275609 �NHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council ����9 CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR y File N 0. esolution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute a Lease Agreement with Zimmerman Realty, 1954 University Avenue for the rental of Office Suite #3 for the purposes of the Division of Public Health conducting its Nutrition and WIC Programs; said lease to commence $eptember 15, 1980 and end September 30, 1981 . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department.of: H�int � Communit $ervices ��.�;�e In Favor Maddox �,j M•�Mahon _ �� __ Against BY Showalter �Q Adopted_t>y ounc 1: Date SEP 9 ��� Form A pr ved by 'ty Attorney rtified P- ed by � Secretary BY � '�''"' � � Y � t#pproved b lVlavor. Date Approve Mayor for Sub ssi n to Council • By BY �t�usHEfl S E P 2 0 i98�J � . � . � , • Y . . � ���'••�+" . . . . . , CM O1: Z2/.3.975 � Aav. s 9/8/76 E��LANATICN OF ADMINIST:RA IVE ORD8R5, - sL�'SOL IONS, ANb ORDI1�iCES �I��Ir� . � � � � , w � ry � . 4 � � , . Datde August 18, 1980 ' ;, �, �;,;_� , , , MAYOR'S OFF3C� TO s MAYCaR GEORGE LATI�lEI� . �s Thomas J. Kelley, Director, Department of Community.Services �' Lease agreement between #he City of Saint Paul and Zimmerman Realty . AC_'ION l�QUESTED: � Approval and signature . � � __ � � . , PIIRPOS� AND RATIflNs�,LE FOR TSIS ACTION: � Due to rapid expansion of the WIC Program, additional of�ce space is required. The Nutrition and WIC Programs are already leasing office space at:the Zimmerman Building. ATS��BMENTS: . � cop� Lease Agreement . 1 copy Counci I Resolution _,;, , _ __ —� -v ` ..J� J j � � cr w � � am � � .. � ' � � � rr � �. ' c� .� �� c� c� a �� -�. a� o .�, o � � � o �.�� `r � I o c7 � � � c � �c c° c� - -� �n �, � �, °' �....� � . � � cr rr -+, �, - � -s o a '�c o �•-• r . " - � -A � 3 V� � �z � - . N n C11� �'G "f '7 �G7 N O (O -�• < C1 O -b 7 • IA -a 1'"' � � � N O �N -�1 . . � O -�h N � � p ! p_ �• O (D � Iv � (1 -A X m � fy lD -fi �-h � � �^I A O ` / � �.d m �� L" m " 1 � 1► .�. -�I � Q. -fl n _+ J.J� � �- � �...� �.. q � � s� � � � � � o � a d ---� - ti � , OM O1 : 12/1975 Rev. : 9/8/76 - EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE 4RDERS; , ����..� Date :August 25, 1980 �� � � � �� � � �� L -. �u�3�' ��y , . MAYOR'S OFFIGE T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Thomas J. Kel l ey � RE: Contract between Minnesota Department of Public Welfare and City of Saint Paul ACTION REQUESTED: Signature on attached Council Resolution PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Authorization for execution o� qgreement � copy attached. ATTACI�NTS s Cquncil Resolution One cvpy of AgCeement � , ' • ,, . . ,. ` ����J LEASE AGREEMENT This AGREE�IENT is i*►ade and entered into this !.�� day of August, 1980, �y and b�twe�n ZimrlerR�an Realty, 1954 University Avenue, Saint P3ul, T_Iinnesata, her.��znafter re�erred to as the LESSOt�, and the City of Saint Paul, Diviszon of I'��blic f'.ealth, Si5 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, hereinafter reierred to a3 tr.� LF:SSEE. Less�.�� do�s hereby t�ire and talce from Lessor, upon the terms .and subject to th� c�nditio:�s iiereinafter set fortn, a portion of the premises situated ia the City o� Sair.t Paul, County of Ramsey, State of riinnesota, to wit: Of�ice Suite ;`3 in the Zi�erman Building located at 1954 U:�iversity Avenue, _ Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104, this space consisting of approxima.tely 500 - sauare feet on the secoad floor. 1, TF.Rti[ O.c I�'�5E.. RE1�tTE1L AT,TD_ OPTION TO EXTEND LEASE The term oF lease shall be for a period of thirteen months coramencing Se�te�nber 15,158C ai�d ending September 30, 1981, �aith an option by the Lessee �o ex��r_d the Ag:eem.ent under these terms for an additional two-year peri�d upc,a sixty (60) days no�ice to the Lessor. The rental rate under the option to rer_e=.o will be subject to a pro rata share of any increase in real estate ta:ces anc i:Pa�ing costs, using 1979 as the index year. The Lessee covenants an�a a�rees �o pay the �essor as rent for the said premises One Hundred and F.irt}-Five i�ollars ($155) per month cor�nencina September 1, 1980 and payable in adva.nce on the first day of each and every month during the term of this Ag.re��ent. 2. USF Or PP.EMISES Lessee ir_��nds to us� the space for general oFfice purposes in the operation of the �domen, Infants and Children's Supplem�ntal Food Program and the L�L��T1t10R F:ooxam. 3. I'�i��c'�O+IEi?��1i.S '�'VD MA�`7?'El`�ANCL I,esse� m�.y rot make icnprovetaents to the leased premises caithout ,the conser�t of the Lessor. Ar.y in�rovements made by Lessee ��aith I.essor' s consent shail be made at I�ssee' s e.�pens2, Lessor shall provide iour �:eys to Lessee: two c��ntrel�.i.�g leased ofiice apace and two for the building entrance. . . . ��S� o� � ,. ., . , . - 2 - . Lessor shu?1 during thp term of the lease provic�e the following ser�ices a.nd equipment: (A) WiII provide offstreet parking on a "space availzble" basis in areas designated. (3) [Jill maintain the upkeep of the surrounding yard, parking lot, and sidewalk, including removal of snow and ice. (C) tidill maintain in proper �aorking order the windows, doors, electricaZ circuits, heating, water, sewage, gas and electrical services. (D) Will provide routine janitorial services to maintain the premises in a clean and sanitary manner. (E) Will provide and maintain existing window air conditioning units. - Lessee agrees that it shall: (A) Be responsible for telephone costs, including installation. (B) Conduct business in an orderly and professional manner. 4. UTILITIES Lessor shall furnish at its expense heat and �vater. Lessee shall bz responsible for electrical costs. 5. ASSIG�TMENT OF LEASE LeSsee shall not assijn or sublet the premises without written consent of Lessor. 6. PLACEM"NT AND CONSTRUCTION OF SIGNS Lessee shall not install or construct any signs of a permanent nature without consent of Lessor. 7. INS'JRANCE Thti burden of liability resides with Lessee in the eveat of a personal injury suit brought by a patron and due to the negligence of Lessee, during the normal course of business on leased premises. In case of total or partial destruction by fire or any other casualty so that the premises shall become untenable or unfit for occupancy in whole or in part, I.essor shall notify Lessee in writing �aithin fifteen (15) days as provided herein that it intends to restoxe the premises, then Lessee may terminate the lease by notice to Lessor in w:iting within a reasoaable time. The �rent to be paid h�reunder pending such restoration shall be abated in proportion to the loss and impai�!-ment of the use of said �remises. . ` . . a �s G6� . , . _ 3 _ , .. 8, In the event of a default in the payment by Lessee, or in the performance by Lessee or Lessor of any of covenants or conditions provided herein and if the performing party shall fail to remedy such default within a period of sixty (60) days from and after the receipt of written notice by the other party and specifying such default, then the party not in default sha11 at its election have the right to terminate the lease or take any other action for � the enforcement of any right or remedy available to said part,y. 9. NOTICE AND PAYMENT OF RENTAL " A11 notices herein permitted or required, given by the Lessor� to the Lessee or by the Lessee to the Lessor, and all rentals herein provided to be paid, shall be deemed to have been given or paid when deTivered to the respective parties personally or when deposited in the United States mails with postage and addressed to their principal place of business. 10. SURRENDER OF PREMISES On the first day of' the term there shall be a pre-inspection jointly by Lessee and Lessor of said pre*_nises. On the last day of the term of the lease or on the sooner termination thereof, tenant shall peaceably surrender the Ieased premises in good order, condition and repair, fire and other unavoidable casualties, reasonable wear and tear only excepted. On or before the last day of the term or the sooner termination thereof, Lessee shall at its own expense remove all office furnishings and equipment from the leased premises and any property not removed shall be remaved at Lessee's expense. Lessee shall �romptly surrender all keys for the leased premises to Lessor at the place then fixed for payment of rent. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the Lessor and Lessee have signed their names and af- fixed their seals the day and year above written. � Charge Code: 33247-282-000 ZIP��RMAN REALTY CITY OF SAINT PAUL . , ���s-��.:.�,,..'-�. C�,, ��J_��_-.��_ 1�.-,r-� . � �'�--- Mayor Director, Finance and �ianagement Services AErROV� AS TO rORM: Director, Department of Coanmsnity Services � �� Assistant City Attom - ��'���