275501 WHITE - CITV GLERK j''� p CANARV -DEPAR MENT COUI1C11 ���F��� e�uE _MA„oR GITY OF SAINT PAZTL File NO. �� � � rdindnce Ordinance N 0._ I �i �� � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance repealing certain obsolete and redundant chapters of the St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to forms of public contracts, payment of laborers, hours of work, and residency of employees on public works. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the following listed chapters of the St. Paul Legislative Code be and the same hereby are repealed: 100 — Standard Forms for Public Contracts 101 — Payment of Laborers on Public Work 102 — Minimum Wages on Public Contracts (except Sec. 102.01, which is codified as Sec. 82.07, Administrative Code) 103 — Eight Hour Day on Public Work 104 — Employees on Public Works Must be Residents Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � utler • .�� [n Favor ozza � ne Maddox � Against BY 3 Ox McMahon Showalter Showalter Tedesco Tedesco SEP � � ���� Form pprov by 't At y Adopted by cil:W�Ison D�te � Certi ' d Pa d by C ncil Secret BY By �— _ � Approv y ay r: D e� �9gO _ App by Mayor for S i io t Council � - By B �.1S�t�� SEP 2 7 �9�0 . OM O1: I2/Z975 / : Rev. : 9/8/76 , . EXPLANATIOIV OF �DDIINISTRATIVE ORDERS, �. , RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES �5���; Date : =�ugus� ,6; t980 TO: D'lAYOR GEORGE LATIMER ; : �, FR: City Attorney . RE: Ordinance to repeal obsolete chapters of Legislative Code ACTION RE4UESTED: Council Action PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Review of Legislative Code brings attention to obsolete chapters: _ 100 — Standard forms for public contracts. This chapter formally _ approves a form of contract no longer in use. Administrative. 101 — Payment of Laborers on Public Works — covered by statute. 102 — Minimum Wages on Public Contracts (except Sec. 102.01, - which is codified as Sec. 82.07, Administrative Code) — covered by statute. - 103 — Eight Hour Day on Public Work =� covered by statute. 104 — Employees on Public Works Must Be Residents - obsolete. ATTEICH.•1ENTS : Proposed ordinance, copies of chapters proposed to be repeal,ed. PINK� - FINANCE"� GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council �����/ CANARV -OEPARTMEN T BLUE -MAVOR File �0. • Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance repealing certain obsolete and redundant chapters of the St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to forms oY publie contracts, payment of laborers, hours of work, and residency of employees on public works. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the following listed chapters of the St. Paul Legislative Code be and the same hereby are repealed: 100 - Standard Forms for Public Contracts 101 - Payment of Laborers on Public Work 102 - Minimum Wages on Publie Contracts (except Sec. 102.01, which is codified as Sec. 82.0�, Administrative Code) 103 - Eight Hour Day on Public Work 104 - Employees on Public Works Must be Residents Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by.Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt ' Levine Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form pprov by 't At ey Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ' By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submis io to Council By By -- - --_. r - ::, .�-'i.._ �-:-- _ _�`:.::�:rcr�::_.::�:r_�?: a- . �:i': •.:� . :,<<�::•.�::::::::::: -::� �0�.0� f.::::�_:::.�.. .:.................................................. ......... ,.............. ..........................---.......----......----.............. _::::::::::::. : ------------------•--.......................................... ,•_::::::�- - THE CITY - CONTR.ACTS WITH . Chapter Page -•-•...................................••----................... :::::::::::::::�_:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::•.:::� 100. Standard Forms for Pubiic Contracts .................. .777 --•---.......------...........----......-•----......--��----... � 101. Payment of Laborers on Public Work ...................... ........??7 - - - 102. Minimum Wages on Public Contracts ..................... ........ .779 - - ..... 103. Eight Hour Day on Public Work .......... .::::::::::::::::::::.::::.:::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::: ........... ........ .... .784 ....•••......-----•--------------------------•---..........---... 104. Employees on Public Works Must be Ftesidents �� ��������� ���������������� �� ���� ����� � ............ ...... . .784 lOb. Bidders' and Contractors' Bonds ......:....................... .. ... .78? - E�:�:�::�::::�::°:=:'::�:::::::::::':::�:.:::::::::::::::::`�. • �..............•-----•�---------...------•-�------........... :c"i:.i�::°':::'Fr::::��:r�::::::'�`...:f::::.:`::_::.=:�:�:::��`. ..............................•----°--------=-°-•----.... .................................-�--------�---�-�--..:_...... .............................................�--�----.......... ... . 100. STANDAKD FORMS FOft PUBLIC CONTR.ACTS ������`�������-������������'-���-���������������� ; ............................................................... �:::�_:::::_: 100.01. Contract Forms. The contraets submitted to the Coun- ' and a roved b the Ma or Purchasin A ent and the Comp- __::���� cil, PA Y Y � � g , troller, as the Sta.ndardization Committee, by endorsement of their names thereon, and designated respectively as "Local Improvement - Contract," and "Materials and Supplies Contract,":be, and the same `��==��::::��:��`���������������������==����������������=�`��� axe hereb. adopted as standard forms of contracts for local improve- Y ments and for materials and supplies therefor, and for materials and � ' re aid con- supplies for other work and purposes, and all of the afo s tracts shall be on substantially the said forms respectively. - 100.02. Execution of Contracts. Whenever a contract for a • � local improvement or for materials and supplies is awarded or let by :. = -- the Council, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and direct- _ - ed to execute contracts therefor in substantially the aforesaid forms -- - - - and it shall not be necessary to submit said contracts to the Council - for approval in order to make the same valid and binding on the City. - _ (Ordinance 35.42, approved August 20, 1915.). - - � - -- � ' - _- _ 101. PAYMENT OF LABOREftS ON PUBLIC WORg - - - \ _ 101.01. Payment of Laborers. When any contract is ordered to be made or let, under the provisions of the city charter, or the acts amendatory thereof, for any public improvements, either on streets, �.::::::::��:�' lic rounds ublic buildin s or other structure, or for repairs �::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::�:..:�:.::..::::.... pub g , P S , �`������ thereto, such contract shall contain a special provision for the pay- - ment of the laborers who may perform work or labor on any such - ,io-i-es • 777 ::__:____:_:__.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::..::.::::�::::::::_:::.::::::::::::_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::........ .....,....},:::::::::�:=::�::�:::.:::.::::::::::�:_:::::':::::::::::.: ��---�..................................................._. �� >>0� i:::::::=.::::�::�:�:��:�:��:��::::�:::.�::::�:.::::�:::.:: c�::...... ... ...................:. . . . ............. . _ ��::::.:::::::::�:::::;=;:_=;:;;:;:�::=�:�:;;;::�:=::��;:�::;.: ............................................................ .. �................................................................ .........................................------............... . 101.02 �:::::;�:::�::::::::::::::::`�`;:����:�:�:=::�::::::.:::::__:; �......................................................... .. LEGISLATIVE CODE E�:::=::::::::=:<::::::::::�::::::::::::�:::::::�::::`::::�:�:::`: ` -�---...-�....................�-��--�-��----..................... ................................................................ ............................................................... .�.-:::::.` ::: work or improvement out of the am - � oun t due to the contractor or - �::::�=::::��-`� ::� contractors therefor from the ci bef �--� ty, ore any part or portion thereof - shall be paid to said contracto 0 r r contractors, their heirs, agenta, or assigns, as hereinafter provided. f:�:��:�:�:::_..�:.:.::::::::::��::�-.:;::::=:=:��-:�::=::�.:�`:-::�:��:=::::. �-�..........................................�--........... ............................................................... �.....................�--.........---........................._ �._....._..-�.................................�--.......... 101.02. Affdavit of Contractor. When contracts are made as ���������--���`�-'���=�==�`=�������������`�-������-�--���������=� stated in 101.01, it shall be the duty of the city comptroller, before F - auditing an estimate for any work, to re uire of th c q e ontractor or I::::::::::::��:=�::.�:::��:`•:::.:::�::`:::`:�:':`�:::=::"�:�:`::-::: conrtactors, a full list of all persons who have been employed by him �::;;;;;=';:;;;::::::::::::::::;;:;;:::=::::;:=::_:::_:::_:;:::;;;._ or them on said contract, the time they have worked and the amount - due from him or them to each of said laborers• which sta.tement shal - , 1 - be sworn to before some officer authorized to admini - ster oaths as be- _ - ing true and as conta.ining a full list of all ersons an P d the amounts or sums due to each for labor thereon• and thereaf er ' - , t it shall be the duty of said comptroller, when he audits a n estimate, to annex said �::�::�::-:::::::::�::::.:::�;�:::�::;:::�:��::�:�::=::=::::�:�:�:-:-:=:=::�:�.:;.. r:::::::::�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�::::: sworn statement to the same as part thereof, and said work shall be r_:::::�::==�=���:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�:::: paid for by the City of St. Paul if the amount of the estimate is suffi- �������=��===��=����������=�����������===��_�����=���====����� ciently large, if not, then pro rata; and, if there shall be any surplus "����====��=�=����=-==========��=������������������=����==�� �............................................................... after paying for said labor,the same shall be paid to the contractor of� - contractors; provided, however, that if the contracto - � r or contractors i:::�::::::::�:::�.::::::::::.::::'::::::::'::_:�::_:"�:_::�:=::: shall make and file with the comptroller an affidavit that all the labor `'°'-��-��°�°�-�����������-��-�����������������������`=�� k::::::::::..::::::::::::�::::::::::�:::::::�:::�:::::::�:::::: for which an estimate is asked has been paid for, the comptroller may � "'� waive the statement before provided for in this section. �'� E::�::::�:.�.�:::::.....-�-�.................................... 101.03. �:�:::::, �.::.... Omitted Labor Claims. If i - n case there be an claim :=::==�1 �:� .. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:: for y la . ���::::::- bor done and performed for any contractor or contractors in t f�-::��::�:::::.-::::��.�`::::::::=:�=�:�::::::::�=;;;;:�::�.::.:: he performance of the work for which an estimate is asked for, '����������������-�--������������������-��������������������� which may for any reason have been omitted from the contractor's sworn statement, the person or ersons doin such wor a `��������������������������'�``�`��`�`��"������ �'��'�"�� P 8' k m y file _ _ such claim, duly verified, with the comptroller, at any time durin -- - the ro ress of th g - P g e work under the contract, and within ten 10 - ( ) days after the allowance by the board of ublic w r - p o ks of the final es- - timate under any contract• and u on the filin � , P g of said claim as i=�:`:::::::::::::::�::::�:�::-::�.:::::::::=:.::::.:::�::�::::::: aforesaid, the comptroller shall give the contractor or contractors no- - - tice thereof, and if the contracto`r or contractors do not consent to - the payment of the same, the amount thereof shall be retaine i d n the city treasury, if there be a sum equal to the amount claimed - - - due the contractor or contractors, or,if less the whole amount d - � ue to the con- €::�::��::-::��::::�:�:::�-:::�::::::�::�::�:::-:=:::�:�:�:::;::�� :: tractor or contractors, for a period of sixty (60) days from the date `���������������������������������������������������� � of the allowance of said final estimate, when, if said laborer or la- ��.�""������-������������������������������������������ borers have not ta,ken the neaessary legal steps towards puttin said S �`-:`:::=::::::::`��::�::=:�_::�:���::��::�-:�:::::�:�:::::�:::::: claim into a judgment, the same shall be paid over to the contractor E��� =�=���== ����=���===��==��=���=������������ _ or contractors. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�::::: .. ....-��...................................................._ �................................................................. .....................................................�----...... Upon the rendition of any judgment against a contractor or contractors in favor of the person doing such work u on an 1 ' p y c aim filed with the comptroller as aforesaid, for labor on an contra y ct with _ the City of St. Paul, the same shall be paid out of the cit treasu - Y i'Y, ,� ::;;:::::::;�::�::���::::�::=::�:::�::::�:::::�::�:=.:::::������:;����:: if there are funds applicable thereto due the contractor or contrac- - " to - - rs a - , nd the same so paid shall be char ed u a ains th t 8 e contr ct P 8' a or �::::_:.�:�:�::..�:::;:'�.:��.��:.�.�.�::�::::::::::.::��.::::�.:::�:`:::::�::::=.:�:'�:::�::::�.:�:.: or contractors as payment on said contract;.provided, however, that ` ��� _- ;......... ................._...........------............................. the City of St. Paul shall not in an event be liable a -- Y to p y an 'ud - �-�-:::�::;:�::�::::��:�::�::::::-:".-:.�::'-:'�'�.'..�.:.:::.:=�-��:�:�:::.: Y J b ,_....--�........................................--......... ............................................................_ 778 , io-i-ss I.:'::'.::::::::::::�................................. }::. . -�--... .. ............ . _........--•...........................................�-- ..�::::._::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_:.:::::-:: � �� _ - � � � 7 J � �os.o� - - CONTRACTS WITH THE CITY � � there shall be filed with the ci - ..._._._._.... ' ments rendered as above specified unless tY _ com troller within said su (60 da s, a notice of the commencement of ��===::�'=�=::������::=:-�='��"::=�=°'=����=-�:::�:�=�:::�:�::�`-:`::=`.:: p � t3' ) Y the suit on such claims, and the name of the court in which the same is pend- ing. - 101.04. All contracts let by the City of St. Paul to any person or per- - - _ - sons for adin streets, ublic ounds, ublic buildings, or other structure , 8r g P �' P or ublic im rovements shall be made to include, b reference tl�ereto, the ---- - - P P � Y - provisions of this chapter. - - - - 102. NIINIMUM WAGF�._ON PUBLIC CONTRAC _— -- ---- -----_ " � . 02.01. ' � _ --�.................................................................. � ......................................................�------�--...... -------------�-�-�----.....---...........-�---�----------�---��--�-�- _ _ _ __ .__ � ...............----..............-�--�-��-----------....--�-�--.... _____ ___..._,�.� ...........................�--��---........--�--....---.............. � All contracts hereinafter enteze - _ '-°°-°°.�.............°°--........-.................--°-°-. inLO for the PurPase oi pe r! - e Gt ot Saint Paul - - any work for th tY involving. .eithe[ new co�s�'uctio I work or repair:work on anY roads r:�:::;::::-=c:_.:i:`.i=::`.i��.�ii�i.iiiiccc:c�:i:ii::::::.:..::::::`. bridges. sewers, streqb. alleys, pazks � pazkmays,building.or any other pub' lic works involving the improvemen I - - of public property, including ihe re � moval ot public nuisances, shali � made upon the basis that the wage paid to she occupational groups utii � - ..-°..............°-�-•--°°-------�---°--.°--.. ized in such works shall not be ies ( - and frin es aid t the w a es 8 P than S classifie - com arab te os► tiocu in the P f�__:::�::::. P ............................_---........................---..... . t..:=.:c::.:::::.:�::::°.::_��_"_'ci.�;._:;'�:.':;�:�.��:'�.�.�.�:.i�.:�:?.i".i"::':: I � Civil Service.nstem. . .. �r+..�. � , - - I I (Auze�z���d^ord. 14013, Oct. 25 , 1968; �::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�. 4 A r. 14, 197 7� i�:::::::�::::::�::::`::;::::;::;;::::::::::::::::::::�:�::_��::::.: ord. 1623 , p ord. 16323, Jul . 26 , 1977 . ) - �,� - _-- � ; :� i - - . _, � _ _ _ .�---.' � _ ----��--�-�.................�--...--------......---................ _ . ...............�--�-��---.........................._...--�--......... . I - - - � � � - - -- - _ , o , _ _ v• - - - -- � - i ��::._:::�::: ...... �:::�::::=:::�::::::�::�:�::::::�::::=:��:=:�:::��:�::�:::�::=�::::::::::::::::: ......................... ........................................ ..-�---...--�......................�--��------...----.......... ......._...-�---�-�............................................... .................................................................... ..................................................�--............... ?� 9 '�:t:::::::�::��:::�:::::::::::::.:::::::::.::.:::::.::::::::::::�:: ;::��:.::�:::::�:�:::�:.::::_:�:::::::::::::.:.:::::�:::::�:: : � �:=::�::�::�::�::�:::�:�.=:�;�:�;::�::.:;::::::::::�=�:�.��:�:.:.� �.��. _._...._ ---...........................��-�--�-�--.............................--............_............._.............._..._.._............._ --�-------��---�-�--.....-�-�---.......--�........................................................�---......................................�--- -._........ ..._...._..... -.._....................................................... ... .......... ......... ... ............... _ _ . ....................................... .............. .... ................. .................... ......................................... ... ... ......................... .............. ...................... ....... .................................. ..............................................................................�-�-�---.........------�-�-�-�-�-�--....----...................................................-�---..................................---.............................-----.................................................................. ...................................................................................•-�--��-�--�---........................---�--..........................................................--�---��-�------.....................................-�--��----•----............................................................ ........................................................................................�--��-�-------..................................................---..............----�--................--------......................---............---......._...---...............---.......................................... .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................�--.........................................--�---................ ..................................................................................................................................................��----......................_...............--�--............----.......---.............................................................................................. ---...............................................................................................................................�--�---....._........-�---...................................-�----�-----...............................-�-�-�--------�-•�-----...---....................................-�---�----..... ..............................................................................�-�---...................._.......................................................................-----................................................---.........---��---�-�-----.................................---...................... ........................................................................................................................��---..........................................................-�---...................................................-----...................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................�-----.......................--��--------.........-�---.................................................... � :::: - S � ::;::.`:, � � -- � l 102.03 -- 102 _—_ :=:::::� : - .02. Provisions ed in All cha ter Contracts �rn� . �n;� P I -=�---..... r-::��:::�:�:�:?:?::?�'��::�=::::�::�::�:::::�::�:::�:::=:�:::�::-::::�::::::: ... - ......... � ........... s be made the subj�ct of reference by the recital of its number _ and title in the s ecifications for the erformance of an work under any con- ,P P Y tract, for the City of Saint Paul, mentioned in 102.01, and this Chapter shall - constitute part and parcel of the specifications and part and parcel of the con- - tract, in each such case, with the same intent, purpose and effect as if this 1::,:=�:�::;;:::.:.::.:�:=.:::=:::�::�:�:�:�:::;:::�=:=::�:::��:::�:::.�::��: Cha ter were full set forth therein and com liance with this Cha ter b the �==��=����=�==�=�=�-=�=��=��======��������=�==�===�=���==�'� =� P Y , P P Y '::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::.. contractor and every subcontractor, in each such case, shall be deemed one �:�:::::=:�:_�::-_:::�:::�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�:::::::::: of the requirements of the provisions, terms and conditions of the specifica- �::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::.-:::.�:::::�:::::::::::.::::::. tions and those of the contract. The employment or payment of labor at a �;:::�:::::::::`::::::�:`:�::::::::::::::::::::::::�::=.=::�:�::�::�::::. wage rate less than that provided therefor hereinabove for or on account of an such work under an such contract by the contractor or any subcon- ;:::;�;:�:::�:�::::�::;:::����:-�_��.;�;:�;:�;:�:::�::_:=:���:=:-:�:::=:::::�:_ tractor, in any case, shall be unlawful and violative of the provisions, terms and conditions of the subject specification and contract. - 102.03. Violations by Cootractor. In case any contractor entering into a contract with the City for the doing of any such work shall violate the _ provisions of this Chapter, or permit violations thereof by subcontractors or - - _ others, the Council may terminate the contract and take over the work and complete th� same, either by hiring the necessary labor and purchasing the _ needed materials in the open market, or by re-letting the contract for the work to the lowest responsible bidder, whichever method is lower; and in �:;'-;;:;;�:;:::;:��::::::�'.:.....,:.:'.�:..::;:::;'.:;-:;'_:;::-::�::�:�:;::::. case the contract is so terminated the cost and ex ense of finishiII the work '�-==�=�-----����������-���������-°�����������������������=���" , P g �::�_::�:::::::::�.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.-._:::::::::�::::.: shall be charged to and paid out of the moneys due or to become due the con- i-==-==-====-=-===--====='-==::::===:===::::::=::===::::::::::::::_::: tractor under this contract, and in case said moneys prove insufficient, the ��==����==========�==���======�=====���====��=�==������==�=�����=���� ""' City shall be entitled to recover from the contractor and the surety on his C. . bond, any additional cost and expense over and above the contract pnce. . - 102.04. Exce tions. The rovisions of this chapter shall not apply to • P P or fix a minimum scale of wages for persons employed by such contractors - - in either a technical or clerical capacity, or in a solely supervisory capacity, _ ar not actu- C.::::�:::::�:�::::::::��:�:�:�;:�::_:�::�::::::�:::::�::::::::::::::::��:::: or as carriers of drinking water; or to any other employes who e ally present and working at the site of construction. ��=�=-��==��=�=�'="'��=������=�==��-"�������=������������������������ 102.05. All contracts for the doin of any work for the City of - - g _ _ - Saint Paul mentioned in 102.01 shall be subject to the condition that said con- tractor shall provide the inspector on the work, and the commissioner of _ the de artment in charge of the work, at the time the work under the con- - P - tract is started with certificates containing the names and addresses of, and - the kind of work being performed by the classes of employes whose wages `��������-��=-����������-������������=�������=��-�-�-��= . . ... �.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: are fixed by this ordinance, with a certification that all such employes are re- - _ ceiving as wages not less than the scale provided for herein. The contractor - - - shall also furnish the inspector on the job with a similar certification as to new -- or additonal em lo es at the time such additional labor is employed, and also - -- P Y -- weekly certificates as to new and additional employes to the commissioner mentioned. The above certificates shall be made upon blanks furnished by the department in charge of the work. - �=�_�;::;=:�:::�::::�:.:::�:�:::�::.::::�:�:::..::.:::�:::�:=::::::::�: ................................................................... .................................................................. .................................................................. ...... ._........-�-�---�................................................ ��.�::�.��:�.� - �8; i-�-67 - - a7 � �b 1 :�:��`- ,o2.os - - = - CONTRACTS WITH THE CITY - �::=::`::::�` - - 102.06. Arbitra.tion. Before any contract shall be terminated a rovided i 102.0 t - .:::�::�.-:::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: s p n 3, he disputed facts arising out of the pro- �-`.-::�::�-:::-`:`-:�::�::_:-:::�::`::=::=_=.=:=:�:�::�:::::::�:::�::��;::::::::: visions of this Chapter shall be referred to a board of arbitration to be selected as follows: - - - One member to be appointed by the,commissioner in charge of -- the work, subject to the approval of the City Council, one member to be appointed by the cantractor and two so appointed to appoint a - third disinterested arbitrator. Demand for arbitration may be made - by the contractor or the Council by serving a written notice upon the other. In case of the failure of either party to ap oint the arbitrators - P provided for herein, within ten days after written notice as above - provided, or in case of the failure of the two so selected to select a third arbitrator within five days after notice of their appointment, either party may apply to any judge of the District Court of Ramsey County, Minnesota., for the appointment of an arbitrator or arbi- - trators hereunder by giving five days notice to all interested arties P of the time and place for the hearing of such application. The said board of arbitration shall, within five days after the - appointment, hold a hearing, and shall give the interested parties at least three days notice of such hearin and shall consider at - - g, - - such hearing the evidence offered by the parties interested. Said - board shall have power to adjourn from time to time. At such - - :-- hearings, witnesses shall be sworn and a reporter sh.all attend and ---�-��-----------------�-----------�----- -- - ;:� . ta.ke the testimony, which shall be transcribed upon completion of `.. the hearings, which record shall be filed together v�ith the decision - of the board of arbitration, with the City Council. The decision made - by said board of arbitration shall be limited to findings on questions of fact, and shall be final and conclusive upon the parties upon the questions of fact. - All interested parties, whether parties to the contract or not, shall have the right to be heard before said board of arbitration, and . present such evidence as may be relevant to the controversy. The expense of said board of arbitration includin the cost of - , g - - ta. in th t i k e est mon r i ' an t an in d scr b h ame t e s shall b a � e sh red Y S � �`-='=.='::::�:�'��:::�.::::::':;:-�"�::?":,_.,.":�_:-':.�"::;::.': equally by the contractor and the City. _ , L.::::::�:;:�;�::�::::::�:::�::�:.::::�::::.'::...':`:"::::-: ;:,:. 102.07. Holiday Work Prohibited. No work shall be permitted on Sundays or legal holidays, except in cases of emergency, which ��:::�::::�::::::::::::::::::::::::�:-:�:__�:�::::�::-:-.:-:.;::::::= shall be construed to mean in case of fire, flood or imminent danger - - - - - - to life or property, in which case work will be permitted for the - - period of the emergency. - ,:::::�:::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::.:::.::::.::.:::::: : 102.08. Federal Requirements. When the contract is for work - for which the City is receiving aid from the Federal Government, any requirements or limitations required by the Federal Government to - - = be in the contract for such work, shall, in addition to the provisions - of this Chapter, be embodied in all contracts with the City for such - - - - - work. :::::; e::�:::�:�:::�:�.:-.�:=::::::::=�.:::=::�-�:�:::::::::�:::�::�:::�:. "�"�� (Ordinance 8649, Passed Oct. 11, 19�.5; Amended: Ord. 10.�78, -- - Feb. Q.�, 1955.) 10-1-b6 783 ��0 :;.: - � � I 103.01 �::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::�:=:�'-:::::�`:"::�::��::�.:::::::::::: .... .�::::::::::.:::-:::::-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�.::.::_: .....................................�--��---................... k:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: LEGISLATIVE CODE C�:::;:::-:��::::::�::�:::�::�:�:::::::��::::::::::::::�:::::�:::::�::::: ................................................�----�-......... �-::::.:::� ' _ _ _ 1:�.�=::�:.�::..�..::�:..._:-���`;:=.:==:�::��-`::�:-:.`�:�.:::::, l 103. EIGIiT IiOUR DAY. ON PUBLIC WOltg --�-- E-:":::::::::::::::::":""`:�-""""""`:::`::"":::`:`:::: 103.01. Eight Hour Day. Eight (8) hours in any twenty-four - hours shall constitute a day's work on any work done for the City = �:��:::�:::;:::��:;_:::::�:::::::::�:�::�:��.:�.::=:��:�:;:;;'::.:�;;; of St. Paul, except in cases of extraordinary emergency which may �..._.:._;._::..;._........::..:::..:..:::....::::::....::....: arise in time of war, or in cases where it may be necessary to work more than eight hours per day for the protection of property or - -- human life. 103.02. City Contracts. All contracts hereafter made for the �::�::::::::::::�::�:::�:::�::�:'.:::::�::�:::::��::::::��::�:�:�:::�:: doing of any work for the City of St. Paul shall be deemed and con- .---�--��----�����������---------------------�-������--��--��-��- sidered as made upon the basis of eight hours constituting a day's �:��::���:::::��:_�:=::=:::::::�::=::::::::�:=��:::::::�.�::::�::-:�:��::� work, and it shall be unlawful for the contractor or sub-contractor for any such work, or other person in charge thereof or a�y part - thereof, to require or permit any laborer, mechanic or other person to work more than eight hours in any twenty-four hours in the doing - - of such work. 103.03. Forfeiture of Contracts. In case any contractor with the City for the doing of work shall violate the provisions of this ordinance, or permit the violation thereof by his sub-contractors or �:`.`.�::::::=:_:�::����:`�:::::::::::::�:::::=:::::::::=.'-:-:::::::: � others, he shall forfeit all rights in and to said contract and to all i moneys and compensation to accrue thereunder, and the head of the :::::::::::.:.:.:::.:...:.:.::::.:.:::.:::::::::::::::::::: department concerned is authorized and directed to take over the ���� - � ._ � i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�-::::-::::::::::�._.:_::: --��-�- work and com lete the same, either by hiring the necessary labor �--��-� -�-�����������-�--��--�����-----���������--- P . r::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: and purchasing the needed material in the open market, or by re- _ letting a contract for the work to the lowest responsible bidder, and '==������==���=�"���""�"�'�`������`�=���`-===�������=������� in either case, the cost and expense of finishing the work shall be - - charged to and paid out of the moneys due or to become due the _ contractor under his contract, and in case said moneys prove insuffi- _- - cient, the City shall be entitled to recover any additional cost or expense over and above the contract price from the contractor and - surety or sureties on his bond. All specifications for city work shall ca,ll attention to this ordinance ,by its number and title. (Ordinance 5120, passed July 15, 1919.) - - - - 104. EMPLOYEES ON PUBLIC WORSS MUST BE RESIDENTS - 104.01. Residents. All employes on work performed for the - City of Saint Paul shall be residents of R.amsey County, Minnesota. - - A `resident' for the purposes of this chapter is defined to be a person - ---- who has resided in the County of Ramsey for at least six months - prior to the date of employment. _ 104.02. All contracts for the performanee of any work for the ` - - 1 ee e an con idered as made u on the - i a ha 1 d m d d s i a n P ul be f:�^������=: � C ty of S t s p :::::::::::::�:��:_:�;:::;:�::�:�:�:��::::::_:=_=:::::::::��:` basis that the employes doing such work shall be residents of Ramsey --�� '��-�-����`���'�-��"`��-��������������������������������-�-� County, Minnesota, and it shall be a violation of the terms of the 7� 10.1-66 i:rirrir}irrrrr.':-°r:.i`.:�:rr.-:::r.�:r.:�r:rr.-:rrrrrr.:ri.{:... ' S ::: d ::::::::: � :::�::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�::::::::::::; 7 � � 104.05 CONTRACTS WITH THE CITY �::�::�:::�:::�::::::::::.::..:::::::::::::::::::s::::::::::;: . - er on in - t r other s contract if an contractor or sub contrac or o �==�=J y p �� charge of the work or any part thereof to employ any laborer, me- chanic or other person upon such work who is not a resident of Ramsey County, Minnesota. Provided, however, that the provisions �==������`=�����`�=�`��������=�==��`=`�`��`�����������` ' ' of this cha ter shall be ina licable to contracts where funds for - - - P PP �:�-:::�::::..::::::::::::::::�:::::::�::.�::.:.�:.�::::::::::-:::::::::::: City projects are to be supplied in whole or in part by the Federal !=��=�����:��:�����������=�==��====�:=����==�===���==::::::: government or any of its agencies or by the State government or 1:��:�:���:��:=:����::�:�:::::��-�-:.��:::�:::�:�:�:_::�::::�:' any branch thereof where under the terms of the grant to the City �������������������������������'�'���'���������_���������� of Saint Paul or by State or Federal statute or the regulations of a ��������=����`�="��=""""`="`��`�`�"��������� ��� branch or agency for either government there is a prohibition against residence requirements of employees, agents, or servants _ of the contractors to whom the work under contracts is to be - assigned. 104.03. Violations. In case any contractor with the City for � the doing of any work shall violate the provisions of this chapter, or �:::::::::::::::::��.:::�::�:;::::::::�_::::::::::;:;;:;:::;;:.:. permit the violation thereof by his sub-contractors or others, he shall ::;:::-:::::•:::;;::_�:::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::�::�:: forfeit all rights in and to said contract and to all moneys and com- �����------�-=�=������-�����������������-���������� �������� pensation to accrue thereunder, and the head of the department �-`�����-===��=�-`�=������==�-��=�������=�=�===�����=��==����� concerned is authorized and directed to take over the work and com- plete the same either by hiring the necessary labor and purchasing • the necessary materials in the open market, or by the re-letting of a contract for the work to the lowest responsible bidder, and in either - case the cost and expense of finishing the work shall be charged tp - :_..., and paid out of the moneys due or to become due the contractor ...........:......... ................................._ �. under his contract, and in case said moneys prove insufficient, tfie City shall be entitled to receive any additional cost.or expense over ����-�---��-��������--�------�---��.�--��-----��������� ......................�--�----......----��-�---�----........... and above the contract price, from the contractor or from the surety or sureties on his bond. All specifications for city work shall call - attention to this chapter by its number and title. ,�.;-�-'��:�.:.:__�:�_:�:;;::��_..�:;;_;;...::�:.;:_:��:.-;;;;.::;;; , ��::::.:::::::::.::.:::�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::: E�:::::::°::::ii::::::::::::�.r:.-:::._.�::�._.:�::::::::::::::::: 104.04. Waiver. The provisions of this chapter may be tempo- E:::::::::::::::::::�:�_:�::�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�:: rarily waived or suspended by a majority vote of the Council when- _ ' ever it appears that it is impossible or impracticable to secure the - - t:=�:_��::::�"::::::::�=��.;:::-':�:'::':::::':':::':'::::�::::�:::::. employes necessary to carry on the work from the residents of R.am- ::�:.-.:::�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.. .....---�-�---....-�.................. ........................ sey County, Minn. � 104.05. Resident Identification Cards. Before any person shall be employed on work performed for the City of St. Paul, such person - shall have a resident identification card issued by the City Clerk of - the City of St. Paul. Said card shall read as follows: - City of Saint Paul :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�::::::::::::::::::::::::::: CardNo.. . . . . . . .�. . . ..............................�---�--------.................. R,esident Identification Card �-�------ . ......................�-�-------.....-�---------............... �.......... ................................................................. .------��-- This is to certif that the bearer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -..........-----._........................................._..... �::::�:::-: Y - - :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.......:: ....... residing at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is a resident ---.....--�....................................�--.............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K::::::::::::::::::::::�:�::::�:_::�:::�.::::::::::::;::�:�::::::: of Ramsey County, Minnesota, and has resided in said County for six �:�-=-:��::�::::::�::::;:�::�:�:`:���:::::�:::::�:�;�:�:-`-:::�:��::::::;: iai.se 785 ... . . j.:..::::::::.�:_::;::::=�::::::::::::�:::-`:::':::::::�=:::: :_ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�.:::::::�:::::::::::::.�:.:_._:::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-:::::::�:::::'-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : —� �:�. , . � _::�.`: �....:�::�:..:�::::'::�::.:::::...:.:.:.'`:;:::�::::.��::.�:`��:...=:.'.�:.�:: �7� � �:_::::::::�:�:::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::.:::::::�:: - .......................................................... _ � .................... ....................... ..................................................... . _ ......................................................... 104.05 , f�.�:::::::s:::::::::::::�:�����::�:`�::�:::.;::::���;':��:���::�::: : LEGISLATIVE CODE month la � �:-�::=���==�' - s s s t at an ' i e ' ...................�---....................---........---........ p , d s ntitled to labor u on contract wor P k bein �:::::::::� ��::::::���:::�����::��:�:�:::::::=;:=::_::�:�::�::�.:t::::�:::::��`.: done for the City of Saint Paul. � g ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �=.�::::::::::::::: -_ Signature (or mark) - of applicant - - �::�:::::::�::::�.=:�:::.`-:;.:=:::�:.`-:�=.`-=:'::::::::::::::::�::�.. :...:::::::.::::::::�::::::::::::::::.::_:�::�-::::::::::::.::.. Identification: Height. . . . . . . . Weight. . . . . . . . Hair. . . . . . . . . . . . i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Eyes . . . . . . . . . Married. . . . . . . . Widowed. . . . . . . . Single. . . . . . . . E::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�:.�. . Number of Dependents. . . . . . Remarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f�:`.=:::�::::�:�::::::._�:::�:::::�:::�:::::::��::::::::::�:::::::` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �.:'::�.::::- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City Clerk i:::_:�::::::::::::::�_:::�:::::::::�:�:�:::::�:::::::::::::: Over �:::�:::.:::::::::::.::::::::.:::::�::::::::�::�::�::�:::::::::::::: ,.......-�-�...........................................�---��---� �.......................................................�----... .........................�-�--�-�---.....---.....-�----._........ ........................................................�--..... ................................-------�--�----.........---..... (Back of Card) Contractors must not honor this card if it contains an eras ���=���`�����=�-===������-��������'����=��������=�'�����=_����������� y ures or alteration. A transfer of this card, or alteration thereof, is a mis- - demeanor. "THIS CARD MUST BE IN TIiE POSSESSION OF THE - APPLICANT DUBING HIS TER,M OF EMPLOYMENT WITH �.::::::::::::::�`�:�::::::::::�:�:��`:::�:::�:::::::�::;=::::�:: ANY CONTR,ACTOR DOING ANY WORK FOR THE CITY. ��::�:�::-�����������:�::�::�:::::':"�"�����-�:�:::::::::::`::': This card has been issued b the Ci Clerk of St. Pa ���=����-����������=�=��=-==������-=�-�==-�=���������=���������������__ Y t3' ul, after the :..........:..:.....:............................................ � applicant had been duly sworn and presented evidence of his resi- , ' dence supported by facts, showing that he is entitled to the card. "THIS CARD WILL EXPIRE DECEMBEft 31, 19. . . . AND MUST �-���-����� �����-�=����-���-`-=-�-=-���=�-�--===-=°��-� `���`���� BE RENEWED. _.. f-::�::�:_::::::::�:::�:::::_:�::::::::::::�:�:::::::::�:::��:: :. . G:�::::��:�::-�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�:::=:::::::: .. .. .........�----�----��-----... . ...... :.............................................................. .....-�--------�.....................�---........................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City Clerk _ • - Said card shall expire on the 31st day of December followin the g date of issuance. - Before the City Clerk shall issue any such resident identification - - card, he shall take from the applicant therefor an affidavit which - shall read as follows: _ - STATE OF MINNESOTA) = ) ss. - COUNTY OF R,AMSEY ) AFFIDAVIT COVEftING RESIDENT - - IDENTIFICATION C�RD ���:=::=::::.=:::�::�:::=;;:�-:::::::�:�::::�:::::::::.:.::::::::::::.�:: F:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�:::.:�:;:_:::: The undersigned, residing at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::°:�:"::::::�:::�:�::::: being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is now and has been a - resident of R.amsey County, Minnesota for six months rior t - , p o the date hereof; that he makes this aflidavit for the purpose of having _ - issued to him a resident identification ca,rd under the rovisions of . P - -�-- �::::::�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.. ......... �:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::-:::_:::::::::::::::::: r inance No.. . . . . . . . . . . .. and amendatory acts thereof. ........ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_::::�:::::::::::::::::::: �::::.:::: - Signature of Applicant - 786 io.i.ss .....................,...�....�...........-----..........._...........--��----...... ........... ..... . , . � - - . . . . , - , , . � s . a � S ; . � _ � ^ o , 105.01 - ::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::.:::::::.:::::.::::::::::::::: ....... CONTRACTS WITH THE CITY :::::=:�:��:::�=::::::���=:�:�:=:::::;�;:�::;.:=::�;;;:;;::::.::�:�: ....................... ..........�-�---....................._ -�--....... ....................................................... ........ ---�-�---. _..----...................._..................----............._ ....---..... ............. � � � ..................-�----........._.... ::::::::::_: --........ ====:::-- Subscribed and sworn to before me this. . . . . .day of. . . . . . . . . ., �=::::::::-�=�==�=�=:�=�:��=�:==:-�:�::::::::::::::::�=::=::=:::= 19. . . . . . . . . .. - - �.::::::::::..'�::-�-�`:�::_:.'::::::::::':::::=::::�:==:�:::::::::: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City Clerk F=:::�::�::::�:::.�::::::�:::::::::::::::::::::�:::::�.:::::::::::::: By . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �:�::�i:r_ii.-rrrcrc_-i�.rr:crrcriirri::i�iii:`::::-:��°--�:::�:�. Identification: Height. . . . . . . . .Weight. . . . . . . . .Hair. . . . . . . . . �::::�:::::-:::�::::::::::::::::::::�:::�:::::::::-::�:::::::::::::: : .:::::::::::::::::::::::�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_:: Eyes. . . . . . . . . Married. . . . . . . . . Widowed. . . . . . . . Single. . . . . . . . . .....................�-----.......................--........ ....................................................... .... ::.::.:::::::.::-:.:_:.::�_.::::�:::::�.:�:::::::::::::::::::: Number of Dependents. . . . . . . . . .8emarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::::::::�:::::-::::::::-:.::::�:::::::::::::::::::::::::: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::__::::.:.::::::::::::::�:.�::::::. a isf himself ��':�.::.::.-:_::._�::..�:.::::_:_:�::�::::::�::�::�:�:"-`.�=_-:::::::�:::.::` 104.06. Residents. The City Clerk shall further s t y that the applicant is, and at the time of application had been for six `���-��������������������-���������������������������������� ���:::�::�::::::::��:��:�:::::�:::�`-.��`-�:-:::::::::::::..:�.`:.`.`::.�: months prior thereto, a resident of ftamsey County, Minn. ................................................................ i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :...-----••----•-�--........--�--�....................�•--�----.. 104.07. Carrying of Card. Said identification card shall be car- �=�=�=-�-==-�-������-�-�-�-�-==���-�-�-�-�-��-���=�����=--����-��-===��-��-=-�� ried by the employee during all the time he is performing work for a E�����������������������������������������������������������-�� contractor or doing work for the City of St. Paul. -- - 104.08. Forfeiture of Contract. No contractor shall employ a - person upon work being done for the City of St. Paul unless such - - - t:::::=::::. person first present the resident identification card above provided - - �==::::====: for and an contractor erformin work for the Cit of St. Paul, _ _______________ ::::.::::::::::�::::::::::::::_:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::�.:::::::::_.-::.:::::::::::-::-::_::-:::::::::�:-::�::::.:: ---. Y S .......,... �;;,� who employs a man upon such work who has not had issued to him -� � a resident identification card, shall forfeit his contract. m A 1 m lo n 4. . Em lo ent encies. No erson sha 1 be e ed o 10 09 P Y g P P Y -::::�::�:::::-:::�::�:�::::�-::'::�:::':':�::.::::::::::::�.:�.:=:.:.�::: an ublic work throu h the agenc or medium of an em lo ment t����������������������� ����� ��������� � ������ Y P S Y P Y �::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::: bureau or agency which charges the employee a fee for securing such employment, and no person shall be employed upon such public work i:���:::�:�::��:�::�::::�:���:::::�:�::-::::�::�:�::::�::�::::�:�::::::��:=: .............�---................._......_....................... who has been paid or given to an employment bureau or agency or to - any person, firm or corporation any fee for securing such em- - ployment. (Ordina.nce 5711, passed Dec. 6, 1921; and Ordinance 690�1, -- - e . 92 • ended: r 10793 une 27 95 • r . - assed D c 23 1 7 Am O d. J 1 6 O d p , , , , , �.,::.��.:_::-:..:�_.:�-�:-�:�::::::;.:...s_:-:..._:._::...:.:..�:�:;�.�'.�::::�`.�: 10794, June 27, 1956; Ord. 10820, Aug. 28, 1956; Ord. 10821, Aug. - 28, 1956.) - - 105. BIDDERS' AND CONTRACTORS' BONDS - 105.01. Bonds ftequired. Certified checks bonds shall be required and must accompany all bids in eac the following cases: - -- - - lo a ' r �__::::::::�::::;:;:�__�.�.:::�::::::�::�::::':::=::::�:::::::::::::: (1) For the making of any c p ovement. , - - (2) For the Construction any public building or structure '-����==���������������=������������������=��="������������������� ... whatsoever. �:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (3) In any othe se where the Purchasing Agent deems it ad- - f:::::�:�::::�:::.:�:.::.:::::::�:�::::�-_::==:::::::::::::::::�::::: -.- visable that a cer ' d check or bid bond shall be given and shall so _ state in the sp cations or in the request or advertisement for bids. �_�:��.:�..�::.:::.:::::::.:::�:.�:;:-:;_=::;;=::::�:�;:.';:::::;`�:�:;.::== �-- ......._ ... ........ ........ ....................................... ���----......_...... i-i-so 7g7 . �:��::::�::.:�.:.;�..:�:::�:;�:.:'.`:-��:.�:.�:: �..��:.�:�:��.::::".; � _ � � , . � ' � . � , � � � . : � . . ... ... . . ��ti. �e � .. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . � . . . . r aM oi: 12/l��s � � n � _ / Rev. : 9/8176� �� , � , : ; ,, EXPLANATTON OF 1}fSMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, : RESOLUTIONS AND ORD�NANCES ����, `: _ : 'E�IVEp : : ` F Da te : ����� �; �p . ' $ �g� � � �� TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER ��� - FR: City Attorney . �, : : �'' RE; Ordinance to repeal obsolete chapters of Le�i�lative Code ;� ACTION REQUESTED: _ Council Action � ��u : PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR �HIS ACTION: � :},,� �"�: Review o� Legislative Code brings atten:tion to obsolete ch�pters; 100 - Standerd �orms for public contraets. �This chapter for��lly . approves a �orm of contract no. longer in� ��e. A+�minigtrative. ; 101 - Payment of Laborers o� pu.bl3.c Works - covered �.by s+tatuta, l02 - Mi.nimum Wages on.: P'ublic Contracts (except Sec. 102.Oit � y which is codified as Sec. 82.Q7,- Administrative Code) - _ covered by st�tute. �,_ ,� , < ' � _ 103 - Eight Hour Day on Public Work � �overed b� sta�ute. � �.Q4 - Employees on Public Works Must Be Residents - obsolete. � . -� . :i � . - 'r� ,a , _ < \ . , � � AT.'t'ACHr1ENTS: 'Prop�osed ordinanee, copies of chapters propo�sed to' be repei��.e8.` , ; . � :�.. - J ! lst - (�2nd , a ^ 3rd � .. Adopted �` � ; Yeas Nays AUNT � ' LEV INE ����'�' " McMAHON � _ .1 c���� � SHOWALTER TEDESCO WILSON PRESIDENT (MADDOX) _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___ _r__.. . =�`_ . rr:y .�:�_r'