275480 � WH17E - CITV CLERK CO1111C11 PINK - FINANCE �j� ��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT � GITY OF SAINT PAITL �� �`V'��k� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Ordin�cnce Ordinance N�. � � � 9� A Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 75A of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to issuance of' summonses by inspectors of city departments. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Chapter 75A of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same hereby is amended by striking the same in its entirety and substituting in lieu and in place thereof the following: CHAPTER 75A. POWER OF INSPECTORS TO ENFORCE PROVISIONS OF CODE 75A.01. Power of inspectors to issue summonses. All duly appointed, qualified and acting inspectors of the departments of the city of Saint Paul shall have the same power as possessed by police officers of the city to issue summonses in the same manner and with the same force and effect as summonses issued by police officers, but such summonses shall relate only to violations af the Saint Paul Legislative Code relating to building construction, operation and maintenance; fire and fire prevention; public health and sanitation; and zoning. Said summonses shall be in such form as approved by the Ramsey County Municipal Court. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 da s from and after assa e a roval and publication. COULVCILMEN ' Yeas Nunt Nays / Requested by Department of: Levine i� �taddox In Favor snoNia�±er � Against BY Tedesco Wetso ' SEP 4 1980 Fotm Approved b C�ty t rne�ti Adopted ouncil: Date �; � '" / Cer ' ied Pa by ou il Secreta BY r: v , � Approved y �ayo : ate P 5 198Q� A rov by Ma�or fgri Su ss n to Council By ' �� By �usHEO SEP 1 3 i � v , , i, > � lst �—.�-!— � :_,� 2nd �.- �,')�- � :, .-- � 3rd k� � ��� Adopted `' —Li�— �/; � - Yeas Nays + HUNT .'y. LEVINE hr f V��o , ��/ -1�IiiC1T �- �-' . �^ ' SHOWALTER TEDESCO WILS ON PRESIDENT (MADDOX) � / i __._..�_ ��.� ..._....._._._._---__..............._-�-------.. _ ...... .............. ......................._ .... ._..�� . -- _.�_..__�_..._�__ �__..__._....._._.._._..._....._._.._._.....___...............:......................._.__..�_._....._.............._._.__......._..._..-•---..... �._..__�� . ........ ----�--------------------._...�---__.---�------......�_.._�.---------------.._.._._.-----------.._-•--�•---..._.__...------•------...---------------------�---------------- -__ _ --__._....---�----...--------------�-----.._....._..............w__...._._---------------_....._..__............................_-----�------...------........-------�-- ---...__._._......--------- --�--- --�'r` .__. ...----------.�__---------------.____._....-�----._..__.___._._-_.___----------------�------......._.....,...�---------_...--�-•------�------......---------------�-----_.__-----__�.--------- ..._.___..----------- . . -- _. _._......._._�_.�__._Y......__._._...._..._.---___.........._......................_...____.-_._ _---•-------------- _"_-_....__.....'-'_��.._._-------'---'_--"'_""'..___.._......_._.._.__� ...."—""""'._.........-"""'•'_'-•-"_........_.e..._"""-'-"--•--�'.._._�..--'._._._."—_....� .._.__... " .�-�'_—•'--°-_"'--'—_..�.�.�__"..'•""._..__..�...___.__�_-_.-_�.........._»__...._........._.............»'--........."-•"'............___.� � ......"""""""" _._'—'—_''---"-_-.-••'--'—__.�"_'-- .._----- _..__.... ._.�.__._.�._.. .. _. --°--�--"'_-"'- __'-'°'--`----'__..._...""-""---"..................."—"""'......."'-'-""--'-'°••--".._..�._�-"--'._......-•'-"._._.."'--'�__�.r_—'_ � � ' _— "—�'._ �._....� � _._....._.---.-..._......_...__._...'-'.............._.........._.."'._.........._..-.."""""—' � .............__.__.."- .. . .-- . .___ ._ _.._'.---' —"�—._._"�--"'-'�"—" � �� �--- --_ �5��� �-_:.�:==-�::= t ��--�:-- _-- �s.oa -�_=��==���:�: LEGISLATIVE CODE -�:=) y�`".=_=- __ _ 75A-ORDINANCE �'IOLATIONS BUREAU - - - 75A.01. Bureau Established. Pursuant to the authority granted in - -=-- ---= Mi.IInesota Statutes 493.01 through 493.04, the Municipal Court of Saint ' - __ Paul may establish an Ordinance Violations Bureau to assis , posing of violations of the Saint Paul Legislative Code elating to building - �o���efa�ioa"'�"`'irra�nce;°� revention; public ealth and sanitation; and zoning. . .OZ. o���est��fi^�'�y appointed, qualified and act- - ing i�pectors of the departments of the City shall have the same power as } - -- - _ ossessed b hce officers of the Ci to issue summonses in the same man- �---- P Y Po ty j/i� }.- �;:-=;:=::_-:�����-:-='. ner and with the same force and effect as summonses issued by police offi- t f10�•► __ --=_-__- _-- cers, but such summonses shall relate only to the - - = =_ =- o�diu�ee..�d no inspector shall ph5sically arrest or take into custody any - -=-- - _-_ violator except on a warrant duly issued. _ -----_ -_ -__- ,75A.03. Form of Summous. As ured in this chapter, the ter^t "sun- . -- ----.------ ----....-�-._! mons"means z��ritten or printed notice served upon the person charged with � �=-==�:�::-:=_�::.::: ==:�-�:: a �io;ztion. Such summons shall be in a form to be approved by the Munici- =- _ -- =_ = - pal Court of Saint Paul and shall contain the following: =-== = _ _ OM O1: 12/1975 � Rev. : 9/8/76 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, ����0 � Date: �l,y-;25, 1980 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: City Attorney RE: Code Project ACTION REQUESTED: Council consideration of attached ordinance. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This is mainly a housekeeping ordinanee to delete obsolete sections of the Code. The only section of this Chapter 75A which should be retained is the power , of inspectors to issue summonses to enforce certain chapters of the Code. As to establishment of an ordinance violations bureau, that is a funetion of the municipal court and not of the city. ATTACHMEiV'I'S: Ordinance amending Chapter '75A. Copy of Chapter 75A as it stands. WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK � FINANCE �jITY OF SAINT PAUL Council % S� p.� CANARV - DEPARTMENT 1 BLUE -MAVOR . Flle NO. �, O � Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 75A o� the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to issu ance of' summonses by inspectors of city departments. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Chapter '75A of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same hereby is amended by striking the same in its entirety and substituting in lieu and in place thereof the following: CHAPTER 75A. POWER OF INSPECTORS TO ENFORCE PROVISIONS OF CODE 75A.01. Power of inspectors to issue summonses. All duly appointed, qualified and acting inspectors of the departments of the city of Saint Paul shall have the same power as possessed by police officers of the city � to issue summonses in the same manner and with the same force and effect as summonses issued by police officers, but such summonses shall relate only to violations of the Saint Paul Legislative Code relating to building construction, operation and maintenance; fire and fire . prevention; public health and sanitation; and zoning. � Said summonses shall be in such form as approved by the Ramsey County Municipal Court. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 da s from and after assa e a roval and publication. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays tn Favor Against By � � Form Approved b City��Attnrney�� Adopted by Council: Date i Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ' �� , v By � / Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Ma'yor �or Submission to Council BY BY --_......----.....__...-----�- . . ----......._ _.. ---�..................._----...---�--::--:::_.:::::�::::::::::::--:--:::::::::_--:.�:_:�:::::::::_-:::::_:::::::::::::::.::::::�::._:__:::::_:::::::_-::-_:::::.:�-.:----�-:::::::::::::_:::.::::::::::.-�:..-.-_=.:__:_--__:----:__-:_ ..___.--��-�---... ,.__.-�-- �-- ._... . . _ . _-- ---......._. ... -------�.......................................--------------....._...--�-��--�----...........----•------------------�--------------�--._......--------_......._._...----.......- - - -- -- -- .._ .._ _ ...._ .. ---- ----� _�__..._._---..._....._..............__...._...................----.........__�.�._....----..___.....__ � :=__._._.._..---.�_..�.�.---�.................___._...._...� -- ------•-�..-- -�----------..__......---�---......._�...___...._.._._.....................•----..__..-------•---�-----•---•------�--� - -- - ------------------------.__..-----------�--....._.........----...---•------.._.-----------------------�-�--.....---------•-.._....__.....------.....--�-�--.............:----- -- -- ---- - --- . . ... ...__._ _.........._....._.._._._."... ....................y........""'."_"""""""__'............_...................._..__...................................."�"_ � ___ _ _ _ __ � �.����.,�� .�__�---_ � �--- ___ 7s.oa �:_::_=���.�:_�;:� �-==_— --- .�--� _ =_ =-- _= LEGISLATNE CODE `��'=I =--_- -- _ . OM O1: 12/1975" . ,. � Rev. : 9/8/76 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, ��`��v , �te: �,8���, 19so REC � IVED T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER �UL 3 ; 1�$Q NIAYOR'g O�ACE FR: City Attorney RE: Code Project ACTION REQUESTED: Council consideration of attached ordinance. r PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This is mainly a housekeeping ordinance to delete obsolete sections of the Code. The only section of this Chapter '75A which should be retained is the power . of inspectors to issue summonses to enforce certain chapters of the Code. As to establishment of an ordinance violations bureau, that is a funetion of the municipal court and not of the city. ATTACI�IENT S: Ordinance amending Chapter 75A. Copy of Chapter 75A as it stands.