275482 WHITE - CITV CLERK COIIIICll- �V�(��! PINK .- FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT VfV/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. E S 0 L U T I 4 N - "" -w , Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement recommends that the Bro-�Tex Company, located at 800 Hampden Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota be granted permission to erect �a six foot high chain link fence with 3 strands of barbed wire. This approval is requested to comply with an order issued by the St. Paul Fire Marshal's Office for safety purposes. therefore be it RESOLVED, That said barbed wire installation is to be in conformance with Section 4.04-�14 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and that the permit for erection of said ' barbed wire shall not be granted until the required Certificate of Insurance indemnifying the City of Saint Paul is submitted and approved by the Corporation Counsel as to form and in an anount as set forth in Minnesota Statutes 466.04 . , COUKCILMEN Yeas �yS Requested by Department of: �� COMMUNITY E CES In Favor Maddox McMahon Against BY Ted sco � � ' on AUG 1 9 19�0 Form Approved y it ttorney Adopt y Counc' . Date tified P ed by C e retary BY . App� v by Mayor• AUG 2 � �9�� Approve or r Submi to Council By BY � ���sKE� AUG 3 � 198�- ! ORDINANCE ,_ _ _ _ ,� ROUTING SLIP , Please initial and forward to next office listed: Community Services Office V ' ' City Attorney s Office �$ � ' - , / Mayor's Office j City Clerk's Office �S� . �5��� �ad``TY °';, CITY OF SAINT PAUL x DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES . ., _ ,,.: ��� ^° DIVISION OF HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT ... City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer 6�2_2gg.4212 Mayor Juiy 29, 1980 Mr. President and � Members of the City Council Re: Approval for Barbed Wire Fence at 800 Hampden Avenue Council Members: The Division of Housing & Building Code Enforcement has received a request from the Bro-Tex Company at 800 Hampden Avenue to erect a six foot high chain link fence with plus 3 strands of barbed � wire. This approval is requested to comply with an order issued by the St. Paul Fire Marshal's _Q€fice that the gas storage tanks on the property be enclosed wi��i b�rbed wire fence for security and safety purposes. A field inspection has been made of� the site and the Division can see nb objection to granting this request. Because the zoning of the property is Industrial l, where barbed wire fencing is allowed under Section 4.04-14 of the Legislative Code, this Division recommenc�s -that the request be �granted �with the proviso that the arm f the wire 'is;, point�d o�e� the properfiy��: � , � _; Sin ,e'r ly,, . .. . � i % ;Glenn A. Erickson Supervisor of Code Enforcement GAE/eh �O . orr o�: =a/�sz s , Rsv. : 9�$/7'6 ' LX�?LANAT�QN- OE` ADM1�1'ISTI�TIVE ORDERS, LUT20N , AND ORDIN1�iN S: /`r f�48A F �y,,,� ... � r, � R► �"i �:, E�i r a:'� � e�..+' . . . . � . � �: ..... . F �:',•� � DSte: July 29, 19 80 ,`�•• MA`�fOR'S OF�1C� . , Tp:: MAYOR GE�O�+GE LATIMER • �= Glenn Erickson� Supervisor o�' Code En�orcemen RE:: Resolution for Barbed .Wire Fence at 80Q Hampden Avenue ACT20N REQUESTEDs Approval and execution of council resolutian, � BURPf�SE RND R3�TIONALE FC1�2 THIS ACTION: A resolution is necessary tar erection of barbed wire fence, Said:�fence installation must be in conformance 'with Section 4.04�14 of the Legislative Code. , �iTT1�iCSM,E�dTS: - ' Council rESOlution