275610 WNI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY SAINT PAUL Council ����'�.� CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. i Resolution , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Welfare, whereby the State will purchase outreach and health- related services from the City's Nutrition Program for the period June 1, 1980 through September 30, 1980; the City to be paid a sum not to exceed $31,346.30 by the State. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Hunt Community Services Levine IR FBVOi Maddcx J McM�!,,,� _ __ Against BY ShoUi<�;e� SEP 9 ���� Form Ap roved by t tt rne Adopte �ouncil� Date c� � Ce ified P . ed by Council Secretary BY By c..� �lpproved vor: Date 0 Appro by Mayor f S mission to ncil By _ BY �' pUCsLISNED SEP Z� . - � ���.� PURCNASE OF SERVICE AGREEMENT The Department af P�blic Welfare, Bureau of Income Maintenance, Centennial Office Building, St. Paul , Minnesota, 55155, hereafter referred to as the "Department" , and St. Paul Division of Public Health, hereafter r'eferred to as "Contractor" , enter into this agreement for the period from June 1 , 1980 to September 30, 1980. !�lITNESSE�H WHEREAS, the Contractor is an approved vendor by the Department to provide � Educational Assistance, Employability, and Information and Referral Services to persons; and WHEREAS, the Department wishes to purchase such program services from the Contractor and is authorized to do so pursuant to Minn. Statutes 256.01 , subd. 2(1 ) and 256.011 . NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual understandings and agreements set forth, the Department and Contractor agree as follows: 1 . Purchase of Service: a. As specified in the Federal Register of January 31 , 1977, 45 CFR Part 228, the Indo-Chinese Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1975, and the Minnesota Comprehensive Annual Services Program Plan, and Title XX of the Social Security Act, and the attached exhibits, the Department agrees to purchase and the Contractor agrees to furnish the following: (1 ) Outreach Services including: activities to familiarize refugees or providers with available health services. (2) Health Related Services as follows: information, referral to appropriate resources; assistance in scheduling appointments and obtaining services; and counseling to individuals or families to help them understand and identify their health needs and maintain or improve their health. Also, that portion of administrative expenditures incurred by the Contractor in ; providing Purchased Services to eligible clients shall be purchased by the - Department pursuant to Exhibit A, (Budget) attached hereto and incorporated by reference. b. Contractor shall , in writing within 10 days, notify Department whenever it is unable to, or going to be unable to; provide the required quality or quantity of Purchased Services. Upon such notification, Depart- ment and Contractor shall determine whether such inability �will require a � modification or cancellation of the contract. . , - . ���� 1 l� � 2. Cost and Delivery of Purchased Services : a. The total amount to be paid for such Purchased Services shall not exceed $31 ,346.30. The unit cost for providing the services to reimbursabie eligible clients shall be paid on a Cost Reimbursement basis (monthly gross expense, until $31 ,346.30 is reached) . Written verification shall be given to the Department at the time of billing. . b. Purchased Services will be provided at health clinics; community centers, homes, and hospitals in Ramsey, Washington, and Dakota Counties. 3. Eligibility for Services: a. The parties understand that the services provided by 3 Health Interpretor Assistants, 1 Clerk-typist, and 1 Nutritionist are being purchased by the Department and furnished by the Contractor. b. The translation services will meet the needs of the Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, and Hmong Nationalities. c. The Contractor shall not sign a fee for program funded services. 4. Delivery of Care and Services: a. Except as otherwise provided herein, Contractor shall maintain in all respects its present control over the autonomy with respect to: (1 ) The application of its intake procedures and requirements to clients. (2) The methods, times, means, and personnel for furnishing Purchased Services to eligible clients. (3) The determination of when to terminate the furnishing of Purchased Services to eligible clients. . b. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as requiring Contractor to provide or continue Purchased Services to or for any eligible client pursuant to Sections 1 . b. and 14. b. of this Agreement. 5. Payment for Purchased Services: a. Certification of Expenditures: The Contractor shall , within 15 working days following the last day of each calendar month, submit a Standard Invoice (For Social Services Purchased) to the Department. The invoice shall indicate total program and administrative expenditures for providing services to eligible clients. b. �ay�rnent: The Cepartment shall , within 30 days of the date of the receipt of the Invoice, make payment to the Contractor. _ . - � � � � ��� /� 6. Audit and Record Disclosures: a. Allow personnel of the Department and the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, access to the Contractor's records at reasonable hours in order to exercise their responsibility to monitor the services. b. hlaintain records for. three years for audit purposes at the St. Paul Division of Public Health. . 7. Safeguard of Client Information: The use or disclosure by any party of information concerning an eligible client in violation of any rule of confidentiality or for any purpose not directly connected with the administration of the Department's or Contractor's responsibility with respect to the Purchased Services hereunder is prohibited � except on wr�tten consent of such eligible clients, his/her attorney or his/her responsible parent or guardian. 7he Gontractor shall comply with the provisions of the Minnesota GovernnRent Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. 15.1611 to 15.1698 and 45 CFR 228.10. 8. Grievances• The contractor shall establish a system through which recipients of translation services may present grievances about the operation of the service program. Whenever any applicant or recipient presents a grievance or requests a fair hearing, the Contractor shall make arrangements to attend such grievance or to provide such hearing through its regular hearing procedures. 9. Anti-Discrimination Clause: The Contractor shall not, on the grounds of age, religion, race, color, physical or mental handicap, national origin or sex (a) deny any program participant to segregation or to separate treatment in any matter related to � any service or other benefit provided hereunder: (b) restrict any program participant in any way with respect to advantages or privileges enjoyed by other program participants receiving any service or benefit provided hereunder; (c) treat any program participant differently from other program participants in determination whether reimbursement eligibility conditions or other requirements or conditions of eligibi]ity for services or other benefits provided hereunder have been met; (d) deny any program participant an opportunity to participate in any service or benefit pravided hereunder. Further, the contract shall :be performed consistent witn Minn. Statutes 181 .59 { 1978}. 10. Equal Employment Opportunitv Clause: Title VII of the Civil Rights Rct of 1964 (USC 20QOd). . During the performance of this Agreement, the PROVIDER agrees as � follows: . . � ��� � a a. The Contractor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, or national origin. The Contractor shall take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without discrimination because of their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or physical or mental handicap. Such action S�hall include, but not be limited •to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for empToyment, notices to be provided by the Department setting forth the provisions of this Equal Opportunity clause. b. The Contractor shall state, in all solicitations or advertisements . for employees placed by or on behalf of the State, that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard ta race, color, age, physical or mental handicap, religion, sex, or national origin. c. The Cantractor shall send to each labor union ar representative or workers with which he/she has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding a notice to be provided by the AGENCY advising the labor union or workers' representative of the Contractor's commitments under the Equal Opportunity clause, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. d. The Contractor shall comply with all provisions of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and of the rules, regulations,and relevant ord2rs of the Secretary of Labor. e. The Contractor shall furnish all information and reports required by Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and by the rules, regulations, and order of the Secretary of Labor, issued pursuant thereto and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the Department and by the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders. f. In the event of Contractor noncompliance with the Equal Opportunity clause of this contract or with any of the said rules, regulations, or orders, this contract may be cancelled, terminated, or suspended, in whole or in part, and the Contractor may be declared ineligible for further government contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order No. 11240 of September 24, 1965, and such other sanctions as may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in said Equal Opportunity clause or by rule, regulation; or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. 11 . Bonding, Indemnity and Insurance Clause: � a. BONDING:. The Contractor shall obtain and �aintain at all times during the terms of this agreement, a fidelity bond covering the activities of its personnel autharized to receive ar distribute monies in the amount of � • $250,000 per occurance. . . . . a.7��/o • • � b. INDEMNITY: The Contractor does hereby agree that it wi11 at all times hereafter during the existence of this agreement indemnify and hold harmless the Department against any and all liability, loss, damages, costs or expenses which the Contractor may hereafter sustain, incur or be required to pay (1 ) by reason of any service client suffering personal injury, death or property loss or damages either while participating in or receiving from the Contractor the care and services to be furnished by the Contractor under this agreement, or while on premises owned, leased, or operated by the Contractor, or while being transported to or from said premises in any vehicle owned, operated, leased, chartered or otherwise contracted for by the Contractor or any officer, agent or employee thereof; or (2) by reason of any service client causing injury to, or damage to the property or another person during any time when the Contractor or any officer, agent or employee thereof has undertaken or is furnishing the care and service called for under this agreement. c. INSURANCE: The Contractor does further agree that in order to protect - itself as well as the Department under the indemnity agreement provision here- inabove set forth, it will at all times during the term of this contract have s�atu�o►�y��im°�a�i ons i abi 1 i ty i nsurance pol i cy i n the amount of seTf i nsured vi a 12. Unavailability of Services: The Contractor certifies that the services to be provided under this agreement are not available without cost to eligible clients. The Contractor further certifies that payment for purchased services will be in accordance with rates of payment which do not exceed amounts reasonable and necessary to assure quality of service, and, if the services are being purchased from anoth�er public agency, the cost reasonably assignable to such service. (See Article 15j 13. Maintenance of Effort and Expansion of Services: The Contractor hereby certifies that the Federal funds to be used under this agreement do not replace or supplant in any way state or local funds. 14. Conditions of the Parties' Obliqations: a. It is understood that the obligations of the Department and the Contractor under this agreement are conditional upon securing Federal funding of the services specified in this agreement. It is further understood that, in the event reimbursement to the Department is not obtained from the Federal agency responsible for administering the social services provisions of the Social Security Act, 45 CFR 228, or if such funding does not maintain an aggregate level sufficient to support the quality and quantity of services cailed for under this agreement, the obligations of both the Department and the Contractor sha71 be terminated; provided that any termination of this agreement shall be without prejudice to any obligations or liabilities of the Department or Contractor already accrued prior to such termination. , � �SG r� . ; b. It is expressly understood and agreed to by and between the parties hereto that under no circumstances shall the Department be liable for any costs or expense pursuant to this contract, except to the extent that such costs and expenses are reimbursed to the Department through Federal financial participation. The Contractor agrees to reimburse the Departrnent for any sub- sequently be disallowed by the Federal government. Because of the nature of Federal law regarding disallowances, it is mutually agreed herein that the amounts reimbursed by the Department to the Contractor shall be .determined by the Federal disallowance and not mitigated by theories of value received, quantum merit, or the like. � c. The Contractor certifies that it meets the lawful conditions and applicable standards as required by the Clean Air Act of 1970 as amended (42 U.S.C. 1857b, et seq). d. The Contractor certifies that it meets the lawful conditions _ specified by the Cost of Living Council as required in 45 CFR 228.70 and 45 CFR Part 74. ' The Contractor is advised that the submission of an invoice or voucher for services furnished under this contract shall constitute a certification by the Contractor that amounts to be paid do not exceed maximum allowable levels authorized by the Cost of Living Council regulations or standards. 15. Subcontractin : The Contractor shall not enter into subcontracts for any of the work cont�mplated under this agreement without written approval of the Department. All subcontracts shall be subject to the requirements of this contract. The Contractor shall be responsible for the performance of any subcontractor. 16. Miscellaneous: a. Entire Agreement: It is understood and agreed that the entire agree- ment of the parties is contained herein and that this agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof as well as any previous agreements presently in effect between the Contractor and the Department relating to the subject matter thereof. . . ���� Id' 17. Terms of the Contract The Department at the Contractor enter into this agreement for the period from June 1 , 1980 through September 30, 1980. FUNDING CODE: 33258 ' APPROVED: CONTRACTOR: (If a corporation, two corporate officers must execute� Upon proper execution, this agreement CITY OF SAINT PAUL wi11 be legally valid and binding. STATE OF MINNESOTA Appr s to fv : c ey Assistant City Attorney Mayor ' 2� - �(1 By Date Director, Deot. of Finance and Mgm't Service By Di ector, p . o o y ervices STATE AGENCY OR DEPARTMENT: AS TO FORM AND EXECUTION BY THE 61'��� , �� AT�fORNEY- GENERAL TITLE � ���-- BY DATE � - �„�-j_ � DATE COMMISSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION BY DATE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ENCUMBERED DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE BY DATE . . a�s��o . . ' Exhibit A � Budget Narrative Please provide a written explanation of each line as identified on the Budget Narrative Page . Salaries• Salaries and benefits for: 3 Health Interpretor Assistants 1 Clerk-Typist II . 1 Nutrition Consultant for length of contract $23,39b.64 Capitol Expenditures: Including data collection, postage, phone, duplicating, office supplies, and educational materials, and office rent. 3,700.00 Milea e: Reimbursed at the rate of 15�/mile and $3.00 per day 600.00 Training Health Interpretor training at T.V. I. 200.00 Administrative and Supervisor Cvsts: 10� of tota7 budget 2,84b.66 TOTAL BUDGET $31 ,346.30 , . . ' . DATE: July 8, 1980 AGENCY/ORGANIZATION NAME: St. Paul Division of Public Health � . ADDRESS: 555 Cedar, St. Paul , Minnesota SERVICES TO BE DELIVERED AT: East Metro Area � BONDING AP�OUNT: 5250,000/occur. INSURANCE (LIABILITY) AMOUNT: Se1f Insured PROPOSED CONTRACT DATES: June 1 , 1980 through September 30, 1980 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $31 ,346.30 PROJECT SCOPE: Nutrition/Health services will be provided to Indo-Chinese � refugees in East �etropolitan area of Minnesota. Services will be provided at health clinics, community centers, homes, and hospitals. Health and nu�rition education providers in East Metropolitan area in need of services provided by this contract, will have these services available as time allows. AC7IVITIES: a) Nutrition screening; assessrr�nt, intervention, and evaluation of Indo-Chinese refugees. b) Competency-based training in nutriti.on provided to � bilingual Indo-Chinese to facilitate delivery of services. c) Development of educational materials for Indo-Chinese refugees in order to intervene on nutrition problems. d) Implementation and evaluation of nutrition/health referral network. e) Training in health nutrition to health/interpretor assistants ESTIMATED NUMBER OF PERSONS TO BE SERVED IN EAST METRO AREA: 1 ,600 NAME OF CONTACT PERSON: Marty Slattery TELEPHONE NUMBER: 646-2600 ._ _�. .... .._.�.........._._--___._____�.__.______...�_ __ . ._.. -. .._ __ _._.. _ _ �_ __ _------ _ __ _ _ _ .� �.�_ �..-.�.�..--.W..�,.....�_ �._ _ _._. .. , ., . �'-�-G I � _ . . . � o • � � rv -s �•< -z 3 -s �-r � -�• v� �n � -1 m om � w � m � o � � c� ro -•• p c� o -n -� ci rr -h -�c+ � -s � � C c+ fD C "S C r-��•�D fD < C Q � Q c0 S � f� O tQ.. < Z fD �. � �p < �G (D fD f7 -+• (D Ql fD < � fl c+ ---� fTl N fD � W (D U "S fD �(D C -+. f./1 � �--� tQ 'Y tn O�G � � N � < 'L'7 fD "l7 � O [D � C Cl O a "h c+ tY -+•�-+ pi �� _.. �� w, � "S (9 "a O � � -' � O � �. � cc� � rUc+ a. cL � a � � v� " �r --� � w �c�*o �n -�c -�. r* N LU J• J� fD �f� (D V Vi C t+ -� J. 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