275587 WHITE - CiTY CLERK �����• / PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 F CANARY - D6PARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L � BLUE - MA oR . File N O. ,rdin� � Ordinance N�. I�27� � . ^ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance Am�nding Section 147.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended Febru�'try 20� 1975� Peri-a i n i ng tp the Fine to be Imposed for Parking Nbeter Violations THE CO[A�TCIL OF Tf� CITY OF &AIlVT PAUL DOFS ORDAIlV: Section 1 That Section 147.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be amended by deleting therefran and. inserting the following in lieu thereof: 147.06 - PaymeYit Required - Maxurnun Fine If Paid Early No person shall stop, stand or park, or cause to stop, stand or park, any vehicle in any place serviced by a parking met�r and no persan shall allaw or cause any vehicle under his care or charge to remai.n in any such met�ered spa.ce be- yond the tin� pernti.tted by such metex. Violation of this section shall be a mi.sdem�eanor except that a maxi.m��n fine of $3.-98 $6.00 may be urrposed where the fine is paid in the Traffic Viola.tions Burea.0 within one week of the da.te of the violation. Sectiari 2 This ordinanoe shall take effect and be in foroe thirty (30) days fran and after its passage, appraval and publication. COUNCILMEN Yeas �` Nays Requested by Department of: Levine � ,' Maddox In Favor McMahon � Showalter A gai n�t BY Tedesco �Ison _._... � SEP 2 3 19�0 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council:, Date .��y Certified Pas a by Council Secretar�y ��rj� G�. '` � ' Appr ve y Mayor: Dat SEP �, Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY \ SEP 2 7 i9$0 r � � �,,.:.,z>..� t:�;�,�n.� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � �`''`� �� = OFFICF OF TFIE CITY COIINCIL e:saaae •r�ee�i�o�e s���e�r RON MADDOX KARL NEID, JR. Councilman Legislative Aide September 3, 1980 T0: City Council Members FROM: Ron Maddox, Council Pres�den Councilman Bill Wils ' I� RE: Parking Meter Violati ns Attached �s a copy of an ordinance increasing the rate of ineter violation charges from $3.00 to $6.00. The ordinance will be discussed at the City Development Committee meeting to be held on Thursday, September 4. Additional facets of the parking program will also be discussed at that time. It will be formally introduced at the City Council meeting on the same day, under special consideration. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to let me know. RM:das CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4475 �� . ii _ ,. . ist �_ _ ' _ _ , � - :' ("� 2nd ;. � 3rd �— �(- — ��;��� Adopted �.�' ' ,' ' . � Yeas Nays FiUNT LEVINE ���'`��� _ McMAHQN I��G ( SAOWALTER TEDESCO WILSON PRESIDENT (MADDOX) , � :� -_r:,�y ,ti:;,�'