275590 WHITE - CITY CLERK ��'��1yy � PINK - FINANCE -J' /��tly�o CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L COUtIC1I � � BLUE - MAYOR . File N 0. u ci R solution Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �EAS, Subject to the ternns and oonditions imposed in CounCil Resolution C.F. No. 274150 and Ch�apter 228 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, the Council of the City of Saint Paul did vacate the follaaing descri.bed. public property located in the City of Sa�nt Paul: The west 5 feet of Mystic Street lying between a line 3 feet south of and parallel to the south line of Lot 38, Block 7, Burlington Heights, Division No. 2 Ramsey Co. Minn., and a line 27 feet south of and parallel t�o the sauth line of said Lot 38 arid. WI�REF,S, Section 228.05(e) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code provide� th,at the resolution granting the vacation shall be null and void unless the ternis and oonditiar�s �- of the vacation resolutian are acoepted in writing and met within Thirty (30) days publication of said resolution; WHERE�S, Petitioner, DarrEll Butler, in Council Resolution C.F. No. 274150, has failed. tA meet the requirem�nts as inq�osed in said resolution; NOW 'I'f-�'ORE SE IT RE.SOLVID That Council Resolution C. F. No. 274150 is hereby rescind,ed and the public property sought to be vacated therein continues for the benefit of the public in accordance with the same use in existenoe prior to the petition tA vaca.te. COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levi�e In Favor Maddox � lA.�11A ' n � snoWaite� __ Against Y — Tn.lnc `SCP 4 19sn Form Approved by City Attorney Ado d bv Council: Date — rtified Pas• by Counc' S tary B'h�--�'"`�'`'u.c' w�'`'� �-'?I-�� Approved . vor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY _ BY p�l�l.tsHED S P 1 ` . , . ; _ , . ; .�' 'r , . '� � . , ��� S� 0 , _. . ; . ; ; _ , � . . - � . _ , , . , , � , - ; � _ , . � r > . . : Atlgt�st 1.�., ]�980 , � �. / _ , ` , _ � �r. Sd 3tarr City Attorusp � . 3tath Floor, City Hall � � � � Daar 31�: _ � � " , Wi11 9c►ti Pleasa prspare a rsso�.utiott re�rc#.ndiag �C.1�. No. 27415Q �hi�� ` : ~ graatsd th� p�titi� of Dazrell Sutlar for�tha vacation o€�° partion.=�+�` ` l�ystic StruC ed�acent to Lat 38, Blo�k 7,. BSrliqgtori Heigl�ts, -Div�i�oa , � tio. 2. Pleasa`b� a�nieed 'that n,ont bF tlts ter�s �an�d cartt3�tta�u hav�a ' . s;� • , b� camplfad��w3th and Mr. Butle� he� si��l a stat�nt .tt�at b� doea ` _ not agraa �3.�t�, soms of t�e t�rms and canditioa�i set out in the � : � resalution. . , 1 , : , , ' 1' Vnry truly youre, . , , , , _ . . , ,: � ' ;Roea S�i� ' ��.ty Glsr'k . • �' . . . ' - ; ABO:dt.,. � � c�s Valuation:-Bngiusar . � � Public Worke�D�partment � . � ` . � � Atitach.� _ - ' . . . � � _ I , - � � , , , , ' `. \ ' . � , t • . ., . .. - - . . � . . . . . . . � � . ... . . . . . . . �.:f