275640 ` WHITE - CITY CLERK C ity Atty• (['��}}�yy� (!�
PINK - FINANCE �'�7' J��.
CANARY - DEPARTMENT � COUflC1I �� � ��'���;�
BLUE - MAYOR Return to C I 'rY O F SA I N T � A LT L � �
t WAB � . File N 0.
Counc�l Resolut�on
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That upon �he petition of Luther Northwestern
Seminaries� the public property nerei.nafter described� be
and the same hereby is vacated and discontinued as public
A stri.p of land 60 feet in width for
relocation of Luther Place on and
across vacated Branston Street, Lots
l, 2 and 3, and except part for widen-
ing Como Avenue, Lots 28, 29� 30 and
31, and the adjoining vacated 20-foot
a lley, Block 2r Mann*s Addition to "St.
Anthony Park North", the center line of ,
said 60 foot strip of land is described
as follows:
Beginning at a point on the center line
of Luther P lace distant 434.96 feet
northeasterly af the point of intersection
of the center. lines of Como Avenue and
Luther Place, thence southwesterly and
wester].y on a tangential curve to Luther_
Place for an arc distance of 164.06 feet, �
delta angle of 47° to the right, and
radius of 200 £eet to end of curve, thence
COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Levine • In FBVOi
McMahon B
Showalter A gai n s t Y
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
CertifiE:d Patised by Council Secretary �Q�� ��' 9�°�^�b
Approved by Vlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By _ ' By
� ,�������
continuing westerly on tangent to said
curve a distance of 174.67 feet to a
point of curve, thence westerly and
southwesterly along a curve for arc
distance of 86.57 feet, delta angle of
31° to tre left, and radius of 160 feet
. to end of curve, thence southwesterly
on a stra ight line ta ngent to last de-
scribed curve to the northeasterly line
of Como Avenue and there terminating;
subject expressly to the following conditions and reservationsz
1. That the vacation be subject to all the terms
and conditions of Chapter 228 of the St. Paul
Legislative Code, as amended.
2. That the petitioners dedicate to the City in
a manner and form approved �by the City Attorney
all those portions of Luth�r Place vacated
pursuant to Council File No. 232443, approved
March 10, 1967 and described as follows:
All that part of Luther Place lying
northeasterly of a line lying 40 feet _
northeasterly from and parallel to the
center line of Como Ave rnxe and lying
southerly of a line lying 30 feet south-
erly from and parallel to a line described
as follows.
Beginning at a point on the center line of
Luther Place distant 434.96 feet northeast-
. erly of the point of intersection of the
center lines of Como Avenue and Luther Place,
thence southwesterly and westerly on a
tangential curve to Luther Place for an arc
distance of 164.06 feet, delta angle of 47°
to the right, and radius of 200 feet to end
of curve and tt�e terminating;
3. That the petitioners not be required to pay compen-
sation for the vacation due to the even exchange
, of land.
� ��� 4•�
� �� �
4. That the petitioners furnish the City with a
bond in the amount of $5,000.00, and by
acceptance of the terms and conditions of this
vacation agrees to indemnify, defend and save
harmless the C ity of Sa int Paul, its off icers
and employees from all suits, actions, or claims
af any character, including, but not limited to,
a claim brought because of any injuries, or
damages received or sustained by any person,
persons or property, on account of this vacationf
or because of any act or omission, neglect or
misconduct of said petitioners; or because of
any claim or liability �arisfng from or based on
any violation of any law or regulation made in
accordance with the law, whether by the petit-
ioners or any of their agents or employees.
5. That upon compliance with all the terms and condi-
tions of the vacation the proper City officials
be authorized and directed to..convey to the
petitioners, by proper deed, the land described
as follows:
A strip of land 60 feet in width for
relocation of Luther Place on and
across vacated Branston Street, Lots
1, 2 and 3, and except part for widen-
ing Como Avenue, Lots 28, 29, 30 and
31, and the adjoining vacated 20-foot
alley, Block 2, Mann' s Addition to "St.
Anthony Park North" , the center line of
said 60 foot strip of land is described
as follows:
Beginning at a point on the center line
of Luther Place distant 434.96 feet
1 WMITE - CITY CLERK • rr'��y�1'� �
PINK - FINANCE ..%� �{',�ed�
File N 0.
� Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
northeasterly of the point of intersection
of the center lines of Como Avenue and
Luther P lace, thence southwesterly and
, weste�s on a tangential curve to Luther
Place for an arc distance of 164.06 feet,
delta angle of 47° to the right� and
radius of 200 feet to end of curve, thence
continuing westerly on tangent to said
curve a distance of 174.67 feet to a
point of curve, therice� westerly and
southwesterly along a curve for arc
distance of 86.57 feet, delta angle of
31° to the left, and radius of 160 feet
to end of curve, thence southwesterly
on a straight line tangent to last de-
scribed curve to the northeasterly line
of Como Avenue and there ��erminating�
COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�e���e . [n Favor
McMahon A gainst Bv
Adopted by Council: Date `7'" � � ` � � Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Passed by Cuuncil Secretary �'� ` {-- ������
Bl' --
Approved by :Vlavor: Date —�=�� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
B}. _ • _ gy
��t ;f �;;�•� ��_�I�!/�YI.C,L/
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�o: Ron Maddox, Council President
and Members of the City Council
From: J. William Donovan
Valuation and Assessment �ngineer
Date: August 13, 1980
Subject: Petition of Luther-Northwestern Seminaries and
St. Anthony Park Lutheran Church for the vacation
" of a certain strip of land that wa.s dedicated to
the City for the relocation oP Luther Place.
Public Hearing - August 19, 1980
The petitioners have submitted the sub�ect vacation petition as a
cooperatine effort with the City of Saint Paul to nullify a previ.aus
vacation of Luther Place. The street right-of-way described in the
subject petition was dedicated to the City as a result of a prev.Lous
vacation a.��d was intended to have been used in the relocation of
L�ther Place, but this realigr�ment never took place. The p�ysical
street improvements rema.�n in place and in use on old vacated Luther .
Place, whi.ch was vacated through Council Resolution, Council File
No. 232443, dated Maxch 10, 1967. The petitioners agree to dedicate
back to the City, at no cost, that part of old Luther Place vacated
in 1967.
The Department of Public Works has no objection to this vacation as
The Staff of the Department of Planning and Economic Development has
no objection to this va.cation.
No other public or private agencies objected to this vacation.
Therefore, in view of the foregoing, I recommend the vacation be
approved, subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. That the description of the property to be vacated
read as follows:
A stMp of land 60 feet in width �or
relocation of Luther Place on and across
vacated Branston Street, Lots l, 2 and 3,
and except part for widenin� Como Avenue,
Lots 28, 29, 30 and 31, and the adjoining
vacated 20-foot alley, Block 2, Mann's
Addition to "St. Anthony Paxk North",
the center line of said 60 foot strip of
land is described as follaws:
� �� �� 7 �
' • -2-
Beginning at a point on the center line
of Luther Place distant �+34.96 feet
northeasterly of the point of intersection
of the center lines of Como Averiue and
Luther Place, thence southwesterly and
westerly on a tangential curve to Luther
Place for an axc distance of 161+.06 feet,
delta angle of �+7° to the right, and radius
of 20t� feet to end of curve, thence contin-
uing westerly on tangent to said curve a
distance of 17�+.67 feet to a point of curve,
thesce westerly and southwesterly along a
curve for axc distance of 86.57 feet, delta
angle of 31° to the lef"t, and radius of
160 feet to end of curve, thence southwest-
erly on a straight line tangent to last
described curve to the northeasterly line
of Como Averiue and there terminating.
! �. That the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions
of Chapter 228 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended.
� � That the petitioners dedicate to the City in a manner and
form approved by the City Attorney all those portions of
I,uther Place vacated pursuant to Conncil File No. 232443, '
approved March 10, 1967 and described as follaws:
All that part of Luther Place lying north-
easterly of a line lying 40 feet northeast-
erly from and paxallel to the center line of
Como Averiue and lying southerly of a line
lying 30 feet southerly from and parallel to
a line described as follows:
Begi.nnin� at a point on the center line of
Luther Place distant 43�+.96 feet northeast-
erly of the point of intersection of the
center l.ines of Como Averiue and Luther Place,
thence southwesterly and westerly on a
tan�ential curve to I,uther Place for an arc
distance of 16�+.06 feet, delta an.gle of 47°
to the right, and radius of 200 feet to end
of curve and there terminating.
�:'�-. That the petitioners not be required to pay compensation
for the vacation due to the even exchange of land.
� � �G �e�
` ' -3-
y '�5-: That the petitioners fl.irnish the City with a bond
in the amount of $5,000.00, and by accep�ance of
the terms and conditions of this vacation agrees
to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City
of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from
all suits, actions, or claims of any character,
including, but not li.mited to, a claim brought
because of any injuries, or damages received or
sustained by any person, persons or property, on
account of this vacation; or because of any act
or omission, neglect or misconduct of said petit-
ioner; or because of ar�y cla.im or liability axising
from or based on any violation of any law or regu-
�ation made in accordance with the law, whether by
the petit3.bner or any of its agents or employees. � � �A_
� l�•4 V��1r ll� �p. �L/wN f (,Ay�A�V� � r'�I vM�A�G�+ �
nproper City officials be authorized and
directed to convey to the petitioners, by proper deed, the land des-
cribed ' � ,�.�.t�,�,�o
U �
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cc: Mayor George Latimer
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