275612 M/H17E - C�TV CLERK COl1RC11 ����2 PINK � - FINANCE G I TY SA I NT PA U L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ' Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date I�iEREAS, the Mayor and City Council did approve and adopt the Lewis Pdrk Rehabilitation as part of the 1980 Unified Capital Improvement Budget on September 27, 1979, by Council File Number 273779, and WHEREAS, the Mayor has submitted a grant preapplication for said project to the U.S. Department of the Interior, Heritage Conservation and Recreation Services Division of funding assistance, and WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of the Interior has made a grant offer in the amount of $74,520 as stated in the attached notice; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize and direct the proper City officials to submit a full grant application and to provide such assurances as necessary to the U.S. Department of the Interior for the Lewis Park Rehabilitation; FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper Clty officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute such agreements as necessary to accept any grant awards for the U.S. Department of the Interior and the State of Minnesota. COUNCILMEN Yeas �� Requested by Department of: tlei Levine _� Corr�munity Services Ho [n �avor Maddox H�n McMahon � __ Against BY addo Showalter Showalte � Sco Wiison Form A v by Cit Attor y Ado hy Counci . Date SEP A �(Q(�---- � ertified Y� ed by Council . � BY ^ g� L�-' /�pprove avor. Date ��`1. �QR� Approved Mayor for S missi n to Council gy — By �t1t�iEa S E P 2 Q 1980 . ~ f•�t ��r.� r i �M �� : 12/1975 - Rev. : 9/8/76 EXPLAAtATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, . A �tECE � VED �ili'� r.�i C3 ?�t)� MAYOR'S O�FF�C� Date : August 26, 1980 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER « FR: THOMAS J. IC�LLEY � �� GRANT FOR LEW�S PARK R�HAB�I,�TATxON ACTION REQUESTEDs Councj1 authoriza�lon to subnit finat grdnt atppllcsttions dnd to accept grant . funding fram the Depa�r�ment of �nterfor dnd the Sta�te o�f Mlnnesota. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: The c�ty hats been offered a tentative grant award by the Depa�rt�ent af Interior. A flnatl a�pp1ica�tlon and ngreements must be submitted to ensure recelpt of �� �7�,520. r , ATTACI�NTS: . .._ __ ....._..._�.. . ......_ _ . .__..�-�---.�...� .._.._..-- - . .... .. _�.__. .... � ._ ._......... _�.�..._.....�__._. ._.... \( �1J� � �"7���.� c.��:� �,]f/ a1�EMT Op ty � _ �.!� United States Department of the Interior w .�. �'y. �\ O!� p � � `` � ° HERITAGE CONSERVATION AND RECREATION SERVICE � ,�;,�;,.r WASHINGTON, D.C. 20240 � "La n'° IN REPLY REFER TO: i.T��o �S� , rr � � .il� � 1 ��+v � "�.��* , ': i+� JU�21 !�� � Honorable George La.timer �AYj3/Z�s � : Mayor, City of St. Paul - City Hall - St. Paul, Minnes 55102 Dear Mayor r• �J�� As Director for Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service, it gives me great p asure to inf'orm you of an Urban Pa.rk and Recreation Recov+ery (UP Program grant offer of $74,520 to t�e city of • St. Paul, Minnesota, for the reha.bilitation of Lewis Pa.rk and an . . irmova.tion gxant of $b18,884 for the construction of an energy-efPicient, earth-,shelt�er r�creation center. . Di�ector Fr.�nk Jones, of vur Regional Office, will conta.ct you to �rk out th� details oP the actual grant agreement and contra.ct. _ �roi� your Recov+ery Action Program and the acceptance of this - � ' grant of�er, you are firm�y c�a8nt.tting St. Paul to contirnzing revi- '�--- talization of its recreation resources and programs, including the obligd.tion to maintain publlc outlays for pa.rks and recreation at no less than current levels in accordance with the local ecxrrni.tment pro- visions of the UPARR Act. Fbllowirag throu� on these initial co�ranit- ments will greatly enh�nce your oomnunity's cornpetitiveness for flzture UPARR fluiding. It will also accomplish the ma�or ob�ective of the UPARR Program which is to stir�az].ate increased camauiity suppor�t _ for cost-ef'�'ective progr�ams tha.t meet the most pressj;ng r�ecreation , needs of your citizens. . �". Your carra�unity��s ca�rrnitrnent to systenatic Recovery ACtion planning . and financing is particular]�y praisewortY�y. �e challer�e of the ' UPARR Program is to 3mprove the responsiveness and e#'ficiency of recreation systems in a time of fiscal restraints. �e key to this is better r�eoognition by citizens and public officials of the critica]. i�ortance of recreation in the qua.lity of urban ��e. I extend rr� congratulations on this grant offer and besL wishes for t�he success of�your continuing recreation revitalizati� efforts. . c� � Sincere�y, - . Ctu�is �erral Delaporte Director " .,..r-.�-...,.Y,.�. ...,...u,.,..r..�.. . ...,.,. . . , • _ . .. . �. ....,s.