275589 WHITE - UTV CIERK CQUflCll PG1�{r/��9
Co nc 'l esol tion
_ �Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Wi�[�EAS, Subject to the terms and oonditians imposed in Council Resolutiari
C.F. No. 272416 and. Chapter 228 of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code, the Council of
the City of Saint Paul did vacate the follawing described public aproperty locat�l in
the City of Saint Paul:
That part of Grotto Street lying between the extended South line of
Lot l, Block 3, Joseph R. Weide's Rearrangeme.nt of Block 3 and North one-half
of Bla:k 2, Winters Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota and the e��tended North
line of said Lot 1; also
Hubbard Avenue fran the ext�ended. easterly line of Lot 16, BloGk 11,
ButtPxfield Syndicate No. 2, to the West line extrended of Lot 20, BloGlc 3,
Joseph R. Weide's Rearrangem�nt of Bloc3c 3 and North one-half of Blocx 2,
Winters Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota
W�REP,,S, Section 228.05(e) of the 5a,int Paul Legislative Code pravides that the
resolution grant�ng the vacatian shal.l be null and void unless the ternis and condi-
tions of the vaca.tion resolution are accept�ed in writing and met within Thirty (30)
days publication of said resolutiari;
Wi�S, Petitioner, B & S Rigging and Erection, Inc., in Council Resolution
C.F. No. 272416, has failed to meet the require�rnnts as un�osecl in said resolution;
NOTn1 Tf�'ORE BE IT RESOLVID That Council Resolution C.F. No. 272416 is hereby
rescinded and the public property sought to be vacated therein continues for the
ben�efit of the public in accordance with the same use in existence prior to the
petition to vacate.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Butler Hunt �
ozza Levine d [n Favor
nt Maddor �
Le ' e � __ Against BY
OX ShoWalter
SEP � �� Form Approved by City Attorney
Adop by Coun ; W��son ate ��
s � �"07/8�
rtifie :sed by C etary
5 �980 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
�lpprove y � vor. Date ,
By — BY
pf�1.tSNED SEP 1 3 1980
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ABgust 1Z, 198D rt
Mr. Ed Starr �- .
� City Atto�q , �
8ixth Floor� CiLy Rali . • ` ';
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Uear SiC: ` ,
Will yo� plaase prapa�a�a resolt�tion re�ait�il�n� C.P. I�. �72416 which ' �
: �r+nntad :the petiti,�ci af: B b S Riggiag and Erecticm,�: Znc., for Lh.
� vACation. of pert of Grvtta Str��t snd Rab�asd, ��. Pleas� '6e
► . ad�vi�sd tha� t� c�pc�ueatian ae �et �t ia the reeo2ut�.m luut�.tx►t ' .
_ ba�n �b�ttsd to tha Cit3r, � ' , .
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- ' , Veiq..:truly yot�r��
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C,ity Cle�t'le '
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Attach. _ , .
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P�blie Wozke Departeaent '
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