D001092CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF T'E-IE MAYOR • - - - - - � -- -- - � -- — - -- ABMINISTRATIVE ORDEIt BUDGET ItEVISION .�� ��� �� ADMII�TISTRATIVE ORDER Consistent with the authoriry granted to the Mayor in Sedion 70.07.4 of the City Charter and basad on the request of the Director of the Department of R,h 1 i r wnrkc toamendthe1995_budgetofthe Cagital Proie c Sund,theDirectoroftheDepartmerrt of Rnance and Management Services is authorized to amend sad budget in the following manner: Curtent Budc�et FINANCWG PLAN C95-2T673-26024 1995 I n f I ow/i nf i I t rat i o n State Revolving Loan Assessments PIA 95 Water Utility Sew Serv Fund . SPENDING PLAN C95-2T673-26024 19 95 I n f I o w/I nf i I t rat i o n Construction Plan Construction FINANCING PLAN C95-2T518 PIA Longside PIA 95 366,911.50 966,911.50 140, 024.00 826,887.50 966,911.50 No.: 1 l/� l FJ � D"ate: i� � � �� l�l � " �S x: 31995 17,775.00 617,775.00 28,386.36 28,386.36 17,130.50 17,130.50 1,566.50 1,566.50 366,911.50 64,858.36 1,a31,769.86 13, 828.71 153, 852.71 51, 029.65 877, 917.15 64, 858.36 1, 031, 769.86 41,596.88 -17,130.50 24,466.38 41,596.88 -17,130.50 24,466.38 • CIT'Y OF SAINT PAUL OFFiCE OF THE MAYOR • ADNIII�TISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No.: Date: GS #: ���� �� ` �-� � 31995 ADMINI$TRATIVE �RI?ER, ConsistsM vrith the authority granted to tha Mayor in Section 10.07.4 af the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Pi�blir. Work� toamendthel9,��budgetofthe ra.,;ra�y fund,theDirecmroftheDepartrnerrt of Finance and Management Services is autho ed to amend said budget in the following manner: Curtent �� SPENDING PLAN C95-2T518 PIA Longside Construction C � FINANCING PLAN C96-2T674 1996 I nflow/Infi Itration State Revolving Loan Sew Serv Fund SPENDING PLAN C96-2T674 'Y 996 I nflowll nfiftration Construction Plan Construction • . - 41,596.88 -17,130.50 24,466.38 41,596.88 -17,130.50 24,466.38 301,862.70 -17,775.00 284,087.70 1,632,837.30 1,632,837.30 1,934,700.00 -17,775.00 1,916,925.00 • 4 � Q�pa*e6M. �'JMat�a9�� yil� � " ���� �� Requasied bY Direcior 312,000.00 312,000.00 1,622,700.00 -17,775.00 1,604,925.00 1,934,700.00 -17,775.00 1,916,925.60 � � �--�---t�/ M.y« li- �8- �� �W �:�: ��i��� - DEPARiMENT/ FFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIA7ED . ' ' ' ° � ruru�wo� � ior�ai96 GRE�EN SHEET �t��.3�9 _. .. .. ,..,� . , ` .��J�. .,.,n.FE .<...«.. ,,.r>.. ., . .AN47VLL/DATE—.. � CANTACTPER-�`�N.&PHONE........�.. ....- - � �.....^.-. - ., - .,� r*.,,....,, .,...,,.., �EPARTM�ENTDIRECTOR � CfTYCAUNCIL MichaelJ_Eggum 266-6143 �B R � �prrarroaNEV � Gnc�aic "' MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABV(DA"fE), ROVIING O.BUDGETOFFICE O flNANCE-ACCOUNTIN " ' ^' ���� ' �MAVOR(ORASSISTAN� 1 ��� � . � AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCPTIONS FOR SIGNANR� �2 � ROf � Q3 ��A�'.iMFNi � A_9 : ACIIONREWES7ED . . . �.. � ;; , Approval of administiative order amendina the 1995 Capital Improvement Pro�am by t�ansferring 1996Inflow/Infiltration funding and �:;w adding Assessmenu, Water Utility and 1995 PIA Longside fimding to the 1995 Inflow/Infiltrauon projut �E; �^ REGOMMENDATONS:App�ove(A)o(Reject(R) pEq$pryp�;SERVICECONFRACT$MUST/tN$WERTHEFOLLOWINGQUEST10tJS: � � �'� PIANNMGCOMMISSION � CIVILSEflVICECOMMI$SION ;C;' ' ` — 1. Has Mis persor�rtn ever worketl under a contract for this tlepartment? �� �_ C1B COMMITfEE _ YE3 NO � �; _ STAFF . �, , 2. H2S thi5 p215oNfirtn 2Ve[ bEE(1 a CitY ErtIPbyEC? � . - ii: YES NO „z "— Di5rA1Ci COUNq� _ 3- Does Nis person/firtn possess a sitill not normally possessetl by any cuirent city employee? �'�� SUPPORTSWHICHCAUNqLO&ECTIVE? YES NO ��,;. F�cplain all yes answers on separa[e sheet and attach M green sM1eet x<. d�'�:"� INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'iUNltt (WHO, WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, WHh: ifi, . " Wiggins Road and Howazd S4eet were added to the project. The Minnesota Street sha8 with consuuction of $15,000 for conshvction and `� $2,775 for engineering and inspection should lie financed from the 1996 Inflow/Infiltrafion project. �;; : �'�-� � � � � � � � � RECEiVED �,,. �`� ��� 5 1996 3� . f�,:. ::�r� c �: �,+ �ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � ;�`-: -` e Department of Public Works will be able to pay conhactor far work already performed. 04 �� � ��� � ��i,< �,� r�� < �.. � - , _ � '��'sd:r: . . � . . . . . .. . . _ �, . . , T,q` � DISADVANTAGES IPAPPpOVED� , t�.'.: . . - � , ' - �;•r'. None. t? ` �,:,. �,xr :; �. s`:'' �",�, d'�� �ISADVAMAGESIFNOTAPPROVE�: � � .� ��. Contractor will not be paid for work peiformed on dris pioject. " �,; >,' ��.;:. ��.�., �. eym '�a P,• , , . . . _ . ., . � ,`'�, r s - , , . , . .. . . }T '4. , c;, }` .,: -� � AMOUNT OFTRANSACiION $ 29 959 86 COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) yEg No `' � � C95-ZT673, C95-2T518 & C96-2T674 � -�� FUNDMG SOURCE - Wafe[ Utlity, Asmfs, PIA & SSF � AC77VfTY NUMBER � ' � FINANCIALINFOFMATION:(EXPWN) � � �,' Additi.ons - $29,952.86. Transfers - $34,905.50 � _ „ ; ° . � � � p � � �.: � � � a