275577 ,.., r, �NMITE - CITV CLERK ����w O PINK - FINANCE � COUIICII � CANARY - OEPA/7TMENT CITY OF SOINT PAUL BLUE - MAVOR f/ File N�. , ncil Re olution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A RESOLUTION ADOPTING GUIDELINES FOR THE 1981 RESIDENTIAL STREET PAVING PROGRAM (RSPP) WHEREAS, the Administration published proposed "1981 Residential Street Paving Program (RSPP) Guidelines" on July 21, 1980, transmitting notice o� their availability through the Early Notification System (ENS) and copies of the proposed guidelines to the addressees on the Neighborhood Contact List; and WHERTAS, on August 22, 1980, the Public Works Committee of the Council Qf the City of Saint Paul heard public comment on, and reviewed the proposed Guidelines; and WHEREAS, on September 30, 1980 this Council will adopt the 1981 Capital Improvement Budget, including the 1981 appropriation for the 1981 RSPP; now, therefore, be it RE50LVED, by this Council, that said Guidelines, hereto a�tached, are adopted for use in determining residential street paving project prioriti�s for the 1981 Residential Street Paving Program. t- COU[VCILMEIV Re sted by Department of: Public Works Yeas Nays � ��I:.K�CJ tler � Hunt ZZ � In Favor D ALD NYGAARD, D' or H Levine 'ne ' nnaddox _ � __ Against BY -- a ox , McMahon ho 1 wafter 2 1980 �e �EP Form Approved by 'ty A ney Adopte,d'by Council: . Date C tified Pass�d by Cou c.il ecretary BY . tapp d y 1+lavor: Dat EP 4 �98Q Approved b yor for ubmi sion A Council \ By _ BY �o S E P 1 3 1980 � . , . . ��r���`y►�, a � __._ �,�o� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �;~` ^�* 'i� LONG-RANGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET COMMITTEE �, .,: �,v iri�i iiii �' ,,,, _ OfFiCE OF THE MAYOR — BUDGET SECTION �'''rn„ ,.1�•��` 367 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 5510Z 612-298-4323 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR TO: Neigbborhood Contact List FROM: Gregory Haupt, Mayor's Office - Budget Section ��� DATE: July 21, 1980 ; SUBJECT: 1981 Residential Street Paving Program (RSPP) At its meeting of July 15, the Streets & Utilities Task Force of the CIB Committee reviewed and revised staff-proposed 1981 RSPP guidelines. Enclosed for your information and review are the guidelines (green) as the task force authorized them for distribution. Change� made by �he �a�sh. bonce cvice �hawn �.n .i.t;a,F,i.c �y}�e. Also enclosed is the revised RSPP calendar of events (salmon) . Please note that the Public Works Committee of City Council will hold a public hearing on the guidelines at 8:30 a.m. (time has changed) on Friday, August 22. The third attachment is the proposal rating sheet adopted by the task force for its use in November. Please note, forms to be used for proposing street paving projects will be distributed on or after September 2. GH/lm enclosures cc: City Council Early Notification System (no attchments) � � ����'� 1981 RESIDENTIAL STREET PAVING PROGRAM (RSPP) ADOPTED BY CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 2� 1980 COUNCIL FILE These guidelines were developed for use in allocating City Council' s 1981 Capital Improvement Budget RSPP appropriation to candidate proposals submitted by the Department of Public Works and by citizen and neighborhood organizations. For further information, contact the Budget Section of the Mayor's Office, 367 City Hall, 298-4323 or Mr. R,obert Peterson, Assistant City Engineer - Streets, Department of Public Works, 6th Floor City Hall Annex, 298-5070 I V-A THE RES I DEPJT i AL STREET PAV I P�r, PROi;P,AM i. 193� RESIDE;dTIAL STREET PAVI!!� PROGRAr+ (P,SPP) 2, r,U1DELIPJES 3. G�AL 4. �t-*s The goal of the Residential Street Pavinq °rogram is to inorove t!�e 5. quality of tl�e Saint Paul neigfiborhoods by replacing a}� presentiy et}- 6. unpaved and deteriorated res i c'enti al snrfaeed streets s�i th a perr�anent 7. roadways , properly graded, surfaced and curMPd, and by installin� sideaaalks �, and street lights as aporopriate to each area. 9. PROr,RAM DEVELOP��EFJT 10. 1. E L 1 G I BLE I MPROVEME'VTS APJD AREAS 11. a. 8rt}y-present}q Oil-surfaced streets sha�} r�� be included in this 12. program. These street sur�aces have been built u� over the years 13. by a yearl•/ oi 1 and sand treatment (latety, ever� thi rd year) . 14. Some of these streets have had curbing installPd on them. . 15. b. Paved streets in deterio�ated condition may Se is�cTudec: in this 1 E�. prog ram. 17. c. Unim roved, residentiai streets ,_which are not assessable unCer ...�. .._..,..�.�.__.._..___r_�._ ___ .�._._ ___.._.___�____._.__.�__..___ 18. current policy, may be included in this nro�ram. These streets 19. are general � short blocks abuttin� the Tonq sides of corner lots , 2�. ti•�hi ch, under Ci t�pol i cy_ are not assessed for the f i rst 125 feet 21 . of the lonc� side f rontage. 22. b- d. Only streets in �Nhich utilities are complete and ade�uate or streets 23. in which uti lities wi 11 be installed as �art of the imurovenent �vi 11 24, b� jn�luded in the prograr�. The eaax o� u,�i.e,i,#,i.e�s o�helc �h.a.n .bxlee2t, 6egp�,c. b��na�n�a�m��un�ng°n6�lcu.c�t,i.on ab cUr.a,i.nage �ac.i�i.#,i,e�s, w.�Q,� na� Z5, e: e. Areas sha 1 be esta lished to obtain r�axinum effect and efficient • - ' ' Paae 2 ����� up .to an aba a.ewte ma.x,�mum o� 25. construction. Cost should-�be �+�-�Nx $15�,0!10 �t�'$40Q,00� 27. range. 23. f. Any grou� or individual ma� submit�roposals to the Sud�et Section of 29. the t•layor's office for consideration. However, only the top tti,ro �ro- 3n. posals of each District Councii �vill be rated by the Streets and Util� 31 . ities Task Force of the Ct3 Committee. �.dditionall the Streets and _._._ _._.�_._____�._._.r___.______.�_..____._____�_ _._.�.____ _ 32. Uti I i ties Tas!c Force tivi 11 rate up to four proposals from the Denart i 33. ment of Pub 1 i c !Iorks. 3�. d: t�o-nere-than-one-area-rrr}}-be-se��eted-�er-B'rstr*ct-fer-}qso.---9r?- 35. trrets-are-erreonraned-t�-stlbr�rt-oR}y-thefr-h*�hest-�ri�erttp-�ro7eets. 3u. 2. SELECTIOtJ CRITERIA 37. a. f!o more than t�ro areas a�ill be selected�er District for 1?41. 3B. a: b. Di stri ct Counci 1 recorm�endati ons and di stri ct plans. 39. The recommendations of the appropriate district council and consis- 40. tency with a dist►-ict plan ���ill bP given consideration. 41. If a project is proposed for a district �vhich has not comoteted a dis- 42. trict plan, the district council i•rill 6e contacted to determine the 43• support for a paving project. ' 44. b; c. Relationship to other public improvements such as parks, utilities , 45. sewers , lighting, etc. 46. Concentration of ir�provements may sinnificantly strengthen the total 47. impact. All public capital improvements will be considered in a pro- 4a. posed project area. Rf+e�+�y Specific consideration will be aiven to 49. areas where other needed public improvements w+�� are budgeted in the 50. 19$1 Capital Inprovement 8udget be-�fev}da�-'}p_69Rf61R6��AW-wiib-�lae 51 . s�r°�t-�regre� or �yhere puhlic improvements a��ea��-ex+s�. have been 52. orovided for in a Capital improvement Budget adopted more recentty ' , p�ac�e 3 • . 53. than 1976. 54. e: d. Eaprta�-A}�oeatTOn-Peircq---�?38 If the C�_ Council ap�ro�priates both 55. Capital Improvement Bond funds and Community Developnent alock .r,rant 56. funds to the 1981 RSPP , then funds for residential street ir?�rovements 57. will be altocated in accordance with Policy B S!� of "Saint Paul Capital 58. Allocation Policy: �988": t9�1-19�5: 59. Hesv-a�}oeatton-o�-both-stlbzrdq-eapi-ta�-and-eap*ta#-fer 60. Serdree-sqstens-rmproeremertts-Tn-sappert-of-restc�entrai 61 . and-rterghborhood-*merovemcrrt-shea}d-fe}�erd-thrs-di-strrb- 62, ntron: 63. S6: BALANCED PaEIGHQQRH00D 3ETTERMEPJT 64. � In order to assure a balanced approach towarci neic�h- 65. borhood betterment, neH� altocations of capital for bo. subsidies and service system improver�nts should fot- 67. 1ow this distribution. b8. � of Total Recomr.�ended ; of 69. Residential Subsidy/Service 70. Area 8locks � Systen C�pital M 7l. A;-B-s-4�r�preaerneft�-+++ 3�0 �a-�5� �,'�-75� 72. Lrn•�/tSoderate Incr�me Areas 73. �•�hich are Improveme:nt i or 7f�. I I ; �111 Im�rovee�ent I 1 I Areas 75. A}�-9ther 709; �5-�9� 25-4�i 76. Al1 Conservation I and II Areas ; 77. Improvement i and 11 ArG,s which 78. a�e not Lou�/��lode ra te I n come 79. d.- e. Eoordrnatron-M*th-rte'rghbo�heod-rnprover±�ent-proere�ss �0. °rterrtp-sf�ed�d Spec i f i c cons i de rat i on !yi 11 bz Q i ven to areas !•�he r� . • . � Page 4 . �t�� new oppontu.v�,f�'.i.ea �an houa�,ng �on .e.aw/modena.te �.ncome pe�ar� ane be,i,ng deveZaped an whe�r.e � • �1. residents are already involved in strenathenina housing maintenance �2. efforts and other neighborhood inmroverient pro.jects , especially cur- °3• rent ITA's and iJNS areas. �4. e: f. �he-eentTna*tp-of-program-pavrng-rn-sneerfrc-arcas: 35. Continuity of paving proaram activ� over several years in one larae 36, residential area is an important factor in overall impact and effect- "7. iveness. For this reason , prror'ttq-shed��! sQecific consideration a�i 11 ,3F. be given to project opportunities adjacent to RSPP improvernents com- "Q pleted in a previous year. 90, fr c�. Eortd'rt'roR-ef-exrstrrrg-street. 91. Pr'ror'rt'res-shon}d-be-basee!-on Soecific consideration ��ill be niven to 92. the general condition , apoearance , serviceability and extraordinary 93. maintenance needs of tlie existing streets. and-ort-the-nossrbr}'rtp-of g4, drtnsna�-eenstrnctTOn-eosts. pnopoaa.ee wh,i.ch do na� ev�.ta,i.� 95. h. Specific consideration ►�i 11 be .�iven to ttne- r�sz��i-�i�rrF excessive 96. pro�ject costs due to unusual construct_ion re�uirements. �7. g: i. Energy-eeRSereretrort:--Prrorrtq-shon}d Specific consideration �f�ill be 9f3. given to paving proposals for residential streets which are nublic (MTC) 99. transportation/routes and/or marked bicycle routes and .2a.n.e,�. 100. � S�eci f i c cons i deration wi 1 1 be qi ven to the Publ i c !�lorks Deoartr�ent's TO1. overall recommendation on a,particular oroposal . The ran�e of �-10 102, points to be assiqned witt be based on the Denart;nent's �ener�i ��p- .�_.,___.__.__- - - - — -_�._._. ___._...._._r.....___.��_... _...___.__._... 103. praisal of the pro.posal . 1�4. ;. PROJECT STA�JOARDS 105. Standard street construction consists of the folloi•rin�: 106. a. A 32' a•�ide street e•�ith asohalt pavenent and concrete curb and outter. 107, b. Sidea�alk reconstructio� ar7��-be based on a condition insnection by • Page 5 . .- 103. the Departr�ent of Publ i c ',lorl;s. 109. -- A11 otd tile sideti•�alk �iiil be replaced r�ith nei� sidetivall;. i t!�. -- Al l scaled, crac4:ed or tree-heaved s i de��aa1G: ���i ) 1 f�e re- 111. placed if, in the o�inion of the Q��artr�ent of Qublic 11'. llor�:s , it constitutes a trinpin� hazard. 113. -- Reconstructed sideaial�:s i•�i 11 be 5' ti•ride excent s�ot nanel 1 1 It, rep 1 acenen t of C�' ��i de t�a t I<. 1i5. -- Pedestrian ram�s urill be constructed at all intersections li'�. 4vher� sidewalk is being reconstructed. 117. c. "!et•1 catch basins. 11�. d. Ornamental linhting ��rith underground aririnc; s�'r��-hc installed t,�ith 119. energy-efficient '+*gh-pressere sodium vaa�r linhtinq Ethase-}'rnhts 12�. ta��hr=����aae�k i f requeste�� the affected ne i�hborhoo:�_ I n 121. most instances , existing ornamental light standards ti�ri 11 be refurb- 12�, ished and converted to h*gh-pressnre sodium vapor fixtures. 123. e. A�� Drivea�ays rr7}�-be constru�ted/reconstructed between the sidewallc 124. and curb with new concrete aprons. 125. f. A�� Outwalks ev*��-be constructed/reconstructed beta►een the sidewalk 126, and curb wi th new 2 ' ��i dP concrete outti��alks. 127. g. Boulevards evt��-be reqraded and sodded a�here necessary. (Usually 12�. this is the entire boulevard.) 129. h.- �he-BrdTSrort-of-Parks-artd-Recr�atron-r�r}}-ceerd'rrtate-reforestatren 130. and-eemr}ete-trae—p��lRt1RQ—tll-thc-area�af tQf—Ct�":C1'—!'!C1'�''—!'S—"�c)f'fC.- 131. {�ree-p}rnt'r-�g-*s-dorte-err}q-rn-the-s�rrrtg-or-fa�i:} 132. 7r h. ',-later service. 133. ".later services wi 11 be replaced on a project basis frc�n the main to 134. the stop box with copper pipe, at the request of a citizen oraaniza- • ' ' p�qe �. �5�'�� 135. tion , a�here the size of the s�rvice is i/� inch in diameter or lnss 1?h, and where the average static i•�ater pressure in the main is ec±ual to 137. or less than 4� nounds per sctuare inch. i3". (It s�ould a}so be nade clear that for a resident to realizn an im- 13". prover.�ent at the �•�ater faucets , the remainder of t"e !��ater sAn�ice 14f?. from t�e stop box, �-rhich is in the r�oulav�rd, to th� house , �s �!ell 1�s 1 . as the r�ate r n i pes i n the house, r�ay have to be re�lac^d. Th i s +rou 1 cl 1!�2, be at the horrA oamer's ex�ense.) 1'-�3. It snould be emphasized that a requPst by a citizen aroup for special de- 144. sign items (i .e. , stone curb, historic light fixtures, textureci concrete 145, surface, etc.) aihich are other than the above listed standard construct- I�tG. ion �,�ill be considered by tlie ETtq-Eedner� CIG Conmittee anc� su5ject to I1�7. City Council aporoval. �he City Council consideration ��aiil includA an IL". analysis �y tl�e CIB Connitte� o` the additianal cost for non-standarci 11i�. �ror�c and the ir�act of that addi tional cost on �he other �riori tv 1 ro- . 15�. jects in the r�commen::�d RSP° bU�AP_t. 151. �!, cSTItiATED CQST 15�. The estimated cost of these �rojects durin� 1�81 is S�?5r°Q 512�.�� per 153• lineal foot of street (that's �_45k;�99 $hG0,��0 per mile) , and includes 1;4. itens 3a through 3g above� eo4� pelc .P..f,ne.a,� �oo� w.i�hou,t .e,i,gh.t,i.vtg .i,a $113.00. 155. a. If the bloc�:s are standard �'tong blocks" (ti���') and "short hloc�:s" 15�. (330') , estinate the tenat!i by multiplying the nunber of long bloc!:s 157. tir*�es b50, and the short blocks tir.ies 33� and multiplying t�''IS times 153. 5�95.-99 $125.�� for total project cost. 159. b. Call �on-i4ahfe�d;-Ed-�ro-or-Ban-Banford, tti�:e Ea�um (2�?2-71�3) or 15�. �ob Peterson (?�?3-5070) and-theq-bT�}-frRare-tt-oat:--��Q¢-53}}} if � P�aae 7 - . l�l. assi.stance is needed in deterninin� th� project estimate. t�7.. 5. SUati i SS I OFJ OF PROJECT REnUESTS ih3. All requests for residential strset paving are due in the City �udnet 1G4. Director's Office, Room 367 City Hall , 55102 , no later than 4:3!) �.M. 165, on Friday, 5epter.+be�-�4;-�9�� October 3, 1930. Forms received after necuve �a.irr,ts a.P,e.oea,te���y '�lie S�'ii.e2#�s � ll�.i.Q,i,tLe6 166. 4:30 on October 3, wi i l not-t�-s�►t�F�t-e�d-�o-�?}e�S�ree�s--ane�-Ht�'r�i-ti-cs Taaft Fonee �n �ime,ey �ubrn.{,aa-i.avi._ ___.._ �_ _.___��_�._ _._.�._ 1b7. �ask-Fo.�ca.- �.-�a��� Forns for requesting funding consideration 160". ("Request for �9�8 i931 Residential Street Pavino") are included in 169. this mailing and can also be obtained by callina Public llorks , 2�1R-5311 17�. or the Budget Section , Z9$-4323. 171 . Before a citizen organization submits a project request to the City, the 172. or�anization �ay wish to call ftike Eggum (2Q2�7153) of the Street Division Roge�c Puehlr:e.i�teJc (292-6004) ----_ _.. �__,__.____._ ___�� 173. or-[3ar�-[����oKd-��9��-671'�'4� of the Sewer Division �on-IEnhfe�d,-Ed-�*o-er-Ban 174. �nrrford-can-be-ea}}��}-�g4$-53}}};-and-theq-aat}� to review the nroject to 175. make sure it meets these criteria oticies. (It is especially ir�oortant any pa4d�.b.i.�i,ty o� i75, to avoid conflict vrith�future sewer construction) . Citizen groups ��iish- 177. ing to submit ��ving �roposats shoul� notify their district council �f 173. their intentions and coordinate their submissions �aith others fror� the 17g. district councii. 130. 6. EXCEPTIOt1S TO GUIDELitlES 131. Paving proposals not consistent tivith these guidelines should be subnitted 13?, as part of the Unifiec� Capital Improvement Program and Budget Process 183. (UCIPSP) in spring �9$8 1�81. 184. 7. SCf1EDULE 135. The calender of events for the 19"1 RSPP. is attached. STREETS & UTILZTIES TASK FORCE � ��t% 1980 RESIDENTIAL STREET PAVING PROGRAM PROPOSAL EVALUATION CRITERIA � �+ �`� �" � � FOR SELECTING 1981 PAVING PROJECTS EVALUATOR'S NAME LOG # DISTRICT # SCORE EVALUATOR'S MAJOR CON52DERATIONS RANGE SCORE A) District Council priority - requested area is: 1. First priority within District boundaries 5 to 10 2. Second priority within District boundaries 3 to 7 B) Visual impact through coordination with other public improvements since 1976: 1. Serves parks, playgrounds, li.braries, fire station, multi-service center, etc. 4 to 13 2• MSA, CA or TH road reconstruction 4 to 10 3. No ublic i rovements served p C) Coordination with other utility improvements in street (qas, water, sewer, telephone): 1. No utility improvements required 6 to 13 2. Required utility improvements budgeted 6 to 13 3. Utilit rovements re ired but not bud eted 0 D) Strengthens or maintains neighborhood improvement jhousing maintenance or new developments): 1. Past and current ITA's or NHS areas 7 to 10 2. Other areas demonstrating effort or azeas of new low/moderate income housin o rtunit 3 to 7 E) Continuity with other residential street paving areas completed since 1970 (score zero if NA): 1. Adjacent to previous CDBG ITA paving or previous RSPP areas 5 to 10 2. Adjacent to prior NDP or Model Cities paving project 3 to 7 3. Com letion of ocket area 3 to 7 F) Unusual condition of street relative to annual maintenance (Public Works determination): 1. Excessive maintenance 7 to 13 2. Averaqe maintenance • 3 to 6 3. Oiled streets ia relativ v aood co d '0 0 G) Construction costs based on unusual conditions (Public Works determination) 1. Low 7 to 10 2. Average 4 to 6 3. Hi h Q H) MTC bus route or bike route? y�s Ip (if NOT, score zero) I) Public Works overall recommendation on project High 8 to 10 Medium 4 to 7 Low 0 to 3 J) Conformance with Comprehensive Plan Yes 8 to l0 (Planning Commi.ssion) Partial, N/A 4 to 6 Conflict 0 K) Conformance with Capital Allocation Policies Yes 8 to 10 (Planning Co�nission-appropriate policies) Partial, N/A 4 to 6 No 0 L� Proposal submitted on time Yes 5 (if NOT, score zero) M) Rater's general a raisal of pro osal . 0 to 15. TOTAL tange = 0 to 155 OMBS/7/SO gjh . . Rev. : 9/8/75 � �� ' , e �• EX?'I,a��ATIO`: C�' �D�IT`7T:�T?Z.:TI�:E O{��ERS, � RESOLL i IJ�IS , rl:1) URDI�ir��aCr�'S - • , ` . �'����� . Date: August 13, ig80 . . : . � �RE:C�EIVEp -T0: MAYOR GEORG�` Lr'1TIi�IER AUG 1 5 198Q FR: Robert G. Peterson, Assi.starrt City En�3neer A1�qY�•� � �. 1981 Residential Street Paving Program Gdidelinea . . � . � � _ . - . . _ ; ACTION REQLLSmED: Approval by Mayor' for Submission to Couricil oP atteched�Resolution . � . � . . PURPOSE n`:D RATICi��_�LE FdR THIS �CTSON: City Council approva�l of the Gu3delinee !or the Residential Street Paving Program is the .next �tep in the.� procesa af� d�eterrt►ining � the residential streeta Nhich �ill receive comple�e reconstruction. . � � � 4 � - . � . .. . . . . � � _ ATT��C�L•i�ti':'S: l. Froposed Resolution � � � 2. Proposed Guidelines ' • • . . .. . . . ., .: ... ._ ... . - , Cz�.,� o� ���.��� ��.��, j , ��� - � ;' jji i �" ' OFFIC� O� T�� CIT�' COII\GTL r� ��`~fri r �d�v � a � ;S�;' y;._�' � �:i ' ,,.. 4���.:'�>J �,_� - t-:'���:• := ti �a � �,� Da t e : August 25, 1980 �. . AT� -. _.._...-- C � i'� l�� t � � � � � � � � � � TO : Saint Paul Ci�y Councii - F R O IV� � C O Ii'137i 1�7��''..° O T�i PUBLIC WORKS _ victor J. Tea.esco , choiFinan, malces the foito�r�ing report on C.F. [� Ordinance _ [� Resotui�ion . � O�her . T ���L.� : A RESOLUTION ADOPTING GUIDELINES FOR THE 1981 � RESIDENTIAL STREET PAVING PROGRAM (RSPP) . The Public Works Committee on August 22, 1980 recommended the Guidelines be approved and sent to the City Council for action. CITY 'rI�'�LL SEVENiH FLOOR S:�ItiT PAL'L, ti�ti\T`'ESJT.� SSIQ2 4' ,� � " � t ��►�ir; „� , . � DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA P,ECE�VED . MEMO ROUTING SLIP AUG � � �9SO ( -- ' . f l (l �i�..1 Jer e . Segal INITIALS CIRCULATE Ass s t ity A xorney DATE FILE I Roo 47 C i a l l • _ - � frn r J Caris , Directo/r� INFORMATION Jh h 6 a .ag � ent er ic.� NOTE AND i I 3 ��,y� H 1 � I � � RETURN VERSATION SEE ME � i George Latimer . FOR SIGNATURE � Mayor � - 7 City Hall � � ' REMARKS: �so�.� Note - Please schedule this Resolution for the City Council on Tuesday, September 2nd. This should be directed to Councilman Tedesco as it is scheduled for the Public Works Committee meeting on Friday, August 22nd. FROM: DATE Donald E. Nygaard, Dtrecto�` � �J � f PHONE � 4241 � ' ' FORM too9 (1-9-75)