275616 M�HITE - CITV CI.ERK COUI1C11 ('!C7�{�J�jV�s PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR �Flle NO. Coun i so ti Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proposed plat entitled "ST. PAUL COMPANIES PLAT N0. 1" as recommended and approved by the Director of Public Works be and the same is hereby accepted. COU[VC7LMEN ' Requested by Department of: Yeas Hunt Nays � Pub11C Works Levine In Favor Maddox Mcnrtanon _ � __ Against BY � snowaiter ponald E. Nygaard, Di re t r �`°'�' TJ E/DJ H/d 11 . `"� SEP jQQ� Form Approved(b� Attor ey �, Adopte � Coun � . Date �, �— � k -�`rtified P•_sed by Council Secreta BY �' � , v Approved Mavor. Date SEP � 2 iggp A Y Mayor for Sub i si ouncil BY - — BY ptk�,.t�NED S E P 2 C 1��3 . . . OM Ol : 12/1�75 ' Rev: g/$/76 • } FXF��!',?�!A?''i,'i C�� ADMRP�ISTFATIVF dRC?f�RS, . f:ESQi_l1 i r J'��S, ti�':, 0�<.J i N,1'ri;ES � �/ ����..m�.� ' Date: August 19, 1980 � � C � i .V E D ?=.'.: . ' ;;�3� T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER MAY_O_R_��S � � �R' Donald E. Nygaard, Director of Public Works RE: The Proposed Plat Entitled "ST. PAUL COMPANIES PLAT N0. 1" � - �; . � ACTlGN PEQUESTEn: - Approved for submission to Council �� FURPC�SF Atd!� RAT 1 ONALE FOR TH i S ACT I ON: Council approval is necessary prior to the filing of the proposed plat. A�'7,4CHF��"dTS: 1 Council Resolution 1 Copy of Proposed P1at TJE/DJH/d11 • Approved ond accepted by the City Council of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, this day of � 198 No delinquent taxes and transfer entered this dpy of � �q$ Director By Deputy Department o Property 1'axation Pursuant to Chapter 7, Minnesota Laws of 1976, this plat hos been approved this day of 198 F. R. Kv�dero Acting Ramsey County Surveyoi COUNTY RECORDER REGISTRAR OF TITLES, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, STATE OF MINNESOTA ( hereby certify thvt this plat of ST . PAUL COMPANIES PLAT NO. I was filed in this office this day of a� o'clock _ M., and was filed in Book of Plats, Page , os Document No. � Ro ert , i ans County Reco�der - Registrar of � By • PAU L UNTY TA Signed: HOUSING AND REDEVE;LOPMENT AUTHOR{TY Its Its Name 1'�t e Name Tifi e STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing inst�ument was acknowledged before; me this day of , 198 by Its o�tT-ie Hovsing a�d Re+Tevelopment Aut ority o t e �ty o aint au , a pu ic y corporate a po itic of the Stete of Minnesote. Notary u ic, amsey ounty, Minnesotc My Commission Expires STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 198 by Its o t e ousing and R�velopment ut rity o t e ity o atnt Paul, a pu �c y corporote a po itic oF the Stote of Minnea�to. Notary Pu ic', amsty ounty, M nnes< My Commission Expires Signed: ST . PAUL COMPANI ES, I NC. W, . Barsneu, V�ce President L oy S erv eim, orporate ecretary STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged bofore me thts day of , 198 _ by W. E. Barsness, Vice President oft,ha> Si. Paul Componies, Inc., a Minnesota orporotion. Notary Pu ic M'y Commission Expires STAtE OF 1 COUNTY OF ) The faregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 198 by Lloyd Shervheim, Corpora#e Secretary af 1�e St. Pau) Componies, (nc., a Minnesota orporation, � Notary u ic My Commission Expires Signed: THE CHURCH OF T HE ASSUMPTION re er�c Mertz, astor � �� STAT E OF 1v�4.�INESOTA) � COUNTY OF RAMSEY j The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 198 by Frederick Mertz, Pastor of The Church of the Assumption, a Minnesota �on-pro�it corporotion.� Notary u �c My Commission Expires I , Donald E. Ernster, hereby certify that t have surveyed and platted the prope�ty described in the dedication oF this plat as ST . PAUL COMPANIES PLAT NO. I; that this plat is a correct representa#ion of said survey; thot a!I distances are correctly shown on the plat; that atl monuments have been correctly placed in the ground os shown; that the outside boundary (ines are correctly designated on the plat; and there are no wet lands, easements or public highways other than as shown thereon. • �F ST. PAUL =Y CO UNT Y N ESOTA Y• � .�, . �- ,. . _. 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Att t�' c . k .f �+��a ��rar.ds�'t�d�;�r��crw�x : , __ , parr�'ti�s 6as�etly l,�it�e� �.+�t S�r;:�I►��Bp't��e�'� �. , Gouearr►a�cfng at a� t�'on��ih��Ai!a�!���I�"i�aeK,a��=���1,���':L� �!#�ar����-�,►� f �.�t4�e trleai��vr�st r�e�ne� - �'iQ� �'Ot��► f�0�����i� ����+'0'� ' , �.TI YY • �:th�r f�t�rl '�������►f i�aid L+�t t�'� 7�a.�'3'� ,�e�►u�e�°��re hk�tl►e�, . c�rn�r thfreaff , � � . P�!` � Atl lhvt ion of i,at d �xc eh� Se�utl� 30.�s�! ��,��ee}�Mneree�, t��ortb�e�ly�rf�tlirw d��d ca #�tc�s Com�sr�cirt� �t o pvt� on th* 1*1art� It�t.�af��i,d1,C�lS t(�`..#��.�,,,�4 f+tat W�t�f��►�r1V�h�t,.aor�r,.t�reo�, te a poFr�# ae� ti►e &�st t�u of wid Loi 6'�t�at. ts 6.5�9 ffat 5t�#�:of the �►rf�eec�tt ��r#�; all !n 6k►ck 3, ttice ancl irvtna':Add�t�oea.i�q► Sd�.Poul. ' AIt H�mi�t part of the 6a�sri� 1,/� o�'-L� � t i r F" , y - , � Y-����we�se�l of a ii� dascrFbed a� f+�l�s . ' �9 P�► y 1/�` of l.c� 5 tbct# � �«�►7 i� 5ow�+ �f t1►�e Northrw�st c+amer Y � s }�c+ �► af �id�6QSter1� 1 of fatd Lat 5�to���e i�at��+rn'ihe 6�Stert� ���s�f aa�d �;�:�c 7`�.�5 feet'`�euth a� !hs N�art�Z+east: wma�r thereof; ., ,� , � Atl that pc3stian of Lot 6 except t�i�Soath 3t} f��t 1� T��,tt�ereaf, Tyi� Sc�haw+est�rly vf a tlna dascr'�:as Fr�#1ow:: C�na►�ncing at`a point_on tf�a'IVe�cth tine-.� snttd �.e�� t� is S.9p'9 fe�t VN�ast �of the Nor#heaat �aar�r ti��of, to c� pmi�t o� tl�e 6�t ��tne of s�i�d Lot 8 tbot � b.��eet S��cth o��r� Narth�ast aa►rnsr t#�sf�3 , otl f� Btsdc 3, Rice nntl trv�r+a'3 Addit�n to Se��r� P'au'1.� The Sot�� 30 feat vnd (� inchas o�Lot !4t B1ock- 3, R�ce and frvine's Acid�ian to SQiM Paul", � Let �. �[odr 3, itice arr�d {�ne': Addtt imr+ �o Se1� Paut.' :°� Lat! euc�# tha Nortt��r#y 4C1 Fsat ther+�of� Bfock 3� Rtce� b ��►d��;on to ��nt Paul., "�� �... , w . . . :, . ��-^'= "�.* ;y�+'Y�,Y�k� w.. ° iw - r.�, .�- ";,r z w� w:i� ,�;Hw ww»':�..o�at a+�;kkm.�w.�Y:�x+i.�. �«.,y¢;s,,,i,....�s�,i�,:: 5+�.. . .1" :� �•"�`� ����`�` } ��;� ��� -��� �� aw* ' "N�''+hd',!�!h _ - �. ; s �� yC��..v-����'.r��Y� .�."-"d_ ' _:.i n.,,:'., � i4 � �A� � � � ' 1i4� ...... ,�..: . �.. � " e �,.."� .. -� � '+n t Z�.:'. .. . {7 Y Z4�.. , Tiw So�eriy 2f 3 of Lat 5, Block: 5, Rlce cnd Irvine'=1�rdci�tiv� to Saint�F�u�.- . - . _ Lo�s 2, 3, �, $ or�d 9, B�ock--'�S� =Ri�e�er�d Irviw+s's Addt#i+o�r tti 3oit+t Pt+ul. . Lot 6, B{odc 5, Rtce and Ir�3na':Addttio�.to Saia# Pau1. Ths West !/2 of Lc►t 5; ' Lot 6; . in 8iock d, Rice kb lrvine'i Additimn b 5t. Pauf 9 Lc� 9; The West l/2 c� I.ot 10 except the Eosr ,6 of a foat of soid Was� 1{2 of wId Lo! 10; - in B{ock 3, Rlce b Irvine': Addition ta St. P�ecl. 3t�e W+ata�ly 24 feet of the Sovfher4y 30 faet of Lot 4; Lc�t�$ .xc.pf f ha West.rl y 2U.33 f�ati T1►e i+�asltsly 24 feet of tot 9; � at1 in 81c�k 6, it�cd b {r�ins's Additimn to 5�t`, Paul {except thcrt;,pe�r! of �f�! l,ots $ and 9 iaken For West Sewsnth Strea►j, Lot 7 and ths Westefl�r 2t?.33 feeR oF !� �.. �tock 6, R�ce �. lr�r�nrr"s A�c�dlt�r+►to S�t, Pdv{, ly#o� lwiartl�ertr of Stuer�h Stract, e�cc�t thoss parls of Lot 7,ar�c! t�� Wssescty 2fl.:�f�of Lo! �, �t�ck b, R��e c�d !rv►�ne`s A�di�i+o� M St,. P�u1, thot f�e �theashrly of a tirue pnrdlist wif�s and 5d 4a��t Nmrtlrwastarly frv�n the e►rj��nori'ceea►ttr It�e of S�vwrN� Streat (�rccept Ssvent� Str�et), ;' , , A troct of Iend in the Nort�# quvff�r�►f�ha�t�a�fhweest quarMr of Sactioe+ b, Teywns�6p 28, �,�,. z� s,� r�,� e�ty � s�. Povl, �C�ty, h�nnesotv, and boexNde�d�,n th� uwfi�h sida by t�e eaorth tir�s o�l.at„6� ir► �l�e1e 2,oi Rtca E� tr�i�'s Addittwr b St. Paui� on the was# :ide by tttie +ep� lt�e of Fcx�«�lctin arad tHtnth 5tcsets in �ttd�t�t#�firon atid.'�r t�a t�larr##�s�ecly side by the ws�tarty line of an otlsy in ao�c�Add!l�on, t�r+i�$ throu�l'+ sald �lodc 2 f+!� SkeYa�h �t�+r��1. i� l�li�►� Skeet tee sd3e� C1ty of St. Pe�rlr extept ther�fiv+nn ti�ai� part a�t�s N�t�seut q,uc�rt+�t�of the Wo�thwe�t c}�rtsr e�� �ct� �S; Tow+�shlp 28, �t 2Z d�cribed Qs fojlawss Coer�ner��.a� t1�r� �nts�ec�bn af t&�► f�oa�arly ti+� af ��o�klia,5�r.�w�,ir� rh. W��rty lrne of Mayoti Ali�y w-aalled; t�hence srwtbje�rly alon� satd W�t#�rly �tre� �4.49 Feetj t�xer►ctto d�,prarir# +oe�t��a t'�la►rths,�fy line of Lat 6 it� 81vck Z, Rice 8 Irvfine's AdcP�t�on tm Se�int PauJ, 14:feet fran li►�,�a�rti4v�r+� �r therr�a�fjr#I��ct to wid t�otthwast e�+ar�; lFtence Northsrly alor►8 ti�e EQder�y 1Dn� of �roinklln Sfir�e#�to beAi�r�tr�, Lcls 2, 3, d, 5, 6, ? ae�d 8, Block �C, Bax�i dnd Gv�rin's Additi+a�r!�a S�fr�s�..` Lot M, 81odc 2, Riee and kvtn�'�Ad�t�on ta $t. Pau1. � t,a� 4,�5�, 6.b7, 8, 9, ii., ;t2 atd i'1�t�po�of t,t�' td lytr� soutb�t�rl�.�f.t�a t�a��e�r1y 1�a of.y�e�t �'tv�arwh Straat oz \ � � ��� \ '�� � / • � � � i t� � / � i•�• ♦ , � / . � � � �� �°c �.�o (� � � � ��'��0^> 9F� .� ,,//, �... ,:,♦ �� I 2.I 4 K J / / 6'p e /"� \ N. 82° 33' 41" W. s � \ � � O s ' ` � � � LOT 7 � • , \ ``' ;. . `SSo � No sea�E / / •�A , '�;.. � •, � North line Rice and Irvine s � �� ��/� �` �. Addition to Saint Paul ��Rs� / � � / � � �� � iQ'�; � _ �!,�� / i /`�o�'",.�,�. : N. 82° 33' 36 " W. • '; , / � ��`g°�.�'z'R �' � � ,•,; - - - 385.79 �-- --, ' •%2S� /0�0 �k,��� �°�� � ,. . , 3 30.10 30.10 •' 232.39 �f! / �h �F, 0�0� � �1 � � 2 � - N � - -. -200.00 --. - - - _-'�� - - - - - j- -- - - `�� s -./ G,• ,� hy / , ♦� / • -� �¢` p - - - - �2��IRE�RGROUND SEWER ESM�T. p@ ��` �s 2 \ � � ,� �A` V o � �� ip O �1 30 WATER EASEMENT � _ 9?6�'� O � ��psy� �� / V ���`> , � - ►� - rn pi V t h� • � �` / I• i � �'6 - N � °' - _ v� - � -T - - �r - �- -�-5� - � ! � - - ' .h , ' �� •:%; �� Q ~ 3 r; I q' , � 2 33 `,, I 4 I . ��. h/ J � c'�, Q�,� o c� 33 ,S � �•y �, / ���� � 3� ,s ti M � I o ��� ^ � �,��, / � �� � ♦ 1 �A � . �* � 1 , � �,� / 9 �r .� � � .,3�• 00 0 � ''•� . I 3 pp ��a� I � h��2�� . 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