275483 WHIFE - C9TV CLERK �r�/'\(� PINK - FINANCE COUnCII �. ^ A��s CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. r�� u \J�� BLUE - MAVOR RETURN COPY TO VALUATION S[TREAU cil Resolution , _ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Wi�REAS, the Saint Paul Board of Wa.ter Carm.issioners ha.s determined that in order to caYry out so�me of its fimctians it is in need of use of rea.l property owned by the City of Sa.int Paul and legally c�escribed as follaas: That part of Lots 1, 2 an.d 3, lying within the following deseribed lines: Camnencing at the Northwest corner of Lot 1 said Block 50; thence southerly along the west line of Lots 1, 2 and 3 to a point an the west line of Lot 3 distant 14.65 feet south�erly of the northwest corner of said Lot 3; thence north- easterly to a point an th,e north line of said Lot 3 a distance of 31.6� feet ea.st of the northwest corner of said Lot 3; thence north�easterly to a point an the north line of said Lot 2 a distance of 100 feet east of the northwest corner of said Lot 2; thence northea.sterly to a point an the north line of said Lot 1 a distance of 134 feet ea.st of the northwoest corner of said Lot 1; thence w�est alang the north line of said Lot 1 a distance of 134 feet to the point of beguming; That part of Lot 15, lying north�aesterly of the followin,� described line; Begixming on the north line of said Lot 15, (having an ass�ed bearing of N89 degrees 58 minutes 00 seconds E) 94:75��eet 'east of the northwest corner of said Lot 15; ther�.ce sauth 65 degrees 10 minutes 00 secands w�est, 25.87 feet; thence southwesterly an a tangent curv�e eanca.ve to the south,east ha.ving a radius of 233.00 feet, a central angle of 18 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds, for an arc distan.ce of 75.94 feet mpre or less to the intersection with the south line of said Lot 15, said intersection point being 10.84 feet southeasterly of the south- west corner of said Lot 15; all in Block 50, St. Anthany Park North. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Fina e and i�.na,gement Services Hozza [n Favor ' Hunt ��– Levine __ Against BY Direetor Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary �lrO�'� B� Iapproved by Mavor: Date — A by Mayor f Su ion to Council _ By - – Y WH17E - fi�TV CLERK COUIICII ����V� PIrIK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. RETURN COPY TO VALUATION BtJREAU Co�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- All that part of Lot 16, Block 50, St. Anthany Park North lying within. the following described lines: Begirm�ng at the northea.st corner of said Lot 16; thence southerly along the east line of said Lot 16 a distance of 23.�9 feet to a point; thence southwesterly a distance of 62.24 feet to a point cm the south line of said Lot 16; thence west along said line 9 4. 75 fee t to the soutt�st corn�er of Lot 16; th�nce north along the �est line of said Lot 16 to the northwoest corner of said Lot 16; thence ea.st along the north lot line of said Lot 16 to the point of beginning. and WI-�REAS, the City of Saint Paul has agreed to allaw exclusive use of said property by the Saint Paul Board of Water Camnissioners tm.der the conditian that said Board convey to the City any interest awned by the Board in rea.l property described as follaws: East 3 acres of Southwest 1/4 of Southwest i/4 of Southeast 1/4 of Section 22, Tawnship 29, Range 22, except street and. except the East 136.71 feet of the South 283 feet thereof, subject to an ease�en.t for Water purposes mm�ing in fawr of the Board of Wa.ter Ca�nissianers described as follaws: Ca�mencing at a point 283 feet north of the sauth line of the sauthwest on�e quarter (1/4) of the southeast one quarter (1/4) of Sectian tw�.mty-tw� (22), Township twienty-nitle (29), Range tw��n.ty-�two (22) and 20 feet c�est of the west line of the ea.st COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Finanee and Nle�nagement Services Hozza [n Favor Hunt D3rector Levine __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary s �� sy t�pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — By NiN�TE. =CITY CLERK ' � ����� P�NK ' - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I-NT PAU L Council � CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR RETURN COPY TO VALUATION BURFAU Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -3- one-half (1/2) of the southwest one-quarter (1/4) of the south- east one-quarter of Section twenty-two (22) , Township twenty-nine � (29) , Range twenty-two (22) thence northerly for a distance of l.l foot, thence northwesterly 24°25• for a distance of 411.93 feet and there terminating at a point 659.2 feet north of said south line of the southwest one-quarter (1/4) of the southeast one-quarter (1/4) of Section twenty-two (22) , Township twenty- nine (29) , Range twenty-two (22) and 190.27 feet west of said west line of the east one-half (1/2) of the southwest one- quarter (1/4) of the southeast one-quarter of Section twenty-two (22) , Township twenty-nine (29) , Range twenty-two (22) . with the following Edsement Restrictions: No buildings, permanent structures, concrete facilities, or trees shall be permitted. No change from the existing grade or surfacing shall be permitted without the written permission of the Board of Water Commissioners. No excavation shall be permitted within the �asement without the written permission of the Board of Water Commissioners. and � Commencing at a point on the south line of Maryland Avenue, in the City of St. Paul, said point being 255.26 feet west from the intersection of the west line of White Bear Avenue and the South line of said Maryland Avenue; thence South at right COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Finance and Management Services Hozza -,- [n Favor Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Direetor Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary ��2-80 sy 6lpproved by Mavor. Date App o by Mayor fo ub ' ion to Council By _ _ BY . WMITE � .� ClTV CLERK COIlI1C11 ����� PINK � - FINANCE C I TY O F SA I NT PA U L � CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR RETURN COPY TO VALUATION BUREAU Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -4- angles to South line of Maryland Avenue at 156.19 feet; thence West parallel wi.th the South line of said Maryland Av�enu�e 40 feet; thence North 156.19 feet to the South line of Ma.ryland Av+enue; thence East alang said South line of Maryland Aven.u�e forty (40) feet to th�e pla.ce of beginni�. naw, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tha.t the Ca�mcil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby transfer the real property described in the first portion of this resolution to the exclusive jurisdiction and use of the Board of Water Camnissioners (fee title to re�ain in the n�ne of the City for the benefit of the Board), and in the ev+mt this property is declared surplus by the Board, the net proceeds derived fro�m any sale thereof sha.11 be credited to the Board; and, be it FURTHER. RESOLUED, Tha.t the Cotm.cil does hereby auth�rize and direct the proper City officials to accept fran the Board and on beha.lf of the City, any interest awned by the Board in the rea.l praperty c�eseribed in the secand porti�. of this resolutian, and in the even.t this property is declared surplus by the City, th�e net proceeds derived fran any sale thereof sha.11 be for the benefit of the City an.d rwt the Board. FU1�R RESOLVED, That uQan receipt of the praperly executed deeds from the Board the proper City officials are directed to record same in the appropri.ate office of recorda.tian in an.d for Ramsey Ca�nzty. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays tler � Fina and Mana,gement Services H za �r [n Favor Hu Maddox Director �� �� M�Mahon d __ Against B � Mad ��;;_,� Sh alte edesco ° AUG � 9 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopt y Counci , ��sonDate rtified Y• ed by ouncil Seoretary B� ! J��'"2�8a s � � 2 1 1980 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council t�ppro by 1�lavor: D t . By — BY ���sNE� auG 3 0 ��so � . 41� Olr 12/i975 � ev. : 9/8/76 -� R 275483 EXPLANATION DF ADMINISTRATIUE ORDERS, �CF/�/F� , -� Ay o°Fp��F oF 19 1 "° ..'�Ip�q��"�'tijfNrhFQ�� -„+�9�����F�ryq roR Date: �,y �� 19gp T S�R�c s T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMfR-: FR: J. Wm. Donovan, Va1. 8o Assmt. E`ngineer, Finance & M�nt. Service , ( . 53�-7) � �, RE� Exchange of Prapexty between the City of St. Pau1 and Boaxd of Wa�er Cammiesioners. � ECEIVED MAY 2 _:1980 QI1�►1L0_R'$ � : ACTIOt� REQtlESTED: Council approval of the attached resolution permi�ting the exchsnge of lands between the City of St. Paul and the Board. of Water Cam�m�3.ssioners. P'JRPOSE At+ID RA?IONRLE FOR TNIS AGTIOPI: . The exchange of lands wi11 benePit the f'un.et3on of the Boaxd. of Water Commdissioners by allowing add3.tional land for a Pum�ing S. � u 11 .t�-�kt-�a�-"an ecr at� Division of the City providing additional land Por recreational Faci \ � : �i � AiTACNMENTS: l. Council Resolution . 2. Ar�a l�ps `.\ .� � �- ��V�i ' �{ i � � � _.___. i . � , __..._-�-� , 1 i . , , _..._ , , � � . `�"`. � � f �i {� . , :�°:J � • i .,`�.. ,.� , • � , � . , •i , , 190�27' � � ' ---------- --___-----=' ..�--- _ ._.__.____�___ � � � ��� r..�.. _. --. -- --f-- --------� I � , Q� .�7scC7cc� . �f� I � "__....._._� ���� ..�.. �� . � � . �I � � ' ' i �' � � � �S . , � �� v� ' � F ' � h ,, ,b � i � • , ,�..,�.. �..�.�. 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'` � i ,..�._ ��i�. .}il�-tr�. .��i'. , (.�� . ':��.. .�, ..�. . . . .. . .. .. . . . . .. A1' i���� , l'i•�; . , !:�>n�, �n:, 2�.'in{..,(Rc�i�.d ly-') • -. f • I ��.�� " Tf'• ���� , ����� ,.�}li�'t:.�����re, �i,`u?e thia. ................... ....�.���...........day of...................�y..........................., 19$Q ., � tetu��n .................I3Aax'd..Q£...F7���z...�i�.s.s.�.ax��r.�,....G��r...of..Sai.x�.t..Pau1.................................................................... . . a corporalton ur.der the laws of th,e SEdte of..................�S��SQ�.................................., paa•ty of the flrat part and . ...................................................................................�i.�,ty...Q�...S.c3�I.�t7l�..�,a.l�J......r3,..iz��.G�?r�,l,,................................................... � . . . ................... cKeorporaEion under Ehe lawa or the SEdte of..........��SSIl�SQ�............................................................................................................ par�of Ehe aecond part, � �ltitC��ft�j, Tha.� tlu aaid partb of Eht �'irat po,rt, tn, coneitleratwn, of the sum o . .�?ne..Dallar..and..,�thex...go:od..,anci..valuable..consid�exatians...�(,$1_.QO�.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- DOLLRRS to it in h-and paid by the scud party of th.e seeond part, tlu reeeipt whereof ia hareby acknoreledFrd, doe,s hereby (�rant, Bargain, QuiEola.im, a.nd Conr.�cy u.nto the aa.id pu,rty of the aeeond pu,rt, its aucceasora und assigns, Fo��evcr, all the traat....S.•�..or parcel.S..... of land Z�ing and bein� in t1u County of......................_ ...................R�'S@1j�....................................and $t2te of.Afinnesota, described aa followa, to-wit� Conm�encing at a point an the south line of Maryland Avernle, in the City of St. Paul, said point being 255.26 feet west '" fran the intersectian of the west line of Whi.te Bear Avenue and the Sauth line of said Maryland Avenue; thence South at - right ang1�,�,tQ.South line of Mat.yland Avenve 156.19 feet; x th�ence West parallel wi�h the South line of said MaYyland Avenue 40 feet; thence North 156.19 feet to South line of Maryland Avenue; thence East alcmg said South' line of Maryland Avenve forty (40) feet to the place of begirmi.ng. , . � �'o �E}nbe ana fo �olb tfje �anie. Togethcr :ui.th a.11 E1u hcreditamenEs dnd appurEcnanced tluro- unto belon�in� or in anywiaa appertaining, to th.e aaid parfy of th.t aeeond part, ita aueceaJOre and asai�nt, Fore.ver. �1rt �e�timonp ��jereof, TIu aaid itrat pa.rty haa eaused theaa preaents Eo be ea:ecuted in ita corpora,te nasru by ita.........................__......_ Preaident and iEa...._.....e,�r . . ...................and ita oorporaEe aeal to be hereunto afj'ii•ed thti day�yec:r flrst aboue writtcn.. ,C F S�A1NT P � BpAtZIJ...pR..WA,�... � 4. . ,....CI'L'�...QF..SAII1T PAU j By ". -- �r I � • By..... . .. .�.... ....................... .................._. � ts . . ....Prestdcnt � B .................. ........... , y , Its C e ( . , • .. . ... .. ... .. . . . ... .... ..... .................. � �' 1 I�r......... .....e�n.'.........._ , s _rector, partm�nt o .... ..._ , ' Fi i�=�zce and �.nt Services i _ __ � . , ' �`�L��� 'Jf �� yFi�i!���a,r!, �.K3. " �� County of..... ...K='3'-ts�:y _... S i Tltc forc�oin� instrrcmcn.t �ras acknowledged be/'ore me i ; this.�,Y.4.P �lai o ...... ....... . _ ,..... ... , 13...$Q.........� � j.............. ... ; Leanard W. Levine President i ,i , � L�.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. (NADfF UF OFFICER (�R ACENT, TITLE OF OFFICEII OR AGBNT) � «,t{1 �, Thanas D. Nb en, Secre ` .i ............................................... �'.......... . . .tar}.'...................................................................................................................................... (NAA(e OG OI°17cL'R OR ACENT, 7lTLE OF OFFICER OR AGEN� � � ; �,�... Board of Water Ccx�missioners,....Citx..of..Saint...Paul....................................................................... .... ! .................. ; (NAAIL' QF COM ORAI�ION ACKNOWLEUGINC) � u ......__......... ._ ........... ..........�`'Lt�ri.78�At�1....... _.............................._........................corporufiun,, u�c behal/' oJ tlic corporation. (!1'ATE UQ YLACE OF INC:OItI'UItATI()N) " .... ...........1��.. ,�..........�....� . ....... ... .._._..r....... • . (51GNAT B OP PERSON TA NC ACKNOWLEDCAfEN'f) ' .. . . . ��/�/N�l�IJ�M�I�l�I . . .......................................... ! f;:=��`�1 ANGELITA . I �S THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY ;�,„ � NOTARVPUBlIC•�+�soT� � . ��l,!�.�����;. :�.. .^ .. _..�,_,.�.�,� :.ti�. �......i�A'r�iisEY'COUNY'Y......... ....................................... ,� ; -T,-- - • , .• :. ... � _�Nym� �� ._ My Commiss�on Explrq NOY.1.l0l1 � --1------ r-r:�-�-_--''. ---1,' � , •• • (Ad'dres3J �, � + . --r—-- -- --—- -- , , - .• �_r.._._....�.`�. .�i: �. ..� .__.__ ......<.....�_.�� r . State of riinnesota ) )ss. • Co�ty of Ramsey ) The foregoing instr�r�nt was ac.�mawledged before me this f���a/ day of /�/�/�1�_, 1980 ��-���:��-�`���r by Rose Mix City Clerk, and by Bei-nard J. Car�so�ci, ��-� - --�i-�---� , , : Director, Departm�nt of Finance and Manag�mnt Services of the City of Saint Paul, a m�micipal corporatian timder the laws of the State of Mirmesota, an behalf of the corporatian. ���� ,. �..,. c .°. ;v � , u; °1 � �, • ,. n � . i,:t..- �+� ��, 1�1E4 i � 'K�!�, A1y Gawro.H>r�ros�cc. • State of Minnesota ) Z_ ) ss. County of Ramsey ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this� � day of �-� .�� 1980 by George Latimer, Mayor of the City o� Sai.nt Paul , a mun�cipal corpor tion under the laws of the Sta ��,�Minnesota, on alf of the corporation. p ���p TUR�,^H{N `t0� ��'fA1tY PUHL{C - rinafeO:A � ��� .-.. R�sE`I �Q�b �� _�tif2�`�; 'a�.� .` �` ����a F,bT�• �, . Notary �ublic 0�13(1 �8� �3S :tN(� •f�ad� � , 3.lif1S 'r'f0l1 �� ��Qh�ll Xyl ---•.. . ..__ -- , . r Y � .t�s�l:�i �'i �s�G ���}� „ , ";-t. t it�' �� .1. v - "' a, o�', a� �,p , �^ o�i .�.� K � " q E r: � �' � � : y A i: : 'C3 �. � o� R f` : ..�i 0. R� ' � = � : t � p : � 0> „�!, ;'� p� d C+ O � �a� :'C1 C `.� :'� ' A F ,, ^ � : : � ; . � q ti :'� A Q,� , W ° a � .� o ' •Y ` � � ; � : :Q; �., °� :4' w 10 � o � d � o �: � 'N :� � '� ': � � ..� -: .. o � p � O : .� � c " � AA w d °' .. : .Y � n �u ° a, � � � � ,. � � v a = y � : � � �' � � � � : o � � ` ; r..,.� « : o � � � � ; o '� `: ❑•� ':V � :G o ... E Q� : �.,, o �„� �' : 'b p � � ° ' �"a o V o a ° : ° . o�, "„ +' �e; Y: � V � ..,�j �% � QJ : � � ^ '�. . C� � � 0 d w N 0 {� � v : `� � E„� p a� eC � � v�•, � . � bu't." .� fi `� Ki �� � . V �� : ` � O : � O y � � p � � . v � � w � Q q �y U � � O .0 .� � � y � ,y � � v � • { v d o. - °= � V o A '� b .� o • � � .� C '.: �, � °' � � : � : y; •� v. � " ~ ac '� Q Tf � � i a ' � Er ` i: I C, '` c � o o c %: 4 � � �; . W I '� �w . . . � . � . { ' C. :pu., � W f;.. , ;,�i . . • �- '• Ttlr.nc5uia �'nil��rm C�:u<<y.u�rin�; 15i � i,� (Fv��,cd 19-") � �fjiS� �ttb��t�ttt�e .�r�,� �;,�a ` l�tn , � .. . .... ......................... .. day of....................M��.'........_.............., 19$Q.. ., ' Lctu�fen __ .Bc�ard Uf IJat.�r. Cc-{iuLiss.i�ora�rs, .�ity...o�'. Saa.n.t..Pau1............................................................................... a curporation urder Ehe Zaws of the SEatc of..........�Uq,s:.�Q.�._......................................, party of Ehe fi.rst part, and ......G�.ty...a.�...S.ai.z�.�..Pa�.�.....a..rzn.r�i.G.i���.l.................................... ... ........................................................................................................... 2Kc.orporaEion under the Zawa of th.e State o�.............�7�x�es0�....................................................................................:.................., party of the secr�nd part, �1ltlTC�get�j, Thud the said part� of the �'irat part, in eonsicleration o� t}u au�n of One..Ibllar...and..r�tY�r...gc�od..and...�ralUable...coris�.d.exati.an...��1.�0�!.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- DOLLRRS, to id in hand paid by th.e aa�id party or tha second part, tlu receipt whereof i,a h.ereby a,cknowledged, doe.s )�ereby l�rant, Bdrgain, Quitolmi.m, and Convey unto tha said pmrGy of the second part, ita suecessora and assigns, Fo�•ever, all tht traot....S....or pareel.S..... of land l�in� and bein� tn tlu County oJ......................_ ......R�msey................................................and St�te of �1linnesotd, deacribed aa followa, tawitt East 3 acres of Southwest 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 of Southeast 1/4 of Section 22, Township 29, Range 22, except street and except the East 136.71 feet of th�e South 283 feet thereof, subject to an ease�it for ' water pu�poses nnlning in fawr of the Board of Water Canmissioners ' described as follaws: Canmencing at a point 283 feet north of the south line of the southwest one quarter (1/4) of th,e southeast ane quarter (1/4) of ' Section t�,�nty-ttiaq. (22), To�wn.ship twenty-nine (29) , Ran�e twenty-two � (22) and 20 feet w�st of the west line of th,e east ane-half (1/2) i of the southwest one-quarter (1/4) of the southeast one-quarter of % Section twenty-tzao (22), Ta�:nship twenty-nine (29) , Rai�ge twpnty-two (22) thence ru�rtherly for a distance of 1.1 foot, the�ce r�rth- w�sterly 24°25' for a distance of 411.93 feet and there teYmi_na.ting at a point 659.2 feet north of said south line of the southw�st ane- quarter (1/4) of the southeast one-quarter (1/4) of Sectian t�nty- two (22), Tawnship twenty-nine (29), Range twenty-tw� (22) and 190.27 feet west of said west line of the east one-half (1/2) of the south- ; west one-quarter (1/4) of the southeast cme-quarter of Sectian ' twazty-two (22), Tc�mship t�a�.nty-nine (29), Range t�,�xity-tw� (22). With the follawing Easens�t Restrictions: ' No buildings, permanent stn�ct�es, cancrete facilities, or trees shall � be permitted. No change frcxn the existing grade or s�facing shall be permitted with- ; out the written permission of the Board of Water Canrmissioners. ' No excavations shall be permitted within the eas�snent wittrout the ; written permission of the Board of Water Coamissianers. I � . ..._�.. ,... . ' �_�:r�ti+��. ' , , ��. .� �'o �}nbe unD to �.�oIa ti�e �ame, Tobether u�ith all th.e 3ureditaments a,nd appurtena,nct.a Ehero- ; untu belon¢in� or in an�se dppertaininQ, to the aaid parfy of llu second part, ite successors and ¢ssign.�, • Foreuer, �n �e�timanp �fjereof, The aa.i.d f rst pa.rty Iza.a eaused these presents to be e.�:ecuted in ite carpordtt name by ite................................._ President and ite........t��,a�.rp��....................and iEa oorporate aeal to ba h.ereu nEo a f ji i•ed the da.y a.nd year firat abova written. � � � pF , B(aARD 0�...WATIIi•�CX�'l�llsSl. .,••. . . ..� ... .. .....FAI.)I.r-• BBy....... ..... ........... ........ .... It � - ................................Pnsident /`J.2� Its ty C er .. . ... ... ..... ... .. .........................._. i . . . .. . �y , IE�......Se ....�y.................... rts irec or, p o ir�ance L--- --and �3r3age�en�Servi�es--_.—.------------ --- __—_ . � �t�te of ����������ta, ,;. � • I countv �f__ �1s .. .... ... ............................. �..... .... ...... . T1aC fore�oi�i6 instrum.ent u�as ackiiot��led�sed beforc me ' ....... ..... �la o ...................... ....., 19.��.........., tht�i� � f............`),�'.1.� h�........................... .... .I.PC3L1�d...W.....I,eV.1S��....Pz'e S 1.C�e11t....................................................................................................................... (NADlE OF UFFi�ER OR AGENT, TITLE OF OFFICER OR ACENT) . c��tcl LJ......................z't?4.I?.1�.�.`'...�......�gJC'�[1.►....►S�CXG��................................................................................................................................... (NAME OG OFFICER OR ACF.NT, TITLE UF OFFICER OR AGENT) of.... .. .... Board .of_Water...C�carmissioners,...Cit�.of..Saint..Paul.................... .................................................................. (NAME OF CUNPUR. TION AfKNUWIkUGiNG) a..................................................M1IlI7eSOt3........................... .. ....__.................. curporatio�r., �nr, belcalj of tlie eorporation. � (SI'ATE OR PLACE OF INCORPORA7IUN) ................ . . . ................................................................... ' YIGNA RE OP P£RSON RING ACKNOWLEUGAIL•NT) - ............................................................:................................................................ O RANK 1 ' ��-::�'F�tS�##bT�R1lM€N��-�S-l���P..BY ,,....�,,� NGEUTA I .) � IFir,T�' �.,,� , � ..., i."" A CISNEROS ................................ ,. � f 1 ''' .I.( t':�,15 C�t;�i�T�t� BY 1 ..... �`� a RAMSEY C .. . .. .......t ' �!lJt�tff60 A... i '�•(.� �.����21i� (Nama) �UNTM � ��r�I ��'.�- . r.t..,i i.•....,f.-->• � � • �C.OmTI�SiOfl EJtp{IN h}0►.�.1� ,, � .1 y--;--f–•..��� �� �.;� �`,..�, . (Address) a . •;. � �_�i ► ; •���1�•• �, i:iai'��i�SUTA � v.�.�--- -•,,..��.....o•,�_ - - S'TATE OF NIINI�SOTA ) )ss. ' � , OOUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instr�ment was aclmawledged before me this � q� aay of _��'��/q�, 19II0 ��—�'.�;- '`���, by Rose Mix, City Clerk, and by Bernard J. Car sl on, I7irector, Department of Finance and Manage�it Services of the City of Saint Paul, a m�micipal corporatian imder the laws of the State of Mirmesota, on behalf of the corporation. s`�'� �1:ut'.�.� rf C State of Minnesota) ��x � �.�C7' - � � 3 S S . LVCJt ' �Gra��30aGi7� i� County of Ramsey - , �9- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 12th day o ���, 1980 by George Latimer , Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, a municipal ' corporation under the laws of the State of •Minnesota n behalf of the corporation.tt ,�,�n�n,,. �f, .,r [fEAt#Pt TURCNfN 3 � � �- �V-�tS�— ' �: w07t?Y "U9LIt,- rl�?1H4S0,�, � ��" � ���:��,���� ; Notary Public �c r , .:� r� �� . . �:'�":`" „THI� D�::D �:; �:�:?'^7� Fr0'�,1 ST,1TE DEED �L t , �IAX UNDER lrili•�iV, SiHT. SE�. 287.21(F�"� �; . �—• 'd � s `,+ � +.�i � � � � w `,o � � � � � : K S.' ' ~ � a : 0 � G � : A A O : � � :'U� � ` : �., R o O ;d :Tl .. � b ' : ,� : o q t� :� A a: :'o A p : � y : U : a. :� c w v � p � d . : 0 �. O •��' :�i � p : � d � + A o u v� y '' ` � � � �, : � t! N � o. ' ` p4 C � o ` � � � � y h a = °' � � � . � ° � � � '� : ,0 ' ' � � � o� �y o ,'� ` = �,,.� V ... � o, . � '� �� � p � G ti .,,, : « . � � � � � ': O 'ti � �V [�, o e: S � . �' O '� � . � O `'� � ; a � V o a � � o c. ..� : I �, . � (, � ... � a � v � rc. � . � � •�. � . : SC � O +.�. v ',� O r. y � � : : : ( � 1 . . s 'S F Oa , w � ` v„ 6 . � •� C � � . ' C, a _ , � � � . �i � V � � 0 � •+ � C � �[.� � c � i� � � � C � ^ °' a `% b � . . ' � �' . . a � ,�; o � � q '� � � � � ~ „ � � � �� '' : o � ; i � � ., � � '� � '� � � i +:� � E. (: O � � !� �% .� ti O C O ": � : . � �'` �I �C ao . ��. CITY OF ST. PAUL � No._ 2991� _ , OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Thompson • April �� 19SO COMMISSIONER DATE RE �'�"�� � WREREAS� The Board of Water Carmaissioners does desire to com�lete the tzans£er of certain parcels of surplus propertq to the Citq of Saint Paul.� and does desire to accept from the City of Saint Paul certaia parcels of praperty and that said trans- fers will be ber.�ficial to both a�eacies; and . �- .� WHEREA3s The tr�nsfer to r.Fxe Bvard of said City owned Iand located<at the inter• sections of RaS�o;�d Avenup� Scudder Avenue and Clevelcs:id `Avcnue� will benefit the Board by pe�itting consolidation of si! iands maintenance and ownership by the Boarc within the described area; and - ' : WHER�.AS� The trans£er to the City of Board ocaned surplus land west and north of the Board�s new Maryland Avenue Pump Station s�ill parmit the City to cansolidate all of this Zand� maintennnce snd ownership into tho City parl� systemf and WHEREAS� The transfer o� use of Bosrd aperated Iaad Iqcated at East Laryland Avenue and Breen Street extended� wil2 perreit the City to operate saf d land fcr the pub- lic uses� which land wus previously d�clared surplus by the Board (Resolutfon No.285!) now� therefore� BE IT RESOLVED� That the Boazd has previously declared the following describad prop- erty to be surplus to tlse operationa of the Board (Loard gesoLution No. 2851) snd does hereby authorizs the propeY officers of the Board to execute the attached Quit CZafm Deed transferring said property to the City of Saint Pault Co�encing at a point on the south line of Masqland Avenue� in the City of Saint Paul� said point being 255.26 feet west frma the inter- section of the wast line of White Bear Avenue' and Lhe eouth line of said Maryland Avenuef thence south at right angles to south line of Maryland Avenue 256.19 feet; thence west parallel �rith the south line - of said Maryland Avenue 40 featf thence north 15b.14 fest to south •_ . linQ of Marqlaad Avenue; thenca eaat along said soutb line of Maryland .. Avenue 40 feet to the place of beginning. � � . BE IT Ft1RTHER R3.S�VSD� That the Board does hereby determi.ne and declare that the following deacribed property is surp2us to the Board�s operation and does hereby authorize the proper officers of the Board to execute the attached Quit Claim Deed� traaeferring said pxoperty to the City of Saint Pauls VVater Commissioners _.. �.-" .��.v. �yar.:lA . �- ,_ < ; � , ,{� �--# K . � �_ . .: � � ,. ',r ,�.•..; }` . . t J�� S ;�,iY,Y� ���a:� � -�,��u�¢' .e t �a..., .�� �� % ,� �-� k.. -:'s . � .. �, . h:s ;r ..�� .A;r k t 'p ,",� 4.,�k .. *`ker.i 4"`°"N-� ,+*¢'A' �-y 4{ '�f ! �' � - . _ � .�� Y.h�' �.., � -r '� _ - vu - . T" . } } j2 MS . .e � � r� � F.: ) � �.� � Y . Y '� � f � �r � . tT ��.3�' -1 , � '�� x t•�k�Y y�� � 3 F,A ;�� ,� 7 a ; _ . - 1��.,+� .,�,,,¢ �.. _ �A g4t ;s �a , x �^y, . y�_ y~ �g �r a-jrni �' s " � $ � a � K . e � � a � t - .� ``'�c . 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T � � � y . k i t'�. �t W'�°�"ay 4+`H� � '�T' _ .�"( �.�' P S �. st x .�x a'`tz 'a h'ss � � 1 '� `r Y�,'��^ '�:�� .zn'.' �"�- -- [ ��������t. �� � �� �-�'� �YS �x��'p-.e,L'tS°iSj�+�,��SR,?s,�� `a�s'ct T :. r�' ''_�`'� '�7. _} "�' y�-}�, ., �i �" r.�...'C.,.� 2'r,f ? w s-t � '+S+ �. .. � ' '��-':�" � T ,,� ��- ��'z � �k� a'? r ��-� .., � .�.,,,�,r�,� .r �� ,� � r =''ird�a.��c..,- �' ,: '-�a ; , . , - , y z . - , . +,.+. 3. .. .r F� . • � � .... .t --" .. . . � ' . .- . - .:a ���. a� F.'�.�f _.�..F _ . . � , . : :i:' , - . .. . , . , CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ -- � OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMM1551��ERS RESOLU710N— GENERAL FORM ; PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE .�-- SOLVED - � � East 3 acrea of southwest 1/4 af sauthwest I/4 of southeast I/4 of Section 22� Township 29N� Range 22W� except street and except th� eas� 136.71 fee� of ._.:;, .. the �outh 283 feet thereof� subject to antea�ement for water purposea ruri� ning in favor af Lhe Board of Water Co�se�oners described as fo2lo�rs�„ • : . . ,. .. _ . . . - '�: - Co�e::rncing at a p�int 283 feet north of the south 2ine .of �the sautb- wast one quarter {�) of �Il@ �OUC�1@8S� OTl@�. CIl1fi�tEx {�� O� S2Ct�421 ? ' twentg•two (223� To��asiship tcrenty+nine (29)�- Range twentp•two :(22) , and 20 feat west af the west Zine bf the ee�t cne+�alf �'�) of the . 1 . southuest ane qusrter (�� of the soi�tbea�t ane•�qe�arte� (�) of 6ectien . twenty-two (22)� To:ms�ip �venty-nine (29), Ft�inge t�r�nty-two (22) �-� thence northerly for a distance of 1.l fent, the�ce nerthwesterly � 24°25� for a distance of 4I1.93 fee� and thsre t�rminaLe at a point � o£ 659.Z feet north of said aouth line of the seuthwest pne•quarter ��) of the south8ast onA-quarter (�) of Section ewenty.twa (22j� Town• ' shfp ha2nty-nine t29)i R�n�e twenty-toro �22) and I°0.2�` feet west of' : . said west line of the east one•hal�' (�} of the �out':w�st ane-quartet t�Z) of the southesst one-quarter of Sectioa tt-renty-two (22)� Township ' tWenty-aine �29)� Range t�eaentytwo (22). � _ BB IT FURTHER BPSOLVSD� That the Board does hereby accept the following described property fram the City of Saint Paule � TORRENS TI�'LE ` That part af Lats li 2� and 3� Iying within the following described Zinest Co�mencing at the nort�iwest carner of Lot 1 �aid Black SOf thence southerly aloag the west line of Lots 1� 2� and 3 �o a point on the west Iine of Lot 3 distant 14.,65 feet southerly of the northwest coriies of said Lot �j thence northeasterly to a point on the north line of said Lot.3 a distaz�ce of 31.68 feet east of the northwest corner af seid Lot 3f thence northeasterly to a point on the north line of said Lot 2. a distsnca of 100 feet east� of the northwest co;ner of said Lot 2; thence northeasterly to a point oa the north line of said Lot 1 a flistance of �34 feet east of the northw�est corner of said Lot 1� thence west aloag the� north 2ine of said Lot 1 a distance of 134 £eet to the po�at of beginningt ' ' • ' , � ' • _ � ^That part of Lot i5, l�ing aorthwesterxy of the follawing descxibed �ine:�Beginaing on �the north liae of aaid Lot 15� �having an' essuai�d�bearing'�of N89 degress 58 min,� utes 00 secends 8) 94.75.,tninutes eaat 4f the nprthwest� comer af said Lot 15� �,.: � . ... . . . � � .> . _ : «�ater Commis�;nr.ers � ,. .��� f .; � �.: . , .. . . -.. . . . ,. ., �, . . . . � . . _ ' . . . `.: � .. w . � .n t�r w `� ,.,.- �, � . ..'/��. .. � . . � ; �s- a � .. .,p�.iai., w . 1 � . ;. �x .;� k .. . �� . v.. ,t •' � .• � �"��� 3 , t a x` ,�.,j�°+.*„w:�^)rat x . ; x. r w .. � + }�. s , , � - . < �f : 1 . $ i 'k �� x� . . � � � .t� .. , k �, +��i ' )—r �._ . . 4 ..1 .', . : - . _ �F =.. ..,Y i'�`'n`A ' :.i� � � � .. - . " t �: 1� i � , .(' . k y� f � � � � �''� . �J f ��,J7-, .,� . f n `:=c r ..i c . � r i, 3y��ti {�Z✓r+� .�, � � . � 'r Y .� ,�' t i �6 ��, a i�:.^Y� sy�rk '�'�' y�''Z 1 ; � r h�_"' _: s = � -' ' v-r �K r �5•� '�t(�t$ r'i , . � ;"� �ri " . 4 . '[ �, � µ ; f �. 4-..6 #� .�0��$��.��� �'�� ,. tq ,� .. .. �%,. 'ksr �' �`- i� i-� c �[y',ra �� 75 � �,�,.:.�z �� xrr.,� a,��: 2 . r . �i r� � � t ! ,"- ,`., k t�" S�'h.�v�� ._,y t �+r �, t��r�,ti ^�. � a��' �� � a,� a � l "'`+� l � .ra� ,�'�,. .� � z ,j. . �4 . � Q e' !��` � ��SS ,E•f q:,a,s y�?,. � �a���" ...�4 ?` �_t s��{y'`X'"��a, ^���� a ,q;��T�,�,��3�"�f p �k�£�J�-.r C„� x�"��'i�������c� a-1� 1 v' ��YF x ���' 3v�� ��,c�� �' . , S � e '�. � �. � t a�7r� L F4 {� �' q - �k �.��. +°F � �.�,} }. �! �k�.� � . .� �''#'�`n ti. +g.• {�t . Y_4�t S?F } �'���' �.s l��c.�� �" }S'�v�"C y.�`W�''�'�c v tt "��. .�.a�1` l� `+:�+�y >c°}'r_'. ' -:eF .�� sy ..;- � s. e �# �r�'' ` �, �x.,'s »s,`��� � , �` �a�� }�Y' 'x� a 5 yxI �� �s'�y�'ti`` ,y � �, 'a,e. x �"�n�� Z�� ;�'''{Z 9,a,�-:�.a^� . ..� ' .�.-i;{r '�� .. s.'kY"�£�'e�� F v �s�. ��.,°l�i' ts. . '3 =+�,�:.. ��'.�Kt� s_k f i�xci.;r„C���l �" .� �''�r�. i � � . t'' r i ♦ y .. —r,r+.�' "� � t s ' + t, v6�c i+K � ..;�y. y r' �3'k .h�-.r��� .- •,�-.�: �� r y 4�.? tl' �.".{.�' ,� eF r :,ra�f�i�° ri '',X�.-�.�`Ri' a ?-xF'�ik'�# •� ,� �"S T �'{ s-.'�ti "`c���-�y:'t � � :�r� '+.`. k��� g'Ev�„`�' FY yf�,.Z�d�R�:��'4�' �+�e x7 e�' �% Y� .rx,�r`rcf ,.}�� ? _� t �-�rt 'r -SST � +'� �. 'a�1.) `'t�"Yi�. � �„'r�d. '-�r`r�_� :.� Lf.� �r� �.".,�?�C e "^C � �s. �3r�!� y'r ic °a � y'�t ^'zp . si�" '^�.'��.�� ..Y.S� . ��R5�'T 6d �._R y �� a � '4-,'b �� f. -� �:.w� - w ...� Y.? (y v�' i� B` x � L 'p Y.� �� � i s.• ��� �h��`.�- �P.c Y. Y D � `' �- �` Z`..<; � Y'`: '' a*�;�• ,+ .� a ' :'e z n'�A ,ti�` ,�.4 �a� i'.`',�,� 1'� �j., ���l'� �`s.e� y.�yi�A 5 K�. .�'��1 ��:._.�i�-_'��x..a._a�;.i�...�.�....���'..wr.i - . Y `�:*d _ „...i .� ... . - _ . ' - ' . . � . . .. . .. - . . � i: - _ " , . � CITY OF ST. PAUL � � No._ , . . OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSI ERS . . RESOLUTION—GENERAL' FORM y ' � � � - �- � ,� - PRESENTED BY � " � - �. _� > •,<<. , . : � COMMISSIONER �DATF' ' , RC��� . . _ r,.. - tihence south 65 degrees i� minutea OO seconds weat�-�25.87 �feet;_ . thence sou�h•� westerly on a tangent curve concsve to the southea$t.havfng:'a xa�ivs of �33.00 feet, a central angle of i8 de�rees.ri�0 minutes 3Q seconds� for`an sr� distance of 75.94 feet mare or le�s tR the intersectioa with the south liae of safd �.ot 15f said in�ers�cticn point being 1Q.84 feet southeasterl.y of`the soukhwest coi-ner ` of said Lot 15; • , � a!1 !n B1ock S0� St. Anthonp Paric North. Ar STRA CT , All that pazt of Lot lb� Blocic 50� St. Anthony Parlc 23orth Iying orith�.n the folZocT�.ng described liness � Beginning at the northeast corner af said Lvz T6# thc3nce southerly along the east line of said Lot �lb a di�tance of 23•89 feet to a , point; thenca southweste�ly & �distance of 62.24 feet�ta a poxnt on the saurh Iine of sII.id Lot 16; thence west alorcg,sa�.d:line tQ the southwest �orner of s o� �.6i the.s►ce north aiang tha"west 13.r�s - _, . of seid Lot lb to the northwe�t co�rser �f said I,�t �b; theuce east � along the north LoC �ine af said Lot 16 to` the ppint of beg#�nn�.ng: .- : " BE IT FURTI�ER RcSOLVBD� Thdt t�,e propPr officers of zhe c�cy �of satnt raui be r�- questod to cencur fn tha tr4nsfer of s3id ��ov��r h��� , - ;- State of Minnesote ` County of RamseY � ss. City of Saint Paul � of Saint I, Thomas D. Magren, Secretary ot the Board of Water Commissioners of the City Paul, do hereby certify that I have compared the above copy of a resolution of the said Board as �980 , with the original thereof on Gle in the Board on Aprl� 30• — . adopted by of said original and ihe whole thereof. my of(;ce and that said copy is a true and corzect copy V�'itness the seal of the Board of Water Commissionirs 8of the City of Saint Paul this :F Anri l , A.D. 9 r �Q day ot H: Secretary • . �"� - : ' ____._---^^— ,.i --. —— . _ r. � ,. `' � . 'r, . . Water Commissioners . _ -"? . - � ` ' . Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners . Yeas �h ; Nays, - . , y . . . , . _ w �:�- Maddoz . . � - �P� � ,' . 19 z80 9iee-Preeident Thompson � _ - � - . President Levins. , ...- 4 . � - �. , . . In favor � •� OPPos?'a' � � � � , .� �� . .. ., � . . ` �� ti ,�: ° SECY. ' " o . . �r� . . . . . . . . .�. . �• . . j �, t • i ..: ' .. .,R. ..'-" _ . .. . . � . . � . .. . .. ' . . . . � 4t Y 1'• . . � . ' . � . . . � . . . ' _ . , . ' . " �- * . � � . � . � . . � . . . . � � ' . . *• .