275606 WHITE - CITY CLERK �1A PINK - FINANCE . �rL CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I O F SA I N T PA U L COUIICII ���y.V BLUE - MAYOR �� File N 0. c il Resolution Presented B Referred T Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Heretofore all persons employed as firefighters ar Police officers have been required to become members of the St. Paul Police Relief Association or the St. Paul Fire Department Relief Association, respectively, and the employee contribution rate for such relief association has been established at 6�; and WHEREAS, The Minnesota State Legislature, pursuant to Chapter 607, Article 15, Section 4, Laws of 1980, provided that from and after June 15, 1980 all persons who shall beeome employed as fire- fighters or police officers shall be members of the Public Employees Police and Fire Fund established pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, �353.63 to �353. 68, but that employees hired prior to that date shall continue in their respective local police or fire Relief Associations; and WHEREAS, The Minnesota :Legislature by Chapter 607, Article 15, Section 2, Laws of 1980, has also provided that the employees' contributions to all Police, and Fire Pension Relief Association Funds shall be at least 8�, but that the increase may be spread over several years provided that the increase is at least 1� in each year commencing 1981; and WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul through its City Council desires to conform to the State legislation and therefore expresses ' its intent to do so herein; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby determine that the employees' contribution to the 5t. Paul Police Relief Assoeiation and the St. Paul Fire Department Relief Association shall be increased from 6� to 7� effective January l, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Finance and M t. Servi - Treas Division Levine [n Favo[ AAaddox 7L��/�1� McMahon B fl! snowa�ter _ Against Y Tedesco �Ison Form Approved by it At ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY B� _ Approved by :Nayor: Date Approved y a fo ubmissio to C ncil By _ — BY WHITE — C�TV CLERK ���'U�n S� PINK — FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PALTL Council v 'f CANARV — DEPARTMENT File � NO. BLUE — MAVOR � �, � N Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. 1981 and that said employee contribution rate shall be increased from 7$ to 8� effective January 1, 1982; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk shall transmit a copy of this resolution to the secretaries of the St. Paul Poliee Relief Association, the St. Paul Fire Department Relief Association, the Police Chief and the Chief of the Department of Fire and Safety Services. COU[VC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt � Finance and M t. Servi - Tre r Division Le i,e In Favor M-:��c'.ox � /���E�T�4 M�"�qahon - -- Against BY Showalter ; SEP 9 �9$� Form Approved by City A t rn Adopt �`�'t5�nci Date � rtified Pa•- by uncil Se�retary BY � r y EP � `�, 1Q� Approved yor f�u ssion to Council /Approved avor. Date — By _ BY pt���sHEfl S E P 2 � 1980 -- '-!�'� .�i'ITY O�+' ►�.�lllti'�' ���7� d�;`�'{�r`��� � �+f-'�'.;; t�;+/ ��.% '� L-'�' �f j �:;_, OFFZC� OF TrIL CITY COII'1 CzL ,�.-�-�-:�.����::� :_; �.: �� . .��: t� ,,: - r`� `. � � C3a t e : September 2, 198� � �`:� _ .�..�`�� .. � : 1^\'\ C � �� �� � � �� � � � � Q � � `�' 0 : Sain�� Pc�ul Cit;� Couneii �,. - - FRO� = COi'�1+t'il�'��° On FItdAMCE, P�1A?�AGE��tEPJT & PERSOWNEL � George h1c��ahon ; �haifmon, makes the fol [o�r�ing report on C. F_ �] 4�dinance . ' (5) [� Resolution - . - � Oit�er � `�' �.�'L� � . - At its meeting of September 2, 1980, the finance Committee reeor*nnended anproval af the fo?lowinc: . _ 1 . Resel uti on removi ng ti tl e of Custodi an-Engi n�er (Publ i c Safety Qui 1 di ng) f rom tFie • Custodi�an �Group and pl aci ng i t i n the Mai ntenanc� Supervi sors Group. (11312-G��) 2. Resolution transferring �37,326 surplus funds in the South af. Front Public Improveme�t budget to the South of Front Acquisition and transferrTng �2;J45 surplus funds from tne Citizen Participatian Year V budget to the Citizen`Partici:pation Year VI budget. _ � 3. Resolution approving project budget increase. for con�truction of gaker Multi-Serv�ce Center. - � 4. Resolution approving �1HFAJCity Administration contract and authorizin� execution thereof and establishing fees.. _ 5. Resolution increasing employee pension contribution for members of the Palice anct Fire Pension Funds. (11�80-Gi�l) GtT4' 'r�1�L SEVE:�'"l�-f I=LOOR 5:11_tiT Pr1LFF., :�tl�\ES�J-E'�5. 5�2c�Z . . '_ �I 0�.: ,.12/1975 . _�� - Rev, 9/S/7�r _ : f;-�r,�Pe �: �'�-�64 . . � ` ��NATT0�1 OF �NISTRATIVE � . ����i� >,. RES�,U'��,0� ,� dRDI1�ANCES , ` , . . L - ;R, � �� � � '�J.E �► ' ?� � , . _ , .. _ : Date: Aug�st 11, I9�Q �;,,;, � .; � �,: , � . ���, ;�X�'� �C�` , . �° ; T0: MAYOR GBORGE L��` - ., , . �: i�k: 6�ty �. �vrst�s�, �:pt. of Fi�nance and �Igmt. Serria+au � R8: COt#�TC1'L �tBSaL11T�. Il1f��!►SII!� �P'LOYBB P�NSION CQi��BUTZt3i�S. -' � 5 ,� AC�I4�I AE�S�ED• °� . , �� � ._ �.,�, �.sloptl,an of the ���hed ressrlutfon �ehich �f11 i�re�rse �e ��loyee aogCrfbutiau �or �ers .�rf the Palice a�cl Fi�a Pensi�n �unds f�re� ��� ., � ; _ 5� to 8?: fn t� it�e�lt: to 7X oa 1/1!$1 artd t� � o� 1/1f82. : ` ."; . .. _ . � : ,, �. �� ._ . ;� . . . : PtJR�DSB-A�! RA�'Tt�NAL�f �OR '�S A4TION: . . '�.`- T��e 1988 �egisl�tnre. pa�ed s laW .�t�uiriug thst, .�hese em�i�►e� : ' � ce+�i�ributfona �ecre�sa to SX, bnt that ��e incresse �ay b�e aade , � ' : ia t�tapa of at �'��st 1Z ��er yesr b�gianing ia 198�. �n � l�e�ora�d� ':: ` o f Agreement.�da� �2 j�8f 79 betare+�n t.i� l�aqa r, �e C f ty�Coro�c il +�`;` ., , ,�' the St. Panl P���c� �rui. �'ire P�nsion :repr�s�intat��a,�thi�s legisisti�a �- . wst>st�pdr�d. t?i��+�tr�.`af both fut�s hav�e r,evi�ed �is' p�opased ' r.�sb�lntioir a�nd �tre i� fav�or of its sdaption. < � ' : , , �� A1TAC�: , Proposed Counci� Reaolutio�. _ : _� � �;� � . . . . ' � - � . " '- - . �. . � �-�� ,. � P.:, .� .`.