275570 WHITE - C�TV CLERK ����o PINK - FINANCE O SA I NT PA U L COUIICII CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ` l ution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the charter af the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred the following in the 1980 budget: From: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve - General 09060-536-000 Transfer or Contribution to Budget Fund $15,000 To: Operations and Maintenance City Attorne�i Administration 00200-219-000 Fees-Other $15,000 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the foregoing fund transfer is for the purpose of retaining services of a bond counsel in obtaining an IRS letter ruling on the tax exempt status of a proposed Saint Paul District Heating revenue bond issue, and that said transfer is approved upon the condition that in the event of sale of such issue, from proceeds of such sale (and any amount not expended by the City Attorney for this prupose) , the referenced City account shall be reimbursed in full. Ap ved as to Funding: Approved: Dir. , Dept of Fi a'n�cpe & Mgmt Services get Dir ctor �LL��-, %/�a ��/ 7!/�f �� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �Va�s � un utlei Levine zza In Favor H t Maddox � e M�Mahon � __ Agel[1St BY dd Showalter owal r Tedesco Te Adopt y Counc� :�Date � SEP � �g$ Form Appr by City A or ey rtified �.sed by C 'I Secx�tary BY l L��� � \ 11p by ;Vlavor: D t SEP � 1_OaII Ap ro by Mayor f si n to Council TJ �� By B ��� SEP 1 3 19�0 ''1. . -- -�-4:-.. CIT� ��+ �'i�'i�?�'"� �..�.�3 L � � `r_''. � . �=--� ��� �=;! ` �1� \ �FF'ZC� O r 1•r I+. CITY COII�CT_�. v =� j`. ;%�,�_:___,'�`':=1`j".:� 4.-'� {:,; -,.,: ,.F1 ► � _ t .. . :• t°�=1 ��: �~u��:��' D a t e . August 29, 1980 ,,• . ..,.�- ���; C. �} �� ��� � 1 �� � � � c�' � � t _ TD : Saint Pau� Cit;� Counc�� _. . �t: � �'�Ot1� = Co��nifi�e� on Fz�Ar�cE, [�1a�JR6EMENT & PERSONPJEL � - Gearge P�cMahon- ; ���iFinan, mcrkes �he fotia�r�ing report on C.F. � E7rdi�rc�nce . . (4) X[� Resot�tion . • . • � E}ihe�' � � � ���E : _ At its meeting of August. 28, 1980, the Finance Committee recorr�nended approval _ - of the following: 1 . Resolution transferririg $15,000 from Contingent Reserve General to City . Attorney Admini.stration fo-r retaining services of bond caunsel for St. Paul _ . District. Heating .Project. (11167-GM) _ � _ � 2. ResoYution �authorizing City Attorney to conclude retairrer arrar�gement with � Briggs & Morgan for St. . Paul District H�ating Project. - . , - 3, Reso•l.ution providing insuranee. to those employees who wouTd be eligib�e for � . . pensian; 6ut who withdraw their money in a lump sum. (11255-G;'I} � 4. Resolution transferring $6,624.44 from Contingent Reserve to Operation and - Maintenance, Departme.nt of Community Services, to cover expenses incurred _ for�City's 125th Anniversary celebration. (11269-GC7} CITY 'rTr1LL SE�'E;�TH �L�OTL S:�ItiT P:�LZ, 1fI�F\ESOTr1 S�lQ� � . �7��"'�' July 30, 1980 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Joanne Showalter, Chair �nergy, Envir nment and Utilitiea Conunittee FROT4: Jim Ha ,� RE: Fund Transfer and Retainer of Bond Counsel Diatrict Heating Project At the request of the Chairman, Finance, Manage:ment and Pessonnel Committee, the enclosed draft City Council resolutions have been revised by adding a paragraph requiring reimbursement of the City General Account of the $15,000 fund transfer from„ proceeds of the bond sale and any unexpended portion of the transfer. Enc. 1 ` — cc: George McMahen ✓ Bernie Carlson Dick Schroeder Steve Wellington