00-944Council File # a— 9 � Green Sheet # 103 �l 3 RESOLUTION CITY OF SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date An Adininistrative Resolution to Establish the Rate of Pay 2 13 for the new class of Project Management Tecluucian (Bi-Lingual). BE IT RES OLUED, that the rate of pay for the class of Proj ect Management Technician (Bi-Lingual be established at the rate set forth in grade 30, Section ID 2, Technical Employees Standard Ranges of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolurion shall take effect and be in farce on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Kequested by Department of. Ht an Resources ice f . �f�i �vl. �L%� Y Fonn App ve� City Atto y B c'('�1T� o0 •... � - -.. . - � ... . -. . . .. ry,; �-�� � , ;,� � �«� . � ! � �� � ii� � � � � � Approved b}{�ylayor for Submission to Council By: _ ��{ /'�� _�✓L�'�� // Adopted by Council: Date �� , ����p_�a_ � 00 -9'W nEP,��,�,��o�c��o��n.: DATE �'IT�T� GREEN SHEET No.: 10343 x��x��� s�,��-aa, � a CONTACC PERSON & PHONE: � 1NTTI2il✓DATE A'17'W.NATE Mark Rabertson 266-6471 DEPART'bfENT DIlt s C1'rY CouNCCu Michaei Foley 266-64841�j /J/y� ��� ATTp�Ey s CrrY cinzx 3 ANCIAL SERV DIl2. TECfI & MGT. SERVICES DIIL MUSTBEONCOUS�CII.AGENDABY(DATE) A � ING MpypR(ORASST.) CNQ.SERVICECOIvA4LSSION ORDER (�Sf� 1 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE YAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUSiE) acr[ox REQuFS'r�v: Approve the attached zesolution establishing the salary for the new class entifled "Project Management Technician (Bi-Lingual)". RECOI�91g.NDA1TONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACI'S M[TST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTSONS: PLANNING COT�IISSION CIVII, SERVICE COMMISSION I. Has this person/fum ever worked under a contract for flils depattm�t? CIB COMMITTEE Yes No STAFF - 2. Has this P��� ever been a city empioyee? DISIRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WI�IICH COIJNCII, OBJECTIVE? 3. Dces this person/firm_possegs a_s1g11 not n�rnally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Fsplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INII7ATING PROBLEM, ISSiTE, OPPORTUNTfY (Who, wnar, wneo, wne«, wh PED has a need for Project management staff who axe fluent in languages other than English. The population of the City is changing and not all of the new citizens have had the apportunity to become fluent in English and in the concepts of real estate, development, and governmenf programs that impact their lives. This lack of communications can unpede progress in economic development, and particularly in housing stock improvement. anvnxTacES �.�rrxovEn: Appropriate compensation will be established for the new class. vrsauvaNracES � nPrxovEn: T4iere are no la�own disadvantages. PED is not requesting additionai FTEs and we aze proposing that the rate for this title be the same as the rate for Froject Management Tecluucian, so there is no increase in cost. nisauvasrrncES � xar nrrxovEn: Appropriate compensation will not be established for the new class and the City may not be able to recruit and retain qualified people in this class. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ O.00 COST/REVEN[IE BUDGETED: YeS FUNDINGSOURCE: LZE) ACTIVITYNUMBER: 3SOIS FINANCIAI. IIVFORMATION: (F.XPLAIl�) G:�Shazed\Team2\CLASS\projtecl�bilinB�B°°l�a'Pa �' �s;rt�nP ��T Q � iQO� 00 -9�1y Salary for the Proposed TiUe of Project Management Technician (Bi-Lingual) Pav Rate Compared to Proposed Pav Rate Project Management Technician (Bi-Lingual) (Proposed) $ 1,482.31 AFSCME Technical Grade 30/Step 6 Project Management Technician (Bi-Lingual) $ 1,482.31 AFSCME Technical Grade 30/Step 6) - Bi-Weekly Costs (Step Six Comparison) Annual Additional Cost (Step Six Comparison) - 0 G:�Shazed\Team2\CLASS\projtechbilingual\pay3.wpd Oo -�yy CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPOIiT SUNIMARY CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: Project Management Technician (Bi-Lingual) (Proposed Title) Vacant Michael F. Foley ii�' i`d ��bb- l`�� o(,�'a PERSONS CONTACTED: Carole Otto (PED - Adiniii Team Leader and PED Personnel Liaison) APPIiOVAL OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: �` i Background PED staff are increasingly encountering language and communication barriers in various issues of community development and particularly in housing development with citizens for whom English is a second language. This proposed bi-lingual class ofpositions will assist in easing these problems. StudXCom�onents Interview with the Administrative Team leader in PED Comparison to class specifications Comparison with other job studies QES Evaluation and Analysis Position OverviewBackground The proposed class ofpositions will be paid at the same level as the existing Project Management Technician class. The particular language requirement will be specified in the Job Announcement (position announcement) based on client need. bo-9yy Comparison to Class S�ecifications The proposed duties and responsibilities to be assigned to tlus class were compared to the duties and responsibilities specified in the existing Project Management Technician class. Except for the requirement to be fluent in at least one language other than English, they were the same. The duties and responsibilities were not adequately describe in the project manager series nor in the City Planner series. The Project Management class spec, with the addition of the lanb age requirement, is an accurate description of the proposed responsibilities. Comparison to Other Positions A brief review of some of the posirions assigned to the Project Manager series, the City Planner series, and the Project Management Tecluvcian indicates that the proposed duties are typical of positions assigned to the Project Management Technician class. 4ES Evaluation and Analysis The QES evaluation and analysis justifies assignment of this class to grade 30 in the AFSCME Technical unit. Recommendation It is recommended that the new ritle, "Project Management Technician (Bi-Lingual)" be established and be compensated at the rate described above. ���� GODE: 170B "�' su: 02 Oo—g`ty EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED TSTLE OF CLASS: PROJECT MANAGEMENT TECHNICIAN - BI-LINGUAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties Perfoxms technical work assisting project managers and neighborhood organizations with projects; and performs related duties as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the technical and administrative supervision of a project manager, unit supervisor or the team leader. Supervision Exexcised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Acts as a liaison between staff, developers, community groups and community-based staff. Provides requested information regarding city ragulations and programs to neighborhood and community groups. Assists with the collection and analysis of project and program data; writes reports and project/program summaries; monitors expenditures of allocated funds and completion of stated goals. Coordinates or assists others in coordinating ongoing grogram activities including acquisition, relocation, disposition, publicity campaigns and special programs. Monitors assigned project and program activities. Contacts property owners ragarding specific programs. Assists neighborhood and community groups with goal setting and fund-proposal preparations. Assists in evaluating project and program effectiveness and in determining whether the program's objectives have been met. Translates and interprets for non-English speaking persons regarding a vaxiety of pxoject and development issues in the particular language(s) specified. (continued on reverse side) PROJECT MANAGEMENT TECHNICZAN - BI-LINGUAL �g �� Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF GLASS: PROJECT MANAGEMENT TECtINICIAN - BI-LINGUAL OO �t �� KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCZES Some knowledge of city government and city development process. Some knowledge of public redevelopment procedures and processes. Some knowledge of co�unity issues and organization principles. Working ability to co�unicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups both orally and in writing. Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. Some ability to budget time, money and personnel. Considerable ability to speak, write, interpret, and translate between English and one or more other languages. (These will be specified on the announcement.) MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS 1�ao years of college with course work in Public Administration, Business Administration, Urban Planning, Economics, Management or a related field or two years' experience as a project technical assistant in a property development organization or equivalent. All candidates must be bi-lingual and be able to fluently read, write, and speak both English and one or more of the languages specified in the examination announcement. PROJECT MANAGEMENT TECHNICIAN - BI-LINGUAL �� OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hainilton, D'vumr C`ITY OF SAINT PAUL 400 CiryHaRA�ex Norm Colem¢n, Mayor 25 Wut Fourth Saeet Sain[Pmd,Minnesota 55 7 02-1 63 7 W� T0: Brian Sweeney, Duector Departrnent of Plauniug and Economic Development FROM: f1Y11�11 � Michael F. Foley i/ Office of Human R s���o �es August 18, 2000 T����. TDD/l'lY.� Jobline: Facrimile.� I" Opiios 2"' Option.• 3i Opfion: ao-4yy 65I-266-6500 651-266-6501 65I46b6502 65I-292-6414 651-192-6415 657-292-7656 Twenty Day Notice - Proposed Project Management Teclmician (Bi-Lingual) We are proposing the creation of a new class entitled Project Management Technician Bi-Lingual}. I have attached a copy of the proposed class specifications and a copy of the class specificarions for the Proj ect Management Technician for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not heaz from you within that time&ame, I will assuxne agreement and will proceed with the process. I hereby waive the rime remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this ritle and class specification. Natne cc: Carole Otto � a3 61� Date �� G:!SltaredlTeam21C!✓iSSlprojtechbtiinguaP20cmgxwpd �S � t� a � � � c� �� 2 �� � �Y'i ra� u' t es= "�.,� �� � �� cn � CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Narne Colemarz, Mayw L�UgUSt 18, 2��� Roger Segal, Business Manager Kurt Errickson, Business Representative AFSCME District Council # 14 LocaIl842 300 Hardman Ave. So., Suite 2 South Saint Paul, MN 55075-2469 OFFICE OF fiUMAN RESOURCES 7ohn Hm+ziLton, D'uector 400 CiryHallAnnec 25 West Fowth Street SentPau� Minnesota 551 02-1 63 7 Telephanc 1DD/CIY.� 7obline: Facrimile_ 00 -9HY 612-266-6500 672-266-6501 672-266-6502 612-292-7656 RE: Twenty Day iVotice - Proposed Project Management Technician (Bi-Lingual) We are proposing the creation of a new class entitled Project Management Technician Bi- Lingual). I have attached a copy of the proposed ciass specifications and a copy of ffie class specifications for the Project Management Technician for yourreview. The proposed Bi-Lingual ritle will be a new title, not a replacement. We propose that compensarion be the same as the Project Management Technician. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within Yhat timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. Thank you. � , / �c elFoley � I hereby waive the time remainiug on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. .��- Date ( �� U��a�2 L'l-2c�'[��rtPr� � �'�,spo7�' zZ� ��iG c�� G�z�y 1!�G✓lv� C(�S� � ,f�l�� �� �v�7U� �l/ � f't�of / / d2�� � Council File # a— 9 � Green Sheet # 103 �l 3 RESOLUTION CITY OF SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date An Adininistrative Resolution to Establish the Rate of Pay 2 13 for the new class of Project Management Tecluucian (Bi-Lingual). BE IT RES OLUED, that the rate of pay for the class of Proj ect Management Technician (Bi-Lingual be established at the rate set forth in grade 30, Section ID 2, Technical Employees Standard Ranges of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolurion shall take effect and be in farce on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Kequested by Department of. Ht an Resources ice f . �f�i �vl. �L%� Y Fonn App ve� City Atto y B c'('�1T� o0 •... � - -.. . - � ... . -. . . .. ry,; �-�� � , ;,� � �«� . � ! � �� � ii� � � � � � Approved b}{�ylayor for Submission to Council By: _ ��{ /'�� _�✓L�'�� // Adopted by Council: Date �� , i\ ..1.0 o a -�- � 00 -9'W nEP,��,�,��o�c��o��n.: DATE �'IT�T� GREEN SHEET No.: 10343 x��x��� s�,��-aa, � a CONTACC PERSON & PHONE: � 1NTTI2il✓DATE A'17'W.NATE Mark Rabertson 266-6471 DEPART'bfENT DIlt s C1'rY CouNCCu Michaei Foley 266-64841�j /J/y� ��� ATTp�Ey s CrrY cinzx 3 ANCIAL SERV DIl2. TECfI & MGT. SERVICES DIIL MUSTBEONCOUS�CII.AGENDABY(DATE) A � ING MpypR(ORASST.) CNQ.SERVICECOIvA4LSSION ORDER (�Sf� 1 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE YAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUSiE) acr[ox REQuFS'r�v: Approve the attached zesolution establishing the salary for the new class entifled "Project Management Technician (Bi-Lingual)". RECOI�91g.NDA1TONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACI'S M[TST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTSONS: PLANNING COT�IISSION CIVII, SERVICE COMMISSION I. Has this person/fum ever worked under a contract for flils depattm�t? CIB COMMITTEE Yes No STAFF - 2. Has this P��� ever been a city empioyee? DISIRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WI�IICH COIJNCII, OBJECTIVE? 3. Dces this person/firm_possegs a_s1g11 not n�rnally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Fsplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INII7ATING PROBLEM, ISSiTE, OPPORTUNTfY (Who, wnar, wneo, wne«, wh PED has a need for Project management staff who axe fluent in languages other than English. The population of the City is changing and not all of the new citizens have had the apportunity to become fluent in English and in the concepts of real estate, development, and governmenf programs that impact their lives. This lack of communications can unpede progress in economic development, and particularly in housing stock improvement. anvnxTacES �.�rrxovEn: Appropriate compensation will be established for the new class. vrsauvaNracES � nPrxovEn: T4iere are no la�own disadvantages. PED is not requesting additionai FTEs and we aze proposing that the rate for this title be the same as the rate for Froject Management Tecluucian, so there is no increase in cost. nisauvasrrncES � xar nrrxovEn: Appropriate compensation will not be established for the new class and the City may not be able to recruit and retain qualified people in this class. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ O.00 COST/REVEN[IE BUDGETED: YeS FUNDINGSOURCE: LZE) ACTIVITYNUMBER: 3SOIS FINANCIAI. IIVFORMATION: (F.XPLAIl�) G:�Shazed\Team2\CLASS\projtecl�bilinB�B°°l�a'Pa �' �s;rt�nP ��T Q � iQO� 00 -9�1y Salary for the Proposed TiUe of Project Management Technician (Bi-Lingual) Pav Rate Compared to Proposed Pav Rate Project Management Technician (Bi-Lingual) (Proposed) $ 1,482.31 AFSCME Technical Grade 30/Step 6 Project Management Technician (Bi-Lingual) $ 1,482.31 AFSCME Technical Grade 30/Step 6) - Bi-Weekly Costs (Step Six Comparison) Annual Additional Cost (Step Six Comparison) - 0 G:�Shazed\Team2\CLASS\projtechbilingual\pay3.wpd Oo -�yy CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPOIiT SUNIMARY CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: Project Management Technician (Bi-Lingual) (Proposed Title) Vacant Michael F. Foley ii�' i`d ��bb- l`�� o(,�'a PERSONS CONTACTED: Carole Otto (PED - Adiniii Team Leader and PED Personnel Liaison) APPIiOVAL OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: �` i Background PED staff are increasingly encountering language and communication barriers in various issues of community development and particularly in housing development with citizens for whom English is a second language. This proposed bi-lingual class ofpositions will assist in easing these problems. StudXCom�onents Interview with the Administrative Team leader in PED Comparison to class specifications Comparison with other job studies QES Evaluation and Analysis Position OverviewBackground The proposed class ofpositions will be paid at the same level as the existing Project Management Technician class. The particular language requirement will be specified in the Job Announcement (position announcement) based on client need. bo-9yy Comparison to Class S�ecifications The proposed duties and responsibilities to be assigned to tlus class were compared to the duties and responsibilities specified in the existing Project Management Technician class. Except for the requirement to be fluent in at least one language other than English, they were the same. The duties and responsibilities were not adequately describe in the project manager series nor in the City Planner series. The Project Management class spec, with the addition of the lanb age requirement, is an accurate description of the proposed responsibilities. Comparison to Other Positions A brief review of some of the posirions assigned to the Project Manager series, the City Planner series, and the Project Management Tecluvcian indicates that the proposed duties are typical of positions assigned to the Project Management Technician class. 4ES Evaluation and Analysis The QES evaluation and analysis justifies assignment of this class to grade 30 in the AFSCME Technical unit. Recommendation It is recommended that the new ritle, "Project Management Technician (Bi-Lingual)" be established and be compensated at the rate described above. ���� GODE: 170B "�' su: 02 Oo—g`ty EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED TSTLE OF CLASS: PROJECT MANAGEMENT TECHNICIAN - BI-LINGUAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties Perfoxms technical work assisting project managers and neighborhood organizations with projects; and performs related duties as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the technical and administrative supervision of a project manager, unit supervisor or the team leader. Supervision Exexcised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Acts as a liaison between staff, developers, community groups and community-based staff. Provides requested information regarding city ragulations and programs to neighborhood and community groups. Assists with the collection and analysis of project and program data; writes reports and project/program summaries; monitors expenditures of allocated funds and completion of stated goals. Coordinates or assists others in coordinating ongoing grogram activities including acquisition, relocation, disposition, publicity campaigns and special programs. Monitors assigned project and program activities. Contacts property owners ragarding specific programs. Assists neighborhood and community groups with goal setting and fund-proposal preparations. Assists in evaluating project and program effectiveness and in determining whether the program's objectives have been met. Translates and interprets for non-English speaking persons regarding a vaxiety of pxoject and development issues in the particular language(s) specified. (continued on reverse side) PROJECT MANAGEMENT TECHNICZAN - BI-LINGUAL �g �� Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF GLASS: PROJECT MANAGEMENT TECtINICIAN - BI-LINGUAL OO �t �� KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCZES Some knowledge of city government and city development process. Some knowledge of public redevelopment procedures and processes. Some knowledge of co�unity issues and organization principles. Working ability to co�unicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups both orally and in writing. Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. Some ability to budget time, money and personnel. Considerable ability to speak, write, interpret, and translate between English and one or more other languages. (These will be specified on the announcement.) MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS 1�ao years of college with course work in Public Administration, Business Administration, Urban Planning, Economics, Management or a related field or two years' experience as a project technical assistant in a property development organization or equivalent. All candidates must be bi-lingual and be able to fluently read, write, and speak both English and one or more of the languages specified in the examination announcement. PROJECT MANAGEMENT TECHNICIAN - BI-LINGUAL �� OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hainilton, D'vumr C`ITY OF SAINT PAUL 400 CiryHaRA�ex Norm Colem¢n, Mayor 25 Wut Fourth Saeet Sain[Pmd,Minnesota 55 7 02-1 63 7 W� T0: Brian Sweeney, Duector Departrnent of Plauniug and Economic Development FROM: f1Y11�11 � Michael F. Foley i/ Office of Human R s���o �es August 18, 2000 T����. TDD/l'lY.� Jobline: Facrimile.� I" Opiios 2"' Option.• 3i Opfion: ao-4yy 65I-266-6500 651-266-6501 65I46b6502 65I-292-6414 651-192-6415 657-292-7656 Twenty Day Notice - Proposed Project Management Teclmician (Bi-Lingual) We are proposing the creation of a new class entitled Project Management Technician Bi-Lingual}. I have attached a copy of the proposed class specifications and a copy of the class specificarions for the Proj ect Management Technician for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not heaz from you within that time&ame, I will assuxne agreement and will proceed with the process. I hereby waive the rime remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this ritle and class specification. Natne cc: Carole Otto � a3 61� Date �� G:!SltaredlTeam21C!✓iSSlprojtechbtiinguaP20cmgxwpd �S � t� a � � � c� �� 2 �� � �Y'i ra� u' t es= "�.,� �� � �� cn � CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Narne Colemarz, Mayw L�UgUSt 18, 2��� Roger Segal, Business Manager Kurt Errickson, Business Representative AFSCME District Council # 14 LocaIl842 300 Hardman Ave. So., Suite 2 South Saint Paul, MN 55075-2469 OFFICE OF fiUMAN RESOURCES 7ohn Hm+ziLton, D'uector 400 CiryHallAnnec 25 West Fowth Street SentPau� Minnesota 551 02-1 63 7 Telephanc 1DD/CIY.� 7obline: Facrimile_ 00 -9HY 612-266-6500 672-266-6501 672-266-6502 612-292-7656 RE: Twenty Day iVotice - Proposed Project Management Technician (Bi-Lingual) We are proposing the creation of a new class entitled Project Management Technician Bi- Lingual). I have attached a copy of the proposed ciass specifications and a copy of ffie class specifications for the Project Management Technician for yourreview. The proposed Bi-Lingual ritle will be a new title, not a replacement. We propose that compensarion be the same as the Project Management Technician. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within Yhat timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. Thank you. � , / �c elFoley � I hereby waive the time remainiug on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. .��- Date ( �� U��a�2 L'l-2c�'[��rtPr� � �'�,spo7�' zZ� ��iG c�� G�z�y 1!�G✓lv� C(�S� � ,f�l�� �� �v�7U� �l/ � f't�of / / d2�� � Council File # a— 9 � Green Sheet # 103 �l 3 RESOLUTION CITY OF SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date An Adininistrative Resolution to Establish the Rate of Pay 2 13 for the new class of Project Management Tecluucian (Bi-Lingual). BE IT RES OLUED, that the rate of pay for the class of Proj ect Management Technician (Bi-Lingual be established at the rate set forth in grade 30, Section ID 2, Technical Employees Standard Ranges of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolurion shall take effect and be in farce on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Kequested by Department of. Ht an Resources ice f . �f�i �vl. �L%� Y Fonn App ve� City Atto y B c'('�1T� o0 •... � - -.. . - � ... . -. . . .. ry,; �-�� � , ;,� � �«� . � ! � �� � ii� � � � � � Approved b}{�ylayor for Submission to Council By: _ ��{ /'�� _�✓L�'�� // Adopted by Council: Date �� , i\ ..1.0 o a -�- � 00 -9'W nEP,��,�,��o�c��o��n.: DATE �'IT�T� GREEN SHEET No.: 10343 x��x��� s�,��-aa, � a CONTACC PERSON & PHONE: � 1NTTI2il✓DATE A'17'W.NATE Mark Rabertson 266-6471 DEPART'bfENT DIlt s C1'rY CouNCCu Michaei Foley 266-64841�j /J/y� ��� ATTp�Ey s CrrY cinzx 3 ANCIAL SERV DIl2. TECfI & MGT. SERVICES DIIL MUSTBEONCOUS�CII.AGENDABY(DATE) A � ING MpypR(ORASST.) CNQ.SERVICECOIvA4LSSION ORDER (�Sf� 1 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE YAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUSiE) acr[ox REQuFS'r�v: Approve the attached zesolution establishing the salary for the new class entifled "Project Management Technician (Bi-Lingual)". RECOI�91g.NDA1TONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACI'S M[TST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTSONS: PLANNING COT�IISSION CIVII, SERVICE COMMISSION I. Has this person/fum ever worked under a contract for flils depattm�t? CIB COMMITTEE Yes No STAFF - 2. Has this P��� ever been a city empioyee? DISIRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WI�IICH COIJNCII, OBJECTIVE? 3. Dces this person/firm_possegs a_s1g11 not n�rnally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Fsplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INII7ATING PROBLEM, ISSiTE, OPPORTUNTfY (Who, wnar, wneo, wne«, wh PED has a need for Project management staff who axe fluent in languages other than English. The population of the City is changing and not all of the new citizens have had the apportunity to become fluent in English and in the concepts of real estate, development, and governmenf programs that impact their lives. This lack of communications can unpede progress in economic development, and particularly in housing stock improvement. anvnxTacES �.�rrxovEn: Appropriate compensation will be established for the new class. vrsauvaNracES � nPrxovEn: T4iere are no la�own disadvantages. PED is not requesting additionai FTEs and we aze proposing that the rate for this title be the same as the rate for Froject Management Tecluucian, so there is no increase in cost. nisauvasrrncES � xar nrrxovEn: Appropriate compensation will not be established for the new class and the City may not be able to recruit and retain qualified people in this class. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ O.00 COST/REVEN[IE BUDGETED: YeS FUNDINGSOURCE: LZE) ACTIVITYNUMBER: 3SOIS FINANCIAI. IIVFORMATION: (F.XPLAIl�) G:�Shazed\Team2\CLASS\projtecl�bilinB�B°°l�a'Pa �' �s;rt�nP ��T Q � iQO� 00 -9�1y Salary for the Proposed TiUe of Project Management Technician (Bi-Lingual) Pav Rate Compared to Proposed Pav Rate Project Management Technician (Bi-Lingual) (Proposed) $ 1,482.31 AFSCME Technical Grade 30/Step 6 Project Management Technician (Bi-Lingual) $ 1,482.31 AFSCME Technical Grade 30/Step 6) - Bi-Weekly Costs (Step Six Comparison) Annual Additional Cost (Step Six Comparison) - 0 G:�Shazed\Team2\CLASS\projtechbilingual\pay3.wpd Oo -�yy CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPOIiT SUNIMARY CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: Project Management Technician (Bi-Lingual) (Proposed Title) Vacant Michael F. Foley ii�' i`d ��bb- l`�� o(,�'a PERSONS CONTACTED: Carole Otto (PED - Adiniii Team Leader and PED Personnel Liaison) APPIiOVAL OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: �` i Background PED staff are increasingly encountering language and communication barriers in various issues of community development and particularly in housing development with citizens for whom English is a second language. This proposed bi-lingual class ofpositions will assist in easing these problems. StudXCom�onents Interview with the Administrative Team leader in PED Comparison to class specifications Comparison with other job studies QES Evaluation and Analysis Position OverviewBackground The proposed class ofpositions will be paid at the same level as the existing Project Management Technician class. The particular language requirement will be specified in the Job Announcement (position announcement) based on client need. bo-9yy Comparison to Class S�ecifications The proposed duties and responsibilities to be assigned to tlus class were compared to the duties and responsibilities specified in the existing Project Management Technician class. Except for the requirement to be fluent in at least one language other than English, they were the same. The duties and responsibilities were not adequately describe in the project manager series nor in the City Planner series. The Project Management class spec, with the addition of the lanb age requirement, is an accurate description of the proposed responsibilities. Comparison to Other Positions A brief review of some of the posirions assigned to the Project Manager series, the City Planner series, and the Project Management Tecluvcian indicates that the proposed duties are typical of positions assigned to the Project Management Technician class. 4ES Evaluation and Analysis The QES evaluation and analysis justifies assignment of this class to grade 30 in the AFSCME Technical unit. Recommendation It is recommended that the new ritle, "Project Management Technician (Bi-Lingual)" be established and be compensated at the rate described above. ���� GODE: 170B "�' su: 02 Oo—g`ty EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED TSTLE OF CLASS: PROJECT MANAGEMENT TECHNICIAN - BI-LINGUAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties Perfoxms technical work assisting project managers and neighborhood organizations with projects; and performs related duties as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the technical and administrative supervision of a project manager, unit supervisor or the team leader. Supervision Exexcised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Acts as a liaison between staff, developers, community groups and community-based staff. Provides requested information regarding city ragulations and programs to neighborhood and community groups. Assists with the collection and analysis of project and program data; writes reports and project/program summaries; monitors expenditures of allocated funds and completion of stated goals. Coordinates or assists others in coordinating ongoing grogram activities including acquisition, relocation, disposition, publicity campaigns and special programs. Monitors assigned project and program activities. Contacts property owners ragarding specific programs. Assists neighborhood and community groups with goal setting and fund-proposal preparations. Assists in evaluating project and program effectiveness and in determining whether the program's objectives have been met. Translates and interprets for non-English speaking persons regarding a vaxiety of pxoject and development issues in the particular language(s) specified. (continued on reverse side) PROJECT MANAGEMENT TECHNICZAN - BI-LINGUAL �g �� Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF GLASS: PROJECT MANAGEMENT TECtINICIAN - BI-LINGUAL OO �t �� KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCZES Some knowledge of city government and city development process. Some knowledge of public redevelopment procedures and processes. Some knowledge of co�unity issues and organization principles. Working ability to co�unicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups both orally and in writing. Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. Some ability to budget time, money and personnel. Considerable ability to speak, write, interpret, and translate between English and one or more other languages. (These will be specified on the announcement.) MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS 1�ao years of college with course work in Public Administration, Business Administration, Urban Planning, Economics, Management or a related field or two years' experience as a project technical assistant in a property development organization or equivalent. All candidates must be bi-lingual and be able to fluently read, write, and speak both English and one or more of the languages specified in the examination announcement. PROJECT MANAGEMENT TECHNICIAN - BI-LINGUAL �� OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hainilton, D'vumr C`ITY OF SAINT PAUL 400 CiryHaRA�ex Norm Colem¢n, Mayor 25 Wut Fourth Saeet Sain[Pmd,Minnesota 55 7 02-1 63 7 W� T0: Brian Sweeney, Duector Departrnent of Plauniug and Economic Development FROM: f1Y11�11 � Michael F. Foley i/ Office of Human R s���o �es August 18, 2000 T����. TDD/l'lY.� Jobline: Facrimile.� I" Opiios 2"' Option.• 3i Opfion: ao-4yy 65I-266-6500 651-266-6501 65I46b6502 65I-292-6414 651-192-6415 657-292-7656 Twenty Day Notice - Proposed Project Management Teclmician (Bi-Lingual) We are proposing the creation of a new class entitled Project Management Technician Bi-Lingual}. I have attached a copy of the proposed class specifications and a copy of the class specificarions for the Proj ect Management Technician for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not heaz from you within that time&ame, I will assuxne agreement and will proceed with the process. I hereby waive the rime remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this ritle and class specification. Natne cc: Carole Otto � a3 61� Date �� G:!SltaredlTeam21C!✓iSSlprojtechbtiinguaP20cmgxwpd �S � t� a � � � c� �� 2 �� � �Y'i ra� u' t es= "�.,� �� � �� cn � CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Narne Colemarz, Mayw L�UgUSt 18, 2��� Roger Segal, Business Manager Kurt Errickson, Business Representative AFSCME District Council # 14 LocaIl842 300 Hardman Ave. So., Suite 2 South Saint Paul, MN 55075-2469 OFFICE OF fiUMAN RESOURCES 7ohn Hm+ziLton, D'uector 400 CiryHallAnnec 25 West Fowth Street SentPau� Minnesota 551 02-1 63 7 Telephanc 1DD/CIY.� 7obline: Facrimile_ 00 -9HY 612-266-6500 672-266-6501 672-266-6502 612-292-7656 RE: Twenty Day iVotice - Proposed Project Management Technician (Bi-Lingual) We are proposing the creation of a new class entitled Project Management Technician Bi- Lingual). I have attached a copy of the proposed ciass specifications and a copy of ffie class specifications for the Project Management Technician for yourreview. The proposed Bi-Lingual ritle will be a new title, not a replacement. We propose that compensarion be the same as the Project Management Technician. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within Yhat timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. Thank you. � , / �c elFoley � I hereby waive the time remainiug on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. .��- Date ( �� U��a�2 L'l-2c�'[��rtPr� � �'�,spo7�' zZ� ��iG c�� G�z�y 1!�G✓lv� C(�S� � ,f�l�� �� �v�7U� �l/ � f't�of / / d2�� �