275491 WMITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE �5491 CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L COU[IC1I BLUE - MAYOR , FIIe N O. cil olution Presented By LIC��5:� CGi�:IT'li� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �+:�-��: �roper notice has �.:�eer� r�ceived as to a cha,n�;e of days for cotiducting T;an�;o ga.rles by i'rost Lai�e i ar?: Looster Club holdin�; a �::in�;o 52 Periocis License expiring July 21, 19g1, issuea to the,n at 1079 lice �treet pezmitting t�lern �o coriduct their �,a.�nes on `1'uesda,y everiings between the 'r,ours of �:00 and 12:00 P.i�., chsreiore, be it 1�SOLU�: '1'hat the ':�in�;o 52 :'eriods License issued to F-rost .�ake Park �ooster Club be ch�rl�;ed to permit them to cor,duct �i:r_e �;aries on Fr:�day evenir�;s betT„reen the hours of �:00 i' .i�i. and 12 :00 P.i`i., be and �lie s��e is hereby approved. COUfVCILME[V Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays �— Hunt y�- [n Favor Maddox McM�,�;F � _ Against BY Tedesco W�Ison O t�po p�G 2 � ° Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted , ouncil: Date — Ce �fied Pass y Co .il 9�cretary' BY Ap ro by 19ayor: AU�1�,A� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY — — BY . ��s� A t t� ? � 19$0 . � � � �# q � ,.,,,,,�,,,� `°���``Tr °'�''' CITY OF SAINT PAUL _-i� ° ' _� �''�, �� �= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;� 'wium .; %� 11111111 ^c �`%• = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION J/'L���'1T•••c°°.`'' Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR nu�ust 20� 1930 i�Ir. i resident arid Honorable I�lembers of the :%ity Council S�nt raul, :Iinnesota l�lr. President and :�onorable ::embers: Currently the �'rost Lake Park ? ooster Club holds a Bingo 52 Periods License, expiring July 21, 1981, issued to them at 1079 ?'ace Street, pernittin� them to conduct the games on Tuesclay evenin�;s betcaeen tr.e Y�ours of 8:00 anc_ 12:00 `r'.i�:. They have requested a chan�e of evenin�;s for the �;ames, namely, from luesd�y evenin�::s to Frida;� evenin�s, be�°,innin� as soon as possible. 'I'he�_r rec�uest iias beer_ reviev�Pd by tr.e License anc� Per- mit Division. �Yie recom?�enc.ation is for ap�y roval. Very trul �ours, � . �Q��r� Josenh r. CarcY:ecL Lice�se Ir�s�e ctor �O