275575 WH17E - CITV CLERK 1 ����� PINK - FINANCE GIT SAINT PATTL COl1IlC11 - CANARV -DEPARTMENT � BLUE �- MAVOR Flle NO. � R Ea S 0 L � P I�0 N Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement recommends that the Griffin Tire Company, Saint Paul, Minnesota, be granted permissian to add three strands of barbed wire to the existing fence at 2375 Unive�sity Avenue. � RESOLVED, That said barbed wire installation is to be in conformance with Section 4.04-�14 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and that �he permit for erection of said barbed wire shall not be granted until the required Certificate of Insurance ,, indemnifying the City of Saint Paul is submitted and approved by the Corporation Counsel as to form and in an amount as set forth in Minnesota Statutes 466 .04. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested b Department of: ' Butler Hune zza �e�.�ine In Favor H Maddox � L e McMahon Against BY _ oe er Showalter Sylve ter desco ilso SEp 2 �ggp Form Approved� Cit At, orne , Adopte Council: �ate t C tified Pas e y Cou cil S`�cretary BY B � App d y Mayor: Date S� � ��$� _ Appro Mayo for Sub issi to Council By By � s�EO SEP 13 . �����i � r ,�a6c�TY �'`�, CITY OF SAINT PAUL � • ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES '� __ ,' �• � ^Q DIVISION OF HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT .... Gity Hal1,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer 6�2_ygg.421Z Mayor , p F, .�: � , F�.�� �f'�y,i�,�.�I•: l.:`i i-2�.`, August 6, 1980 Mr. President and Members of the City Council Re: �equest for Approval of Barbed Wire F� Installation at 2375 University Avenue Council M�nbers: The Division of Hcyusing & Building Code Enfaroement has re�ived a request fran the Griffin Radial Tire Canpany to add three (3) strands of barbed wire fenoe to their existing fenCe at 2375 University Avenue. The fence presently encloses a �i.re storage yard. A field inspection has been made of th,e site and�the Division can see rro oblection to granting this reques�, Because the zoning of the property is Industri.al l, wh,ere barbed wire fer�cing is allaw�d, under Section 4.04-14 of the Legislative Code, this Division redamtends that the request be grant,ed ` with tt�e praviso that the arni for the wixe is poi�ted over th� prop�rty. S' y, : ; Gl�nn A. Eric�ts rn S�ervisor of Code Enforaement. " C�,E/eh - A � O . . : .. . ,.t . . . . . . . . . ._...T. . . . . o . OL�I V i.: LZIF 19�f S� �' Rev. � 9�/8/7�� . �XPLANA,"li4N OF ADM2NISTR�TIqE ORDERS, RE L 5, AL�tD ORDZNAI�CES � .����ir�r����i��������wr���� . � � � � . . � ��V • � . ' Dat�: p,ugust 6, 1980 . TO_: MAYOR GEQRGE' LAT R �� � q � �,� ��•�,� FR� Glenn A. Erickson � �"�� Hausiryg & Buildi Enforoe�r►ent � A'L4}��, ; �� RE: Installation of Bar Wixe Fenc� . at 2375 University Avenue ' � �Ff3�,� 1�,CTION REQU�STED: Appraval and executioan of oo�cil resolution - �. PQRPOSE ANII RATIONALE FOR THI� :�iCTION: A resolutio� is neoessary for erectio� of barbed wire fence. _ �iTTACBMENT3r . Counail resolutiari -