275636 WHITE - C�TY CLERK C������
v�A BU . , i Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date J
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the City of Saa.nt Paul. cuxrently owns an undivided one-half
interest in the sautherly ha.lf of the old Ramsey County Jail site.
This interest was obtained by Quit Claim Deed, County to City June 15,
1931; Book 893 of Deeds, page 505, Document �818738; and
4JHEREAS, Ramsey County has requested a Quit Claim Deed from the City
of Saint Paul conveying said interest to Ramsey County; and
WHEREAS, By this conveyance Ramsey County c�n obtain a marketable
title to said property; therefore, be it
RES�LVID, That the Council of the City of Sa3nt Paul does hereby
approve and authorize the execution of said deed by the proper City
officers conveying sa3d site to Ramsey County.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Butler L [n Favor �nance and Mana�ement Services
k�ri� __ Against BY
Maddox Director
Ted Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopt y Council: Date �EPT� �AO�
�' a`�(/.1e.` �-7zr80
rtified Pa-• y C ecret ry 7
f �
t�p d by I14avor, at � �1980 A r e by Mayor for u n t Council
By —,— BY
usHE� S E P 2 � 1�8Q
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j�=i d�.�;,:'�,v..','s��t'�t�`�- t�: / i��fi.��
` Rofiert J. Or�th • ' t'��,. �J,(,C� //
D�sr„cr 1 °" ��f��
Chairman �`� , ��,�,, oard of
Diane Ahrens
Disrricr 4 / . .
. Anthony A. Danna �J Q.mse ��u.n �0122I221SS101221'S
Disr�icr 5 � �
John T. Finley
Disrrict3 Suite 316 Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
. Hal Norgard
o'S`�"`' Phone (612} 298-4145
Donald E. Salverda .
Dist/iCt2 e��,k� t'1„+-�!�"'r+""'•�
.� ....�r-�;
Warren W. Schaber . y� ` ,�_} �..,R � ��a; � ' �
Districr 6 .� Y
Larry J. Brown �"g�
Lt i:
Executive Director AuguSt 13, 1980 � . o'f1 � 1.�f�'f �
= � �
�. � C�EIyE �
. , ., .�
�',�`:: i '; `::�i�
The Honorable George Latimer �
Mayor, City of St. Paul
347 Courthouse
St. Paul , Minnesota
Dear Mayor Latimer:
Please consider this a formal request to initiate action necessary to
convey a quit claim deed to Ramsey County for the City of St. Paul 's
interest in the old Jail site. Attached you will find the quit claim
deed itself as well as supporting documentation. You will note that
the specifications call for the area to be landscaped with sod upon
completion of the demolition. At this time, the County has no plans
for future use of the land.
Our concern at this time is the demolition of the building before
cold weather arrives. Any assistance you provide to expedite the
conveyance of the deed will be greatly appreciated.
Cor ially,
� rr own
Count �xecutive Director
LJB/mjw �
cc: County Commissioners
R. R. Gauger
Pete Schneider
� Qalt Clafm De�d. Millcr•Davis Co., Minncapolis
Curporstioa to Corporaqod - FoYm NO. 31—M. Minncsota U�i(orm Convcyancing Blanks (Rcviscd 1974)
. _._.._�.... _______-- _
� ♦ . r __...r.,_.�..��.._._.� ���� �_
� ' ��j�� �1r�benture .�� �h�.................................................... ..................���.���
' ..day of.. .................................., 1980.....,
� between ......the.,,.City....o,f....St.,..,Paul ;
.. ................................................................................................................................... ,
' i
' a corporation under th,e lawa o tlze Stdte o MinneSOta
; f f............................... .................... ................,paa•ty of the first part, and ',
' .�k��...�4.�.�Y...of....RamseY..R....a...P.olitical...subdivision.......................................................................................
' a corporaEion under tha la.wa of Eha Stcctt of................................MinnesOta �
; party of the aecond part,
, �
3�itne�get(j, That the said party of Ehe �rst part, in con.aideratiwn of tlu aum. of �
..one...,s�Q.11.ar....,a.z�.d....c��,k1.��'.....g.44�....�:na...Yalu�b...e....consideration ............................ 'DZTLZ7IR'S, f
.............................................. ,
to it in hand paid bb the said party of tht second part, tlu receipt wh.ereof is hereby acknowled¢ed,
does hereby Grant, Bargain,��Quitcla,ir►L, and Convey unto the sccid party of tlu second pccrt, ita eueceaaors
and assigns, Forever, all Ehe traot............or parcel......... of lan.d l�in� and being in tl� County of......................_ ;
,Ramsey..................................................and State of ✓iTinnesota, deseribed as follows, tawitr
An undivided one-half interest in and to the southe,zly
one-half (S' ly l/2) of lots five (5) and six (6) and ;
the northerly two and 15/100 (N'ly 2.15) feet of lots
seven (7) and eight (8) , Block Twenty-two (22) , St. Paul �
Proper, according to the plat thereof on file and of �
record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and
for the County of Ramsey, and only that much of the ':
building now located thereon and used as a County Jail �
: as occupies the following described area: All of the
said building from the basement floor of the sub-basement
and extending to the under side of the first floor slab,
and said distances being approximately one-hundred five
feet and two inches (105 ft. 2 in. ) above the city datum
and approximately twenty-six (26) feet above the sub-
basement floor, together with an easement in and over
the alleyway now existing and surrounding the said County ;
Jail, it being understood that the said City of St. Paul
shall not obstruct the free use of said alleyway by the
County of Ramsey, and that said alleyway shall be
maintained jointly by the said City of St. Paul and
County of Ramsey, and it being further understood,
however, that the said premises are to be used in the t
erection and operation of a City Hall and Court House �
of the said City of St. Paul and County of Ramsey, and
that at any time that such premises should not be used ;
for said purposes the title thereto shall revert to the !
said County of Ramsey. _
�o �Abe anb to �oib t�je �ame, Together with all the hereditaments and appurEen�aneae thare- i
unto belon¢ing or in anywiae appertaining, to the eaid party of the 8econd part, its successora and a$si.�n..t, ±
' �Jn �e�timorr ��jereof, Tha 8aid �
p first party haa eciused theaa
presents to be exeeuted in its corporate �ame by ita.................................... '
Preaident and its.........................................................and ita oorporate aeal to ;
be h.ereunto afj�xed the day a�d year ftrat above written.
� /�JPPRCi✓6.D fi5 � �ti'rYl ............................................................................................................................. 7
' -_��" ' X'�—�--'` �.:z�2'8C� By................................................................................................ ;
,�.55 t ��y �orn¢y� �
; � Ite....................................President '
i i
! j
; ................................................................................................ i
; . It�......................................................