenue between Vtctoria Street and Avon Street. West side of Mlit Avenue from Portland Avenue south to the alley. 3. If during the effec ve period of this non-resident parking ordinance , demand shifts to stre s outside of the established permit parking areas thereby creating dditional and substanttal health and safety problems tn said non-per t parking areas, the Director of Public Works, hereinafter referre to as "Director", may establish one hour parking except by permit or less otherwise posted, from 2 :00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on the following reets, when non-resident parking ex- ceeds 51$ of the available on st et parking curb space: Both sides of Ashland Avenue, from V toria Street to ChatsworCh Street. Both sides of Milton Street from Portlan venue to Ashland Avenue. Both sides of Portland Avenue from Chatsworth treet to Oxford Street. North sTde of Ashland Avenue from Vittoria Street o Avon Street. _ Sectlon 3. Parkin�Pe rmits; Eligibility; Issuance. a. An Application for one or more parking permits authorized u er this Ordi- nance shall be made on a form p rovided by the Director, which'"��prm�may requtre the applicant to furnish his or her name and address , maite, model , and license number of his or her vehictes , and any additional information which will aid the Director in the enforcement of the provisions contained in thls Ord�nance. ��1,d�3 ?-.3a-� .` � �. . -5- . . •` , ��� 4 N � ; j � 5�� i . In the event any of the permits issued under this ordinance are lost, dupli - cates shall be obtained from the Director at a cost of $1 .00 per permit, pro- vided that no such duplicate shall be issued unless and until the applicant has furnished to the Director a written statement that he or she has lost the original permit. No person shall apply for a duplicate permit unless the original permit has in fact been lost. Section 4. Services, Repair and Emer enc Assistance. Individu who perform or vehicles used in the performance of commercial services, rerpai , or emergency assistance for any resident living in the resi- dential area, are xempt from restrictions imposed by this ordinance, provided that such persons a then performing or the vehicles in fact are then being used in such services r assistence, and provided further, the exemption granted hereunder shall termina immediately upon completion of the necessary services or assistance. Section 5. Street Maintenance• ow Emer enc . No exemptions or other permi granted herein abrogate the scope of parking restrictions imposed as such restr tions relate to street maintenance, parking in one location beyond 24 hours, or ergencies provided in Chapter 149 of this Code. Section 6. Handicapped Parking. Nothing herein provided shall abrogate t e scope of parking privileges granted handicapped persons as established pu uant to 'this �ode or Statutes enacted by this State. Section 7. Posting of Signs. The Director shall cause appropriate signs te be sted in the restricted areas so as to inform an ordinarily observant person of he existence of rules and regulations imposed by this Ordinance. Section 8. Penalty. It shall be unlawful for any person to submit false informat n in any appli- cation for a parking permit issued pursuant to this Ordinance. Vi lation of any application requirement shall be grounds for denial or revocation o the permit and shall be pur�ishable as a misdemeanor. It shall also be unlawful r any vehicle to be stopped, parked or abandoned in violation of any provisi s of this Ordinance. Any such viclation is hereby declared an obstruction of publ c streets and shall be punishable as a misdemeanor and may subject the vehicle to b moved or impounded at the cost and expense of the owner in accordance with the te s of Chapter 148 of this Code. � "^� -� 7��-yv � WHy+T� — CI TV CLERK n�1{ �� pINR ` — FINANCE t T g CACNARV -�OEAARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUIICII �2�j5 B�UE ' —MAYOR � Fll@ NO. • O�ftiZ/LfZ/`CG Ordinance NO. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -6- Se ct i on 9. S e rab i 1 i t . in the eve any sectton of this Ordinance is held invalid by a court of canpetent juris ction, the invalidity shali extend only to the section affected and all t-�er sections shall continue in full force and effect. Section 10. Coding. This Ordinance shall be med a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated the re and given an app ropriate chapter and/or section marker at the time of the xt revision of the Legislattve Code. Section 11 . Effective Date, Expiration. This Ordinance shal l take effect and be in rce thi rty (30� days after its passage, �proval and publication , but shall e i re one year from its effective date unless extended or acted upon by the Council. � � ti ,,,\ COUIVCILMEI�1 Requested by Department of: Yeas ����s Butler Levine In Favor ozz M addo� Le e M�nnat,�., Against BY � d x Showalt��; how ter Tedescc Tedesco W�Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary B� 7- 3d�8� By � Approved by Mayor: Date A r d by Mayor f b ission to Council gy B _ _ ; . .:�; . ✓ ,, _ , ., -y= , _ � , , . , . . �'�,��'t� � �_ . , . _ . ��., ' . ' . ��� y ' . . .. . . .. i . . . . � . . ��' � � � ' � . " . . t ' . � .. �,J�'S.. 'W:� ' ' . . '� . . . .. ' �� , . . �' � . . � � � . . ��� . . . : .. . ' . , . . � . . . . . ' A1�1�. . . , . , . �� � �. . . ,�-. ... " i . �', . .. . . .. �:� .:-� . . � .. . � [ "'.. . "' I � .� . ..� ' . '. � � . . . .. �.E� . . � , . � �.. . � :. � 3�` . �: ., .. • �. . . � ., . . � � ; Y � . . . . � ... - � . � . ' ' .� yP��.� � . . . - . ' . . _- - , ' � � . .. � • • . ,.(�� �R� . . . . . _ � �',� . .. . � � � . , . . . . .'{�� y N�� ' . . ` . � -� " . � � � � . ' . . . . � .. � � . � � � . - �"� � j� . � .. t . : ' . . :. / � : , . � � ���� � i �+ 1 . / . . - . ..1 . . ' � '' . �__ '� _.f..: .. . . . . � . � - . . ,�� . . . � . , ..���" . .. � . . , . e -J 4 OCtObez'�16� 1980 . - _ ; � . . , " , �� � . - , � -< f , t : - l�r. �d-Starr � " � � -i '� , . + L�it� A�Gtnr�ey . - *2 Room 64?f C�t,�y Hsl�� , _ � � � ,'b ' : " '� De�ar 81�• , _ ' . . : . � � �. ,� � , . , � �� �,. , . ; ., At tc� _ `, ay`$ City� Council meetirt$j 'a �tian xas edopted segar+�t�t►g iato txo se�arnte orditu�nces� C.F, 2'TS505, atz c�r�linance es�lis'b�3r�g, , an,c��periment�al reeideatial perc�it park � aa� in th,e�.Uni'versii�t� � ' j �� �.n8 progx', of i�n�neaota St. Pa.ui Ca�pus vici:aity �►d t,�a i�. Mitcls�ll Col�e�e ' �, :of L�c viciait�r. Th� c�rdi�aae Was e;ls� amensleQ by s�rtki�g the ' . Cl�valacu� Ave. F�'�6 i��P�� from �ie pertion of th� a�8iaan�n! ' ' • , ' releting to th�e Uhiverai�yr oY-Mi�tua. $t. Paul Cem,�us• eutd the - ' '` 1 j .; ` t�,lt�acice was al.so-amended. on page tour► P�'�R'e�P�..�,: relat�ng�to ` `' , � ' p�'kii'�g i"ar�-Church related evente. Will`yau� p].eaee grepsre t�e - �� . ; ' `�+�t�s�ry ordinancea to impl�a�ent this aetionz ;�e qrdinsnee��will • ;` ; . b� scheduled for Final Adopt3on qn 2'hursday� ,O�to�er 23� 1�0. . - : ; , � � T�e Council also i+'equests tha,t a xesolu�tion be prepared dire���t#,r�. _ � � � ', .t�e.Fub�ic Work+t Depax�ent tc�� make a sti�d,y of:�he; Cleva�end Avet�`iie _ : � f _ , P�'k�8 Probluq�a3#�iin �,h�i r� 60 dqya, includin� pc�dible str�t ? viideaing under the C� ` � • , `PY`o8��• , . , . , ; . _ : , Yery tru�y you�ss , , ` , � - , ,.. � . , i_ : � . : * } ��� I�t . � Ci�,y C1�rI� � , , , � . . . � � � _ , : _ ; ,.. , A80s�a � . . _ ,. ' � � , � � c�a Pubiic ik�rl'ts DIl�r4, � � _ . - . ,' _. i ,�. � � , _ _ y , f x � . , � 1 � i { � . _ , _ . j � ,. � .� , � � , . , -i` �- � ._ � , , � �� � � � � � �1 . ; , _ `. , . ,�� , . �;� . . ; _ . �. � � � J*, ,"�' ,' CITY OF SAINT PAUL �o:.sPe OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL rc�����oee me�e�ee VICTOR J. TEDESCO MARILYN LANTRY Councilman Legislative Aide September 12, 1980 Al Olson City Clerk's Office 386 City Hall Dear Al: Attached is an amendment to the residential pexmit parking program ordinance which will have a fourth reading sometime in the middle of October. Would you please see that this is attached to the ordinance so that the Council can approve the amendment along with the complete ordinance in October. As soon as you have set a date for a hearing before the Council please let me know as there are quite a few p�ople who wish to be notified of the Council meeting. If you have any questionsa please call me. Sincerely, . �� Victor J. Tedesco Councilman CITY OF SAINT PAUL cc-City Council Walter Bowsea^, City Attorney CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5506 �C� . a ,� �_� � �-- the issuanc� of sa�e c�uld not tmduly ir,�air traffic safety or create serious problems d�ing the use of such speci.al pennits. f. Ctn�ches within the restricted area, at a cost of $5.00 for the applica- tian and 50� for each pernoit, may acquire fram the I}irector transferable Special Event Pezmits provided that such per3nits shall be anly used in canjlmction with ev�nts spansored by the applicant QYUrch. Zhe I}irector shall determine the n�anber of and the effective period of the pernri.ts to be issued. ��d.ts s�a:I.I not be�re�_ed�u�z_advance r�tice to t1�e Police,?����`or��e�s�`aor�u�ary_c.Y�irch_ev�?�s� suc�:�as fu¢ier�5, �ia� services, festivals or bazaars, ar weddings, where iss�iee o��< ; sr�ch permits w�uld be impractical. _ g. Residenti.al Parking Permit Stickers sha.11 be pla.ced in the lawer rear corner of the left ,side window c].c�sest .to the rear of the vehicle. Visitor and Special Event'Permi�t�i:�k�ets shall be placed over the post holding the rear view mirror to the windshield or sane other conspicu- ous spot an the front of the vehicle where they are visible to enfor.ce- ment persormel. - h. No perm.it issued tmder this ordinance sha.11 g�aarantee or reserve to the holder, a particular parking space witivn the restricted area but shall provide general paxking in said area. during the t�.me specified by this - - resolutian and so posted as rern�ired by Sectian 4. i. In the event any of the pezmi.ts issued Lm.der this ordinance are lost, duplicates shall be obtained fram the 1?irector at a cost of 51.00 per permit, provi.ded that no such duplicate shall be issued tmless and imtil the applicaz�.t has ft�nished to the I7irector a written statement that he or she has lost the ori.giila.l pe1.2n.it. iJo persan sha.11 apply for a dupli- ca.te permit tmless the original has in fact been lost. Section 4. Services, Re�air,and Fmergency Assistance. Individuals who perform or vehicles used in the perforn�ce of cv�zrcial services, repairs, or emergency assistance for any resident living in the residential area, are exempt fram restrictions imposed by this ordin�zce, pro- vi.ded tl-�at such persans are then performing or the vehicles in fact are then being used in such services or assistance, and provided further, the ex,�tian granted heretmder shall te��nate iim�diately u�on amrq�letian of the necessary services or assistance. Sectian 5. Street Ma.intenance; Snow Fmer�ency. No exe�tians or other permits granted herein shall abrogate the scope of -5- r� �X��2�i s�;;--'�--�� : +CIT�Y fl�' �i�l��� �A.�JL ,�i'�j -< �-�:� e' �?2 S ��� �� i�•`% { ` `�:::. • OF.FICE DF TrIL CL'S'�' CO�'1 CZL f �/,�':.���'� �.� S-: „: 's � �::i r ; � y%r `;�'_ � ,_ ��:,- �� u' � D a fi e : September 9, 198 0 �' A ' �1n,�` C � ��� �� � � � � � � � � � � � �' 0 : �oin� Paul City Couneii F� O � = Ct�i�{ifil'�7��� ��1 PUBLIC.WORKS , victor J. Tedesco , chairman, makes ths folto�r�ing report on C. F. 275505 � Ordinance [� Resolution � � Oitler � 1��-� % An Ordinance establishing an experimental residential permit parking program in two residential areas in the City o� St. Paul. The Public Works Committee, meeting as a committee-of-the-whole, took no action on the ordinance. The final reading of the ordinance by the City Council will be delayed until after the budget has been adopted. The City Clerk is instructed to bring this ordinance back for a fourth reading on. Tuesday, October 16, at which time it is requested that this be the only item on the Couz�cil agenda. cc-City Council Members Mayor Latimer City Attorney Jerome Segal � Don Nygaard Bernard Carlson J. Wm. Donovan - CITY i�Lr1LL SEVENTH rLOOR S:�1NT PAT.Ji, �'II\ti'ESOTr1 S�iQ.'. ` _1 „ ,� �r' � �?� � � � .a,�^ ',- ...i . �, - �. �, C��,� ��� �.�°���v� �1�u� ,,,� , .. � �_ ,,.� ” � or��icr, o�� �ri�, ci�rY �cau�.T�cz�. li 6 i � t •''T ' _ r'�- 7 pt.';; '.ee. J . ,�' Fs;_}�'�a . . . ` � ' ,_. . � .'�✓ - . VICTOR J. TEDESCJ r�tARt�YN �ANrRY Councilman : Legislativs Aide Septemb�r 9, 1980 .•.LI�"O�NDUr1 TO: ;d�'ter Bowser r_�,r A-ttorney's Office _r:Oi�S. Counci -_ ;ictor J. Tedesco 701 Cit�T `=�?1 �rE�^iCE: Prc1os�d Council File �275505--An Ordinance establishing an e;r��ri;nental residential permit parking program in two res�-=."ial areas in the City of St. Paul. Th? above ordin���� was discussed at a Public Works Committee Meetin� o� the Fihole on �e��e�ber 5. The Committee agreed to add�n� an am�ndment to Section 3.f. �ftached is a copv of the language. L�Tould you please amend the ordinance to include the addition of this sentence. If tttere is any question, please get in touch ��rith' me. Enc. cc-City Council Members City Clerk Y Enc. CITY Hr1LL S�VENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, i'iINN�SOTA _55102 612!�'.93-5$06 �:�,�, • � � �J � � � c� �. � ��� ��I���������� ���� �""°� �i�°�� ��� F��-�������~� ��- ������� 2129 COr.1f�+,Otd�,�lEF��i"li A`r'ENU� 10HZt H. KEtItP Sl. °AU�., h�ifT�JTdcjOTla S�lOb Post�r (�,121 b46-i 173 ,.��,:..,�_y, t .}J 'yJ � ,:�r� �iX`��1:?,?,iviC? E�lt.?�1i i nrn �n a;";,r:"�', l�,l . _._... _... 1� G z`Ci�C,3�., :�'.1_� �; w. @?:�. ,..:1� i�?o__A��-r- ��a�l �� .r?:l. _ . >�'_'3.�`: '1:1 �,`i;'O TF?:'1�1:'.?:�.1c1i d.T?�_S � . ,..�.� . r i C'..'_= C_ J:,. P�.t:�' J°C��. ,-i jcT_ e ar�?i1.�. -�- -art��1T?v t.0 C'Y1� Oi r2..Z'3�.P;3.��1: tt��i.C:_ u°2'�"',1 t:S S�"?3Z� '_^C� 'C:° 2":'.C,UIZ�C7.� Ilj,�O:: �CZV%?.,'1C° Y1C�1C, �O +i.h2 Pnl i a � -� t y'n-n �� ai ;�•� r r�. ' ,_�r�i . ::^�., � c �.�ar .. n , e<�tr or� ; ..._y c�.���ii e1 �, �: �� �l.'cSl°l'8l}' r�,:.'P_?C?'" 1':t� o�"�'"�IlCt�`�� f'B.^�L1d2.15 OT' ^a7�;ai':i y OT' _.�a11"'i�:��} �7i.�3"� �ti:� 1SS�.,1=.riC�3 G.r .,'aC�'_ _ �..._,_}ci .iOlZ=� �g �'";'�T'8C�1C�.1.�� , i -v � lst ��� — �< -,!' - 2nd `/ ' - ' - --�. ��: � � 3rd � � �=— - �`� Adopted % " � "�' �' � l�_� b_�--�, Yeas Nays � �' �y�� ��/.�. HUNT ' LEVINE � - , McMAHON � �} r:�� 7 � •�` � SHOWALTER i �� ,_� 1 %�� TEDESCO WILSOPI , ;' PRESIDENT (MADDOX) '� `r. . s=_ ��. WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCB COU/ICll /� �� �� ^� CANARY � DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L ��J ,,�J BLUE - MAYOR File N O. •!�� ���� � ��• E • � /G nce Ordinance N 0. ( �O��J � Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinanoe establishing an experi- mental residential permit parking program in the resic3ential area of the City of Sa.int Paul near the William Mitchell College of Law. '1� COLNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL DOE5 ORDA]N: Section 1. Declaratiari of Purpose. The Co�cil of tY�e City of Saint Paul finds that the resic7ential area adjacent to or near the William Mitchell College of Law does not have sufficient off-street parking to safely acc�date the resi�3ential parking needs of the residents, and the parking needs of non-residents using this institution. The CoLmcil further finds the frequent parking of vechicles in this residential area by tYyese non-residential users has created resic7ential probleqns of a safety, envirorurnntal and aesthetic nature. Tl�,erefore tc� encourage reliance on car pools and mass transit, which is achieved by assuring oonven.ient parking to residents who leav� their cars at ha�ee during the day, tr� enhanoe the quality of life in residential areas by red.ucing noise, traffic hazazrls and litter, to reduoe air pollution and other envirorn�en.tal factors of exoessive autcanobile oomnuting, and to preserve the safety of children and other pedestrians, and the residential area fro�► the above mention�ed health and safety hazards, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby establishes this Residential Permit Parking Ordinanoe. Section 2. Restrict�ed Residential Perniit Parking Areas Authorized. The follawing parking regulations shall be in effect in t1�e residential area in and. around the William Mitchell College of Law. a. William Mitchell College of Law l. Except by Permit or unless othexwise posted, no parking fran 2:00 p.m. tro 8:00 p.m. an the north side of Portland Avenue between Victoria Street and Milton Street. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt �evine In Favor — Maddox McMahon Showalter A gai ns t BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorne Certified Passed by Council Secretary B ��� �-z-��� D�,1,�Z�'l• By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY • i'^' � I . -2- �7`� �� .� - � 2. Exaept by Pernni.t or unless otherwise posted, 1 hour parking weekdays from 2;00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on tYye following strnets: North side of Portland Avenue between Victoria Street and Avon Street. Both sides of Portland Avenue between Milton Street and Chatsworth Street. South sic� of Holly Avenue betweeri Victoria Street and Avon Street. West side of Miltari Avenue fran Portland Avenue south to the alley. 3. If during the effective period. of this non-resic7ent parking ordinance, demand shifts to streets outside of the established pern�i.t parking areas thereby creating additional and substantial health and safety problems in said non-permit parking areas, the Director of Public Works, hereinafter referred to as "Director", may establish one hour parking e�oept by per- mi.t or unless otherwise posted, frcxn 2:00 p.m. tro 8:30 p.m. on the follaw- ing streets, when non-resident parking exoeeds 51� of the available on street parking curb spaoe: Both sicles of Ashland Avenue, frc�n VictAria Street to Chatswr�rth Street. Both sic3�es of Milton Street fran Portland Avenue to Ashland Avenue. Both sides of Portland Av+enue fran Chatsworth Street tA Oxford Street. North sicle of Ashland Avenue from Victoria Street to Avon Street. Sectian 3. Parking Fernli.ts; Eligibility; Issuanoe. a. An Application for one or more parking pern�its authorized under this Ordi- nanc�e shall be made on a form provicled by the Director, which form may require the applicant to furnish his or her name and address, make, �l, and li�ense rnm�ber of his or her vehicles, and any add.itional information which will aid the Director in the enfor�nt of the provisions conta.ined in this Orclinance. b. A non-reftulc7,able permit application fee of $5.00 for each Residential Park- ing Permi_t shall k�e required to c�over oosts incurred as a result of the implementation of the residential permit paxking plan. c. A maxurnun of two Resiclential Parlc�g Pe�mi.ts shall be made available to the resic�ent of said residence or dwelling imit on the basis of one permit for each vehicle �c�med by the resident. In no way shall the rnm�r of permits exoeed the ntanUer of vehicles awned by the resident. d. A maximtun of two transferable Visitor Permits at a non-ref�dable cost of $5.00 per pernlit; shall be made available to each resic�nce or cl�aelling Lmit, --al� �o-.�.�-�� -3- i- i- ,r. . ��? � � ;� � -- �. notwithstanding whether or not the resident of the resic�ence or dwelling �it awns an autc�robile. Provided that no resident of a residenoe or dwelling Lmit may use a Visitor Permit tr� park a car awned or controlled by him or Y�er in the restrict�ed area, it being the intent of this ordinance that such VisitAr Pezmits shall be made available and used by people not resicling in but visiting a resiclent of the restricted area. e. Residents within the restricted area, at a cost of 50¢ for each permit, may acz�Lire frcen the Direct�or non-transferable and dated Special Ecn�nt Permits which shall state the e�iratiari date of said permits. The Director shall c�et�ennine the rnanber of special event perniits to be issued and the hours in effect, upon his det�ernti.nation that the issuanoe of same would not tmduly ;�;r traffic safety or creat�e serious probl�ns during the use of such special permits. f. Churehes within the restrict�ed area, at a cost of 50¢ for each permit, may avquire fran the Director transferable Special Et�nt Permits provided that such permits shall be only used in aonjtmction with evpazts sponsored by the applicant Church. The Director shall determine the rnunber of an effective period. of the penni.ts to be issued. Swch permits shall not be required, �on advanoe notioe to the Polioe Departznent, for extraordinazy church ev�nts suc.h as funerals, memorial services, festivals or bazaars, or weddings, where issuanae of such permits would be impractical. g. Residential Parking Permi.t SticJcers shall be pla.ced in the lower rear aorner of the left sic�e windaw closest tA the rear of the vehicle. Visit�or and Special Event Pernlit TicJcets shall be placed over the post holding the rear view mirror to the windshield or some other conspicupus spot on the front of the vehicle where they are visible tA the enforcement personnel. h. No permit issued. Lmder this Orclinanoe shall guarant�ee or reserve to the hplder, a particular parking spaoe within the restrictred area but shall provic7e general parking in said area during the time specified by this resolution and so posted as required by Section 4. i. In the event any of the pernnits issued tmder this orclinanee are lost, d�licates shall be obtained frcan the Director at a cost of $1.00 per pennit, provicl�d that no such duplicat�e shall be issued �less and �til the applicant has furnished to t�� Director a written statement that he or she has lost the original pern�it. No person shall apply for a duplicat�e permit �less the original permit has in fact been lost. Section 4. Servioes, Repair, and Emergency Assistance. Individuals who perform or vehicles used in the perforn�rice of ccemr�rcial serviees, repairs, or emergency assistance for any resident living in the residential area, are exempt fran restrictions imposed by this ordinance, pravided that suriz persons are then performing or the vehicles in fact are then being used in such serviaes or assistance, and provid,ed further, the ��-h �d .;�.z_��' , , -4- �'� � �C�� -- �-- exexriptian granted hereuncier shall tericiinate imrndiately �on ccampletion of the neoessary servic�es or assistanae. Section 5. Street Maint�enanoe; Snaw Etnergency. No ex�mptions or other permits grant�ed herein shall abrogat� the scope r�f park- ing restrictions ing�osed as such restrictions relate to street maintenanc�e, parking in one location beyarid 24 hours, or emergencies provicled in Chapter 149 of this Code. Section 6. Handicapped Parking. Nothing herein provided sha.11 abrogate the seope of parking privileges granted handicapped persons as established pursuant to this Cod�e or Statutres enacted by this State. Section 7. Posting of Signs. The Director sha.11 cause appropriat�e signs to be posted in the restricted areas so as to infonn an ordinarily observant person of th�e existenoe of rule and regulations inq�osed by this Ordinanoe. Section 8. Penalty. It shall be Lmlawful for any person tr� submit false infornnation in any applica.tion for a parking pernnit issued pursuant to this Ordinance. Violation of any application requirement shall be grounds for denial or revocation of the pern�it and shall be pLm.ishable as a misde,meanor. it sha11 also be unlawful for any vehicle to be stopped, parked or abandoned in violation of any provisions of this Ordinanoe. Any such violation is hereby declared an obstruction of public streets and shall be p�ishable as a misdemeanor and may subject the vehicle to be moved or inQounded at the cost and expense of the awner in accorclance with the terms of Chapter 148 of this Cod�e. Section 9. Severability. In the event any section of this Ordinanee is held invalid by a wurt of ccet�tent jurisdiction, tY�e invalidity shall extend only to the section affected and all other sections shall continue in full foroe and effect. Section 10. Coding. This Ordinanc:e shall be deeired a part of the Saint Paul Legislativn Code and shall be inoorporated therein and given an appropriat�e chapter and/or sectica� marker at the ture of the next revision of the Legislative Code. �� /c+-?,z6v WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE ` /�� CANARY -� DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L COIIIICII ��� �rq� � � BLUE . - MAYOR File N O. v � Ordinc�nce Ordinance N0. � ���� Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -5- Section 11. Effective Dat,�, Expiration. This Ordinanoe shall take effect and be in foroe thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication, but shall expire �e year fro�n its effective date unless extended or acted upon by the City Council. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Hunt �-e11"e In Favor Maddox McMahon � showaite� Against BY Tedesc 'F'� OCT 2 3 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney Ad ted by Council• Date ertified Pa by Coun " Secre�ary BC�' �� " ���`i `L� lQ<�,�Z� Y Approv Mayor• Date T 2 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ' gy a � By ��HEfl N 0�/ 1 198Q , ����� , � , l : � �� � , _._ - , _1 ; . � �^ �,..�;- . . . `��� �, , +�, _ � , , �- ' t , � � ; ,� . . _ �I . , ^ f, , � � � . , , � , � �Y �s �97� : . . , , - . ' Councilr� RosslierHu�ler _ � � � C'hairpe��n, Publia i�ork� t:ommit°t.ee . . Room 'T],6c� `Ci.ty FEsl,l '_� 3t. P¢ul, 1�Iiar�esota , � . , � Re s` Propriet� of aoliaitation b�r �he Parking Co�misaion tor t�e ' - ` � . done�t��e !or pe�rkipg permita, . +4._,�� �'i . . . � . � - � - .. . . . ; _ � . . � � % _� . . _ 1?ear �onncil,peraon Bu�E�e�: . . . � � � ` . , < . , , _ � . .The propri�ty of a recon�t :,�sr�ci�g� Co�aiS�tsioa 2�tter �c.the w�.11iar . ; M�tcriell College�oP LaN, et sl, rt�a�ting donstioae !or �tcluaioa , �ri�hfr� t3be spning ordi,nsnce oP parkiag psr�ite for resident#a1 - ' p�rki�g dreas, �ra� ret'errerl to the co�nnit'�ee. �y th� Cit;,y Couc�eii at its 1+1�y�.22, 19T9 meeting. - _ , � : . , -� . ' T'he letL•er•wris called ta the Council''s attention by Coun�ilman � �` �ddQx. � ,� ; . - Very tru2y youra, � � � ' ' � , , � \ . � , . _� ; � Ro�e Mix � , ; , City C�,erk :-.,::,a _ � I�S i}� • . ,' , . ;� . , - , , � � � , " , - � , , • i � � . . , , . , .. lst � ��o r�G 2nd � ��' d C� 3rd � 7� O CJ Adopted �, -- , _ " ,' / - /�_ � � _�,U Yeas Nays jt9- .1�� •'��� �- HUNT iJ�'" J _ � r. J LEVINE nr�y���V � , � � -�; �� l . � ' l0� McMAHON SAOWALTER 1 �� �'�"���` TEDESCO TdILSON PRESIDENT (MADDOX) ' �x:_ , f`.. ��� VICT�R J. TEDESCO susArv varvNE��i Councilman Legislative Aide .• F August 19, 1981 _____-� � ' To: Michael Sirian c . 386 City Hall j / From: Councilman Victor Tedesco The following actions were taken by the Public Works Committee at its August 19, 1981 meeting: The Committee recommended that Agenda Items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 be approved. The Committee recommended that Agenda Item 7 be laid over for two weeks. The Committee recommended that Agenda Item 8--inactive Public Works Agenda items--be removed from the Public Works Committee as they are moot. � 2. Improvement of Arkwright Street from Hyacinth Avenue to Arlington Street by � "� -"-""' .: �= grading and paving; constructing curbs, gutters, slopes; AND constructing a :" sanitary sewer in Arkwright Street from Hyacinth Avenue to Cottage Avenu�, ` including sewer service connections. (public Hearing scheduled for August 25} . 3. Im�rovement of Morningside Drive from 600 feet south of Lower Afton Road to � � Lo�aer Afton Road by grading and paving; constructing concrete curbs and gutters; - � constructing slopes; AND constructing a sanitary sewer including sewer service . connections. (Scheduled for Public Hearing on August 25) . . 4. Consideration of a petition of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to vacate ' parts of Terrace Street and Sims Avenue to provide more area for the HRA -�� - assisted development of EMC Corporation,• a sound reproduction industry. (Public � Hearing sche�iuled for August 25) _ 5. Consideration of a petition of Hamline University for the vacation of part of � Pascal Str2et north of Taylor Avenue to provide more space for an improved ' � University recreation area. (Scheduled for Public Hearing on Sept. 1) 6. (Laid over from 8/5/81) -- Petitian of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority � to vacate the City's interests in the alleys in the block bounded by Sixth, Sibley, Fifth and 3ackson Streets to allow for development of a mixed-usc? projeet including underground parking, housing, offices, shopping and recreational uses. � (Public Hearing scheduled for August 25) � 7e (Laid over from 8/5/81) -- Petition of Thomas Hanten for the vacation of a portion of the alley in Block 4, Merriam Park 5th Addition, and to replace it with a new alley to create larger lots at St. Anthony and Pillsbury Streets. 3. Action to be taken to strike .items from the�Public Works Committee agenda inasmueh as they no longer are items for City Council consideration as follo«s: \ • I. Discussion of propriety of Parking Commission solicitation of donations for parking permits. 2. Petition of residents at 2276 and 2284 Highland Parkway and 723 47oodla•.m apartnent buildings regarding chanae of no parking status on the r�orth side of Highland Parkway between Woodlawn and �4ount Curve Blvd. to two-hour parking. s 3. Public Works proposal on Solid Waste Management Program. 4. Resolution accepting for review the Solid Waste Management Plan by the Council. 5. Fir�al Order for tize acquisition of parts of Lbts 4 thru 15 of Mayall Subdi- vision of Block 1 of �ti'hitney and Smith's Addition and Block 17 of Robert and Randall's Addition as right-of-�ray to widen and extend Sibley-Jackson switchback. 6. First Reading of Council File 276�c68, an ordinance amending Chapter 319.01 of the Legislative Code, and providing for the De�artment of Community Services Division of Health and of Housing and Building Code Enforcem�nt t0 enforce Dl^OViSions Af th�? Cnl i A tda�+to Roct»l�+i�r�c