275488 WHITE - CITY CLERK 2'�5488 _ PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT G Y O F S A I N T PA LT L COUIICII BLUE - MAYOR File N O. c ' esolution Presented By LICENSE COMMIT Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. Pause Enterprises, Inc. 1�+15 White Bear Ave. Gen.Rep.Garage App.14788 Renew Edward L. LaBossiere 851 E. 7th St. Barber 15579 �� Tom Thum.b Food Markets, Inc. 532 White Beax Ave. A2 Groc,(Froz.Fds. 15586 " �� " Off Sale Malt " " �� " C 1 Restaurant " " Elk Laundry Co. 286 W. 7th St. Ldy/DC Plant 15614 " American Linen Supply Co. 219 W. 5th Ldy/DC Plant 15695 " Sew What Corporation 301 NW Skyway Bldg. Ldy/DC PU Sta. 15760 " Flameburger, Inc. 933 W.Minnehaha Ave. C 2 Restaurant 15777 r' Kenneth K. McIntosh 562 University Ave. D - Orig. Cont. 15783 " Joe Nemo 111-112 Pioneer Bldg. C 1 Restaurant 157g7 " Sam Kiges 252 S.Snelling Ave. Ldy/DC Plant 15812 " Hubbard Broadcasting Co. 2707 University Ave. C 2 Restaurant 15826 " Hauser's Family Center 121 W. Maryland Ave. A2 Groc/Froz.Fds. 15837 " �� " Butcher " " �� �� Off Sale Malt " " Restaurant Marketing, Inc. 2260 Como Ave. On Sale Malt 158k5 " �r n n n C 2 Restaurant COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: .41yws �aw�a In Favor Maddox � McMahon �o� __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson AI�G, .� Q ��a� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted , ouncil� Date �1 Cer � �ed Vass by Cou .il ecrelary BY Ap by :Vlayor: HUC7 2 j, �4�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . By BY �sxE� A U G 3 � i 980 � � � • / • � �!�/ �� � ;�� j' �j `f� (s�iEAT�R E�157 SIl3� CU!l+,APAUNtTY�CaU��iL � �� �'�� District 2 1575 Ames Av�nue . ,,, St. Paui, Minnesota 55106 _ , -- Phone: 774-2599 �- � :� -��.� g-�u�ust-�9��a ----.:.�-- . T:� P.o�ald Lk�ddox Councilr�an ��� , _ . � . �� Pres�dent, St. Paul Ci�y Counczl S=c. Paul, I�:i:nn. 55�02 ��� � �7+ i��U Subjsct: RPnetdal oi license i-iidas Muffler Sha;,o COt.; '1415 '.,lhite Bear Ave. NCf�Lfvi,4ilf �`ON r'�!tADE)(3X Dear Coi:ncil�an i��a�dox: . 1nan.k �ou fo.r grantzn� the requested exten�ion oi time pertai::.i�;; �o tza a��ove � ,,'r.atec issue. i��e District 2 �onin;; ComMittee respectiully rzquests tha.t t'.Ze �Teneral Repair Gara�e Zicense be ?;ranted to Pause �n�erpr�ses, Inc. (i�iidas �`ufiler N`�op- 1t��;5 ��Jhitz �ea.r Ave.) O�,x reco�tr�e�dation is Laseci an the follo.rin�: A positive ar_d mean.ir_gful c'r.ar�:�el of commur.ica�ioa�s ���as i� ei�°ct ��ctdressin;; �T�e concerns of ooth part=eu. / r r' � 1SSLIPS OI CC:'=1����..1Y'i�S b� ��1P, �'vS1C.�E3:.��ST %:Y'(? 1�,21T1`� CO2':@Ctf.'r. �°J�Tl \7� C��� Ot @1E�.1� ��/ �`i20 1�5'� 7.uS'a@ - '�OiS@� u11��. I'E1Ul"'� a co�siderabin ?�"'_VBSte?�'�'� OI �1�P. 3.::� �R022@'J Oi2 'ti'1B �03Z''�`. O:L �dUS2 c,r_terp�].SSS� 1riC.� "�O �a�OC� 2. �E'.�Y11T1.�;i�-111 T'E:GL1C�1�I2 i.za �err�i,@� =L;;;�e ii;i�act. °ause Erter�r;ses, Inc. �.s �a�reea��e �o �e�sue ��L° r���.�c�er,��=� crd4r to obtair_ a reasonaa1e and r�er�nin,�iuli sol:atio� to t�!e stated l�ro�lem. :� joi:t lei�er o� int�:n� wi�l �.�e written bJ i�ran.ces Gl�iiia�:►s, L.A., rel�resentati-r� for Pause �nterprises, Inc., and P�ter i�iazurkeiwicz, spok�sman for tae nei:����ra�od �ro�zp, tnat �osi�tive, reasonai�le and r:teanin;ful efi�or�s �•�i11 �e ma�e to o�ta�-a a ;.eduction in noi.se pexcevtion af�'ecZing t'r_e residen�so ^ne placement of the building, wi�:-� ita S�:C�T1G8 activities �aci.n� a �esidential street is a ��jcr::�contriUutor to t;�e exis�ing proo7-e�7• �'� ti-or�u5i� 2?^=ves��-�a"'"°n s_�ould 'oe implenenteu u�lore a ouildin� �er�it; i.s iss�.ed to � co:~�r.�erc�al. o��ration, a�;acent Lo a resident�al area. ��e env��o�ental i���ac� on aclj�c°nt residents ;;us: ce given a �rpater cor_sideration ovar t�^.e zoni�g cl.assif;.ca�ion•• Si:cerely �, _ i��`fif/�7 � �J , 0�aa �, ii�le�nas, ��'.;��z^san �. Distr-�ct 2 �on.i.,,.� C,o:�:�jt�ee cc: ^rances v�ill�.a�ns, L.ri. ` pe�er clazurkei�aicz � � � a���1��. �3 F'C}R YOU R INFORMATION • BUI2STEIN 8C DOUGLAS ���� ���t' o -7' D� ,�.�..�.: ATTORNEYS AT LAW COUNCIL PR�SfI7EN7' PARKDALE 3,SUITE 300 5354 CEDAR IAKE ROAD FRED BURSTEIN M 1 N N EAPO L�S, M I N N ESOTA 55416 AqEA CODE e�z BRUCE J.DOUGlAS 7ELEPMONE 546-656i Ju1y 10, 1980 R �C FD Mr. Ronald Maddox, President Ntr, victor Tedesco, Councilman JUL 11 1980 City Council of 5aint Paul City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 551.02 COUNCILMAN RON MADDOX Mr. Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector Room 209, City Hal1. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Mr. Al Olson Council Recorder City Council of 5aint Paul Room 386, City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Renewal of license Midas Muffler Shop White Bear Avenue at Sherwood St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs: It is the joint request of Mr. Peter Mazurkeiwicz, Spokes- man for the 5herwood Neighborhood Group and Mr. Peter Pause of the Midas Muffler Shop that the return hearing date set by the City Council relative to the license renewal for Midas be extended to the date nearest August 13, 1980. The purpose for such extension is to afford Midas an opportunity to seek out experts in the field of noise control and continue meetings between the parties under the guidance of the Greater East 5ide Community Council. Thank you for your attention and cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, � BURSTEIN & DOUGLA5 �, ' -� , ;�B � �� cc: Mr. Peter Mazurkeiwicz � rances Wi iams, L.A. cc: Mr. Otas Helmas, Chairman � Greater East 5ide Community Cc��il � . � � . • s:;�.!` ,,.� J �,�', . ti I3UKSTEIN 8c DOUGLAS ATTORNEYS AT LAW PARKDALE 3.SUITE 300 5354 CEDAR LAKE ROAD FRED BURSTEIN M I N N EAPO LI S, M I N N ESOTA 55416 AREA CODE s�a BRUCEJ-DOUGLAS TELEPHONE 546-656i July 10, 1980 Mr. Ronald Maddox, President Mr. Victor Tedesco, Councilman City Council of Saint Paul � City Hall �' �� Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 cn�' �--- °-�R� -,. .. --7- Mr. Joseph F. Carchedi �".:�, -• �^ t=-� r License Inspector �'�'� �,� rn Room 209, City Hall ��' �' ° Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �� ���=: . � � c7 ,--:.� Nir. Al Olson �'' � Council Recorder City Council of Saint Paul Room 386, City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Renewal of license Midas Muffler Shop White Bear Avenue at Sherwood St. Pau1, Minnesota Dear Sirs: It is the joint request of Mr. Peter Mazurkeiwicz, Spokes- man for the Sherwood Neighborhood Group and Mr. Peter Pause of the Midas Muffler Shop that the return hearing date set by the City Council relative to the license renewal for Midas be extended to the date nearest August 13, 1980. The purpose for such extension is to afford Midas an opportunity to seek out experts in the field of noise control and continue meetings between the parties under the guidance of the Greater Eas� Side Community Council. Thank you for your attention and cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, BURSTEIN & DOUGLAS , � -- -� - � �:—� ,�i cc: Mr. Peter Mazurkeiwicz ances Williams, L.A. cc: Mr. Otas Helmas, Chairman Greater East Side Community Council