275627 WHITE - CITY CLERK (((����y PINK ' FINANCE ` ����� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F SA I N T �A U L COUtIC1I �� BLUE - MAYOR - File N . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WSEREAS, The City of Sa int Paul entered inta a contract with Thom.aa S�earns dated January 4, -1980 whereby Thomas Stearns would assist in the representatian af the City as a Rate Expert with regard to natural gas rate and electric r�te utility proceedingsf and WI�EREAS, On August 22, 1980, Northern Stt�tes Power (NSP) filed a request for an increase in ateam heat utility rates with the Citys and W�REAS, Based on Thomas Stearns' demonstrated expertiae in ateam heat utility proceedi.ngs, the City desires to have Thamas Stearns assist in repreaenting the City in the immediate steam rate proceed— ingsi and Wf�REA5, The Energy, Utilities arid Environment Committee, at its meeting af September 5, 1980, unanimously approved the amending of that certain contract dated �anuary 4� 1.980 ta allow Thomas Stearns to assist in the representati.an of the City of Sa int Paul in the immediate ateam util3.ty rate proceedingst DTOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper City Officials are hereby autharized ta execute the attached contract amendment so as to allow Thomas Stearns to assist in the representation of the Gity of Saint Paul in the eteam utility rate proceedings arising out of Northern States Pawer's rate increa�e request dated August 22, 1980. COU[VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor — Maddox �;o„�ite � __ Against BY r�_:::::� Wilson JEf 9 �9�Q Form App ved by Ci Att y Adopted , Council: Date t ��� I�O Ce ified Yasse y Coun ' Secreta't�y BY � � Approved lNayor: Date SEP � 2 1980 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ - BY i�1SxED SEP 2 � t9ea ,°��� °�`;; ` " �CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��� ��nl, s 4 _ �(� � OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL � �.l °° f 9i? F y�: �: �. _ - `'.,. Do t e : September 5, 1980 ti} .�.--- COMMITTEE REPORT T0 : Saint Paui City Councii FROM � Committee Ot1 Energy, Utilities & Environment Joanne Showalter , chairman, makes the fol lowing . �eport on C. F. � Ordinance � �] Resolution �] Other T I T LE : Resol uti on amendi ng Thomas Stearns rate expert contract The committee recommended approval of the resolution. CIT'Y HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ��✓