275578 WHITE — CITV CLERK COU�ICII � / ��` e�(1 PINK - — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT 1 AUL 1 V � CANARV — DEPARTMENT BLUE — MAVOR File NO. RE�[7�tN COPY TO VALUATION CQ • ut��n r Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WfIlritFAS, the City of Saint Pau1 has requested certa3n assistance in vaxiaus tasks associated with its land acquisition for the Great River Road Pro3ect S.P. 16�+-020-1W, al.so id�ntified by Minnesota Pro�ect GR-5o1.8(6) ; arxl WI�RF'AS, Minnesota Depaxtment of Transportation is prepased to um�.erta.ke certa3n of said tasks upon the timely request of the City of Saint paul; ncjw, therefore, be it RESOLV�, tha.t the proper City officials are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, Agreement No. 60101 with the Minnesota Depaxtment of Transportation. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � tler Hunt Fi e & ent 8ervices ozza [n Favor Levine � � vine Maddox __ Against By '��—_ Director Ma dox McMahon Sho alter Waiter � � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted ouncil: Date Ce ied Passe y Council Secretary� � BY `� App by Ylavor: Dat p 4 198� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ` � By - — By � �u�u�EO S E P 1 3 1980 �, - -��-.�� � {�'.� �.�: - � � � � �,�,/' �'�!"�,'���=' ��;,�;`'��"�' y� � W � q - ''! ��y��i,hV � � ��v�tia� �4���;k,��`Q, .�/ t� ��i :.'v /j;���Ll t�ari►�l�i�'h�i`` �` •1 ,�;. � � �-- ���►Y��,�:��. ��;-a�.�!�""l;;�i!�.l_i� k1�''�. _ -��.�" _ ���� � r+ �l►�..�� r`� ---- ,: 1..t:�1� r 1 � �`'�� � ����.��'. ._ L/�i4;� � _. ..}���� \v� �\ � � '���►�►�T� ��;tr'�7:�i7+i:1�'%JJn` � -- � < � " �� �Q� .• '�`(�'� t.�<<�,-: * � � __�� � :. �.� . �� ��� ��. - `, �h `,�1;��,�L,\�±���_,��. ��`���. \�� �; �(►T���,� �,/� �.- / _ � �,1 x�„-'"�`; � �..._'7, _ _ _- / � ` �< ` �� �� �\� �� i �..��� ��r� �s�1 A �► ���'t�}.�u��'�,► % /i,�� � �/� • �.�?�c�;� a,.�.�.w�,''�►`��� -E�� � \� ��--�_- --- --,--- � -�����A� ���►�`��`��� ��=�=� \` �►�.'��,���.�,.������t�.=�• =�i��; ,�, � �`�,'� �, ,�; ,�,�� !�:=�— ��� � � a�����,r=��!I�w�:� 1il' ,��� .�. ,�;�. ,�\ ��f•''�►�'��.\� `y ��\ . :I...t�.�..::��..-_t� � �1 _ '�.. �"7�f�� � Sl���.t'%i.�-• , `�� . . - - \�� � I�\�"``_�%r!,Cn -T �y � �� .�.!� .r i..�i.• � ��/' _ .,,.- -� ,��s ��y- '�► ��� ����' 1. �i � �� `�'� ,. � . .� �o �',_ � t�'y.�.�':.��=t'� I �:��''�i/-'",�,��i.��!��l�,i;�' .��� ` `` �� �3`. ��� �!�r����i�� �:�►`D����''� �� �' � :.�� : � -r �- ���a,���,�i \.��., • /_ �.,���^�T���. 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Eng3neer, De�rt�ent of Finance & l�aagement Servicee RE: Great River Road M3nn. Pro�ect GR-50].8 (6) . (S.P. 16�+-020-40) AC7ION REQ�EStED: . _ Apprave resolution whieh wi11 authorize the prcrp�r City ofPici.als to execute an agreemeat betyreea the �Iinnesota Department of Tra�sportation ar�cl the City which p�bvides the Stats to bi11 the City for servicts perfor��d by tt�e �tate rel.ative to the above mentioa�ci pro�ect. . PJRP�OSE AWD RATIONRLE FOR THIS ACTION: Pro�ect authorized by Final Order No. 2'72378 aPPY'o� Janue�rY 17, �979• � AT'fACHMENTS: l. Resolution - 2. Copy of A�e�eat 3. �P ��5�'��� AGREF,MENP N0. 60101 This Agreement made this day of , 19 � by and between the MINNESOTA DEPARTMENr OF TRANSPORTATION, hereit�af`ter referred to herein as "MnfDOT'� and the City of St. �.ul hereinafter referred to herein a s the "SPONSOR". WI'rNESSETH: WHEREAS, the SPONSOR required certain assistance in various ta.sks associated with its land acquisition for The Great River Road Pro�ect, S. P. 164-020-�+0, also identified by Minn. Pro3. GR 5018 (6), and WHEREAS, Mn/�Dot is prepared to undertake certain of said tasks upon the � timely request of the SPONSOR, and NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties to this agree- ment tY�at: 1. The Mn�DOT will underta.ke to assist the SPONSOR in the implemen- tation of its land acquisition program by performing such tasks related to said program as the SPONSOR shall from time to time request through the office of the Mayor or such persons as authorized by the Ma.yor. These services as provided by MnfDOT shall not supersede the normal right of way operations for the Mn�`DO►P. 2, Mn�`DpT sha.11 limit its responsibility to field title inform�.tion, review of legal descriptions, appraisals and the review of appraisals, acqui- sition by direct purcY�.se or eminent domain, if necessa.ry, and relocation assistance. Environmental Imp�.ct Statement and hearings, public hearings, maps, layouts, surveys, ownership title opinions and legal descriptinns shall be the responsibility of the SPONSOR. 3. Should condemnation be necessary and upon request by the SPONSOR, Mn�DOT, through the States Attorney General and pursua.nt to Minnesota. Statutes (1978) Cha.pter 117, shall initiate, prosecute and carry to completion in the name of the SPONSOR, proceedings in eminent domain - including if necessa.ry appeals from Awards of Commissioners, and trial or settlement of the sa.me, for the acquisition of parcels designated for acquisition by the SPONSOR. Pa�e 1 of 4 � ������ �+. If so requested by the SPONSOR, the State, thru its Attorney General, shall initiate, prosecute, and carry such proceedings to completion with such assista.nce from the SPONSOR as shall from time to time be required and requested by the Attorney General. 5. In consideration of said service, in accordance with the Agency Agreement between the pa.rties dated , and in accordance with this paragraph, the SPONSOR shall reimburse Mn�`DOT for all costs occasioned by the duties undertaken by Mn/`DOT pursua.nt to the SPONSOR'S request. Reimburse- ment shall be made upon the basis of actual cost to Mn�DOT, including all f�inge benefits paid by Mn`DOT to its employees as indicated by emploryees time sheets. Overhead shall be billed as a percentage of the combined direct labor charges, fringe benefits and any materials, equipraent or persorlal expenses directly cha.rgeable to performance of the tasks hereunder. Said percentage will be subject to adjustment based on actual direct costs that have been verified by audit but shall not exceed thirty percent. 6, Mn�DOT herewith accepts the obligation to perform in accordance with the Uniform Relooation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 such relocation and acquisition services as the SPONSOR shall request. 7. MnfDOT shall develop, ma.intain and, upon campletion, turn over to the SPON50R for retention a complete record of relocation services provided; the SPONSOR shall retain a11 such records, and including the records of relocation payments, for a period of three (3) years from the date of the final voucher on the project, and shall make such records available to MnfDOT for inspection during reasonable business hours and ava,ilable for audit at the co�npletion of the project. 8. Mn�DOT is presently administering Federal HigYtway Funds, and is in a stable financial position to provide the relocation and acquisition services herein described and agreed to. 9. MnfDpT acknawledges as does the SPONSOR, that eligibility for federal fl.znds exists for only those costs which are directly cY�.r�eable to the federally assisted project. 10. It is understood by all parties to this agreement that as a condition to receiving any Federal financial assista.nce from the MnfDOT it will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252.42 U.S.C. 2000d., 42 U.S.C. 2000d-4, and all requirements imposed by or pursu�ant to Title 49, Code of Federal Pa.ge2of4 � . ����� Regulations, Mn/DOT, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination of Federally-Assisted Programs of Mn/DOT - Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other pertinent directives, to the end that in accordance with the Act, Regulations, and other pertinent directives, no person in the United States, shall, on the grounda of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise sub�ected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the SPONSOR receives Federal financial assistance from Mn/DOT, and hereby gives assurance that it will promptly take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement. This assurance is required by Title • 6 49, Code of Federal regulations, Mn/DOT, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally assisted programs on Mn/DOT, subsection 21.7 (a) (1) . 11. It is agreed by all parties hereto that should the need arise for major changes in the scope or character of the assistance Mn/DOT will provide to the SPONSOR under this agreement, such ma�or changes shall be the subject of further negotiation between the Mn/DOT and SPONSOR. 12, This agreement shall be sub�ect to cancellation and termination by either party at any time by giving the other party as least 60 days notice in writing. 13. Mn/DOT warrants that it has not employed or retained any company, firm or person, other than a bona f ide employee working solely for Mn/DOT to provide the necessary relocation assistance and distribution of relocation payments and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any company, firm or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for Mn/DOT, any fee, commission, percentage, gifts or any other consideration, contingent upon or reaulting from the award of making of this agreement. For breach or violation of this warrant, the SPONSOR shall have the right to annul this agreement without liability. 14. Upon the premature termination of this agreement by the SPONSOR, a11 working papers, plans, records, schedules, ete. , shall be forwarded to and become the property of the SPONSOR. 15. Any and all work or questions not specifically delinated herein shall be set forth and/or resolved by supplement to this agreement. Page 3 of 4 � � • 1 ' �����y� 16. Mn�DOT agrees not to assign work hereunder to any personnel having present or contemplated ita,ture personal interest in any of the properties included in this a�reement. IN WITNESS WI�REOF, the pa.rties have set their hands as of the day and year first above written. APPROVED: CITY OF SAINr PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENr OF TR�INSPORTATION Mayor Acting Director, Right of Way Operations Director, Depa.rtment of Public Works Assistant Coqnmissioner, Technical Support Date Director, Department of Fina.nce and Ma.r�.gement Services Approved as to .form: A ssistant City Attorney MINNESOTA ATTORNEY GENEfiAL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENP OF ADMINISTRATION Approved as to form: Special Assistant Attorney General Date Approved as to execution: Special Assistant Attorney General Dated This instrument was drafted by the Sta.te of Minnesota, Depa.rtment of Transportation, Reconveyance Unit St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 P�.ge �+ of 4