275607 WMITE - CITY CLERK ����q� /
PINK ' - FINANCE . 61 /
¢LUE - `MAYOR File N O.
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
HE IT FtESOLVID, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and
approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pextaining to
the follawing list�ed property and as shavn by the Exoerpted Minutes of said Board of
Appeals and ReviESa, dated August 12, 1980, and marked E��iIBIT A, and attached hereto
and made a part hereof by reference:
8/12/80 26-80-H 940 5t. Clair Ave. Craig Miller
(three units)
�QARD A�.`I'ION: Granted varianoe of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 54.13, pertain-
ing to bas�t occupancy, to pernut use of apartm�.nt mr�re th�n 50$
belaw grade, on condition that a second means of egre5s be provided in
, sleeping rocan by installing a larger windaw and adjoining windaw::r�ll
Property Description: AuditAr's Subidvision No. 74, Lot 8
8/12/80 25-80-H 1125 E. Or�nge St. Dale L. Maristuen
(four units)
BOARD ACTION: Grant�ed varianoes of St. Paul LEgislative Code, Section 54.13 and 54.14,
pertaining to basement occuparicy and. to light and ventilation, re-
spectively, to nP�;t occupancy of unit more than 50� belcxa gracle, on
condition that a st�p up tcxaard the windaw in the sleeping rocan be
in�talled to facilitate accessibility for use as a second means of egress.
Property Descriptian: Phalen I�eights Park, W. 20 Ft. of Lot 4, and all of Lots 5
and 6, Block 4
COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Levine In Favoc
McMahon __ A gainst BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Yassed by Council Secretary - - ' 3 ��
Approved by ;Nayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By _ _ BY
WNITFy - CIT"� �
cwNARY - F'r 2NT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L Council �����
_s�uE - "�
File N 0.
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
8/12/80 27-80-H 875 Aldine St. Bruce R. Weinard
(eight units)
BQARD ACTION: Grant�ed variance of St. Paul Legi�lative Code, Section 54.11, pertaining
tA bathrocen facilities, to pernlit occ�zcy of six units sharing two bathrocen.s,
and on,� unit where ba.th is loca.ted outside walls of unit, on condition
that no more than one person occupy each unit where bathroans are shared,
and on further condition, that a caretaker be designated to be responsible
for maintaining shared ba.thro�n.s in a c]_ean and sanit�-Lry condition.
ProPerty Description: Auditor's Subdivision No. S1, Lots 1 and 2
8/12/80 28-80-H 499-501 Grotto St. Donald L. I�erke
(vacant - four units)
BOARD ACI'I�.V: Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 54.14, pertaining
to light and ventilation, to permit occu�zcy of ttl�ose units where one rocm
is slightly deficient in light and ventila.tian.
Praperty Description: Syndicate No. 1 Additian, S. � of Lots 1 and 2, Block 3
8/12/80 29-80-H 1621 Marshall Ave. Nliin M. Chen
(eight units)
�OARD ACTI�T: Granted change of effective period on variances of St. Paul Legisla.tive
Code, Sections 54.11 and 54.13, pertaining to bathrocm facilities and ba.se-
ment occupancy, respectively, frcm "effective until such tim� as the
property be sold or any other title, right or interest be transferred, at
which time said waiver be nullified.", (See C.F. 272303) , to "effective
COUNC[LMEN Requestgd by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Levine IR Favoi
Showalter __ Ageinst BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Yassed by Council Secretary B�'�� - �t p~3—�O
Approved by :Nayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submis�ion to Council
BY - — BY
�BLUE - rMAYOR G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L File NO. ' '�����
� � Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Property Description: College Park, Ex. Ave., Lot 3, Block 8
and. be it
FUI�I�R RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and direct�ed to transmi.t
a wpy of this resolution for recording tA the Ramsey County Office of the Register of
COUNCILMEIV Requestgd by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Levine [n Favor —
snowaite� __ Against BY
Adopte y Council: D�te —JCf 9 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney
rtified Pa- by Cou _ Secretar �'�'""`�J��� � p�3��`
Approv� avor Date SFP �- 2 1980 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
8Y - BY
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705A Cit�- Hall
St. Paul, I�linnesota 55102
(612) 298- 4153
Sentember 2 , 1980
T0: Walter Bowser
Assistant City Attorney
FROM: Pat Moxness
. RE : Draft Resolution pertaining to Board Acti�ns - tileeting
of August 12 , 1980
, Attached is a draft resolution on actions taken by the boarci
at its meeting of August 12 , 1980 , in the follo�ving cases :
26- 80-H 940 St . Clair Ave . Craig Miller
(three units)
25- 80-H 1125 E. Orange St. Dale L. Maristuen
(four units)
27- 8Q-H 875 Aldine St. Bruce R. Weinard
(eight units)
Z8-80-H 499- 501 Grotto St . Donald L. Herke
(vacant- four units)
29- 80-H 1621 1�Iarshall Ave . Miin M. Chen
(eight units)
If you have any c{uestions , please call me on 4I63.
__ _---_ _ __b.- . ._._. . _8�12/8U - Meeting No. 164
� =.�:"
�r���'�'� - �
_ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ . __ ..,.��..�.,�.
28- 80-H 499-501 Grotto St. Donald L. Herke
(vacant - four units)
SUBJECT: Request vari.ance of Section 54. 14 , pertaining to light and ventilar
tion, ta permit occupancy of unit where window of one room in each unit
is insufficient in area, because of practical impossibility of ir�stalling
larger window.
APPEAR.ANCE : Donald L. Herke
Donald P. Herke (son)
Alice Bijjani
..�...__ . .._.,,. .,..... _ . ,_.,.,_T N�.�. .�.,.,:-_....,,,,�,.,,,..r,._..�.�..,,,�--�
_ �_ g/12/80 - Meeting No. 164
. ' � a������
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Herke said he had purchased the prop�erty and was in
process of rehabilitating it under a lending pragram sponsored by the city
at below market interest rates . Everything inside the stbesides general
completely renewed, wiring , plumbing, and heating plant ,
repairs , but there was no ehange in the floor plan. He had asked city
inspectors to look at the building tOeSherdfandeJeannegShawehaddgo�nted out
up to code , and inspectors Carolyn Sh p
one window which appeared to be undersized in each of the four units. K�
said it had never been suggested, and he had never even �onsidered it,
that there be any change in the room arrangement.
Alice Bijjani said a more livable �ltbe�usedrasuatbedroom underWthe t�e
small window, which most likely would
current floar plan, would be opened up to join another to make a lazger
living room. This would eliminate the light and ventilation de�iciency.
Mr. Herke said any such restructure , which estantiaileahigher�costs1s� The
putting in new doorways , would result in sub Y
loan covered only the work originally px�opo�d and approved under the lend-
ing program.
Mr. Gausman said it was his opinion that it would not be feasible to go
to the expense of replacing the present windo�+rs with ones just slightly
. Iarger, and he felt a variance should be granted. .
BOARD ACTION : Mr. Gausman moved to grantermitroccupancysoftunits4where
pertaining to light and ventilation, to p
one window isTde��1CARRIEDnANDeSOtORDEREDY �ith code. Mr. Glassman
seconded. MO
A es - S Nayes - 0 Abstentions - �
_ ._
. . , , .. .
8/12/80 - Meeting No. 164
- .
Tuesday, August 12 , 1980
City Council Committee Room 707
City Hall and Court House
1 : 30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman
Arthur Tieso
Ron Glassman
A. Wali Naibi
Thomas Reiter
Glenn Gausman
ABSENT: Estyr B. Peake
AGENCIES PRESENT: Community Services Dept. - Division of Housing and
Building Code Enforcement
Alice Bij j ani
Sam Blue
St. Paul Housing Information Agency
Sa:ah Roberts
�Joe Collins
St. Paul Fire Prevention Bureau
Jeanne Dornfeld
Kathy Reicher
OTHERS PRESENT : W.W. Westberg Francis Menne
Dale L. Maristuen Jahn Halfen
Craig Miller Miin Chen
Don J. Saxton Donald L. Herke
Michael D. Hubbard Donald P. Herke
Bruce R. Weinard
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness
Chairman Wozniak called the meeting to order at 1 : 35 p.m.
The minutes of the meeting of July 8, 1980 , were approved as mailed aut
to the members .
22- 80-H 263 Lafond Tom Gruhlke
(three units)
. - 7- 8/I2/80 - Meeting No. I64
� � �"���,-�"�'
__ . _ � ----
29- 80-H 1621 Marshall Ave. Miin M. Chen
(8 units)
SUBJECT: Request that variance to permi.t shared baths , granted zn December, .
�3'T$;be changed to run for the lifetim� af the structure , rather than. for
the period of appellant' s � ownership. Also, request similar effective period
change for variance granted on basement ocGUnancy at that same time.
Appellant contends that the limited space in the buil.din� makes it physic-
ally and financially unfeasible to remodel to code requirements for any' �
possible future owner, and appellant wishes to sell property.
Alice Bij j ani
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Chen told the board that his worry over the property had
cause im serious health problems and he wished to sell. However, he felt
it would be extremely difficult to do so at a fair price , in relation to
what he had paid for it, under the terms of the variance granted in Decem-
ber, 1978 , which was -��mited to the_.geriod of his vwnership. Who wouTd
want to buy if he did not know how many units he could operate, and how
could a fair price be arrived at without this krtowledge?
_ _ . . ....._ __ ,... ._.._.._._..� . .._..__ .__..__... . _,_�._,. .._� n.....N,.._ , r _ . _ -___ _ - _ _
_ _._ T--��--�--
� f� v
. , -8- 8/12/80 - Meeti g No�164 �
Alice Bijjani stated that when Mr. Chen' s appeal first came before the
board, a permanent variance on the shared bathroams and basement occupancy
had been granted. But when the board' s action had gone to the City Council
for ratification, representatives of Merriam Park District Counci.l and
another neighborhood organization had appPared before the council to voice
objection. Since Mr. Chen had not known there would be any need for him.
to attend, he was not there to present his side vf �he stor�. The City
Council returned the case �o the board with the suggestian that the effec-
tive peri,od be limited to the period of Mr. Chen`s ownership. A heara.ng
was scheduled at the December, 1978, me�ting, a� which time the suggesrzo�
of the council had been followed. Mr. Chen was not present at the hea.ring_
Ms . Bijjani felt it would only be fair tl�at Mr. Chen have an opportuna�.�y
to state his case before the City Counci.l . .
Mr. Tieso said the best way to accomplish this would be to start over by
granting the variances once again on a permanent basis . When it came
before the City Council for r�tification, Mr. Chen would be notified in
advance so he couTd be present to speak on hi,s side o£ th� c}uestion if
anyone should raise objection ta counci� approval.
BOARD ACTION: Mr. Tieso moved to grant vaxiances of S�ction 54. 13, per-
taining to asement occupancy, .and Section 54. 11, pertaining to bathroom
facilities , to permit occupancy of two b asement apartments , and to permit
shared bathrooms , provided that no more than four persons share one
bathroom, effective far th� lifetime of the structure. Mr. Glassman
THE VOTE : Ayes - 4 Nayes - 1 (Reiter) Abstentions - a
.. � � . f . � � �
, 7
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s53 .
8/12/80 - Meeting No. I64
. , .
Tuesday, August 12 , 1980
City Council Committee Room 707
City Hall and Court House
1 : 30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman
Arthur Tieso
Ro�. Glassman
A. Wal i Naib i
Thomas Reiter
Glenn Gausman
ABSENT: Estyr B. Peake
AGENCIES PRESENT: Community Services Dept. - Division of Housing and
Building Code Enforcement
Alice Bijjani
Sam Blue
St. Paul Housing Information Agency
Sarah Roberts
�Joe Collins
St. Paul Fire Prevention Bureau
Jea�e Dornfeld
Kathy Reicher
OTHERS PRESENT : W.W. Westberg Franeis Menne
Dale L. Maristuen John Halfen
Craig Miller Miin Chen
Don J. Sax�on Donald L. Herke
Michael D. Hubbard Donald P, Herke
Bruce R. Weinard
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness
Chairman Wozniak called the meeting to order at 1 :35 p.m.
The minutes of the meeting of July 8 , 1980 , were approved as maiTed out
to the members .
22- 8�-H 263 Lafond Tom Gruhlke
(three units)
. _"T Ci I TY O F .SA I N T. PA LT L Council ' ���t',���
. F,t� N 0.
� �� ' � �� ' Council Resolution � -
�� � � U7
_ :
Presented By
_..: ._
Referred To Commi ttee: Date
_ _ __ ._.
Out of Committee By Date -
_ _
; , -4- : _ .�- _
�. , ._.. �
Ps'opeXty De�cription: De� Hill �dditiou : : _ `:� - .
. . ;, 3�- 10 l�t. of Lrat 3 ancl alI t�sf I�vta l: and 2, .
.. . � _
_ ... _ Bl�oc� 1 _ , .
_........_... _..�,.
12j32/?8 33--�'8-8 I5Z1: �rsha2i Iti� � C�es
�. : ��: �; �s �it�� � -
. , . .. � _
�iRD aC'r�r: �r�sntea �rainers or t. Pau1. I�gialativs� vodas -
{ij sset:� s�S,l.3,' p�rtait�3.�g to occup�rncy� c�t aareiling
�tait aore tl�aa �G bel.o�r grsd�, tv permit �sa �f
basemest nn3.t, {Z��- Sscti�oa� 54.I1. p�cta�i�g to t#�e
req�ir�+�tt th�t eac� c'�l�f�g_ n�it ba eqnipg+�d xith _
7t-. �ttAl Q3�#t� .�.�f.YS�O�]7r �IIG1. �t b8'th�tlb SAt� ih0l�Qt� '�
pas�eait eight effieie�a� a}�art��nts ta share tao bg:th-
raoe�s, an8 �3} tbe requiremeat of a �t in oue �.ava-
tor�� said �siv�rs to b8 �gtectivs uutil suc� t� as
th+� property ba so2.a or an� other title, r�ht ar
infi.+eres� be tr�n�ferred, at srhich t3ao�s eai� ��rai.ver
bo n�a7.Iif3.e�3.
Prop�rtp Dese=i�f�z CDIIege_Par� . , - ` .
. ,B��egt. 2lw�:. Lc:t 3. BIoc1C 8 ' °
�.�._.� ._.,,_,.._ _
and h� it :.
� � ����� �BDST� BE��,���T�a� �th� C#�r��� C2ez� ��3a� bezabg a�tt�c#��d aaa -
: � � �c rec�rtdfa�g to t3ie - . -- '
3leas Nays Requested. by Depertment af: -
� _ _ . ___� _ ._ __ ..:� . W_:..:�_...._
�B�1" . , _
Hozza [n Favor
�--�airt- , .�
--m:�*K �_ Against $Y - -. _ _
Maddox :
Tedesco _ �Ax 2, ��']'g Form Approved hy City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
, Certified Passed by Council Secrefary �Y �
Approved by Ylavor: Date —�.q.N Q 1979 Approved by Mayar for Submission to GCouncil -
By By
� � � � v
, -6- 8/12/80 - Meeting No. 164 �
27- 80-H 875 Aldine St. Bruce R. Weinard
(8 units)
SUBJECT: Request variance of S�ction 54. 11 , pertaining to bathroom
facilities , to permit occupancy of six units shari.ng two ba�hs , and one
unit where bath is located outside walls of unit , because awner wishes
to sell. property. Prospective buyer asked for Certificate of Occupancy
before sale is closed.
APPEARANCE : Bruce R. Weinard
Alice Bijjani
PROCEEDINGS : Alice Bijjani stated that the property had been approved
for zoning as a six-unit, two-sleeping rooms building.
Mr. Weinard said there were three apartments on the second floor sh.aring
one bathroom, three on the third sharing one bathroom, and one apartment
with two bathrooms , plus e�nre �it which used one of two bathrooms in the
basement, on the first floor. Either of the basement bathrooms was avail-
able to all second and third floor occupants as well. He said he had
considered various ways to minimize sharing of bathrooms , among th�m,
deconversion to a three-plex, but he had found this could not be done
feasibly. He said the building had been renovated seven ye�rs ago by the
previous owner at a cost of $9 ,000 and was in good condition.
Alice Bijjani said if the board shauld-grant a variancE on the shared
bathrooms , it would be advisable that someone be designated to keeg the
tiaths in sanitary condition, and the person's name should be nosted with
the owner' s on the Certificate of Occupancy with a telephone number where
he or she could be contacted.
BOARD ACTION: Chairman Wozniak moved to grant a variance of Section 54. 1Z,
to permlt s ared bathrooms , except that no apartment except Apt. #I on
first floor should exceed more than one occupant. _ Said-variance: is granted
on condition that a caretaker be designated to be res�onsible for main-
tainzng the bathrooms in a clean and sanitary condition, and that alI
remaining items listed in the Survey Letter of 7/23/80 be completed in
the time period stated. Mr. Tieso seconded. MOTION CARRIED A1�IIl S0
THE VOTE : Ayes - 4 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - l (Reiter}
------ --., ., ----
8/12j80 - Meeting No. 164
� �� � b a�� ,
Tuesday, August 12 , 1980
� • City Council Committee Room 7Q7
City Hall and Court House
1 : 30 p.m. _
MEMBERS PRESENT : D.D. Wozniak, Chairman
Arthur Tieso
Ron Glassman
A. Wali Naibi
Thomas Reiter
Glenn Gausman
ABSENT : • Estyr B. Peake
AGENCIES PRESENT : Community Sexvices Dept. - Division of Housing and
Building Code Enforcement
Alice Bijjani
Sam Blue
St. Paul Housing Information Agency
Sarah Roberts
�Joe Collins
St. Paul Fire Prevention Bureau
Jeanne Dornfeld
Kathy Reicher
OTHERS PRESENT : W.W. Westberg Francis Menne
Dale L. Maristuen John Halfen
Craig Miller Miin Chen
Don J. Saxton Donald L. Herke
Michael D. Hubbard Donald P. Herke
Bruce R. Weinard
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness
Chairman Wozniak called the meeting to order at 1 :35 p.m.
The minutes of the meeting of July 8 , 1980 , were approved as mailed out
to the members .
22- 80-H 263 Lafond Tom Gruhlke
(three units)
. -2- 8/I2/80 - Meeting No. 164
• �
�x � / � �� a
26- 80-H 940 St. Clair Ave. Craig Miller
(three units)
SUBJECT: Request variance of Section 54. 13, pertaining to basement
occupancies , to permit occupancy of apartment more than 50% below grade
Ievel , because of financial considerations .
APPEARANCE : Craig Miller
Alice Bijjani
PROCEEDINGS : Alice Bijjani reported that the unit needed fire senaration
rom t e�ieating plant. Her other concern was that the window in the sleeping
room was 64 inches from tloor level, making it inaccessible for use as an
escape window in an emergency. She suggested Iowexing the grade ou�Cside
the window and installing a larger window closer to floor level to remedy -
the situation.
Mr. Miller stated that he would proceed with these items immediately zf
the board granted a variance to allow continued occupancy of the apart-
ment. He said that the rental income from the unit was necessary to make
operation of the property feasible.
BOARD ACTION: Mr. Glassman moved to grant a variance of Section 54. I3,
to permit use of the basement apartment, on condition that a larger window
and adjoining windowwell be constructed in the sleeping roam to provide
an accessible second escape route. Mr. Naibi seconded. MOTION CARRIED
THE VOTE: Ayes - 6 Nayes - 0 Abs�ention�s - 0
• 8/12/80 - Meeting No. 1�64
�� S � b �7 - . -
Tuesday, August 12 , 198Q
City Council Committee Room 7a7
. City Hall and Court House
1 : 30 p.m. -
MEMBERS PRESENT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman
Arthur Tieso
Ron Glassman
A. Wali Naibi
Thomas Reiter
Glenn Gausman
ABSENT: Estyr B. Peake
AGENCIES PRESENT : Community Services Dept. - Division of Housing and
Building Code Enforcement
Alice Bijjani
Sam Blue
St. Paul Housing Information Agency
Sarah Roberts
�Joe Collins
St. Paul Fire Prevention Bureau
Jeanne Dornfeld
Kathy Reicher
OTHERS PRESENT : W.W. Westberg Francis Menne
Dale L. Maristuen John Halfen
Craig Miller Miin Chen
Don J. Saxton Donald L. Herke
Michael D. Hubbard Donald P. Herke
Bruce R. Weinard -
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness
Chairman Wozniak called the meeting to order at 1 :35 p.m.
The minutes of the meeting of July 8 , 1980 , were approued as mailed out
to the members.
22- 80-H 263 Lafond Tom Gruhlke
(three units)
, -3- 8/12/8Q - Mee ng No 164
� •� APPEARANCE: Dale Maristuen W.W. Westerberg, neighbor
Alice Bijjani John Halfen, neighbor
Michael Hubbard, tenant
PROCEEDINGS : W.W. Westerberg questioned whether the zoning status of
t�e property had been correctly determined. He claimed there had never
been a basement unit in oper�tion prior to about two years ago.
John Halpen presented a petition signed by 21 neighbors , asking that the
appeal not be granted, on the grounds that the building w as avercrvwded �
and in a deteriorated condition, and that the occupants were "trouble�
some. "
Chairman Wozniak explained that the board had no jurisdiction in zoning
matters , although willing to listen to neighborhood objections. if con-
ditions of the property appeared to be deteriorated, the housing code
office notified owners and ordered correction of code violations . The
board considered only those orders appealed by ar�- owner.
Alice Bijjani described the process by which it is determined the nwnber
of units that may be legally operated according to zoning laws. If any--
one questioned the administrative decision on zonings he could appeal
to the Zoning Board of Appeals . In this case, the property had been
certified as a four-unit building. She said that it may have had a fourth
unit on the third floor some years back. At some later date, the uni� may
have been discontinued, but a basement unit may have been created, which.
still was only a fourth unit. An administratiue finding had been made
that the property qualified as a legal, non-conforming, four-unit complex.
She said the deficiencies of the basement unit concerned the lack of an
escape window in the bedroom and the lack of sufficient light and ventila-
tion, which were conditions that propexly came under the jurisdiction af
this board.
Mr. Maristuen stated that rental income from the laasement unit was neces-
sary to maintain the building, as shown by a financial statement he had
submitted giving details of expenses in relation to inco�e.
Alice Bijjani said the windows were three inches tao high from flaor level
to quali�y as escape windows , although they were of sufficient size. She
said there was a deficiency in light and ven�tilation in each of the three
rooms .
MichaeJ. Hubbard said he felt the basement unit , where he lived, was very
Mr. Maristuen stated that he was aware when he baught the building 2�
years previously that it was in need of extensive work, and he had done
a great deal. He said he intended to continue the process, but could not
do so without the income from a11 the units.
Ms . Bijjani suggested, if the board should grant a variance, that a s�ep
be required below the bedroom windows to facil.itate access .
Chairman 4Vozniak said that he felt the board should not get �nvolved in
zoning fi.ghts or neighborhood fueds , that it must accept whatever deci-
sions were made up to the time an appeal was filed, proceeding from
that point to consider only those matters that were within the board' s
power to make a decision.
-4- 8/12/80 - Meet�� �o.�I64
� , BOARD ACTION: Nir. Glassman moved that variances of Sections 54. 13 and
. , pertaining to basement occupancy and to light and ventilation,
respectively, be granted, on condition tfi at a step up toward the bedroo�►
wi.ndow be installed to make the window accessible as an escape route in
case of emergency. Mr. Tieso seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SQ C}RDERED.
THE VOTE : Ayes - 5 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 1 (Naibi�
' 8/12/80 - Meeting No. I64
, � �
7� b o� � .
Tuesday, August 12 , 1980
City Council Committee Room 707
City Hall and Court House
1 : 30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman
Arthur Tieso
Ron. Glassman
A. Wali Naibi
Thomas Reiter
Glenn Gausman
ABSENT: Estyr B. Peake
AGENCIES PRESENT : Community Services Dept. - Division of Housing and
� Building Code Enforcement
Alice Bij j ani
Sam Blue
St. Paul Housing Information Agency
Sa�ah Roberts
�Joe Collins
St. Paul Fire Prevention Bureau
Jeanne Dornfeld
Kathy R�icher
OTHERS PRESENT : W.W. Westbex°g Francis Menne
Dale L. Maristuen John Halfen
Craig Miller Miin Chen
Don J. Saxton Donald L. Herke
Michael D. Hubbard Donald P. Herke
Bruce R. Weinard
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness
Chairman Wozni.ak called the meeting to order at 1 : 35 p.m.
The minutes of the meeting of July 8 , 1980 , were approved as mailed out
to the members .
22- 80-H 263 Lafand Tom Gruhlke
(three units)