275576 WNITE - CITY CLERK ��ry�� PINK - RINANCE j� COUIICII � /���� CANARY - DEPARTMEN Y O F S A I N T I A IT L BLYE - MAYOR �i � � File N 0. ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council does hereby approve and concur in the District 11 and District 13 comprehensive proposal for the planning for University Avenue, a copy of �i,�hich compromise proposal is attached hereto. 3 COUNCILMEIV Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox � McMahon B showa�ter __ Against Y — � Adopte y Council• Date _SEP � �98� Form Approv y i Atto y , /` C ified Yas- by Co cr�tary BY � � P4 1980 Approv d y ayor for Submission to Council Ap y :4layor: Date , BY BY – �t-�sH�� S E P 1 3 1980 _ ' � . DISTRICT 11 & 13 C���1?P,O��TSE PROPOSRL 2 ,����V Dis�rir_t 11 has agreed �io rescind their original reguests for boundary chang�s. Distric� 11 and District 13 have agreed to cooperate on an onyoing basis to rain��ain a h�althy and e-Ffective v�orking r�e7ationship. This refleets the con�urr�nce of �he districts on the ultirrate goal of pianning for Univ?rsity Ave►�u� - the enhancem�nt of tt�e quality of life for the residents and bu;iness p�ople of the surrounding areu. This proposal represents the product of this spirit of comprom�ise, and, as such, contains concessians made by each district. All parties have agreed to coopzrate and adhere to th�se g�ide7ines as long as th�s 4vorking relationship is maintained. PLA�`lNIiiG PHASE: STRUCTilR� This pro�osal recor�mends an overlay district as the decisionmaking v�nicle for the r�develop�nent c; University Avenue. IAle, t�e representatives of Distric� 17 and Di stri c t 13, reco�r�m�nd i t to the Ci ty Counci 1 for approval , as autl i n�� b�1 a°�r: A 17-r:�rber task force tiviil be establ�shed to carry out the planning pracess. Thi s tas� force 4�i 11 i nv�l ve al l the groups, and uri 11 act i n autornm� rrom bo��► Dis�ric�s 11 and 13. 8oth groups must agree to giv2 all t~esponsibility ior pian�ting in �h� designa�ed area (see the map) to ti�z tas!c force. P;ei�her Dis�rict 11 o•r District 13 ti��il i hav� veto pa�,ver over the completed pian. It is the r2sponsihilizy of each di stri c� to muke sure that thei r vi e�;�s are knc;�rn throicgn �thzi r resp�c�i ve c�el�gGtes -�o tne task force; and that atterdance and replacei�ertt af any deleg��es i s ti,e sol e res}�onsi bi 7 i ty of tye respecti ve di s tri cts. A i 1 r�ze ci nos ofi the task force ti�ri 11 be op�n to th2 publ i c, anc� any person Fas �h� rich.i i.o sp�a{: and make ti��ir vie��s kno��•rn at these mee�ings_ I�t ��11?1 be ti;�� . resp�nsi bi;i ty o�` the task forc� to publ i ci ze al l rze�ti n3s ti•re17 i n acivance. Ho 4�: di stri cts sl�oul d al so p.iol i ci ze these r��et�ncs through any neans �(I?� dee,� a�propr�ate and mos� e�i`2Ct1V?. Ho.•rever, the final plan (and any por�ion of tn? �l an) i s tn� di rect voti ng respons�i b�1 i ty o� the 7 5 vo�i ng ne�rti�rs o-i i,;�e �as: ;�rce. Por�ions o-� �ri� plan can be altered at any tir;� up to the f�nal subr!TSSiort ta in� Ci`cy for approval . Pr�ior to that pain�, as par�s of the plan are consid�red �rd approved, the task -�orce must publ i ci ze and make �nese aspects publ i c. Tize ��;o}i c r�st bz encouraged to respond to th�m thro�:gh eith2r the public mee�.�ngs or t;�rou�� ti�rri tten forn. The di s tri c�ts ���i 1 l revi e,� th� Las k force pl an �o i nsu•re carBati��i 1 i i.., 4i1tR already existing gen�ral district plans. These vieti��s st�ould be tak�n in�� consideration b�fort final approval by the task -force. � Ti�e 17 fn�'f"D2Y'S of t�r� task �orce �ncl uce tne fol 1 o�,�i ng membzrs: - 3 persons desi gnated as vo ti ng m�r�b�rs by Di stri ct 13, fro�; i•�i�hi n Di stri c� �?. - 3 p�rsoi�s des i gnat�� as vo ti�g memcers by Di s tri c� 11 , �rom ti�11 tlti CT Di stri cT j 1. . - 3 per,��; desi gnated as busi n�ss repr2s`�tati ves by Ha�;�l�i ne-I-lid�,iay Local Cev�lop�rert Corporation {Hi-1LDC) , _provided these p�rsons are nat mem�ers oT �R� boards of eitn�r Dis�rict i7 or District 13. - 2 res i dents a�poi n�ed �y Di stri c t 13 f•rom the area bz�,��eer� I-94 a��d Un:�,�zrs i ty nv?r���e. - 2 res i:,'��n ts ap�o�i n t�d by Di s tri ct 11 from tn� area b2it;een Tho��as Aven�►e ar.d Univ�rsi t;� Av�n�te. � �. • � `�5�'�s _ , . . -z- 2�� - 2 delegates appointed jointly from the area bet�;reen I-94 and Ur�iversity Avenue. - 2 city-a�pointed planners (non-vo�zng) ���ro .��ill act as r�ediators if necessary and who 1•�i 11 be a source of in�forr�atTOn and pl anni ng experti se. The work of the Univzrsity Av2nue Task For�e ��i11 be completed and the Task Force subsequently dissolved, a�zth�n one (1 ) year from the date of City Council approvai oT this proposal , un7ess there is a jo7nt dec�sTOn made by District 11 and 13 that ther� irs a need for this deadlTne to be extended. PLANNING PHASE: TASK FORCE P.ESPO�aSIBILITIES To hold as man� meetings as necessary to co�plete the planniny task---m2�tirgs shall b? no greater than one per week and no ;ewer tha►1 onz per month until th� job is comolete. � . To hold all m2e�ings op2n to ihe public. To publicize a71 meetings of tho task force (or any parts of it) L�re11 in advar,ce. To vote on portions o-F the plan and on the �sna1 plan before submission to the CT�y ror final approval . To recor:mend the i�i r3 ng of any consul tants d�eme� necessary as long as i� i s y��i thi n the bounds of the fir.ancia7 17mitations. Ii�?PLEi9EPlTATIQ� PHAS� Tne Hamline-P�1TC!�,iay Lucal Developm�nt Corpor4tion (�!�',LDC} s�)1�1 implemer;t �rovisions o� the p?an ��iitn r�s�ect to alre�dy existing co�,�ercial and ir.dustrial z�ned property, unless both CouRCils of D�istricts 11 and 13 jointly request th� H�;LCC ta imol��nent plans Tor otne•r areas. Thz Cou^cils of Districts ll and 13 may jointly request tne Hi�1LDC to im,olerrent p?ans rar o�c��r tyg�s o► land use�, suc� as resid�nt7a1 . � � P��eetings oz this graup will occur no less ;reque„tly tnan on� per montn �o over.- se� all aspe�ts o� imnlere�iation. Tnis gro;�p ���111 have 4he co�nplete au��orTtt o�rer th� p�anning area; Dis�crict il and D-iszr7ct 13 must agre� to rel7nq�zsn authority to th�s groUp ir� areas o� CIB fundTng, and any aut�ority to co afiter "o�renders" of the pl an, and to acti veIy see ihat �the pl ar> i s carri ed ouc to ti;2 fullest extent possible. This does no� prev�nt eith�r District 11 ar D�strict 13 frcm ta�ci ng a s�parate vi es,apoi nt or preparTr,g a separate presentation for Ci ty Co�inc-il revie�. The DistrTC-t ti��ili rev�ie�,r any cranges in 4he plan ar projects. F�'�DIPiG - ;nz diff�culty o; this tas�c requires certain �ilarantees b� the City Coun�il to ra=:� sur� that ��th planning ancl irplementat�on can be carried out to tn� fullest p��si51e extert. P,zcogniz��g t1�e sp�cial pr��le;~;� and concer�s ti•ihich r"�a be�;, r� i sed �y Lhi s �oundar� di spu�e, i.he Ci cy Cour�ci 1 snoul d appropri ai.e thz �ol i o��Yi i�� noni2s: _ ' � • ' � o " v _3- %�c���,r�� Phase 1 - XProqran Year I Fundin : During ihe planning phase there must be an . apy�ropriation of �8000: �4000 �or office suo�lies and stationery, publicity, and other accrued costs; �and $4000 as fees for any additional consultants ta the planning statf needed to complete the projec�. This funding 4•iill be pravided 5y the Departrr�nt of Pl anni�g and Economi c De;�el apmen�t through exi sti rg dz,�art�r2nta� sources and oth�r resources provided by i.he City Council . The De�artment of Planning and Economic D�velopment will be h�ld accountable for this Pha�e .1 budget. • - Phase 2 - Proqram Year � Fundin�c : A �2Q,000 appropriatlon for the establishment - of an ofTice, supplles, publicity, telephon�, accrued expenses and an �gpropriate amount for a hired staff/imolementation p7a^ner. Funding -For comp7etion of specific proj�cts or part of the plan �rould be sought from ather sourc�s. Phase 2 - FroQr��n Year 3 Funding: A �15,OOQ a�propriation for tne ab�ve- mentioned functions, a�ith add7t�onal fundir,g being saught fron other governmer,tal and private sources. Phase 2 - Proqran Year 4 Fundin45: All furding must bz acquired �rom otner �overn- mental znd privat2 sources. r "Proara�r Year" has b��n substituted for "C3lendar Year" �to reflec� ti�e fact �nat the pt°o ject ��ri 11 b�gi n du ri ng the mi ddl e o; a cai endar-year, and to �ssu r� ��a� � i ni�i al fundi ng i s al 1 ocated for a i2 nonth peri od, ra�th�r tSian on1� tnrougr the end of 198u. WHITE - CITYCLERK (�TURN TO JEROME SEC;AL AFTER ADOPTION) ����'"� PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T ��U L COUflCII 'VY � BLUE - MAYOR File N O. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council does hereby approve and concur in the District 11 and District 13 comprehensive proposal for the planning for University Avenue, a copy of which compromise proposal is attached hereto. COUNCILI4[EN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon Showalter Against BY — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY BS' -- Approved by ;Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ By � - ; -.�:. .`\ � �c�'1` ��.. � �� "t. ..�. . . ..i... . . � � —_ __ _ . � � �`'-�C ,. . i_. / �. �-���,.\�, lil7%'��— 1 �� �. � � — � '� � . . ' .y � l� I :`,,1�.-: ..._ � ` �_-,f Do 3 s� : August 1 , 1980 . :` �\ � �;� � -�-- -� .-__ . - �_ � �; ,-; .�_ � ����6 � � �' � '�-= �' � `_' `-- � �� !' � . �`;' r':i �.�� � � ° '' 1.-' t � • j p , �c►nt Pc�u� riirr� ��uncf� , ' �. � � � �j �{ : C Q i i l i7i i"�i�y �i+ CITY DEVELOPMENT ANQ TRAIVSPORTATION . � Leon�ard W. Levine � C�IJ{ircic �, rnc�;es �tte ��oit��.�inc� � ' i j U�cJinar�ce P`��oCi O�'i �.. F. �l : . ' � f:E�O►i}'i iOt'1 . . . ' ,�X ��it°I' • ! � � �--r � Letter of the Planning Administrator transmitting the � � . matter of a dispute between the District. 11 Coalition . and the District 13 Consortium with regard to the � 1 ocati on of the b^�andary between those t4�ro di stri cts .� , - The Commi ttee recor�mends appro��al of the ' . attached Compromise Proposal . � - - � _ . Attachment � . . � �` � ' - �- - �� - . , �7/� � � F' S:\1\ t E'.':�'.t., `•i���'.. >��C:� Si;;�� r' ' .���'�����> ��� C'�,li�^)�:. . � � • � : �' ___...L '� - - r ' � . DISTRICT 11 & 1"3 CQ�i�P,0�4ISE PROPOSRL ������ Dis�rirt 11 has agreed to rescind their original reguests for boundary changes. District 11 and District 13 have agreed to cooperate on an onyoing basis to rrain�ain a healthy and effective ►��orking re7ationship. This reflects the concurrence of the districts on the ultimate goal of pianning for University Aver�ua - the enhancem�nt of the quality of life for the residents and bu;in2ss people of the surrounding area. 7his proposal represents the product of this spirit of comprom�ise, and, as such, co�tains concessions made by each district. All parties have agreed to cooperate and adf�ere to these guidelines as long as this Gvorkirtg relationship is maintazned. PLA►�1NI��G PHASE: STRUCTURE This proposal recomm�nds an overlay dis}rict as the decisionmaking vehicle for the redevelopment o-� University Avenue. lrle, the representatives of DiS�rict 11 and Qistrict 13, reco�nm�nd it to the City Councii for appraval , as autlinec! bAlaw: A 17-rr`mber task force �ill be established to carry out the p7anning pracess. Tt�i s tas� -Farce wi i l i nvol ve a17 the groups, and �ri 11 act i n autonom� from bo�ch Districts 11 and 13. Both groups must agree to give all responsibility for p�anning �n the designated area (see the map) to tne task force. heither Dis��r�ct 11 or District 13 ti�aill have veto pawer over the completed plan. It is the responsibility of each distric-t to make sure �hat their views are knc�;m throEign �thzir resp�c�ive dele,ates to tne task force; and that attendance and replac�rrent af any delega�es is the s�1e responsibility of the respective distric�s. Ai 1 mee ti ngs of the taslc force tivi 11 be open to the publ i c, an� any person Fas i.i�� rig`nt to spea(c and mal:e th�ir v7eti•�s kno�,�m at these meetings_ I-t t�lz?1 be the . responsi bi 1 i ty of the task fc�rc� to pub7 i ci ze al i fi12��1I1�S a�ie11 i n advance. 8o Lf� di stri cts sfzoul d ai so p�so1 i c�ze these meeti ngs tt�rough any means �tney deem appropriate and most ez�`zctive. However, the final plan (and any portion of tne �1 an) i s tn° di rect vo ti ng responsi bi 1 i ty of the 15 vo�i ng members of ti�e taslc fcrce_. Portions o� i.}12 plan can be altered at any tine up ta the final submission to tne Ci�y for approval . Pr�ior to that paini, as parts of the plan are consid�red ar�d approv�d, the task �orce must publiciz� and make i.hese aspects public. The public must be enc.ouraged to respond to th�n through either the public meetings ar t:�raug:� ;��ri tten form. The di s�ri cts �•ii 71 revi etiA� th� �as k force pl an �to i nsur� corpat�b�1 i t_y c�;iti� already existing general district plans. These viee�s srzould be taken in�� consideration before final approval by the task force. Tne 17 members of ti�e task force include tne follo���ing membzrs: - 3 persons designated as voting members by District 13, fro� ��i�hin District �3, - 3 persons d�signa��d as voting members by Distric� 11 , from ���itnin District 11 . - 3 persons desi gna�ed as busi ness represGn�a�i ves by Hai�l i n�-P-ii davay Lacal Qevelopirer,t Corporation {NP-1LDC) , provided these persons are nat mem��rs oi �n� boGrds of either Dis�rict 11 or District 13. - 2 residents appointed �y District 13 from the area betti��eer� I-94 at�d Urt�v�rsity Av�riue. � - 2 residents appo�int�d by District ll from tn� area bettiJeen Thomas �venue ar.d University Avenue. r �, , -• " -2- - 2 delegates appointed jointly frorn the area beta�reen I-94 and Urrivers�ty Avenue. - 2 city-a�pointed planners (non-voi�ng) �vho L�aill act as mediators if necessary and who wi11 be a source of Tnformatlon and planning expertise. The Lrork of the University Avznue Tasfc Force will be completed and the Task Force subsequently dissolved, wi�thfn one (l) year from the date of City Counci2 ap�rovai of this proposal , unless there is a jo-int decis7on made by District il and 13 that ther2 irs a need for this deadlTne to be extended, PLANNING PHASE: TASK FORCE P.ESPOP�SIBILITIES To hold as many mee�ings as necessary to conpiete the planniny task---meetings sha11 be no greater than one per weetc and no �ewer than one per month until th� job is camplete. . To hold ali meetings op�� to the public. To publicize ail meetings of th� task force (or any parts of it) s�r�77 in advance. To vote on portions of the plan and on the fsnal plan before submission to the Clty for final approval . To recommend the hir7ng of any consultants d�em?d necessary as 7ang as it is r�ithin the bounds of the financiai 1-'rmitaiions. IP�iPLEt�IEPJTATION PHASE The Haml i ne-��li da��ay Local Devel opment Corporati on (i-!MLDC) wi i 1 impl emzr:t provi si ons o� the plan with res�ect to already exist7ng commercial and industrial za�;�ed property, unless both Cauncils of D�stri�cts il and 13 jointly request th? H�iLCC ta imolement plans for otner areas. The Councils of Districts lT and l3 may jointiy request the HMLDC to implem�nt plans for ather types o� land use�, sucti as res7dentTal . � � hleetings of this group wi�l occur no less freque�tly than one per month ta ovzr- see a17 aspects af implemerrtation. This groGO w111 have �he complete authorTt� o�rer -the plar►ning area; DIS-�rTCt il and D1str7ct 13 must agree to r�linq�i5h aathority to this group in areas ofi CIB fund7ng, and an� authority to go after "offenders" of the plan, and to actively see tnat -the pian is carr3ed ou� to tR2 fullest extent possible. This does not prev�nt either Dzstrict 11 ar Oistri�t 13 from ta�cing a separate viewpoint or preparing a separate presentation fior �ity Councll reviet�. The Distrlct ti��ill reviear any cnanges in the plart or pro�ects. FU�dDIP�G � - Tnz diffTCU7ty of this task requires certain guara�tees by the City Council to ra1e sure that both planning and implementation can be carried out to t3�� -Fullest p�ssi bl e extent_ Recagni zi ng the sp�ci al pr��l e^�s a�d concer�ns �•rhi ch ha.�e bee;� ra�i sed by thi s bounda ry cii spu�e, the Ci ty Counci 1 shou)d appropri ate the �ol i cfri ng ronies: _ r . •, �� � J -3- Phase 1 - *Pro ran Year I Fundin9: During the planning phase ther� must be an , aparopriation of �8000: 4000 for office supplies and stationery, publicity, and other accrued co5ts; �and �4000 as fees for any additional consultants ta the . planning staff needed to complete the project. ihis funding ��ri11 be provided by the Department of Flanning and Economic Del�elopmen� through existing departrr.�ental sources and other resources provided by tk�e City Council . The Department of Planning and Economic Development will be held accauntable for this Fhase .l budget. . _ Phase 2 - Proqram Year � Fundi�: A $Z0,000 appropriation for the establishment - of an offiice, suppl�es, public�ty, telephane, accrued expenses and an �ppropriate amount for a hired staff/implementation planner. Funding for comp7etion of specific projects or part of the plan wauld 5e sought firom ather sources. Phase 2 - Pro4ram Year 3 Funding: A $15,000 appropriation for the above-- mentioned functions, u�lith additlonal funding being sought from other governmental and private sources. Phase 2 - Proqram Year 4 Fundings: All fiunding must be acquired ;rom otner govern� mental and private sources. * "Program Year" has been substituted for "Calendar Year" to reflect tife fact that the pt°o ject avi 11 begi n d�ri ng the mi ddl e or a ca1 endar�year, and to �ssure �hat � -initial funding is allocated for a 12 mon�n period, rather than anly throug�; the end of 1980_ ' /� L _ , �5�'�� ` _����=a. ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL �;~ ""'" '�'� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ?� wu;atn ,= '`%� ���� ����� °� DIVISION OF PLANNING . �� '� ���� 25 West Fourth Street,Sai�t Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR August 4, 1980 Gouncil President Maddox and y Members of the City Council 7th Floor City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Council President Maddox and Members of the City Council : At the 31 July 1980, meeting of the City Development and Transportation Committee, Liz Keefe, Community Organizer for Merriam Park, presented a letter fram the Six-B1ock ,Committee, expressing their concerns regarding the Districts 11 and 13 Compromise Proposal . These concerns were addressed at the 25 June 1980, Merriam Park Commuflity Council , meeting, prlor to their takTng action t�, support the Pr.oposal , Gouncilman Levine has requested that I review this discussfon for your information. These concerns will be reviewed on a point by point basis, as outli•ned in the Six-Block Comnittee letter. Introductory Comments What happens if the "working relationship" mentioned in the second paragraph breaks down? We suggest that the following language be added to the second paragraph: "Should this working relationship break down at any time, local autonomy and responsibility will revert to the situation as it existed prior to this agreed Plan," All parties involved have agreed to cooperate with the provfsions of the Proposal . The negotiation team, comprised of representatives of those involved, thoroughly reviewed all points contained within the Proposal . It is our belief that �his negotiation process will ensure the maintenance of a working relationship through- out the planning and implementation phases. -continued- ,L � �n - � � ����"�� Council President Maddox and Members of the City Council August 4, 1980 Page 2 _ , Should the working relationship breakdown, subsequent actions would depend on the nature of the problem, and, therefore, would be difficult to predict. The ultimate reaction would be a jolnt decision by DTStrlcts 11 and 13 to resclnd their support for this jofnt functTOn, with plannTng responsTbillty for University Avenue reverting to the origYna1 state. ' Planning Phase: Structure What does it mean in the 2nd paragraph, !'To publiclze all meetings well in advance?" How will the Task Force publicize meetings? . . . "and make these aspects public?" W111 it be by corr�nunity newspapers, i .e. , Midway Monitor and Merriam Park Post? How can weekly or called meetings be pub1TC�zed well Tn advance Tn a monthly publication? We suggest that a mailing list of area representatives be set up for notifTCatlon. These representatTVes would then notTfy other con- cerned parties in their area. The method of publicizing meetings would be a matter for the Task Force to address through the development of their by�laws. SuggestTOns for means of ineeting pub- lication should be made known to the Task Force representatives. We suggest that the followTng language be added to the third paragraph ofi thTS section: "Neither the Task Force nor the Hamllne-MTdway Local Development Corporation shall use or recomnend candemnatTOn or eminent domain on any exTSting zoned residentfial property wlth�n the subject area." Neither the Hamline-Midway Local Development Company �HMLDC) nor the Tasfc Force have the powers of eminent domain or condemnati•on, Any� recommendat�ons on resTdential land uses would require the joTnt support of DistrTCts 11 and 13, as outii�ned in the Propasal . The requTrement t�at the two dTStrfcts must jointly request the HMLDC to implement plans for other types of land uses, such as residential , en- sures input from area resTdents through the established Corr�nunity Council process. Who appoints the 15 voting members of the Task Force? Now can members of the community be expected to vote fn favor of the Plan when they do not know how or by whom their representatives will be selected or appointed? We suggest that the selection process be specified. The composition of the Task Force is described in the Proposal . The process for selecting representatives has been left to the discretion of Merriam Park and the other Community Councils to determine the process that they prefer. -continued- �'� ���� ,v ��:�� � Council President Maddox and Members of the C�ty Council August 4, 1980 Page 3 What happens if a voting Task Force member is unable to attend a meeting? Does the area that he or she represents lose its vote? We suggest that an alternate be appointed for each voting member and each alternate be furnished with records and minutes of all meetings as they occur. The inability of a Task Force member to attend a meetTng is a procedural questian that should be considered in the Task Force by-laws, The designation of alternate delegates is a decision for the specTfied organizations to rflake through their individual delegate selection processes. In regard to �he Z delegates to be appointed jointly from the area between t-94 and University A�enue, what if the appointed person{s} have a con� flict of interest? A conf1TCt of interest would be when a task force member is appointed who does not reflect the interest of the residents of the area in which he or she resides, but votes for a selfish interest or purpose. We suggest that the Task Force is already balanced without these two dele- gates and they should be omltted. Further. . .that DistrTCt 13 should never agree to having Di"strict 11 appoint�ng delegates from District 13. Tncluding two delegates who will be appointed joTntly from the area between I-94 and University Avenue, was supported by all representatTVes on the negotiatTOn team. Since these delegates must be appoi�nted joTntl,�, the potential for a conflTCt of interest is mfnimized, and can be considered durrtng the delegate selection proceSsR Planning Phase: Task Force Responsibillties How can weekly meetings be publicized well in advance? We suggest that the meeting(s) be held according to a regularly set schedule, i .e. , every 2nd and 4th Tuesday, which is published in advance, and all special meetings be pub1�cized through the area representatives, as previously suggested. We suggest that all meetings be held in the same place. . .a centrally located site, such as the YMCA. It is our assumption that Task Force meetings will be regularly scheduled and will be held at the same location, if possible. This would allow meetings to be publicized well in advance. Once established, the Task Force representatives will determine their meeting schedule, ensuring minTmal time conflicts with other responsibi11t1es they may have. � �continued, � . �� Council President Maddox and Members of the City Council � ����� August 4, 1980 Page 4 Implementation Phase What is the legal basis for the MHLDC expanding its boundaries? Do the businesses in any given area not have the option of deciding whether or not to join the HMLDC? We suggest the following language for this phase: "The Hamline-Midway Local Development Corporativn agrees to accept the responsibility for implementing the provisions of the Plan, which is restricted to already existing comnercial and industrial zoned property in the subject area." "Meetings of the HMLDC will occur no less frequently than once per month to oversee all aspects of implementation. HMLDC will have the authority to apply for CIB funding and the authority to actively see that the plan is carried out the fullest extent possible. This does not prevent either District il or District 13 from taking a separate viewpoint or preparing a separate presentation for City Council review. The Districts wi11 review any changes in the plan or projects." Earlier versions of the Compromise Proposal included language indicating that the HMLDC would expand their boundaries to include the Task Force area. It has since come to our attention that the HMLDC and Task Force boundaries are virtually the same. Consequently, no HMLDC boundary expansion is necessary, and this language has been deleted from the Proposal . Funding Since District 11 has "rescinded" its original requests for boundary changes, why is this stated as a reason for the Council to appropriate monies? Why is a boundary dispute a reason for appropriation of monies in any event? Should we be reading between the lines? We suggest striking the following language from the lst paragraph: "Recognizing the special problems and cocerns which have been raised by this boundary dispute." to read as follows: "The difficulty of this task requires certain guarantees by the City Council to make sure that both planning and implementation can be carried out to the fullest possible extent. The City Council should appropriate the following monies:" -continued- � 4 • Council President Maddox and Members of the City Council August 4, 1980 Page 5 ;_ _ The rationale for requesting funds is not due to the boundary dispute settlement. Funding is being requested to conduct the University Avenue Planning study (Phase I) and to initiate the implementation process (Phase II - Years 2 and 3). Funding requested for the implementation phase is reduced for Year 3, with the process becoming self-supporting for Year 4. Phase 2 - Program Year 2 Funding We suggest inserting "centrally located" in the first sentence, to read as follows: "A $20,000 appropriation for the establishment of a centrally iocated office,. . . .° A centrally located office would be to the advantage of everyone who will be in- volved with implementing the University Avenue Plan. However, the cost and avail- ability of office space will have to be considered in selecting the location. It is our assumption that the location of the office will be a major consideration of the LDC in selecting a site. I believe that most of the concerns raised by the Six-Block Committee of the Merriam � Park Community C�uncil are mirror or operational in nature. I do not feel it is necessary at this time to modify the language of the agreement but rather the concerns should be passed on to the Planning Task Force once it is organized for their consideration in setting up operating procedures. I will be available at the City Council meeting to answer any questions regarding the Proposal that you may have. Sincerely, � � es J. Bellus Planning Administrator JJB/JP/dmm � cc: Gary Stout Li z Keefe Dan Ireland � , � i a �� ,� . � � � �� '� `xt x�,�-` , � . �r . _ . . � � . � . . . . ?a ,-J . , . .. , � .. � , . � , .. � . �, .. . . .. . . , . . - . .} . . . � .. - . ,. . . � ' � ` � ��.i� _ , , - , - �"'15��'�. � . . , � . ���k _ . � � � ,. l , . .�,, . , • , � ,' _ , ( , _ _ ��»:'' . 1.E , -� ... , �. , r � . . � �: *.a ' ' t i. i:'. , . . zfi . . .. , . • . . . . , . . , . � � .. � . ...1 S_'� . �p g�,� 1g�9 ,,� . ,' . , , � . . . Co'w�R L�M . 1 _ . . t:���oa�,. i Si�as. �'�aw�t�s , ' . 7�g , � ; � , ���e►��t1.� 1�l�e� � _ , �. . , , Cr�a�ilar�:. �e�; , .. � � . - , ° ��` '�e ��I► �'1�]. �actap�' r� ��,'� C.t'� I��at �d � . . � por��ion �.�ee � t�t ,�� t�Y � Gc�t��r'' o! 1�M 1�io� � � # �e � oa� e d�� 1�n D��ar�,ot L�. Qoat.l.i� a�t ll�ie#�d� 1�, . ; ; pps�i�e �51� xwgard �ao'`� 2oer�iio� ot ?t,�t b�' �III� � ` ' < � '. 'd�ia�lr�. . � � � � , . . , , � , � . . v,�=�►..� �'i�, - . ', '�; . ; � , � � - _ . _ �_� � , r ` � � Rc�+ A+l�zc �, � ; , � , , � � : , tlit�r�G"l�c , � � . � � , _ . r1 , � ', `, . • . ,; � . . . , �f� ,1 \ ' ,i � , , , �, , (� . �.� . . . QQ= �S �� s�vaWs� +r�+T�• '�� � ' � � • � �. �� < � . i f ' . �. � . � � ' , , ' , . � �: � � � � • . . , i , ;. t� \ � ; '�.;;,; . \ � . , �' �' �,' , _ � . ` t , .ti . ' ' '� �, ' .` . ' • � , " � ' { � ,;l � �.; I � ' , • , { � ;;� � , ! ' � � � , � , r � ��. � .. -�. , .: �-J: � � �'� � , ; . _ . , \ " � `,; � � � � �.A,�,. �--��r-�.��.� �' 11 �i'�./ er '�J► �R�`�s a, ,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �; � DEPARTMEN.T OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IIII/IIIIII tiG r 1111 11 11 � . ,,,o ^ DIVISION OF PLANNING t"" �"�nsn�� 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR July 13, 1979 Mr. David H. Hozza, President and Members of the St. Paul City Council ,' City Hall and Courthouse St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear President Hozza and Council Members: Attached for your information and action is a copy of a letter sent to this office by Mr. Jerry LaCasse, President of the District 11 Coalition. This letter concerns the existing dispute between the District 11 Coalition and the District 13 Consortium with regard to the location of the boundary between those two districts. As you will note from the letter, District 11 and District 13 have not been able to reach a satisfactory agreement regarding the boundary change which was requested by District 11 . District 11 is now requesting that the issue be brought before the City Council for a final decision in this matter. Also attached for your information, is a copy of previous correspondence relating to this issue as well as a copy of the Planning staff's analysis of the boundary issue. If you have any questions regarding this matter or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ���7� Ja s J. Be s Planning Administrator JJB/mb cc: Mayor Latimer Gary Stout, Director PED Karen Christofferson District 11 Coalition District 13 Consortium O . � . . D I STR I CT ��-�-'� .9� � � ! ELEVEN � Fc��`''�'� �� 3 'n `'�-- �, �1' ,� �C''� �::''+, COALITION � � 3�`� ��, �^ July 2, 1979 , � . � J �v� � . Jim Bellus �; St Paul Planning Depart�ent ,,�"�: #`o���� Lowry Annex 25 W 4th Street S� Paul, Minnesota, 55102 Dear Jim: District 11 Coalition has met with the District 13 Consortium. After discussion tivith all three groups we were unable to reach a satisfactory agreement regarding the boundary change which ��re are requesting. District 11 is requesting that the issue now be brought before City Council, if that is the appropriate body to settle the issue. District 11 continues� to believe that the best . solution is that of moving our boundary to the freeway rather than developing. an overlay Co:�nmittee which would serve both districts v�rithout changing boundaries. Distric�� ll is now in the process of preparing a response to the Planning Department's analysis of the boundary change. It will be distributed to all concerned pers�ns. ��te would like to know the approximate timing and exact procedure which this issue must now follow. At this point the procedure is hazy due to lack of precedence for boundary change requests, or so it apDears to us. S'ncerely ou s, rry aCasse, President cc: Karen Christofferson District 13 Consortium Serving the Hamiine Midway area 1761 University Avenue St. Paui, MN 55104 _ \ � �� � } . . ��•� /� � � � �;p,l`'i P�� E� -�- � t� � MERF�IAM PARK '�Q�`'' : ;� COMMUNIT1r COUNCIL, Inc. � � 645-0349 • WIIDER AT SAINT ANTHONY . SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55104 ��j?• ��� May 31, 1979 1 2 E-R Pt.qC ,��; �, � .�, RF������;� � Mr. Jerry LaCasse .�� �, i9Z� ....: �'�•�� Presi3ent �"' District Eleven Coa.lition — U1 1761 University Avenue G�'' Gaint Paul, Minnesota 55104 g � � Dear Mr. LaCasse: � Your letter dated May 21 has be�n recei.ved and was r�vieNed and dis- cussed at oazr May 23 monthly meeting. The Merriam Park Community Cauncil wishes once again to voice its strong disapproval of any bour�dary change between District 11 and Dist- rict. 13 and our intention is to opposa any actions taken ir, that direc- t.ion. � District 13 has now been recognized by the City. � The three community cc�uncils in the distr3ct, Lexin�ton-Hamlirie, Snelling-Fiaml�rte. and Merriam :'ar�: Community Councils, are operating, as in the gast� with a central com- mi+.tee composed of three regresentai:ives �om each cauncil. The other two councils have been informed verl�a.11y of the boundary problem and Z will write to them with a resume of what has occured in the past. I will then arran�e a meetin�; of the Central Committee and advise yau. 1 have called a meeting of the Executive Cammittee of aur Council for Wedn esuay, June 6 at "j:00 P.M. at the Merriam Fark Center. If you wou�d like to attend, please call me at my home� E�4�-7341, or at the Center. �+5- 03�9. I will place the baundary question on the agenda at the tinie most cor,v�nient f�or yau. Sanclra Murphy sent us a copy of Su�gested Procedures for Sett.ling Boundary Disputes. For your convenience I am enclosing the excerpts f�om �teps -to the Establishment of a Citizens Participation Proceas, pag:es two and three, step three, which was the process accepted by t e City Cauncil in September, 1975• Y� will note several diffarences in the final-version. In February, 1978, our former Comm�nity Organizer, Ji.m Bobzien and I met with the Boa.rd of the District Eleven Coalitian and receivec3 assurances that there was no intention of a boundary chaxige and no attempt wauld be made unless contact was first initiated by the residents involved. This was also repeated in the May, 1977 mirnates of your Goalition. It is our sincere wish that this matter be dealt with in a di�nified - s a , � � �� P'ari I ��� i�� 1 ��� manner and the end result will b�� beneficial to �i:ll conczrned. There i:.: no reason why cooperation cannot be compatlble t.o all concerned with the t�xist.i.n� boundary lines, Sincerely� ��� 7�/4. ;;�v ��'�'� . Betty McLa.u�hl9n 'resident cc Lexington-Hamline Community Council :�nelling-Hamline Commt.:nity Cour.cil Merriam Park NHS caint Paul City Council �Iayor Geor�e I.atimzr �?ames Bellus MA1 Conley, Midwsy Hospita.l Gordon and June Rus+,..ad Donald Cheathar� s ' �5�'�6 STEPS TO TH� ESTABLIS�TT OF A CITIZEPTS PARTICIPATION PROCESS Defirie designated boundaries. The citizen organizations in the districts . ahauld first make every effort to reach agreement a.mong themselvea on the boundar3es; If there is a dispute, citizen graups sh�ld be given a maxi- � mum of 45 days to resolve the matter. � City Flanning staff should be requested to analyze the disputed area, tak- in� into cons3deration such things as natural or man-made boundaries and other appropriate planning criteria. Planning staff shrntld then �¢ake ' their analysis ava.i].able to the community graups, as �rell as to appropr3ate City officials.. . If the community graups are unable to reach agreement on the baundaries, � the City Cauncil, ar a.n appropriate subcommittee thereo�', shauld'schedule . a publ3c meeting with advance notice 'to aIZ interested garties. �After hear- � ing the facts of the situation and making use of the plannina� department analysis, the final decision shauld be made by the flill �ity Cauncil. Door-to-door survey within the disputed area to elicit the opinion of the residsnts shauld be considered. There ma.y well be greas in which a sur�ey could be used and rea.son�bly valid results obta3ned. (Step 3 represents pa � licy already apgroved by the City Cauncil.) � � - , . � . . `" Fw : 7/l,a . E�.�',C� _ a.Gl�o .�u-a.,�/ f'��-� �-�' -�-� •►`rY 'i - � ���� / " � /-/� �is��+/r�-'z'2�. �, ��/ • / ih4G !/ G�i a! a„av,/ �� 9�-a%�./ . Q:�,�;iJ 2f" a-f%� . : �3 �l� .�y�e�� 0� ,,►��` �rte'e�{. -� � � � - . -✓ . ���.�''��° 'RF�SUME OF BOUNDARY DISPUTE �� :� ;� HE�WEEN DIST'RICT�li AND DISTRICT 1'3 � � � , �� � � .;� • � =,. ; . . _ .. . . ,, .. �: , ;�, ` �` � May 3�, 1979 � : �. ��: , . . - . � : :. T .. '.,i( • :I.y Gf�. ., :.� .. .. . � ,.:��� � � � .. � ,j f: � �dt . � � . . .. . � .. � � . . .. � +i . .s . i ,. � � i} .:,1973 to�early_1974e . � .�� . . ry , .�.� .;.. . .., ':''„s. . �.... .. . . . . . �.. , ... ��:. . . . �'r. .. :_ , .� �...� �.. .�... . : �,� .. . . .... � ... - The Snelling-University Development District wished tYie baundaries to ''�be University and 5ne111ng-Avernaes, Syndicate and Intersta.te q4. Prior J �" ta�this time the plan included �the area bounded by a residential zone '�"' ; of� Pierce, F`ry,:�:Roy, .un3versity, �and ?nterstate 94. Residents opposed the inclusion of this area because they fea.red the development xau2d eventually'lea.d ta the razing of homes and the end of a residential :: .�ei�rhborhood. .. . .;➢' . . ,: . ; ::�;. , ; ` . . ,. . , . 2) � The Hamline-Midway Community�Cauncil �aa.s formed in �973 using Inter- state 94 as its sauthern baundary. This averlapped the northern boun- : dary of the Merriam Fa.rk Community Cauncil which is the middle of Uni- � � • �= versity Avern�e. MPCC �a.s formed in October, f967. The'District"i3� " " District li Citizen Fa.rticipation baundary conforms with that•of MPCC. 3) December, 19?4-Jarnzary, 1975 : � � ,_ �,::-�xe.� � , ----- ___ The Six Block Area residents (118) petitioned to�with the gresent Merriam Park baunda.ries and Comimxnity Cauncil. 4) ` Citizen Participe.t3on Baundaries: (Response to the City) In 1975 the � only reference to District 13 bwndaries was a_Iette� 'dated April 8, 1975 from Dave McDonald, President of MPCC agreeing with the propc�sed baunr?�irie�. The letter says the (Six Block� are.� �irt question today) takes intQ conaidera.tion both social and economic needs. There is alsa . a letter dated April 9, 1975 from Barb Baulger, President of the Lexing� ton-Hamline Community Cvuncil which only refers to the extension of the . proposed District 13 eastern bwndary from Hamline Avernze, as desired by District 8, to Lexington Parkway: While xe'have letters on file from ,; all eauncils� respond3ng to ttie �C�y, t,29ere are ncne from .a�y graup ' within District 11. . • , , . , _ . �� , . � , ,.. . . , : ,. . _a,... , .. - : E�.> . ; .. . ._ _ . ,In reviewing all material available on the early stages o� Citizen ` : Particlpe,tion thraugh: its.adoptian, I faund no record �of any dispute ° �'`:of,the District 11�Dis�,rict' 13'common'baundary�reported in minutes or • .public hear3ngs. , t�-� : . � � �_ �� � �� �" " J� s � , .. � ��->- � _,: .., .� . , . , . . . . .._ . . , . . , ; . . . .: ; ,. ,,.,,.�. �,,. _ . .., � � _ : ., . 5 Navember 19 F 1975 a , _ ��` ' ` '' _ � . � . . . ��� �,; c' . . r . � . ` MPCC unanimously. agreed that'tthe Six Block Area, remain a part of,Mer- ' riam Pa.rk since,the-residents of the Six Block Area.-reg.uested it._ 6) Janua.ry, 197b . fi .. . . � ._ ,... .; � �. � .., . � � , �,j The Midwa.y Monitor ran an:' article on the over2ap�of the baundary of Hamline�Midway and Merriam Park Community Cauncils saying that the � Six Block Area had not yet given permission for a boundary change. . ,. ��`: . . . . . . . . � . . . . . � � �`v4..-.. , � . � � . . � . .. ... . . � �'!��x". -2- August� 1976 _ ��� • � The Six Block Area residBnts again apgroa,ched MPCC and asked to ata.y with the p�esent bvundary. The MPCC voted to support them. 7)' ��st►' 1977 . . �. ; .. , _ � MPCC monthly meeting. The Ha.mllne�Midwa.y-Merria.m Fa.rk bcund�r�y was a.ga.in braught up since residents of the Six Block Area were being so.- licited" for membership in the�Hamline�Midway Community 'Cauneil�. Tom Soukup� President of MPCC� was directed to advise HMCC that it is ac- countable to District li which has a sauthern baundary in the middle af Un3versity Avenue and that they shauld come before the entire District . 13 Central Committee before referr�.n�r this ma.tter to the City Cauncil. (note: , no record that this wa,s don��) � In July, 19�7 MPCC President Tom�.Saukup was instructed by MPCC to write to I�ICC sta.ting that. the baundary issue had gone on for some time and shauld be resolved to � conform xith the district baundary. (note: no record that� �his wa.s , done.; Mr. Sa�zkup advised that these matters were handled by tele- phone.) . � 5 8� A letter dated August 21, 1977 from Don R.itn� of HMCC to Mayor Latitner .. is as follows: . . P7.ea.se note the attached resolution I cut a.zt af t�e July 27, Z97? �erriam Park Community Cauncii minutes. �, � � I feel this is illegal and does not ineet the•district gu�ide- lines as set u�. by the. City �f Sa3nt Paul. T further believe . this will widen the ga.p between the business��comm�unity,and the Merriam �ark Council. I also believe the City.of Sairit Paul ma.de a very ba.d mistake in setting up the baundary o� Distr3ct , 11 and 13. We in HMCC are�very concerned abaut what happens to Saint Paul a,nd yau Ia�ow some o#' the problems along University Avenue and I�ICC has been and will con�.iaue to be very open w3th - .yau and everyone else (tPiat's more than I can say for MPCC3. I ' feel by divlding Univers�ty Avenue that the business community _ f`rom Prior Avenue on the west tQ Lexington Parkway o� the east . between Universit�r Avenue on;the north to I-94 ,bn• the sauth will . not get good. re�esentation wi.th MPiCC or Distr3et 13. � I xaa2ld '� like yau to take a good look at the area. in question and" iaake a . xecommendation that District !l baundary .be moved from the center o� Un•fversity Avenue sauth to the esater of �-94 which is th me-"ore > . . logical border for 'District 1!. _ : ; . . > -0. � . � t . . }.... • � The Mayor�s, response of Septembe� 16� 1977 is $8rfollowss � ' In reply to your letter of August 21, I haye attached a copy of ' suggested district boundary change procedures. Y� will note that the city emphasizes- the importance of tharaugh community�input re- - . garding potenti.al baundary cha,nges.� . I atrongly support this posi_ . . r . . : `� � . _ _�_ tion and w�zld urge yau to solicit formal inpit from the Hamline- : Midway Comimznity Council, the Merria.m Fa.rk Communi�y Cauncil, the • 'District;ll Planning Coa.litian, the Midway Civic and Commerce As-- sociation, and all other organizations and residents of the Dist- � . rict fi and i3 communities affected by yQUr proposed change izt bcun- .� .daries. ' As also sta.ted 3.ri the sug�ested procedures, the City �aun- �31 of the City of Saint Pa.ul:must make the final d'ecisi.on. Hox- ever, I am liopeflxl that yau and area. residents and or�anizat3ons � will resolve this issue at the neigh�orhood Ievel. � g.) Feb�iiarY� 1978" : . � Report to MPCC by President Betty Mcl,aughlin s .� . ,A i : � - MERRIAM PARK COMNdJNITY COUNCIL � • • COMMON BOUNDARY OF DISTICTS f11i3 , ; FIDRUARY 15, 1978 ° _ , - ' Several months a�o, our Cauncil passed a rssolution regarding the common boundary between Districts lZ and 13 and asked that �e get coacrete sta.tements that no efforts are being made to change the , . baundary by District 1i. Since there �ras no record that this t�ras done, I�ve backtracked to -get the information, On Jaraiary 5� I talked to Dean Trampe of th;; Distriot �f�Coa2itfan. He stateds 1)The District I2 Coalition position is the baundaries were , set.by the City and should rema.in the same. � . 2�Don R�tnam, Presfdent of Hamline-Midway C�.incil dfd ask Ilistrict 1i to ma.ke some effort to expand�the boundary to I-94� l�uut Dist,rict li a.greed with the City 'bo�tndaries. - 3)Ham7.ine-Midway Cauncil did plan a survey to establish - • wishes of the people. in the area. between University and I-9�F but did not ge� the ma.npower ar funds to do the pro- _ ject. ., . ; _ � I�ve tried for two months to contact Steve Billi,ngs, .President af � the District 11 Coa.lition and finally succeeded on January 25, z97�. steve statea:, ' .,, • ; .� , � : 1)They were approaehed severa.Z months ago by a group of resi- - dents who r�anted the boundaries changed. (notei as the ~ conversation c.ontinued, I became Convinced it wa.s a group of businessmen.) The Coalition did have a motion to reques� a chan�e- but it was not passed and the residents were told to , survey th�eir area. �here nas been no further contact. Steve Billings would like to see a joint meeting of Executive Com- mittees from the3x Coalition, Merriam Pa,rk� Hamline-Midway� Snell- _ , _ �^. ` `: ,�, , , , � �, . , �.. . �i,. k�� � , � - � . . . . ' .E�y ��. :.. : ,, ing-Hamline, Lexin�ton-Hamline; to discuss common groblems. ` . , _... . . .,. . .. .. , . , , Oa Tuesday, February 7, Jim Bobzien and T a:ttended the bcecutive , Committee meeting of the District li Coa.litiaa and discussed the ;:�� ���.� �;baunda � � rY once again. We were informed that in MaY, .19'l7 their , . ,.�r � 'V Exscutive _Co�amittee passed a motion that the baundary wauld remain =; � �"`� the same as _ _� . _ gresent. �They would consider a baznda.ry change o I �§� ' ' , if the residents involved would initiate the reques-t. The3x Execu- �"�tive Committee waeild like to see a survey done however, sponsored ' 3ointly by our Council and their�, to deteriaine once and far all : ;how the resi3ents between the freewa.y and Elniversity Avenue feel.� This would include Six Block, Eight Block atid Lake Iris areas, ; . They are also willing to cooperate with us on cammon problems ` that arise along our baundary. �: 10� In addition to the Six Block Area which is represented on cs.ir MPCC by , Gordon Rusta.d of. the Six Blocx Committee and Jt:r.e Rustad, MPCC.District 3 Resident I�elegate, ther� are two additional residential nei.ghborhoods involved in the baundary questions _ ' !) The E3.ght Block area which inc.ludes Mid�a.y Hospital. . Thi.s area . does not have a resident delega-te-on our Ccrxncil at th3s time but has in'the past been active in attending MPCC meetings. • Midwa.y Hospita.I, employing 1,Q00. belonged to the MPCC since 1967 and has actually included the residen-ts �.n its planning as well as keeping the MPGC informed and. as�..ng for its sup- port. � 2) Iris Park. This area has been represented on o�zr Cauncil in tI�_e ` . ` pa.st and currently a resident has petitions aut to be seated. It is currentZy a tar�et area of the Merriam Park Ni�S and resi . ; dents .of Iria Park are interested in rehabilitating homes and � the nei�hborhood. The. boundary`change could �eopardize this � ' + , program 3n a residential neighborhQOd. sirice the bazndary char�e wazld not then be comg�ti�le with the boundaries of the Merriam� , Park NHS. The Episcopal Church Home in this area. is a member of ; aur Cauncil also. . . z � ��y � � .. �.z .. .. = ., , .., , . _ , x'#: �,�,,'. �; .� _ - .� � „ : -�..r ��. ,.; . : . _ � � ,_ . , - � ;,. .. ; . ,, .. . ::, > . . ,_ - >: . . _, . , , . . . ..; _ . : s � . ' ' " , . • .. ,: ; .: ., . .. „ �, . .. . , , . � , _ ..: , , . .. . . DISTRICT ELEVEN COALITION � �Zay 29, 1979 James Bellus St Paul Planning Department 25 Z�lest 4th Street St Paul, Minnesota, 55102 Dear Jim: In response to your letter of �+1ay 24, 7-929, District 11 wants to make clear that the area being considered for a boundary change is in dispute. Informal discussions with District 13 regarding this matter have been held in the last two years. At this time we are in the process of holding formal meetings with the tnree councils in District 13. The area is in dispute and for this reason we have asked the Planning Department for assistance. We have carefully read the policy for settling boundary disputes. IteM n2 states that "Concurrently, the Planning staff should be requested to analyze the disputed area. ." ���te would not have asked for the analys�s if the area was not in dispute. Hopefully this clarification will speed the Planning Department's review along. Sincerely yours, �/. ` � � '���`�'',�../�, Je Casse, President ce`. Betty McLaughlin, T�Zerriam Park Community Council � Karl Grahek, Lexington-Hamline Cormn.unity Council Phillip Upton, Snelling-Hamline Community Council Karen Christofferon, Community Development Offi�e. � . � . -� �„ �.��� � �.� t e.( ,i•,,.(`�\ i� `i•�, � ��e�+' 1".,� ��� �.Y,� � /_:. Serving the Hamline ���r r Midwa area Y i�.. ,: _ � _ :ih 1761 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 .�'• � . DISTRICT ���►�� ELEVEN COALITION - ��'Iay 21, 1979 Jim Bellus St Paul Planning Department Lowry Annex 24 �'Jest 4th Street St Paul, l�Iinnesota, 55102 Dear Jim: The District 11 Coalition is initiating a boundary change action. Our southern boundary is University Avenue. 5,�1e would like to change that boundary to the I-94 freeway, from Lexington to Cleveland, for a variety of reasons. (The area between University and the freeway is now part of District 13. ) : In this district's economic develo�:nent planning, and implementation of those plans, it Y?as beco*ne very apparent to the Coalition that T�re must �rcl��de both sides of Univer- sity if we are to have a uni�ind and successful corr�nercial area and that the freeway naturally divides the districts. The division of the boundaries, as they exist now, svlits the natural grouping of co�nmercial enternr-±ses so that they are not really represented :aell by either district. Tati'e also believe that residential needs are in so�newhat the sa�e category and would benefit from such a change. v��e are requesting that the planning department analyze this disp�ated area with the intent of detei^raining factors that would make this kind of change an action that would be advantageous to all parties involved. . or at the minimum provide them with the representation they need so that their best interests will be served. � Sincerely yours � , rry Casse, President cc; Roger Ryan Senring the Hamline Midway area � 1761 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 .�' �.-a,. . � SUGGESTED PROCEDURE FOR SETTLING BOtTiVDARY DISPUTES ����� The Community Development Section suggests the following procedures for settling boundary disputes or for considering requests for district boundary changes under the Citizen Participation Program: • i. The citizen organizations in the districts should first make every effort to reach agreement among themselves on the disputed boundar- ies, without any intervention from City officials. It is suggest�d . that from the time the City is first notified of a boundary dispu�e, � the citizen groups be given a maximum of 45 days to attempt to - resolve the mattere 2. Concurrently, City Planning staff should be requested to analyze the disputed area, taking into consideration such things as natural or man-made boundaries and other appropriate planning criteria. The Planning staff should then make its ana��sis available ta the . • conununity groups, as well as to the appropr�ate City officials. _ 3. If the community groups are unable to reach agree*�ent on the bound- . �aries, the City Council, or an appropriat� subcomraittee thereof, shou].d schedule a public meeti.ng with advance notice to all intereste� parties. After heari,ng the facts of the situation and making use of the Planning staff analysis, the final decision should be made by the full City Council. . We seriously considered but decided against recommending a door-to-door survey within the disputed area to salicit the opinion of the residents. - . I� there is any additional information you need, please contact Bill Patton, Administrator of Community Deyelopment, 298-5586t � ���, � t Mr. Jerry LaCasse, President Page 2 District 11 Coalition May 24, I979 Encl . cc: . Mr. Ldilliam Patton, Community Development Administration h1s. Karen Christofferson, Citizen Participatian Gaardinator Mr. Larry Soderholm, Principal Planner Mr. Karl Grahek, Pres. , Lexington-Hamline Community Council Ms. Betty McLaughlin, Pre�. , Merriam Park Community Council Mr. Phillip Re Upton, Snelling-Hamline Community Council JJB:mm �'ri��`�`�"° CiTY O� SAfNT PAUL ,.. ,;.::. {/'"t °'':. � • F r.`+ :'' . • �o �-,� ��, DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELGPME�IT s+ nuisnm ,, =.:s n s 11 p�_r. ^= = DIVISION OF PLANNING � ���� ` 25 West fourth Street,Saint Paut,Minnesota,55102 "Z'TC:::>oA"` GEORGE LATIMER ' 612-298-4151 MAYOR May 24, I979 Mr. Jerry LaCasse, President . District 11 Coalition 1761 University Avenue Saint Paul , Minnesota 55104 Dear Mr. LaCasse: I've received your hiay 21, 1979 letter concerning the initiation of a boundary change along the southern boundary .. of District 11. Specifically, you a�ere requesting that the District 11 boundary be extended from University Avenue to Interstate 94, from Lexington to Cleveland.. It is unclear from your letter as to wheth�r there is agreement on the proposed boundary change between the affected districts; i .e. , District I1 and District 13. Enclosed for your information is a capy of the "Suggested Procedure for Sett7ing Boundary Disputes" arhich was prepared by the City. As you �vi11 note, the first recommendation is that "Tne ci�izen organizations in the districts should first make every ef�ort to reach agreement among themselves on the disputed boundaries��without any intervention from City officials." . As I pointed out in the previous paragraph, it is unclear from your letter as to whether this type of discussion has taken place and whether there is an agreement or dispute with rzgard to the proposed change. Therefor�, for �he sake of clarificatior�, would you please iet me knotiv as to the status �f the proposal . If there is a dispute, once I have received arritten clarificatTan, I wi11 assign planning staff to complete their review of the matter �>>ithin five days, so that this �nformation will be ava�lable to a11 parties concerned. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, � .l� es J. B lus P1 anni rtg Admi ni strator �°� ° ' �r���'� •^,�.`�;:;:-s,� `-� �� C1TY OF SAINT PAUL =�a ,o _; ""' �? DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT �u unr ,- ��'-.��, iui �u u� ^� ;• _ DIVISION OF PLANNING r"^.-n;.d���` 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR June 20, 1979 Mr. Jerry LaCasse, President District 11 Coalition 1761 University Avenue St. Paul , Minnesota 55104 Dear Mr. LaCasse: Your letter of May 29, 1979, made it clear that the boundary change proposed by the District 11 Coalition is disputed by groups in District 13. In � response to your request, my staff have completed a planning analysis of the disputed area, in accordance with the "Steps to the Establishment of a Citizen Participation Process". The process states that the Planning Division's analysi� is to be made available to the community groups involved and appropriate city officials. I hope this information and analysis will be use�ful to you and others who work on resolving the issue. Please call me (298-�509) if you have any questions about the enclosed analysis. Sincerely, �_ , � J es J. Bellus Planning Administrator cc: Betty McLaughlin, Merriam Park Community Council Karl Grahek, Lexington-Hamline Community Council Richard Upt�n, Snelling-Hamline Corrmunity Council George Latimer, Mayor St. Paul City Council Neil Dieterich, State Senator Ann Wynia, State Representative Mike Fritz, State Representative John Finley, County Board Diane Ahrens, County Board Gary Stout, Director, Dept. of Planning & Economic Development 4Jilliam Patton, Community Development Administrator Karen Christofferson, Citizen Participation Coordinator Enc. JB:LS:mh �O . ����� BOUNDARY DISPUTE BETWEEN DISTRICTS 11 AND 13 A PLANNING DIUISION STAFF ANALYSIS -�_.-:: - JUNE 20, 1979 - - _-- -- _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT JAMES J. BELLUS, PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR . ������ A. BOUNDARY CHANGE The District 11 Coalition has initiated a district PROPOSAL AND DISPUTE boundary change action. They propose that the boundary between District 11 and District 13 be moved from University Avenue to Interstate Highway 94. The Dis- trict 11 Coalition believes that: -The freeway is the natural boundary. ; -In order to achieve unified and successful economic development plans and programs, both sides of University Avenue should be in District t1. -Changing the boundary would consolidate business repre- sentation and would also benefit the residents. In District 13, the Merriam Park Corrnnunity Council has written to the Planning Division ta oppose the boundary change, and the Lexington-Hamline Cammunity Council board has passed a resolution opposing the change. These arganizations believe that: �Residents in the disputed area have indeed been involved in their community councils. �Based on a five-year recor+d of residents' expressions of � preference, the majority of residents favor remaining in Dfstrict 13. -The District 13 Plan' s proposal for an "overlay district" for the Midway commercial and lndustrial area would answer the need for coordinated action a7ong University Avenue. _ _ � B. AREA IN DISPUTE The population living in the disputed area is approx- imagely 3,300. Two thousand ane hundred live west of Snelling Avenue, and 1 ,200 live east of Hamline Avenue in 1247 St. Anthony, the highrise, or on Central and St. Anthony AvE�ues. There are also approximately 400 ; people living in nursing hor�es and residential programs. _ _. Map 1 shaws the land use in the area in dispute. Table 1 shows the amount of land in each use category and the number of dwelling units in sub-areas within the disputed , area. Table 2 shows the number of hausehalds in the disputed area, and whether they are owners or renters. (The figures in Tables 1 and 2 do not match because they are from different sources.) Map 2 shows average daily � traffic volumes through the area. •_ . . . . I C. EXISTING BOUNDARIES Maps 2 through 6 show existing boundaries affecting the area. Map 7 shows the service area (the area within 1/2 mile walking distance) for each neighborhood recreation center affecting the area. Table 3 tabUlates boundary � locations. ( � , � 2 . D. IST IC GANIZATIONS District 1 Coalition is composed of inembers from: 1. Hamline-P�idway Community Council. 2. Midway Concerned Citizens. . 3. Midway Civic and Commerce Association. 4. Hamline University. 5. Ministers Association. 6. Four Geographical Areas. District 13 is composed of three Community Councils. The three councils have recently formed the District 13 Central Committee to act on matters common to all cor�nunities. Lexington-Hamline and Snelling-Hamline have general membership. P�er.riam Park has 21 geographic areas from which residents may become a member of the Council , and also has delegates from bonafide organizations as Council members. _ 4 E. BOUNDARY ALTERNATIVES l . ARGUMENTS FOR CHANGING THE BOUNDARY TO I-94 , As a physical boundary, I-94 is stronger than University AvQnue. The freeway is one block wide (330 feet), and carries 100,000 vehicles per day. Because of its inter- state design, travel across the freeway 6etween Lexington and Cleveland is impossible except at one underpass,� six vehicular bridges, and two foot bridges. (The freeway seems to be such a formidable barrier that the Snelling- � Hamline Community Council proposed a new footbridge over � the freeway at Snelling Avenue. ) 1 . Commercial development along University Avenue should be treated as a whole. The r�orth side affects the south ; side and the south side affects the north side. Stores j present their faces to University Avenue, not I-94. Midway Center and Wards are oriented to University; ! redevelopr�ent of the Brown and Bigelow site will probably j be �riented to University Avenue. Planning for economic � development is difficult because planners and developers have to partic:pate with one �istrict coalition, one district central committee, and three community councils. i Carrying-out the plans can be even more difficult since support for public improvements must be sought from these � same five groups. While District 11 has three delegates ! from the P�idway Civic and Corr�nerce Association on its board, the District 13 Councils have no business organiza- tions concerned with University Avenue on their boards. 2. ARGUMENTS FOR RETAINING THE EXISTING BOUNDARY _ More boundaries are on University than I-94. Four i community organizations (including Midway Concerned ; Citizens) , a County Board boundary, the Team Police, a f real estate district, and census tract boundaries are on � University. Neighborhood recreation centers located ( south of the freeway in District 13 serve most of the residents in the disputed area. The disputed area has been part af District 13 since the inception of the district system four years ago and the associations are many. A district plan was completed and adopted by the City Council a year ago and a central committee of the three community councils was recently formed to work on common matters. On the issue of economic development planning and implementation, the District 13 Plan prr�posed a special commercial and indus- trial study, which would include parts of Districts 11 and 13, to address the problems of economic development planning. . 3 , ��`A�'�� �; �� � � i..J G � � 3. ARGUMENTS FOR CHANGING PART OF THE BOUNDARY Most of the commercial and industrial uses could be included in District 11 by changing part of the boundary as shown on Map 8. Such a change would put almost a11 the comr�ercial and industrial area in District 11 and facilitate economic development planning for the Midway. Business representatives could join with one district organization to plan and implement economic development. The residential area, west of Snelling, could continue i its ties to L�istrict 13. The residential area along Central and 1247 St. Anthony appears to be separated from ' the residential areas of District 11 by commercial j development and from District 13 residential areas by ` I-94, Central High School and Concordia College. This residential grouping could as well be in District il as in District 13. � _. _ _ �. . :_ � F. PLANNING EVALUATION l,The existing boundary creates certain problems. Changing � the boundary would create other problems. Since the � arguments for and against a change are counterbalancing, ' there appears to be no overriding justification for cf�anging the existing boundary. 2. In working with this area, the City should try to refocus discussion onto communications-oriented solutions instead of boundary-oriented solutions. Improved communications procedures should include all legitimate interest groups in an efficient information network. 3.The concept af an overlay� district, .including parts of both Districts 11 and 13, should be implemented for economic development planning and programming. 4.The Midway Civic and Commerce Association should be represented on the District 13 Central Committee, and businesses should play more active roles in District 13's I cormnunity Councils. � , 4 , • . . � s „ � '.°"t � /�' � � ❑ m ��o < � n �► Jr N 3 N � . m c CL VE ELAND "� ^ � � � r ! � v m ' 1 I� � oco m -n i n i � � " D 3 G+ = � � t u i �� n �� /� � w iw ,v � � J � , � : /� _ � C/� s ; ?,i / � � � ��Ibco � _�u i � n D �a � ,� �� . � e � n n �00 / .�. D4 : � � G -� � � w � �--� / ^• � � +�• D C 3 • / NO � .�•' � � 00 -� -1 � � • ♦ �f � � . D D ,� r r � � OD - � z . � �� . .-� �� , . � -� � '�+ � r i ! ' .. 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House of Representatives X 11 . Senate X C. Schools 12. Longfellow-Hill X X 13. Hancock X 14. Galtier-Maxfield X X �5. Wilson Jr. High X 16. Central Sr. High X D. Other 17. Real Estate X 18. Census Tracts X 19. Team Police X , _ _ I 12 r i: j / hl' � '' ,�a - -- J,'-�, _ :' , � � : :►. ' . ; �, �: �� ti � �� � � �� �� �: �� �. �� �� .....r--.�� �� _ �.. : "" �z� S!� ' � `.,,..,.,'�'.y:..4'f's :1 ,� � t........;��r.,'� • ���� �# ' 'y���,,,.,��, .)'i.'�,.. 4' �i.,.�,�,h�� �^ � 'w-41 C /i � i 'MM.CS'��&15� � I y � "� �Y � � � �,� ��� �.� � ; � M sraoaxir Y .us;f��� s � ��� .�� F� :l;,,'�:,�I� .17 � � i ����M��' i �. 36g' .1�1 d !_.. �� '� ��� ��� �� I y � . � �:� ��' `� � �!� �� ` ' � �i ��i �.: .. ��� . � ° � f ��� � � � �� ' .. ; . ' � �`�����---- .-- ` : . �� J �:� � �. . � :: � `' ' � ,�1{fW•.IQSA— ��_.:_ .___- _ ... .w- .�.. .... ... . � / � � _� . 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