275573 WHITE - CITV CLERK COIlI1C11 ����� �PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREF�S, The Council of �he City of St. Paul in CF 273657 did declare that it was in the public interest to memorialize and celebrate the 12�th anniversary of the City of St. Paul 's incorporation, and did find that it was in the public interest and wou1d serve a public purpose to expend $10,000.00 of public funds towards this celebration and WHEk��AS, the Ramsey County Historical Society, as fiscal agent for the committee reports that the expenses incurred exceed the revenue by $6,124.44 and WHEREAS, the City Attorney has requested $500.00 for settlement of a claim against the City resulting from the celebration, be it resolved, that upon recomnendation of the Mayor and pursuant to section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul , there is hereby transferred the following in the 1980 budget FROM: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve - General 09060-536-000 - Transfer or Contribution to Budget Fund $6,624.44 T0: Operation and Maintenance Department of Community Services 125th Anniversary Celebration 03006 - 545 03006 - 511 $6,124.44 -500.00 6,62 .44 App d as Fu ing: Approved: Director, Dep rtment of Finance nd dget Dire or Management Services �( � g0 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: B tler Hunt COMMUP[ITl( SERVICES Ho za Levine In Favor Hun Maddox �� McMahort � __ Against By , ddox ghowalter owalter Tede Tedesco SEP Wilso 2+ �9� Form Appr by Atto Adopte y Counc' : �ate C tified Pa• by C �ncil�Secret y By I 198 Ap rove Mayo for Submission to Council /� d by ;Navor: e — � BY — — By —�`"" �t�ausx�t� SEP 13 198� _-.-�._ czT� �� ���.�-�� �.��� �'��'�3 - j•�;,r—'��� OF'FI�� OF Tt I�. CIT�C COI7�CTL ` . ,- l(_'.. ,.;� j: `��`��"-:�'•:1 t..1 `-'�1 S•��' �. •.Jr! � '� � . . . .. , �''_� �.= y y ��'.�` Da t e . August 29, 198Q �.` . ----,_- . �` . _.,�`- �'. � �� �� � l �� � � � c� � � l _ �' 4 : Sain� Paul Ci�� Cou�cil _. -i: . -: 'FRQ � = COT1iTi!'I�E'� Ot1 FINAPJCE, MPiP�AGEMENT & RERSONI`�EL _ . t - George McMahon ; �hoirman, makes the fo( ta���tng � report an C.�. _. � ardirance � . - . �4) . X� Resat��ian � . � ❑ Q'rher . - _ Z' 1TLE : _ At.-its meeting of August. 28, 1980, the. Finanee Co�unittee recommended approval of�the following: - ---_ ____. 1 . Resolu�ion transferring $15,000 from Contingent Reserve General to City _ � Atto�ney Administration fo-r retaining services of bond counsel for St. Pau1 . Distric� Heating .Project: (11167-GM) . - . : 2. Resolution authorizing City Attorney to conclude re�ainer arrangement with - . .' � Briggs -& Morgan for St. _ Paul District Heating Project._ ._ _ - 3. Resal.ution providing insurance to those employ�es who would be eligible_ far � . pensian; but who withdraw their money in a lump sum. (11255-G��{) - . _ . , 4. Resolution transferring $6,624.44 from Contingent Reserve to Operatian and - Maintenance, Department of Co�rrnnunity Services, ta cover expenses tncurred for�City's 125th Anniversary celebration. (1126�-GM} CITY i-I�1LL SEVENTH FLOOR S:�ItiT PAL��., I�Eb�'\�ESC)TA 55lQ� frr����t.� OM 41 : 12/1975 Rev. : 9/8/76 EXPLANATION OF ADMINTSTRATIVE 4RDERS, • �_._ j� � ' 7 RECEIVED . - JUL 2 51980 Date : July 25, 1980 R E C E 1 V E D CITY ATtORNEY TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER ��� g 1950 FR: Thomas J. Kel l ey �Y�'� � . �� City's 125th Anniversary t 'f� '�L��`',��'`''�, '�Ci�, ��'Fi ACTION REQUESTED: �'�.y�'���. � GF� F ! Approval and signatures on attached Resol ution 9�F�'F o�,�o,� � � �L�, 2F�,� SF�q,y p� L FF s PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Transfer of funds in 1980 budget for above ATTACF�NTS: Council Resolution � , • � •� . � � ������ . � � Ramsey County Historical Society • ' "History cbse to home" . ; � • 6-16-80 � �' • Bob Horrisberger � City Courthouse � � St. Paul, Mn. • Dear Bob: Attacl�ed is the list of outstanding City ' � Birthday Party bills. $6, 124 .44 would pay ! up eve�_ything except the bills related to ; the song. � • _ � . i , � Sorry for the delay in getting this to you. Sincerely, . � � � Judy Osborn � - - 222-0701 � - ; cc: Jerry Isaacs � Tom Kelley _ I � Landmark Center • 75 West Fihh Street St.Paul,Minnesota 5510Q • (612)222-0701 i � _ � • . .. ' � - � ���� Unpaid City Birthday Party Bills as of 6-16-80 $2, 628 .77 � Dimensional Displays & Design '� 405. 50 MTC 350. 00 St. Paul/Ramsey Arts & Science Council � 519. 55 shedd brown inc � . � � � 580. 00 Veet Marseglia 1, 000. 00 COMPAS � 139.00 Capitol Stationery & Printing " . , 400. 00 Wiederkehr Balloons International, Inc. 15. 60 Communication Arts � $6, 038.42 �� The following bills were incurred Yiy either • Dick Taylor or June McKinney and sent to Lowertown ' for payment. As. far as I can tell, they have not been, paid: $320. 00 Mouldy Figs (due to Jin Field) 175. 50 MTC � 50. 00 Les Joyeux Baladin $545. 50 � $6, 038. 42 - 545. 50 - 6,583.92 - � - � ; - 459.48 in checking account - . � ; $6, 124 .44 would clear up the outstanding bills. - . � � None of the outstanding bills that are related to . the song are included on this sheet. � � � � ,•;: � � . . ♦ ' �� , < w — R+ - � � a4S r�+�; �t.,# �; � ��, �J tj , /`(T'. ,_ J . � , � � - . . ._ . . . . - . . �! � � �_ � ��� � -�� • �,�, i-1 , ��r ,:;�_ 1 1 I,.�� .� '� ' � ' • � � , ��_� � � ' _ y � � . . � $ � E — i PLEASE TEAR OFf AND MA�L TOP PORTION WITH REMITTANCE wS6a4a 4 I DATE REF. DESCRIPTION CHARGES ✓ CREDITS BA�ANCE r .��� ` PREVlOUS BALANCE �; �;,:�. i _,�` ' ' / �f� �U't) „�,,�,�.-. �--,� �., ' .� — .�:�.�:sa ���x� ��,:�m e�..,��� t— � ; z � � i � � , , 3 0 ,� � � ,��� � uo. — --5 R 's.�.,�-�'a`t � t_.._ . a_ _ . . ' e s—,�C' � ,� � - . . - , � i i i —�-,-�^---^�,� T .T,m..._.�...,.,;.-,.�....:�-.--, ...-...._ �v �.::.,.::�,..�a�la�:...� ..�u�..w:.�.,,�.-.:........,. b I � � . � ; 9 I I � I i0 1 � i 1 It I � � �_ . . . I 12 � I � • 'E� _ . fORM No. cv-iaS �un�..+u.s pLEASEPAYLASTAMOUNTSHOWNINTHISCOWMN___� ��++��''''�"''�''�''C'^- �� �^'^�- ��!n -�'�*-'*^^'^�� �vi �As�i��w3'1�a.��s.ca11;:W�.l.Y�'+f���i.n++.y1-.::wi � DIMENSIONAL DISPLAYS & DESIGN, INC. � 1222 UNIVERSITY AVENUE � ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55104 � . . ._.. . ..�..... ._ . . ,,, -*�,.«� -r > . _. _ � _-_ ......,. ..,.a,..�+rt-..� .. . .- ,�w+g. � �r._ RiP�d�ry!sY, ^a���;: �.._:;... . ........�_ o-�..... �_...� , - . .. . . . . :_... ....d. . ....�..�,,.a ro....:��..T. a..,...w oau..��..w��.G»M.�n-��:.:+�a.tsrN'�zwMrr•.,..isu . _._. ....+.,,... .__..-. . .......-.. .. . . , '__ ' .. .. _......_�..... .. ..�.a ....... - .�. , :�... sR'b,'""'°."'Mq. .t'T'+�r"^".� � , '. .. ... ..: .....a.�._. ..:.. . ......r... . . . ... ...... ....,....-.t.i�L.,.�LIN.:�.•.. ..� , YW�_�.Vali.�Mifx+ilYr'{I4i$1(iiNY'i1V+iu�.1»w:.a .. . . .. ...., , ,.+in:aK.r�in ..0.�..........., w ...:.;.w�.-�....... � . . . � . � .. •.•. . �.-.. . „ rauc,._ u.ly.+..�iW1�W,rr ,.r..a..w.a ahrY.i��i9/,t Y«u«rtdS+v.lquiN+`+nti�mwdww�.�_,.. ����I��I 1 N V O I C E — ' , � � � - "�s��ys;�`D es�gn,�c. �° � 2 2 8 9 7, � , REMIT TO: DDD, P.O. Box 4461, St. Paul, MN 55104 TERMS: NET30 '< ,� ,,'��:� a!?'� . ` �-----: d ='s .�� December 6, 1g79 ' � �� ����� __. .�:. Sold To: Minnesota Historical Society Shipped To: 125th Anniversary Party 75 West Fifth Street St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 ��ALESMAN JOB NO. DATE SHIPPED SHIPPED VIA F.O.B. YOUR ORDER NO. � I _ DRB #2337 125th Anniversary Party: . Pick up Historical Dept. displays from Gibbs Farm on 8/21 . Bring to DD � D for viewing and refurbishing.8n 9/5 pick up banner from D. Taylor. Cut down and sew for rope hanging. Erect at 318 Summit Avenue by stringing rope thru 2 upstairs windows. Redo all foamcore photos and framed pics . Clean up, stain frames. Provide easels to support framed photos. Deliver to Union Deopt by 10/1 . Fabricate 3 panels of wood and masonite, one side to accomodate panorama photo. Styrene photo mural to be on inside radius, attached with velcro. Deliver on �0/5, 2 cork boards, one 6' table (draped) , 3 chairs. Fabricate panorama display to a show St. Paul in the 1850's . Sign Shop foreman to assist in layout and application of panorama of � photos . Fabricate top sign with copy. Deliver to Depot on 10/5. One person to meet with Dick Taylor on 10/11 at depot. Move semi-circle display to Commercial State Bank, pick up 4 chairs, table and cork boards. Meet D. Taylor at 9:00 am on 10/8 and move displays from Depot to Fi �st Bank��5 d✓ � � 5 � Typesetting $ 263.86 y �� �,,,4�/t� - � � Art-layout mat' ls. 721 .45 ' ��,.�7: � r� � �� Shop: ? �S 4`' � Labor 799.55 � 11�. �� Materials 488.89 ° �i ign Shop: � � �J Labor 402 .50 �; ,� c�3' �"aterials 114.53 �� . � �/ i'a i n t Shop: � � � , ��;t� Labor 125.90 ' Materials 40.50 -- -- Ptl/Dei �__setup; --- --- TD, Packing,shipping 5�1 Labor 922•95 " I �'-� h� M i 1 eage 38.80 "' �����? � y��-�r_c�� 4�w p��5p�.�f � Rentals-(tables, chairs �_r ��+u�RAn�+ �� ��`�y cork boards, easels) 294.00 •' '� i � do c(e Purchase-(rope) g4.84 -• EXH�BIT DESK3�ERS&� _. P.SSOCaATION . � THANK YOU ,,v ` •�� fl ._..� -�4'4�+7.77 _,, �' � ���;�b0 - �`b� ; DIMENSIONAL DISPLAYS & DESIGN, INC. . 1222 University Ave., St.Paul, Minnesota 55104 . (612) 646-7865 � ��-G978-C CUSTOMER—WHITE 6, BLUE JOB FILE—GREEN ACCTS. REC.—CANARY NUMERIC—P�NK SALESMAN—GOLDENi30D i+�-'' , . � + /a � ��'� MTC TRANSIT OPERATiNG DIVISION/GRAY LINE TOURS � 3118 NICOLLET AVE. �- MINNEAPOLIS � MINNESOTA 55408 (612) 827•1071 G. T. (JERRY) MERFELD CMARTER 6 SIOHT-SEEINO MANAGER November 19, 1979 Ms. Nancy J . Eberhardt Discover Saint Paul 75 West Fifth Street Saint Paui , MN. 55101 Ms. Eberhardt: . Thank you for chartering three of our buses for the Discover Saint Paul day. Our minimum charge is $45.00 per bus. This is an automatic charge as soon as the bus(es) leave our garage. The one bus that you did use, making two trips, was of such a short duration that he, too, fell under the minimum charge, thus the billing of. three buses at $45.00 each. As much as 1 would like to make a donation to your worthy cause, f cannot, as a public employee working for a public agency. The MTC was set up by the State Legislature with very strict procedures concerning gr�tis or " dicounted bus movements. We are not allowed any discounts, what so ever. Not even a Senior Citizen discount. My apologies for this. Sincerefy, - • Gerald Merteld • � ��IETROPOLITAN TRANSIT COMMISSION (MTC) _ CHARTER/INVOICE j�j° . � 3 3 6 7 ���'�� - G A A Y L I N E T O U R S A N D C H A R T E R O P E R A T I O N S • 3118 NICOLLET AVENUE Involce and copy oi your Charter Order - Due and payable MINNEAPOLIS, MN. 55408 upon recelpt. All pricea are net and based upon actual � hours and mllea uaed, whlch may be hlgher or lower than the estimated prlce originally stated to the customer. Pleasa include th(a portlon wlth your remitlance to above address. � T0: Mr. Dick Taylor . PURCHASEORDERNUMBER � Director/Coordinator Discover St. Paul ORDEREDBY Dennis Rudy 75 West Fifth Street PHON€NUMBER 292-6435 324 Landmark Center �"� St. Paul , MN. 55102 DATE OF OPERATION Octobe 9 � 1 �8'� �� c� �$ � TOTAL CHARGES GARAGE SNELL I NG CHARTER N°- 3 3 6 7 •'� <- OATE OF OPERATION OCTOBER 8, 1979 REMARKS AND NSTRUCTIONS ral to St. George: yina . NUMBER OF BUSES 8 TYPE 2 ' ART I CULATED BUSES Park" at Port 1 and � Summi t K�nt Milton. PULL OUT TIME 12:00 N44H__ _ —___ _ A on St. Georae Church # _ gt. au at e ral at • -- . . LOADiNG POINT AND TIME � �us #2 - St. George!s Greek Orthodox Church at 1'L:30 P.M. � St.� Paul Cathedral - 239 Selby Ave. • t. eorge s ree rt o ox urc - t Summit ve. - . AODRESS Stops for. St. George .to Cathedral : Milton GOINGTO SHUTTLE betwenn Cathedral of St. Paul and � Avon • � e rge _ ee o x urc In-.front of_490 summit ADDRESS See list of Stops - Watch for signs: Park at Ramsey E Summit � • UISCOVER ST. PAUL - BUS STOP Cathedral of St. Paul Time of Second-Half PULL OUT (If Necessary) RETURN TIME(To loading Poinq About 3:�0 P.M. ' GARAGE PULt IN TIME(Approx:) About 4:00 P.M?????? 1Actua�) DRIVER: Any requeated .change in this Charter MUST bi written below and signed by aomeone In charga. No. oF Mi�ES Turn in with Trip Sheet. CHARGES � �" T �1 7' � � � I AUTHORI2E DRIVER (S),TO CHANGE THIS CHA ER OR ER S FOLLOWS: \ /0�9%,�.� PARKING FEES EXTRA MILEAGE CHARGES `ip tt rS %�7¢ t,°" �S�SD �iR.= TOTAL AMOUNT DUE �� �g d ' d C� `�G ' � DATE MAILED OUT /b —/ 2~�� G�'�7�b u3/ L��i � r S . � �`S5� .��, = � � 9,�, DATE PAYMENT RECEIVEO � �� , � • M t ea.-�-c� = 1, a pQ•L rr -`.""""" SIGNED _- 0� r'^�1�,,5'C�'ota/ of L b� se -�,�J ' • ' � � ���� fIA� �.1.�iG AwM�.�� _�.�il�A �,:._ � ..� . _ � . � `�I-.BJ.'� � �METROPOUTAN TRANSIT COMMISSION (MTC) CHARTER/INVOICE N°- � 3 4 2 6 ��� - GRAY LINE TOURS AND CHARTER OPERATIONS � t�, . 3118 NICOLLET AVENUE Invoice and copy oi your Charter Order - Due and payable MINNEAPOLIS, MH, 55408 . houn receipt. All prices are net and based upon actual � rs and mlles used, which may be higher or lower than the eatlmated price orlginally stated to the cuatomer. Please Include thls portion with your remittance to above address. . T0: � 6 i rthday Pa rty PURCHASE OROER NUMBER Discover St. Paul Attn: Dick Taylor OROEREOBY Barb Berg � 75 West Fifth Street St. Paul , MN. 55101 PHONE NUMBER _ 29�-64�5 DATE OF OPERATION October 13_ 1979 TOTAL CHAR O +?• S� � GARAGE SNELLING CHARTER No � � OCTOBER 13, �979 : 3426 . DATE OF OPERATION REMARKS AND INSTRUCTIONS NUMBER OF BUSES & TYPE � ART(CULATED .'! PULL OUT TIME ��''�• � Landmark Center at i2J..�U LOADING POINT-AND TIME '3�P.M. � Market Street Side ADDRESS S t.Pa u 1 GOING TO SHUTTLE CONT I NUOUSLY TO ADDRESS ��BERT LAND I NG - SHEpa rd Road � Jackson � Time of Second-Halt PULL OUT �nt i 1 2:00 P.M. _ pf Necessary) � RETURN TIME (To Loading Point) About 2: 10 P.M, ??7yyy GARAGE PULL IN TIME (Approx.) About 2:30 P.M.?????? (Actual) DRIVER: Any requeated change in this Charler MUST be No. oF Mi�ES written below and aigned by aomeone in charge. = Turn tn wlth Trlp Sheet CHARGES I AUTHORIZE DRIVER (S)TO CHANGE THIS CHARTER ORDER AS FOLLOWS: PARKING FEES � EXTRA MIIEAGE CHARGES TOTAI AMOUNT DUE- �/� � . S C' 1 DATE MAILED OUT � � � � � OATE PAYMENT RECEIVED SIGNED �����, _ � � .n.e r� .JMETP�OLITAN TRANSIT COMMISSION (MTCj CHARTER/INVOICE ,N° 3 3 5 8 � +����c� . � ' Q��AY LINE TOURS AND CHARTER OPERATIONS • 3 1 1 8 N I C O L L ET AVENUE Invoice and copy o( your Charter Order - Due and payable MINNEAPOLIS, MN. 55408 upon receipt. All prlces ara net and based upon actual . . houra and mlles uaed, which may be higher or lower than the est(mated price origlnally atated to the cuatomer. Piease include thia portion with your remittance to above addreas. . T0: PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER Discover St. Paul � 75 West Fifth Street ORDERED.BY_ NancY Eberhart Saint Paul , MN. 55101 "' PHONE NUMBER_� -4431 DATE OF OPERATION October 7, 1979 TOTAL CHARGES < < �'� - - - -- - - - - - - --...-_.--.... .. - - - -- -- - - = — __- - - - --_----_- SNELLING o - " � GARAGE CHARTER N- 3 3�8 OCTOBER 7, 1979 � � DATE OF OPERATION REMaRKS AND INSTRUCTIONS NUMBER OF BUSES&TYPE 3 NEWEST Bil�flf�4�f Buses may be requested to shuttle PULLOUTTIME 1 �50 P.M. pemple from the State Capitol ta� starting LOAQING POINT ANO TIME State Cap i tol at 2: 15 P.M. poi nts. Check wi th Nancy Eberhart as to , (Front Steps) number of trips required. ADDRESS GOINGTO Race starting places on Summit Ave. ADDRESS (One is 2 Miles from Capitol - Second is � - - . i es rom api o � Time ot Second-Halt PULL OUT X X X _ pf Necessary) ; � ? ? ? _.._ ..._.` _-- -- � '- RETURN TIME (To Loading Point; �- - - - �- GARAGE PULL IN TIME(Approx.) ? ? ? � - (Actua�) � ORIVER: Any requeated change in this Chaher MUST be written below and aigned by aomeone in charpe. No. oF M��ES Turn In with Trip Sheet. CHARGES -� �T �� J,�� � �� I AUTHORIZE DRIVER (S)TO CHANGE THIS CHARTER ORDER AS FO LOWS: PARKING FEES Q �'�- /� �Q/7 � ' �� . EXTRA MILEAGE CHARGES T�1e m ' ►'1 ' +M �+ �ti-� �'�a rqo-� TOTAL AMOUNT DUE ��� � ��- E'C' �c+� b v 5 I 5 � ��. ` N o � DATE MAILED OUT �Lr?'/ � -'� � h1��ea� � W0. 5 . O(�r'�� / ' DATE PAYMENT RECEIVED � �� '' 3 oK.rs SI6NED -" �� .� � ' ����� � . ��c,� 7� � - � � �.ca ceve� ,��. �cr,�� % �am.e¢y �un� �i�s�Cap �10 Cc:e{t� La.na�r�art�c Ce�,,�eh . 7� W. 5'`� .��. . %f. PQ,c�,Q, �.1-t . :�10 2 ,�P ah �e,�� �i�Drn �uvi 6t�f c�Co cwsJ.�ioxd � i� id t�y c�.n d,ut�-�n� �ia� r�er l- ' / �'�G1V 2 lZ,el,�.C.�42:c� �. �l(�tc1�� G6v1 C et,vlt un: IQ';-n 5�'S ,c�-��'1 CZ.! Qnct �n�2 t,c..nrt �A �'tp 4na rr1 Ct��,;��n5 B'�.e d� � .�i�. .�a,�►� - /2c� ��,� A�� .��c.'a�c.� CB-r,cn ct:� ahal � c�.S �j '�� P J aC�t 2¢.0:� 6'7c�an�c:.zQ, Ce��c(.c:v�o��a , �c� .eea� a l�eCc-+� �'c�iST-S' '/��uc��e1 � u1 � �� »� ��d,�ns� o� Dc�6e� .8, l9 /`� � 7'30. � +� c,evvt ,D�. �a,a��-t�� . � p . P�.e- ��---- �.� � �r�a�e Ce�,c�Q �._ � � ��a� 6� � 3S0. ° �v �ne-,rLd� - � /Jr�v�c� ar�d�o�a� � cui.�sfs v,va�ved�. � �is� /�e�,ew-zre.� ancQ _G'eur��e.�r� �isc .�f. �' p�:� P�� �P � � �� � /��. �czu�- 2�xrn�ec� �� � /�c,c'�.n e n. �aun�� ` l�a�Q : D 6 { - �a�� /� � y . c� �rc. , �9 79 landmark center/rootti 308 /75 west fifth street/saint paul, minnesota 55102/ f612) 292-3249 a tnember agency of the st. paui-ramsey arts& science council :_. : ., ...,.,_ _ -; . ,,'<�5'!..i ' "}Y�, e..�.; - , ,...v:. - __" _ __. .. �:. � ..,,...5 �e ...... f .�s...:.... r.�...nntT' . . ,-�. -. . ,-.' �. ..vqy'< _r y,. �...;..� ..'.., ... � � .d � 4�� �u� �LLT�, �� � R+y{�1." (.k r'• , Ak'4 �'� 4 �Mp.A .� .:' ,. f .,� '!W'� ;�'a���G'�3"��.J ���� N �.7. � ::'�f��3 7�:� i b tY�� �1..i^ _Vj" �i- ' CDG�CONTROI DATA 3765A2 MinNEw�pL1• ' � `+ .� b ;�;:;,� e � • • � � � • • • • � ���� �� - � � � N N � N D � O � O � •sL"y. . � N � a � D O 7:7 I-� � (/�"� d .,,�s': �. 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STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT _, : -�� . r P.O. Box 27M8 ' f - � � MinneOpOils,MN 554 7 � ACCT. � *�(� S.A. �1 STATEMENT ' � ' S� NO. ��� !V�,�; NO. l/�d1�7 DATE, . 1,I�g I,�Q INVOICE NO. � .P�rME o� CMARGES • ` PAYMENTS BALANCE ACCOUNT STATUS A9�b9 11/t4/� 1 �997� 1� � FUTUREi `, ,�:� Aq669 �Ja�/:°! 50�3.�70C . .:, . A9469 t1 �2t�T I�Q����1(�C , ���• Z� CURHENT , • PAST DUE ._"',�. 1 -30 DAYS �-.� -sF-.9d`oa _,�.;, '� :� `�� �;x;,�C";"�,. _ y y�, ��4: � + �:�h'... .tR! C�'.i�. 13��� � . . . �I •SERVICE CHARGE z�� �7 QIS�CV�A� ST, p�U1. . � 7'� !�. 61H. S T, PA � TH�S°�-AMOUNT ±�t 4.�5 ` SY. pAU1� �►�. � 5'�IQ� ,r. M • IS CFIARGE IS 1 Y*PER MONTH(18%PER ANNUM)APPLIED AGAINST � � ' �;.r YOU PAST DllE BAIAN�-SUBJECT TO APPUCABLE STATE UW. 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MN _ - ------ _—. ________________________ � ' � I NVO I CE- UATE TERMS_ �R aEF.__ CODE DEB I TS___CRED I TS BALANCE— ----- -------- ------------- � -- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- • �6743 1 � i�n�7� NET-3Q— —a_ _ _ —1�..6b 1� � � ---------- ---------- 15.60 O,pp � � - ------- • � � � • — t � � i D _ • , � � • � - ---- ------- • � _ • � � ) canE _ U_ -_SALE ___ " � _____5_- PAYMENT _ _,__=______ i - FREIGHT 6 - CREDIT T�TAL DUE ig.�,p 1 2 - TAX 7 - RETURN -_-___-___-- ------ • _�=SEF�V• _�H. ,_,$ - A_I��QUdT -- 4 - MISC. DB 9 - MISC.• CR � � --- ------_------ � ---- - �mmurncauon iCJ�(5 In;,orpor� , 2526 Twenty-SeveMh Avenue Soulh, Mini olis, Minn. 55406 612/ 721-;357 � ' � c� (� _ 2 `� 1 U . ���q � � �,�����- /�-� �,/ � ����rt� � CR-3 St. Paul Birthda Celebration � . .--=.N.�.=�----- �'�''3 4 Laadmark .Centar St. Paul. i�iinae�ota Atta: Mr. 3cott Luptoa vO� 6793 Ctient Order No. R�A Date 11/14J74 One•caasotte €rom 8e�1-�o-Beel tspe, ordered 9/6/T9 �liaiav��Chaxga � $1S.00 Salea Ta: . .SO _ � . �FBT T@TAL - $15.60 . �� � - %� / . • �� � 2 L..c�`_`� ' se Pay From'Invoice-Statement Sent Only On Request- 1% Service Charge On Accounts Over 30 Days . :epts: Producer Servic�s: Television: Photography: A-V Services: arch Mixed Media Shows Studio and Location Ciner-iatography A-V Systems Videocassettes Transfers C^�nmercial �quipmen:Rer.:2; iing Films, Filmstrips • Editing � chrome Color Master Recorc;ng �t Soundtrack Scores Cassettes � Processi�g h^ixin�, Du�s _/.�llo �- 'n d.�..-� �it__. � - csw �E.� �..�,c,,, , `�.-c�'--� �� _ °`-�`-' �� � �v� ,C�,:,oC..Q.�. �. �i.e---� �� u�--°�--`� , - . �/� �--�--� �..�c--�, '"�-�- ' '`� � � —//— 8 ° - , - ���c.� /�-a-4;�„`� /�'�..c�.---.�.._-.ti..r� �--�G �-.° e-�-� . !i� �t-s�� .� �-."--w �-+... �/�� � Z�--�- �ic� - �'° , - ,i � ���t.2.c..�¢_.. �Z-�--u--Q-.E--�-�-."�-�"`" GL" ����; � a�;.-�. � �°hr , �,�_� � � �� °�� � �_�- . . , ..�-��� ` � , �� � � .� � ��, , l � � �� �T ; � � . �,O A �' ���.�� � . . �� �' -_ . '�G ., 4 �� ,,,, r � �rr_n.:�t�9 , .. I. �� ��� � ���;"�t������.��'�'�t�'�,t�t�' � . OCTOBER 6 THRU 13, 1979 October 25,� 1979 . - Charleen Bacigalupo Downtowner ' . � 320 Cedar Street . ' � St. Paul, Mn. 55101 � - - Dear Charleen: We are enclosing the following invoices which appear to be -- - - Lowertown's responsibility for expenses incurred during St. Paul' s 125th Birthday Celebration: $ 50. 00 - Les Joyeux Baladin � 175. 50 - MTC - 330.00 - Mouldy Figs $555.50 ` - �� } We will appreciate your taking care of this. � ; . Si cerely, ' , . • T .'�'`:'�`� "`""�j,�" _ . . U Virginia� B. Kunz, Execu�tive Director, Ramsey County Historical Society , � ]o . _ . � _ - _ � ':� . ;,> - , : �:t, _ --� . . ,_ .._. _ l , ' Q ' ', ' (HEREIN CALIED "FEOERATION'� ��� � � q'�i�`, , ���.,. . � . . . , � .,.,,..`; ' . �"°�� . . . - • . � . ' r' . . �. � . . . , . „ ., o: l 7�3�'. ' , ; . . � . � C01��' .; „ �,,n..,s,, : . . , . , 1�� CT . ' ,. . � . . � . . ��:.,; . � • ' . .� . /,.:,.. • :. . ' . 3� , Local Number � , .. � �T, IS CONTRACT for the personal servicea ot musiciane on the engagement described below mad �� � `J . e tb�a_ � da7 ot 19? `- bot�veea tha nnderslgned Purchaser oi Muaic (heraln called "Employar") snd� -� • mnsictans. The muslciana are engaged severally on the terma and conditiona on the tace hereot. Ths leader repres ntajtLatathe mnstclans already deaignated have agraed to be bound by said terma and conditlona. Each musicfan �et to be chosen, upoa :cceptanoe� shall be bound br said terma aad coaditlona. Each muaician may enforca thie asreemen� The mneicians se�erall� atree to rm. dsr serrices uader Lhe undereigned leader. • 1. Nams and Addresa ot Place ot Engagemon � ��'S ���/� Prinf Name of Band or(}roup T�� t /�'I J�z�p � • . !. Date(s), studng snd nnlshina ttme o[ en6agament ��--L �-- �/r,-.� �- 7j� . 6 , i. T�pe ot Ensagemeat (syecifr whether dsnce, stage ehow, banquet. atc.) � � • c� �c�A �. �.✓.rT'2 Q'/a/�l�t�� 4. WA(3E A(}REED UPON j � O.� • � � ��+�U - (T�rm� antl Amount) _-� This wage lacludes ezDeases a6reed to be reimburaed by the amployer in �ccordancc wifh the attacLed achodalq, or s schedule to be furniahed tha Employer on or betore tha date of engagemen� � � b. Employer wltl make � � parments as followa: � ($pectty when payments ate to'ee made) Upon requeat by the Federation or the local in whose �urisdiction the mualcians shell pertorm hereunder, Emplo�er elther sha11 mske advance payment hereunder or shail poat an approprlate bond. It tLe engagement !s sub�ect to contribution to the A.F.M. � E,p.W, penaion WelLars Fund, tDe leader will coliect same trom We Employer and pay it to tha Fund; and the Employer aad leader aaree to ba bound by tha Trust Indentnre datod OctoDer E, 1869, �s amended, ralatin6 to aervicea readered hereundar in the U. S., �nd by the Agreement and Declsratloa ot Trust dated Aprl1 f� 196t, aa ameaded, relatlns to tervlce� rendered hereuader fn Cansds. 6. TLe Employer shall at all timee have complete auDervlalon, directioa aad control over the serrlcee of musicians ou th4 engase- sfclan`in���atna�iner�aae�,�wellga's thecenda lt�be sc omplish d a Ifnaar u�elci a haie n t beea choa nT nces b� the mu- ' ot thb contract, the leader �hall, as ageat for the Employer and under h1e inatructions. hire spcL �a �� s��� menb ae are requtrsd. pereons aad an�. replaca 7. Ia iccordance �vlth the Constitutloa, By-lawa, Rules Rad Regulations ot the Federation, tLe Dartlea will submit e�er� claim, dis� ' pute. coatroversy or dlGorence involving the muaical aervtces artsing out ot or connected wlth this contract and the en6agemmt corered tLereby for determination by the �uternatlonal Ezecutive Board ot the Federatioa or a simil�r board pt�n approyriate loc�l thereot and such determinattoa shali be concluelve, flnal and binding upon the partiea. Addilional Terma and Condi�iions - TM ksder shall, aa �4ant ef tM Employer, enfaet d(seiptinary maasures 1or just uuse, �nd urry oyt iostructip�s ss to seieetions aM aunnsr p/ �e�{«m�, Th� apeement of tAe mus�eians to periorm �t subject to proren detmtion pr sickness, ucidents, tiots, strikes, epidemiu, �eb N Cod, pr anr ory�e� letitimate ea► ditions peyond tAeir eontrol. On behatf of th� Emplortr the lesd�r will diztn0ute the amount recelred trom tIN Employer to IN� au�skians, Incl�in� himselt as is� dic�ted a� tA� opposits side of Mls contr�ct, or In plue thereo( on sepuate memonndum suppiied W fh� Empioyt� �t or ►efon tb� eommeneqnent of the emplo�ent. henundp �nd tsks snd tura owr to th� Employer reeeipts therefa }rom each musleian, fneludin� himssll, The amount pa�A � �� N�K M���� � �� � traasp��Non, wAIM wlil Ee �epo�ted br the leader to tAe Employer. MI empIorses corered Ay tpis a�reement must D� member: in �ood standieg of ths Fedention. Howerer, M Ma lo ent 1ha L�Aor�Mana�emant Relatfons Aet, 1947, all emplorees wAp sre members of tAe F�dention when thelr aep Io � � �� �� �eunder h wDjeet b' � employment only so lun` as thtp tontiew� such membership M teod tt�Min�. Ail other employees eorered by�ip�nt�oqAa a�a��e� �eMttetA ds�j tolbw�L tA� eonusencement of thelr �mployment, o� th� ellectiw dat� ot this s�reem� wAichever is liter, slrll pspcome �nd eont� q y� � N � �� � � Tn thi�atenthpa�mltt d�Ar sppl'�ieaeli law vnotAin� M tqds ea��tn teCShall ev�ei es eeostruM f spnss te Mt�����qj �«w�r e• tM F�dtnUoq oun�ant w u, con:tiwcien, By-larv�, Rutes. R��ulatlons and Otdea. , '"�' �' "'� �' �"�' �k� v�*t«.is . � � ' (Oontia�ed on reverie ��de) . � . � �, ���'� D 7ar■ a Priat dr'�N • Locai Na n"'�� i 8 stn ot p! ar • � L, Slsa tur� ot � - L� Z,! �tc.�i�✓ J • . . Prlat 8tce�t Addns� I,sader• Hom� Addrw . ma�s J�,.✓ $"v�'.`f/c�� �V . Stat� Z1y Cod� Clty 8tab ZID Cod� Td�ybon� Hookln�A;ent . _ •--' I4rrNment Alw ' . 'TAI� eqibaet /�q Mt a�elutiwh NNrwh�� W NnM NaN� 4 ►M�rt aw NI �M��I��t lasp M/ M�ilr M�/1qM Iwla �Nw eMl�s N w r. t, Ids�f/ .' R���i�nrle�rN N��tri�a��u1M. '� '` . • FORM 0-2d REV. 3-7A �ss ' � ` � � , , • ���• , �-7 - . ��, . . � ,��� . . �n i�, .. ,,��„�..�� ,.: : �j „�������ti�iu�r���c ty= � 91 • • �HAY LINE IOURS Ahu ���ARTER OPERATIONS � ' 3118 NICOLLET AVEKUE Involce and copy ol your Charter Order • Due and payab MINNEAPOLIS, MN. 55408 upon recelpt. All prlces are net and based upon actual �"�� � . hours and mUea used, wh(ch may be higher or lower th� �-=� � , the eatimated price oripinally stated to the cuatomer. � . ' Please lnclude thls portlon with your remittance to abov � addres�. � T0: � , PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER ' Discover St. 'Paul - ' Ramsey N i s tor i ca 1 Soc i ety . ORDEREO BY June Mc Ki nney � 75 W. Fifth Street � � 292-6435 , St. Paul , MN. 55102 PHONENUMBER � ' DATE OF OPERATION October 6, 1979 . • • ' . � � tOTAI CHARGES ". �� � � �. � .._ _.. � _ 1 � � _ _ ... ._ _� _ __ _ �_ _ ._ __ __ _ _ �_ � _ _ _. � _ � � _i. ` 6ARAGE SNELL i NG CHARTER N� ' .3 3 91 � DATE OF OPERATION OCTOBER 6, 19�9 �' REMARKS AND INS�pUCTION,S Then to the follow�ng • � NUMBER OF BUSES 8 TY�E � ART I CULATED H i gh r i se 1 ocat i one: • . PULLOUTTIME 8�25 A.M. 1J43 E. lowa -' Mrs. Peckham - 776-5�6 � LOADINGPOINTANDTIME—Sheridan School at 8:45 A.M. __ 777 Hamli.ne Ave.-Mae Marshall -644o12E �` �'� - , ' �-- 525 White Bear Ave. 727 Front St. � ADORESS St. Paul 200 E. Arch Street- Ray Worodell-224-; .� GOINGTO • Mears Park - Downtown St. Peul Take these groups to the DEPOT. . � ADDRESS (See Instructions) � You sters to be pi�ked up at 12:00 Noon anc returnged to Sheridan choo . Then return t Time oi Second-Halt PUII OUT X X X . DEPOT to p i ck up Sen i or C i t i zens to be retu (It Necessary) to t e i r g r i ses i ste a ove. . RETURN TIME(To Loading Point) About 3:00 P.M. GARAGE PULL IN TIME(Approx.) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ' • (Actual) , � �ORIVER: Any requested change ln thls Chartar MUST I written below and algned by tomeane ln charpe No. oF M��ES � Turn in with Trip Sheet CHARGES I AUTHORIZE DRIVER•(S) TO CHANGE THIS �p/�9� CHARTE ORDER AS FOLLO S: � PARKING FEES � _P.sn,ai�?J L�rc.Q/ ; EXTRA MILEAGE CHARGES � �S'S'�/'�'r 6 uJ �'�I,y K r '�/7 �• ou1 ,'/���� , r_ TOTAL AMOUNT OUE � •� �� _ 7���� —,� /us -� '�'/, y0 p�r m� �.. � •:_ . ._. n ; ' � !l (o br rr-�i�l�s• OATE MAILED OUT /� �� 7 7' � i ' ' �'"�r ' � DATE PAYMENT RECEIVEO � � �' . . `I 8 �t ' .t.Q.�a�� � � - � . ,�..�-� . � � SIGNED . . � � �� . . ' • � � � •I ' � , • . � . � . . ' �`-%: ' -�,,, '� ��r� . , � ����� , � � , �:i` . � . . . . , . . :.,. � , , � �: � " . ': ""^ i w. , • . ���:. , __�-.---- --��-----.....:�x.+.�-.--� •!!.� �; . � , � ;i:� � . � � I - . . ��� ��� . _. ..,�, . :i. ' 603 HILLSIDE LANE . . � • , � � • . STILLWATER MN• 5508Z , � , '+�' ; : '�•rt.. � P}� (612j 439 7087 . . . . �_ - . • / D - � � ^ 7 � ' :►�: , . � ' � �"� �'�`� - : � • � �,,��G►-�l' � �, � . . �j/�/1 i'�L%l� � . . • � � _ .. . . v//L � � , . � � ' 1�i1 � � ;� ., •!.t; . . _ . , • :� �� • y . . ',' ; �t �� rQ.� ��. , �.�,. , . . � � ! . . � . , . � , � • • . . • . � �� � „ . I , ; ��� r . . . .� , • � , (,� �`� � � � . � ' � Jr��� ,. ,, . : i ►� Ev �' �5f3 � �4Plt�? � � � ' . � s . � � � � _ . . � . � � r _ . . � . � � � � ��- � � . , � � -� . . . � . � : ; , � �� - . ; ,� � � N .� �}, �► , . � � � � � G �� � � , . . . ; �� . _ . . . . . �/�� � i , - ~ZL�i'�CJ M� ' . � ' : ' � 2�1�..� c�� ..�-�-�- � �G�� � � �: .. F � . ;� .: � . � � �,,,,,,w�� � . I .����-�-�- ���. . ' � � . � . ��� -- � , /� -� � u�,ao a;���?. . J/y /.1.�Z� �c' G��'r!� ; . 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