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Community N�MITE - C�TV CLERK Development co�n��i 2 �' PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL ""���" CANARV - DEPARTMEN T BLUE - MAVOR File N . il Resolution Presented B Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the following transfer of Community Development Block Grant Year III and IV funds: CD YEAR III 3/35-126 Baker Community Center $798,100 $105,000 $903,100 3/99-999 Unspecified Contingency 44,856 (40,000) 4,856 CD YEAR IV 4/30-999 Unearmarked Contingency 74,424 65,000 9,424 TOTAL $917,380 $ -0- $917,380 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: APPROVED: � , erna d J. Carlson, Director R7ch rd E. Sc roe er Departme t f Finance & Management Services Budget Director �� g��i8p COUIVC[LMEN Yeas Hunt Nays � Requested by Department of: Levine In Favor PED (Communi tv Devel opment Di vi s i on) Maddox � /�/���11 McMahon f.,i/ '�Q��,� Shcwalter - __ Against BY -� �� Tedese� Wilson Form Appr by City Attorney Adopted ouncil: Date SEP 9 1980 Cer fied Yassed b o cil Sec�etary BY `� By �. Flpproved avor: Date EP App ov d y Mayor for Sub i to Council BY ____�- – — By P1�.ts.HE� S�P 2 C� 1��C _--.:�-.;�� CzT��v� �.�.z?�r.� ��.��, � ,-���-.�--_. E -�..-� �jC��' �''i� I!i i 'i':.` pFF'IC� �F T�I1+� CIT Y CO�'�CTL �a t tf�:��� r/ ;:---:�.,��--i �.; �: .�:�� s.. , .. i• �, ' Da t e . September 2, 193:� �::_. ,� ,1,•..:;:- C. '� �� �s�� � � �� � � � t� � � � T 4 : �oin�� i'oui G�t� Couneii � � FR � �1i� = C0�"f1it11�I�@� OCl FIFdA�10E, MA,IAGEr�1EfdT & PERSOt�NEL . � George P�1cf�anon ; chaifman, makes the €oilo�r�ing report on C. F. � C�rdinance (5) Q Resotutiorr � � • � Ofiner � T1TLE : . � . At i ts meeti ng of September 2, 1980, the Fi nance Comr�i ttee recor*�riended anproval o� the fol 1 owi nc�:: � � l . Resol�!tion removing title of Custodian-Enc�ineer (Publ �c Safety Building) �from the • Custodian �Group and placing it in the Maintenanc� Supervisors Group. (11312-G��1) 2. Resolution transferring �37,326 surplus funds in the South af. Front Public Improvement budget to the South of Front �cquisition and transferring �2;045 surplus funds from � . the Citizen Participation Year U budget to the Citizen Participation Year VI budge�. 3. Resolution approving project budget increase. for construction of Baker Multi-Service Center. . . -- 4. Resolution approving h1HFA/City Administration contract and authorizing execution � thereof and establishing fees.. 5. Resolution increasing employee pension contribution for members of the Police and Fire Pension Funds. (71�80-G��l) CtTY iI�LL SE,�'ENTH F1'_QOR S:'�ItiT �'AUL, 1�II\\ES�T:1 S�iJZ ' . � . . . .. . . . � ��'��"�. ���+7Yi7I,� 4 e'� � . . . . , .. . _ , �Y.: - '������. . � ' � ` �.���im � ,�e.�r�,, � ' ?� ` � EX�LANATIAN UF A���IISTRATIVE 4Rt3�RS, ' ` R :I ; C� 7 N ��'���� # : . � . •��+ . �. . . � � _ . � 4 \'� �' t�ate: ` ��� �.�, t9so R E����� �i �� ���f�N C� : � _ t�a � . � . . . � �Vy � . . .� . �� .� '. ;�:: � j yd � : ��ao �.ca+�t.��r�"""�: �.,�.����,� � �,�� � ' ���,� ' ; : 1'4: M�'YUR �GEQR6�E LATIM�R � .��1:�����..,' , '� " �, � �� . , � N �R:' �t�"Lt�ll�t:�: fl1�TF't�+E�r� • � ; ; a , i , , � � �.�. - � . :.��: �R Cd�i�tlT� �#T,£� - C�? YEAR. I�.I P.it�3��� �4J. 3/'3� �� ,���� ;. ` � .�,, , /��m���E������"�� .r �, . . . - � �� . .�� . . ..���.����.� �.� �' r � �UC 1 �► 19� , � � ������� . � . _ . . . _ . .,. ,. . £ . �'�.tu� ���s��u: A�Pra�t�]- 4f pi^�ect budqe� Yncrea5e �s .i.den�ified �n �r�p��ec} '`�s��=dt�'t�.: � : ` � , .. . �� . � � ����� � . . . .: ; . �, '',�,� v,�. . �� • � ����. ���s; , ! ��� x � +� . . �` �*�i„ � , ��„ � � �, ..�� : , ��, .� ; � � � . . _ y � � � � � : � � ` a � ,. ; . , �� � . � .- � �, ,. , , . . ,. . , � . , � � ��.� i�t�1R�SE ;AND R�'�I�ti.� fOR THIS AC�I�N: � �; Cehatr�cti�n-c�f ��er �u�ti-Servi�e CeA�er is �a�p1�t� �cc�pt fvr �#�arr �kr� , � ord�r�. F'urnfs�irt�s f4r.the City's purtio� of, t!� b�ildi� n� #,�� .#�e ��r^����.� ; � � A 1�►�,e:. p�rtian i�� th#s� �quest {$4��Q�) has a�risen �te �p t� ������, ��, '�#►� ° -. �a °. lf�i�t�d WaY �p��i �uir� �five, a�d t��t�i� sub�e�u�� r���o� �� ���i:�� �'t��:.' i �; f+�' �is �P�'o;i�c�. , , � , � � ,�< �.. .. : �. .. � .. �� . . . . . . 5 d . � . . , . � � � � y"�� � � � . . .. � , r.. ��' �, �- , . . . � . . �' � ._ '. . . . �.. ,. . . , . . . ., ..�- ' '....: . •:� �'� i,.. p .�".:i�, . .. . . . . . . � .. . . ��k : A'fTACh�tf�VTS: ';' r �� � . . f - , � �, P�p#�►s� 4�unci'� Resoluti�n< � � , �,-; , �, ,� . , . y . . _. . . . . �� f: , � . . � . . . ., .. .. � .� , . . . . , :� . . . ,. _.; . . �. . : � ,. ... . . �, , . ... .��� . , . .. :.. , . ; .�� ..,� �i _ . .. . . . � � .... . � � �z;: ,, . . . .. . � .. .. . . . .-, . . . . . .. . , ��� . � . ..,. . ..: .. ;.� � , � . '. . - .�. �> ..'.. ��.��� i�_-...� �'��S � f . . � � . � . . � � , .. .. . . . .. � � � . ' � � .� . .. . . ¢��..., .- . . ..... . . ,�9..: