275500 ! � . , o� 7S�.SD� NOTICE OF OBJECTION In re the condemnation proceed- ing affecting property owned by Mary Hegner You are hereby advised that Mary Hegner, 725 East California Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, objects to the taking: (a) of easements (b) the award of damages in connection with the condemnation proceedings commenced by the City of Saint Paul more particularly described in Exhibits A and B attached hereto. Dated: July 29 , 1980 J N R. DUCKSTAD ttorney for Mary Hegner 1200 Minnesota Building Saint Paul , Minnesota 55101 Phone: (612) 227-9337 , � � ' � � . , � � � �� . � . � . - . . � . . . . _ A . � . � . . . . . . . . . � . . i . . . ' � - . . . � � � � � � � . � . ' . . . . . , . . - . . .: �� . . .� � : �:;U8$, .r7� 1�0 , , • . . , ' . � ' ' Mr. Ed Stetrr , �, � C1ty Attarney _ , Roorn 6�+7, �'ity Hall , ' � 3t. Paul� Mn. Dear �i:,_ � . Atta�hed for your information is a 1(ot�ce oP Oh�ectiop of t+9�ry He3nar to conderonatior� proceedir�� for an easamen� over property e►t '7�5 E. California. Street. � `Yours very. truly� ,. . , Roee M�ac � � ; � " C1ty Clerk . • � Att.ach. , �, , - � A$O:ls . ec: J. Wm� Donove�a, Val. Sng. , . % ¢ � ��r" , � � ' , t!:.q`� ' . . . . . . . . . � ' 1 ��y a" 4'� ' . . . . " 1 . � � .. . . � - � .. b�t. � � � . � � ' - ' � . . . '� . . � . � � . * ,�. . . . . . . .. . . . . . ' . . . . ..-� .. . � . . . . . . , ' • . , ' . ���•� • ' � .. • � ` . . � . . ' ' . . , . " . .. { ' . . . . . . . , . . . . � . � . �� � . � � ., . . � � . .. . . � . � . . . ��t f��".� ,, . . � � � . . .. . . . . ' . _ . . '. . i . . . � . . . . � ��- ��s�� � JoN R. DUCKSTAD ATTORNEY AT LAW 1200 MINNESOTA BUILDIN6 SAINT PAUL.MINNESOTA 66tOI � TELEPHONE: (812) 227-9337 July 29, 1980 City Clerk City of Saint Paul Ramsey County Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: The Condemnation Proceeding Affecting Land of Mary Hegner Dear Clerk: Enclosed is Notice of Objection by Mary Hegner to that certain groposed condemnation proceeding more particularly set forth in the attached Notice of Objection. May I respectfully request this 4bjection be brought before the Saint Paul City Council on its very next meeting for official business. ery truly yours, � �i������ on R. Duckstad Attorney for Mary Hegner JRD/dm Enclosures _ , , , ,. _. � . , . ., , . _ - . ; ; , � � � � ' � � . ' � . _ � - . - � � . . l � _september 11, 1980 � � � Mr. Sd Starr r. � City .Attorney . Room 647, City Hall , . . � Ret Notice oP appeal in the Condemnatian Proc�edir��p sffectin� ; � , , praperty in $loek l, BudBe's Addttion and belongin�:� to ►�ry Hegner. . , bear Sirt � The s�tiove notfce of appeal ras rePerrad by th�� City Gbuncil at iLe September 11', 1980 meeting. ' : ' � Very truly you*s, � � . , . . � �4 ... � , Rose Mix Cit�r Clerk . 1�1S:1a ' . _ J - � , , .� . . ,. . . . . . .� � � � . . � . . . _. .. � . . . . . • . � . .. ' ' � � . . . � . . � � � � I � . , � � , , ' I ' . � �� `i- : � . , � . �r�� , , . � •� � r . ` - \ � _ . i � . � , � ! ,.�. • y ' . • \ , : - October 9� 198Q ' - ' _ , ` ' , �;. . Mr. Ec1�Starr _ City Attorney . - � Room 647� City Iiall ` Dear Sir: , � ; Atta�hed -Por your inPormation ia a Adtice .of Appeal in condemrta�iop; proceedie�gs affecting prope�ty, `in 81ock l, 8udde,•s Addition airu� , � suhmitted ari behalf of` Mary Hegner. r Also iaciuded is e copy of a l�ettter af�To� R. Duekatsd� atto�rQe�r ��z � . Ksry A�a�ner, ob�acting to constructioa of an easen�nt over Block l, � , , Bu�de''s Addition, pending eourt re�alution of her appeal. : � ' Very truly yours, . . � � , ; . , \ Rose Mix � City Clerk , " � , . Attact�. : . , � _ �ABQsla � � . . - � . , - , cc t : Yaluat�on ISngineer � Ptiblic Works Dept. . � , , .° . . � ; � ; . j, i ' , . . � • , � . � . ,` - - ; i , , . i, � : rf i. . . ' ` � . �� i� Jort R. DUCKSTAD ATTORNEY AT LAW 1200 MINNESOTA BUILDING SAINT PAUL.MiNNESOTA b6I01 TELEPHONE: (612) 227-9337 September 29, 1980 St. Paul City Council Court House St. Paul, MN 5510I Re: Acquisition of Drainage Easement across Block l, Budde's Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota Owner: Mary Hegner Dear Chariman and Members of City Council: Mary Hegner appealed from the proposed acquisition of a drainage easement across her property. She specifically ob- jected to the condemnation proceeding as provided for in Sec. 13.03.5 of the city charter. (see attached) Mary objects to immediate construction of easement and advises the City of St. Paul to remain off her property. Mrs. Hegner is not aware of any amount fixed by a court in a sum not Iess than the time valuation of the property appro- priated. See Sec 13.03.3 (1) . Very truly yours, �'�� on R. Duckstad JRD:cros , 2'�5��0 City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. Resolution Ratifying and Confirming BY Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor File No. 1812�i � . ___ :� _In the matter of _ _ _ __ � _ _ _._ ____, __.. . --- - ---� .� Acquiring a permanent drainage easement on, over and across the land � described as: ' � That triangular tract lying within the following described lines: Beginning at a point of intersection of the north line of the platted alley in Block 1, Budde's Addition and the east line of Lot 2, Block 1, Budde's Addition; thence westerly on said alley north line to a point a distance of 10 feet, thence on a straight line in a northeasterly direction to a point of intersection with the east line of said Lot 2, a distance of 10 feet from the point of beginning measured northerly on the east line of said Lot 2; thence southerly on the east line of said Lot 2 to the point of begin- ning and there terminating. Also, the northerly 10 feet of the southerly 10 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Budde's Addition. Also, that part of the north half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 29, Range 24, lying east of Budde's Addition and further lying in a strip of. land 10 feet in width, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line of Lot 1, Block 1, Budde's Addition, a distance of 5 feet northerly of the north line of the platted alley in said Block 1. measured on the east line of said Lot 1; thence easterly on a straight line parallel to the easterly produced north line of said alley in Block 1 to a point a distance of 82.0 feet; thence northerly on a straight line at a deflection angle of 90 degrees to the said produced north line of said alley to a point of intersection with the south line of platted East Larpenteur Avenue and there terminating. Also acquiring a temporary construction e�sement on, over and across land described as: ` That triangular tract lying within the .following described lines: Beginning at a point of intersection of the north line of the platted alley in Block 1, Budde's Addition and the east line of Lot 2, Bloek 1, Budde's Addition; thence westerly on said alley north line to a point a distance of 15 feet; thence on a straight line in a northeasterly direction to a point of intersection with the east line of said Lot 2, a distance of 15 feet from the point of beginni�g measured northerly on the east line of said Lot 2; thence southerly on the east line of said Lot 2, to the point of begin- ning and there terminating; except that interior triangular tract conveyed to the City of St. Paul for a permanent drainage easement. Also the northerly 5 feet of the southerly 15 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Budde's Addition. Also that part of the north half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 29, Range 24, lying east of Budde's Addition and further lying in a strip of land 20 feet in width, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line of Lot 1, Block 1, Budde's Addition, a distance of 5 feet northerly of the north.line of the platted alley in said Block 1, measured on the east line of said Lot 1; thence easterly on a straight line parallel to the easterly produced north line of said alley in Block 1 to a point a distance of 82.0 feet; thence northerly on a straight line at a deflection.angle of 90 degrees to said produced north line of said alley to a point of intersection with the south line of platted East Larpenteur Avenue, and there terminating; except the interior 10 feet wide strip with the same said centerline that is conveyed to the City of St. Paul for a permanent drainage easement. ��__ . The said temporary construction easements to terminate upon completion of construction work or July 1, 1981, whichever occurs first. .. . , — , I� STATE OF MINNESOTA �ISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF FtAMSEY SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT FILE N0. FILED , -- a��3� ��, ' , t' " '�� In the matter of the Condemnai:ion '� �� � �+ Proceedings Affecting Land of NOTICE OF 1��'��1��?(�S p�FICE Mary Hegner ----����� �;��r . , T0: Saint Paul City Council, Court House, Saint Paul , Minnesota, 55102 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Appellant, Mary Hegner, appels from ratification, confirmation, award of damaqes and condemnation proceedings affecting the property of Mary Hegner referred to in C. F. 2'75500 passed by the Saint Paul City Council August 26 , 1980 . T Appellant claims an ownership interest in the following c',escr.ibed property: ^ "',�'�f�:t triangular trract: lying wa.thin Lhe .followinc� clesr.r. i hecl ;lines : Beginning at a point �f intc:�:scci:ion of the nor-t:h ]. inc� r�l" Lhc� platted alley in [3].oc�; .l , }3atici� ' s nc3dition and t h� ����;r. ].i.nc� c� ;. Lqt 2 , Dlock 1 , t3udde, ' .; Add i l..i.on ; l-.hence weste�� 1 y ��n s��.i �l �� l 1 ��•,� nO,r.th line �o a po�.n±_ a disi:���-�cc of .10 feet , t:.hr:�ncc on a straight line in � no.-theasrc�-].y dir.ection to <� p<�i.ni_ c� � i.;•; �.c�i. section with the cas ; ].ine of s��i.d IaoL- 2 , a dist�.��nc:c c�f t�� �:�c� � from the point of b�c� inning m�asured northerl.y ��n c:hc•� �,._��:r. l i.n� of said Lot 2 ; thence sou�hc�-.l.y on the east .l. i nc: ��; �;�, i ;l t.-,i� 2 to the point ot l�cc�innin�� ��nd t.her.e terminar,i.n;� . Also, the northerly ] 0 teet c�f the sou.thcr].y 1 �� frr_ t: �,I t,��� ! , • B]�pck 1 , }3udde ' s Acld i.t ion . Also:, tha�t part oL- �h� nortli half of the northc�,;t, c�����c t:.r.�� c�I • S�C.tion 20 , Townshi2.� ?_9 , Rangc� 2q , lying east a f ��.�d�l�� ' •; r'�cicl i - �"tion and further lyi.nc� in a s��ri.� of: land 10 f�_:r. r i.n •.•;i �l�h , the' centerline o� wl�ir_h .is c�escl-ib�d as follow_; : Beqinning at a point- on the cast l.ine of Lot ]. , I3.1 ock ] , I3udc1� ' :. �,aaition, a distance of 5 feet nor. thErly of Lhe nor. t.h ] .i nc� �f r!� p�,atted alley in said [31oek 1 , measured on thc ��as� ]..i.nc> c�C s�id Lot 1 ; thence east�rly on �� srraight line ;�ir.a]..1.�, 1 t.�.� t_hc�: . e,�l�sterly produced north lin� oC said alley in [;].e,cF; L �c, ,, !point distance of 8? . 0 Eeet ; �hence nor�therly on �� sr.,-�� i.yht�. li�ie at a deflectior ��ngle of 90 dFgrees to l:hr <;�� id E�r��cl��cc�rl r10x't�h line of saicl �.� ? l.ey t� �� �oint of intersect-.� ��n �.�.i i.h +:he sQUth line of �1��1_t�.ec; rast t,.�,�-�c�nrcur Avenue �z:�ci ;:he���, t�.r��-m.in�it. i ;, A1so the norL}i�r. ly ; Feet of t-.h�-, ,��ut.lierly 15 �.�>�• �. of �,c�i:. I , Block 1 , E3uddc ' s �\dcl i I.ion . Appellant objects to the condemnation proc�eding and the award damagE�s ' . F�IE'D e�, ., which are insufficient. ��r J� .� S�, �r`'' °�n C�� i� l/L.�� I !� DATED: September 30, 1980 . ST P�UL ���P����F /s/JON R. DUCKSTA� JON R.� DUCKSTAD . Attorney for Appellant Mary Hegner �, 1200 Minnesota Building Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone: 612/227-9337 �����o City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. Report of Director of Finance BY on Condemnation of Lands � File No. l�la� 8 In the matter of _ _ _- - -- . . _ __ _ ---- - ,-. I . Acquiring a permanent drainage easement on, over and across the land � described as: , ' - .� . - ' ' � That triangular tract lying within the following described lines: Beginning at a point of intersection of the north line of the platted alley in Block 1, Budde's Addition and the east line of Lot 2, Block 1, Budde's Addition; thence westerly on said alley north line to a point a distance of 10 feet, thence on a straight line in a northeasterly direction to a point of intersection with the east line of said Lot 2, a distance of 10 feet from the point of beginning measured northerly on the east line of said Lot 2; thence southerly on the east line of said Lot 2 to the point of begin- ning and there terminating. Also, the northerly 10 feet of the southerly 10 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Budde's Addition. Also, that part of the north half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 29, Range 24, lying east of Budde's Addition and further lying in a strip of land 10 feet in width, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line of Lot 1, Block 1, Budde's Addition, a distance of 5 feet northerly of the north line of the platted alley in said Block 1. measured on the east line of said Lot 1; thence easterly on a straight line parallel to the easterly produced north line of said alley in Block 1 to a point a distance of 82.0 feet; thence northerly on a straight line at a deflection angle of 90 degrees to the said produced north line of said alley to a point of intersection with the south Iine of platted East Larpenteur Avenue and there terminating. Also acquiring a temporary construction e�sement on, over and across land described as: ` That triangular tract lying within the .following described lines: Beginning at a point of i.ntersection of the north line of the platted alley in Block 1, Budde's Addition and the east line of Lot 2, Biock 1, Budde's Addition; thence westerly on said alley north line to a point a distance of 15 feet; thence on a straight line in a northeasterly direction to a point of intersection with the east line of said Lot 2, a distance of 15 feet from the point of beginni�g measured northerly on the east line of said Lot 2; thence southerly on the east line of said Lot 2, to the point of begin- ning and there terminating; except that interior triangular tract conveyed to the City of St. Paul for a permanent drainage easement. . Also the northerly 5 feet of the southerly 15 feet of Lot 1, Bloek 1, Budde's Addition. Also that part of the north half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 29, Range 24, lying east of Budde's Addition and further lying in a strip of land 20 feet in width, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line of Lot 1, Block 1, Budde's Addi.tion, a distance of 5 feet northerly of the north line of the platted alley in said Block 1, measured on the east line of said Lot 1; thence easterly on a straight line parallel to the easterly produced north line of said a11ey in Block 1 to a point a distance of 82.0 feet; thence northerly on a straight line at a deflection:angle of 90 degrees to said produced north line of said alley to a point of intersection with the south line of platted East Larpenteur Avenue, and there terminating; except the interior 10 feet ' wide strip with the same said centerline that is conveyed to the City of St. Paul for a permanent drainage easement. .::__ . The said temporary construction easements to terminate upon completion of construction work or July 1, 1981, whichever occurs first. �����o City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. Notice of Hearing in Condemnation By Proceedings File No. ��i�4 3 In the matter of � --._ ___ .__ ._ ____ i , __ - -- ..- - f Acquiring a permanent drainage easement on, over and across the land � described as: ' " � That triangular tract lying within the following described lines: Beginning at a point of intersection of the north line of the platted alley in Block 1, Budde's Addition and the east line of Lot 2, Block 1, Budde's Addition; thence westerly on said alley north line to a point a distance of 10 feet, thence on a straight line in a northeasterly direction to a point of intersection with the east line of said Lot 2, a distance of 10 feet from the point of beginning measured northerly on the east line of said Lot 2; thence southerly on the east line of said Lot 2 to the point of begin- ning and there terminating. Also, the northerly 10 feet of the southerly 10 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Budde's Addition. Also, that part of the north half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 20, Township'29, Range 24, lying east of Budde's Addition and further lying in a strip of land 10 feet in width, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line of Lot 1, Block 1, Budde's Addition, a distance of 5 feet northerly of the north line of the platted alley in said Block 1. measured on the east line of said Lot 1; thence easterly on a straight line parallel to the easterly produced north line of said alley in Block 1 to a point a distance of 82.0 feet; thence northerly on a straight line at a deflection angle of 90 degrees to the said produced north line of said alley to a point of intersection with the south line of platted East Larpenteur Avenue and there terminating. Also acquiring a temporary construction e�sement on, over and across land described as: ` That triangular tract lying within the -following described lines: Beginning at a point of intersection of the north line of the platted alley in Block 1, Budde`s Addition and the east line of Lot 2, B1ock 1, Budde's Addition; thence westerly on said alley north line to a point a distance of 15 feet; thence on a straight line in a northeasterly direction to a point of intersection with the east line of said Lot 2, a distance of 15 feet from the point of beginning measured northerly on the east line of said Lot 2; thence southerly on the east line of said Lot 2, to the point of begin- ning and there terminating; except that interior triangular tract conveyed to the City of St. Paul for a permanent drainage easement. Also the northerly 5 feet of the southerly 15 feet of Lot 1, Block l, Budde's Addition. Also that part of the north half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 29, Range 24, lying east of Budde's Addition and further lying in a strip of land 20 feet in width, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line of Lot 1, Block 1, Budde's Addition, a distance of 5 feet northerly of the north line of the platted alley in said Block 1, measured on the east line of said Lot 1; thence easterly on a straight line parallel to the easterly produced north line of said alley in Block 1 to a point a distance of 82.0 feet; thence northerly on a straight line at a deflection.:angle of 90 degrees to said produced north line of said alley to a point of intersECtion with the south line of platted East Larpenteur Avenue, and there terminating; except the interior 10 feet wide strip with the same said centerline that is conveyed to the City of St. Paul for a permanent drainage easement. _.__ . The said temporary construction easements to terminate upon completion of construction work or July 1, 1981, whichever occurs first. �t *:� r T � �`� , s �, �-h� ��" py�' x k S Y.. , . ,. - .�'��.�, t �.w�I/� ��T;��'`•'.. � .. R :�. .. . ,., . � � . , . ��, � . •� a. . .. .., . . . � r.� r ' . . . . . . . . . .� . '.,. . . ,. . . .. . . . � °� , f 2� • Pinarcc� �'i�:e, l. 9 8 ' � , ����f � �l IX� y . ,4 ���!� ��O a' „ : , _ , Ty� ;x. R fi.3` <i. �' '. � � LiJI-r � . • � .�# ,_ .5 ASSESSMENT. RO , { � , . k � , ,' , , � . , ' , . ti ' A y '3 � s# :. �` ... �.� :: . . '. . . . '' :. . _` '. . . § y� "`` � Y #�ebg'��e����g,tt��x ttie ��011:+�.ng has be� compar�d �t3th ,and �sr�;:s: correet .:�opy } � # " � � ���� ��e Bs#t�ss� «�, b�exie�it,�, "daniatges; 'ca�t �nd e:xpa��e� g�ris,� �rom ., ri`* ' � f � Acquiring a permanent drainage easement on, over and across the land described as: • ' That triangular tract lying within the following described lines: Beginning at a point of intersection of the north line of the platted alley in Block 1, Budde's Addition and the east line of Lot 2, Block 1, Budde's Addition; thence westerly on said alley north line to a point a distance of 10 feet, thence on a straight line in a northeasterly direction to a point of intersection with the east line of said Lot 2, a distance of 10 feet from the point of beginning measured northerly on the east line of said Lot 2; thence southerly on the east line of said Lot 2 to the point of begin- ning and there terminating. Also, the northerly 10 feet of the southerly 10 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Budde's Addition. Also, that part of the north half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 29, Range 24, lying east of Budde's Addition and further lying in a strip of land 10 feet in width, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line of Lot l, Block 1, Budde's Addition, a distance of 5 feet northerly of the north line of the platted alley in said Block 1. measured on the east line of said Lot l; thence easterly on a straight line parallel to the easterly produced north line of said alley in Block 1 to a point a distance of 82.0 feet; thence northerly on a straight line at a deflection angle of 90 degrees to the said produced north line of said alley to a point of intersection with the south line of platted East Larpenteur Avenue and there terminating. Also acquiring a temporary construction e�sement on, over and across land described as: ' That triangular tract lying within the following described lines: � Beginning at a point of intersection of the north line of the platted alley in Block 1, Budde's Addition and the east line of Lot 2, Block 1, Budde's Addition; thence westerly on said alley north line to a point a distance of 15 feet; thence on a straight line in a northeasterly direction to a point of intersection with the east line of said Lot 2, a distance of 15 feet from the point of beginning measured northerly on the east line of said Lot 2; thence southerly on the east line of said Lot 2, to the point of begin- ning and there terminating; except that interior triangular tract conveyed to the City of St. Paul for a permanent drainage easement. Also the northerly 5 feet of the southerly 15 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Budde's Addition. Also that part of the north half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 29, Range 24, lying east of Budde's Addition and further lying in a strip of land 20 feet in width, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line of Lot 1, Block 1, Budde's Addition, a distance of S feet northerly of the north line of the platted alley in said Block 1, measured on the east line of said Lot l; thence easterly on a straight line parallel to the , easterly produced north line of said alley in Block 1 to a point a distance of 82.0 feet; thence northerly on a straight line at a deflection angle of 90 degrees to said produced north line of said alley to a point of intersection with the south line of platted East Larpenteur Avenue, and there terminating; except the interior 10 feet wide strip with the same said centerline that is conveyed to the City of St. Paul for a permanent drainage easement. _ The said temporary construction easements to terminate upon completion of construction work or July 1, 1981, whichever occurs first. , .�. „ , , , :. . . . . . i ' ° :: " ' ' , . ,, ;� , , , .. - . � � ' � � .;� ,.� � , :. (y+p �';�g �"y�)�, . . ,� . , . 4 .�. . .. . : . __ . � 't .r .1 "'�.. _.. . �'. �.. v. ; . .. . . ..�.' � �. . �•. ...• ��� � ..� � . . \ • " .. . . . � �.. .-.� ' . . . _ R�.� ..=I - ,.. , , ..... . . � ' . � . . . i .,.� .� . . ��. . • _ ,.. .. •.,.... . -.. � . .. .� . , .. . _., . - � " \ . ... -.. ,. .. .-�. .. . . ,..�� :. .. ., �.. . , . . , . , ,. ..� tE. . .. ..,. ' . . . �.. _ . . �-� � � � .� �. .. '. ���� . . . . ;. � . ' . �' . ... . � ��� ,.. . � :'. . . �' �.. 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' ��� :�. ��i 9� • � ' . f y� '�/. .�i � f � � �� � �` y �'/ t_"'r�. ; �� � . �'� t '. ��. , � w• 4 -i..: ti+ j'ay,��,+ . .r� �� +u r u `"�.'"���"+r . ,y f.�„�. `. . �'� �r:'a,.. :, .t,x�.. . .'::�% r I L_.. c°'' / ��CJ t� �_F :; :, 5� • ;�� _ STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT , Cl . � C��nK'� G�r;vE COUNTY OF RAMSEY S � '�~`��� f`�'�"� SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT FILE NO. In the matter of the Condemnation Proceedings Affecting Land of NOTICE OF APPEAL Mary Hegner TO: (1) City Clerk , Court House , Saint Paul , Minnesota , 55102 ; (2) Saint Paul City Council , Court House , Saint Paul , Minnesota , 55102 ; and ' (3) Corporation Counsel of The City of Saint Paul , Court Nouse , Saint Paul , Minnesota, 55102 : PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Appellant, Mary Hegner, appeals from the ratification, confirmation, award of damages and condemnation proceedings affecting the property of Mary Hegner referred to in . ,., : , C .F. 275500 passed by the Saint Paul City Council Auglsst 26 , 1980 . �. Appellafit claims an ownership interest in the following described property: "That triangular tract lying within the following described lines : Beginning at a point of intersection of the north line of the platted alley in Block l , Budde ' s Addition and the east line of Lot 2 , Block 1 , Budde ' s Addition; thence westerly on said alley north line to a point a distance of 10 feet, .thence on a straight line in a northeasterly direction to a point of •inter- section with the east line of said Lot 2 , a distance of 10 feet from the point .of beginning measured northerly on the east line of said Lot 2 ; thence southerly on the east line of said Lot 2 to the point of beginning and there terminating. Also, the northerly 10 feet of the sou.therly 10 feet of Lot l , Block l , Budde ' s Addition. � Also, that part of the nQrth half of the northeast quarter o.f Section 20 , Township 29 , Range 24 , lying east of Budde ' s Addi- tion and further lying in a strip of land 10 feet in width , the centerline of which is described as follows : � . Eeginning at a point on tne east line of Lot 1 , Block l , Budde ' s - Addition , a distance of 5 feet northerly of tYle nor. th line of *h�- — r�nt�ec a�?ey ir. said �iock � , measurec �.-; '�he east Ii:;e �i �a�c Lot l ; r:��nce �=�asterly on a straignt �ine pciallel to '_r�� e�sterly produced north line of said alley in Block 1 to a ��oint distance of 82 . 0 feet; thence northerly on a straight line at a deflection angle of 90 degrees to the said produc�c north line of said alley to a point of intersection with tre south line of platted East Larpenteur Avenue and there terr�i �.at : Also the northerly S ��e� oi the so�therly 15 feet of Lot l , Biock l , 3udde ' s Add�±�on . ':r:r��1 ' �nt objects to the condemnation pr�ceeding and the award da,:,ages � : _ � . ��s—.�d � . Exhibit A � �_. . �io��c� o�f �-3�aarv�g i�a Cmr��e���$�a�� _ . .- - . . _ � ` ' P�oc�eda�a�5 � . - Acquiring a permanent drainage easement on, over and across the land described as: • That triangular tract lying within the following described lines: Beginning at a point of intersection of the north line of the platted alley in Block 1, Budde's Addition and the east line o� Lot 2, Block 1, Budde's Addition; thence westerly on said alley north line to a point a distance of 10 feet, thence on a straight line in a northeasterly direction to a point of intersection with the east line of said Lot 2, a distance csf 10 feet from the point of beginning measured northerly :on the east line of said Lot 2; thence southerly on the east line of said Lot 2 to the point of begin- ning and theie terminating. Also, the northerly 10 feet of the southerly 10 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Budde's Additic Also, that part of the north half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 29, Range 24, lying east of Budde's Addition and further lying in a strip of land �l0 feet in width, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line of Lot 1, Block 1, Budde's Addition, a distance of S feet northerly of the north line of the platted alley in said Block 1. measured on the east line of said Lot 1; thence easterly on a straight line parallel to the easterly produced north line of said alley in Block 1 to a point a distance of 82.0 feet; thence northerly on a straight line at a deflection angle of 90 degrees to the said produced north line of said alley to a point of intersection with the south line of platted East Larpenteur Avenue and there terminating. Also acquiring a temporary construction easement on, over and across land described as: . That triangular tract lying within the following described lines: Beginning at a point of intersection of the north line of the platted alley in Block 1 Budde's Addition and the east line of Lot 2, Block 1, Budde's Addition; thence westerl; on said alley north line to a point a distance of 15 feet; therice on a straight line ii a northeasterly direction to a point of intersection with the east line of said Lot 2, a distance Qf 15 feet from the point of beginning measured northerly on the east line of said Lot 2; t�ence southerly on the east line of said Lot 2, to the point of begin- ning and there terminating; except that interior triangular tract conveyed to the City of St. Paul for a permanent drainage easement. . Also the northerly 5 feet of the southerly 15 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Budde's Addition Also that part of the north half of the northeast c}uarter of the northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 29, Range 24, lying east of Budde's Addition and further lying in a strip of land�20 feet in width, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line of Lot 1, Block 1, Budde's Addition, a distance of 5 feet northerly of thE north line of the platted alley in said Block 1, measured on the east line of said Lot 1; thence easterly on a straight line parallel to the easterly produced north line of said alley in Block 1 to a point a distance of 82.0 feet; thence northerly on a straight line at a deflection.angle of 90 degrees to said produced north line of said alley to a point of intersection with the south line of platted East Larpenteur Avenue, and there terminating; except the interior 10 feet wide strip with the same said centerline that is conveyed to the City of St. Paul for a permanent drainage easement. _ �..__ The said temporary construction easements to terminate upon completion of . construction work or July 1, 1981, whichever occurs first. w • • . , � • . ��s�� . . , , . . . 274862 n �Ved rsay 6, 1980 � under Preliminary Order � � PP Intersnedi�ry Order -----. aPProved� �___._._ -- . �il �� 275095 . �.---_-. aPP�v�_ June 17,�_1980 _�M . . TO VJHOM IT MAY CONCE.RN: _ Norice u hereby $iven thet a public heering will be had before . the Council of the City ot SL Panl, in the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St Panl, .on the _ , 19th rday of ____Au�ust_1980�______ ,� at ten o clocic A. M., npon the repon of the Commissioner of Finance -as to the amonnt oF dama$es to be awarded to the owner or owners of the lynds or easements therein, to be spproprinted for the above improvement, and the persons to whom snch swards were payable and for the con6rmarion of such swards. also npon the assessment of benefits to the property f'rom the maldn$of said improvement. . Objection, to the ta]cin$ of snch land� or easemenb therein, or the awards of dame$e� thereEor cnast be in writin� and filed with the Council at the rime herein fised for said hearin$, or with.the City Cler]c prior thereto. Dece�.__._Juiy 22, 1980 . �� l�.rEl�i.X�.`'i� ----- ----- -------...._------._.._..._._.�----------- ' Coisimissioner of Finance. .. - 18129 �S - - . . � . F;le�No.____---- — . . , _ . . � By- . THE CITY CHARTER REQUIRES THIS NOTICE BE SENT FRO►�i THE DEPT. OF FINANCE. , " ��� _. , . • . . . � ���-� � , • � Exhi,bit B: r• -- � � : . . r ' — -- ---s , . `^ �'�� ,� �� _ _. ._ ' _ _ .__'. '. _ _'__ _ T`'_ �' _.� O�Jita1ed 1�/aY�71 i a• r� —_ _ __ ��jy.C' - Q' . c.F.252702 S . �l . :.� , — .. . ..�� s, �' � e � 7 ,^ � ' ,��,g, 33 .3�36 - • 39 / • �o. ,SS.ef .3.3., i !; c� � .y�.. �' �A-� gui ER's Tv ' .� ��1 .. �jUVpL CA. , �,� '�. �s ST.PAU� �� o. �i � � �! � q � �F� 5'�fF .ESnt: •� � �P' � ac `"° ��1 � ; `', ' G S 1 '¢ Z ti; � �l � v ,. . ./ ► M• IOM ; ' �' , ` _ �. ` \ ' g�n,�F11 a / ���', -!�i✓ .o, � C I . , tiR i ' - - ; ,� ,1; u�+N�R �� . 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