275484 WHITE - CITY CLERK 2�5484 PINK - FINANCE COU[IC11 CANARY - DEPARTMENT T O F S A I N T PA U L BLUE - MAYOR File N O. uncil Resolution C Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVID, That the Council of the City of Sa:int Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of 5aint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pPx�taining to the follawing listsd property and as shaan by the Excerpted. Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated July 8, 1980, and marked E�iIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DP,TE QF BOARD 1��IDViT�ES CASE NO. PROPEFrI'Y APPEr.T.z�„ivr 7/8/80 20-80-H 453 Sherburne Al1an J. Grovtnn (three units) BOARD ACTION: Granted varianoes of St. Paul Legisla.tive Code, Section 54.11, pertaining to the requirement of a handsink in bathroan facilities, on condition that a sink be installed just outside the ba.throan in that certain aparfsnent where the deficiency occurs, and Section 54.13, pertaining to minim�n square footage in sleeping roams, to per�ut use of a b�droan of less than 70 sq. ft. if occupied by children only, such use to be restricted to the duration of the family presently residing in Apt. #l. Praperty Description: �nith's 5ubd. of Blocks 9, 10, 15 and 16 Lot 42, Block 15 ----------------------------- and be it FURTHER FZESOLUID, That tY� City Clerk is hereby authorized and direct�ed to transmit a copy of this resolution for reoording to the Ramsey County Office of the Register of Deeds. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: t�Nrwt �.�e In Favor Maddox .1/ McMahon �� �� _ Against BY — Tedesco �Ison Rl►G � 9 1980 Form Approv City A tor Adopted Council: Date � Cert ed Yass y Counc� , crejary BY � Ap v d by �Vlavor: e AUG 2 � 1980 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g By �tERUSNED AU G 3 � 19$� . � �C�!�131�f�- . ' - 2- 7/8/80 - Meeting No. I63 � � � 275��� , CASE �0. PROPERTY - APPELLANT 20- 80-H 453 Sherburne Allan J. Grovum (duplex) SUBJECT: Request variancesof Section 54. 13, pertaining to square faotage ln'— sleeping rooms , to permit use of one room as a sleeping roon� �rhere tr�ere is' Iess than the minimum of 70 sa. ft. , and Section 54. iZ, perta�.n- ina to bathroom facilities , to permit use of bathroom which lacks handsink, because of economic considerations and nractical difficulty. APPEARANCE : Allan J. Grovum Alice Bijjani PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Grovum said that the pro�erty taas a threeplex, no�C a up ex as isted on th� agenda. The sleepin� room referred t� zn his appeal was used by tLJO small children of the family who had occupied the unit for the past six years . In regard to the bathroom which iacked a handsink, he e�cplained there was no possible location for a sink in the room. The sink in the adjoining kitchen was used �or handwashi�o. rir. Naibi suggested that the bathtub be removed, makino room for a shower and a sink. Mr. Glassman said fihis would down�rade the unit , since i�. would not bs cansidered a full bath if there were no bath-�ub. Chairman Tieso suggested -that a small sink be installed i�n �he kitchen ' counter at the end nearest to the b athroom. , Ms. Bi}jani stated that the small sleeping room was in compliance as �on� as i.t was used only by children. BOARD ACTION : Mr. Glassman moved to grant a waiv�x of Section 54. II, pertainino to the requirement of a handsink in bathroom facili.ties , on condition that a sink be installed at a location near the bathroom, and to grant a variance to permit use of a bedroom less than 70 sq. ft- if occupied by children only for the duration of tenancy of the family presently residing in the unit. hir. Reiter seconded. MOTION CARRIED A.r'VD SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 5 �Iayes - 0 Abstentions - 1 (�aibi�• . ..._ ..._.........,.u...., _ ,..��... �_.w._:..........._..r��..... ,__...�,-.��...., . �,.�.. ._Y ,..�_ -. . . _ . _. . .. . . _ _, ��.., . .__ � ,_. ..w. .., .,�-��.-.,.�----.--.�...- . � � '' �;�� � . � . � � � �154�� ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS � REVIEtr� 705A Cit� Hall St. Paul , D2innesota 551U2 (612) 298-4163 July 16 , 1980 • T0: Walter Bowser Assistant: City Attorney � FROM: Pa� Mnxness RE : Council Resolution (Draft) on Baaxd Actions at Meeting of . July 8, 1980 Attached is a dra£t resolution and excerpted minutes dated July 8 , 1980 , pertaining to the following case : CASE N0. PROPERTY APRELLANT _ _ 20- 80-H 453 Sherburne Allen J. Grovurn (threeplex) If you have any questions9 please call me.