275571 WHITE -i CITY CLERK ������ PINK - FINANCE �j CAK'ARY - DEPARTMENT O F SA I N T ���L COUIICII. BLUE - MAYOR File �N O. Cty Atty/JTH , . Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREA5, by Resolution C.F. 274899 adopted May 8, 1980 the City Council authorized the Mayor, in cooperation with the District Heating Development Company, Inc. , to prepare a request for underwriting proposals for a tax exempt revenue bond issue to assist in the financing of the Saint Paul District Heating Project, to receive proposals and to make recominendation to the City Council respecting retainer of an underwriter for said issue; and WHEREAS, these activities have been undertaken, and the Mayor' s recommendation respecting retainer of an underwriter and a proposed investment banking and underwriting services agreement will shortly be presented for consideration of the City Council; and WHEREAS, a major purpose in soliciting underwriting proposals was to proceed to determination of the feasibility of financing the District Heating Project by means of a tax exempt revenue bond Issue, and in the process of interviewing underwriting firms it appears that submission to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of a letter ruling request on the tax exempt status of a prospective bond issue may be required; and WHEREA5, the IRS letter ruling process involves an area of the law requiring special expertise and experience, such that the City Attorney recommends and requests appointment of the firm of Briggs & Morgan as special counsel for this service at a fee of $80 per hour of time, not to exceed the sum of $15,000 with reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED upon request of the City Attorney and under his direction and supervision the firm of COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt � Levine In FavOr Maddox ,6 McMahon Showalter __ Ag81[1St BY — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — ' Certified Vassed by Council Secretary BY By� Approved by Mayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ — BY — WHITE - CITY CLERK ����� PINK - �FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA IT L COU[ICII . BLUt - MAYOR File N 0. Council Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. Briggs & Morgan be retained as special counsel to perform necessary legal services in connection with an TRS letter ruling request respecting tax exempt status of a proposed revenue bond issue to finance the District Heating Project. FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon transfer of funds from the General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve Fund to the Operations and Maintenance City Attorney Administration Fee Account in amount of $15,000, the City Attorney is authorized to conclude a retainer arrangement with Briggs & Morgan in accordance with this Resolution. FINALLY RESOLVED, that upon sale and receipt of proceeds of a District Heating Project tax exempt revenue bond issue, the issuer or trustee as a cost of the issue shall reimburse the City of Saint Paul from the proceeds of sale the amount of legal fees paid bond counsel for services in connection with the IRS letter ruling request, and the City Attorney shall then return to General Aecount 09060-536-000 the amount, if any, of the $15,000 not expended for such services. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox V McMahon snowaite� __ Against BY Tedesco Adopt y Council� Date SEP � 1980 Form Approv d City At r , C tified Ya:� by Council Secyetary BY � B - — �` . Appr d ;14 vor. Dat Appr ve y Mayor fo ss' n to Council By By y/(/�' �S�1�D S E P 1 3 ty�0 : . ._�. � _..�a.�y....,........_._.._��.�....,��.x... �.�.:.v�...,._.�,....�._._..M.._ .�,.�..�. a. .,,.�._ .»,.r..`..._.,.. . � _ r -:;��" �:IT�Y ��+' �.�1�?ti'"A ��.U'I.. ��v !� "_._ ��-:,,. i�`;` ' ' �'Zi., OFF'I^� O.r 'i°r I�. CZT Y CO-�1 CT_L : Ui.1, ,:-� ;: %�.��::----_���:� t.:, 4 ..i �;��� �• _ '� i . � ,�. �•r1 �°�-1 ��"�` M � . rJj Da t e . August 29, 1980 , ~,�`^ •�_. ``r' .__ C, {� �� ��� � � � � � � � c� � � l _ ? O : ��i�t Pau� C�t;t Cour�cii � . . _ . �R� � = C0i'ilirtt#�'e� OCl FINAP�CE; !`1aNAGEMENT & PERSONNEL � � George McMahon � choirmar�, makes the fo[ to��iing . repart ort �. F. _� � Ordi�ance � . (4) Q Resol��ion . � . � Qihe� � Tt�"LE : � - At-its meeting of August: 28, 1980, the. Finance Corrnnittee recommended approval of�the fcllowing: _ --- --T . 1 . Resolution transferring $15,�00 from Contingent Reserve General to �ity � Attorney Admi nistrati on fo-r retai ni ng servi ces of bond counsel for St. Paul . Dis�rict Heating .Project. (11167-GM') � 2. Resolution �authorizing City Attorney to conclude retainer arrangemertt with - . - Briggs & Morgan for St. :Paul District Heating Rroject.. _ � - 3. Reso�lution providing ins�rance. to those employees who would be elig�€ble for - . pension; but wh� withdraw their money in a 1ump sum. (11255-G��I) - 4. Resalution transferring $6,624.4� from Contingent Reserve ta Operation` and. . - Maintenance, Department of Go►rnnunity Services, to cover expenses incurred _ for�City's 12.5th Anniversary celebration. (11269-�M) _ Cf?Y rIALL � SEVE;\TH FLOOR Sr�I1iT PALZ, ��I\'\'ESOTA Sa14y