275503 WHITE - CITY CLERK � 1 Ayw;F.�^� PINK � FINANCE COIIIICIl �i.1 �R CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SA.INT PAUL File . NO. "�� V iJ BIUE -MAVOR rd • indnce Ordinance N�. I ���� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance repealing Chapter 445 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, entitled, "Smoke. '� THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Chapter 445 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, entitled, ��Smoke, �� be and the same hereby is repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEI�1 Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ����l�ahon [n Favor �a�r. 1 son Hunt �exi�� Against BY . Maddox Showalter Tede Adopted Council• Date �� � � �9gQ Form Approved by y t rney Ce ied Pa by Council Secref''�ry BY Y A d by Mayor• � ��Q A pr ve by Ma or f bm 'on torCouncil By B pt��.ts��.� SEP 2 � CANARY -OEP RCTMENT COL1I1C11 ` ��� BLUE -MAVOR CITY OF SA.INT PAITL File NO. ���_��'" Ordindnce Ordinance N0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance repealing Chapter 445 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, entitled, "Smoke. " THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Chapter 445 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, entitled, "Smoke, '� be and the same hereby is repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Naps ��M�N�ahon ��sWi son In Favor Hunt Levine Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form A pproved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date, Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By . �:.:..._ _................................_......__- .................................._................................................-----...............--..................._..__ . ...... _... ...._.. _ _. ___.. __......._. _.......... . ...................._................_........._....._.._................- .._..................._........................._.........---........................................._......... .............. ....................................................................._.........---......_.......---....................----..................................................................................-�--�-�--..............................................._............_...... ........... ...... .... .................. ....................................................................................��----��----�---�---........._......................_...---.........._.....-�--�------..........---------.......---�----.............----�-�----.........--�-�� _.... .... _.. ....................._........_._......,::::�::_:::::::_::::::::-:::�::_:::::::::::::_:::::�:::::_�.__::'::::'::::...,............._.............---.............-----�---............._..---...........................................................--�--........... ....,..... _ . .._�............. _ .... ............ ._.........-�----..............._..........----�----............---�--..........---�--.._................... ....._......--�--------...._.... - 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- -_ - _:�:: ��2�� - PUBLIC HEALTH SAFETY :���:��`��-�::�=::��:::�::_�=�:::::_=::-.�:�: � ........::.................��---------------�---�--��- �.........................................�-------.... ..-�--�-----�-----��----------------�.--...---.._..._. ............................................�--�--..... AND WELFARE - - - -_ Chapter page - - - ' - = --- - ::�.:::�::�_�:�::::::::::::�:-:_�:::::-:::::::::: ............................___.__.....---._..._....... 445. moke -�---•-�•.......................••--._............---... . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .1301 - ...--�--�----��...................................._.. . . . . . . . .. . .. . ... . . . .. . . . . . ..... . . . -.-•.-------�--�•-�---.......---......-------�----....... ....-�..............•............................---..... 1300 •------....--�--..--.................•-----�- ...... 4 . u ai Precautions ---�............. ................................�--... . . .. . .. . . ... . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . ...--•-•-..._............................_................ -��-�--•--�--�....................................�--.. 1307 --��--•------�-�.............--�-�----•-.....---..... 4�. nterment of the Dead �-•-•-•.................�--•-......._....-�-----._._..... ... .. . . .. . .. . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . .......__.........----�-��--�--��--�--........---.... .........---•............................................ .......................................�--------- �-�-- 4473. unday Closing . . . . . .. .. . .. .130i --�-•-------...-•-•--•-•-•--............_........._..... . .. . . . . .. .... .. . .... . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . .......--•--....----.....................-----............ ......................................................... ....--�................................................. 448. emeteries .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1308 ....------................................._.._..-�--�- ............................................�-��---�-�- . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...-----...•---................._.........----------..... ................................................ .. 4�1 . ireworks -----._..._....---�--....--�-----...--�---�-----.. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .1308 -.........-----................._......................... . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . ... . . . . . ... . .. . . ......................................................... ...----•-�--.........................................._ 450. oliciting Funds on the Streets . . . . . . . . ... .1?09 '�=�'='�"'==�'�"==�=�����-=====���==���=���======= . .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . ..........---..._...... ............_...---...... --....--•--�--...--�. ........................ .. 401. Arm,� and Navy Stores .. . .. . . . . -----...------�---��---�-�-�--...---- • ---... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .1310 ---•-•-•--..._......................---..............--� ..........-•.............................................. ...........---••-�-�---......._........................ ::.::::�::::::::::::::.::::::.::::::::..::::::::.�::-::: 40... econ -Hand Book Dealers . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .1312 �---......................................_..._.... __...... ......... ................................ ....__............................................ 4 . treet Trades . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .1313 �--.......................................... ...... . . .. . ... . . . . ... ... .. . .. . ... ... .. ................-�-�---.............................. ......................... .-.................. .................................................... 4�4. isto s ar.d Revolvers 1314 ................................................. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ..............................................._...... __..................................... .......... 4�0. �ehicle Radio Equipment 1315 ::::::::::::::::::::::.:.::�::.-:::::::::.:._-:::::.:::. ............................................... ....... .. . .. ... . . .. .. . .. . .. . .... . . . . . . ... ... . .........__.......................................... .. .................�---.............._......---......• __ 456. �'eeds, Thistles, Grass, etc. . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . . . .1310 .................._..._.....-••_._......._......... ........................................................ .. . .. . ..... .. . . . ................._........_......._..._..---........... ..... . :::::::::�:_:::_;::::�:::•.:�::��.:-.�::;-=::-:�- "---`- 457. Protection of Gardens and Private Pro ez ••-•••••••—•••�-••��••�•••-•-�•�•••-••��--••�••� ::::::::::. p ty . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .... . . . . .1317 ............._......................_.........,.......... ......... ............._......._.........._...._...--•---• �--------- 458. Freight Elevator Restrictions . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .1317 •::::::�:-...:-::::::::-::-'-:....=:�:-:-----`:--�::=. ........ . .. . .. . . . ... ... . ... .. .._......................................--�----...... ` db9. Distribution of Fiandbilis . .. . . . . . . . . � �� ��� � � �� ...._._.....................................�---......_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . .. ... . . . . . .1318 .................................._.......---........ 46J. bfinors—Curfew t::�:::::::::-;:�.:.:::.:.:::::::::::::::::::�:::;:::::=;;: . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .1318 .................- -...................._...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 461. Blasting, Guarding Excavations, etc. . .. .. . . . . . . .,�19 �:,:::��::::;:;=.-:�:'_�.":�".::=.:�.;.:�;�::�.;:;'::::�:�:.::. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . :::::::::::::::::,:�:��:::..:::::::::::::::::::::.::: 46?. Quarrl ing and Stone Crushers 1320 �°�"°'"""" ���" � "" -��� � �����` . . . . . . . .. .... .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .----�--�-........._....._....... ........... 463. Playground Curfew ' -- --�-.....--................._................. ................. ....._........_.................. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .1321 ..................................._........___....... 464. "'.1lolite illole Killer" and Similar Pest Controls; Restricti�ns on .11inors 1321 - =- .................................................. ...... ._..............._.............. ............... 4b;,. Kegru.,ved Iires 1322 �`::�::�::.:..::.:::.::::-::::--�.:-::::=:::::::-.::::: _............................... .... .. . . . . .. .... . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1::::::::::�::�:;::�::_�:;�::�::::::�::-:-:.:::�.::::�::::::=:::�. ���:::::�:::::_:�:::.:=::�.�?._�-:::::-�".::::::::::�_::::: 445. SMOIiE �_�::::�:�::�=:::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::.;-:::::�::: -�45.Q1. Definitions. The following «ords and phrases when - =- used in this chapter shall, for the purpose of this chapter, have the - - - - meaniiigs respecti��ely ascribed to them herein: - -- - - - - 1. Air Pollution: Dust, fumes, smoke, soot, or other mzterials - 2hat are of such character as to create an uncleanly, destructive, - - og'ensive, or unhealthful condition, when emitted or allowed to escape - - - - .. .. into tha open air. .:. ;: .: : �. Dast: Gas-borne anci air-borne particles larger than 10 mi- k �� ` crons in mean diameter. _ C.. ....._. ._....._. _._....--�---- = k�:.�::.�::�:::�� ::::::�� ::::::::-_:::_::: ::: 3. Dust-Separating Equipment: Anv device for separating dust ��=��:::�=:: = . .._..,.: ... �: ... . from the gas medium in which it is carried. : =� ... -.. .._.. ::......... �.....:::�:::::.._. . ... _.. ............ .......... ..,.:.- = =. : =�� -�. Fcel-I�urning Equipment: Anyl furnace, incinerator, refuse- � = _. _ .. _ _ .. . .. DU2'P_lll�* equ�p:nent, boiler, apparatus, derice, mechanism, stack or �� - � �� 1.1.`3 1301 _.......... _ . _ __ _... ..._... ... ....... . ............................ .... ........ ........................:..� ...._ . . ... . �.. .... .. _.....: . . _...._ _........._._ _ _........._........_..._ _ ..........._......... ........_....._ ........................... - -........................ ........................---.... __ . _ _ _ ............_ ............................._.....----...-�-----......--�--........._............................................................................. .......... ......... ..................._........ ........... _.....---............. _.. ......__............... _................. ._ . ..........._.. . ........ . ..............._...__._ .....................................__............................. ...---... ..--�..... . ___.......... ......................_...__..._..__..............._.. __.. .. ..._ __ ._ _ ..... ..__........ _ . .__......._...... _.........._._ _ .._.... _..... ...__ . . ....__ _ .......... . ...... ........ _.. _ .............. ............ ... ...................... ..... .. ....._...........----.. ...................... ......... ................ .. �;. _ ;,-� ..=--::�::::�::::..........:......':�':'.:::.::,:::::::::�:�::'�::':::=;;:�::::'::::::�::::�:::::::::::::�;;:::::::::::;::=:::::::::::�._::::::::_:::::-.:-:�:�.:::�:�:�:::::::_�---:::_-�:::-:�-�:-:::..::::::�:::::::::=:=::.:::,=.:::���::::::::�:��:::--:�::::�:�::::::::::�:::�� ........... . . � .. -=' ' �-----.-..:::::::::::.::................. ...... . . . .......... .. ..... .. . .. ..........._._...----�-�--��......................:....................:�::��-:::�---.........:. .. :::-�:::::�,::... _ : ...:�-. . . ..... � = :�?�.� ::: -:_ . . . _ .� ��� :::....... ....::...�.:.: ::�-......... ::� :::::::`:::;::::::�:::::::::::�:�:::::��.::::=:::.�:�.;�::'::_:°:::�.:::�::;::::.::�:::::::::::::::..:.�::;.'::'::::.:::::::::::._,.::... ::. .. . ...:�. ::. : .. - .. � . . ................ .:....:�..:- ..........._..... ._ _.x . _::::::::�:::::. ::�:�:.:::_,..._.....::::.:::-,_:::::::::::::::�:�:::::::::�.-:..:::::::::::::::__::::::..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-:::::::::�:_�.:�::-::�:::::-:::::��:::::::::::�:.::�:.�:::::::�:_:::�:::-:::... ._ .............._............ .��...cEl - - -- ..�---.:::- -------��-�................................................................�---�-- 4�s.oa ::::::��.:�:::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::�:::::: �:.:=:::�:::::::::�::::::�:::::::_:�:::.::::::::.;:::; LEGISLATIVE CODE ���_;::��:::�-�::: :.::�::::::�:::::�=::�=:=:�:�:�:; - .__..._�_........................ f-::" _ :.7.:_:::t:':::'- ' structure used in the process of burning fuel or combustible material - t �:::,=��� � -- - e cept a railroad locomotire or vehicle as herein defined. 5. Fumes. Gases or vapors that are of such character as to ,. .�.. ......�.�.. �.,. . ..... � . E�:�:�::�::-.:�:�.:�::_�:�':--::�:::-:_':�=�:::::=:::_=== create an uncleanly, destructive, or unhealthful condition. - 6. Internal Combustion Engine: An engine in which combus- - - -- - ti.on of a gaseous liquid or pulverized solid fuel takes plac� within one - - - or nzore c3�linders. - i. Open Fire: Any fire �rherein the products of combustion are -- = emitted into the open air and are not directed thereto through a stack -��:��:�"��==:===:;�:�::::-��;�-::;::�=`�:��:==�:��: or ch:mne�-. :::::-1-�:::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�::. � 8. Person: Any indi��idual;partnership, association, syndicate, - - companr, firm, trust, corporation, government corporation, depart- n:ent, bureau, agency, or any other entity recognized by law as the - - s�abject or rights and duties. 9. Rinaelmann Smoke Chart: The Ringelmann Chart �vith in- - - srructions for use as published by the U. S. Eureau of I17ines, 1941 Ee�•isioz - - 10. Smoke: Small gas-borne particles consisting essentiallti� of - - carbonaceous material in sufficient number to be obserrable. - 11. Soot: Agglomerated particies consisting essentially of car- bor.aceous material. -- L. Stack or Chimne��• Flue n �:��.::=::'::::=�::::::::::::�-:::::�::::::��::.:::::::::. . , conduit, or opening arran`ed for �=:�=.�::� �- - - - - ernitting gases, smoke, dust, cinders, soot, fumes, or �vaste into the `=;��' - � oaen air. - - - 13. �'ehicle: A vehicle is a self-propelled mech^.�:ism other t'.��an steam locomotive such as a roller, derrick, crane, trencher, port- - - able hoisting engine, steamboat, tug, or other apparatus «hich is not - ordinarii�� permanently installed in one location but is used at various - n�3ces n��Fr a u•ide ar�a - 1-�. �'aste: The v��aste products of industrial processes such as - - r-�ineral «•ool, lint, peanut hulls, etc. - - 4�3.0?. Ad�-isor� Board. The Commissioner of Public L'tilities s?:all appoint an :�dvisory Board of six (6) members, a registered - liechanica: Engineer «-ith combustion esperience, the Director of the - �iunicipal Testing Laborato:•ies, one a railroad representati��e, one an - operating engineer, one a representative from the real estate board ��-=�==:=-=:=�:=:=�:�����:�==�":'��::�':����=���:::=�:: ar.d one an emplo�Tee of the Health Department. Such Board shall be - k�.o�vn as the 3d�-isory Board on Smoke Eliminatiall or Air Purifica- - tion. Emplo�-ees of ±he City shall serve as members as a �art of their - o:1cia1 duties «-i�thout eYtra pa�� and the other members shall ser�e �rithout pa��. �11 members shall ser��e a term of t��-o 3-ears. Tl�e d�rties � � � o: said Eoard shall be to confer with and ad�-ise the Commissic�ner of ��������� �` Public Utiiities ��•ith respect to the elimination of aii' pO11Lit10!1 and e:�iai•cement of this ordinance. The minutes of the meeting of the � : �d�•isor�• Board shall be kept in the office of the Commissioner of Pub- E -::: � li:: L*iiiti�s as a public record. � �� � .,;: .. .: ,. -- _ . !:�s amertded, Ord. 1��7�.) :. . : 1��•'n . .. �-t-.ri� . '.-. :'.'.. ..._:. . .. ..:.. ........ ................................... � .................................................. .. ................ ............................... . .... .......................... ................... . ..... ...... . .... ........................ .. . .......... ............... ............ .... .. ............................................ . ..... ...................................... . .................................................... .. ............................................... ................................."'....._........ .... . .................... ................... .. ...... ....... ............... .............. I ... .......... .-- � : ._ _....._._.......................__ ___...__ -_ _ __.._ _. __........__.....__ ....._..._.................__.._.. ............ -..._..._......................--._....._._.__....--- .... _.._........_.......----.._. ......._...... _..................._ .............. .....................---..............................--��-�---....................................._.......-----..._............_....---....._...................................._...................................................---........................._..........--- _... _ __......_.............................................................................................._......_......._..........._...........----........--.....__........................-- ........._..-----..._........_._ ..._......-�---�--............. _ ........... ............... .. ...-�:::................. .... .. ... .... _ , . .. . . ... . ................... .. - -.. _ .._. ......... ...................... ....................................:....... - ......-�--�...... .......... .x-:: .... .....---......... . . �-- ��-�---.......--�---�--......... .. ............. . .............. . ...._.-� --�-�- __ --- --•.............................................��--�---�--��----..........---�----............--�---..............--�-�---....---.........-�---..........---��--�--.. _ ----------------------•--........._......................._................ -....................-�:::,:::::--:� ........................��---_............ ............ ......._....................... _...... .........................................._...._..... .........._. .................. ........._........... ------------------------......._.................................................:..........................,,,......t..................................................._..... _ .. - _...._._..._ __.................... ...................................................... ........................._...._........._.. . . � �s So 3 _ - _ - 445.08 - - -- - ,:::::::::::��:::::::::.:.:::.:::-._.:::::::::::.:. _.... PLBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFAR,E :'" `�'''- ""�'-"�:"`--�::":'::-`: ;;:=;;=;-�: _ _ .:.... 445.03. Enforcement. The Commissioner of Public Utilities ���--�:�-��� ��=_"����=�=���"����=���-������`�` shall assign such engineers, inspectors, or investigators from the - -_ - _ Department of Public Utilities as he deems are necessa to enforce ���������-��-`-"���:�:�_.�::::�::���:=y=�����`-=�� �' t:�:::�::::-::::�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::: the provisions of this chapter. �..::..::::.:::..:::�_::::.::::_.:_:�::__:_:_:_::::::.- ......-- �--...... ........ ......... ........................................................ - =�---��................................................ .......................�-------.........----........... 445.04. Gra.ding Appearance of Smoke. For the purpose of ��� �������� ���� ����������� �::::::-::��:::;::�:�_:::;�::::::::::.:::.-::.: grading the shade or appearance of smoke, t�ie Ringelmann Chart, G������-���y==�==�==��=�-===�===�^==�==�===���- 1941 Revision, published by the United States Bureau of Mines, shall ���=-=-�---�=_-_--=--^-===��=��--=-=-� be the standard. �_::::�::::::�_�::::��:��::::�:::��:::::::::::::::. �:::::;.=::-;:_:;::_:::::=::=::�_::::�=:__:��::=-:: The ftingelmann Chart, 194Z Revision, published by the United i::::=�_:::-��=::=�:===:�==:-=�-==�::-==.�::=:==:::�: States Bureau of Mines, is hereby made a part of this chapter by `--"�����"���--�����"""��"�-��������������"�������-� reference, and three copies of the Ringelmann Chart, 1941 Revision, - - together ��vith instructions for use shall be marked official copies an�l - - - -- shall be on file in the oflice of the City Clerk and acailable to the - public for use and examination. - - - 445.05. Standards and Re�trirtions. No �ers�n shall r,�USP., .-uf- fer, or allow to be discharged from any fuel-burning equipment, - - - - internal combustion engine, premises, or open fire excepting railroad - locomotives or vehicles, smoke the shade or appearance of which is ��` "�`� �'��`��� �� �` �� �� ` greater than No. 2 of the R,ingelmann Chart for a period aggregating �: � ::::::� ��:��:�"::: �:::::::.:.::::::: four (4 minutes or more in an thirt '� ��������-�������������������=� ����= �� ) y y (30) minutes, or smoke the -= - densitp of which is n.ot greater than No. 3 of the Ringelmann Chart -= - �:A::::�:::: - - exce t f r - - ................. _ _ .................... ��----- ................ o a eriod or eri d P P P o s a e atin three 3 min �:.��:�:;.;=:=;:::�.:::_::�:�::�,_:::�:=::::-�.::. �,�:::��_-:� S�' g g ( ) utes in any -- fifteen (15) minutes when building a new fire, or when breakdown �:::� - ��=��= �� ����±��� �� ��-��� . � of equipment occurs such as to make it evident that the emission was ' �� �'� ='� _� � � �� �'� not reasonably preventahle. E::::::::�:::::: ::::::::::::::�::::::::�::::::::::. :.................................................... __... -..._._.........................._...._.. . _..---......_..................... .__..... . .............._................_........ ....._._.... ......:................................................. F�-::.:�:::�:::::::::::::�:::::::::�::::::::::::::��:::�:: 445.06. No person shall cause, suffer, or allow to be discharged :�;. :::::::.:.::�::�:::_::::�=.::::::::=..:.::::::�:::::� from any fuel-burning equipment or premises or to gass any con- t������������� �������-��� �� ��� -•Fniert me�.suring poin`, in *_.he �ta°3-, dn�'. in thc gases t� ��:ce.�� � � 0.8"a lbs. per 1,000 lbs. of gases, adjusted to 12 per cent CO2 content. = - ...:. -.... r.:...:::.:::.:::. -..............._....._.._..._._.. ................_................_............._..... ......................................................._.. 445.07. No person shall cause, suffer, or allo�� to be discharged �� � ���� - � �� �� ��� from any industrial process, manufacturing operation, material han- dline, or any other source dust in the gases or air to exceed 0.8a Ibs. - - - - - per 1,000 lbs. of the gases, except in, no case shall more than 15 per - - cent of the total dust measured before entering the dust-collecting - - device be emitted into the atmocphere; provided, that the foregoing - - = - -- pro�•isions shall not apply to companies now operating Bessemer - - - - -- con�•erters. --- - - -- -- - �-::::::-:::::.:::-:�:_:::=:::-:�::_:_-:..;:.::�..:-_...::::: • F:::::::::;:.�;::�::::::::.:.:::::::.:::;::;:,.:.._ 445.08. The amount of dust or solids in the gases shall be de- ' _ _. termined accordin� to the Test Code for Dust-Separating Apparatus F_ " �' 4� of the american Societ�� of DTechanical Engineers, 194� Edition, r «-hich is hereb3� made a part of this chapter by reference, and three �:_..::: �:::� :: : ::�::: :::::,:::::�::::. copies marked official copies shall be on file in the office of the City � .. - _ Clerk and available to the public for use and esamination. The test � shall not be made during the period �rhen tubes or fires are being :. : .. : cleaned. Such periods shall not exceed fifteen (15) minutes. io_i-se 1303 4 :.. .. .... ..._..._. . .__..... ........ ...................................................... __. _.__ f. ...:... ... ... _ __ _. ......_ _....... __ .._..... .. ........ . ..-.:.:.._ _ _............. .. ...... . ...._... ............................ . ............__ _........__ _ _. _.. __. ___ _..__ _......_. ._.._..... .. ..._..__ .. _... _ ...... __...__.... .. _ ........._ _ .... .....__.. ......_ _ _ _........_ _.................__... ..........._............._. ..._........_..................__. ............. ........................ _......................................................._................................._............ _.__... ..................... .. _ _......... _.......... ............ _........ ....._. __... ............_ _... _. ........__ _............. ...... . .__... _. __...... ..._. _............__. _ ........... . _ ._. _... ... .........._... _. .........___ _...... . ..... ......... ._ .._.......... _.... .......... ._....._ . ._ __..... _._... . ._........ ___ _.. . ......_._ __ ..__..._ __........ ._ .. ._..... ........._ . .._. ....... __..... ....._._ __ . ....._ ...._ . .......... _ _........... ... ... ........ ____ ____ _........__ _ _........._ _ _................................._ .. ............................._................................._............................................................... ..............._........ -................................._._ . .. ....._..._........---...__- __ . _ _.__.. _.... . . .. . ......... ____...... ...................._. _ .. __....__ _ _.. ..... _._. . ... ....... . _ _ _...... _ _ _ _.._ ___ ._. ......... . ........ . ..._._.... . ........ . ........ _..____....... _ ...... ._......____..... _ __...... . ..........__......_ __. _.........._. _ _ _ ___ _ ......... _ _.............. ...... ._....._..... __. ...... ..___...._ __..._ ....___ _ __...... .... ... .........._ _ _._._. _ ......_.....___............._.........................................................._............................................__._........................__......................................................................._..._ _ . .. ..............._... _ __............._...... _......____......._.__....................._ _...... ... _ _....... _._...._..._ _..._ ... .. .._.__ _......_.. , _._ ........_. _. _. . _._._..._.... .....__.._ _..._.._.. .._.. ........_ _.._.. ..........__ . ___..._ _...__ __.. ._.__.. ...._ _...._. .__._. _. _... ....._ :.................._ _.... .... .. .. ____..... .. _ _.__ ._...___..._. .... . _ __.....:. ....__. ....... _ ___.. ......,._ _............................_................... ........................................_..................._.........._............ ._.....__ _.. ._......._ .. _ _............ ._ _ __ ......... ...... ......._ ......... .......... ....... . _... ..._ .. .... ..._ . ...... .. .._... .._.. ..._ _..._. . . ................ _ _ ___.__ _ _ _...... ........_ ....__ ... ._....... ........._ .... .......... _.. .__.. ................ _....... . _--- _ .._ ._. . _ . .._.._-.... . ........ .............................................. ....................................................................�----.............._............._.........................................................................................._..........................--•--.......... _. _...__ .Y................... _. .._ . ._................................_......................................_......._........---._.... .._............_...............__..........................---..._..........._......_ - ..............,..... ..... .. .. .. ....... _. .. ....... .. :::::::L�. -.:�.:-:. ........ ..... ... .. _ _ . ::..:.....::..."' ..__ . . ...... . ..... .. .... ......�.�_� -.���.�.� . .. ......r.. ....... .... .�..-.:-._-.... ..r..-.:i'.i_�ti'� �.. .•:. •'::":..•:..�..��..' rirrrc:i...'�["�:[[..�.i°..°i'titr�-':r� _... :.':.�.'[t:"['�'�'.... ...:. .:....i.:�r'tiii - . ... ... ...:r-.._:.'.::::'^:::::t:::'...:. -- . . :. ..::..:::...::::.:L::••.:. _ ' ...._ .. . . _.' �. . ..._ .. . . -. _ . .................... . _ . ' ....c ... . __ . . . � . .. ..............'_.......... - . ................ ............._..... ............ .. ........... ............................... .. . . .. ."_'... . .. . . . , ......... .... ....... . . ... . . . . ._.__......_._....'_' "'_"'"'"""""""^".»............................:........................ �'::::.'�:::::::::.7:'.:::.:'.::::::::::'.:':.'::::::::::::..:::.. �...................................................... ........................................................ ...................................................... f t_"':::::::::':'::::::"'::':'::":'"':"':'"'::':".::.. ....................................................... :...................................................... . ........................................................ . ................................................... ...................................................... .................................................... .............................""'""..................... ............................"""............_.._..... ..."'.................................""""'....._. _...................................................... 445.08 LEGISLATIVE CODE - - - 445.0 . - 8 All n ew ' instal t' la ion s 1 of u v r' e - e iz d fuel rn' - P bu in e ui g - - - - q P ��-.-�::�.�; ment, spreader stokers, or any similar suspension-burning types shall � �::==:��::-==.:.'.:��:�==����=��:===::����=�:��' be provided with dust-separating equipment. - :;.:;':�::==;;:::-:::j-�; 445.09. No person shall cause, or allow to be discharged from any fuel-burning equipment, internal combustion engine, premises, �- .���'::=��==-�=����:�::.��:�.�.==':�.::��:=:::::�=:���:'-��:'` open fire, stack, or from any other source such quantities of a.ir - - - contaminants or other material �vhich results in air pollution to a - - deoree which causes injur3r, detriment, nuisance, or annoyance to any _ considerable number of persons or to the public or which endangers = the comfort, repose, health, or safety of any such persons or the - -- - - - public or which causes or has a natural tendency to cause injur3� or - - - damage to business or property. �=:-;:-�:-::�:::.::::::::::::.::::�::==::=::::::�:�=.:::::�: 44�.10. Railroad Roundhouses, Locomotives, Etc. (a) All rail- road roundhouses or fire-building stations shall be so equipped that - fires may be built and steam raised in cold locomotives without the - production of smoke of a density greater than No. 2 of the Ringel- - -- - - - rcann Ct..�.��t a��ept for a �eriod or agg:•egate of per�ods nc� to excead - five minutes in any one hour. - � (b) Locomotives in, or ready for, service shall be operated in such a manner that they will not emit into the open air smoke of a ' - density greater than No. 2, except for a period or aggregate of - eriods not to exceed fort -five 45 second in � P Y ( ) s an3- six-minute �:��:�:�.:��:':� � - interval. `�:-_- E�::�:��:::_�::�=-:-:=:::=�::�__-�.::==::::_-�:�=::.. E::::::�=::::=:�=:-�::==:�::::::::=:::==:::::�=:::;.:.::. (c) It shall be unla�-fu1 for any other vehicle to�emit smoke of the shade or appearance greater than No. 2 of the Rin.gelmann Chart for more than three (3) r.;=;nutes in one hour when a fire is being built, or for a period or periods aggregating one (1) minute in any fifteen-minute period when operating. - 4�5.11. Smoke lndicaturs. A!1 newly constructed or recon- structed solid or liquid fuel-burning plants having more than 300 square feet of boiler-heating surface (30 H.P.), or its equi��alent, sha11 be equippel with smoke indicators, mirrors, or similar devices to enable the fireman to observe the top of his stack or sta,cks from the boiler room at all times, unless the top of the stack is readil,y - - �isible to the fireman from the boiler room without the use of such ����=�--�=� -�-��=- =-�.���--������'�-�-�-��_=-� devices. In plants where a fireman is not in constant attendance in f� �=-�-�==����==-�������-������==���=�=����� ���=� the bo:ler room, the smoke in,dicator shall be of a t e ��s�hich will r���������������������'���-�����-����-�����-����-� YP �::�:._�::::�.::::::::::::::::�:::::::::=:::::�:_::;��:-.:. sound an alarm, or flash a signal, to attract the attention of the G�`=�===�����=��������=��=====��=�========���==�== fireman. An � existin � r�:=_::�:::__.-�::.:::::::::::.:::::::::::::::.:::::::::= 3 g plant «hich emits unlawful smoke may be required to install such indicating devices. _ _.. ::..:_........ : _ :: _.......__.... _.__ _..._. _ ___....._. ..._........__. .. __... ._ _ _.._.. ..._ . _ _....._ _ _.. . � : 445.12. Entrance to Premises. 1�TO person shall in anr manner, : hi:�der, ors±ruct, dela�•, resist, prevent, or in any ���a�- interfere or -�= attempt to inierfere tirith the duh�-authorized representati��e or any � ` � � ��� - of the personnel of the depai-tment in the performance of an� dut�- �` � - h�rein enioined oi• refuse to permit such inspectors to perform their " 1��1 io.i-se ` _. _ __.._ ....... __...... ........................... ............._ _ � ..........................._....................................._ ..............._........_.. ......................_.. ....................._..... ................................................_............................--.. _..::..._._........................ ._ _...._.. _.. . . . ..... . ............... .. ........ ..___....__ . ._..______.._. _._....._ .. _. _._._...._.__.........__. _ __ __.__ .. .___._... ._....__ _. .. . .__..__... .. _....._......_ .._ _.__... ...._........_..._ ........ ..__....._ __ _ . ...._.... __ _.........__.__._ _....._ _.. ..._...._.. _..._ _. __,_ _._._.._._ ....._ _ . . .___ ............ __......_ _....._..........__. ._ _..._..... ........__......__........ ...._.. . ................_.._....... _ .... _ _..... .........._ _.._ __.... .. . ........... ......_ . ..........._._ . ___. .. .__... ._ ._................................................. ....................................................................._........................................._.........._. ..._............_....-----..............___ . _ ....._................_.. _ _._ _ _ . _ . . ... _._.... _ _ . ...._... _........_ ._.__ ........._....... ................ __. . ... ........ ........ .......__....... ..........._......... ._..__ __. .__ ................._ _ __ _ _ _ .. .____. ....._ _ ._....... ...... .._ _ __..... ......... ......_ _ ..... ___._... ......... ...... _ _ .. ... ........_ _._.._ _...........__. _ _ ._ .. .. . ........... .._ _ .. ......... ...._....____ ._..._.... ...... ............._ ._...... ..... ...... __..._ ......_ .... _......._ _..............._ _......................__..........._.............................................................._..........................._................................................._....................._.. ..............................._........._ .._......__.................._.. __ _..._....._ _ ..__.._..._ .. ..... ._. . . .. ....... .... ..__ . ...... ...... .... ....._ ._._..._ .... ........ . ........___......_ _ _. . _ _......_ .. ._ _. ......_ __ __._. ....._ _........_ ......... . . __.... . . ........ ......._. ._ ......___..... . ......... ......._ _ ._...... ......... . _....._._ _ ___............._.. _ __ _ _._ _......... .. ........ ........ .. ._............ _..... _... .... ___ .. . .. ... ........ ........ . ......._ _ _........ _ ...... .........___ _............_.. _....._.. ... . _..._ .............................. ..............................................................._...........__.__............................ ........................_..._................. ...........__..........._.................................._. _. _ __.. __ ... . ......... _ _._ ..._..... ...........__ . .... _... .._ __...... ........ ......... .......__ .. ........ ...._..._ _ _. .__ __._............__ . _ _ . _ . _ __. .___ ._ ._._ _._..._..... _ _ .......__....._ _ .......__.._ ..... .... ..._ _._._ . __.... .. _ . ...........__ _ _ .._.... .. ....... .._.__........_. ......._..... ._........ ..__.... ._...._._..____ ._.._.... . _..... .._.._ _..._...___ _ .._ _._....._ __ ......_._. _....................._ .......................---...........,..........................._............................................................_.....................................__.......................................................... _. .............._. __.._.._... . .. _ ___.. .... ...... . .._..._. ......__ _........_.. ..._....... .___........ .._..._ __ _ _._........ . ._. ....______ .._ _......___...__ _ ..... _... _ __..._.... ......._.... ___ _........ .. ... ......... . ..... _ .......... ...._ .. .. ._.. __ .. .........__......... . ___. .... ._... _..._ _ . . __.......... __ _... . __ . __......._ __...____...... -.... _ ._ . ................ __ . ._ ......_. ........ ...... _ __ ........__.....__ __. _ __ _ ............ .............................__.......... .............................................................................._.._.................................................................----......-�-�---_............--................_..............---.......... _.._. ....___ _.. __...._ _......__........._..................._......_..._.................-----....---......_................._........_ .._......_........._....................----�---.._...__...._......_...........-�---...__.. _ _.... __........................_. _ ......_................................................................----�----..................................__._................._................_........------................... _..._...................---....... ....... . . .......... ..... ....... ... _..... _. _.-, ..............................�--�--...---.....................................---..............._.............: .. . _.. ... ...... ......._ - - ........... . _... . . ................... ......---�-��---...................... . .� .............. . ........................ . . .... ....... . ....,....----........... .............. , . . - . . ---�--------------�--�-----�-��---..............-- ................................ � .......................................................� ....- ---- ._... . , � � - a� s �3 =::::::::�::�::�:���::::::::�:::::::::.:::::::�::.:.;:::::::::=:=::�::. � . ... .... ...... ....... ... . ..... . _.. _......._ ......................... . . � - - -. .... _ ....... . .. .. ... .......... ..................__..-------------..-----.-- . ... ....... .. . ........ . _ _ .... .. .... ... . ....... . . _ . _ _ ... _. .. _ : .. .. .... ..... .... ................. __ .. . ..... _.. . ...-. . , ... ___. . . . . ._ . _ , . . . ..... .. ...... ..... ....................... ....................... .. ...... . ................ ...... . _._ .... . ..... ...... . .. . 446.03 - PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY Al�'D = -- � :��: WELFAR,E - ::::�::-:��:`:::::;;�:�::-�:�:::`�:�:::_�::�Y:: ... . �::-.:.::::::..::�.::.-.-:--:...:.::-::::::::::::::::::-::_. ��� duti� b�• refusing them or any of them entrance to the remises _____-.........................._. E:_':�:.:..::::::: :��::::._..:::::::::::-:::::::�:�::: reasonable hours. A at �:;:=:::;:::�;;::.�:.:::::-=::::::_:=:���::::::::��:: 4��.13. Liability. All persons ownin o eratin �'��.' ��-�`� ������"'"��... �-"����'.������ g, P g, or in charge _ or control of any equipment who shall cause or ermit or a ' - - - in an�-vi p p rtici�ate _ _ = olation of this ordinance either as ro rietors w �==--��===�-=�==���= ���=�==��===-���=��===��������=��==��� P P , o ners, Iessees, .._--�-....................�--�-----.......--....... . tenants, managers, superintendents, constructors, installers, mechan- '==' �`�`��`�������������`�'�����'�'��'����"�"`=�=���� ics, repairmen, captains, janitors, engineers, firemen, or otherwise �-==-'---=:=:�__::�::������:�:--'-='::�-'`.:":`':�'-=`:'�`:`:`::-��: shall be individuaIly and collectively liable for any penalties imposed '�--��-�����-�-�-����`����-�`� �������������-��������� b3•this ordinance. -=- -� -- (Ordina�ace 9�75, passed t17a2 10 19 9• �� � - - - = -=- - Au . 31 1� � J , 4 , A�nended: Ord. 1��7.�, :__ _ ___ - _ -- --- 9 , 6�.) :::::r�:.���:r:r:.-}:.::r:._.`::.�:'-"'t-.'.::r:.''- CHAPTER 445A. AIR POLLUTION CONTROL REGLZ�►TI - - - ONS - 445A.01—Air Pollution Control Re afioas and t / - `�=:=���.�::.:�:::.==`::::�� -:'..:���:��.�-.:�=�.`� � S andards. .� � ...... ............. . �:::::.�:�::::. � � ...:...: :.... � ......::�:-:.: Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes �1, Section 471.62. Air Pnlhrti�n Co�trnl ��'��i� � �`� `��'����r� � �::::::-�=:::::::::::::::.:!::;:::::::-.::::=:::=.-��:: R�les, Regslations and Air Qaality Standards �}-fi�nclusive (APC 1-16) `=��� �=�=�=��=�='- `�==`_=� yY�'' -=== of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency as adopted pu*suant to Minne- .....��.. ......... -... . sota Statutes 1967, Section 116.07, as filed with the Commissioner of ""��``�'.� ' � �� �`�� '- ministration for the State of Minnesota on July , 9, as thereafter � i: ....:.... amended through and inclusive of the ef�e�e date of this rdinance are � -��'��==-=���� � :.... hereby adopted by reference." � , , :::.�:"��::�:::.:t��:::_::.�::�.:::..:::..:::::::::. � ,.,.� , : ,._,�........:-. ���.� _ l.: ; �`� � ::-�.;=:`tw:�::::::::::-::�:::� ::::::=:�::-:::::::;:`:: (Amended ord. 14614, Oct. 14, 1970; ord. 15231, Nov. 3, 1972 �=��=_1===�"��������==�=���"�=� � �-.-���=--��---- � ' r�-�����:�:=:�=�_:= a�35A.02--Clerk to Keep on File. -- t�' � �: �� . The City C'�rk shall mark and keep on file in the o�ce of the City Clerk t = three copies of said regulations for use and eaamination by the public and ` ���� ����� � t::::::::::::�:::.::.::::...::..: :...:.:.:::::::::::::::� shall furnish a copy of this ordinance*a�d�aid--re ::�::::: ::::::::::: .:�:::::: ::::::: :::=:�::��`:�: person upon request. - �s at cost to any �:::::::: ::::::.:::.:.::.:::-:.:.:::::.:::::::::::::�:::::- ;�'.me�ijeu �rl. 14�89�J�Pi. 24� 1y6�). ^ -_ - _ _ 445:�.03--Director—Definition. - - Notw�ithstanding any other definition given by law, the `Director' as ap- - plied to this chapter shall mean the person who is desi¢nated as the ad- - - ministrative head of the air ollution abat • » - P ement program in the City. - - - (Added ord. 15231, Nov. 3, 1972} -- - _ _- - - -..� _ ... - - CH:�PTER 4=i6. (:�IR R�ID PRECAUTIOtiS)—REPEALED BY ORDI- 1�_�tiCE 13589, AiARCH 28, 1967. i-_-sa --•� .. , , _..... _. _.. ... _ 1305 _.... .. _.. .. .... .. . . .. ...... E .. :: . .... ........__ _ .__. f ..� � ����� • � _ ���Tr'o�=. • CITY OF SAINT PAUL - �r � '" ' ` OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY =4 � 2: o � ;�� ..1113�L11(II. i ' s EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY �e�• . 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-5121 MAYOR February 15, 1980 ��~ *a,-:-• - < .- - ,..,, !i: .s,. . . �.a? I`�� ' "; 'r;�. iy�;.'�,�h v �.!-riCE T0; Peter Hames � ' `',�,,`�,' FROM: Betty Lassen `+�°� SUBJECT: Code Project y Peter, I've been unable to get any guidance with � respect to a particular chapter of the code dealing with smoke pollution, Chapter 445. By Chapter 445A, we adopted the state ' s air pollution control regulations and standards. This is amended from time to time to incorporate the latest standards. However, there still remai,ns on the books Chapter 445 (copy attached) portions of which are obviously ou� of date, but some of the standards therein may be different from the state standards. We don' t have any engineers to help us compare them. Since we no longer have a city agency dealing with pollution control and we look to the state for enforcement, does the administration wish to retain Chapter 445 in some form`2,� �O . � Attachment `�'ce.-'�'..5.� . , _ _ ������ :.. _ .... . ,.1,._ . . . ,_ .. . : w � .... . . � . _ _ . ._. . _ _ - :�'�,�vaa._ .. , . � _ , . . _. _ - , _, ; ��. ... .f . k�.T1::: .�� . . , ,'��0',�;�G'��'� , . . . �. ..._. 5ra. i���'�.-�„��'h'i�'+�i4T�+�,.w;.."��'r-,et:y°P"�T.�L, e�...y �r �. r�c a�+v.... r'f�" 3•.,�w`�'�±�+�;-s�^��+,5+�:-': . . .�.-..—a�..�.-.-.. . ..•--�.....��..�.•,w..-�:.;.....,.....,..._... _.. . .. •...�,�ic.p..—......,-. _ . . .. - . . . . �:�'3.�`.',C�°±t:�a... :,�:;. .e .:!4�i.+.n i . - 3�3 0� G �7 ��.�'��1. ___ . - . _ .:_ R��'EI1�ED _ . - :�.��� �-� MAR 41980 ( - �= -._ . . . . _ CIiY A"i i�ORi��Y - � ��r�w������ - .� , ,- --_-_ __--_-_ _ _ . ' ` � - 7,;; fi �' ' + � '�' , �T � , . , . . , � _ - �. 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O � C x r �J n � O �' �. � I"� ..;.v�,... c ,. wh�;°° O, � � � . _ � f1' N • H -�' ,A � � � "�' � � O � c�' ►� �� , � a w H � � � N t�] � � `�" � N � , , . o . �o�'_C � � � - �V r � .,�::: '_.. ..��.. ;,;: _ -,. F y UM U1: I2/19-75 ..ti- �� �' „ - _ Rev. . 9/8/76 . - . ��.„� .,_�,,. ... . . _ ,... . _ . _ _,. , .. : :_ � EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDZNANCES _ �5��� . . �ate: August 6, 1980 � �E � EIVED . AlJG 1 � 19�'� TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR'S OFFICE FR: City Attorney ". . . �: Repeal of Obsolete `Chapters of Code - C. 445 - Smoke � . . ACTION REQUESTED: Council consideration of ordinance PGRPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: � By Chapter 445A, the City adopted the st�te' s air pollution control� �egulations and standards. C. 445 set forth in some � detail local standards. We no lon�er have a city agency dealing with pollution control per se. . �.T^�C�MEN�TS: Proposed ordinance, copy Af chapter proposed. to be repealed. s lst _ 15 � a� "` �Q 2nd �_'c� ' d � 3rd '��— y– �� Adopted - • Yeas Nays , H�INT LEVIi1E _ . � McMAHQN 2'755�3 SAOWALTER � ; _, ` � � � TEDESCO WILSON PRESIDENT (MADDOX) {��'' �:.::r-ry .